1mysqltcl(n)                                                        mysqltcl(n)


8       mysqltcl - MySQL server access commands for Tcl


11       package require Tcl  8.4
13       package require mysqltcl  3.0
15       ::mysql::connect ?option value...?
17       ::mysql::use handle database
19       ::mysql::sel handle sql-statement ?-list|-flatlist?
21       ::mysql::fetch handle
23       ::mysql::exec handle sql-statement
25       ::mysql::query handle sql-select-statement
27       ::mysql::endquery query-handle
29       ::mysql::map handle binding-list script
31       ::mysql::receive handle sql-statment binding-list script
33       ::mysql::seek handle row-index
35       ::mysql::col handle table-name option
37       ::mysql::col handle table-name optionkist
39       ::mysql::col handle ?option...?
41       ::mysql::info handle option
43       ::mysql::baseinfo option
45       ::mysql::ping handle
47       ::mysql::changeuser user password ?database?
49       ::mysql::result handle option
51       ::mysql::state handle ?-numeric?
53       ::mysql::close ?handle?
55       ::mysql::insertid handle
57       ::mysql::escape ?handle? string
59       ::mysql::autocommit handle boolean
61       ::mysql::commit handle
63       ::mysql::rollback handle
65       ::mysql::nextresult handle
67       ::mysql::moreresult handle
69       ::mysql::warningcount handle
71       ::mysql::isnull value
73       ::mysql::newnull
75       ::mysql::setserveroption handle option
77       ::mysql::shutdown handle
79       ::mysql::encoding handle ?encoding?


84       MySQLTcl  is  a  collection of Tcl commands and a Tcl global array that
85       provide access to MySQL database servers.
87       MySQLTcl is nothing more than a patched version of a patched version of
88       Hakan Soderstrom's patch of Tom Poindexter's Sybtcl.
90       Mysqltcl  is  binary Tcl library (extension) written in C language that
91       use direkt official MySQL C-API. Almost all Tcl commands correspond  to
92       MySQL  C-API functions.  For detail documentation see official MySQL C-
93       API manual.


96       ::mysql::connect ?option value...?
97              Connect to a MySQL server.  A handle is returned which should be
98              used   in   other   mysqltcl  commands  using  this  connection.
99              ::mysql::connect raises a Tcl error  if  the  connection  fails.
100              ::mysql::connect  read  first the options from my.cnf file group
101              mysqltcl.  See  MySQL  documentation  chapter  "options  files".
102              Possible connection options are:
104              -host hostname
105                     The  host  on which the server is located. The local host
106                     is used by default.
108              -user user
109                     The user whose name is used for the connection.  The cur‐
110                     rent Unix user-name is used by default.
112              -password password
113                     The password that must be used for the connection.  If it
114                     is not present, the connection is possible only for users
115                     with no password on the server.
117              -db db If  this  option  is present, db is used as current data‐
118                     base, with no need for a call to mysql::use.
120              -port port
121                     The port number for the TCP/IP connection, if  it's  dif‐
122                     ferent from the default.
124              -socket socket
125                     The socket or named pipe for the connection.
127              -encoding encodingname
128                     The  option works similar to -encoding option in fconfig‐
129                     ure. It support also special  encoding  name  binary.  By
130                     option  -binary  no converting will be done be reading or
131                     writing to/from MySQL.  If option is not set  the  system
132                     encoding  (see utf-8) is used.  Please test all input and
133                     outputs with another program to check that all is the way
134                     you  expect  it.  If option binary is not used the system
135                     procedures   Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString    (writing)    and
136                     Tcl_ExternalToUtf (reading) will be used by option binary
137                     the function Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj  and  Tcl_NewByteAr‐
138                     rayObj  are  used.  If you want to manipulate binary date
139                     use -encoding binary. By handling textes set your special
140                     encoding  that you want to use in your database. Consider
141                     what another system access the database and what encoding
142                     they  expect.  It can useful to use -encoding utf-8. That
143                     is standard encoding  in  some  linux  distributions  and
144                     newer systems.
