1Curses(3)             User Contributed Perl Documentation            Curses(3)


6       Curses - terminal screen handling and optimization


9           use Curses;
11           initscr;
12           ...
13           endwin;
16          Curses::supports_function($function);
17          Curses::supports_constant($constant);


20       "Curses" is the interface between Perl and your system's curses(3)
21       library.  For descriptions on the usage of a given function, variable,
22       or constant, consult your system's documentation, as such information
23       invariably varies (:-) between different curses(3) libraries and
24       operating systems.  This document describes the interface itself, and
25       assumes that you already know how your system's curses(3) library
26       works.
28   Unified Functions
29       Many curses(3) functions have variants starting with the prefixes w-,
30       mv-, and/or wmv-.  These variants differ only in the explicit addition
31       of a window, or by the addition of two coordinates that are used to
32       move the cursor first.  For example, "addch()" has three other
33       variants: "waddch()", "mvaddch()", and "mvwaddch()".  The variants
34       aren't very interesting; in fact, we could roll all of the variants
35       into original function by allowing a variable number of arguments and
36       analyzing the argument list for which variant the user wanted to call.
38       Unfortunately, curses(3) predates varargs(3), so in C we were stuck
39       with all the variants.  However, "Curses" is a Perl interface, so we
40       are free to "unify" these variants into one function.  The section
41       "Available Functions" below lists all curses(3) functions "Curses"
42       makes available as Perl equivalents, along with a column listing if it
43       is unified.  If so, it takes a varying number of arguments as follows:
45           "function( [win], [y, x], args );"
47           win is an optional window argument, defaulting to "stdscr" if not
48           specified.
50           y, x is an optional coordinate pair used to move the cursor,
51           defaulting to no move if not specified.
53           args are the required arguments of the function.  These are the
54           arguments you would specify if you were just calling the base
55           function and not any of the variants.
57       This makes the variants obsolete, since their functionality has been
58       merged into a single function, so "Curses" does not define them by
59       default.  You can still get them if you want, by setting the variable
60       $Curses::OldCurses to a non-zero value before using the "Curses"
61       package.  See "Perl 4.X "cursperl" Compatibility" for an example of
62       this.
64   Objects
65       Objects work.  Example:
67           $win = new Curses;
68           $win->addstr(10, 10, 'foo');
69           $win->refresh;
70           ...
72       Any function that has been marked as unified (see "Available Functions"
73       below and "Unified Functions" above) can be called as a method for a
74       Curses object.
76       Do not use "initscr()" if using objects, as the first call to get a
77       "new Curses" will do it for you.
79   Security Concerns
80       It has always been the case with the curses functions, but please note
81       that the following functions:
83           getstr()   (and optional wgetstr(), mvgetstr(), and mvwgetstr())
84           inchstr()  (and optional winchstr(), mvinchstr(), and mvwinchstr())
85           instr()    (and optional winstr(), mvinstr(), and mvwinstr())
87       are subject to buffer overflow attack.  This is because you pass in the
88       buffer to be filled in, which has to be of finite length, but there is
89       no way to stop a bad guy from typing.
91       In order to avoid this problem, use the alternate functions:
93          getnstr()
94          inchnstr()
95          innstr()
97       which take an extra "size of buffer" argument.


100   Perl 4.X "cursperl" Compatibility
101       "Curses" has been written to take advantage of the new features of
102       Perl.  I felt it better to provide an improved curses programming
103       environment rather than to be 100% compatible.  However, many old
104       "curseperl" applications will probably still work by starting the
105       script with:
107           BEGIN { $Curses::OldCurses = 1; }
108           use Curses;
110       Any old application that still does not work should print an
111       understandable error message explaining the problem.
113       Some functions and variables are not available through "Curses", even
114       with the "BEGIN" line.  They are listed under "curses(3) items not
115       available through Curses".
117       The variables $stdscr and $curscr are also available as functions
118       "stdscr" and "curscr".  This is because of a Perl bug.  See the BUGS
119       section for details.
