1ntp_misc(5)                   File Formats Manual                  ntp_misc(5)


6       ntp_misc - Miscellaneous Options
9       broadcastdelay seconds
10               The broadcast and multicast modes require a special calibration
11               to determine the network delay between  the  local  and  remote
12               servers.  Ordinarily, this is done automatically by the initial
13               protocol exchanges between  the  client  and  server.  In  some
14               cases,  the  calibration  procedure  may fail due to network or
15               server access controls, for example. This command specifies the
16               default  delay  to be used under these circumstances. Typically
17               (for Ethernet), a number between 0.003  and  0.007  seconds  is
18               appropriate.
20       driftfile driftfile { tolerance ]
21               This  command  specifies the complete path and name of the file
22               used to record the frequency of  the  local  clock  oscillator.
23               This  is  the same operation as the -f command linke option. If
24               the file exists, it is read at startup in order to set the ini‐
25               tial  frequency and then updated once per hour or more with the
26               current frequency computed by the daemon. If the file  name  is
27               specified,  but the file itself does not exist, the starts with
28               an initial frequency of zero and creates the file when  writing
29               it for the first time. If this command is not given, the daemon
30               will always start with an initial frequency of zero.  The  file
31               format  consists  of a single line containing a single floating
32               point number, which records the frequency  offset  measured  in
33               parts-per-million  (PPM).  The file is updated by first writing
34               the current drift value into a temporary file and then renaming
35               this  file  to  replace the old version. This implies that ntpd
36               must have write permission for the directory the drift file  is
37               located  in, and that file system links, symbolic or otherwise,
38               should be avoided.   The  parameter  tolerance  is  the  wander
39               threshold to skip writing the new value. If the value of wander
40               computed from recent frequency changes  is  greater  than  this
41               threshold  the file will be updated once per hour. If below the
42               threshold, the file will not be written.
44       enable [ auth | bclient | calibrate | kernel | monitor | ntp  |  pps  |
45       stats]
47       disable  [  auth | bclient | calibrate | kernel | monitor | ntp | pps |
48       stats ]
49               Provides a way to enable or  disable  various  system  options.
50               Flags  not  mentioned  are  unaffected.  Note that all of these
51               flags can be controlled remotely using the ntpdc  utility  pro‐
52               gram.
54               auth    Enables  the  server  to  synchronize with unconfigured
55                       peers only if the peer has been correctly authenticated
56                       using  either  public  key or private key cryptography.
57                       The default for this flag is enable.
59               bclient Enables the server to  listen  for  a  message  from  a
60                       broadcast  or  multicast  server,  as in the multicast‐
61                       client command with default address.  The  default  for
62                       this flag is disable.
64               calibrate
65                       Enables the calibrate feature for reference clocks. The
66                       default for this flag is disable.
68               kernel  Enables the kernel time discipline, if  available.  The
69                       default  for  this  flag is enable if support is avail‐
70                       able, otherwise disable.
72               monitor Enables the monitoring facility. See the ntpdc  program
73                       and  the  monlist  command  or further information. The
74                       default for this flag is enable.
76               ntp     Enables time and frequency discipline. In effect,  this
77                       switch  opens  and  closes  the feedback loop, which is
78                       useful for  testing.  The  default  for  this  flag  is
79                       enable.
81               stats   Enables  the  statistics  facility.  See the Monitoring
82                       Options page for further information. The  default  for
83                       this flag is disable.
86       includefile includefile
87               This  command  allows  additional  configuration commands to be
88               included from a separate file. Include files may be nested to a
89               depth  of five; upon reaching the end of any include file, com‐
90               mand processing resumes in  the  previous  configuration  file.
91               This  option  is  useful  for  sites  that run ntpd on multiple
92               hosts, with (mostly) common options (e.g., a restriction list).
94       interface [listen | ignore | drop] [all | ipv4 | ipv6 | wildcard | name
95       | address[/prefixlen]]
96               This  command  controls which network addresses ntpd opens, and
97               whether input is dropped without processing. The first  parame‐
98               ter  determines the action for addresses which match the second
99               parameter. That parameter specifies a class of addresses, or  a
100               specific  interface  name,  or an address. In the address case,
101               prefixlen determines how many bits must match for this rule  to
102               apply.  ignore prevents opening matching addresses, drop causes
103               ntpd to open the address and drop all received packets  without
104               examination.  Multiple interface commands can be used. The last
105               rule which matches a particular address determines  the  action
106               for it. interface commands are disabled if any -I, --interface,
107               -L, or --novirtualips command-line options are used. If none of
108               those  options  are used and no interface actions are specified
109               in the configuration file, all available network addresses  are
110               opened. The nic command is an alias for interface.