146              -compress boolean
147                     Use compression protocol. Default is false
149              -odbc boolean
150                     The  client  is an ODBC client. This changes mysqld to be
151                     more ODBC-friendly. Default is false
153              -noschema boolean
154                     Don't allow the db_name.tbl_name.col_name syntax. This is
155                     for  ODBC.  It  causes the parser to generate an error if
156                     you use that syntax, which is useful for trapping bugs in
157                     some  ODBC programs. This changes mysqld to be more ODBC-
158                     friendly. Default is false
160              -multistatement boolean
161                     Tell the server that the client  may  send  multiple-row-
162                     queries  (separated  by  `;').   If this flag is not set,
163                     multiple-row-queries are disabled. Default is false.
165              -multiresult boolean
166                     Tell the server that  the  client  can  handle  multiple-
167                     result  sets  from  multi-queries  or  stored procedures.
168                     This is automatically set if  CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS  is
169                     set.
171              -localfiles boolean
172                     Enable LOAD DATA LOCAL handling. Default is false.
174              -foundrows boolean
175                     Return the number of found (matched) rows, not the number
176                     of affected rows.  Default is false.
178              -interactive boolean
179                     Allow interactive_timeout seconds (instead of  wait_time‐
180                     out seconds) of inactivity before closing the connection.
181                     The client's session wait_timeout variable will be set to
182                     the  value  of  the session interactive_timeout variable.
183                     Default is false.
185              -ssl boolean
186                     Switch to SSL after handshake. Default is  false
188              -sslkey string
189                     is the pathname to the key file.  Used if -ssl is true
191              -sslcert string
192                     is the pathname to the certificate file.  Used if -ssl is
193                     true
195              -sslca string
196                     is  the pathname to the certificate authority file.  Used
197                     if -ssl is true
199              -sslcapath string
200                     is the pathname to a directory that contains trusted  SSL
201                     CA certificates in pem format.  Used if -ssl is true
203              -sslcipher string
204                     is a list of allowable ciphers to use for SSL encryption.
205                     Used if -ssl is true
207       ::mysql::use handle database
208              Associate a connected handle with a particular database.  handle
209              must  be  a  valid handle previously obtained from ::mysql::con‐
210              nect.  mysql::use raises a Tcl error if the handle is not  valid
211              or if the database name specified could not be used.
213              Consider  you  can use mysqltcl without to specify the database,
214              in this case you must use explizit schema  notation  to  specify
215              the table in sql.
216              ::mysql::sel $handle {select * from uni.student}
217              with option connection -noschema you can prohibit such syntax.
219       ::mysql::sel handle sql-statement ?-list|-flatlist?
220              Send sql-statement to the server.
222              If sql-statement is a SELECT statement and no -list or -flatlist
223              option is specified, the command  returns  the  number  of  rows
224              returned  as  the result of the query.  The rows can be obtained
225              by the ::mysql::fetch and/or  the  ::mysql::map  commands.   The
226              resulting rows are called the pending result.
228              If sql-statement is a SELECT statement and -list or -flatlist is
229              specified, the command returns the full list of rows returned as
230              the result of the query in one of two possible formats:
232              -list  generates a list of lists, in which each element is a row
233                     of the result.
235              -flatlist
236                     generates the concatenation of all rows in a single list,
237                     which is useful for scanning with a single foreach.
238       Example:
239       % ::mysql::sel $db "SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS" -list
240       {1 Joe} {2 Phil} {3 John}
241       % ::mysql::sel $db "SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS" -flatlist
242       {1 Joe 2 Phil 3 John}
243       Note that both list syntaxes are faster than something like
244       % ::mysql::sel $db "SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS"
245       % ::mysql::map $db {id name} {lappend result $id $name}
246       % set $result
247       {1 Joe 2 Phil 3 John}
248       If  sql-statement  is  a valid MySQL statement, but not a SELECT state‐
249       ment, the command returns -1 after executing the statement, or an empty
250       string  if -list or -flatlist is specified.  There is no pending result
251       in this case.
253       In any case ::mysql::sel implicitly cancels any previous  result  still
254       pending for the handle.
