1DSYSVX(1)             LAPACK driver routine (version 3.2)            DSYSVX(1)


6       DSYSVX  - uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solu‐
7       tion to a real system of linear equations A * X = B,


11                          X,  LDX, RCOND, FERR, BERR, WORK, LWORK, IWORK, INFO
12                          )
14           CHARACTER      FACT, UPLO
16           INTEGER        INFO, LDA, LDAF, LDB, LDX, LWORK, N, NRHS
18           DOUBLE         PRECISION RCOND
20           INTEGER        IPIV( * ), IWORK( * )
22           DOUBLE         PRECISION A( LDA, * ), AF( LDAF, * ), B( LDB,  *  ),
23                          BERR( * ), FERR( * ), WORK( * ), X( LDX, * )


26       DSYSVX uses the diagonal pivoting factorization to compute the solution
27       to a real system of linear equations A * X = B, where A  is  an  N-by-N
28       symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.
29       Error  bounds  on  the  solution and a condition estimate are also pro‐
30       vided.


33       The following steps are performed:
34       1. If FACT = 'N', the diagonal pivoting method is used to factor A.
35          The form of the factorization is
36             A = U * D * U**T,  if UPLO = 'U', or
37             A = L * D * L**T,  if UPLO = 'L',
38          where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower)
39          triangular matrices, and D is symmetric and block diagonal with
40          1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks.
41       2. If some D(i,i)=0, so that D is exactly singular, then the routine
42          returns with INFO = i. Otherwise, the factored form of A is used
43          to estimate the condition number of the matrix A.  If the
44          reciprocal of the condition number is less than machine precision,
45          INFO = N+1 is returned as a warning, but the routine still goes on
46          to solve for X and compute error bounds as described below.  3.  The
47       system of equations is solved for X using the factored form
48          of A.
49       4. Iterative refinement is applied to improve the computed solution
50          matrix and calculate error bounds and backward error estimates
51          for it.


54       FACT    (input) CHARACTER*1
55               Specifies  whether  or not the factored form of A has been sup‐
56               plied on entry.  = 'F':  On entry, AF and IPIV contain the fac‐
57               tored  form  of  A.   AF and IPIV will not be modified.  = 'N':
58               The matrix A will be copied to AF and factored.
60       UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
61               = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
62               = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.
64       N       (input) INTEGER
65               The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of  the  matrix
66               A.  N >= 0.
68       NRHS    (input) INTEGER
69               The  number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns of
70               the matrices B and X.  NRHS >= 0.
72       A       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)
73               The symmetric matrix A.  If UPLO  =  'U',  the  leading  N-by-N
74               upper  triangular  part of A contains the upper triangular part
75               of the matrix A, and the strictly lower triangular part of A is
76               not referenced.  If UPLO = 'L', the leading N-by-N lower trian‐
77               gular part of A contains  the  lower  triangular  part  of  the
78               matrix  A,  and  the strictly upper triangular part of A is not
79               referenced.
81       LDA     (input) INTEGER
82               The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).
84       AF      (input or output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDAF,N)
85               If FACT = 'F', then AF is an input argument and on  entry  con‐
86               tains  the  block diagonal matrix D and the multipliers used to
87               obtain the factor U or L from the factorization A = U*D*U**T or
88               A  = L*D*L**T as computed by DSYTRF.  If FACT = 'N', then AF is
89               an output argument and  on  exit  returns  the  block  diagonal
90               matrix  D  and the multipliers used to obtain the factor U or L
91               from the factorization A = U*D*U**T or A = L*D*L**T.
93       LDAF    (input) INTEGER
94               The leading dimension of the array AF.  LDAF >= max(1,N).
96       IPIV    (input or output) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
97               If FACT = 'F', then IPIV is an input argument and on entry con‐
98               tains details of the interchanges and the block structure of D,
99               as determined by DSYTRF.  If IPIV(k) > 0, then rows and columns
100               k and IPIV(k) were interchanged and D(k,k) is a 1-by-1 diagonal
101               block.  If UPLO = 'U' and IPIV(k) = IPIV(k-1) <  0,  then  rows
102               and   columns   k-1   and   -IPIV(k)   were   interchanged  and
103               D(k-1:k,k-1:k) is a 2-by-2 diagonal block.  If UPLO =  'L'  and
104               IPIV(k) = IPIV(k+1) < 0, then rows and columns k+1 and -IPIV(k)
105               were interchanged  and  D(k:k+1,k:k+1)  is  a  2-by-2  diagonal
106               block.   If  FACT = 'N', then IPIV is an output argument and on
107               exit contains details of the interchanges and the block  struc‐
108               ture of D, as determined by DSYTRF.
110       B       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,NRHS)
111               The N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.
113       LDB     (input) INTEGER
114               The leading dimension of the array B.  LDB >= max(1,N).
116       X       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NRHS)
117               If INFO = 0 or INFO = N+1, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X.
119       LDX     (input) INTEGER
120               The leading dimension of the array X.  LDX >= max(1,N).
122       RCOND   (output) DOUBLE PRECISION
123               The  estimate  of the reciprocal condition number of the matrix
124               A.  If RCOND is less than the machine precision (in particular,
125               if  RCOND  =  0),  the matrix is singular to working precision.
126               This condition is indicated by a return code of INFO > 0.
128       FERR    (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NRHS)
129               The estimated forward error bound for each solution vector X(j)
130               (the  j-th  column  of the solution matrix X).  If XTRUE is the
131               true solution corresponding to X(j), FERR(j)  is  an  estimated
132               upper bound for the magnitude of the largest element in (X(j) -
133               XTRUE) divided by the magnitude of the largest element in X(j).
134               The  estimate  is as reliable as the estimate for RCOND, and is
135               almost always a slight overestimate of the true error.
137       BERR    (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NRHS)
138               The componentwise relative backward error of each solution vec‐
139               tor  X(j) (i.e., the smallest relative change in any element of
140               A or B that makes X(j) an exact solution).
142       WORK      (workspace/output)   DOUBLE   PRECISION   array,    dimension
143       (MAX(1,LWORK))
144               On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK.
146       LWORK   (input) INTEGER
147               The  length of WORK.  LWORK >= max(1,3*N), and for best perfor‐
148               mance, when FACT = 'N', LWORK >= max(1,3*N,N*NB), where  NB  is
149               the  optimal  blocksize  for  DSYTRF.   If  LWORK  = -1, then a
150               workspace query is assumed; the  routine  only  calculates  the
151               optimal size of the WORK array, returns this value as the first
152               entry of the WORK array, and no error message related to  LWORK
153               is issued by XERBLA.
155       IWORK   (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
157       INFO    (output) INTEGER
158               = 0: successful exit
159               < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
160               > 0: if INFO = i, and i is
161               <= N:  D(i,i) is exactly zero.  The factorization has been com‐
162               pleted but the factor D is exactly singular,  so  the  solution
163               and  error bounds could not be computed. RCOND = 0 is returned.
164               = N+1: D is nonsingular, but RCOND is less than machine  preci‐
165               sion, meaning that the matrix is singular to working precision.
166               Nevertheless,  the  solution  and  error  bounds  are  computed
167               because  there  are  a  number of situations where the computed
168               solution can be more accurate than the  value  of  RCOND  would
169               suggest.
173 LAPACK driver routine (version 3.N2o)vember 2008                       DSYSVX(1)