1Net::XMPP::Protocol(3)User Contributed Perl DocumentationNet::XMPP::Protocol(3)


6       Net::XMPP::Protocol - XMPP Protocol Module


9         Net::XMPP::Protocol is a module that provides a developer easy
10         access to the XMPP Instant Messaging protocol.  It provides high
11         level functions to the Net::XMPP Client object.  These functions are
12         inherited by that modules.


15         Protocol.pm seeks to provide enough high level APIs and automation of
16         the low level APIs that writing a XMPP Client in Perl is trivial.  For
17         those that wish to work with the low level you can do that too, but
18         those functions are covered in the documentation for each module.
20         Net::XMPP::Protocol provides functions to login, send and receive
21         messages, set personal information, create a new user account, manage
22         the roster, and disconnect.  You can use all or none of the functions,
23         there is no requirement.
25         For more information on how the details for how Net::XMPP is written
26         please see the help for Net::XMPP itself.
28         For more information on writing a Client see Net::XMPP::Client.
30   Modes
31         Several of the functions take a mode argument that let you specify how
32         the function should behave:
34           block - send the packet with an ID, and then block until an answer
35                   comes back.  You can optionally specify a timeout so that
36                   you do not block forever.
38           nonblock - send the packet with an ID, but then return that id and
39                      control to the master program.  Net::XMPP is still
40                      tracking this packet, so you must use the CheckID function
41                      to tell when it comes in.  (This might not be very
42                      useful...)
44           passthru - send the packet with an ID, but do NOT register it with
45                      Net::XMPP, then return the ID.  This is useful when
46                      combined with the XPath function because you can register
47                      a one shot function tied to the id you get back.
49   Basic Functions
50           use Net::XMPP qw( Client );
51           $Con = new Net::XMPP::Client();                  # From
52           $status = $Con->Connect(hostname=>"jabber.org"); # Net::XMPP::Client
54           $Con->SetCallBacks(send=>\&sendCallBack,
55                              receive=>\&receiveCallBack,
56                              message=>\&messageCallBack,
57                              iq=>\&handleTheIQTag);
59           $Con->SetMessageCallBacks(normal=>\&messageNormalCB,
60                                     chat=>\&messageChatCB);
62           $Con->SetPresenceCallBacks(available=>\&presenceAvailableCB,
63                                      unavailable=>\&presenceUnavailableCB);
65           $Con->SetIQCallBacks("custom-namespace"=>
66                                                    {
67                                                        get=>\&iqCustomGetCB,
68                                                        set=>\&iqCustomSetCB,
69                                                        result=>\&iqCustomResultCB,
70                                                    },
71                                                    etc...
72                                                   );
74           $Con->SetXPathCallBacks("/message[@type='chat']"=>&messageChatCB,
75                                   "/message[@type='chat']"=>&otherMessageChatCB,
76                                   ...
77                                  );
79           $Con->RemoveXPathCallBacks("/message[@type='chat']"=>&otherMessageChatCB);
81           $Con->SetDirectXPathCallBacks("/anything"=>&anythingCB,
82                                         "/anotherthing[@foo='bar']"=>&anotherthingFooBarCB,
83                                         ...
