1XIGRABBUTTON(3)                 [FIXME: manual]                XIGRABBUTTON(3)


6       XIGrabButton, XIUngrabButton, XIGrabKeycode, XIUngrabKeycode -
7       grab/ungrab buttons or keys


10       #include <X11/extensions/XInput.h>
12       int XIGrabButton( Display *display,
13                         int deviceid,
14                         int button,
15                         Window grab_window,
16                         Cursor cursor,
17                         int grab_mode,
18                         int paired_device_mode,
19                         Bool owner_events,
20                         XIEventMask *mask,
21                         int num_modifiers,
22                         XIGrabModifiers *modifiers_inout);
24       int XIUngrabButton( Display *display,
25                           int deviceid,
26                           int button,
27                           Window grab_window,
28                           int num_modifiers,
29                           XIGrabModifiers *modifiers);
31       int XIGrabKeycode( Display *display,
32                         int deviceid,
33                         int keycode,
34                         Window grab_window,
35                         int grab_mode,
36                         int paired_device_mode,
37                         Bool owner_events,
38                         XIEventMask *mask,
39                         int num_modifiers,
40                         XIGrabModifiers *modifiers_inout);
42       int XIUngrabKeycode( Display *display,
43                           int deviceid,
44                           int keycode,
45                           Window grab_window,
46                           int num_modifiers,
47                           XIGrabModifiers *modifiers);
49       display
50              Specifies the connection to the X server.
52       device
53              Specifies the device that is to be grabbed or released
55       button
56              Specifies the device button that is to be grabbed or
57              released or XIAnyButton.
59       keycode
60              Specifies the keycode that is to be grabbed or released
61              or XIAnyKeycode.
63       num_modifiers
64              Number of elements in modifiers or modifiers_return
66       modifiers
67              Specifies the set of latched and base modifiers or
68              XIAnyModifier to ungrab. The data type is for
69              consistency with the respective grab request and the
70              status code of the XIGrabModifiers struct is ignored.
72       modifiers_inout
73              Specifies the set of latched and base modifiers or
74              XIAnyModifier to grab. Returns the modifiers that could
75              not be grabbed and their status code.
77       grab_window
78              Specifies the grab window.
80       owner_events
81              Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether the are
82              to be reported as usual or reported with respect to the
83              grab window.
85       mask
86              Specifies the event mask.
88       grab_mode
89              Specifies further processing of events from this device.
90              You can pass GrabModeSync or GrabModeAsync.
92       paired_device_mode
93              Specifies further processing of events from the paired
94              master device. You can pass GrabModeSync or
95              GrabModeAsync. If deviceid specifies a floating slave
96              device, this parameter is ignored.


99           XIGrabButton and XIGrabKeycode establishes a passive grab. The
100           modifier device for a button grab is the paired master device
101           if deviceid specifies a master pointer. Otherwise, the modifier
102           device is the device specified with deviceid. In the future,
103           the device is actively grabbed (as for XIGrabDevice, the
104           last-grab time is set to the time at which the button or keycode
105           was pressed and the X_XIButtonPress or X_XIKeyPress event is
106           reported if all of the following conditions are true:
107             * The device is not grabbed, and the specified button or
108               keycode is logically pressed when the specified modifier
109               keys are logically down on the modifier device and no other
110               buttons or modifier keys are logically down.
111             * Either the grab window is an ancestor of (or is) the focus
112               window, OR the grab window is a descendent of the focus
113               window and contains the device.
114             * A passive grab on the same button/modifier combination does
115               not exist on any ancestor of grab_window.
117           The interpretation of the remaining arguments is as for
118           XIGrabDevice. The active grab is terminated automatically when
119           the logical state of the device has all buttons or keys
120           released (independent of the logical state of the modifier
121           keys).
123           If the device is an attached slave device, the device is
124           automatically detached from the master device when the grab
125           activates and reattached to the same master device when the
126           grab deactivates. If the master device is removed while the
127           device is floating as a result of a grab, the device remains
128           floating once the grab deactivates.
130           Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by client
131           applications) may lag the physical state if device event
132           processing is frozen.
134           This request overrides all previous grabs by the same client on
135           the same button/modifier or keycode/modifier combinations on the
136           same window. A modifiers of XIAnyModifier is equivalent to
137           issuing the grab request for all possible modifier combinations
138           (including the combination of no modifiers). It is not required
139           that all modifiers specified have currently assigned KeyCodes.
140           A button of XIAnyButton is equivalent to issuing the request
141           for all possible buttons. Otherwise, it is not required that
142           the specified button currently be assigned to a physical
143           button.
145           If some other client has already issued a XIGrabButton or
146           XIGrabKeycode with the same button/modifier or keycode/modifier
147           combination on the same window, a BadAccess error results. When
148           using XIAnyModifier or XIAnyButton , the request fails
149           completely, and a XIBadAccess error results (no grabs are
150           established) if there is a conflicting grab for any
151           combination. XIGrabButton and XIGrabKeycode have no effect on an
152           active grab.
154           XIGrabButton and XIGrabKeycode can generate BadClass, BadDevice,
155           BadMatch, BadValue, and BadWindow errors.
157           XIUngrabButton and XIUngrabKeycode releases the passive grab for
158           a button/modifier or keycode/modifier combination on the
159           specified window if it was grabbed by this client. A modifier
160           of XIAnyModifier is equivalent to issuing the ungrab request
161           for all possible modifier combinations, including the
162           combination of no modifiers. A button of XIAnyButton is
163           equivalent to issuing the request for all possible buttons.
164           XIUngrabButton and XIUngrabKeycode have no effect on an active
165           grab.
167           XIUngrabButton and XIUngrabKeycode can generate BadDevice,
168           BadMatch, BadValue and BadWindow errors.


171           BadDevice
172                  An invalid deviceid was specified.
174           BadMatch
175                  This error may occur if XIGrabButton specified a device
176                  that has no buttons, or XIGrabKeycode specified a device
177                  that has no keys.
179           BadValue
180                  Some numeric value falls outside the range of values
181                  accepted by the request. Unless a specific range is
182                  specified for an argument, the full range defined by the
183                  argumentĀ“s type is accepted. Any argument defined as a
184                  set of alternatives can generate this error.
186           BadWindow
187                  A value for a Window argument does not name a defined
188                  Window.


191           XIAllowEvents(3)
195[FIXME: source]                   08/04/2010                   XIGRABBUTTON(3)