1PERLCRITIC(1)         User Contributed Perl Documentation        PERLCRITIC(1)


6       "perlcritic" - Command-line interface to critique Perl source.


9         perlcritic [-12345 | --brutal | --cruel | --harsh | --stern | --gentle]
10                    [--severity number | name] [{-p | --profile} file | --noprofile]
11                    [--top [ number ]] [--theme expression] [--include pattern]
12                    [--exclude pattern] [{-s | --single-policy} pattern]
13                    [--only | --noonly] [--profile-strictness {warn|fatal|quiet}]
14                    [--force | --noforce] [--statistics] [--statistics-only]
15                    [--count | -C] [--verbose {number | format}] [--allow-unsafe]
16                    [--color | --nocolor] [--pager pager] [--quiet]
17                    [--color-severity-highest color_specification]
18                    [--color-severity-high color_specification]
19                    [--color-severity-medium color_specification]
20                    [--color-severity-low color_specification]
21                    [--color-severity-lowest color_specification]
22                    [--files-with-violations | -l]
23                    [--files-without-violations | -L]
24                    [--program-extensions file_name_extension]
25                    {FILE | DIRECTORY | STDIN}
27         perlcritic --profile-proto
29         perlcritic { --list | --list-enabled | --list-themes | --doc pattern [...] }
31         perlcritic { --help | --options | --man | --version }


34       "perlcritic" is a Perl source code analyzer.  It is the executable
35       front-end to the Perl::Critic engine, which attempts to identify
36       awkward, hard to read, error-prone, or unconventional constructs in
37       your code.  Most of the rules are based on Damian Conway's book Perl
38       Best Practices.  However, "perlcritic" is not limited to enforcing PBP,
39       and it will even support rules that contradict Conway.  All rules can
40       easily be configured or disabled to your liking.
42       This documentation only covers how to drive this command.  For all
43       other information, including how to persistently configure this command
44       so that you don't have to say so much on the command-line, see the
45       documentation for Perl::Critic itself.


48       Before getting into all the gory details, here are some basic usage
49       examples to help get you started.
51           # Report only most severe violations (severity = 5)
52           perlcritic YourModule.pm
54           # Same as above, but read input from STDIN
55           perlcritic
57           # Recursively process all Perl files beneath directory
58           perlcritic /some/directory
60           # Report slightly less severe violations too (severity >= 4)
61           perlcritic -4 YourModule.pm
63           # Same as above, but using named severity level
64           perlcritic --stern YourModule.pm
66           # Report all violations, regardless of severity (severity >= 1)
67           perlcritic -1 YourModule.pm
69           # Same as above, but using named severity level
70           perlcritic --brutal YourModule.pm
72           # Report only violations of things from "Perl Best Practices"
73           perlcritic --theme pbp YourModule.pm
75           # Report top 20 most severe violations (severity >= 1)
76           perlcritic --top YourModule.pm
78           # Report additional violations of Policies that match m/variables/xms
79           perlcritic --include variables YourModule.pm
81           # Use defaults from somewhere other than ~/.perlcriticrc
82           perlcriticrc --profile project/specific/perlcriticrc YourModule.pm


85       The arguments are paths to the files you wish to analyze.  You may
86       specify multiple files.  If an argument is a directory, "perlcritic"
87       will analyze all Perl files below the directory.  If no arguments are
88       specified, then input is read from STDIN.


