1ARCHIVE_WRITE_DISK(3)    BSD Library Functions Manual    ARCHIVE_WRITE_DISK(3)


4     archive_write_disk_new, archive_write_disk_set_options,
5     archive_write_disk_set_skip_file, archive_write_disk_set_group_lookup,
6     archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup,
7     archive_write_disk_set_user_lookup, archive_write_header,
8     archive_write_data, archive_write_data_block, archive_write_finish_entry,
9     archive_write_close, archive_write_finish archive_write_free — functions
10     for creating objects on disk


13     Streaming Archive Library (libarchive, -larchive)


16     #include <archive.h>
18     struct archive *
19     archive_write_disk_new(void);
21     int
22     archive_write_disk_set_options(struct archive *, int flags);
24     int
25     archive_write_disk_set_skip_file(struct archive *, dev_t, ino_t);
27     int
28     archive_write_disk_set_group_lookup(struct archive *, void *,
29         gid_t (*)(void *, const char *gname, gid_t gid),
30         void (*cleanup)(void *));
32     int
33     archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup(struct archive *);
35     int
36     archive_write_disk_set_user_lookup(struct archive *, void *,
37         uid_t (*)(void *, const char *uname, uid_t uid),
38         void (*cleanup)(void *));
40     int
41     archive_write_header(struct archive *, struct archive_entry *);
43     ssize_t
44     archive_write_data(struct archive *, const void *, size_t);
46     ssize_t
47     archive_write_data_block(struct archive *, const void *, size_t size,
48         int64_t offset);
50     int
51     archive_write_finish_entry(struct archive *);
53     int
54     archive_write_close(struct archive *);
56     int
57     archive_write_finish(struct archive *);
59     int
60     archive_write_free(struct archive *);


63     These functions provide a complete API for creating objects on disk from
64     struct archive_entry descriptions.  They are most naturally used when
65     extracting objects from an archive using the archive_read() interface.
66     The general process is to read struct archive_entry objects from an ar‐
67     chive, then write those objects to a struct archive object created using
68     the archive_write_disk() family functions.  This interface is deliber‐
69     ately very similar to the archive_write() interface used to write objects
70     to a streaming archive.
72     archive_write_disk_new()
73             Allocates and initializes a struct archive object suitable for
74             writing objects to disk.
76     archive_write_disk_set_skip_file()
77             Records the device and inode numbers of a file that should not be
78             overwritten.  This is typically used to ensure that an extraction
79             process does not overwrite the archive from which objects are
80             being read.  This capability is technically unnecessary but can
81             be a significant performance optimization in practice.
83     archive_write_disk_set_options()
84             The options field consists of a bitwise OR of one or more of the
85             following values:
87                     The user and group IDs should be set on the restored
88                     file.  By default, the user and group IDs are not
89                     restored.
91                     Full permissions (including SGID, SUID, and sticky bits)
92                     should be restored exactly as specified, without obeying
93                     the current umask.  Note that SUID and SGID bits can only
94                     be restored if the user and group ID of the object on
95                     disk are correct.  If ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_OWNER is not speci‐
96                     fied, then SUID and SGID bits will only be restored if
97                     the default user and group IDs of newly-created objects
98                     on disk happen to match those specified in the archive
99                     entry.  By default, only basic permissions are restored,
100                     and umask is obeyed.
101             ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME
102                     The timestamps (mtime, ctime, and atime) should be
103                     restored.  By default, they are ignored.  Note that
104                     restoring of atime is not currently supported.
106                     Existing files on disk will not be overwritten.  By
107                     default, existing regular files are truncated and over‐
108                     written; existing directories will have their permissions
109                     updated; other pre-existing objects are unlinked and
110                     recreated from scratch.
112                     Existing files on disk will be unlinked before any
113                     attempt to create them.  In some cases, this can prove to
114                     be a significant performance improvement.  By default,
115                     existing files are truncated and rewritten, but the file
116                     is not recreated.  In particular, the default behavior
117                     does not break existing hard links.
118             ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL
119                     Attempt to restore ACLs.  By default, extended ACLs are
120                     ignored.
122                     Attempt to restore extended file flags.  By default, file
123                     flags are ignored.
125                     Attempt to restore POSIX.1e extended attributes.  By
126                     default, they are ignored.
128                     Refuse to extract any object whose final location would
129                     be altered by a symlink on disk.  This is intended to
130                     help guard against a variety of mischief caused by ar‐
131                     chives that (deliberately or otherwise) extract files
132                     outside of the current directory.  The default is not to
133                     perform this check.  If ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_UNLINK is speci‐
134                     fied together with this option, the library will remove
135                     any intermediate symlinks it finds and return an error
136                     only if such symlink could not be removed.
138                     Refuse to extract a path that contains a .. element any‐
139                     where within it.  The default is to not refuse such
140                     paths.  Note that paths ending in .. always cause an
141                     error, regardless of this flag.
143                     Scan data for blocks of NUL bytes and try to recreate
144                     them with holes.  This results in sparse files, indepen‐
145                     dent of whether the archive format supports or uses them.
147     archive_write_disk_set_group_lookup(),
148             archive_write_disk_set_user_lookup()
149             The struct archive_entry objects contain both names and ids that
150             can be used to identify users and groups.  These names and ids
151             describe the ownership of the file itself and also appear in ACL
152             lists.  By default, the library uses the ids and ignores the
153             names, but this can be overridden by registering user and group
154             lookup functions.  To register, you must provide a lookup func‐
155             tion which accepts both a name and id and returns a suitable id.
156             You may also provide a void * pointer to a private data structure
157             and a cleanup function for that data.  The cleanup function will
158             be invoked when the struct archive object is destroyed.
160     archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup()
161             This convenience function installs a standard set of user and
162             group lookup functions.  These functions use getpwnam(3) and
163             getgrnam(3) to convert names to ids, defaulting to the ids if the
164             names cannot be looked up.  These functions also implement a sim‐
165             ple memory cache to reduce the number of calls to getpwnam(3) and
166             getgrnam(3).
168     archive_write_header()
169             Build and write a header using the data in the provided struct
170             archive_entry structure.  See archive_entry(3) for information on
171             creating and populating struct archive_entry objects.
173     archive_write_data()
174             Write data corresponding to the header just written.  Returns
175             number of bytes written or -1 on error.
177     archive_write_data_block()
178             Write data corresponding to the header just written.  This is
179             like archive_write_data() except that it performs a seek on the
180             file being written to the specified offset before writing the
181             data.  This is useful when restoring sparse files from archive
182             formats that support sparse files.  Returns number of bytes writ‐
183             ten or -1 on error.  (Note: This is currently not supported for
184             archive_write handles, only for archive_write_disk handles.)
186     archive_write_finish_entry()
187             Close out the entry just written.  Ordinarily, clients never need
188             to call this, as it is called automatically by
189             archive_write_next_header() and archive_write_close() as needed.
190             However, some file attributes are written to disk only after the
191             file is closed, so this can be necessary if you need to work with
192             the file on disk right away.
194     archive_write_close()
195             Set any attributes that could not be set during the initial
196             restore.  For example, directory timestamps are not restored ini‐
197             tially because restoring a subsequent file would alter that time‐
198             stamp.  Similarly, non-writable directories are initially created
199             with write permissions (so that their contents can be restored).
200             The archive_write_disk_new library maintains a list of all such
201             deferred attributes and sets them when this function is invoked.
203     archive_write_finish()
204             This is a deprecated synonym for archive_write_free().
206     archive_write_free()
207             Invokes archive_write_close() if it was not invoked manually,
208             then releases all resources.
209     More information about the struct archive object and the overall design
210     of the library can be found in the libarchive(3) overview.  Many of these
211     functions are also documented under archive_write(3).


