1Tk_SetOptions(3)             Tk Library Procedures            Tk_SetOptions(3)


8       Tk_CreateOptionTable,  Tk_DeleteOptionTable,  Tk_InitOptions, Tk_SetOp‐
9       tions, Tk_FreeSavedOptions, Tk_RestoreSavedOptions,  Tk_GetOptionValue,
10       Tk_GetOptionInfo,  Tk_FreeConfigOptions, Tk_Offset - process configura‐
11       tion options


14       #include <tk.h>
16       Tk_OptionTable
17       Tk_CreateOptionTable(interp, templatePtr)
19       Tk_DeleteOptionTable(optionTable)
21       int
22       Tk_InitOptions(interp, recordPtr, optionTable, tkwin)
24       int
25       Tk_SetOptions(interp, recordPtr, optionTable, objc, objv, tkwin, savePtr, maskPtr)
27       Tk_FreeSavedOptions(savedPtr)
29       Tk_RestoreSavedOptions(savedPtr)
31       Tcl_Obj *
32       Tk_GetOptionValue(interp, recordPtr, optionTable, namePtr, tkwin)
34       Tcl_Obj *
35       Tk_GetOptionInfo(interp, recordPtr, optionTable, namePtr, tkwin)
37       Tk_FreeConfigOptions(recordPtr, optionTable, tkwin)
39       int
40       Tk_Offset(type, field)


43       Tcl_Interp *interp (in)                     A  Tcl  interpreter.   Most
44                                                   procedures  use  this  only
45                                                   for  returning  error  mes‐
46                                                   sages;  if  it is NULL then
47                                                   no   error   messages   are
48                                                   returned.  For Tk_CreateOp‐
49                                                   tionTable the value  cannot
50                                                   be   NULL;   it  gives  the
51                                                   interpreter  in  which  the
52                                                   option table will be used.
54       const Tk_OptionSpec *templatePtr (in)       Points   to   an  array  of
55                                                   static   information   that
56                                                   describes the configuration
57                                                   options that are supported.
58                                                   Used     to     build     a
59                                                   Tk_OptionTable.  The infor‐
60                                                   mation  pointed  to by this
61                                                   argument must exist for the
62                                                   lifetime       of       the
63                                                   Tk_OptionTable.
65       Tk_OptionTable optionTable (in)             Token for an option  table.
66                                                   Must  have been returned by
67                                                   a previous call to  Tk_Cre‐
68                                                   ateOptionTable.
70       char *recordPtr (in/out)                    Points   to   structure  in
71                                                   which values of  configura‐
72                                                   tion  options  are  stored;
73                                                   fields of this  record  are
74                                                   modified by procedures such
75                                                   as Tk_SetOptions  and  read
76                                                   by   procedures   such   as
77                                                   Tk_GetOptionValue.
79       Tk_Window tkwin (in)                        For   options    such    as
80                                                   TK_OPTION_COLOR, this argu‐
81                                                   ment indicates  the  window
82                                                   in which the option will be
83                                                   used.  If optionTable  uses
84                                                   no         window-dependent
85                                                   options, then a NULL  value
86                                                   may  be  supplied  for this
87                                                   argument.
89       int objc (in)                               Number of values in objv.
91       Tcl_Obj *const objv[] (in)                  Command-line arguments  for
92                                                   setting         configuring
93                                                   options.
95       Tk_SavedOptions *savePtr (out)              If not NULL, the  structure
96                                                   pointed to by this argument
97                                                   is filled in with  the  old
98                                                   values  of any options that
99                                                   were modified and old  val‐
100                                                   ues  are restored automati‐
101                                                   cally if an error occurs in
102                                                   Tk_SetOptions.
104       int *maskPtr (out)                          If   not   NULL,  the  word
105                                                   pointed to  by  maskPtr  is
106                                                   filled in with the bit-wise
107                                                   OR of the  typeMask  fields
108                                                   for  the  options that were
109                                                   modified.