84                                        );
86           $Con->RemoveDirectXPathCallBacks("/message[@type='chat']"=>&otherMessageChatCB);
88           $error = $Con->GetErrorCode();
89           $Con->SetErrorCode("Timeout limit reached");
91           $status = $Con->Process();
92           $status = $Con->Process(5);
94           $Con->Send($object);
95           $Con->Send("<tag>XML</tag>");
97           $Con->Send($object,1);
98           $Con->Send("<tag>XML</tag>",1);
100           $Con->Disconnect();
102   ID Functions
103           $id         = $Con->SendWithID($sendObj);
104           $id         = $Con->SendWithID("<tag>XML</tag>");
105           $receiveObj = $Con->SendAndReceiveWithID($sendObj);
106           $receiveObj = $Con->SendAndReceiveWithID($sendObj,
107                                                    10);
108           $receiveObj = $Con->SendAndReceiveWithID("<tag>XML</tag>");
109           $receiveObj = $Con->SendAndReceiveWithID("<tag>XML</tag>",
110                                                    5);
111           $yesno      = $Con->ReceivedID($id);
112           $receiveObj = $Con->GetID($id);
113           $receiveObj = $Con->WaitForID($id);
114           $receiveObj = $Con->WaitForID($id,
115                                         20);
117   Namespace Functions
118           $Con->AddNamespace(ns=>"foo:bar",
119                              tag=>"myfoo",
120                              xpath=>{Foo=>{ path=> "foo/text()" },
121                                      Bar=>{ path=> "bar/text()" },
122                                      FooBar=>{ type=> "master" },
123                                     }
124                             );
126   Message Functions
127           $Con->MessageSend(to=>"bob@jabber.org",
128                             subject=>"Lunch",
129                             body=>"Let's go grab some...\n",
130                             thread=>"ABC123",
131                             priority=>10);
133   Presence Functions
134           $Con->PresenceSend();
135           $Con->PresenceSend(type=>"unavailable");
136           $Con->PresenceSend(show=>"away");
137           $Con->PresenceSend(signature=>...signature...);
139   Subscription Functions
140           $Con->Subscription(type=>"subscribe",
141                              to=>"bob@jabber.org");
143           $Con->Subscription(type=>"unsubscribe",
144                              to=>"bob@jabber.org");
146           $Con->Subscription(type=>"subscribed",
147                              to=>"bob@jabber.org");
149           $Con->Subscription(type=>"unsubscribed",
150                              to=>"bob@jabber.org");
152   Presence DB Functions
153           $Con->PresenceDB();
155           $Con->PresenceDBParse(Net::XMPP::Presence);
157           $Con->PresenceDBDelete("bob\@jabber.org");
158           $Con->PresenceDBDelete(Net::XMPP::JID);
160           $Con->PresenceDBClear();
162           $presence  = $Con->PresenceDBQuery("bob\@jabber.org");
163           $presence  = $Con->PresenceDBQuery(Net::XMPP::JID);
165           @resources = $Con->PresenceDBResources("bob\@jabber.org");
166           @resources = $Con->PresenceDBResources(Net::XMPP::JID);
168   IQ  Functions
169   Auth Functions
170           @result = $Con->AuthSend();
171           @result = $Con->AuthSend(username=>"bob",
172                                    password=>"bobrulez",
173                                    resource=>"Bob");
175   Register Functions
176           %hash   = $Con->RegisterRequest();
177           %hash   = $Con->RegisterRequest(to=>"transport.jabber.org");
178           %hash   = $Con->RegisterRequest(to=>"transport.jabber.org",
179                                           timeout=>10);
181           @result = $Con->RegisterSend(to=>"somewhere",
182                                        username=>"newuser",
183                                        resource=>"New User",
184                                        password=>"imanewbie",
185                                        email=>"newguy@new.com",
186                                        key=>"some key");
188   Roster Functions
189           $Roster = $Con->Roster();
191           %roster = $Con->RosterParse($iq);
192           %roster = $Con->RosterGet();
193           $Con->RosterRequest();
194           $Con->RosterAdd(jid=>"bob\@jabber.org",
195                           name=>"Bob");
196           $Con->RosterRemove(jid=>"bob@jabber.org");
198   Roster DB Functions
199           $Con->RosterDB();
201           $Con->RosterDBParse(Net::XMPP::IQ);
203           $Con->RosterDBAdd("bob\@jabber.org",
204                             name=>"Bob",
205                             groups=>["foo"]
206                            );
208           $Con->RosterDBRemove("bob\@jabber.org");
209           $Con->RosterDBRemove(Net::XMPP::JID);
211           $Con->RosterDBClear();
213           if ($Con->RosterDBExists("bob\@jabber.org")) { ...
214           if ($Con->RosterDBExists(Net::XMPP::JID)) { ...
216           @jids = $Con->RosterDBJIDs();
218           if ($Con->RosterDBGroupExists("foo")) { ...
