4     archive_write_set_filter_option, archive_write_set_format_option,
5     archive_write_set_option, archive_write_set_options — functions control‐
6     ling options for reading archives


9     Streaming Archive Library (libarchive, -larchive)


12     int
13     archive_write_set_filter_option(struct archive *, const char *module,
14         const char *option, const char *value);
16     int
17     archive_write_set_format_option(struct archive *, const char *module,
18         const char *option, const char *value);
20     int
21     archive_write_set_option(struct archive *, const char *module,
22         const char *option, const char *value);
24     int
25     archive_write_set_options(struct archive *, const char *options);


28     These functions provide a way for libarchive clients to configure spe‐
29     cific write modules.
31     archive_write_set_filter_option(), archive_write_set_format_option()
32             Specifies an option that will be passed to currently-registered
33             filters (including decompression filters) or format readers.
35             If option and value are both NULL, these functions will do noth‐
36             ing and ARCHIVE_OK will be returned.  If option is NULL but value
37             is not, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_FAILED will
38             be returned.
40             If module is not NULL, option and value will be provided to the
41             filter or reader named module.  The return value will be that of
42             the module.  If there is no such module, ARCHIVE_FAILED will be
43             returned.
45             If module is NULL, option and value will be provided to every
46             registered module.  If any module returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, this
47             value will be returned immediately.  Otherwise, ARCHIVE_OK will
48             be returned if any module accepts the option, and ARCHIVE_FAILED
49             in all other cases.
51     archive_write_set_option()
52             Calls archive_write_set_format_option(), then
53             archive_write_set_filter_option().  If either function returns
54             ARCHIVE_FATAL, ARCHIVE_FATAL will be returned immediately.  Oth‐
55             erwise, greater of the two values will be returned.
57     archive_write_set_options()
58             options is a comma-separated list of options.  If options is NULL
59             or empty, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned immediately.
61             Individual options have one of the following forms:
62             option=value
63                     The option/value pair will be provided to every module.
64                     Modules that do not accept an option with this name will
65                     ignore it.
66             option  The option will be provided to every module with a value
67                     of “1”.
68             !option
69                     The option will be provided to every module with a NULL
70                     value.
71             module:option=value, module:option, module:!option
72                     As above, but the corresponding option and value will be
73                     provided only to modules whose name matches module.