256       ::mysql::fetch handle
257              Returns  the next row from result set as Tcl list.  mysql::fetch
258              raises a Tcl error if there is no  pending  result  for  handle.
259              mysql::fetch was former named mysqlnext.
261       ::mysql::exec handle sql-statement
262              Send sql-statement, a MySQL non-SELECT statement, to the server.
263              The  handle  must  be  in  use  (through  ::mysql::connect   and
264              ::mysql::use).
266              ::mysql::exec implicitly cancels any previous result pending for
267              the handle.
269              If sql-statement is a valid MySQL SELECT statement,  the  state‐
270              ment  is executed, but the result is discarded.  No Tcl error is
271              generated.  This amounts to a (potentially costly)  no-op.   Use
272              the ::mysql::sel command for SELECT statements.
274              ::mysql::exec  returns  the  number  of  affected  rows (DELETE,
275              UPDATE).  In case of multiple statement ::mysql::exec returns  a
276              list of number of affected rows.
279       ::mysql::query handle sql-select-statement
280              Send sql-select-statement to the server.
282              mysql::query allow to send multiple nested queries on one handle
283              (without  need  to  build  new  handle  or   caching   results).
284              mysql::query return a query handle that can be used as handle in
285              commands   as    (mysql::fetch,    ::mysql::map,    mysql::seek,
286              mysql::col,  mysql::result).   After result proceeding all query
287              must be freed with ::mysql::endquery query-hanlde command.
289              Example:
290              set query1 [::mysql::query $db {SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS}\]
291              while {[set row [::mysql::fetch $query1]]!=""} {
292                  set id [lindex $row 0]
293                  set query2 [::mysql::query $db "SELECT ADDRESS FROM ADDRESS WHERE FRIENDID=$ID"]
294                  ::mysql::map $query2 address { puts "address = $address" }
295                  ::mysql::endquery $query2
296              }
297              ::mysql::endquery $query1
298              In most cases one should use sql-joins and avoid nested queries.
299              SQL-sever  can  optimize such queries.  But in some applications
300              (GUI-Forms) where the results are used long time the inner query
301              is not known before.
303       ::mysql::endquery query-handle
304              free  result  memory  after  ::mysql::query  command.   You must
305              invoke ::mysql::endquery after each mysqlquery to not cause mem‐
306              ory leaks. See mysqlquery command.
308              Using  ::mysql::endquery  on  db-handle  will  free  also memory
309              (pending result) after ::mysql::sel command.
312       ::mysql::map handle binding-list script
313              Iterate  a  script  over  the  rows  of  the   pending   result.
314              ::mysql::map  may  consume  all rows or only some of the rows of
315              the pending result.  Any remaining rows may be obtained by  fur‐
316              ther ::mysql::fetch or ::mysql::map commands.
318              handle  must  be  a handle with a pending result from a previous
319              ::mysql::sel command.  binding-list must be a  list  of  one  or
320              more  variable  names.   script must be a Tcl script.  It may be
321              empty, but usually it contains one or more commands.
323              ::mysql::map processes one  row  at  a  time  from  the  pending
324              result.   For  each row the column values are bound to the vari‐
325              ables in the binding list, then the script is executed.  Binding
326              is  strictly positional.  The first variable in the binding list
327              is bound to the first column of the row, and so on.   The  vari‐
328              ables are created in the current context (if they do not already
329              exist).  A variable name begining with a hyphen is not bound; it
330              serves  as a placeholder in the binding list.  If there are more
331              columns than variables the extra columns are ignored.
333              The ::mysql::map command is similar to an ordinary  foreach.   A
334              foreach iterates over the elements of a list, ::mysql::map iter‐
335              ates over the rows of a pending result.  In both cases iteration
336              is  affected  by  break  and continue Tcl commands.  The binding
337              list variables retain their last values after  the  command  has
338              completed.