91       Option names can be abbreviated to uniqueness and can be stated with
92       singe or double dashes, and option values can be separated from the
93       option name by a space or '=' (as with Getopt::Long).  Option names are
94       also case-sensitive.
96       "--profile FILE" or "-p FILE"
97           Directs "perlcritic" to use a profile named by FILE rather than
98           looking for the default .perlcriticrc file in the current directory
99           or your home directory.  See "CONFIGURATION" in Perl::Critic for
100           more information.
102       "--noprofile"
103           Directs "perlcritic" not to load any configuration file, thus
104           reverting to the default configuration for all Policies.
106       "--severity N"
107           Directs "perlcritic" to only apply Policies with a severity greater
108           than "N".  Severity values are integers ranging from 1 (least
109           severe) to 5 (most severe).  The default is 5.  For a given
110           "--profile", decreasing the "--severity" will usually produce more
111           violations.  You can set the default value for this option in your
112           .perlcriticrc file.  You can also redefine the "severity" for any
113           Policy in your .perlcriticrc file.  See "CONFIGURATION" for more
114           information.
116       "-5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1"
117           These are numeric shortcuts for setting the "--severity" option.
118           For example, "-4" is equivalent to "--severity 4".  If multiple
119           shortcuts are specified, then the most restrictive one wins.  If an
120           explicit "--severity" option is also given, then all shortcut
121           options are silently ignored.  NOTE: Be careful not to put one of
122           the number severity shortcut options immediately after the "--top"
123           flag or "perlcritic" will interpret it as the number of violations
124           to report.
126       "--severity NAME"
127           If it is difficult for you to remember whether severity "5" is the
128           most or least restrictive level, then you can use one of these
129           named values:
131               SEVERITY NAME   ...is equivalent to...   SEVERITY NUMBER
132               --------------------------------------------------------
133               --severity gentle                           --severity 5
134               --severity stern                            --severity 4
135               --severity harsh                            --severity 3
136               --severity cruel                            --severity 2
137               --severity brutal                           --severity 1
139       "--gentle | --stern | --harsh | --cruel | --brutal"
140           These are named shortcuts for setting the "--severity" option.  For
141           example, "--cruel" is equivalent to "--severity 2".  If multiple
142           shortcuts are specified, then the most restrictive one wins.  If an
143           explicit "--severity" option is also given, then all shortcut
144           options are silently ignored.
146       "--theme RULE"
147           Directs "perlcritic" to apply only Policies with themes that
148           satisfy the "RULE".  Themes are arbitrary names for groups of
149           related policies.  You can combine theme names with boolean
150           operators to create an arbitrarily complex "RULE".  For example,
151           the following would apply only Policies that have a 'bugs' AND
152           'pbp' theme:
154               $> perlcritic --theme='bugs && pbp' MyModule.pm
156           Unless the "--severity" option is explicitly given, setting
157           "--theme" silently causes the "--severity" to be set to 1.  You can
158           set the default value for this option in your .perlcriticrc file.
159           See "POLICY THEMES" in Perl::Critic for more information about
160           themes.
162       "--include PATTERN"
163           Directs "perlcritic" to apply additional Policies that match the
164           regex "/PATTERN/imx".  Use this option to temporarily override your
165           profile and/or the severity settings at the command-line.  For
166           example:
168               perlcritic --include=layout my_file.pl
170           This would cause "perlcritic" to apply all the "CodeLayout::*"
171           policies even if they have a severity level that is less than the
172           default level of 5, or have been disabled in your .perlcriticrc
173           file.  You can specify multiple "--include" options and you can use
174           it in conjunction with the "--exclude" option.  Note that
175           "--exclude" takes precedence over "--include" when a Policy matches
176           both patterns.  You can set the default value for this option in
177           your .perlcriticrc file.
179       "--exclude PATTERN"
180           Directs "perlcritic" to not apply any Policy that matches the regex
181           "/PATTERN/imx".  Use this option to temporarily override your
182           profile and/or the severity settings at the command-line.  For
183           example:
185               perlcritic --exclude=strict my_file.pl
187           This would cause "perlcritic" to not apply the "RequireUseStrict"
188           and "ProhibitNoStrict" Policies even though they have the highest
189           severity level.  You can specify multiple "--exclude" options and
190           you can use it in conjunction with the "--include" option.  Note
191           that "--exclude" takes precedence over "--include" when a Policy
192           matches both patterns.  You can set the default value for this
193           option in your .perlcriticrc file.
195       "--single-policy PATTERN" or "-s PATTERN"
196           Directs "perlcritic" to apply just one Policy module matching the
197           regex "/PATTERN/ixms", and exclude all other Policies.  This option
198           has precedence over the "--severity", "--theme", "--include",
199           "--exclude", and "--only" options.  For example:
201               perlcritic --single-policy=nowarnings my_file.pl
203           This would cause "perlcritic" to apply just the
204           "ProhibitNoWarnings" Policy, regardless of the severity level
205           setting.  No other Policies would be applied.
207           This is equivalent to what one might intend by...
209               perlcritic --exclude=. --include=nowarnings my_file.pl
211           ... but this won't work because the "--exclude" option overrides
212           the "--include" option.
214           The equivalent of this option can be accomplished by creating a
215           custom profile containing only the desired policy and then
216           running...
218               perlcritic --profile=customprofile --only my_file.pl
220       "--top [ N ]"
221           Directs "perlcritic" to report only the top "N" Policy violations
222           in each file, ranked by their severity.  If "N" is not specified,
223           it defaults to 20.  If the "--severity" option (or one of the
224           shortcuts) is not explicitly given, the "--top" option implies that
225           the minimum severity level is "1" (i.e. "brutal"). Users can
226           redefine the severity for any Policy in their .perlcriticrc file.
227           See "CONFIGURATION" for more information.  You can set the default
228           value for this option in your .perlcriticrc file.  NOTE: Be careful
229           not to put one of the severity shortcut options immediately after
230           the "--top" flag or "perlcritic" will interpret it as the number of
231           violations to report.
233       "--force"
234           Directs "perlcritic" to ignore the magical "## no critic"
235           annotations in the source code. See "BENDING THE RULES" for more
236           information.  You can set the default value for this option in your
237           .perlcriticrc file.
239       "--statistics"
240           Causes several statistics about the code being scanned and the
241           violations found to be reported after any other output.
243       "--statistics-only"
244           Like the "--statistics" option, but suppresses normal output and
245           only shows the statistics.
247       "--verbose N | FORMAT"
248           Sets the verbosity level or format for reporting violations.  If
249           given a number ("N"), "perlcritic" reports violations using one of
250           the predefined formats described below.  If given a string
251           ("FORMAT"), it is interpreted to be an actual format specification.
252           If the "--verbose" option is not specified, it defaults to either 4
253           or 5, depending on whether multiple files were given as arguments
254           to "perlcritic".  You can set the default value for this option in
255           your .perlcriticrc file.
257               Verbosity     Format Specification
258               -----------   -------------------------------------------------------
259                1            "%f:%l:%c:%m\n",
260                2            "%f: (%l:%c) %m\n",
261                3            "%m at %f line %l\n",
262                4            "%m at line %l, column %c.  %e.  (Severity: %s)\n",
263                5            "%f: %m at line %l, column %c.  %e.  (Severity: %s)\n",
264                6            "%m at line %l, near '%r'.  (Severity: %s)\n",
265                7            "%f: %m at line %l near '%r'.  (Severity: %s)\n",
266                8            "[%p] %m at line %l, column %c.  (Severity: %s)\n",
267                9            "[%p] %m at line %l, near '%r'.  (Severity: %s)\n",
268               10            "%m at line %l, column %c.\n  %p (Severity: %s)\n%d\n",
269               11            "%m at line %l, near '%r'.\n  %p (Severity: %s)\n%d\n"
