1B(3pm)                 Perl Programmers Reference Guide                 B(3pm)


6       B - The Perl Compiler Backend


9               use B;


12       The "B" module supplies classes which allow a Perl program to delve
13       into its own innards.  It is the module used to implement the
14       "backends" of the Perl compiler.  Usage of the compiler does not
15       require knowledge of this module: see the O module for the user-visible
16       part.  The "B" module is of use to those who want to write new compiler
17       backends.  This documentation assumes that the reader knows a fair
18       amount about perl's internals including such things as SVs, OPs and the
19       internal symbol table and syntax tree of a program.


22       The "B" module contains a set of utility functions for querying the
23       current state of the Perl interpreter; typically these functions return
24       objects from the B::SV and B::OP classes, or their derived classes.
25       These classes in turn define methods for querying the resulting objects
26       about their own internal state.

Utility Functions

29       The "B" module exports a variety of functions: some are simple utility
30       functions, others provide a Perl program with a way to get an initial
31       "handle" on an internal object.
33   Functions Returning "B::SV", "B::AV", "B::HV", and "B::CV" objects
34       For descriptions of the class hierarchy of these objects and the
35       methods that can be called on them, see below, "OVERVIEW OF CLASSES"
36       and "SV-RELATED CLASSES".
38       sv_undef
39           Returns the SV object corresponding to the C variable "sv_undef".
41       sv_yes
42           Returns the SV object corresponding to the C variable "sv_yes".
44       sv_no
45           Returns the SV object corresponding to the C variable "sv_no".
47       svref_2object(SVREF)
48           Takes a reference to any Perl value, and turns the referred-to
49           value into an object in the appropriate B::OP-derived or
50           B::SV-derived class.  Apart from functions such as "main_root",
51           this is the primary way to get an initial "handle" on an internal
52           perl data structure which can then be followed with the other
53           access methods.
55           The returned object will only be valid as long as the underlying
56           OPs and SVs continue to exist.  Do not attempt to use the object
57           after the underlying structures are freed.
59       amagic_generation
60           Returns the SV object corresponding to the C variable
61           "amagic_generation".  As of Perl 5.18, this is just an alias to
62           "PL_na", so its value is meaningless.
64       init_av
65           Returns the AV object (i.e. in class B::AV) representing INIT
66           blocks.
68       check_av
69           Returns the AV object (i.e. in class B::AV) representing CHECK
70           blocks.
72       unitcheck_av
73           Returns the AV object (i.e. in class B::AV) representing UNITCHECK
74           blocks.
76       begin_av
77           Returns the AV object (i.e. in class B::AV) representing BEGIN
78           blocks.
80       end_av
81           Returns the AV object (i.e. in class B::AV) representing END
82           blocks.
84       comppadlist
85           Returns the PADLIST object (i.e. in class B::PADLIST) of the global
86           comppadlist.  In Perl 5.16 and earlier it returns an AV object
87           (class B::AV).
89       regex_padav
90           Only when perl was compiled with ithreads.
92       main_cv
93           Return the (faked) CV corresponding to the main part of the Perl
94           program.
96   Functions for Examining the Symbol Table
97       walksymtable(SYMREF, METHOD, RECURSE, PREFIX)
98           Walk the symbol table starting at SYMREF and call METHOD on each
99           symbol (a B::GV object) visited.  When the walk reaches package
100           symbols (such as "Foo::") it invokes RECURSE, passing in the symbol
101           name, and only recurses into the package if that sub returns true.
103           PREFIX is the name of the SYMREF you're walking.
105           For example:
107             # Walk CGI's symbol table calling print_subs on each symbol.