111       Tk_SavedOptions *savedPtr (in/out)          Points to a structure  pre‐
112                                                   viously    filled   in   by
113                                                   Tk_SetOptions with old val‐
114                                                   ues of modified options.
116       Tcl_Obj *namePtr (in)                       The value of this object is
117                                                   the name  of  a  particular
118                                                   option.   If NULL is passed
119                                                   to  Tk_GetOptionInfo   then
120                                                   information is returned for
121                                                   all options.  Must  not  be
122                                                   NULL when Tk_GetOptionValue
123                                                   is called.
125       type name type (in)                         The name of the type  of  a
126                                                   record.
128       field name field (in)                       The  name  of  a  field  in
129                                                   records of type type.


133       These procedures handle most of the details  of  parsing  configuration
134       options  such  as  those  for  Tk widgets.  Given a description of what
135       options are supported, these procedures handle all the details of pars‐
136       ing options and storing their values into a C structure associated with
137       the widget or object. The procedures were designed primarily  for  wid‐
138       gets  in  Tk, but they can also be used for other kinds of objects that
139       have configuration options.  In the rest of this manual  page  “widget”
140       will be used to refer to the object whose options are being managed; in
141       practice the object may not actually be a  widget.   The  term  “widget
142       record”  is used to refer to the C-level structure in which information
143       about a particular widget or object is stored.
145       Note: the easiest way to learn how to use these procedures is  to  look
146       at  a  working  example.   In Tk, the simplest example is the code that
147       implements the button family of widgets, which is in tkButton.c.  Other
148       examples are in tkSquare.c and tkMenu.c.
150       In  order  to use these procedures, the code that implements the widget
151       must contain a static array of Tk_OptionSpec structures. This is a tem‐
152       plate  that  describes  the  various options supported by that class of
153       widget; there is a separate template for each kind of widget.  The tem‐
154       plate  contains  information such as the name of each option, its type,
155       its default value, and where the value of the option is stored  in  the
156       widget record.  See TEMPLATES below for more detail.
158       In  order to process configuration options efficiently, the static tem‐
159       plate must be augmented with additional information that  is  available
160       only  at  runtime.   The  procedure  Tk_CreateOptionTable  creates this
161       dynamic information from the  template  and  returns  a  Tk_OptionTable
162       token  that  describes both the static and dynamic information.  All of
163       the other procedures, such  as  Tk_SetOptions,  take  a  Tk_OptionTable
164       token as argument.  Typically, Tk_CreateOptionTable is called the first
165       time that a widget of a particular class is created and  the  resulting
166       Tk_OptionTable  is used in the future for all widgets of that class.  A
167       Tk_OptionTable may be used only in a single interpreter, given  by  the
168       interp  argument  to  Tk_CreateOptionTable.  When an option table is no
169       longer needed Tk_DeleteOptionTable should be called to free all of  its
170       resources.   All  of  the option tables for a Tcl interpreter are freed
171       automatically if the interpreter is deleted.
173       Tk_InitOptions is invoked when a new  widget  is  created  to  set  the
174       default  values for all of the widget's configuration options.  Tk_Ini‐
175       tOptions is passed a token for an  option  table  (optionTable)  and  a
176       pointer  to  a widget record (recordPtr), which is the C structure that
177       holds information about this widget. Tk_InitOptions uses  the  informa‐
178       tion  in  the  option  table  to choose an appropriate default for each
179       option, then it stores the  default  value  directly  into  the  widget
180       record,  overwriting  any  information  that was already present in the
181       widget record.  Tk_InitOptions normally returns TCL_OK.   If  an  error
182       occurred  while  setting  the  default  values (e.g., because a default
183       value was erroneous) then TCL_ERROR is returned and an error message is
184       left in interp's result if interp is not NULL.