271           Formats are a combination of literal and escape characters similar
272           to the way "sprintf" works.  See String::Format for a full
273           explanation of the formatting capabilities.  Valid escape
274           characters are:
276               Escape    Meaning
277               -------   ------------------------------------------------------------
278               %c        Column number where the violation occurred
279               %d        Full diagnostic discussion of the violation
280               %e        Explanation of violation or page numbers in PBP
281               %F        Just the name of the file where the violation occurred.
282               %f        Path to the file where the violation occurred.
283               %l        Line number where the violation occurred
284               %m        Brief description of the violation
285               %P        Full name of the Policy module that created the violation
286               %p        Name of the Policy without the Perl::Critic::Policy:: prefix
287               %r        The string of source code that caused the violation
288               %C        The class of the PPI::Element that caused the violation
289               %s        The severity level of the violation
291           The purpose of these formats is to provide some compatibility with
292           text editors that have an interface for parsing certain kinds of
293           input. See "EDITOR INTEGRATION" for more information about that.
295       "--list"
296           Displays a condensed listing of all the Perl::Critic::Policy
297           modules that are found on this machine.  This option lists all
298           Policies, regardless of your .perlcriticrc or command line options.
299           For each Policy, the name, default severity and default themes are
300           shown.
302       "--list-enabled"
303           Displays a condensed listing of all the Perl::Critic::Policy
304           modules that would be enforced, if you were actually going to
305           critique a file with this command.  This is useful when you've
306           constructed a complicated command or modified your .perlcriticrc
307           file and you want to see exactly which Policies are going to be
308           enforced (or not enforced, as the case may be). For each Policy,
309           the name, default severity and default themes are shown.
311       "--list-themes"
312           Displays a list of all the themes of the Perl::Critic::Policy
313           modules that are found on this machine.
315       "--profile-proto"
316           Displays an expanded listing of all the Perl::Critic::Policy
317           modules that are found on this machine.  For each Policy, the name,
318           default severity and default themes are shown, as well as the name
319           of any additional parameters that the Policy supports.  The format
320           is suitable as a prototype for your .perlcriticrc file.
322       "--only"
323           Directs perlcritic to apply only Policies that are explicitly
324           mentioned in your .perlcriticrc file.  This is useful if you want
325           to use just a small subset of Policies without having to disable
326           all the others.  You can set the default value for this option in
327           your .perlcriticrc file.
329       "--profile-strictness {warn|fatal|quiet}"
330           Directs perlcritic how to treat certain recoverable problems found
331           in a .perlcriticrc or file specified via the "--profile" option.
332           Valid values are "warn" (the default), "fatal", and "quiet".  For
333           example, perlcritic normally only warns about profiles referring to
334           non-existent Policies, but this option can make this situation
335           fatal.  You can set the default value for this option in your
336           .perlcriticrc file.
338       "--count"
339       "-C"
340           Display only the number of violations for each file.  Use this
341           feature to get a quick handle on where a large pile of code might
342           need the most attention.
344       "--Safari"
345           Report "Perl Best Practice" citations as section numbers from
346           <http://safari.oreilly.com> instead of page numbers from the actual
347           book.  NOTE: This feature is not implemented yet.
349       "--color"
350           This option is on when outputting to a tty.  When set, Severity 5
351           and 4 are colored red and yellow, respectively.  Colorization only
352           happens if Term::ANSIColor is installed and it only works on non-
353           Windows environments.  Negate this switch to disable color.  You
354           can set the default value for this option in your .perlcriticrc
355           file.
357           Can also be specified as "--colour".
359       "--pager PAGER_COMMAND_STRING"
360           If set, perlcritic will pipe it's output to the given
361           PAGER_COMMAND_STRING.  You can set the default value for this
362           option in your .perlcriticrc file.
364           Setting a pager turns off color by default.  You will have to turn
365           color on explicitly.  If you want color, you'll probably also want
366           to tell your pager to display raw characters.  For "less" and
367           "more", use the -R switch.
369       "--color-severity-highest COLOR_SPECIFICATION"
370           Specifies the color to be used for highest severity violations, as
371           a Term::ANSIColor color specification. Can also be specified as
372           "--colour-severity-highest", "--color-severity-5", or
373           "--colour-severity-5".
375       "--color-severity-high COLOR_SPECIFICATION"
376           Specifies the color to be used for high severity violations, as a
377           Term::ANSIColor color specification. Can also be specified as
378           "--colour-severity-high", "--color-severity-4", or
379           "--colour-severity-4".
381       "--color-severity-medium COLOR_SPECIFICATION"
382           Specifies the color to be used for medium severity violations, as a
383           Term::ANSIColor color specification. Can also be specified as
384           "--colour-severity-medium", "--color-severity-3", or
385           "--colour-severity-3".
387       "--color-severity-low COLOR_SPECIFICATION"
388           Specifies the color to be used for low severity violations, as a
389           Term::ANSIColor color specification. Can also be specified as
390           "--colour-severity-low", "--color-severity-2", or
391           "--colour-severity-2".
393       "--color-severity-lowest COLOR_SPECIFICATION"
394           Specifies the color to be used for lowest severity violations, as a
395           Term::ANSIColor color specification. Can also be specified as
396           "--colour-severity-lowest", "--color-severity-1", or
397           "--colour-severity-1".
399       "--files-with-violations"
400           Display only the names of files with violations.  Use this feature
401           with --single-policy to find files that contain violations of a
402           given policy. Can also be specified as "--l".
404       "--files-without-violations"
405           Display only the names of files without violations.  Use this
406           feature with --single-policy to find files that do not contain
407           violations of a given policy. Can also be specified as "--L".
409       "--program-extensions file_name_extension"
410           Tell "perlcritic" to treat files whose names end in the given file
411           name extension as programs, not as modules. If a leading '.' is
412           desired it must be explicitly specified, e.g.
414               --program-extensions .pl
416           The matching is case-sensitive, and the option may be specified as
417           many times as desired, e.g.
419               --program-extensions .pl --program-extensions .cgi
421           The above can also be done by quoting the file name extensions:
423               --program-extensions '.pl .cgi'
425           Files whose name ends in '.PL' will always be considered programs.
427       "--doc PATTERN"
428           Displays the perldoc for all Perl::Critic::Policy modules that
429           match "m/PATTERN/ixms".  Since Policy modules tend to have rather
430           long names, this just provides a more convenient way to say
431           something like: "perldoc
432           Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireUpperCaseHeredocTerminator"
433           at the command prompt.
435       "--allow-unsafe"
436           This option directs "perlcritic" to allow the use of Policies that
437           have been marked as "unsafe".  Unsafe Policies may result in risky
438           operations by compiling and executing the code they analyze.  All
439           the Policies that ship in the core Perl::Critic distribution are
440           safe.  However, third-party Policies, such as those in the
441           Perl::Critic::Dynamic distribution are not safe.  Note that
442           "safety" is honorary -- if a Policy author marks a Policy as safe,
443           it is not a guarantee that it won't do nasty things.  If you don't
444           trust your Policies and the code you are analyzing, then do not use
445           this switch.
447       "--quiet"
448           Suppress the "source OK" message when no violations are found.
450       "--help"
451       "-?"
452       "-H"
453           Displays a brief summary of options and exits.
455       "--options"
456           Displays the descriptions of the options and exits.  While this
457           output is long, it it nowhere near the length of the output of
458           "--man".
460       "--man"
461           Displays the complete "perlcritic" manual and exits.
463       "--version"
464       "-V"
465           Displays the version number of "perlcritic" and exits.


