1MGD77MANAGE(1)               Generic Mapping Tools              MGD77MANAGE(1)


6       mgd77manage - Manage extra columns in MGD77+ files


9       mgd77manage NGDC-ids [ -A[+]a|c|d|D|e|E|g|i|n|t|Tfileinfo ] [ -Cf|g|e ]
10       [  -Dabbrev1,abbrev2,...   ]   [   -Eempty   ]   [   -F   ]   [   -Iab‐
11       brev/name/unit/t/scale/offset/comment     ]    [    -Ne|k|m|n    ]    [
12       -Q[b|c|l|n][[/]threshold] ] [ -V ] [ -bi[s|S|d|D[ncol]|c[var1/...]] ]


15       mgd77manage deals with  maintaining  extra  custom  columns  in  MGD77+
16       netCDF  files.   You  can  either delete one or more columns, add a new
17       column, update an existing column with new data, or supply  error  cor‐
18       rection  information  (*.e77  files).   New  data may come from a table
19       (ASCII unless -b is used), be based on  existing  columns  and  certain
20       theoretical  expressions,  or  they  may be obtained by sampling a grid
21       (choose between GMT grid or a Sandwell/Smith Mercator *.img grid) along
22       track.  The new data will be appended to the MGD77+ file in the form of
23       an extra data column of specified type.  The data file  will  be  modi‐
24       fied; no new file will be created.  For the big issues, see the DISCUS‐
25       SION section below.
27       NGDC-ids
28              Can be one or more of five kinds of specifiers:
29              1) 8-character NGDC IDs, e.g., 01010083, JA010010etc., etc.
30              2) 2-character <agency> codes which will return all cruises from
31              each agency.
32              3)  4-character  <agency><vessel>  codes,  which will return all
33              cruises from those vessels.
34              4) =<list>, where <list> is a table with NGDC IDs, one per line.
35              5) If nothing is specified we return all  cruises  in  the  data
36              base.
37              (See mgd77info -L for agency and vessel codes).  The ".mgd77" or
38              ".nc" extensions will automatically be appended, if needed  (use
39              -I  to  ignore certain file types).  Cruise files will be looked
40              for first in the current directory and second in all directories
41              listed in $MGD77_HOME/mgd77_paths.txt [If $MGD77_HOME is not set
42              it will default to $GMT_SHAREDIR/mgd77].