220           @groups = $Con->RosterDBGroups();
222           @jids = $Con->RosterDBGroupJIDs("foo");
224           @jids = $Con->RosterDBNonGroupJIDs();
226           %hash = $Con->RosterDBQuery("bob\@jabber.org");
227           %hash = $Con->RosterDBQuery(Net::XMPP::JID);
229           $value = $Con->RosterDBQuery("bob\@jabber.org","name");
230           $value = $Con->RosterDBQuery(Net::XMPP::JID,"groups");


233   Basic Functions
234           GetErrorCode() - returns a string that will hopefully contain some
235                            useful information about why a function returned
236                            an undef to you.
238           SetErrorCode(string) - set a useful error message before you return
239                                  an undef to the caller.
241           SetCallBacks(message=>function,  - sets the callback functions for
242                        presence=>function,   the top level tags listed.  The
243                        iq=>function,         available tags to look for are
244                        send=>function,       <message/>, <presence/>, and
245                        receive=>function,    <iq/>.  If a packet is received
246                        update=>function)     with an ID which is found in the
247                                              registerd ID list (see RegisterID
248                                              below) then it is not sent to
249                                              these functions, instead it
250                                              is inserted into a LIST and can
251                                              be retrieved by some functions
252                                              we will mention later.
254                                              send and receive are used to
255                                              log what XML is sent and received.
256                                              update is used as way to update
257                                              your program while waiting for
258                                              a packet with an ID to be
259                                              returned (useful for GUI apps).
261                                              A major change that came with
262                                              the last release is that the
263                                              session id is passed to the
264                                              callback as the first argument.
265                                              This was done to facilitate
266                                              the Server module.
268                                              The next argument depends on
269                                              which callback you are talking
270                                              about.  message, presence, and iq
271                                              all get passed in Net::XMPP
272                                              objects that match those types.
273                                              send and receive get passed in
274                                              strings.  update gets passed
275                                              nothing, not even the session id.
277                                              If you set the function to undef,
278                                              then the callback is removed from
279                                              the list.
281           SetPresenceCallBacks(type=>function - sets the callback functions for
282                                etc...)          the specified presence type.
283                                                 The function takes types as the
284                                                 main key, and lets you specify
285                                                 a function for each type of
286                                                 packet you can get.
287                                                   "available"
288                                                   "unavailable"
289                                                   "subscribe"
290                                                   "unsubscribe"
291                                                   "subscribed"
292                                                   "unsubscribed"
293                                                   "probe"
294                                                   "error"
295                                                 When it gets a <presence/>
296                                                 packet it checks the type=''
297                                                 for a defined callback.  If
298                                                 there is one then it calls the
299                                                 function with two arguments:
300                                                   the session ID, and the
301                                                   Net::XMPP::Presence object.
303                                                 If you set the function to
304                                                 undef, then the callback is
305                                                 removed from the list.
307                               NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
308                                     then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
309                                     presence in the SetCallBacks function.
311                                                 Net::XMPP defines a few default
312                                                 callbacks for various types:
314                                                 "subscribe" -
315                                                   replies with subscribed
317                                                 "unsubscribe" -
318                                                   replies with unsubscribed
320                                                 "subscribed" -
321                                                   replies with subscribed
323                                                 "unsubscribed" -
324                                                   replies with unsubscribed
327           SetMessageCallBacks(type=>function, - sets the callback functions for
328                               etc...)           the specified message type. The
329                                                 function takes types as the
330                                                 main key, and lets you specify
331                                                 a function for each type of
332                                                 packet you can get.
333                                                  "normal"
334                                                  "chat"
335                                                  "groupchat"
336                                                  "headline"
337                                                  "error"
338                                                When it gets a <message/> packet
339                                                it checks the type='' for a
340                                                defined callback. If there is
341                                                one then it calls the function
342                                                with two arguments:
343                                                  the session ID, and the
344                                                  Net::XMPP::Message object.
346                                                If you set the function to
347                                                undef, then the callback is
348                                                removed from the list.
350                              NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
351                                    then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
352                                    message in the SetCallBacks function.
