1POE::Component::IRC::StUasteer(3C)ontributed Perl DocumePnOtEa:t:iCoonmponent::IRC::State(3)


6       POE::Component::IRC::State - A fully event-driven IRC client module
7       with nickname and channel tracking


10        # A simple Rot13 'encryption' bot
12        use strict;
13        use warnings;
14        use POE qw(Component::IRC::State);
16        my $nickname = 'Flibble' . $$;
17        my $ircname = 'Flibble the Sailor Bot';
18        my $ircserver = 'irc.blahblahblah.irc';
19        my $port = 6667;
21        my @channels = ( '#Blah', '#Foo', '#Bar' );
23        # We create a new PoCo-IRC object and component.
24        my $irc = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn(
25            nick => $nickname,
26            server => $ircserver,
27            port => $port,
28            ircname => $ircname,
29        ) or die "Oh noooo! $!";
31        POE::Session->create(
32            package_states => [
33                main => [ qw(_default _start irc_001 irc_public) ],
34            ],
35            heap => { irc => $irc },
36        );
38        $poe_kernel->run();
40        sub _start {
41            my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
43            # We get the session ID of the component from the object
44            # and register and connect to the specified server.
45            my $irc_session = $heap->{irc}->session_id();
46            $kernel->post( $irc_session => register => 'all' );
47            $kernel->post( $irc_session => connect => { } );
48            return;
49        }
51        sub irc_001 {
52            my ($kernel, $sender) = @_[KERNEL, SENDER];
54            # Get the component's object at any time by accessing the heap of
55            # the SENDER
56            my $poco_object = $sender->get_heap();
57            print "Connected to ", $poco_object->server_name(), "\n";
59            # In any irc_* events SENDER will be the PoCo-IRC session
60            $kernel->post( $sender => join => $_ ) for @channels;
61            return;
62        }
64        sub irc_public {
65            my ($kernel ,$sender, $who, $where, $what) = @_[KERNEL, SENDER, ARG0 .. ARG2];
66            my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0];
67            my $channel = $where->[0];
68            my $poco_object = $sender->get_heap();
70            if ( my ($rot13) = $what =~ /^rot13 (.+)/ ) {
71                # Only operators can issue a rot13 command to us.
72                return if !$poco_object->is_channel_operator( $channel, $nick );
74                $rot13 =~ tr[a-zA-Z][n-za-mN-ZA-M];
75                $kernel->post( $sender => privmsg => $channel => "$nick: $rot13" );
76            }
77            return;
78        }
80        # We registered for all events, this will produce some debug info.
81        sub _default {
82            my ($event, $args) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_];
83            my @output = ( "$event: " );
85            for my $arg ( @$args ) {
86                if (ref $arg  eq 'ARRAY') {
87                    push( @output, '[' . join(', ', @$arg ) . ']' );
88                }
89                else {
90                    push ( @output, "'$arg'" );
91                }
92            }
93            print join ' ', @output, "\n";
94            return 0;
95        }


98       POE::Component::IRC::State is a sub-class of POE::Component::IRC which
99       tracks IRC state entities such as nicks and channels. See the
100       documentation for POE::Component::IRC for general usage.  This document
101       covers the extra methods that POE::Component::IRC::State provides.
103       The component tracks channels and nicks, so that it always has a
104       current snapshot of what channels it is on and who else is on those
105       channels. The returned object provides methods to query the collected
106       state.


109       POE::Component::IRC::State's constructors, and its "connect" event, all
110       take the same arguments as POE::Component::IRC does, as well as two
111       additional ones:
113       'AwayPoll', the interval (in seconds) in which to poll (i.e. "WHO
114       #channel") the away status of channel members. Defaults to 0
115       (disabled). If enabled, you will receive "irc_away_sync_*" /
116       "irc_user_away" / "irc_user_back" events, and will be able to use the
117       "is_away" method for users other than yourself. This can cause a lot of
118       increase in traffic, especially if you are on big channels, so if you
119       do use this, you probably don't want to set it too low. For reference,
120       X-Chat uses 300 seconds (5 minutes).
122       'WhoJoiners', a boolean indicating whether the component should send a
123       "WHO nick" for every person which joins a channel. Defaults to on (the
124       "WHO" is sent). If you turn this off, "is_operator" will not work and
125       "nick_info" will only return the keys 'Nick', 'User', 'Host' and
126       'Userhost'.


