1CREATE AGGREGATE(7)     PostgreSQL 9.2.24 Documentation    CREATE AGGREGATE(7)


6       CREATE_AGGREGATE - define a new aggregate function


9       CREATE AGGREGATE name ( input_data_type [ , ... ] ) (
10           SFUNC = sfunc,
11           STYPE = state_data_type
12           [ , FINALFUNC = ffunc ]
13           [ , INITCOND = initial_condition ]
14           [ , SORTOP = sort_operator ]
15       )
17       or the old syntax
19       CREATE AGGREGATE name (
20           BASETYPE = base_type,
21           SFUNC = sfunc,
22           STYPE = state_data_type
23           [ , FINALFUNC = ffunc ]
24           [ , INITCOND = initial_condition ]
25           [ , SORTOP = sort_operator ]
26       )


29       CREATE AGGREGATE defines a new aggregate function. Some basic and
30       commonly-used aggregate functions are included with the distribution;
31       they are documented in Section 9.20, “Aggregate Functions”, in the
32       documentation. If one defines new types or needs an aggregate function
33       not already provided, then CREATE AGGREGATE can be used to provide the
34       desired features.
36       If a schema name is given (for example, CREATE AGGREGATE myschema.myagg
37       ...) then the aggregate function is created in the specified schema.
38       Otherwise it is created in the current schema.
40       An aggregate function is identified by its name and input data type(s).
41       Two aggregates in the same schema can have the same name if they
42       operate on different input types. The name and input data type(s) of an
43       aggregate must also be distinct from the name and input data type(s) of
44       every ordinary function in the same schema.
46       An aggregate function is made from one or two ordinary functions: a
47       state transition function sfunc, and an optional final calculation
48       function ffunc. These are used as follows:
50           sfunc( internal-state, next-data-values ) ---> next-internal-state
51           ffunc( internal-state ) ---> aggregate-value
53       PostgreSQL creates a temporary variable of data type stype to hold the
54       current internal state of the aggregate. At each input row, the
55       aggregate argument value(s) are calculated and the state transition
56       function is invoked with the current state value and the new argument
57       value(s) to calculate a new internal state value. After all the rows
58       have been processed, the final function is invoked once to calculate
59       the aggregate's return value. If there is no final function then the
60       ending state value is returned as-is.
62       An aggregate function can provide an initial condition, that is, an
63       initial value for the internal state value. This is specified and
64       stored in the database as a value of type text, but it must be a valid
65       external representation of a constant of the state value data type. If
66       it is not supplied then the state value starts out null.
68       If the state transition function is declared “strict”, then it cannot
69       be called with null inputs. With such a transition function, aggregate
70       execution behaves as follows. Rows with any null input values are
71       ignored (the function is not called and the previous state value is
72       retained). If the initial state value is null, then at the first row
73       with all-nonnull input values, the first argument value replaces the
74       state value, and the transition function is invoked at subsequent rows
75       with all-nonnull input values. This is handy for implementing
76       aggregates like max. Note that this behavior is only available when
77       state_data_type is the same as the first input_data_type. When these
78       types are different, you must supply a nonnull initial condition or use
79       a nonstrict transition function.
81       If the state transition function is not strict, then it will be called
82       unconditionally at each input row, and must deal with null inputs and
83       null transition values for itself. This allows the aggregate author to
84       have full control over the aggregate's handling of null values.
86       If the final function is declared “strict”, then it will not be called
87       when the ending state value is null; instead a null result will be
88       returned automatically. (Of course this is just the normal behavior of
89       strict functions.) In any case the final function has the option of
90       returning a null value. For example, the final function for avg returns
91       null when it sees there were zero input rows.
93       Aggregates that behave like MIN or MAX can sometimes be optimized by
94       looking into an index instead of scanning every input row. If this
95       aggregate can be so optimized, indicate it by specifying a sort
96       operator. The basic requirement is that the aggregate must yield the
97       first element in the sort ordering induced by the operator; in other
98       words:
100           SELECT agg(col) FROM tab;
102       must be equivalent to:
104           SELECT col FROM tab ORDER BY col USING sortop LIMIT 1;
106       Further assumptions are that the aggregate ignores null inputs, and
107       that it delivers a null result if and only if there were no non-null
108       inputs. Ordinarily, a data type's < operator is the proper sort
109       operator for MIN, and > is the proper sort operator for MAX. Note that
110       the optimization will never actually take effect unless the specified
111       operator is the “less than” or “greater than” strategy member of a
112       B-tree index operator class.
114       To be able to create an aggregate function, you must have USAGE
115       privilege on the argument types, the state type, and the return type,
116       as well as EXECUTE privilege on the transition and final functions.


119       name
120           The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the aggregate function to
121           create.
123       input_data_type
124           An input data type on which this aggregate function operates. To
125           create a zero-argument aggregate function, write * in place of the
126           list of input data types. (An example of such an aggregate is
127           count(*).)
129       base_type
130           In the old syntax for CREATE AGGREGATE, the input data type is
131           specified by a basetype parameter rather than being written next to
132           the aggregate name. Note that this syntax allows only one input
133           parameter. To define a zero-argument aggregate function, specify
134           the basetype as "ANY" (not *).
136       sfunc
137           The name of the state transition function to be called for each
138           input row. For an N-argument aggregate function, the sfunc must
139           take N+1 arguments, the first being of type state_data_type and the
140           rest matching the declared input data type(s) of the aggregate. The
141           function must return a value of type state_data_type. This function
142           takes the current state value and the current input data value(s),
143           and returns the next state value.
145       state_data_type
146           The data type for the aggregate's state value.
148       ffunc
149           The name of the final function called to compute the aggregate's
150           result after all input rows have been traversed. The function must
151           take a single argument of type state_data_type. The return data
152           type of the aggregate is defined as the return type of this
153           function. If ffunc is not specified, then the ending state value is
154           used as the aggregate's result, and the return type is
155           state_data_type.
157       initial_condition
158           The initial setting for the state value. This must be a string
159           constant in the form accepted for the data type state_data_type. If
160           not specified, the state value starts out null.
162       sort_operator
163           The associated sort operator for a MIN- or MAX-like aggregate. This
164           is just an operator name (possibly schema-qualified). The operator
165           is assumed to have the same input data types as the aggregate
166           (which must be a single-argument aggregate).
168       The parameters of CREATE AGGREGATE can be written in any order, not
169       just the order illustrated above.


172       See Section 35.10, “User-defined Aggregates”, in the documentation.


175       CREATE AGGREGATE is a PostgreSQL language extension. The SQL standard
176       does not provide for user-defined aggregate functions.


180       (DROP_AGGREGATE(7))
184PostgreSQL 9.2.24                 2017-11-06               CREATE AGGREGATE(7)