112       leapfile leapfile
113               This  command  loads  the NIST leapseconds file and initializes
114               the leapsecond values for the next leapsecond time,  expiration
115               time  and  TAI  offset.  The file can be obtained directly from
116               NIST  national  time  servers  using  ftp  as  the  ASCII  file
117               pub/leap-seconds.   While not strictly a security function, the
118               Autokey protocol provides means to securely retrieve  the  cur‐
119               rent or updated leapsecond values from a server.
121       logconfig configkeyword
122               This  command controls the amount and type of output written to
123               the system syslog facility or the alternate logfile  log  file.
124               All  configkeyword  keywords  can  be prefixed with =, + and -,
125               where = sets the syslogmask, + adds  and  -  removes  messages.
126               syslog messages can be controlled in four classes (clock, peer,
127               sys and sync). Within these classes four types of messages  can
128               be  controlled:  informational  messages (info), event messages
129               (events), statistics messages (statistics) and status  messages
130               (status).   Configuration  keywords are formed by concatenating
131               the message class with the event class. The all prefix  can  be
132               used  instead  of  a message class. A message class may also be
133               followed by the all keyword to enable/disable all  messages  of
134               the  respective  message class. By default, logconfig output is
135               set to =syncall +sysevents +sysstatus.   Thus,  a  minimal  log
136               configuration  could  look  like  this:  logconfig  =syncstatus
137               +sysevents This would just list the synchronizations  state  of
138               ntpd  and  the  major  system  events.  For  a simple reference
139               server, the following minimum message  configuration  could  be
140               useful:  logconfig  =syncall  +clockall This configuration will
141               list all clock information and synchronization information. All
142               other  events and messages about peers, system events and so on
143               is suppressed.
145       logfile logfile
146               This command specifies the location of an alternate log file to
147               be  used instead of the default system syslog facility. This is
148               the same operation as the -l command line option.
150       phone dial1 dial2 ...
151               This command is used in conjunction with the ACTS modem  driver
152               (type  18).  The arguments consist of a maximum of 10 telephone
153               numbers used to dial USNO, NIST or European time services.  The
154               Hayes  command  ATDT is normally prepended to the number, which
155               can contain other modem control codes as well.
157       saveconfigdir directory_path
158               Specify the directory in which to write configuration snapshots
159               requested with ntpq's saveconfig command. If saveconfigdir does
160               not appear in the configuration file, saveconfig  requests  are
161               rejected by ntpd.
163       setvar variable [default]
164               This  command  adds  an additional system variable. These vari‐
165               ables can be used to distribute additional information such  as
166               the  access policy. If the variable of the form name = value is
167               followed by the default keyword, the variable will be listed as
168               part  of  the default system variables (ntpq rv command). These
169               additional variables serve informational  purposes  only.  They
170               are  not related to the protocol other that they can be listed.
171               The known protocol variables will always override any variables
172               defined via the setvar mechanism. There are three special vari‐
173               ables that contain the names of all variable of the same group.
174               The  sys_var_list  holds the names of all system variables. The
175               peer_var_list holds the names of all  peer  variables  and  the
176               clock_var_list  holds  the  names  of the reference clock vari‐
177               ables.
179       tinker [ allan allan | dispersion dispersion |  freq  freq  |  huffpuff
180       huffpuff  |  panic  panic  | step step | stepback step | stepfwd step |
181       stepout stepout ]
182               This command alters certain system variables used by the  clock
183               discipline  algorithm.  The  default  values of these variables
184               have been carefully optimized  for  a  wide  range  of  network
185               speeds  and  reliability expectations. Very rarely is it neces‐
186               sary to change the default values; but, some folks can't resist
187               twisting the knobs. The options are as follows:
190               allan allan
191                       Spedifies  the Allan intercept, which is a parameter of
192                       the PLL/FLL clock discipline algorithm, in seconds with
193                       default 1500 s.
195               dispersion dispersion
196                       Specifies  the  dispersion  increase rate in parts-per-
197                       million (PPM) with default 15 PPM.
199               freq freq
200                       Spedifies the  frequency  offset  in  parts-per-million
201                       (PPM) with default the value in the frequency file.
203               huffpuff huffpuff
204                       Spedifies  the  huff-n'-puff  filter span, which deter‐
205                       mines the  most  recent  interval  the  algorithm  will
206                       search  for  a  minimum delay. The lower limit is 900 s
207                       (15 m), but a more reasonable value is 7200 (2 hours).
209               panic panic
210                       Spedifies the panic threshold in seconds  with  default
211                       1000  s. If set to zero, the panic sanity check is dis‐
212                       abled and a clock offset of any value will be accepted.
214               step step
215                       Spedifies the step threshold in  seconds.  The  default
216                       without  this  command is 0.128 s. If set to zero, step
217                       adjustments will never occur.  Note:  The  kernel  time
218                       discipline  is disabled if the step threshold is set to
219                       zero or greater than 0.5 s and the threshold is applied
220                       also to leap second corrections.
222               stepback step
223                       Specifies  the step threshold, but only in the backward
224                       direction.