468       Most of the settings for Perl::Critic and each of the Policy modules
469       can be controlled by a configuration file.  The default configuration
470       file is called .perlcriticrc.  "perlcritic" will look for this file in
471       the current directory first, and then in your home directory.
472       Alternatively, you can set the "PERLCRITIC" environment variable to
473       explicitly point to a different file in another location.  If none of
474       these files exist, and the "--profile" option is not given on the
475       command-line, then all Policies will be loaded with their default
476       configuration.
478       The format of the configuration file is a series of INI-style blocks
479       that contain key-value pairs separated by "=". Comments should start
480       with "#" and can be placed on a separate line or after the name-value
481       pairs if you desire.
483       Default settings for perlcritic itself can be set before the first
484       named block. For example, putting any or all of these at the top of
485       your .perlcriticrc file will set the default value for the
486       corresponding command-line argument.
488           severity  = 3                                     #Integer or named level
489           only      = 1                                     #Zero or One
490           force     = 0                                     #Zero or One
491           verbose   = 4                                     #Integer or format spec
492           top       = 50                                    #A positive integer
493           theme     = (pbp + security) * bugs               #A theme expression
494           include   = NamingConventions ClassHierarchies    #Space-delimited list
495           exclude   = Variables  Modules::RequirePackage    #Space-delimited list
497       The remainder of the configuration file is a series of blocks like
498       this:
500           [Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName]
501           severity = 1
502           set_themes = foo bar
503           add_themes = baz
504           arg1 = value1
505           arg2 = value2
507       "Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName" is the full name of a
508       module that implements the policy.  The Policy modules distributed with
509       Perl::Critic have been grouped into categories according to the table
510       of contents in Damian Conway's book Perl Best Practices. For brevity,
511       you can omit the 'Perl::Critic::Policy' part of the module name.
513       "severity" is the level of importance you wish to assign to the Policy.
514       All Policy modules are defined with a default severity value ranging
515       from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most severe).  However, you may disagree
516       with the default severity and choose to give it a higher or lower
517       severity, based on your own coding philosophy.  You can set the
518       "severity" to an integer from 1 to 5, or use one of the equivalent
519       names:
521           SEVERITY NAME ...is equivalent to... SEVERITY NUMBER
522           ----------------------------------------------------
523           gentle                                             5
524           stern                                              4
525           harsh                                              3
526           cruel                                              2
527           brutal                                             1
529       "set_themes" sets the theme for the Policy and overrides its default
530       theme.  The argument is a string of one or more whitespace-delimited
531       alphanumeric words.  Themes are case-insensitive.  See "POLICY THEMES"
532       for more information.
534       "add_themes" appends to the default themes for this Policy.  The
535       argument is a string of one or more whitespace-delimited words.  Themes
536       are case-insensitive.  See "POLICY THEMES" for more information.
538       The remaining key-value pairs are configuration parameters that will be
539       passed into the constructor of that Policy.  The constructors for most
540       Policy modules do not support arguments, and those that do should have
541       reasonable defaults.  See the documentation on the appropriate Policy
542       module for more details.
544       Instead of redefining the severity for a given Policy, you can
545       completely disable a Policy by prepending a '-' to the name of the
546       module in your configuration file.  In this manner, the Policy will
547       never be loaded, regardless of the "--severity" given on the command
548       line.
550       A simple configuration might look like this:
552           #--------------------------------------------------------------
553           # I think these are really important, so always load them
555           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict]
556           severity = 5
558           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings]
559           severity = 5
561           #--------------------------------------------------------------
562           # I think these are less important, so only load when asked
564           [Variables::ProhibitPackageVars]
565           severity = 2
567           [ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls]
568           allow = if unless  # My custom configuration
569           severity = cruel   # Same as "severity = 2"
571           #--------------------------------------------------------------
572           # Give these policies a custom theme.  I can activate just
573           # these policies by saying "perlcritic --theme 'larry || curly'"
575           [Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage]
576           add_themes = larry
578           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLabels]
579           add_themes = curly moe
581           #--------------------------------------------------------------
582           # I do not agree with these at all, so never load them
584           [-NamingConventions::Capitalization]
585           [-ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers]
587           #--------------------------------------------------------------
588           # For all other Policies, I accept the default severity,
589           # so no additional configuration is required for them.
591       Note that all policies included with the Perl::Critic distribution that
592       have integer parameters accept underscores ("_") in their values, as
593       with Perl numeric literals.  For example,
595           [ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumberSeparators]
596           min_value = 1_000
598       For additional configuration examples, see the perlcriticrc file that
599       is included in this examples directory of this distribution.
601       Damian Conway's own Perl::Critic configuration is also included in this
602       distribution as examples/perlcriticrc-conway.


