1FILTER1D(1)                  Generic Mapping Tools                 FILTER1D(1)


6       filter1d - Time domain filtering of 1-D time series


9       filter1d  [  infile  ]  -F<type><width>[mode]  [ -Dincrement ] [ -E ] [
10       -H[i][nrec] ] [ -Iignore_val ] [ -Llack_width ] [  -Nn_cols/t_col  ]  [
11       -Qq_factor  ]  [  -Ssymmetry_factor  ]  [  -Tstart/stop/int  ] [ -V ] [
12       -b[i|o][s|S|d|D[ncol]|c[var1/...]] ] [ -f[i|o]colinfo ]


15       filter1d is a general time  domain  filter  for  multiple  column  time
16       series  data.   The  user  specifies the number of columns of input and
17       which column is the time.  (See -N option below).  The  fastest  opera‐
18       tion  occurs  when the input time series are equally spaced and have no
19       gaps or outliers and the special options are not needed.  filter1d  has
20       options -L, -Q, and -S for unevenly sampled data with gaps.
22       infile Multi-column  ASCII (or binary, see -b) file holding data values
23              to be filtered.
25       -F     Sets the filter type.  Choose among convolution and non-convolu‐
26              tion  filters.  Append the filter code followed by the full fil‐
27              ter width in same units as time  column.  Available  convolution
28              filters are:
29              (b) Boxcar: All weights are equal.
30              (c) Cosine Arch: Weights follow a cosine arch curve.
31              (g) Gaussian: Weights are given by the Gaussian function.
32              (f) Custom: Instead of width give name of a one-column file with
33              your own weight coefficients.
34              Non-convolution filters are:
35              (m) Median: Returns median value.
36              (p) Maximum likelihood probability (a  mode  estimator):  Return
37              modal  value.   If  more  than one mode is found we return their
38              average value.  Append - or + to the filter width if you  rather
39              want to return the smallest or largest of the modal values.
40              (l) Lower: Return the minimum of all values.
41              (L) Lower: Return minimum of all positive values only.
42              (u) Upper: Return maximum of all values.
43              (U) Upper: Return maximum or all negative values only.
44              Upper  case  type  B,  C, G, M, P, F will use robust filter ver‐
45              sions: i.e., replace outliers (2.5 L1  scale  off  median)  with
46              median during filtering.
47              In  the  case of L|U it is possible that no data passes the ini‐
48              tial sign test; in that case the filter will return 0.0.


51       -D     increment is used when  series  is  NOT  equidistantly  sampled.
52              Then  increment  will  be  the  abscissae  resolution, i.e., all
53              abscissae will be  rounded  off  to  a  multiple  of  increment.
54              Alternatively, resample data with sample1d.
56       -E     Include  Ends  of time series in output.  Default loses half the
57              filter-width of data at each end.
59       -H     Input file(s) has header record(s).  If used, the default number
60              of  header records is N_HEADER_RECS.  Use -Hi if only input data
61              should have  header  records  [Default  will  write  out  header
62              records  if  the  input  data  have them]. Blank lines and lines
63              starting with # are always skipped.
65       -I     To ignore values; If an input value equals ignore_val it will be
66              set to NaN.
68       -L     Checks  for  Lack  of  data  condition.  If input data has a gap
69              exceeding width then no output  will  be  given  at  that  point
70              [Default does not check Lack].
72       -N     Sets  number  of  columns in input and which column contains the
73              independent variable (time). The left-most column is  #  0,  the
74              right-most  is  # (n_cols - 1).  [Default is n_cols = 2, t_col =
75              0; i.e., file has t, f(t) pairs].
77       -Q     assess Quality of output value by checking mean weight in convo‐
78              lution.   Enter  q_factor  between  0  and  1.  If mean weight <
79              q_factor, output is suppressed at this point [Default  does  not
80              check Quality].
82       -S     Checks  symmetry  of  data  about window center.  Enter a factor
83              between 0 and 1.  If (  (abs(n_left  -  n_right))  /  (n_left  +
84              n_right)  ) > factor, then no output will be given at this point
85              [Default does not check Symmetry].
87       -T     Make evenly spaced timesteps from start to stop by int  [Default
88              uses input times].
90       -V     Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr
91              [Default runs "silently"].
93       -bi    Selects binary input.  Append s for single precision [Default is
94              d  (double)].   Uppercase  S  or  D  will  force  byte-swapping.
95              Optionally, append ncol, the number of columns  in  your  binary
96              input  file if it exceeds the columns needed by the program.  Or
97              append c  if  the  input  file  is  netCDF.  Optionally,  append
98              var1/var2/... to specify the variables to be read.
100       -bo    Selects  binary  output.  Append s for single precision [Default
101              is d (double)].  Uppercase S  or  D  will  force  byte-swapping.
102              Optionally,  append  ncol, the number of desired columns in your
103              binary output file.  [Default is same as input].
105       -f     Special formatting of input and/or output columns (time or  geo‐
106              graphical  data).   Specify  i  or  o to make this apply only to
107              input or output [Default applies to both].   Give  one  or  more
108              columns (or column ranges) separated by commas.  Append T (abso‐
109              lute calendar time), t (relative time in chosen TIME_UNIT  since
110              TIME_EPOCH),  x (longitude), y (latitude), or f (floating point)
111              to each column or column range item.  Shorthand  -f[i|o]g  means
112              -f[i|o]0x,1y (geographic coordinates).


115       The ASCII output formats of numerical data are controlled by parameters
116       in your .gmtdefaults4  file.   Longitude  and  latitude  are  formatted
117       according  to  OUTPUT_DEGREE_FORMAT, whereas other values are formatted
118       according to D_FORMAT.  Be aware that the format in effect can lead  to
119       loss  of  precision  in  the output, which can lead to various problems
120       downstream.  If you find the output is not written with  enough  preci‐
121       sion, consider switching to binary output (-bo if available) or specify
122       more decimals using the D_FORMAT setting.


125       To filter the data set in the file cruise.gmtd containing evenly spaced
126       gravity, magnetics, topography, and distance (in m) with a 10 km Gauss‐
127       ian filter, removing outliers, and output a filtered value every  2  km
128       between 0 and 100 km:
130       filter1d   cruise.gmtd   -T0/1.0e5/2000   -FG10000   -N4/3  -V  >  fil‐
131       tered_cruise.gmtd
133       Data along track often have uneven sampling and gaps which  we  do  not
134       want  to  interpolate using sample1d.  To find the median depth in a 50
135       km window every 25 km along  the  track  of  cruise  v3312,  stored  in
136       v3312.dt, checking for gaps of 10km and asymmetry of 0.3:
138       filter1d v3312.dt -FM50 -T0/100000/25 -L10 -S0.3 > v3312_filt.dt


141       GMT(1), sample1d(1)
145GMT 4.5.6                         10 Mar 2011                      FILTER1D(1)