129       All of the POE::Component::IRC methods are supported, plus the
130       following:
132   "ban_mask"
133       Expects a channel and a ban mask, as passed to MODE +b-b. Returns a
134       list of nicks on that channel that match the specified ban mask or an
135       empty list if the channel doesn't exist in the state or there are no
136       matches.
138   "channel_ban_list"
139       Expects a channel as a parameter. Returns a hashref containing the
140       banlist if the channel is in the state, a false value if not. The
141       hashref keys are the entries on the list, each with the keys 'SetBy'
142       and 'SetAt'. These keys will hold the nick!hostmask of the user who set
143       the entry (or just the nick if it's all the ircd gives us), and the
144       time at which it was set respectively.
146   "channel_creation_time"
147       Expects a channel as parameter. Returns channel creation time or a
148       false value.
150   "channel_except_list"
151       Expects a channel as a parameter. Returns a hashref containing the ban
152       exception list if the channel is in the state, a false value if not.
153       The hashref keys are the entries on the list, each with the keys
154       'SetBy' and 'SetAt'. These keys will hold the nick!hostmask of the user
155       who set the entry (or just the nick if it's all the ircd gives us), and
156       the time at which it was set respectively.
158   "channel_invex_list"
159       Expects a channel as a parameter. Returns a hashref containing the
160       invite exception list if the channel is in the state, a false value if
161       not. The hashref keys are the entries on the list, each with the keys
162       'SetBy' and 'SetAt'. These keys will hold the nick!hostmask of the user
163       who set the entry (or just the nick if it's all the ircd gives us), and
164       the time at which it was set respectively.
166   "channel_key"
167       Expects a channel as parameter. Returns the channel key or a false
168       value.
170   "channel_limit"
171       Expects a channel as parameter. Returns the channel limit or a false
172       value.
174   "channel_list"
175       Expects a channel as parameter. Returns a list of all nicks on the
176       specified channel. If the component happens to not be on that channel
177       an empty list will be returned.
179   "channel_modes"
180       Expects a channel as parameter. Returns a hash ref keyed on channel
181       mode, with the mode argument (if any) as the value. Returns a false
182       value instead if the channel is not in the state.
184   "channels"
185       Takes no parameters. Returns a hashref, keyed on channel name and
186       whether the bot is operator, halfop or has voice on that channel.
188        for my $channel ( keys %{ $irc->channels() } ) {
189            $irc->yield( 'privmsg' => $channel => 'm00!' );
190        }
192   "channel_topic"
193       Expects a channel as a parameter. Returns a hashref containing topic
194       information if the channel is in the state, a false value if not. The
195       hashref contains the following keys: 'Value', 'SetBy', 'SetAt'. These
196       keys will hold the topic itself, the nick!hostmask of the user who set
197       it (or just the nick if it's all the ircd gives us), and the time at
198       which it was set respectively.
200       If the component happens to not be on any channels an empty hashref is
201       returned.
203   "has_channel_voice"
204       Expects a channel and a nickname as parameters. Returns a true value if
205       the nick has voice on the specified channel. Returns false if the nick
206       does not have voice on the channel or if the nick/channel does not
207       exist in the state.
209   "is_away"
210       Expects a nick as parameter. Returns a true value if the specified nick
211       is away.  Returns a false value if the nick is not away or not in the
212       state. This will only work for your IRC user unless you specified a
213       value for 'AwayPoll' in "spawn".
215   "is_channel_admin"
216       Expects a channel and a nickname as parameters. Returns a true value if
217       the nick is an admin on the specified channel. Returns false if the
218       nick is not an admin on the channel or if the nick/channel does not
219       exist in the state.
221   "is_channel_halfop"
222       Expects a channel and a nickname as parameters. Returns a true value if
223       the nick is a half-operator on the specified channel. Returns false if
224       the nick is not a half-operator on the channel or if the nick/channel
225       does not exist in the state.
227   "is_channel_member"
228       Expects a channel and a nickname as parameters. Returns a true value if
229       the nick is on the specified channel. Returns false if the nick is not
230       on the channel or if the nick/channel does not exist in the state.
232   "is_channel_mode_set"
233       Expects a channel and a single mode flag "[A-Za-z]". Returns a true
234       value if that mode is set on the channel.
236   "is_channel_operator"
237       Expects a channel and a nickname as parameters. Returns a true value if
238       the nick is an operator on the specified channel. Returns false if the
239       nick is not an operator on the channel or if the nick/channel does not
240       exist in the state.
242   "is_channel_owner"
243       Expects a channel and a nickname as parameters. Returns a true value if
244       the nick is an owner on the specified channel. Returns false if the
245       nick is not an owner on the channel or if the nick/channel does not
246       exist in the state.
248   "is_channel_synced"
249       Expects a channel as a parameter. Returns true if the channel has been
250       synced.  Returns false if it has not been synced or if the channel is
251       not in the state.
253   "is_operator"
254       Expects a nick as parameter. Returns a true value if the specified nick
255       is an IRC operator. Returns a false value if the nick is not an IRC
256       operator or is not in the state.
258   "is_user_mode_set"
259       Expects single user mode flag "[A-Za-z]". Returns a true value if that
260       user mode is set.
262   "nick_channel_modes"
263       Expects a channel and a nickname as parameters. Returns the modes of
264       the specified nick on the specified channel (ie. qaohv). If the nick is
265       not on the channel in the state, a false value will be returned.
267   "nick_channels"
268       Expects a nickname. Returns a list of the channels that that nickname
269       and the component are on. An empty list will be returned if the
270       nickname does not exist in the state.
272   "nick_info"
273       Expects a nickname. Returns a hashref containing similar information to
274       that returned by WHOIS. Returns a false value if the nickname doesn't
275       exist in the state. The hashref contains the following keys:
277       'Nick', 'User', 'Host', 'Userhost', 'Hops', 'Real', 'Server' and, if
278       applicable, 'IRCop'.
280   "nick_long_form"
281       Expects a nickname. Returns the long form of that nickname, ie.
282       "nick!user@host" or a false value if the nick is not in the state.
284   "nicks"
285       Takes no parameters. Returns a list of all the nicks, including itself,
286       that it knows about. If the component happens to be on no channels then
287       an empty list is returned.
289   "umode"
290       Takes no parameters. Returns the current user mode set for the bot.