121   Incompatibilities with previous versions of "Curses"
122       In previous versions of this software, some Perl functions took a
123       different set of parameters than their C counterparts.  This is no
124       longer true.  You should now use "getstr($str)" and "getyx($y, $x)"
125       instead of "$str = getstr()" and "($y, $x) = getyx()".
127   Incompatibilities with other Perl programs
128           menu.pl, v3.0 and v3.1
129               There were various interaction problems between these two
130               releases and Curses.  Please upgrade to the latest version
131               (v3.3 as of 3/16/96).


134       ·   Curses function '%s' called with too %s arguments at ...
136           You have called a "Curses" function with a wrong number of
137           arguments.
139       ·   argument %d to Curses function '%s' is not a Curses %s at ...
140           =item * argument is not a Curses %s at ...
142           The argument you gave to the function wasn't what it wanted.
144           This probably means that you didn't give the right arguments to a
145           unified function.  See the DESCRIPTION section on Unified Functions
146           for more information.
148       ·   Curses function '%s' is not defined by your vendor at ...
150           You have a "Curses" function in your code that your system's
151           curses(3) library doesn't define.
153       ·   Curses variable '%s' is not defined by your vendor at ...
155           You have a "Curses" variable in your code that your system's
156           curses(3) library doesn't define.
158       ·   Curses constant '%s' is not defined by your vendor at ...
160           You have a "Curses" constant in your code that your system's
161           curses(3) library doesn't define.
163       ·   Curses::Vars::FETCH called with bad index at ...  =item *
164           Curses::Vars::STORE called with bad index at ...
166           You've been playing with the "tie" interface to the "Curses"
167           variables.  Don't do that.  :-)
169       ·   Anything else
171           Check out the perldiag man page to see if the error is in there.


174       If you use the variables $stdscr and $curscr instead of their
175       functional counterparts ("stdscr" and "curscr"), you might run into a
176       bug in Perl where the "magic" isn't called early enough.  This is
177       manifested by the "Curses" package telling you $stdscr isn't a window.
178       One workaround is to put a line like "$stdscr = $stdscr" near the front
179       of your program.
181       Probably many more.


184       William Setzer <William_Setzer@ncsu.edu>


187   Available Functions
188           Avaiable Function    Unified?     Available via $OldCurses[*]
189           -----------------    --------     ------------------------
190           addch                  Yes        waddch mvaddch mvwaddch
191           echochar               Yes        wechochar
192           addchstr               Yes        waddchstr mvaddchstr mvwaddchstr
193           addchnstr              Yes        waddchnstr mvaddchnstr mvwaddchnstr
194           addstr                 Yes        waddstr mvaddstr mvwaddstr
195           addnstr                Yes        waddnstr mvaddnstr mvwaddnstr
196           attroff                Yes        wattroff
197           attron                 Yes        wattron
198           attrset                Yes        wattrset
199           standend               Yes        wstandend
200           standout               Yes        wstandout
201           attr_get               Yes        wattr_get
202           attr_off               Yes        wattr_off
203           attr_on                Yes        wattr_on
204           attr_set               Yes        wattr_set
205           chgat                  Yes        wchgat mvchgat mvwchgat
206           COLOR_PAIR              No
207           PAIR_NUMBER             No
208           beep                    No
209           flash                   No
210           bkgd                   Yes        wbkgd
211           bkgdset                Yes        wbkgdset
212           getbkgd                Yes
213           border                 Yes        wborder
214           box                    Yes
215           hline                  Yes        whline mvhline mvwhline
216           vline                  Yes        wvline mvvline mvwvline
217           erase                  Yes        werase
218           clear                  Yes        wclear
219           clrtobot               Yes        wclrtobot
220           clrtoeol               Yes        wclrtoeol
221           start_color             No
222           init_pair               No
223           init_color              No
224           has_colors              No
225           can_change_color        No
226           color_content           No
227           pair_content            No
228           delch                  Yes        wdelch mvdelch mvwdelch
229           deleteln               Yes        wdeleteln
230           insdelln               Yes        winsdelln
231           insertln               Yes        winsertln
232           getch                  Yes        wgetch mvgetch mvwgetch
233           ungetch                 No
234           has_key                 No
235           KEY_F                   No
236           getstr                 Yes        wgetstr mvgetstr mvwgetstr
237           getnstr                Yes        wgetnstr mvgetnstr mvwgetnstr
238           getyx                  Yes
239           getparyx               Yes
240           getbegyx               Yes
241           getmaxyx               Yes
242           inch                   Yes        winch mvinch mvwinch
243           inchstr                Yes        winchstr mvinchstr mvwinchstr
