1DBD::Multi(3)         User Contributed Perl Documentation        DBD::Multi(3)


6       DBD::Multi - Manage Multiple Data Sources with Failover and Load
7       Balancing


10         use DBI;
12         my $other_dbh = DBI->connect(...);
14         my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:Multi:', undef, undef, {
15             dsns => [ # in priority order
16                 10 => [ 'dbi:SQLite:read_one.db', '', '' ],
17                 10 => [ 'dbi:SQLite:read_two.db', '', '' ],
18                 20 => [ 'dbi:SQLite:master.db',   '', '' ],
19                 30 => $other_dbh,
20                 40 => sub {  DBI->connect },
21             ],
22             # optional
23             failed_max    => 1,     # short credibility
24             failed_expire => 60*60, # long memory
25             timeout       => 10,    # time out connection attempts after 10 seconds.
26         });


29       This software manages multiple database connections for failovers and
30       also simple load balancing.  It acts as a proxy between your code and
31       your database connections, transparently choosing a connection for each
32       query, based on your preferences and present availability of the DB
33       server.
35       This module is intended for read-only operations (where some other
36       application is being used to handle replication).
38       This software does not prevent write operations from being executed.
39       This is left up to the user. See "SUGGESTED USES" below for ideas.
41       The interface is nearly the same as other DBI drivers with one notable
42       exception.
44   Configuring DSNs
45       Specify an attribute to the "connect()" constructor, "dsns". This is a
46       list of DSNs to configure. The configuration is given in pairs. First
47       comes the priority of the DSN. Second is the DSN.
49       The priorities specify which connections should be used first (lowest
50       to highest).  As long as the lowest priority connection is responding,
51       the higher priority connections will never be used.  If multiple
52       connections have the same priority, then one connection will be chosen
53       randomly for each operation.  Note that the random DB is chosen when
54       the statement is prepared.   Therefore executing multiple queries on
55       the same prepared statement handle will always run on the same
56       connection.
58       The second parameter can a DBI object, a code ref which returns a DBI
59       object, or a list of parameters to pass to the DBI "connect()"
60       instructor.   If a set of parameters or a code ref is given, then
61       DBD::Multi will be able to attempt re-connect in the event that the
62       connection is lost.   If a DBI object is used, the DBD::Multi will give
63       up permanently once that connection is lost.
65       These connections are lazy loaded, meaning they aren't made until they
66       are actually used.
68   Configuring Failures
69       By default, after a data source fails three times, it will not be tried
70       again for 5 minutes.  After that period, the data source will be tried
71       again for future requests until it reaches its three failure limit (the
72       cycle repeats forever).
74       To change the maximum number of failures allowed before a data source
75       is deemed failed, set the "failed_max" parameter. To change the amount
76       of time we remember a data source as being failed, set the
77       "failed_expire" parameter in seconds.
79   Timing out connections.
80       By default, if you attempt to connect to an IP that isn't answering,
81       DBI will hang for a very long period of time.   This behavior is not
82       desirable in a multi database setup.   Instead, it is better to give up
83       on slow connections and move on to other databases quickly.
85       DBD::Multi will give up on connection attempts after 5 seconds and then
86       try another connection.   You may set the "timeout" parameter to change
87       the timeout time, or set it to 0 to disable the timeout feature
88       completely.


91       Here are some ideas on how to use this module effectively and safely.
93       It is important to remember that "DBD::Multi" is not intended for read-
94       write operations.  One suggestion to prevent accidental write
95       operations is to make sure that the user you are connecting to the
96       databases with has privileges sufficiently restricted to prevent
97       updates.
99       Read-write operations should happen through a separate database handle
100       that will somehow trigger replication to all of your databases.  For
101       example, your read-write handle might be connected to the master server
102       that replicates itself to all of the subordinate servers.
104       Read-only database calls within your application would be updated to
105       explicitly use the read-only (DBD::Multi) handle. It is not necessary
106       to find every single call that can be load balanced, since they can
107       safely be sent through the read/write handle as well.


110       There really isn't much of a TODO list for this module at this time.
111       Feel free to submit a bug report to rt.cpan.org if you think there is a
112       feature missing.
114       Although there is some code intended for read/write operations, this
115       should be considered not supported and not actively developed at this
116       time.  The actual read/write code remains un-documented because in the
117       event that I ever do decide to work on supporting read/write
118       operations, the API is not guaranteed to stay the same.  The focus of
119       this module is presently limited to read-only operations.


122       DBD::Multi has it's own suite of regression tests.   But, suppose you
123       want to verify that you can slip DBD::Multi into whatever application
124       you already have written without breaking anything.
126       Thanks to a feature of DBI, you can regression test DBD::Multi using
127       any existing tests that already use DBI without having to update any of
128       your code.  Simply set the environment variable DBI_AUTOPROXY to
129       'dbi:Multi:' and then run your tests.  DBD::Multi should act as a
130       silent pipe between your application and whatever database driver you
131       were previously using.  This will help you verify that you aren't
132       currently using some feature of the DBI that breaks DBD::Multi (If you
133       are, please do me a favor and submit a bug report so I can fix it).


136       CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH - A plugin for the CGI::Application
137       framework which makes it easy to support two database handles, and also
138       supports lazy-loading.
140       DBD::Multiplex, DBIx::HA - Two modules similar to DBD::Multi, but with
141       slightly different objectives.
143       DBI, perl - You should probably already know about these before using
144       this module.


147       Initially written by Casey West and Dan Wright for pair Networks, Inc.
148       (www.pair.com)
150       Maintained by Dan Wright.  <DWRIGHT@CPAN.ORG>.
154perl v5.12.0                      2008-03-03                     DBD::Multi(3)