186       Tk_SetOptions  is  invoked  to  modify  configuration  options based on
187       information specified in a Tcl command.  The command might be one  that
188       creates a new widget, or a command that modifies options on an existing
189       widget.  The objc and objv arguments describe the values of  the  argu‐
190       ments  from  the  Tcl  command.   Objv  must  contain an even number of
191       objects: the first object of each pair gives the name of an option  and
192       the  second  object gives the new value for that option.  Tk_SetOptions
193       looks up each name in optionTable, checks that the  new  value  of  the
194       option conforms to the type in optionTable, and stores the value of the
195       option into the widget record given by recordPtr.   Tk_SetOptions  nor‐
196       mally  returns TCL_OK.  If an error occurred (such as an unknown option
197       name or an illegal option value) then  TCL_ERROR  is  returned  and  an
198       error message is left in interp's result if interp is not NULL.
200       Tk_SetOptions has two additional features.  First, if the maskPtr argu‐
201       ment is not NULL then it points to an integer value that is  filled  in
202       with information about the options that were modified.  For each option
203       in the template passed to  Tk_CreateOptionTable  there  is  a  typeMask
204       field.   The bits of this field are defined by the code that implements
205       the widget; for example, each bit might correspond to a particular con‐
206       figuration  option.   Alternatively,  bits  might be used functionally.
207       For example, one bit might be used  for  redisplay:  all  options  that
208       affect the widget's display, such that changing the option requires the
209       widget to be redisplayed, might have that bit set.  Another  bit  might
210       indicate that the geometry of the widget must be recomputed, and so on.
211       Tk_SetOptions OR's together the typeMask fields from  all  the  options
212       that  were  modified and returns this value at *maskPtr; the caller can
213       then use this information to optimize itself so that, for  example,  it
214       does not redisplay the widget if the modified options do not affect the
215       widget's appearance.
217       The second additional feature of Tk_SetOptions has  to  do  with  error
218       recovery.   If  an error occurs while processing configuration options,
219       this feature makes it possible to restore all the configuration options
220       to  their  previous  values.   Errors can occur either while processing
221       options in Tk_SetOptions or later in the caller.   In  many  cases  the
222       caller  does  additional  processing  after  Tk_SetOptions returns; for
223       example, it might use an option value to set a trace on a variable  and
224       may  detect  an  error if the variable is an array instead of a scalar.
225       Error recovery is enabled by  passing  in  a  non-NULL  value  for  the
226       savePtr  argument  to  Tk_SetOptions;  this  should  be a pointer to an
227       uninitialized  Tk_SavedOptions  structure  on   the   caller's   stack.
228       Tk_SetOptions  overwrites  the  structure  pointed  to  by savePtr with
229       information about the old values of any options modified by the  proce‐
230       dure.   If  Tk_SetOptions  returns  successfully,  the  caller uses the
231       structure in one of two ways.  If the caller completes  its  processing
232       of  the new options without any errors, then it must pass the structure
233       to Tk_FreeSavedOptions so that the old values can  be  freed.   If  the
234       caller  detects  an error in its processing of the new options, then it
235       should pass the structure to Tk_RestoreSavedOptions,  which  will  copy
236       the old values back into the widget record and free the new values.  If
237       Tk_SetOptions detects an  error  then  it  automatically  restores  any
238       options  that had already been modified and leaves *savePtr in an empty
239       state:  the  caller  need  not  call  either   Tk_FreeSavedOptions   or
240       Tk_RestoreSavedOptions.   If  the  savePtr argument to Tk_SetOptions is
241       NULL then Tk_SetOptions frees each old option value immediately when it
242       sets  a  new value for the option.  In this case, if an error occurs in
243       the third option, the old values for the first two  options  cannot  be
244       restored.
246       Tk_GetOptionValue  returns  the current value of a configuration option
247       for a particular widget.  The namePtr argument contains the name of  an
248       option;  Tk_GetOptionValue  uses  optionTable  to lookup the option and
249       extract its value from the widget record pointed to by recordPtr,  then
250       it  returns an object containing that value.  If an error occurs (e.g.,
251       because namePtr contains an unknown option name) then NULL is  returned
252       and an error message is left in interp's result unless interp is NULL.