605       A large number of Policy modules are distributed with Perl::Critic.
606       They are described briefly in the companion document
607       Perl::Critic::PolicySummary and in more detail in the individual
608       modules themselves.  Say "perlcritic --doc PATTERN" to see the perldoc
609       for all Policy modules that match the regex "m/PATTERN/ixms"
611       There are a number of distributions of additional policies on CPAN.  If
612       Perl::Critic doesn't contain a policy that you want, some one may have
613       already written it.  See "SEE ALSO" in Perl::Critic for a list of some
614       of these distributions.


617       Each Policy is defined with one or more "themes".  Themes can be used
618       to create arbitrary groups of Policies.  They are intended to provide
619       an alternative mechanism for selecting your preferred set of Policies.
620       For example, you may wish disable a certain set of Policies when
621       analyzing test programs.  Conversely, you may wish to enable only a
622       specific subset of Policies when analyzing modules.
624       The Policies that ship with Perl::Critic are have been divided into the
625       following themes.  This is just our attempt to provide some basic
626       logical groupings.  You are free to invent new themes that suit your
627       needs.
629           THEME             DESCRIPTION
630           ------------------------------------------------------------------------
631           core              All policies that ship with Perl::Critic
632           pbp               Policies that come directly from "Perl Best Practices"
633           bugs              Policies that that prevent or reveal bugs
634           maintenance       Policies that affect the long-term health of the code
635           cosmetic          Policies that only have a superficial effect
636           complexity        Policies that specificaly relate to code complexity
637           security          Policies that relate to security issues
638           tests             Policies that are specific to test programs
640       Say "perlcritic --list" to get a listing of all available policies and
641       the themes that are associated with each one.  You can also change the
642       theme for any Policy in your .perlcriticrc file.  See the
643       "CONFIGURATION" section for more information about that.
645       Using the "--theme" command-line option, you can create an arbitrarily
646       complex rule that determines which Policies to apply.  Precedence is
647       the same as regular Perl code, and you can use parentheses to enforce
648       precedence as well.  Supported operators are:
650           Operator    Altertative    Example
651           -----------------------------------------------------------------
652           &&          and            'pbp && core'
653           ||          or             'pbp || (bugs && security)'
654           !           not            'pbp && ! (portability || complexity)'
656       Theme names are case-insensitive.  If the "--theme" is set to an empty
657       string, then it evaluates as true all Policies.