244           inchnstr               Yes        winchnstr mvinchnstr mvwinchnstr
245           initscr                 No
246           endwin                  No
247           isendwin                No
248           newterm                 No
249           set_term                No
250           delscreen               No
251           cbreak                  No
252           nocbreak                No
253           echo                    No
254           noecho                  No
255           halfdelay               No
256           intrflush              Yes
257           keypad                 Yes
258           meta                   Yes
259           nodelay                Yes
260           notimeout              Yes
261           raw                     No
262           noraw                   No
263           qiflush                 No
264           noqiflush               No
265           timeout                Yes        wtimeout
266           typeahead               No
267           insch                  Yes        winsch mvinsch mvwinsch
268           insstr                 Yes        winsstr mvinsstr mvwinsstr
269           insnstr                Yes        winsnstr mvinsnstr mvwinsnstr
270           instr                  Yes        winstr mvinstr mvwinstr
271           innstr                 Yes        winnstr mvinnstr mvwinnstr
272           def_prog_mode           No
273           def_shell_mode          No
274           reset_prog_mode         No
275           reset_shell_mode        No
276           resetty                 No
277           savetty                 No
278           getsyx                  No
279           setsyx                  No
280           curs_set                No
281           napms                   No
282           move                   Yes        wmove
283           clearok                Yes
284           idlok                  Yes
285           idcok                  Yes
286           immedok                Yes
287           leaveok                Yes
288           setscrreg              Yes        wsetscrreg
289           scrollok               Yes
290           nl                      No
291           nonl                    No
292           overlay                 No
293           overwrite               No
294           copywin                 No
295           newpad                  No
296           subpad                  No
297           prefresh                No
298           pnoutrefresh            No
299           pechochar               No
300           refresh                Yes        wrefresh
301           noutrefresh            Yes        wnoutrefresh
302           doupdate                No
303           redrawwin              Yes
304           redrawln               Yes        wredrawln
305           scr_dump                No
306           scr_restore             No
307           scr_init                No
308           scr_set                 No
309           scroll                 Yes
310           scrl                   Yes        wscrl
311           slk_init                No
312           slk_set                 No
313           slk_refresh             No
314           slk_noutrefresh         No
315           slk_label               No
316           slk_clear               No
317           slk_restore             No
318           slk_touch               No
319           slk_attron              No
320           slk_attrset             No
321           slk_attr                No
322           slk_attroff             No
323           slk_color               No
324           baudrate                No
325           erasechar               No
326           has_ic                  No
327           has_il                  No
328           killchar                No
329           longname                No
330           termattrs               No
331           termname                No
332           touchwin               Yes
333           touchline              Yes
334           untouchwin             Yes
335           touchln                Yes        wtouchln
336           is_linetouched         Yes
337           is_wintouched          Yes
338           unctrl                  No
339           keyname                 No
340           filter                  No
341           use_env                 No
342           putwin                  No
343           getwin                  No
344           delay_output            No
345           flushinp                No
346           newwin                  No
347           delwin                 Yes
348           mvwin                  Yes
349           subwin                 Yes
350           derwin                 Yes
351           mvderwin               Yes
352           dupwin                 Yes
353           syncup                 Yes        wsyncup
354           syncok                 Yes
355           cursyncup              Yes        wcursyncup
356           syncdown               Yes        wsyncdown
357           getmouse                No
358           ungetmouse              No
359           mousemask               No
360           enclose                Yes        wenclose
361           mouse_trafo            Yes        wmouse_trafo
362           mouseinterval           No
363           BUTTON_RELEASE          No
364           BUTTON_PRESS            No
365           BUTTON_CLICK            No
366           BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK     No
367           BUTTON_TRIPLE_CLICK     No
368           BUTTON_RESERVED_EVENT   No
369           use_default_colors      No
370           assume_default_colors   No
371           define_key              No
372           keybound                No
373           keyok                   No