108             # Recurse only into CGI::Util::
109             walksymtable(\%CGI::, 'print_subs',
110                          sub { $_[0] eq 'CGI::Util::' }, 'CGI::');
112           print_subs() is a B::GV method you have declared.  Also see "B::GV
113           Methods", below.
115   Functions Returning "B::OP" objects or for walking op trees
116       For descriptions of the class hierarchy of these objects and the
117       methods that can be called on them, see below, "OVERVIEW OF CLASSES"
118       and "OP-RELATED CLASSES".
120       main_root
121           Returns the root op (i.e. an object in the appropriate
122           B::OP-derived class) of the main part of the Perl program.
124       main_start
125           Returns the starting op of the main part of the Perl program.
127       walkoptree(OP, METHOD)
128           Does a tree-walk of the syntax tree based at OP and calls METHOD on
129           each op it visits.  Each node is visited before its children.  If
130           "walkoptree_debug" (see below) has been called to turn debugging on
131           then the method "walkoptree_debug" is called on each op before
132           METHOD is called.
134       walkoptree_debug(DEBUG)
135           Returns the current debugging flag for "walkoptree".  If the
136           optional DEBUG argument is non-zero, it sets the debugging flag to
137           that.  See the description of "walkoptree" above for what the
138           debugging flag does.
140   Miscellaneous Utility Functions
141       ppname(OPNUM)
142           Return the PP function name (e.g. "pp_add") of op number OPNUM.
144       hash(STR)
145           Returns a string in the form "0x..." representing the value of the
146           internal hash function used by perl on string STR.
148       cast_I32(I)
149           Casts I to the internal I32 type used by that perl.
151       minus_c
152           Does the equivalent of the "-c" command-line option.  Obviously,
153           this is only useful in a BEGIN block or else the flag is set too
154           late.
156       cstring(STR)
157           Returns a double-quote-surrounded escaped version of STR which can
158           be used as a string in C source code.
160       perlstring(STR)
161           Returns a double-quote-surrounded escaped version of STR which can
162           be used as a string in Perl source code.
164       safename(STR)
165           This function returns the string with the first character modified
166           if it is a control character.  It converts it to ^X format first,
167           so that "\cG" becomes "^G".  This is used internally by
168           B::GV::SAFENAME, but you can call it directly.
170       class(OBJ)
171           Returns the class of an object without the part of the classname
172           preceding the first "::".  This is used to turn "B::UNOP" into
173           "UNOP" for example.
175       threadsv_names
176           This used to provide support for the old 5.005 threading module. It
177           now does nothing.
179   Exported utility variables
180       @optype
181             my $op_type = $optype[$op_type_num];
183           A simple mapping of the op type number to its type (like 'COP' or
184           'BINOP').
186       @specialsv_name
187             my $sv_name = $specialsv_name[$sv_index];
189           Certain SV types are considered 'special'.  They're represented by
190           B::SPECIAL and are referred to by a number from the specialsv_list.
191           This array maps that number back to the name of the SV (like
192           'Nullsv' or '&PL_sv_undef').


195       The C structures used by Perl's internals to hold SV and OP information
196       (PVIV, AV, HV, ..., OP, SVOP, UNOP, ...) are modelled on a class
197       hierarchy and the "B" module gives access to them via a true object
198       hierarchy.  Structure fields which point to other objects (whether
199       types of SV or types of OP) are represented by the "B" module as Perl
200       objects of the appropriate class.
202       The bulk of the "B" module is the methods for accessing fields of these
203       structures.
205       Note that all access is read-only.  You cannot modify the internals by
206       using this module.  Also, note that the B::OP and B::SV objects created
207       by this module are only valid for as long as the underlying objects
208       exist; their creation doesn't increase the reference counts of the
209       underlying objects.  Trying to access the fields of a freed object will
210       give incomprehensible results, or worse.