660       Perl::Critic takes a hard-line approach to your code: either you comply
661       or you don't.  In the real world, it is not always practical (or even
662       possible) to fully comply with coding standards.  In such cases, it is
663       wise to show that you are knowingly violating the standards and that
664       you have a Damn Good Reason (DGR) for doing so.
666       To help with those situations, you can direct Perl::Critic to ignore
667       certain lines or blocks of code by using annotations:
669         require 'LegacyLibaray1.pl';  ## no critic
670         require 'LegacyLibrary2.pl';  ## no critic
672         for my $element (@list) {
674             ## no critic
676             $foo = "";               #Violates 'ProhibitEmptyQuotes'
677             $barf = bar() if $foo;   #Violates 'ProhibitPostfixControls'
678             #Some more evil code...
680             ## use critic
682             #Some good code...
683             do_something($_);
684         }
686       The "## no critic" annotations direct Perl::Critic to ignore the
687       remaining lines of code until a "## use critic" annotation is found. If
688       the "## no critic" annotation is on the same line as a code statement,
689       then only that line of code is overlooked.  To direct perlcritic to
690       ignore the "## no critic" annotations, use the "--force" option.
692       A bare "## no critic" annotation disables all the active Policies.  If
693       you wish to disable only specific Policies, add a list of Policy names
694       as arguments just as you would for the "no strict" or "no warnings"
695       pragma.  For example, this would disable the "ProhibitEmptyQuotes" and
696       "ProhibitPostfixControls" policies until the end of the block or until
697       the next "## use critic" annotation (whichever comes first):
699           ## no critic (EmptyQuotes, PostfixControls);
701           # Now exempt from ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes
702           $foo = "";
704           # Now exempt ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls
705           $barf = bar() if $foo;
707           # Still subject to ValuesAndExpression::RequireNumberSeparators
708           $long_int = 10000000000;
710       Since the Policy names are matched against the "## no critic" arguments
711       as regular expressions, you can abbreviate the Policy names or disable
712       an entire family of Policies in one shot like this:
714           ## no critic (NamingConventions)
716           # Now exempt from NamingConventions::Capitalization
717           my $camelHumpVar = 'foo';
719           # Now exempt from NamingConventions::Capitalization
720           sub camelHumpSub {}
722       The argument list must be enclosed in parentheses and must contain one
723       or more comma-separated barewords (i.e. don't use quotes).  The "## no
724       critic" annotations can be nested, and Policies named by an inner
725       annotation will be disabled along with those already disabled an outer
726       annotation.
728       Some Policies like "Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity" apply to an
729       entire block of code.  In those cases, "## no critic" must appear on
730       the line where the violation is reported.  For example:
732           sub complicated_function {  ## no critic (ProhibitExcessComplexity)
733               # Your code here...
734           }
736       Some Policies like "Documentation::RequirePodSections" apply to the
737       entire document, in which case violations are reported at line 1.  But
738       if the file requires a shebang line, it is impossible to put "## no
739       critic" on the first line of the file.  This is a known limitation and
740       it will be addressed in a future release.  As a workaround, you can
741       disable the affected policies at the command-line or in your
742       .perlcriticrc file.  But beware that this will affect the analysis of
743       all files.
745       Use this feature wisely.  "## no critic" should be used in the smallest
746       possible scope, or only on individual lines of code. And you should
747       always be as specific as possible about which policies you want to
748       disable (i.e. never use a bare "## no critic").  If Perl::Critic
749       complains about your code, try and find a compliant solution before
750       resorting to this feature.