254       Tk_GetOptionInfo  returns  information about configuration options in a
255       form suitable for configure widget commands.  If the  namePtr  argument
256       is not NULL, it points to an object that gives the name of a configura‐
257       tion option; Tk_GetOptionInfo returns an object containing a list  with
258       five  elements,  which  are  the name of the option, the name and class
259       used for the option in the option database, the default value  for  the
260       option,  and the current value for the option.  If the namePtr argument
261       is NULL, then Tk_GetOptionInfo returns information about all options in
262       the  form  of a list of lists; each sublist describes one option.  Syn‐
263       onym options are handled differently depending on  whether  namePtr  is
264       NULL:  if  namePtr is NULL then the sublist for each synonym option has
265       only two elements, which are the name of the option and the name of the
266       other option that it refers to; if namePtr is non-NULL and names a syn‐
267       onym option then the object returned is the five-element list  for  the
268       other  option  that  the  synonym refers to.  If an error occurs (e.g.,
269       because namePtr contains an unknown option name) then NULL is  returned
270       and an error message is left in interp's result unless interp is NULL.
272       Tk_FreeConfigOptions  must  be  invoked  when  a widget is deleted.  It
273       frees all of the resources associated with  any  of  the  configuration
274       options defined in recordPtr by optionTable.
276       The Tk_Offset macro is provided as a safe way of generating the objOff‐
277       set and internalOffset values for entries in Tk_OptionSpec  structures.
278       It takes two arguments: the name of a type of record, and the name of a
279       field in that record. It returns the byte offset of the named field  in
280       records of the given type.


284       The  array  of  Tk_OptionSpec structures passed to Tk_CreateOptionTable
285       via its templatePtr argument describes the configuration  options  sup‐
286       ported  by a particular class of widgets.  Each structure specifies one
287       configuration option and has the following fields:
288              typedef struct {
289                  Tk_OptionType type;
290                  const char *optionName;
291                  const char *dbName;
292                  const char *dbClass;
293                  const char *defValue;
294                  int objOffset;
295                  int internalOffset;
296                  int flags;
297                  ClientData clientData;
298                  int typeMask;
299              } Tk_OptionSpec;
300       The type field indicates what kind  of  configuration  option  this  is
301       (e.g.  TK_OPTION_COLOR for a color value, or TK_OPTION_INT for an inte‐
302       ger value).  Type determines how the value  of  the  option  is  parsed
303       (more  on  this below).  The optionName field is a string such as -font
304       or -bg; it is the name used for the option in Tcl commands  and  passed
305       to  procedures  via  the  objc  or  namePtr  arguments.  The dbName and
306       dbClass fields are used by Tk_InitOptions to look up  a  default  value
307       for  this  option  in  the  option database; if dbName is NULL then the
308       option database is not used by Tk_InitOptions  for  this  option.   The
309       defValue  field specifies a default value for this configuration option
310       if no value is specified in the option  database.   The  objOffset  and
311       internalOffset  fields indicate where to store the value of this option
312       in widget records (more on this below); values for  the  objOffset  and
313       internalOffset  fields  should  always  be generated with the Tk_Offset
314       macro.  The flags field contains additional information to control  the
315       processing  of  this  configuration  option  (see  below  for details).
316       ClientData provides additional type-specific  data  needed  by  certain
317       types.  For instance, for TK_OPTION_COLOR types, clientData is a string
318       giving the default value  to  use  on  monochrome  displays.   See  the
319       descriptions of the different types below for details.  The last field,
320       typeMask, is used by Tk_SetOptions to return  information  about  which
321       options  were  modified; see the description of Tk_SetOptions above for
322       details.
324       When Tk_InitOptions and Tk_SetOptions store the value of an option into
325       the  widget  record,  they  can  do  it  in either of two ways.  If the
326       objOffset field of the Tk_OptionSpec is greater than or equal to  zero,
327       then the value of the option is stored as a (Tcl_Obj *) at the location
328       in the widget record given by objOffset.  If the  internalOffset  field
329       of  the  Tk_OptionSpec is greater than or equal to zero, then the value
330       of the option is stored in a type-specific internal form at  the  loca‐
331       tion in the widget record given by internalOffset.  For example, if the
332       option's type is TK_OPTION_INT then the internal form  is  an  integer.