374           resizeterm              No
375           resize                 Yes        wresize
376           getmaxy                Yes
377           getmaxx                Yes
378           flusok                 Yes
379           getcap                  No
380           touchoverlap            No
381           new_panel               No
382           bottom_panel            No
383           top_panel               No
384           show_panel              No
385           update_panels           No
386           hide_panel              No
387           panel_window            No
388           replace_panel           No
389           move_panel              No
390           panel_hidden            No
391           panel_above             No
392           panel_below             No
393           set_panel_userptr       No
394           panel_userptr           No
395           del_panel               No
396           set_menu_fore           No
397           menu_fore               No
398           set_menu_back           No
399           menu_back               No
400           set_menu_grey           No
401           menu_grey               No
402           set_menu_pad            No
403           menu_pad                No
404           pos_menu_cursor         No
405           menu_driver             No
406           set_menu_format         No
407           menu_format             No
408           set_menu_items          No
409           menu_items              No
410           item_count              No
411           set_menu_mark           No
412           menu_mark               No
413           new_menu                No
414           free_menu               No
415           menu_opts               No
416           set_menu_opts           No
417           menu_opts_on            No
418           menu_opts_off           No
419           set_menu_pattern        No
420           menu_pattern            No
421           post_menu               No
422           unpost_menu             No
423           set_menu_userptr        No
424           menu_userptr            No
425           set_menu_win            No
426           menu_win                No
427           set_menu_sub            No
428           menu_sub                No
429           scale_menu              No
430           set_current_item        No
431           current_item            No
432           set_top_row             No
433           top_row                 No
434           item_index              No
435           item_name               No
436           item_description        No
437           new_item                No
438           free_item               No
439           set_item_opts           No
440           item_opts_on            No
441           item_opts_off           No
442           item_opts               No
443           item_userptr            No
444           set_item_userptr        No
445           set_item_value          No
446           item_value              No
447           item_visible            No
448           menu_request_name       No
449           menu_request_by_name    No
450           set_menu_spacing        No
451           menu_spacing            No
452           pos_form_cursor         No
453           data_ahead              No
454           data_behind             No
455           form_driver             No
456           set_form_fields         No
457           form_fields             No
458           field_count             No
459           move_field              No
460           new_form                No
461           free_form               No
462           set_new_page            No
463           new_page                No
464           set_form_opts           No
465           form_opts_on            No
466           form_opts_off           No
467           form_opts               No
468           set_current_field       No
469           current_field           No
470           set_form_page           No
471           form_page               No
472           field_index             No
473           post_form               No
474           unpost_form             No
475           set_form_userptr        No
476           form_userptr            No
477           set_form_win            No
478           form_win                No
479           set_form_sub            No
480           form_sub                No
481           scale_form              No
482           set_field_fore          No
483           field_fore              No
484           set_field_back          No
485           field_back              No
486           set_field_pad           No
487           field_pad               No
488           set_field_buffer        No
489           field_buffer            No
490           set_field_status        No
491           field_status            No
492           set_max_field           No
493           field_info              No
494           dynamic_field_info      No
495           set_field_just          No
496           field_just              No
497           new_field               No
498           dup_field               No
499           link_field              No
500           free_field              No
501           set_field_opts          No
502           field_opts_on           No
503           field_opts_off          No
504           field_opts              No
505           set_field_userptr       No
506           field_userptr           No
507           field_arg               No
508           form_request_name       No
509           form_request_by_name    No
511       [*] To use any functions in this column, the variable
512       $Curses::OldCurses must be set to a non-zero value before using the
513       "Curses" package.  See "Perl 4.X cursperl Compatibility" for an example
514       of this.