226               stepfwd step
227                       Specifies the step threshold, but only in  the  forward
228                       direction.  To avoid problems with frequency stabiliza‐
229                       tion after large slews it's not recommended to set  one
230                       direction to a value greater than 0.5 s without setting
231                       also the other direction to at least 0.5 s.
233               stepout stepout
234                       Specifies the stepout threshold in seconds. The default
235                       without  this command is 900 s. If set to zero, popcorn
236                       spikes will not be suppressed.
239       tos [ beacon beacon | ceiling ceiling | cohort {0 | 1} | floor floor  |
240       maxclock  maxclock  |  maxdist  maxdist  |  minclock minclock | mindist
241       mindist | minsane minsane | orphan stratum ]
242               This command alters certain system variables used  by  the  the
243               clock  selection  and clustering algorithms. The default values
244               of these variables have been carefully  optimized  for  a  wide
245               range  of  network  speeds  and  reliability expectations. Very
246               rarely is it necessary to change the default values; but,  some
247               folks can't resist twisting the knobs. It can be used to select
248               the quality and quantity of peers used to synchronize the  sys‐
249               tem  clock  and  is  most  useful  in  dynamic server discovery
250               schemes. The options are as follows:
253               beacon beacon
254                       The manycast server sends packets at intervals of 64  s
255                       if less than maxclock servers are available. Otherwise,
256                       it sends packets at the beacon interval in seconds. The
257                       default  is  3600 s. See the Automatic Server Discovery
258                       page for further details.
260               ceiling ceiling
261                       Specify the maximum stratum (exclusive) for  acceptable
262                       server  packets.  The  default is 16. See the Automatic
263                       Server Discovery page for further details.
265               cohort { 0 | 1 }
266                       Specify whether (1) or whether not (0) a server  packet
267                       will  be  accepted  for the same stratum as the client.
268                       The default is 0. See the  Automatic  Server  Discovery
269                       page for further details.
271               floor floor
272                       Specify  the minimum stratum (inclusive) for acceptable
273                       server packest. The default is  1.  See  the  Automatic
274                       Server Discovery page for further details.
276               maxclock maxclock
277                       Specify  the  maximum number of servers retained by the
278                       server discovery schemes. The default is  10.  See  the
279                       Automatic Server Discovery page for further details.
281               maxdist maxdistance
282                       Specify  the synchronization distance threshold used by
283                       the clock selection algorithm. The default  is  1.5  s.
284                       This  determines  both the minimum number of packets to
285                       set the system clock and the maximum  roundtrip  delay.
286                       It can be decreased to improve reliability or increased
287                       to synchronize clocks on the Moon or planets.
289               minclock minclock
290                       Specify the number of servers used  by  the  clustering
291                       algorithm  as  the  minimum to include on the candidate
292                       list. The default is 3. This  is  also  the  number  of
293                       servers to be averaged by the combining algorithm.
295               mindist mindistance
296                       Specify  the minimum distance used by the selection and
297                       anticlockhop algorithm. Larger values increase the tol‐
298                       erance for outliers; smaller values increase the selec‐
299                       tivity. The default is .001 s. In some cases,  such  as
300                       reference  clocks with high jitter and a PPS signal, it
301                       is useful to increase the value to insure the intersec‐
302                       tion interval is always nonempty.
304               minsane minsane
305                       Specify  the  number  of  servers used by the selection
306                       algorithm as the minimum to set the system  clock.  The
307                       default is 1 for legacy purposes; however, for critical
308                       applications the value should be  somewhat  higher  but
309                       less than minclock.
311               orphan stratum
312                       Specify  the  orphan  stratum  with default 16. If less
313                       than 16  this  is  the  stratum  assumed  by  the  root
314                       servers.  See  the Association Management page for fur‐
315                       ther details.
318       trap host_address [port port_number] [interface interfSace_address]
319               This command configures a  trap  receiver  at  the  given  host
320               address and port number for sending messages with the specified
321               local interface address. If the port number is  unspecified,  a
322               value  of 18447 is used. If the interface address is not speci‐
323               fied, the message is sent with a source address  of  the  local
324               interface  the  message  is sent through. Note that on a multi‐
325               homed host the interface used may vary from time to  time  with
326               routing  changes.   The  trap receiver will generally log event
327               messages and other information from the server in a  log  file.
328               While  such  monitor  programs  may also request their own trap
329               dynamically, configuring a trap receiver will  ensure  that  no
330               messages are lost when the server is started.
332       ttl hop ...
333               This  command  specifies  a  list  of  TTL values in increasing
334               order. up to 8 values can be specified. In manycast mode  these
335               values  are  used  in  turn  in  an  expanding-ring search. The
336               default is eight multiples of 32 starting at 31.
338       dscp dscp
339               This command specifies the Differentiated Services  Code  Point
340               (DSCP)  value  that  is  used  in sent NTP packets. The default
341               value is 48 for Class Selector 6 (CS6).


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354                                                                   ntp_misc(5)