333       If  the objOffset or internalOffset field is negative then the value is
334       not stored in that form.  At least one of the offsets must  be  greater
335       than or equal to zero.
337       The flags field consists of one or more bits ORed together.  At present
338       only a single flag is supported: TK_OPTION_NULL_OK.  If this bit is set
339       for  an  option  then an empty string will be accepted as the value for
340       the option and the resulting internal form will be a  NULL  pointer,  a
341       zero  value, or None, depending on the type of the option.  If the flag
342       is not set then empty strings will result in errors.  TK_OPTION_NULL_OK
343       is  typically  used  to allow a feature to be turned off entirely, e.g.
344       set a cursor value to None so that a window simply  inherits  its  par‐
345       ent's cursor.  Not all option types support the TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag;
346       for those that do, there is an explicit indication of that fact in  the
347       descriptions below.
349       The  type field of each Tk_OptionSpec structure determines how to parse
350       the value of that configuration option. The legal value for  type,  and
351       the corresponding actions, are described below.  If the type requires a
352       tkwin value to be passed into procedures like Tk_SetOptions, or  if  it
353       uses  the  clientData  field of the Tk_OptionSpec, then it is indicated
354       explicitly; if not mentioned,  the  type  requires  neither  tkwin  nor
355       clientData.
358              The  value must be a standard anchor position such as ne or cen‐
359              ter.  The internal form is  a  Tk_Anchor  value  like  the  ones
360              returned by Tk_GetAnchorFromObj.
363              The  value  must be a standard Tk bitmap name. The internal form
364              is a Pixmap token like the ones returned  by  Tk_AllocBitmapFro‐
365              mObj.   This option type requires tkwin to be supplied to proce‐
366              dures   such   as   Tk_SetOptions,   and   it    supports    the
367              TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag.
370              The  value  must be a standard boolean value such as true or no.
371              The internal form is an integer with value 0 or 1.
374              The value must be a standard color name such as red or  #ff8080.
375              The  internal form is a Tk_3DBorder token like the ones returned
376              by Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.  This option type requires tkwin  to
377              be supplied to procedures such as Tk_SetOptions, and it supports
378              the TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag.
381              The value must be a standard color name such as red or  #ff8080.
382              The  internal form is an (XColor *) token like the ones returned
383              by Tk_AllocColorFromObj.  This option type requires tkwin to  be
384              supplied  to  procedures  such as Tk_SetOptions, and it supports
385              the TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag.
388              The value must be a standard cursor name such as cross or  @foo.
389              The internal form is a Tk_Cursor token like the ones returned by
390              Tk_AllocCursorFromObj.  This option type requires  tkwin  to  be
391              supplied  to  procedures  such  as  Tk_SetOptions,  and when the
392              option is set the cursor for the window is  changed  by  calling
393              XDefineCursor.     This    option   type   also   supports   the
394              TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag.
397              This option allows applications to define new option types.  The
398              clientData field of the entry points to a structure defining the
399              new option type.  See the section CUSTOM OPTION TYPES below  for
400              details.
403              The  string  value must be a floating-point number in the format
404              accepted by strtol.  The internal form  is  a  C  double  value.
405              This  option type supports the TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag; if a NULL
406              value is set, the internal representation is set to zero.
408       TK_OPTION_END
409              Marks the end of the template.  There must  be  a  Tk_OptionSpec
410              structure  with  type TK_OPTION_END at the end of each template.
411              If the clientData field of this structure is not NULL,  then  it
412              points  to  an  additional  array  of  Tk_OptionSpec's, which is
413              itself terminated by another TK_OPTION_END entry.  Templates may
414              be  chained  arbitrarily  deeply.   This  feature  allows common
415              options to be shared by several widget classes.