516   Available Variables
517           LINES                   COLS                    stdscr
518           curscr                  COLORS                  COLOR_PAIRS
520   Available Constants
521           ERR                     OK                      ACS_BLOCK
522           ACS_BOARD               ACS_BTEE                ACS_BULLET
523           ACS_CKBOARD             ACS_DARROW              ACS_DEGREE
524           ACS_DIAMOND             ACS_HLINE               ACS_LANTERN
525           ACS_LARROW              ACS_LLCORNER            ACS_LRCORNER
526           ACS_LTEE                ACS_PLMINUS             ACS_PLUS
527           ACS_RARROW              ACS_RTEE                ACS_S1
528           ACS_S9                  ACS_TTEE                ACS_UARROW
529           ACS_ULCORNER            ACS_URCORNER            ACS_VLINE
530           A_ALTCHARSET            A_ATTRIBUTES            A_BLINK
531           A_BOLD                  A_CHARTEXT              A_COLOR
532           A_DIM                   A_INVIS                 A_NORMAL
533           A_PROTECT               A_REVERSE               A_STANDOUT
534           A_UNDERLINE             COLOR_BLACK             COLOR_BLUE
535           COLOR_CYAN              COLOR_GREEN             COLOR_MAGENTA
536           COLOR_RED               COLOR_WHITE             COLOR_YELLOW
537           KEY_A1                  KEY_A3                  KEY_B2
538           KEY_BACKSPACE           KEY_BEG                 KEY_BREAK
539           KEY_BTAB                KEY_C1                  KEY_C3
540           KEY_CANCEL              KEY_CATAB               KEY_CLEAR
541           KEY_CLOSE               KEY_COMMAND             KEY_COPY
542           KEY_CREATE              KEY_CTAB                KEY_DC
543           KEY_DL                  KEY_DOWN                KEY_EIC
544           KEY_END                 KEY_ENTER               KEY_EOL
545           KEY_EOS                 KEY_EVENT               KEY_EXIT
546           KEY_F0
547           KEY_FIND                KEY_HELP                KEY_HOME
548           KEY_IC                  KEY_IL                  KEY_LEFT
549           KEY_LL                  KEY_MARK                KEY_MAX
550           KEY_MESSAGE             KEY_MIN                 KEY_MOVE
551           KEY_NEXT                KEY_NPAGE               KEY_OPEN
552           KEY_OPTIONS             KEY_PPAGE               KEY_PREVIOUS
553           KEY_PRINT               KEY_REDO                KEY_REFERENCE
554           KEY_REFRESH             KEY_REPLACE             KEY_RESET
555           KEY_RESIZE              KEY_RESTART             KEY_RESUME
556           KEY_RIGHT
557           KEY_SAVE                KEY_SBEG                KEY_SCANCEL
558           KEY_SCOMMAND            KEY_SCOPY               KEY_SCREATE
559           KEY_SDC                 KEY_SDL                 KEY_SELECT
560           KEY_SEND                KEY_SEOL                KEY_SEXIT
561           KEY_SF                  KEY_SFIND               KEY_SHELP
562           KEY_SHOME               KEY_SIC                 KEY_SLEFT
563           KEY_SMESSAGE            KEY_SMOVE               KEY_SNEXT
564           KEY_SOPTIONS            KEY_SPREVIOUS           KEY_SPRINT
565           KEY_SR                  KEY_SREDO               KEY_SREPLACE
566           KEY_SRESET              KEY_SRIGHT              KEY_SRSUME
567           KEY_SSAVE               KEY_SSUSPEND            KEY_STAB
568           KEY_SUNDO               KEY_SUSPEND             KEY_UNDO