355           SetIQCallBacks(namespace=>{      - sets the callback functions for
356                            get=>function,    the specified namespace. The
357                            set=>function,    function takes namespaces as the
358                            result=>function  main key, and lets you specify a
359                          },                  function for each type of packet
360                          etc...)             you can get.
361                                                "get"
362                                                "set"
363                                                "result"
364                                              When it gets an <iq/> packet it
365                                              checks the type='' and the
366                                              xmlns='' for a defined callback.
367                                              If there is one then it calls
368                                              the function with two arguments:
369                                              the session ID, and the
370                                              Net::XMPP::xxxx object.
372                                              If you set the function to undef,
373                                              then the callback is removed from
374                                              the list.
376                              NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
377                                    then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
378                                    iq in the SetCallBacks function.
380           SetXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - registers a callback function
381                             etc...)            for each xpath specified.  If
382                                                Net::XMPP matches the xpath,
383                                                then it calls the function with
384                                                two arguments:
385                                                  the session ID, and the
386                                                  Net::XMPP::Message object.
388                                                Xpaths are rooted at each
389                                                packet:
390                                                  /message[@type="chat"]
391                                                  /iq/*[xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"][1]
392                                                  ...
394           RemoveXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - unregisters a callback
395                                etc...)            function for each xpath
396                                                   specified.
398           SetDirectXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - registers a callback function
399                                   etc...)            for each xpath specified.  If
400                                                      Net::XMPP matches the xpath,
401                                                      then it calls the function with
402                                                      two arguments:
403                                                        the session ID, and the
404                                                        XML::Stream::Node object.
406                                                      Xpaths are rooted at each
407                                                      packet:
408                                                        /anything
409                                                        /anotherthing/foo/[1]
410                                                        ...
412                                                      The big difference between this
413                                                      and regular XPathCallBacks is
414                                                      the fact that this passes in
415                                                      the XML directly and not a
416                                                      Net::XMPP based object.
418           RemoveDirectXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - unregisters a callback
419                                      etc...)            function for each xpath
420                                                         specified.
422           Process(integer) - takes the timeout period as an argument.  If no
423                              timeout is listed then the function blocks until
424                              a packet is received.  Otherwise it waits that
425                              number of seconds and then exits so your program
426                              can continue doing useful things.  NOTE: This is
427                              important for GUIs.  You need to leave time to
428                              process GUI commands even if you are waiting for
429                              packets.  The following are the possible return
430                              values, and what they mean:
432                                  1   - Status ok, data received.
433                                  0   - Status ok, no data received.
434                                undef - Status not ok, stop processing.
436                              IMPORTANT: You need to check the output of every
437                              Process.  If you get an undef then the connection
438                              died and you should behave accordingly.
440           Send(object,         - takes either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object or
441                ignoreActivity)   an XML string as an argument and sends it to
442           Send(string,           the server.  If you set ignoreActivty to 1,
443                ignoreActivity)   then the XML::Stream module will not record
444                                  this packet as couting towards user activity.
445       =head2 ID Functions
447           SendWithID(object) - takes either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object or an
448           SendWithID(string)   XML string as an argument, adds the next
449                                available ID number and sends that packet to
450                                the server.  Returns the ID number assigned.
452           SendAndReceiveWithID(object,  - uses SendWithID and WaitForID to
453                                timeout)   provide a complete way to send and
454           SendAndReceiveWithID(string,    receive packets with IDs.  Can take
455                                timeout)   either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
456                                           or an XML string.  Returns the
457                                           proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
458                                           based on the type of packet
459                                           received.  The timeout is passed
460                                           on to WaitForID, see that function
461                                           for how the timeout works.
463           ReceivedID(integer) - returns 1 if a packet has been received with
464                                 specified ID, 0 otherwise.
466           GetID(integer) - returns the proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object based
467                            on the type of packet received with the specified
468                            ID.  If the ID has been received the GetID returns
469                            0.
471           WaitForID(integer, - blocks until a packet with the ID is received.
472                     timeout)   Returns the proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
473                                based on the type of packet received.  If the
474                                timeout limit is reached then if the packet
475                                does come in, it will be discarded.