417       TK_OPTION_FONT
418              The value must be a standard font name such as  Times  16.   The
419              internal  form  is  a  Tk_Font  handle like the ones returned by
420              Tk_AllocFontFromObj.  This option type requires tkwin to be sup‐
421              plied  to  procedures such as Tk_SetOptions, and it supports the
422              TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag.
424       TK_OPTION_INT
425              The string value must be an integer in the  format  accepted  by
426              strtol  (e.g.  0 and 0x prefixes may be used to specify octal or
427              hexadecimal numbers, respectively).  The internal form  is  a  C
428              int value.
431              The  value  must be a standard justification value such as left.
432              The internal form is a Tk_Justify like the  values  returned  by
433              Tk_GetJustifyFromObj.
436              The value must specify a screen distance such as 2i or 6.4.  The
437              internal form is an integer value giving a distance  in  pixels,
438              like  the  values returned by Tk_GetPixelsFromObj.  Note: if the
439              objOffset field is not used then information about the  original
440              value  of  this  option  will be lost.  See OBJOFFSET VS. INTER‐
441              NALOFFSET below for details.   This  option  type  supports  the
442              TK_OPTION_NULL_OK  flag;  if  a  NULL value is set, the internal
443              representation is set to zero.
446              The value must be standard relief such as raised.  The  internal
447              form  is an integer relief value such as TK_RELIEF_RAISED.  This
448              option type supports the TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag;  if  the  empty
449              string  is  specified  as  the value for the option, the integer
450              relief value is set to TK_RELIEF_NULL.
453              The value may be any string.  The internal form is  a  (char  *)
454              pointer  that  points  to  a  dynamically  allocated copy of the
455              value.  This option type supports the TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag.
458              For this type, clientData is a pointer to an  array  of  strings
459              suitable  for passing to Tcl_GetIndexFromObj.  The value must be
460              one of the strings in the table, or a unique abbreviation of one
461              of  the  strings.   The  internal  form is an integer giving the
462              index into the table of the matching  string,  like  the  return
463              value from Tcl_GetStringFromObj.
466              This  type  is  used  to provide alternative names for an option
467              (for example, -bg is often used as a synonym  for  -background).
468              The  clientData  field is a (char *) pointer that gives the name
469              of another option in  the  same  table.   Whenever  the  synonym
470              option  is  used,  the information from the other option will be
471              used instead.
474              The value must be a window path name.  The internal  form  is  a
475              Tk_Window token for the window.  This option type requires tkwin
476              to be supplied to procedures such as Tk_SetOptions (in order  to
477              identify the application), and it supports the TK_OPTION_NULL_OK
478              flag.


482       If a field of a widget record has its offset stored in the objOffset or
483       internalOffset  field  of a Tk_OptionSpec structure then the procedures
484       described here will handle all of the storage allocation  and  resource
485       management  issues  associated  with  the  field.  When the value of an
486       option is changed, Tk_SetOptions (or Tk_FreeSavedOptions) will automat‐
487       ically  free  any  resources  associated  with  the  old value, such as
488       Tk_Fonts for TK_OPTION_FONT options or dynamically allocated memory for
489       TK_OPTION_STRING  options.  For an option stored as an object using the
490       objOffset field of a Tk_OptionSpec, the widget record shares the object
491       pointed  to by the objv value from the call to Tk_SetOptions.  The ref‐
492       erence count for this object is incremented when a  pointer  to  it  is
493       stored  in  the  widget record and decremented when the option is modi‐
494       fied.  When  the  widget  is  deleted  Tk_FreeConfigOptions  should  be
495       invoked;  it  will  free  the resources associated with all options and
496       decrement reference counts for any objects.
498       However, the widget code is responsible for storing NULL or None in all
499       pointer  and  token  fields  before  invoking  Tk_InitOptions.  This is
500       needed to allow proper cleanup in the rare case where an  error  occurs
501       in Tk_InitOptions.