293   Augmented events
294       New paramaters are added to the following POE::Component::IRC events.
296       "irc_quit"
298       See also "irc_quit" in POE::Component::IRC.
300       Additional paramater "ARG2" contains an arrayref of channel names that
301       are common to the quitting client and the component.
303       "irc_nick"
305       See also "irc_nick" in POE::Component::IRC.
307       Additional parameter "ARG2" contains an arrayref of channel names that
308       are common to the nick hanging client and the component.
310       "irc_kick"
312       See also "irc_kick" in POE::Component::IRC.
314       Additional parameter "ARG4" contains the full nick!user@host of the
315       kicked individual.
317       "irc_disconnected"
319       "irc_error"
321       "irc_socketerr"
323       These three all have two additional parameters. "ARG1" is a hash of
324       information about your IRC user (see "nick_info"), while "ARG2" is a
325       hash of the channels you were on (see "channels").
327   New events
328       As well as all the usual POE::Component::IRC "irc_*" events, there are
329       the following events you can register for:
331       "irc_away_sync_start"
333       Sent whenever the component starts to synchronise the away statuses of
334       channel members. "ARG0" is the channel name. You will only receive this
335       event if you specified a value for 'AwayPoll' in "spawn".
337       "irc_away_sync_end"
339       Sent whenever the component has completed synchronising the away
340       statuses of channel members. "ARG0" is the channel name. You will only
341       receive this event if you specified a value for 'AwayPoll' in "spawn".
343       "irc_chan_mode"
345       This is almost identical to "irc_mode", except that it's sent once for
346       each individual mode with it's respective argument if it has one (ie.
347       the banmask if it's +b or -b). However, this event is only sent for
348       channel modes.
350       "irc_chan_sync"
352       Sent whenever the component has completed synchronising a channel that
353       it has joined. "ARG0" is the channel name and "ARG1" is the time in
354       seconds that the channel took to synchronise.
356       "irc_chan_sync_invex"
358       Sent whenever the component has completed synchronising a channel's
359       INVEX (invite list). Usually triggered by the component being opped on
360       a channel.  "ARG0" is the channel name.
362       "irc_chan_sync_excepts"
364       Sent whenever the component has completed synchronising a channel's
365       EXCEPTS (ban exemption list). Usually triggered by the component being
366       opped on a channel. "ARG0" is the channel.
368       "irc_nick_sync"
370       Sent whenever the component has completed synchronising a user who has
371       joined a channel the component is on. "ARG0" is the user's nickname and
372       "ARG1" the channel they have joined.
374       "irc_user_away"
376       Sent when an IRC user sets his/her status to away. "ARG0" is the
377       nickname, "ARG1" is an arrayref of channel names that are common to the
378       nickname and the component. You will only receive this event if you
379       specified a value for 'AwayPoll' in "spawn".
381       Note: This above is only for users other than yourself. To know when
382       you change your own away status, register for the "irc_305" and
383       "irc_306" events.
385       "irc_user_back"
387       Sent when an IRC user unsets his/her away status. "ARG0" is the
388       nickname, "ARG1" is an arrayref of channel names that are common to the
389       nickname and the component. You will only receive this event if you
390       specified a value for 'AwayPoll' in "spawn".
392       Note: This above is only for users other than yourself. To know when
393       you change your own away status, register for the "irc_305" and
394       "irc_306" events.
396       "irc_user_mode"
398       This is almost identical to "irc_mode", except it is sent for each
399       individual umode that is being set.