45       No space between the option flag and the associated arguments
47       -A     Add a new data column.  If an  existing  column  with  the  same
48              abbreviation  already exists in the file we will cowardly refuse
49              to update the file. Specifying  -A+  overcomes  this  reluctance
50              (However,  sometimes an existing column cannot be upgraded with‐
51              out first deleting it; if so you will be warned).  Select a col‐
52              umn  source code among a, c, d, D, e, g, i, n, t, or T; detailed
53              descriptions for each choice follow:
55              a Append filename of a single column table to  add.   File  must
56              have  the  same number of rows as the MGD77+ file. If no file is
57              given we read from stdin instead.
59              c Create a new column that derives from existing data or  formu‐
60              las  for  corrections  and  reference  fields.  Append c for the
61              Carter corrections subtracted from uncorrected depths, g for the
62              IGF  gravity reference field (a.k.a "normal gravity"), m for the
63              IGRF total field magnetic reference field, and r for  recomputed
64              magnetic  anomaly  (append  1  or 2 to specify which total field
65              column to use [1]).  For gravity we choose the  reference  field
66              based  on  the parameter Gravity Theoretical Formula Code in the
67              cruise's MGD77 header.  If this is not  set  or  is  invalid  we
68              default  to  the  IGF  1980.  You can override this behaviour by
69              appending the desired code: 1 = Heiskanen  1924,  2  =  Interna‐
70              tional 1930, 3 = IGF1967, or 4 = IGF1980.
72              d   Append  filename of a two-column table with the first column
73              holding distances along track and the second column holding data
74              values.   If  no  file  is  given  we  read  from stdin instead.
75              Records with matching distances  in  the  MGD77+  file  will  be
76              assigned  the new values; at other distances we set them to NaN.
77              Alternatively, give upper case D instead and we will interpolate
78              the  column  at  all record distances.  See -N for choosing dis‐
79              tance units and -C for choosing how distances are calculated.
81              e Expects to find an e77 error/correction log from  mgd77sniffer
82              with  the  name  NGDC_ID.e77  in  the  current  directory  or in
83              $MGD77_HOME/E77; this file will examined and used to make  modi‐
84              fications  to the header values, specify a systematic correction
85              for certain columns (such as scale and offset), specify  that  a
86              certain  anomaly  should  be  recalculated from the observations
87              (e.g., recalculate mag from mtf1 and the latest IGRF),  and  add
88              or  update  the special column flag which may hold bitflags (0 =
89              GOOD, 1 = BAD) for each data field in the  standard  MGD77  data
90              set.  Any fixed correction terms found (such as needing to scale
91              a field by 0.1 or 10 because the source  agency  used  incorrect
92              units)  will  be written as attributes to the netCDF MGD77+ file
93              and applied when the data are read by mgd77list.  Ephemeral cor‐
94              rections  such as those determined by crossover analysis are not
95              kept in the data files but  reside  in  correction  tables  (see
96              mgd77list for details).  By default, the first character of each
97              header line in the e77 file (which is ?, Y or N)  will  be  con‐
98              sulted to see if the corresponding adjustment should be applied.
99              If any undecided settings are found (i.i, ?) we will  abort  and
100              make  no changes.  Only records marked Y will be porcessed.  You
101              can override this behavior by appending one or more modifiers to
102              the  -Ae  command:  h will ignore all header corrections, f will
103              ignore all fixed systematic trend corrections, n, v, and s  will
104              ignore  bitflags pertaining to navigation, data values, and data
105              slopes, respectively.  Use -A+e to replace any existing E77 cor‐
106              rections  in the file with the new values.  Finally, e77 correc‐
107              tions will not be applied if the E77 file has not been verified.
108              Use -AE to ignore the verification status.
110              g  Sample a GMT geographic (lon, lat) grid along the track given
111              by the MGD77+ file using  bicubic  interpolation  (however,  see
112              -Q).  Append name of a GMT grid file.
114              i  Sample  a  Sandwell/Smith Mercator *.img grid along the track
115              given by the MGD77+ file using bicubic  interpolation  (however,
116              see  -Q).   Append the img grid filename, followed by the comma-
117              separated data scale (typically 1 or 0.1),  the  IMG  file  mode
118              (0-3),  and  optionally the img grid max latitude [80.738].  The
119              modes stand for the following: (0) Img files with no  constraint
120              code,  returns data at all points, (1) Img file with constraints
121              coded, return data at all points, (2) Img file with  constraints
122              coded, return data only at constrained points and NaN elsewhere,
123              and (3) Img file with constraints coded, return 1 at constraints
124              and 0 elsewhere.
126              n  Append  filename  of a two-column table with the first column
127              holding the record number (0 to nrows - 1) and the second column
128              holding  data  values.   If  no file is given we read from stdin
129              instead.  Records with matching record  numbers  in  the  MGD77+
130              file  will  be  assigned the new values; at other records we set
131              them to NaN.
133              t Append filename of a two-column table with  the  first  column
134              holding absolute times along track and the second column holding
135              data values.  If no file is given we read  from  stdin  instead.
136              Records  with matching times in the MGD77+ file will be assigned
137              the new values; at other times we set  them  to  NaN.   Alterna‐
138              tively,  give  upper  case T instead and we will interpolate the
139              column at all record times.
141       -C     Append a one-letter code to select the procedure for along-track
142              distance calculation when using -Ad|D (see -N for selecting dis‐
143              tance units):
144                   f Flat Earth distances.
145                   g Great circle distances [Default].
146                   e Geodesic distances on current GMT ellipsoid.
148       -D     Give a comma-separated list of  column  abbreviations  that  you
149              want to delete from the MGD77+ files.  Do NOT use this option to
150              remove columns that you are replacing with  new  data  (use  -A+
151              instead).   Because we cannot remove variables from netCDF files
152              we must create a new file without the  columns  to  be  deleted.
153              Once  the file is successfully created we temporarily rename the
154              old file, change the new  filename  to  the  old  filename,  and
155              finally remove the old, renamed file.
157       -E     Give  a  single  character  that  will be repeated to fill empty
158              string values, e.g., '9' will yield  a  string  like  "99999..."
159              [9].
161       -F     Force  mode.   When  this  mode  is  active you are empowered to
162              delete or replace even the standard MGD77 set of  columns.   You
163              better know what you are doing!
165       -I     In  addition  to  file  information  we  must specify additional
166              information about the extra column.  Specify a short (16 char or
167              less,  using  lower  case  letters, digits, or underscores only)
168              abbreviation for the selected data, its more  descriptive  name,
169              the  data  unit,  the  data  type 1-character code (byte, short,
170              float, int, double, or text) you want used for  storage  in  the
171              netCDF file, any scale and offset we should apply to the data to
172              make them fit inside the range implied  by  the  chosen  storage
173              type,  and  a  general comment (< 128 characters) regarding what
174              these data represent.  Note: If text data type is selected  then
175              the terms "values" in the -A discussion refer to your text data.
176              Furthermore, the discussion on interpolation does not apply  and
177              the  NaN value becomes a "no string" value (see -E for what this
178              is).  Place quotes around terms with more than one  word  (e.g.,
179              "Corrected Depth").
181       -N     Specify  the  distance unit used when using -Ad|D by appending e
182              (meter), k (km), m (miles), or n (nautical miles).  [Default  is
183              -Nk (km)].
185       -Q     Quick  mode,  use  bilinear  rather  than  bicubic interpolation
186              [Default].  Alternatively,  select  the  interpolation  mode  by
187              adding  b for B-spline smoothing, c for bicubic interpolation, l
188              for bilinear interpolation  or  n  for  nearest-neighbor  value.
189              Optionally, append threshold in the range [0,1].  This parameter
190              controls how close to nodes with NaN  values  the  interpolation
191              will  go.   E.g., a threshold of 0.5 will interpolate about half
192              way from a non-NaN to a NaN node, whereas 0.1 will go about  90%
193              of  the  way,  etc. [Default is 1, which means none of the (4 or
194              16) nearby nodes may be NaN].  -Q0 will just return the value of
195              the  nearest node instead of interpolating.  This is the same as
196              using -Qn.  Only relevant when -Ag|i is selected.
198       -V     Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr
199              [Default runs "silently"].
201       -bi    Selects binary input.  Append s for single precision [Default is
202              d  (double)].   Uppercase  S  or  D  will  force  byte-swapping.
203              Optionally,  append  ncol,  the number of columns in your binary
204              input file if it exceeds the columns needed by the program.   Or
205              append  c  if  the  input  file  is  netCDF.  Optionally, append
206              var1/var2/... to specify the variables to be read.  This applies
207              to  the  input 1- or 2-column data files specified under some of
208              the -A options.  The binary input option is only  available  for
209              numerical data columns.