214     Most functions return ARCHIVE_OK (zero) on success, or one of several
215     non-zero error codes for errors.  Specific error codes include:
216     ARCHIVE_RETRY for operations that might succeed if retried, ARCHIVE_WARN
217     for unusual conditions that do not prevent further operations, and
218     ARCHIVE_FATAL for serious errors that make remaining operations impossi‐
219     ble.
221     archive_write_disk_new() returns a pointer to a newly-allocated struct
222     archive object.
224     archive_write_data() returns a count of the number of bytes actually
225     written, or -1 on error.


228     Detailed error codes and textual descriptions are available from the
229     archive_errno() and archive_error_string() functions.


232     archive_read(3), archive_write(3), tar(1), libarchive(3)


235     The libarchive library first appeared in FreeBSD 5.3.  The
236     archive_write_disk interface was added to libarchive 2.0 and first
237     appeared in FreeBSD 6.3.


240     The libarchive library was written by Tim Kientzle <kientzle@acm.org>.


243     Directories are actually extracted in two distinct phases.  Directories
244     are created during archive_write_header(), but final permissions are not
245     set until archive_write_close().  This separation is necessary to cor‐
246     rectly handle borderline cases such as a non-writable directory contain‐
247     ing files, but can cause unexpected results.  In particular, directory
248     permissions are not fully restored until the archive is closed.  If you
249     use chdir(2) to change the current directory between calls to
250     archive_read_extract() or before calling archive_read_close(), you may
251     confuse the permission-setting logic with the result that directory per‐
252     missions are restored incorrectly.
254     The library attempts to create objects with filenames longer than
255     PATH_MAX by creating prefixes of the full path and changing the current
256     directory.  Currently, this logic is limited in scope; the fixup pass
257     does not work correctly for such objects and the symlink security check
258     option disables the support for very long pathnames.
260     Restoring the path aa/../bb does create each intermediate directory.  In
261     particular, the directory aa is created as well as the final object bb.
262     In theory, this can be exploited to create an entire directory hierarchy
263     with a single request.  Of course, this does not work if the
264     ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_NODOTDOT option is specified.
266     Implicit directories are always created obeying the current umask.
267     Explicit objects are created obeying the current umask unless
268     ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM is specified, in which case they current umask is
269     ignored.
271     SGID and SUID bits are restored only if the correct user and group could
272     be set.  If ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_OWNER is not specified, then no attempt is
273     made to set the ownership.  In this case, SGID and SUID bits are restored
274     only if the user and group of the final object happen to match those
275     specified in the entry.
277     The “standard” user-id and group-id lookup functions are not the defaults
278     because getgrnam(3) and getpwnam(3) are sometimes too large for particu‐
279     lar applications.  The current design allows the application author to
280     use a more compact implementation when appropriate.
282     There should be a corresponding archive_read_disk interface that walks a
283     directory hierarchy and returns archive entry objects.
285BSD                            February 2, 2012                            BSD