478           NOTE:  Only <iq/> officially support ids, so sending a <message/>, or
479                  <presence/> with an id is a risk.  The server will ignore the
480                  id tag and pass it through, so both clients must support the
481                  id tag for these functions to be useful.
483   Namespace Functions
484           AddNamespace(ns=>string,  - This function is very complex.
485                        tag=>string,   It is a little too complex to
486                        xpath=>hash)   discuss within the confines of
487                                       this small paragraph.  Please
488                                       refer to the man page for
489                                       Net::XMPP::Namespaces for the
490                                       full documentation on this
491                                       subject.
493   Message Functions
494           MessageSend(hash) - takes the hash and passes it to SetMessage in
495                               Net::XMPP::Message (refer there for valid
496                               settings).  Then it sends the message to the
497                               server.
499   Presence Functions
500           PresenceSend()                  - no arguments will send an empty
501           PresenceSend(hash,                Presence to the server to tell it
502                        signature=>string)   that you are available.  If you
503                                             provide a hash, then it will pass
504                                             that hash to the SetPresence()
505                                             function as defined in the
506                                             Net::XMPP::Presence module.
507                                             Optionally, you can specify a
508                                             signature and a jabber:x:signed
509                                             will be placed in the <presence/>.
511   Subscription Functions
512           Subscription(hash) - taks the hash and passes it to SetPresence in
513                                Net::XMPP::Presence (refer there for valid
514                                settings).  Then it sends the subscription to
515                                server.
517                                The valid types of subscription are:
519                                  subscribe    - subscribe to JID's presence
520                                  unsubscribe  - unsubscribe from JID's presence
521                                  subscribed   - response to a subscribe
522                                  unsubscribed - response to an unsubscribe
524   Presence DB Functions
525           PresenceDB() - Tell the object to initialize the callbacks to
526                          automatically populate the Presence DB.
528           PresenceDBParse(Net::XMPP::Presence) - for every presence that you
529                                                    receive pass the Presence
530                                                    object to the DB so that
531                                                    it can track the resources
532                                                    and priorities for you.
533                                                    Returns either the presence
534                                                    passed in, if it not able
535                                                    to parsed for the DB, or the
536                                                    current presence as found by
537                                                    the PresenceDBQuery
538                                                    function.
540           PresenceDBDelete(string|Net::XMPP::JID) - delete thes JID entry
541                                                       from the DB.
543           PresenceDBClear() - delete all entries in the database.
545           PresenceDBQuery(string|Net::XMPP::JID) - returns the NX::Presence
546                                                      that was last received for
547                                                      the highest priority of
548                                                      this JID.  You can pass
549                                                      it a string or a NX::JID
550                                                      object.
552           PresenceDBResources(string|Net::XMPP::JID) - returns an array of
553                                                          resources in order
554                                                          from highest priority
555                                                          to lowest.
557   IQ Functions
558   Auth Functions
559           AuthSend(username=>string, - takes all of the information and
560                    password=>string,   builds a Net::XMPP::IQ::Auth packet.
561                    resource=>string)   It then sends that packet to the
562                                        server with an ID and waits for that
563                                        ID to return.  Then it looks in
564                                        resulting packet and determines if
565                                        authentication was successful for not.
566                                        The array returned from AuthSend looks
567                                        like this:
568                                          [ type , message ]
569                                        If type is "ok" then authentication
570                                        was successful, otherwise message
571                                        contains a little more detail about the
572                                        error.
574   IQ::Register Functions
575           RegisterRequest(to=>string,  - send an <iq/> request to the specified
576                           timeout=>int)  server/transport, if not specified it
577           RegisterRequest()              sends to the current active server.
578                                          The function returns a hash that
579                                          contains the required fields.   Here
580                                          is an example of the hash:
582                                          $hash{fields}    - The raw fields from
583                                                             the iq:register.
584                                                             To be used if there
585                                                             is no x:data in the
586                                                             packet.
587                                          $hash{instructions} - How to fill out
588                                                                the form.
589                                          $hash{form}   - The new dynamic forms.