213       B::IV, B::NV, B::RV, B::PV, B::PVIV, B::PVNV, B::PVMG, B::BM (5.9.5 and
214       earlier), B::PVLV, B::AV, B::HV, B::CV, B::GV, B::FM, B::IO.  These
215       classes correspond in the obvious way to the underlying C structures of
216       similar names.  The inheritance hierarchy mimics the underlying C
217       "inheritance".  For the 5.10.x branch, (ie 5.10.0, 5.10.1 etc) this is:
219                                  B::SV
220                                    |
221                       +------------+------------+------------+
222                       |            |            |            |
223                     B::PV        B::IV        B::NV        B::RV
224                         \         /           /
225                          \       /           /
226                           B::PVIV           /
227                                \           /
228                                 \         /
229                                  \       /
230                                   B::PVNV
231                                      |
232                                      |
233                                   B::PVMG
234                                      |
235                          +-----+-----+-----+-----+
236                          |     |     |     |     |
237                        B::AV B::GV B::HV B::CV B::IO
238                                |           |
239                                |           |
240                             B::PVLV      B::FM
242       For 5.9.0 and earlier, PVLV is a direct subclass of PVMG, and BM is
243       still present as a distinct type, so the base of this diagram is
245                                      |
246                                      |
247                                   B::PVMG
248                                      |
249                   +------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
250                   |      |     |     |     |     |     |
251                B::PVLV B::BM B::AV B::GV B::HV B::CV B::IO
252                                                  |
253                                                  |
254                                                B::FM
256       For 5.11.0 and later, B::RV is abolished, and IVs can be used to store
257       references, and a new type B::REGEXP is introduced, giving this
258       structure:
260                                  B::SV
261                                    |
262                       +------------+------------+
263                       |            |            |
264                     B::PV        B::IV        B::NV
265                         \         /           /
266                          \       /           /
267                           B::PVIV           /
268                                \           /
269                                 \         /
270                                  \       /
271                                   B::PVNV
272                                      |
273                                      |
274                                   B::PVMG
275                                      |
276                  +-------+-------+---+---+-------+-------+
277                  |       |       |       |       |       |
278                B::AV   B::GV   B::HV   B::CV   B::IO B::REGEXP
279                          |               |
280                          |               |
281                       B::PVLV          B::FM
283       Access methods correspond to the underlying C macros for field access,
284       usually with the leading "class indication" prefix removed (Sv, Av, Hv,
285       ...).  The leading prefix is only left in cases where its removal would
286       cause a clash in method name.  For example, "GvREFCNT" stays as-is
287       since its abbreviation would clash with the "superclass" method
288       "REFCNT" (corresponding to the C function "SvREFCNT").
290   B::SV Methods
291       REFCNT
292       FLAGS
293       object_2svref
294           Returns a reference to the regular scalar corresponding to this
295           B::SV object.  In other words, this method is the inverse operation
296           to the svref_2object() subroutine.  This scalar and other data it
297           points at should be considered read-only: modifying them is neither
298           safe nor guaranteed to have a sensible effect.
300   B::IV Methods
301       IV  Returns the value of the IV, interpreted as a signed integer.  This
302           will be misleading if "FLAGS & SVf_IVisUV".  Perhaps you want the
303           "int_value" method instead?
305       IVX
306       UVX
307       int_value
308           This method returns the value of the IV as an integer.  It differs
309           from "IV" in that it returns the correct value regardless of
310           whether it's stored signed or unsigned.
312       needs64bits
313       packiv
315   B::NV Methods
316       NV
317       NVX
320           These last two are only valid for pad name SVs.  They only existed
321           in the B::NV class before Perl 5.22.  In 5.22 they were moved to
322           the B::PADNAME class.
324   B::RV Methods
325       RV
327   B::PV Methods
328       PV  This method is the one you usually want.  It constructs a string
329           using the length and offset information in the struct: for ordinary
330           scalars it will return the string that you'd see from Perl, even if
331           it contains null characters.
333       RV  Same as B::RV::RV, except that it will die() if the PV isn't a
334           reference.
336       PVX This method is less often useful.  It assumes that the string
337           stored in the struct is null-terminated, and disregards the length
338           information.