569           KEY_UP                  KEY_MOUSE               BUTTON1_RELEASED
578           BUTTON_SHIFT            BUTTON_ALT              ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS
580           E_SYSTEM_ERROR          E_BAD_ARGUMENT          E_POSTED
581           E_CONNECTED             E_BAD_STATE             E_NO_ROOM
582           E_NOT_POSTED            E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND       E_NO_MATCH
584           E_INVALID_FIELD         E_CURRENT               REQ_LEFT_ITEM
585           REQ_RIGHT_ITEM          REQ_UP_ITEM             REQ_DOWN_ITEM
586           REQ_SCR_ULINE           REQ_SCR_DLINE           REQ_SCR_DPAGE
587           REQ_SCR_UPAGE           REQ_FIRST_ITEM          REQ_LAST_ITEM
588           REQ_NEXT_ITEM           REQ_PREV_ITEM           REQ_TOGGLE_ITEM
591           O_ONEVALUE              O_SHOWDESC              O_ROWMAJOR
592           O_IGNORECASE            O_SHOWMATCH             O_NONCYCLIC
593           O_SELECTABLE            REQ_NEXT_PAGE           REQ_PREV_PAGE
594           REQ_FIRST_PAGE          REQ_LAST_PAGE           REQ_NEXT_FIELD
595           REQ_PREV_FIELD          REQ_FIRST_FIELD         REQ_LAST_FIELD
597           REQ_SLAST_FIELD         REQ_LEFT_FIELD          REQ_RIGHT_FIELD
598           REQ_UP_FIELD            REQ_DOWN_FIELD          REQ_NEXT_CHAR
599           REQ_PREV_CHAR           REQ_NEXT_LINE           REQ_PREV_LINE
600           REQ_NEXT_WORD           REQ_PREV_WORD           REQ_BEG_FIELD
601           REQ_END_FIELD           REQ_BEG_LINE            REQ_END_LINE
602           REQ_LEFT_CHAR           REQ_RIGHT_CHAR          REQ_UP_CHAR
603           REQ_DOWN_CHAR           REQ_NEW_LINE            REQ_INS_CHAR
604           REQ_INS_LINE            REQ_DEL_CHAR            REQ_DEL_PREV
605           REQ_DEL_LINE            REQ_DEL_WORD            REQ_CLR_EOL
606           REQ_CLR_EOF             REQ_CLR_FIELD           REQ_OVL_MODE
607           REQ_INS_MODE            REQ_SCR_FLINE           REQ_SCR_BLINE
608           REQ_SCR_FPAGE           REQ_SCR_BPAGE           REQ_SCR_FHPAGE
609           REQ_SCR_BHPAGE          REQ_SCR_FCHAR           REQ_SCR_BCHAR
610           REQ_SCR_HFLINE          REQ_SCR_HBLINE          REQ_SCR_HFHALF
611           REQ_SCR_HBHALF          REQ_VALIDATION          REQ_NEXT_CHOICE
614           JUSTIFY_RIGHT           O_VISIBLE               O_ACTIVE
615           O_PUBLIC                O_EDIT                  O_WRAP
616           O_BLANK                 O_AUTOSKIP              O_NULLOK
617           O_PASSOK                O_STATIC                O_NL_OVERLOAD
618           O_BS_OVERLOAD
620   curses(3) functions not available through "Curses"
621           tstp _putchar fullname scanw wscanw mvscanw mvwscanw ripoffline
622           setupterm setterm set_curterm del_curterm restartterm tparm tputs
623           putp vidputs vidattr mvcur tigetflag tigetnum tigetstr tgetent
624           tgetflag tgetnum tgetstr tgoto tputs
626   menu(3) functions not available through "Curses"
627           set_item_init item_init set_item_term item_term set_menu_init
628           menu_init set_menu_term menu_term
630   form(3) functions not available through "Curses"
631           new_fieldtype free_fieldtype set_fieldtype_arg
632           set_fieldtype_choice link_fieldtype set_form_init form_init
633           set_form_term form_term set_field_init field_init set_field_term
634           field_term set_field_type field_type
638perl v5.12.0                      2009-01-20                         Curses(3)