1PVS(8)                      System Manager's Manual                     PVS(8)


6       pvs - Display information about physical volumes


9       pvs
10           [ option_args ]
11           [ position_args ]


14       pvs produces formatted output about PVs.


17       pvs
18           [ -a|--all ]
19           [ -o|--options String ]
20           [ -S|--select String ]
21           [ -O|--sort String ]
22           [    --segments ]
23           [    --aligned ]
24           [    --binary ]
25           [    --configreport log|vg|lv|pv|pvseg|seg ]
26           [    --foreign ]
27           [    --ignorelockingfailure ]
28           [    --logonly ]
29           [    --nameprefixes ]
30           [    --noheadings ]
31           [    --nosuffix ]
32           [    --readonly ]
33           [    --reportformat basic|json ]
34           [    --rows ]
35           [    --separator String ]
36           [    --shared ]
37           [    --trustcache ]
38           [    --unbuffered ]
39           [    --units r|R|h|H|b|B|s|S|k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T|p|P|e|E ]
40           [    --unquoted ]
41           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]
42           [ PV|Tag ... ]
44       Common options for lvm:
45           [ -d|--debug ]
46           [ -h|--help ]
47           [ -q|--quiet ]
48           [ -t|--test ]
49           [ -v|--verbose ]
50           [ -y|--yes ]
51           [    --commandprofile String ]
52           [    --config String ]
53           [    --driverloaded y|n ]
54           [    --lockopt String ]
55           [    --longhelp ]
56           [    --nolocking ]
57           [    --profile String ]
58           [    --version ]


61       --aligned
62              Use with --separator to align the output columns
64       -a|--all
65              Show information about devices that have not been initialized by
66              LVM, i.e. they are not PVs.
68       --binary
69              Use binary values "0" or "1" instead of descriptive literal val‐
70              ues for columns that have exactly two valid values to report
71              (not counting the "unknown" value which denotes that the value
72              could not be determined).
74       --commandprofile String
75              The command profile to use for command configuration.  See
76              lvm.conf(5) for more information about profiles.
78       --config String
79              Config settings for the command. These override lvm.conf set‐
80              tings.  The String arg uses the same format as lvm.conf, or may
81              use section/field syntax.  See lvm.conf(5) for more information
82              about config.
84       --configreport log|vg|lv|pv|pvseg|seg
85              See lvmreport(7).
87       -d|--debug ...
88              Set debug level. Repeat from 1 to 6 times to increase the detail
89              of messages sent to the log file and/or syslog (if configured).
91       --driverloaded y|n
92              If set to no, the command will not attempt to use device-mapper.
93              For testing and debugging.
95       --foreign
96              Report/display foreign VGs that would otherwise be skipped.  See
97              lvmsystemid(7) for more information about foreign VGs.
99       -h|--help
100              Display help text.
102       --ignorelockingfailure
103              Allows a command to continue with read-only metadata operations
104              after locking failures.
106       --lockopt String
107              Used to pass options for special cases to lvmlockd.  See lvm‐
108              lockd(8) for more information.
110       --logonly
111              Suppress command report and display only log report.
113       --longhelp
114              Display long help text.
116       --nameprefixes
117              Add an "LVM2_" prefix plus the field name to the output. Useful
118              with --noheadings to produce a list of field=value pairs that
119              can be used to set environment variables (for example, in udev
120              rules).
122       --noheadings
123              Suppress the headings line that is normally the first line of
124              output.  Useful if grepping the output.
126       --nolocking
127              Disable locking.
129       --nosuffix
130              Suppress the suffix on output sizes. Use with --units (except h
131              and H) if processing the output.
133       -o|--options String
134              Comma-separated, ordered list of fields to display in columns.
135              String arg syntax is: [+|-|#]Field1[,Field2 ...]  The prefix +
136              will append the specified fields to the default fields, - will
137              remove the specified fields from the default fields, and # will
138              compact specified fields (removing them when empty for all
139              rows.)  Use -o help to view the list of all available fields.
140              Use separate lists of fields to add, remove or compact by
141              repeating the -o option: -o+field1,field2 -o-field3,field4
142              -o#field5.  These lists are evaluated from left to right.  Use
143              field name lv_all to view all LV fields, vg_all all VG fields,
144              pv_all all PV fields, pvseg_all all PV segment fields, seg_all
145              all LV segment fields, and pvseg_all all PV segment columns.
146              See the lvm.conf report section for more config options.  See
147              lvmreport(7) for more information about reporting.
149       --profile String
150              An alias for --commandprofile or --metadataprofile, depending on
151              the command.
153       -q|--quiet ...
154              Suppress output and log messages. Overrides --debug and --ver‐
155              bose.  Repeat once to also suppress any prompts with answer
156              'no'.
158       --readonly
159              Run the command in a special read-only mode which will read on-
160              disk metadata without needing to take any locks. This can be
161              used to peek inside metadata used by a virtual machine image
162              while the virtual machine is running. No attempt will be made to
163              communicate with the device-mapper kernel driver, so this option
164              is unable to report whether or not LVs are actually in use.
166       --reportformat basic|json
167              Overrides current output format for reports which is defined
168              globally by the report/output_format setting in lvm.conf.  basic
169              is the original format with columns and rows.  If there is more
170              than one report per command, each report is prefixed with the
171              report name for identification. json produces report output in
172              JSON format. See lvmreport(7) for more information.
174       --rows
175              Output columns as rows.
177       --segments
178              Produces one line of output for each contiguous allocation of
179              space on each PV, showing the start (pvseg_start) and length
180              (pvseg_size) in units of physical extents.
182       -S|--select String
183              Select objects for processing and reporting based on specified
184              criteria.  The criteria syntax is described by --select help and
185              lvmreport(7).  For reporting commands, one row is displayed for
186              each object matching the criteria.  See --options help for
187              selectable object fields.  Rows can be displayed with an addi‐
188              tional "selected" field (-o selected) showing 1 if the row
189              matches the selection and 0 otherwise.  For non-reporting com‐
190              mands which process LVM entities, the selection is used to
191              choose items to process.
193       --separator String
194              String to use to separate each column. Useful if grepping the
195              output.
197       --shared
198              Report/display shared VGs that would otherwise be skipped when
199              lvmlockd is not being used on the host.  See lvmlockd(8) for
200              more information about shared VGs.
202       -O|--sort String
203              Comma-separated ordered list of columns to sort by. Replaces the
204              default selection. Precede any column with - for a reverse sort
205              on that column.
207       -t|--test
208              Run in test mode. Commands will not update metadata.  This is
209              implemented by disabling all metadata writing but nevertheless
210              returning success to the calling function. This may lead to
211              unusual error messages in multi-stage operations if a tool
212              relies on reading back metadata it believes has changed but
213              hasn't.
215       --trustcache
216              Avoids certain device scanning during command processing. Do not
217              use.
219       --unbuffered
220              Produce output immediately without sorting or aligning the col‐
221              umns properly.
223       --units r|R|h|H|b|B|s|S|k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T|p|P|e|E
224              All sizes are output in these units: human-(r)eadable with '<'
225              rounding indicator, (h)uman-readable, (b)ytes, (s)ectors,
226              (k)ilobytes, (m)egabytes, (g)igabytes, (t)erabytes, (p)etabytes,
227              (e)xabytes.  Capitalise to use multiples of 1000 (S.I.) instead
228              of 1024.  Custom units can be specified, e.g. --units 3M.
230       --unquoted
231              When used with --nameprefixes, output values in the field=value
232              pairs are not quoted.
234       -v|--verbose ...
235              Set verbose level. Repeat from 1 to 4 times to increase the
236              detail of messages sent to stdout and stderr.
238       --version
239              Display version information.
241       -y|--yes
242              Do not prompt for confirmation interactively but always assume
243              the answer yes. Use with extreme caution.  (For automatic no,
244              see -qq.)