340           It is the appropriate method to use if you need to get the name of
341           a lexical variable from a padname array.  Lexical variable names
342           are always stored with a null terminator, and the length field
343           (CUR) is overloaded for other purposes and can't be relied on here.
345       CUR This method returns the internal length field, which consists of
346           the number of internal bytes, not necessarily the number of logical
347           characters.
349       LEN This method returns the number of bytes allocated (via malloc) for
350           storing the string.  This is 0 if the scalar does not "own" the
351           string.
353   B::PVMG Methods
354       MAGIC
355       SvSTASH
357   B::MAGIC Methods
358       MOREMAGIC
359       precomp
360           Only valid on r-magic, returns the string that generated the
361           regexp.
363       PRIVATE
364       TYPE
365       FLAGS
366       OBJ Will die() if called on r-magic.
368       PTR
369       REGEX
370           Only valid on r-magic, returns the integer value of the REGEX
371           stored in the MAGIC.
373   B::PVLV Methods
374       TARGOFF
375       TARGLEN
376       TYPE
377       TARG
379   B::BM Methods
380       USEFUL
381       PREVIOUS
382       RARE
383       TABLE
385   B::REGEXP Methods
386       REGEX
387       precomp
388       qr_anoncv
389       compflags
390           The last two were added in Perl 5.22.
392   B::GV Methods
393       is_empty
394           This method returns TRUE if the GP field of the GV is NULL.
396       NAME
397       SAFENAME
398           This method returns the name of the glob, but if the first
399           character of the name is a control character, then it converts it
400           to ^X first, so that *^G would return "^G" rather than "\cG".
402           It's useful if you want to print out the name of a variable.  If
403           you restrict yourself to globs which exist at compile-time then the
404           result ought to be unambiguous, because code like "${"^G"} = 1" is
405           compiled as two ops - a constant string and a dereference (rv2gv) -
406           so that the glob is created at runtime.
408           If you're working with globs at runtime, and need to disambiguate
409           *^G from *{"^G"}, then you should use the raw NAME method.
411       STASH
412       SV
413       IO
414       FORM
415       AV
416       HV
417       EGV
418       CV
419       CVGEN
420       LINE
421       FILE
422       FILEGV
423       GvREFCNT
424       FLAGS
425       GPFLAGS
426           This last one is present only in perl 5.22.0 and higher.
428   B::IO Methods
429       B::IO objects derive from IO objects and you will get more information
430       from the IO object itself.
432       For example:
434         $gvio = B::svref_2object(\*main::stdin)->IO;
435         $IO = $gvio->object_2svref();
436         $fd = $IO->fileno();
438       LINES
439       PAGE
440       PAGE_LEN
441       LINES_LEFT
442       TOP_NAME
443       TOP_GV
444       FMT_NAME
445       FMT_GV
446       BOTTOM_NAME
447       BOTTOM_GV
448       SUBPROCESS
449       IoTYPE
450           A character symbolizing the type of IO Handle.
452             -     STDIN/OUT
453             I     STDIN/OUT/ERR
454             <     read-only
455             >     write-only
456             a     append
457             +     read and write
458             s     socket
459             |     pipe
460             I     IMPLICIT
461             #     NUMERIC
462             space closed handle
463             \0    closed internal handle
465       IoFLAGS
466       IsSTD
467           Takes one argument ( 'stdin' | 'stdout' | 'stderr' ) and returns
468           true if the IoIFP of the object is equal to the handle whose name
469           was passed as argument; i.e., $io->IsSTD('stderr') is true if
470           IoIFP($io) == PerlIO_stderr().
472   B::AV Methods
473       FILL
474       MAX
475       ARRAY
476       ARRAYelt
477           Like "ARRAY", but takes an index as an argument to get only one
478           element, rather than a list of all of them.