753       For ease-of-use, "perlcritic" can be integrated with your favorite text
754       editor.  The output-formatting capabilities of "perlcritic" are
755       specifically intended for use with the "grep" or "compile" modes
756       available in editors like "emacs" and "vim".  In these modes, you can
757       run an arbitrary command and the editor will parse the output into an
758       interactive buffer that you can click on and jump to the relevant line
759       of code.
761       The Perl::Critic team thanks everyone who has helped integrate Perl-
762       Critic with their favorite editor.  Your contributions in particular
763       have made Perl-Critic a convenient and user-friendly tool for Perl
764       developers of all stripes.  We sincerely appreciate your hard work.
766   EMACS
767       Joshua ben Jore has authored a minor-mode for emacs that allows you to
768       run perlcritic on the current region or buffer.  You can run it on
769       demand, or configure it to run automatically when you save the buffer.
770       The output appears in a hot-linked compiler buffer.  The code and
771       installation instructions can be found in the extras directory inside
772       this distribution.
774   VIM
775       Scott Peshak has published perlchecker.vim, which is available at
776       <http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1731>.
778   gVIM
779       Fritz Mehner recently added support for "perlcritic" to his fantastic
780       gVIM plugin.  In addition to providing a very Perlish IDE, Fritz's
781       plugin enables one-click access to "perlcritic" and many other very
782       useful utilities.  And all is seamlessly integrated into the editor.
783       See <http://lug.fh-swf.de/vim/vim-perl/screenshots-en.html> for
784       complete details.
786   EPIC
787       EPIC is an open source Perl IDE based on the Eclipse platform.
788       Features include syntax highlighting, on-the-fly syntax check, content
789       assist, code completion, perldoc support, source formatting with
790       Perl::Tidy, code templates, a regular expression editing tool, and
791       integration with the Perl debugger.  Recent versions of EPIC also have
792       built-in support for Perl::Critic.  At least one Perl::Critic
793       contributor swears by EPIC.  Go to <http://e-p-i-c.sourceforge.net> for
794       more information about EPIC.
796   BBEdit
797       Josh Clark has produced an excellent Perl-Critic plugin for BBEdit. See
798       <http://globalmoxie.com/projects/bbedit-perl-critic/index.shtml> for
799       download, installation, and usage instructions.  Apple users rejoice!
801   Komodo
802       Komodo is a proprietary IDE for Perl and several other dynamic
803       languages.  Starting in version 5.1.1, Komodo has built-in support for
804       Perl-Critic, if you have the Perl::Critic and criticism modules
805       installed.  Free trial copies of Komodo can be obtained from the
806       ActiveState website at <http://www.activestate.com>.
808   ActivePerl
809       ActivePerl includes a very slick graphical interface for configuring
810       and running Perl-Critic called "perlcritic-gui".  A free community
811       edition of ActivePerl can be obtained from the ActiveState website at
812       <http://www.activestate.com>.