76     Filter gzip
77             compression-level
78                     The value is interpreted as a decimal integer specifying
79                     the gzip compression level.
80     Filter xz
81             compression-level
82                     The value is interpreted as a decimal integer specifying
83                     the compression level.
84     Format mtree
85             cksum, device, flags, gid, gname, indent, link, md5, mode, nlink,
86                     rmd160, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, size, time, uid,
87                     uname
88                     Enable a particular keyword in the mtree output.  Prefix
89                     with an exclamation mark to disable the corresponding
90                     keyword.  The default is equivalent to “device, flags,
91                     gid, gname, link, mode, nlink, size, time, type, uid,
92                     uname”.
93             all     Enables all of the above keywords.
94             use-set
95                     Enables generation of /set lines that specify default
96                     values for the following files and/or directories.
97             indent  XXX needs explanation XXX
98     Format iso9660 - volume metadata
99             These options are used to set standard ISO9660 metadata.
100             abstract-file=filename
101                     The file with the specified name will be identified in
102                     the ISO9660 metadata as holding the abstract for this
103                     volume.  Default: none.
104             application-id=filename
105                     The file with the specified name will be identified in
106                     the ISO9660 metadata as holding the application identi‐
107                     fier for this volume.  Default: none.
108             biblio-file=filename
109                     The file with the specified name will be identified in
110                     the ISO9660 metadata as holding the bibliography for this
111                     volume.  Default: none.
112             copyright-file=filename
113                     The file with the specified name will be identified in
114                     the ISO9660 metadata as holding the copyright for this
115                     volume.  Default: none.
116             publisher=filename
117                     The file with the specified name will be identified in
118                     the ISO9660 metadata as holding the publisher information
119                     for this volume.  Default: none.
120             volume-id=string
121                     The specified string will be used as the Volume Identi‐
122                     fier in the ISO9660 metadata.  It is limited to 32 bytes.
123                     Default: none.
124     Format iso9660 - boot support
125             These options are used to make an ISO9660 image that can be
126             directly booted on various systems.
127             boot=filename
128                     The file matching this name will be used as the El Torito
129                     boot image file.
130             boot-catalog=name
131                     The name that will be used for the El Torito boot cata‐
132                     log.  Default: boot.catalog
133             boot-info-table
134                     The boot image file provided by the boot=filename option
135                     will be edited with appropriate boot information in bytes
136                     8 through 64.  Default: disabled
137             boot-load-seg=hexadecimal-number
138                     The load segment for a no-emulation boot image.
139             boot-load-size=decimal-number
140                     The number of "virtual" 512-byte sectors to be loaded
141                     from a no-emulation boot image.  Some very old BIOSes can
142                     only load very small images, setting this value to 4 will
143                     often allow such BIOSes to load the first part of the
144                     boot image (which will then need to be intelligent enough
145                     to load the rest of itself).  This should not be needed
146                     unless you are trying to support systems with very old
147                     BIOSes.  This defaults to the full size of the image.
148             boot-type=value
149                     Specifies the boot semantics used by the El Torito boot
150                     image: If the value is fd, then the boot image is assumed
151                     to be a bootable floppy image.  If the value is hd, then
152                     the the boot image is assumed to be a bootable hard disk
153                     image.  If the value is no-emulation, the boot image is
154                     used without floppy or hard disk emulation.  If the boot
155                     image is exactly 1.2MB, 1.44MB, or 2.88MB, then the
156                     default is fd, otherwise the default is no-emulation.
157     Format iso9660 - filename and size extensions
158             Various extensions to the base ISO9660 format.
159             allow-ldots
160                     If enabled, allows filenames to begin with a leading
161                     period.  If disabled, filenames that begin with a leading
162                     period will have that period replaced by an underscore
163                     character in the standard ISO9660 namespace.  This does
164                     not impact names stored in the Rockridge or Joliet exten‐
165                     sion area.  Default: disabled.
166             allow-lowercase
167                     If enabled, allows filenames to contain lowercase charac‐
168                     ters.  If disabled, filenames will be forced to upper‐
169                     case.  This does not impact names stored in the Rockridge
170                     or Joliet extension area.  Default: disabled.
171             allow-multidot
172                     If enabled, allows filenames to contain multiple period
173                     characters, in violation of the ISO9660 specification.
174                     If disabled, additional periods will be converted to
175                     underscore characters.  This does not impact names stored
176                     in the Rockridge or Joliet extension area.  Default: dis‐
177                     abled.
178             allow-period
179                     If enabled, allows filenames to contain trailing period
180                     characters, in violation of the ISO9660 specification.
181                     If disabled,trailing periods will be converted to under‐
182                     score characters.  This does not impact names stored in
183                     the Rockridge or Joliet extension area.  Default: dis‐
184                     abled.
185             allow-pvd-lowercase
186                     If enabled, the Primary Volume Descriptor may contain
187                     lowercase ASCII characters, in violation of the ISO9660
188                     specification.  If disabled, characters will be converted