480       OFF This method is deprecated if running under Perl 5.8, and is no
481           longer present if running under Perl 5.9
483       AvFLAGS
484           This method returns the AV specific flags.  In Perl 5.9 these are
485           now stored in with the main SV flags, so this method is no longer
486           present.
488   B::CV Methods
489       STASH
490       START
491       ROOT
492       GV
493       FILE
494       DEPTH
495       PADLIST
496           Returns a B::PADLIST object under Perl 5.18 or higher, or a B::AV
497           in earlier versions.
499       OUTSIDE
500       OUTSIDE_SEQ
501       XSUB
502       XSUBANY
503           For constant subroutines, returns the constant SV returned by the
504           subroutine.
506       CvFLAGS
507       const_sv
508       NAME_HEK
509           Returns the name of a lexical sub, otherwise "undef".
511   B::HV Methods
512       FILL
513       MAX
514       KEYS
515       RITER
516       NAME
517       ARRAY
518       PMROOT
519           This method is not present if running under Perl 5.9, as the PMROOT
520           information is no longer stored directly in the hash.
523       "B::OP", "B::UNOP", "B::UNOP_AUX", "B::BINOP", "B::LOGOP", "B::LISTOP",
524       "B::PMOP", "B::SVOP", "B::PADOP", "B::PVOP", "B::LOOP", "B::COP",
525       "B::METHOP".
527       These classes correspond in the obvious way to the underlying C
528       structures of similar names.  The inheritance hierarchy mimics the
529       underlying C "inheritance":
531                                        B::OP
532                                          |
533                          +----------+---------+--------+-------+---------+
534                          |          |         |        |       |         |
535                       B::UNOP    B::SVOP  B::PADOP  B::COP  B::PVOP  B::METHOP
536                          |
537                      +---+---+---------+
538                      |       |         |
539                  B::BINOP  B::LOGOP  B::UNOP_AUX
540                      |
541                      |
542                  B::LISTOP
543                      |
544                  +---+---+
545                  |       |
546               B::LOOP   B::PMOP
548       Access methods correspond to the underlying C structure field names,
549       with the leading "class indication" prefix ("op_") removed.
551   B::OP Methods
552       These methods get the values of similarly named fields within the OP
553       data structure.  See top of "op.h" for more info.
555       next
556       sibling
557       parent
558           Returns the OP's parent. If it has no parent, or if your perl
559           wasn't built with "-DPERL_OP_PARENT", returns NULL.
561           Note that the global variable $B::OP::does_parent is undefined on
562           older perls that don't support the "parent" method, is defined but
563           false on perls that support the method but were built without
564           "-DPERL_OP_PARENT", and is true otherwise.
566       name
567           This returns the op name as a string (e.g. "add", "rv2av").
569       ppaddr
570           This returns the function name as a string (e.g.
571           "PL_ppaddr[OP_ADD]", "PL_ppaddr[OP_RV2AV]").
573       desc
574           This returns the op description from the global C PL_op_desc array
575           (e.g. "addition" "array deref").
577       targ
578       type
579       opt
580       flags
581       private
582       spare
584   B::UNOP Method
585       first
587   B::UNOP_AUX Methods (since 5.22)
588       aux_list(cv)
589           This returns a list of the elements of the op's aux data structure,
590           or a null list if there is no aux. What will be returned depends on
591           the object's type, but will typically be a collection of "B::IV",
592           "B::GV", etc. objects. "cv" is the "B::CV" object representing the
593           sub that the op is contained within.
595       string(cv)
596           This returns a textual representation of the object (likely to b
597           useful for deparsing and debugging), or an empty string if the op
598           type doesn't support this. "cv" is the "B::CV" object representing
599           the sub that the op is contained within.