212       To  append Geosat/ERS-1 gravity version 11.2 as an extra data column in
213       the cruises 01010047.nc and 01010008.nc, storing the values as  mGal*10
214       in a 2-byte short integer, try
216       mgd77manage     01010047    01010008    -Ai10/1/grav.11.2.img    -Isat‐
217       grav/"Geosat/ERS-1 gravity"/"mGal"/s/10/0/"Sandwell/Smith version 11.2"
218       -V
220       To  append  a  filtered version of magnetics as an extra data column of
221       type float for the cruise 01010047.nc,  and  interpolate  the  filtered
222       data at the times given in the MGD77+ file, try
224       mgd77manage   01010047  -ATmymag.tm  -Ifiltmag/"Intermediate-wavelength
225       magnetic residuals"/"nTesla"/f/1/0/"Useful for looking  for  isochrons"
226       -V
228       To delete the existing extra columns satfaa, coastdist, and satvgg from
229       all MGD77+ files, try
231       mgd77manage `cat allmgd77.lis` -Dsatfaa,coastdist,satvgg -V
233       To create a 4-byte float column with the correct IGRF  reference  field
234       in all MGD77+ files, try
236       mgd77manage    `cat    allmgd77.lis`    -Acm   -Iigrf/"IGRF   reference
237       field"/"nTesla"/f/1/0/"IGRF version 10 for 1990-2010" -V


