1SSH-LDAP.CONF(5)            BSD File Formats Manual           SSH-LDAP.CONF(5)


4     ssh-ldap.conf — configuration file for ssh-ldap-helper


7     /etc/ssh/ldap.conf


10     ssh-ldap-helper(8) reads configuration data from /etc/ssh/ldap.conf (or
11     the file specified with -f on the command line).  The file contains key‐
12     word-argument pairs, one per line.  Lines starting with ‘#’ and empty
13     lines are interpreted as comments.
15     The value starts with the first non-blank character after the keyword's
16     name, and terminates at the end of the line, or at the last sequence of
17     blanks before the end of the line.  Quoting values that contain blanks
18     may be incorrect, as the quotes would become part of the value.  The pos‐
19     sible keywords and their meanings are as follows (note that keywords are
20     case-insensitive, and arguments, on a case by case basis, may be case-
21     sensitive).
22     The argument(s) are in the form ldap[si]://[name[:port]] and specify the
23     URI(s) of an LDAP server(s) to which the ssh-ldap-helper(8) should con‐
24     nect. The URI scheme may be any of “ldap”, “ldaps” or “ldapi”, which
25     refer to LDAP over TCP, LDAP over SSL (TLS) and LDAP over IPC (UNIX
26     domain sockets), respectively.  Each server's name can be specified as a
27     domain-style name or an IP address literal.  Optionally, the server's
28     name can followed by a ':' and the port number the LDAP server is listen‐
29     ing on.  If no port number is provided, the default port for the scheme
30     is used (389 for ldap://, 636 for ldaps://).  For LDAP over IPC, name is
31     the name of the socket, and no port is required, nor allowed; note that
32     directory separators must be URL-encoded, like any other characters that
33     are special to URLs; A space separated list of URIs may be provided.
34     There is no default.
35     Specifies the default base Distinguished Name (DN) to use when performing
36     ldap operations.  The base must be specified as a DN in LDAP format.
37     There is no default.
38     Specifies the default BIND DN to use when connecting to the ldap server.
39     The bind DN must be specified as a Distinguished Name in LDAP format.
40     There is no default.
41     Specifies the default password to use when connecting to the ldap server
42     via BindDN.  There is no default.
43     Intentionaly does nothing. Recognized for compatibility reasons.
44     The argument(s) specifies the name(s) of an LDAP server(s) to which the
45     ssh-ldap-helper(8) should connect.  Each server's name can be specified
46     as a domain-style name or an IP address and optionally followed by a ':'
47     and the port number the ldap server is listening on.  A space-separated
48     list of hosts may be provided.  There is no default.  Host is deprecated
49     in favor of URI.
50     Specifies the default port used when connecting to LDAP servers(s).  The
51     port may be specified as a number.  The default port is 389 for ldap://
52     or 636 for ldaps:// respectively.  Port is deprecated in favor of URI.
53     Specifies the starting point of an LDAP search and the depth from the
54     base DN to which the search should descend.  There are three options
55     (values) that can be assigned to the Scope parameter: “base”, “one” and
56     “subtree”.  Alias for the subtree is “sub”.  The value “base” is used to
57     indicate searching only the entry at the base DN, resulting in only that
58     entry being returned (keeping in mind that it also has to meet the search
59     filter criteria!).  The value “one” is used to indicate searching all
60     entries one level under the base DN, but not including the base DN and
61     not including any entries under that one level under the base DN.  The
62     value “subtree” is used to indicate searching of all entries at all lev‐
63     els under and including the specified base DN.  The default is “subtree”.
64     Specifies how alias dereferencing is done when performing a search. There
65     are four possible values that can be assigned to the Deref parameter:
66     “never”, “searching”, “finding”, and “always”.  The value “never” means
67     that the aliases are never dereferenced.  The value “searching” means
68     that the aliases are dereferenced in subordinates of the base object, but
69     not in locating the base object of the search.  The value “finding” means
70     that the aliases are only dereferenced when locating the base object of
71     the search.  The value “always” means that the aliases are dereferenced
72     both in searching and in locating the base object of the search.  The
73     default is “never”.
74     Specifies a time limit (in seconds) to use when performing searches.  The
75     number should be a non-negative integer. A TimeLimit of zero (0) speci‐
76     fies that the search time is unlimited. Please note that the server may
77     still apply any server-side limit on the duration of a search operation.
78     The default value is 10.
79     Is an aliast to TimeLimit.
80     Specifies the timeout (in seconds) after which the poll(2)/select(2) fol‐
81     lowing a connect(2) returns in case of no activity.  The default value is