189                     to uppercase ASCII.  Default: disabled.
190             allow-sharp-tilde
191                     If enabled, sharp and tilde characters will be permitted
192                     in filenames, in violation if the ISO9660 specification.
193                     If disabled, such characters will be converted to under‐
194                     score characters.  Default: disabled.
195             allow-vernum
196                     If enabled, version numbers will be included with files.
197                     If disabled, version numbers will be suppressed, in vio‐
198                     lation of the ISO9660 standard.  This does not impact
199                     names stored in the Rockridge or Joliet extension area.
200                     Default: enabled.
201             iso-level
202                     This enables support for file size and file name exten‐
203                     sions in the core ISO9660 area.  The name extensions
204                     specified here do not affect the names stored in the
205                     Rockridge or Joliet extension areas.
206                     iso-level=1
207                             The most compliant form of ISO9660 image.  File‐
208                             names are limited to 8.3 uppercase format, direc‐
209                             tory names are limited to 8 uppercase characters,
210                             files are limited to 4 GiB, the complete ISO9660
211                             image cannot exceed 4 GiB.
212                     iso-level=2
213                             Filenames are limited to 30 uppercase characters
214                             with a 30-character extension, directory names
215                             are limited to 30 characters, files are limited
216                             to 4 GiB.
217                     iso-level=3
218                             As with iso-level=2, except that files may exceed
219                             4 GiB.
220                     iso-level=4
221                             As with iso-level=3, except that filenames may be
222                             up to 193 characters and may include arbitrary
223                             8-bit characters.
224             joliet  Microsoft's Joliet extensions store a completely separate
225                     set of directory information about each file.  In partic‐
226                     ular, this information includes Unicode filenames of up
227                     to 255 characters.  Default: enabled.
228             limit-depth
229                     If enabled, libarchive will use directory relocation
230                     records to ensure that no pathname exceeds the ISO9660
231                     limit of 8 directory levels.  If disabled, no relocation
232                     will occur.  Default: enabled.
233             limit-dirs
234                     If enabled, libarchive will cause an error if there are
235                     more than 65536 directories.  If disabled, there is no
236                     limit on the number of directories.  Default: enabled
237             pad     If enabled, 300 kiB of zero bytes will be appended to the
238                     end of the archive.  Default: enabled
239             relaxed-filenames
240                     If enabled, all 7-bit ASCII characters are permitted in
241                     filenames (except lowercase characters unless
242                     allow-lowercase is also specified).  This violates
243                     ISO9660 standards.  This does not impact names stored in
244                     the Rockridge or Joliet extension area.  Default: dis‐
245                     abled.
246             rockridge
247                     The Rockridge extensions store an additional set of
248                     POSIX-style file information with each file, including
249                     mtime, atime, ctime, permissions, and long filenames with
250                     arbitrary 8-bit characters.  These extensions also sup‐
251                     port symbolic links and other POSIX file types.  Default:
252                     enabled.
253     Format iso9660 - zisofs support
254             The zisofs extensions permit each file to be independently com‐
255             pressed using a gzip-compatible compression.  This can provide
256             significant size savings, but requires the reading system to have
257             support for these extensions.  These extensions are disabled by
258             default.
259             compression-level=number
260                     The compression level used by the deflate compressor.
261                     Ranges from 0 (least effort) to 9 (most effort).
262                     Default: 6
263             zisofs  Synonym for zisofs=direct.
264             zisofs=direct
265                     Compress each file in the archive.  Unlike
266                     zisofs=indirect, this is handled entirely within
267                     libarchive and does not require a separate utility.  For
268                     best results, libarchive tests each file and will store
269                     the file uncompressed if the compression does not actu‐
270                     ally save any space.  In particular, files under 2k will
271                     never be compressed.  Note that boot image files are
272                     never compressed.
273             zisofs=indirect
274                     Recognizes files that have already been compressed with
275                     the mkzftree utility and sets up the necessary file meta‐
276                     data so that readers will correctly identify these as
277                     zisofs-compressed files.
278             zisofs-exclude=filename
279                     Specifies a filename that should not be compressed when
280                     using zisofs=direct.  This option can be provided multi‐
281                     ple times to suppress compression on many files.


284     The following example creates an archive write handle to create a gzip-
285     compressed ISO9660 format image.  The two options here specify that the
286     ISO9660 archive will use kernel.img as the boot image for El Torito boot‐
287     ing, and that the gzip compressor should use the maximum compression
288     level.
290           a = archive_write_new();
291           archive_write_add_filter_gzip(a);
292           archive_write_set_format_iso9660(a);
293           archive_write_set_options(a, "boot=kernel.img,compression=9");
294           archive_write_open_filename(a, filename, blocksize);


297     Detailed error codes and textual descriptions are available from the
298     archive_errno() and archive_error_string() functions.


301     tar(1), libarchive(3), archive_read_set_options(3), archive_write(3)


304     The libarchive library first appeared in FreeBSD 5.3.


307     The options support for libarchive was originally implemented by
308     Michihiro NAKAJIMA.


311BSD                            February 2, 2012                            BSD