241       1. Preamble
242       The mgd77 supplement is an attempt to (1) improve on the limited  func‐
243       tionality  of  the existing mgg supplement, (2) incorporate some of the
244       ideas from Scripps' gmt+ supplement by allowing extra data columns, and
245       (3) add new capabilities for managing marine geophysical trackline data
246       stored in  an  architecture-independent  CF-1.0-  and  COARDS-compliant
247       netCDF  file  format.   Here are some of the underlying ideas and steps
248       you need to take to maintain your files.
250       2. Introduction
251       Our starting point is the MGD77 ASCII data files distributed from  NGDC
252       on  CD-ROMS,  DVD-ROMS, and via FTP.  Using Geodas to install the files
253       locally we choose the "Carter corrected depth" option which  will  fill
254       in the depth column using the two-way traveltimes and the Carter tables
255       if twt is present.  This step yields  ~5000  individual  cruise  files.
256       Place  these  in one or more sub-directories of your choice, list these
257       sub-directories (one per line) in the file mgd77_paths.txt,  and  place
258       that  file  in the directory pointed to by $MGD77_HOME; if not set this
259       variable defaults to $GMT_SHAREDIR/mgd77.
261       3. Conversion
262       Convert the ASCII MGD77 files to the new  netCDF  MGD77+  format  using
263       mgd77convert.  Typically, you will make a list of all the cruises to be
264       converted (with or without extension), and you then run
266            mgd77convert -Fa -Tc -V -Lwe+ `cat cruises.lis` > log.txt
268       The verbose settings will ensure that all problems found during conver‐
269       sion will be reported.  The new *.nc files may also be placed in one or
270       more separate sub-directories and these should also be  listed  in  the
271       mgd77_paths.txt  file.   We suggest you place the directories with *.nc
272       files ahead of the *.mgd77 directories.  When you later want to limit a
273       search to files of a certain extension you should use the -I option.
275       4. Adding new columns
276       mgd77manage  will allow you to add additional data columns to your *.nc
277       files.  These can be anything, including text strings, but most  likely
278       are numerical values sampled along the track from a supplied grid or an
279       existing column that have been filtered or manipulated for a particular
280       purpose.   The  format  supports up to 32 such extra columns.  See this
281       man page for how to add columns.  You may later decide to  remove  some
282       of  these  columns or update the data associated with a certain column.
283       Data extraction tools such as mgd77list can be used to extract a mix of
284       standard  MGD77  columns  (navigation,  time, and the usual geophysical
285       observations) and your custom columns.
287       5. Error sources
288       Before we discuss how to correct errors we will first list the  differ‐
289       ent  classes  of  errors  associated with MGD77 data: (1) Header record
290       errors occur when some of the information fields in the header  do  not
291       comply with the MGD77 specification or required information is missing.
292       mgd77convert will list these errors when the extended  verbose  setting
293       is  selected.   These  errors  typically do not affect the data and are
294       instead errors in the meta-data (2) Fixed systematic errors occur  when
295       a  particular  data  column,  despite the MGD77 specification, has been
296       encoded incorrectly.  This usually means the data will be off by a con‐
297       stant factor such as 10 or 0.1, or in some cases even 1.8288 which con‐
298       verts fathoms to meters.  (3) Unknown systematic errors occur when  the
299       instrument  that  recorded  the  data  or  the processing that followed
300       introduced signals that appear to be systematic functions of time along
301       track,  latitude, heading, or some other combination of terms that have
302       a physical or  logical  explanation.   These  terms  may  sometimes  be
303       resolved  by  data  analysis techniques such as along-track and across-
304       track investigations, and will result in  correction  terms  that  when
305       applied  to  the  data will remove these unwanted signals in an optimal
306       way.  Because these correction terms may change when new data are  con‐
307       sidered  in  their determination, such corrections are considered to be
308       ephemeral. (4) Individual data points or sequences of data may  violate
309       rules such as being outside of possible ranges or in other ways violate
310       sanity.  Furthermore, sequences of points  that  may  be  within  valid
311       ranges may give rise to data gradients that are unreasonable.  The sta‐
312       tus of every point can therefore be determined and this gives  rise  to
313       bitflags  GOOD  or  BAD.   Our policy is that error sources 1, 2, and 4
314       will be corrected by supplying the information as meta-data in the rel‐
315       evant  *.nc  files, whereas the corrections for error source 3 (because
316       they will constantly be improved) will be maintained in a separate list
317       of corrections.
319       6. Finding errors
320       The  mgd77sniffer  is  a  tool  that does a thorough along-track sanity
321       check of the original MGD77 ASCII files and  produces  a  corresponding
322       *.e77  error log.  All problems found are encoded in the error log, and
323       recommended fixed correction terms are given, if  needed.   An  analyst
324       may  verify  that  the  suggested corrections are indeed valid (we only
325       want to correct truly obvious unit errors), edit these error  logs  and
326       modify such correction terms and activate them by changing the relevant
327       code key (see mgd77sniffer for more details).  mgd77manage  can  ingest
328       these  error  logs and (1) correct bad header records given the sugges‐
329       tions in the log, (2) insert scale/offset correction terms to  be  used
330       when  reading  certain  columns,  and  (3)  insert any bit-flags found.
331       Rerun this step if you later find other problems as all E77 settings or
332       flags will be recreated based on the latest E77 log.
334       7. Error corrections
335       The  extraction  program mgd77list allows for corrections to be applied
336       on-the-fly when data are requested.  First, data with BAD bitflags  are
337       suppressed.   Second,  data  with fixed systematic correction terms are
338       corrected accordingly.  Third, data  with  ephemeral  correction  terms
339       will  have  those  corrections  applied  (if a correction table is sup‐
340       plied).  All of these steps require the presence of the relevant  meta-
341       data  and  all can be overruled by the user. In addition, users may add
342       their own bitflags as separate data columns and use mgd77list's logical
343       tests to further dictate which data are suppressed from output.