247       PV
248              Physical  Volume  name,  a device path under /dev.  For commands
249              managing physical extents, a PV positional arg generally accepts
250              a  suffix  indicating  a  range (or multiple ranges) of physical
251              extents (PEs). When the first PE is omitted, it defaults to  the
252              start of the device, and when the last PE is omitted it defaults
253              to end.  Start and end range (inclusive):  PV[:PE-PE]...   Start
254              and length range (counting from 0): PV[:PE+PE]...
256       Tag
257              Tag  name.  See lvm(8) for information about tag names and using
258              tags in place of a VG, LV or PV.
260       String
261              See the option description for information about the string con‐
262              tent.
264       Size[UNIT]
265              Size  is  an  input number that accepts an optional unit.  Input
266              units are always treated as base two values, regardless of capi‐
267              talization,  e.g.  'k'  and 'K' both refer to 1024.  The default
268              input unit is specified by letter, followed by |UNIT.  UNIT rep‐
269              resents  other  possible  input units: bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE.  b|B is
270              bytes, s|S is sectors of 512 bytes, k|K  is  kilobytes,  m|M  is
271              megabytes, g|G is gigabytes, t|T is terabytes, p|P is petabytes,
272              e|E is exabytes.  (This should not be confused with  the  output
273              control --units, where capital letters mean multiple of 1000.)


276       See  lvm(8)  for  information  about environment variables used by lvm.
277       For example, LVM_VG_NAME can generally be substituted for a required VG
278       parameter.


281       The pv_attr bits are:
283       1  (d)uplicate, (a)llocatable, (u)sed
285       2  e(x)ported
287       3  (m)issing


290       lvm(8) lvm.conf(5) lvmconfig(8)
292       pvchange(8)  pvck(8)  pvcreate(8)  pvdisplay(8)  pvmove(8)  pvremove(8)
293       pvresize(8) pvs(8) pvscan(8)
295       vgcfgbackup(8) vgcfgrestore(8) vgchange(8) vgck(8)  vgcreate(8)  vgcon‐
296       vert(8)  vgdisplay(8)  vgexport(8)  vgextend(8)  vgimport(8)  vgimport‐
297       clone(8) vgmerge(8) vgmknodes(8)  vgreduce(8)  vgremove(8)  vgrename(8)
298       vgs(8) vgscan(8) vgsplit(8)
300       lvcreate(8)  lvchange(8)  lvconvert(8)  lvdisplay(8)  lvextend(8) lvre‐
301       duce(8) lvremove(8) lvrename(8) lvresize(8) lvs(8) lvscan(8)
303       lvm-fullreport(8) lvm-lvpoll(8) lvm2-activation-generator(8) blkdeacti‐
304       vate(8) lvmdump(8)
306       dmeventd(8)  lvmpolld(8)  lvmlockd(8)  lvmlockctl(8)  cmirrord(8) lvmd‐
307       busd(8)
309       lvmsystemid(7) lvmreport(7) lvmraid(7) lvmthin(7) lvmcache(7)
313Red Hat, Inc.       LVM TOOLS 2.03.02(2)-RHEL8 (2019-01-04)             PVS(8)