591                                          In $hash{form}, the fields that are
592                                          present are the required fields the
593                                          server needs.
595           RegisterSend(hash) - takes the contents of the hash and passes it
596                                to the SetRegister function in the module
597                                Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:register namespace.
598                                This function returns an array that looks like
599                                this:
601                                   [ type , message ]
603                                If type is "ok" then registration was
604                                successful, otherwise message contains a
605                                little more detail about the error.
607   Roster Functions
608           Roster() - returns a Net::XMPP::Roster object.  This will automatically
609                      intercept all of the roster and presence packets sent from
610                      the server and give you an accurate Roster.  For more
611                      information please read the man page for Net::XMPP::Roster.
613           RosterParse(IQ object) - returns a hash that contains the roster
614                                    parsed into the following data structure:
616                         $roster{'bob@jabber.org'}->{name}
617                                             - Name you stored in the roster
619                         $roster{'bob@jabber.org'}->{subscription}
620                                             - Subscription status
621                                               (to, from, both, none)
623                         $roster{'bob@jabber.org'}->{ask}
624                                             - The ask status from this user
625                                               (subscribe, unsubscribe)
627                         $roster{'bob@jabber.org'}->{groups}
628                                             - Array of groups that
629                                               bob@jabber.org is in
631           RosterGet() - sends an empty Net::XMPP::IQ::Roster tag to the
632                         server so the server will send the Roster to the
633                         client.  Returns the above hash from RosterParse.
635           RosterRequest() - sends an empty Net::XMPP::IQ::Roster tag to the
636                             server so the server will send the Roster to the
637                             client.
639           RosterAdd(hash) - sends a packet asking that the jid be
640                             added to the roster.  The hash format
641                             is defined in the SetItem function
642                             in the Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:roster
643                             namespace.
645           RosterRemove(hash) - sends a packet asking that the jid be
646                                removed from the roster.  The hash
647                                format is defined in the SetItem function
648                                in the Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:roster
649                                namespace.
651   Roster DB Functions
652           RosterDB() - Tell the object to initialize the callbacks to
653                        automatically populate the Roster DB.  If you do this,
654                        then make sure that you call RosterRequest() instead of
655                        RosterGet() so that the callbacks can catch it and
656                        parse it.
658           RosterDBParse(IQ object) - If you want to manually control the
659                                      database, then you can pass in all iq
660                                      packets with jabber:iq:roster queries to
661                                      this function.
663           RosterDBAdd(jid,hash) - Add a new JID into the roster DB.  The JID
664                                   is either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID
665                                   object.  The hash must be the same format as
666                                   the has returned by RosterParse above, and
667                                   is the actual hash, not a reference.
669           RosterDBRemove(jid) - Remove a JID from the roster DB. The JID is
670                                 either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
672           RosterDBClear() - Remove all JIDs from the roster DB.
674           RosterDBExists(jid) - return 1 if the JID exists in the roster DB,
675                                 undef otherwise.  The JID is either a string,
676                                 or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
678           RosterDBJIDs() - returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects that
679                            represents all of the JIDs in the DB.
681           RosterDBGroups() - returns the complete list of roster groups in the
682                              roster.
684           RosterDBGroupExists(group) - return 1 if the group is a group in the
685                                        roster DB, undef otherwise.
687           RosterDBGroupJIDs(group) - returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects
688                                      that represents all of the JIDs in the
689                                      specified roster group.
691           RosterDBNonGroupJIDs() - returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects
692                                    that represents all of the JIDs not in a
693                                    roster group.
695           RosterDBQuery(jid) - returns a hash containing the data from the
696                                roster DB for the specified JID.  The JID is
697                                either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
698                                The hash format the same as in RosterParse
699                                above.
701           RosterDBQuery(jid,key) - returns the entry from the above hash for
702                                    the given key.  The available keys are:
703                                      name, ask, subsrcription and groups
704                                    The JID is either a string, or a
705                                    Net::XMPP::JID object.


708       Ryan Eatmon
711       This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
712       under the LGPL.
716perl v5.12.0                      2010-05-04            Net::XMPP::Protocol(3)