601   B::BINOP Method
602       last
604   B::LOGOP Method
605       other
607   B::LISTOP Method
608       children
610   B::PMOP Methods
611       pmreplroot
612       pmreplstart
613       pmnext
614           Only up to Perl 5.9.4
616       pmflags
617       extflags
618           Since Perl 5.9.5
620       precomp
621       pmoffset
622           Only when perl was compiled with ithreads.
624       code_list
625           Since perl 5.17.1
627       pmregexp
628           Added in perl 5.22, this method returns the B::REGEXP associated
629           with the op.  While PMOPs do not actually have "pmregexp" fields
630           under threaded builds, this method returns the regexp under threads
631           nonetheless, for convenience.
633   B::SVOP Methods
634       sv
635       gv
637   B::PADOP Method
638       padix
640   B::PVOP Method
641       pv
643   B::LOOP Methods
644       redoop
645       nextop
646       lastop
648   B::COP Methods
649       The "B::COP" class is used for "nextstate" and "dbstate" ops.  As of
650       Perl 5.22, it is also used for "null" ops that started out as COPs.
652       label
653       stash
654       stashpv
655       stashoff (threaded only)
656       file
657       cop_seq
658       arybase
659       line
660       warnings
661       io
662       hints
663       hints_hash
665   B::METHOP Methods (Since Perl 5.22)
666       first
667       meth_sv
670       Perl 5.18 introduced a new class, B::PADLIST, returned by B::CV's
671       "PADLIST" method.
673       Perl 5.22 introduced the B::PADNAMELIST and B::PADNAME classes.
675   B::PADLIST Methods
676       MAX
677       ARRAY
678           A list of pads.  The first one contains the names.
680           The first one is a B::PADNAMELIST under Perl 5.22, and a B::AV
681           under earlier versions.  The rest are currently B::AV objects, but
682           that could change in future versions.
684       ARRAYelt
685           Like "ARRAY", but takes an index as an argument to get only one
686           element, rather than a list of all of them.
688       NAMES
689           This method, introduced in 5.22, returns the B::PADNAMELIST.  It is
690           equivalent to "ARRAYelt" with a 0 argument.
692       REFCNT
693       id  This method, introduced in 5.22, returns an ID shared by clones of
694           the same padlist.
696       outid
697           This method, also added in 5.22, returns the ID of the outer
698           padlist.
700   B::PADNAMELIST Methods
701       MAX
702       ARRAY
703       ARRAYelt
704           These two methods return the pad names, using B::SPECIAL objects
705           for null pointers and B::PADNAME objects otherwise.
707       REFCNT
709   B::PADNAME Methods
710       PV
711       PVX
712       LEN
713       REFCNT
714       FLAGS
715           For backward-compatibility, if the PADNAMEt_OUTER flag is set, the
716           FLAGS method adds the SVf_FAKE flag, too.
718       TYPE
719           A B::HV object representing the stash for a typed lexical.
721       SvSTASH
722           A backward-compatibility alias for TYPE.
724       OURSTASH
725           A B::HV object representing the stash for 'our' variables.
727       PROTOCV
728           The prototype CV for a 'my' sub.
732           Sequence numbers representing the scope within which a lexical is
733           visible.  Meaningless if PADNAMEt_OUTER is set.
736           Only meaningful if PADNAMEt_OUTER is set.
739           Only meaningful if PADNAMEt_OUTER is set.
741   $B::overlay
742       Although the optree is read-only, there is an overlay facility that
743       allows you to override what values the various B::*OP methods return
744       for a particular op. $B::overlay should be set to reference a two-deep
745       hash: indexed by OP address, then method name. Whenever a an op method
746       is called, the value in the hash is returned if it exists. This
747       facility is used by B::Deparse to "undo" some optimisations. For
748       example:
750           local $B::overlay = {};
751           ...
752           if ($op->name eq "foo") {
753               $B::overlay->{$$op} = {
754                       name => 'bar',
755                       next => $op->next->next,
756               };
757           }
758           ...
759           $op->name # returns "bar"
760           $op->next # returns the next op but one


763       Malcolm Beattie, "mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk"
767perl v5.26.3                      2018-03-23                            B(3pm)