402       The component gathers information by registering for "irc_quit",
403       "irc_nick", "irc_join", "irc_part", "irc_mode", "irc_kick" and various
404       numeric replies.  When the component is asked to join a channel, when
405       it joins it will issue 'WHO #channel', 'MODE #channel', and 'MODE
406       #channel b'. These will solicit between them the numerics, "irc_352",
407       "irc_324" and "irc_329", respectively.  When someone joins a channel
408       the bot is on, it issues a 'WHO nick'. You may want to ignore these.
410       Currently, whenever the component sees a topic or channel list change,
411       it will use "time" for the SetAt value and the full address of the user
412       who set it for the SetBy value. When an ircd gives us its record of
413       such changes, it will use its own time (obviously) and may only give us
414       the nickname of the user, rather than their full address. Thus, if our
415       "time" and the ircd's time do not match, or the ircd uses the nickname
416       only, ugly inconsistencies can develop.  This leaves the 'SetAt' and
417       'SetBy' values inaccurate at best, and you should use them with this in
418       mind (for now, at least).


421       Chris Williams <chris@bingosnet.co.uk>
423       With contributions from Lyndon Miller.


426       This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms
427       as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl
428       distribution for details.


431       POE::Component::IRC
433       POE::Component::IRC::Qnet::State
437perl v5.12.2                      2010-11-05     POE::Component::IRC::State(3)