815       If "perlcritic" has any errors itself, exits with status == 1.  If
816       there are no errors, but "perlcritic" finds Policy violations in your
817       source code, exits with status == 2.  If there were no errors and no
818       violations were found, exits with status == 0.


821           Coding standards are deeply personal and highly subjective.  The
822           goal of Perl::Critic is to help you write code that conforms with a
823           set of best practices.  Our primary goal is not to dictate what
824           those practices are, but rather, to implement the practices
825           discovered by others.  Ultimately, you make the rules --
826           Perl::Critic is merely a tool for encouraging consistency.  If
827           there is a policy that you think is important or that we have
828           overlooked, we would be very grateful for contributions, or you can
829           simply load your own private set of policies into Perl::Critic.


832       The modular design of Perl::Critic is intended to facilitate the
833       addition of new Policies.  You'll need to have some understanding of
834       PPI, but most Policy modules are pretty straightforward and only
835       require about 20 lines of code, and half of those lines are simple use
836       statements and simple declarations..  Please see the
837       Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER file included in this distribution for a step-
838       by-step demonstration of how to create new Policy modules.
840       If you develop any new Policy modules, feel free to send them to
841       "<jeff@imaginative-software.com>" and I'll be happy to put them into
842       the Perl::Critic distribution.  Or if you would like to work on the
843       Perl::Critic project directly, check out our repository at
844       <http://perlcritic.tigris.org>.  To subscribe to our mailing list, send
845       a message to <mailto:dev-subscribe@perlcritic.tigris.org>.
847       The Perl::Critic team is also available for hire.  If your organization
848       has its own coding standards, we can create custom Policies to enforce
849       your local guidelines.  Or if your code base is prone to a particular
850       defect pattern, we can design Policies that will help you catch those
851       costly defects before they go into production.  To discuss your needs
852       with the Perl::Critic team, just contact
853       "<jeff@imaginative-software.com>".


856       You are encouraged to subscribe to the mailing list; send a message to
857       <mailto:users-subscribe@perlcritic.tigris.org>.  See also the archives
858       at
859       <http://perlcritic.tigris.org/servlets/SummarizeList?listName=users>.
860       You can also contact the author at "<jeff@imaginative-software.com>".
862       At least one member of the development team has started hanging around
863       in <irc://irc.perl.org/#perlcritic>.
865       You can also follow Perl::Critic on Twitter, at
866       <https://twitter.com/perlcritic>.


869       There are a number of distributions of additional Policies available.
870       A few are listed here:
872       Perl::Critic::More Perl::Critic::Bangs Perl::Critic::Lax
873       Perl::Critic::StricterSubs Perl::Critic::Swift
875       These distributions enable you to use Perl::Critic in your unit tests:
877       Test::Perl::Critic Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive
879       There is also a distribution that will install all the Perl::Critic
880       related modules known to the development team:
882       Task::Perl::Critic
884       Also, ActivePerl includes a very slick graphical interface to Perl-
885       Critic called "perlcritic-gui".  You can get a free community edition
886       of ActivePerl from <http://www.activestate.com>.


889       Scrutinizing Perl code is hard for humans, let alone machines.  If you
890       find any bugs, particularly false-positives or false-negatives from a
891       Perl::Critic::Policy, please submit them to
892       <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Perl-Critic>.  Thanks.
894       Most policies will produce false-negatives if they cannot understand a
895       particular block of code.


898       Adam Kennedy - For creating PPI, the heart and soul of Perl::Critic.
900       Damian Conway - For writing Perl Best Practices, finally :)
902       Chris Dolan - For contributing the best features and Policy modules.
904       Andy Lester - Wise sage and master of all-things-testing.
906       Elliot Shank - The self-proclaimed quality freak.
908       Giuseppe Maxia - For all the great ideas and positive encouragement.
910       and Sharon, my wife - For putting up with my all-night code sessions.


913       Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@imaginative-software.com>
916       Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Imaginative Software Systems.  All rights
917       reserved.
919       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
920       under the same terms as Perl itself.  The full text of this license can
921       be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
925perl v5.16.3                      2014-06-09                     PERLCRITIC(1)