505       In  most  cases  it  is  simplest  to use the internalOffset field of a
506       Tk_OptionSpec structure and not the objOffset field.   This  makes  the
507       internal  form of the value immediately available to the widget code so
508       the value does not have to be extracted from an object each time it  is
509       used.   However,  there are two cases where the objOffset field is use‐
510       ful.  The first case is for TK_OPTION_PIXELS options.   In  this  case,
511       the  internal  form  is an integer pixel value that is valid only for a
512       particular screen.  If the value of the option is retrieved, it will be
513       returned as a simple number.  For example, after the command .b config‐
514       ure -borderwidth 2m, the command .b configure -borderwidth might return
515       7,  which  is  the  integer  pixel value corresponding to 2m.  Unfortu‐
516       nately, this loses the  original  screen-independent  value.  Thus  for
517       TK_OPTION_PIXELS  options  it is better to use the objOffset field.  In
518       this case the original value of the option is retained  in  the  object
519       and  can be returned when the option is retrieved.  In most cases it is
520       convenient to use the internalOffset field as well, so that the integer
521       value  is  immediately  available  for use in the widget code (alterna‐
522       tively, Tk_GetPixelsFromObj can be used to extract  the  integer  value
523       from  the  object  whenever it is needed).  Note: the problem of losing
524       information on retrievals exists only for TK_OPTION_PIXELS options.
526       The second reason to use the objOffset field is in order  to  implement
527       new types of options not supported by these procedures.  To implement a
528       new type of option, you can use TK_OPTION_STRING as  the  type  in  the
529       Tk_OptionSpec  structure and set the objOffset field but not the inter‐
530       nalOffset field.  Then, after calling Tk_SetOptions, convert the object
531       to internal form yourself.


535       Applications  can  extend  the  built-in configuration types with addi‐
536       tional configuration types by writing procedures to parse, print, free,
537       and  restore saved copies of the type and creating a structure pointing
538       to those procedures:
539              typedef struct Tk_ObjCustomOption {
540                  char *name;
541                  Tk_CustomOptionSetProc *setProc;
542                  Tk_CustomOptionGetProc *getProc;
543                  Tk_CustomOptionRestoreProc *restoreProc;
544                  Tk_CustomOptionFreeProc *freeProc;
545                  ClientData clientData;
546              } Tk_ObjCustomOption;
548              typedef int Tk_CustomOptionSetProc(
549                  ClientData clientData,
550                  Tcl_Interp *interp,
551                  Tk_Window tkwin,
552                  Tcl_Obj **valuePtr,
553                  char *recordPtr,
554                  int internalOffset,
555                  char *saveInternalPtr,
556                  int flags);
558              typedef Tcl_Obj *Tk_CustomOptionGetProc(
559                  ClientData clientData,
560                  Tk_Window tkwin,
561                  char *recordPtr,
562                  int internalOffset);
564              typedef void Tk_CustomOptionRestoreProc(
565                  ClientData clientData,
566                  Tk_Window tkwin,
567                  char *internalPtr,
568                  char *saveInternalPtr);
570              typedef void Tk_CustomOptionFreeProc(
571                  ClientData clientData,
572                  Tk_Window tkwin,
573                  char *internalPtr);
575       The Tk_ObjCustomOption structure contains six fields: a  name  for  the
576       custom  option  type; pointers to the four procedures; and a clientData
577       value to be passed to those procedures  when  they  are  invoked.   The
578       clientData value typically points to a structure containing information
579       that is needed by the procedures when they  are  parsing  and  printing
580       options.   RestoreProc  and  freeProc  may  be NULL, indicating that no
581       function should be called for those operations.
583       The setProc procedure is invoked by Tk_SetOptions to convert a  Tcl_Obj
584       into  an  internal  representation and store the resulting value in the
585       widget record.  The arguments are:
587              clientData
588                     A copy of the clientData field in the  Tk_ObjCustomOption
589                     structure.
591              interp A pointer to a Tcl interpreter, used for error reporting.