346       The  IGRF  calculations are based on a Fortran program written by Susan
347       Macmillan, British Geological  Survey,  translated  to  C  via  f2c  by
348       Joaquim Luis, and adapted to GMT style by Paul Wessel.


351       mgd77convert(1),     mgd77list(1),     mgd77info(1),    mgd77sniffer(1)
352       mgd77track(1) x2sys_init(1)


355       Wessel, P., and W. H. F. Smith, 2009, The Generic Mapping  Tools  (GMT)
356       version 4.5.0 Technical Reference & Cookbook, SOEST/NOAA.
357       Wessel,  P., and W. H. F. Smith, 1998, New, Improved Version of Generic
358       Mapping Tools Released, EOS Trans., AGU, 79 (47), p. 579.
359       Wessel, P., and W. H. F. Smith, 1995, New Version of the  Generic  Map‐
360       ping Tools Released, EOS Trans., AGU, 76 (33), p. 329.
361       Wessel,  P.,  and W. H. F. Smith, 1995, New Version of the Generic Map‐
362       ping Tools Released, http://www.agu.org/eos_elec/95154e.html, Copyright
363       1995 by the American Geophysical Union.
364       Wessel,  P., and W. H. F. Smith, 1991, Free Software Helps Map and Dis‐
365       play Data, EOS Trans., AGU, 72 (41), p. 441.
366       The  Marine  Geophysical  Data   Exchange   Format   -   "MGD77",   see
367       http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/dat/geodas/docs/mgd77.txt
368       IGRF, see http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html
372GMT 4.5.6                         10 Mar 2011                   MGD77MANAGE(1)