82     10.
83     Is an alias to Bind_TimeLimit.
84     Specifies what version of the LDAP protocol should be used.  The allowed
85     values are 2 or 3. The default is 3.
86     Is an alias to Ldap_Version.
87     Specifies the policy to use for reconnecting to an unavailable LDAP
88     server. There are 2 available values: “hard” and “soft.” “hard has 2
89     aliases” “hard_open” and “hard_init”.  The value “hard” means that
90     reconects that the ssh-ldap-helper(8) tries to reconnect to the LDAP
91     server 5 times before failure. There is exponential backoff before retry‐
92     ing.  The value “soft” means that ssh-ldap-helper(8) fails immediately
93     when it cannot connect to the LDAP seerver.  The deault is “hard”.
94     Specifies the path to the X.509 certificate database.  There is no
95     default.
96     Specifies whether to use SSL/TLS or not.  There are three allowed values:
97     “yes”, “no” and “start_tls” Both “true” and “on” are the aliases for
98     “yes”.  “false” and “off” are the aliases for “no”.  If is specified then
99     StartTLS is used rather than raw LDAP over SSL.  The default for ldap://
100     is “start_tls”, for ldaps:// “yes” and “no” for the ldapi:// .  In case
101     of host based configuration the default is “start_tls”.
102     Specifies if the client should automatically follow referrals returned by
103     LDAP servers.  The value can be or “yes” or “no”.  “true” and “on” are
104     the aliases for “yes”.  “false” and “off” are the aliases for “no”.  The
105     default is yes.
106     Specifies whether the LDAP client library should restart the select(2)
107     system call when interrupted.  The value can be or “yes” or “no”.  “true”
108     and “on” are the aliases for “yes”.  “false” and “off” are the aliases
109     for “no”.  The default is yes.
110     Specifies what checks to perform on server certificates in a TLS session,
111     if any. The value can be specified as one of the following keywords:
112     “never”, “hard”, “demand”, “allow” and “try”.  “true”, “on” and “yes” are
113     aliases for “hard”.  “false”, “off” and “no” are the aliases for “never”.
114     The value “never” means that the client will not request or check any
115     server certificate.  The value “allow” means that the server certificate
116     is requested. If no certificate is provided, the session proceeds nor‐
117     mally. If a bad certificate is provided, it will be ignored and the ses‐
118     sion proceeds normally.  The value “try” means that the server certifi‐
119     cate is requested. If no certificate is provided, the session proceeds
120     normally. If a bad certificate is provided, the session is immediately
121     terminated.  The value “demand” means that the server certificate is
122     requested. If no certificate is provided, or a bad certificate is pro‐
123     vided, the session is immediately terminated.  The value “hard” is the
124     same as “demand”.  It requires an SSL connection. In the case of the
125     plain conection the session is immediately terminated.  The default is
126     “hard”.
127     Is an alias for TLS_CheckPeer.
128     Specifies the file that contains certificates for all of the Certificate
129     Authorities the client will recognize.  There is no default.
130     Is an alias for TLS_CACertFile.
131     Specifies the path of a directory that contains Certificate Authority
132     certificates in separate individual files. The TLS_CACert is always used
133     before TLS_CACertDir.  The specified directory must be managed with the
134     OpenSSL c_rehash utility.  There is no default.
135     Specifies acceptable cipher suite and preference order.  The value should
136     be a cipher specification for OpenSSL, e.g., “HIGH:MEDIUM:+SSLv2”.  The
137     default is “ALL”.
138     Is an alias for TLS_Ciphers.
139     Specifies the file that contains the client certificate.  There is no
140     default.
141     Is an alias for TLS_Cert.
142     Specifies the file that contains the private key that matches the cer‐
143     tificate stored in the TLS_Cert file. Currently, the private key must not
144     be protected with a password, so it is of critical importance that the
145     key file is protected carefully.  There is no default.
146     Specifies the file to obtain random bits from when /dev/[u]random is not
147     available. Generally set to the name of the EGD/PRNGD socket.  The envi‐
148     ronment variable RANDFILE can also be used to specify the filename.
149     There is no default.
150     Specifies the directory used for logging by the LDAP client library.
151     There is no default.
152     Specifies the debug level used for logging by the LDAP client library.
153     There is no default.
154     Specifies the user filter applied on the LDAP serch.  The default is no
155     filter.


158     /etc/ssh/ldap.conf
159             Ldap configuration file for ssh-ldap-helper(8).


162     ldap.conf(5), ssh-ldap-helper(8)


165     ssh-ldap.conf first appeared in OpenSSH 5.5 + PKA-LDAP .


168     Jan F. Chadima <jchadima@redhat.com>
170BSD                              June 22, 2019                             BSD