593              Tkwin  A copy of the tkwin argument to Tk_SetOptions
595              valuePtr
596                     A  pointer to a reference to a Tcl_Obj describing the new
597                     value for  the  option;  it  could  have  been  specified
598                     explicitly  in the call to Tk_SetOptions or it could come
599                     from the option database or a default.  If the  objOffset
600                     for  the  option  is  non-negative  (the  option value is
601                     stored as a  (Tcl_Obj  *)  in  the  widget  record),  the
602                     Tcl_Obj  pointer  referenced  by  valuePtr is the pointer
603                     that will be stored at  the  objOffset  for  the  option.
604                     SetProc  may  modify the value if necessary; for example,
605                     setProc may change the  value  to  NULL  to  support  the
606                     TK_OPTION_NULL_OK flag.
608              recordPtr
609                     A pointer to the start of the widget record to modify.
611              internalOffset
612                     Offset  in  bytes  from the start of the widget record to
613                     the location where the  internal  representation  of  the
614                     option value is to be placed.
616              saveInternalPtr
617                     A  pointer  to  storage  allocated  in  a Tk_SavedOptions
618                     structure for the internal representation of the original
619                     option  value.   Before  setting  the  option  to its new
620                     value, setProc should set the value referenced by saveIn‐
621                     ternalPtr to the original value of the option in order to
622                     support Tk_RestoreSavedOptions.
624              flags  A copy of the flags field in the Tk_OptionSpec  structure
625                     for the option
627       SetProc  returns  a  standard Tcl result: TCL_OK to indicate successful
628       processing, or TCL_ERROR to indicate a failure of any kind.   An  error
629       message  may be left in the Tcl interpreter given by interp in the case
630       of an error.
632       The getProc procedure is invoked by Tk_GetOptionValue and Tk_GetOption‐
633       Info  to  retrieve a Tcl_Obj representation of the internal representa‐
634       tion of an option.  The clientData argument is a copy of the clientData
635       field  in  the  Tk_ObjCustomOption  structure.   Tkwin is a copy of the
636       tkwin argument to Tk_GetOptionValue or Tk_GetOptionInfo.  RecordPtr  is
637       a pointer to the beginning of the widget record to query.  InternalOff‐
638       set is the offset in bytes from the beginning of the widget  record  to
639       the  location  where the internal representation of the option value is
640       stored.  GetProc must return a pointer to a  Tcl_Obj  representing  the
641       value of the option.
643       The  restoreProc  procedure  is  invoked  by  Tk_RestoreSavedOptions to
644       restore a previously saved internal representation of a  custom  option
645       value.   The  clientData  argument is a copy of the clientData field in
646       the Tk_ObjCustomOption structure.  Tkwin is a copy of the  tkwin  argu‐
647       ment  to  Tk_GetOptionValue  or  Tk_GetOptionInfo.   InternalPtr  is  a
648       pointer to the location where internal  representation  of  the  option
649       value  is  stored.   SaveInternalPtr  is  a pointer to the saved value.
650       RestoreProc must copy the value from saveInternalPtr to internalPtr  to
651       restore  the  value.   RestoreProc  need not free any memory associated
652       with either internalPtr or saveInternalPtr; freeProc will be invoked to
653       free that memory if necessary.  RestoreProc has no return value.
655       The  freeProc procedure is invoked by Tk_SetOptions and Tk_FreeSavedOp‐
656       tions to free any storage allocated for the internal representation  of
657       a  custom  option.  The clientData argument is a copy of the clientData
658       field in the Tk_ObjCustomOption structure.  Tkwin  is  a  copy  of  the
659       tkwin  argument  to Tk_GetOptionValue or Tk_GetOptionInfo.  InternalPtr
660       is a pointer to the location where the internal representation  of  the
661       option  value is stored.  The freeProc must free any storage associated
662       with the option.  FreeProc has no return value.


667       anchor, bitmap, boolean, border, color, configuration  option,  cursor,
668       double,  font,  integer, justify, pixels, relief, screen distance, syn‐
669       onym
673Tk                                    8.1                     Tk_SetOptions(3)