340              A simple example follows.  Assume $db is a handle in use.
341              ::mysql::sel $db {
342                  select lname, fname, area, phone from friends order by lname, fname
343              }
344              ::mysql::map $db {ln fn - phone} {
345                 if {$phone == {}} continue
346                 puts [format "%16s %-8s %s" $ln $fn $phone]
347              }
348              The  ::mysql::sel  command  gets  and  sorts all rows from table
349              friends.  The ::mysql::map command is used to format  and  print
350              the  result  in a way suitable for a phone list.  For demonstra‐
351              tion purposes one of the columns (area) is not used.  The script
352              begins  by  skipping  over rows which have no phone number.  The
353              second command in the script formats and prints values from  the
354              row.
356              ::mysql::map  raises  a  Tcl error if there is no pending result
357              for handle, or if  binding-list  contains  more  variables  than
358              there are columns in the pending result.
361       ::mysql::receive handle sql-statment binding-list script
362              This command works the same way as the command mysqtclmap but it
363              do not need leading ::mysql::sel command.  The  main  difference
364              is  internal  using  of  MySQL client library.  This command use
365              mysql_use_result from C-API that do not store result  on  client
366              but try to receive the rows directly from server.  There is also
367              no client cache.   This  command  can  be  faster  as  using  of
368              ::mysql::sel  and by very big resultset will not overload client
369              machine.  The scipt should process the result immadiatly because
370              it  can block table (or tables) for another clients.  If perfor‐
371              mance matter please test all alternatives separatly.   You  must
372              consider two aspects: memory consumption and performance.
374       ::mysql::seek handle row-index
375              Moves the current position among the rows in the pending result.
376              This may cause ::mysql::fetch and ::mysql::map to re-read  rows,
377              or to skip over rows.
379              Row  index  0  is  the position just before the first row in the
380              pending result; row index 1 is the position just before the sec‐
381              ond  row, and so on.  You may specify a negative row index.  Row
382              index -1 is the position just before the last row; row index  -2
383              is  the position just before the second last row, and so on.  An
384              out-of-bounds row index will cause ::mysql::seek to set the  new
385              current  position either just before the first row (if the index
386              is too negative), or just after  the  last  row  (if  the  index
387              exceeds the number of rows).  This is not an error condition.
389              ::mysql::seek  returns  the  number  of  rows  that  can be read
390              sequentially  from  the  new  current  position.   ::mysql::seek
391              raises a Tcl error if there is no pending result for handle.
393              Portability  note:  The  functionality  of ::mysql::seek is fre‐
394              quently absent in other Tcl extensions for SQL.  That is because
395              MySQL  C-API  client  library ofers own result set caching func‐
396              tionality that lacks another SQL-APIs.  That increase  the  per‐
397              formance  because  all  rows  are received at once and the query
398              does not block the server for another clienst  ,  on  the  other
399              hand  you  works  on the cached data can use a lot of memory and
400              are up to date only in the moment of query but not fetch.
403       ::mysql::col handle table-name option
405       ::mysql::col handle table-name optionkist
407       ::mysql::col handle ?option...?
408              Return information about the columns of a table.  handle must be
409              in use.  table-name must be the name of a table; it may be a ta‐
410              ble name or -current if there is a pending result.  One or  more
411              options control what information to return.  Each option must be
412              one of the following keywords.
414              name Return the name of a column.
416              type   Return the type of a column; one of the strings  decimal,
417                     tiny,  short,  long, float, double, null, timestamp, long
418                     long, int24, date, time, date time, year, new date, enum,
419                     set, tiny blob, medium blob, long blob, blob, var string,
420                     or string.  Note that a column of type char  will  return
421                     tiny, while they are represented equally.
423              length Return the length of a column in bytes.
425              table Return the name of the table in which this column occurs.
427              non_null Return the string "1" if the column is non-null; other‐
428              wise "0".
430              prim_key Return the string "1" if the column is part of the pri‐
431              mary key;
432                     otherwise "0".
434              numeric  Return  the string "1" if the column is numeric; other‐
435              wise "0".
437              decimals Return the string "1" if the column is non-null; other‐
438              wise "0".
439       The  three  forms of this command generate their result in a particular
440       way.
442              [1]    If a single option is present the result is a simple list
443                     of values; one for each column.
445              [2]    If  the  options  are given in the form of an option list
446                     the result is a list of lists.  Each sublist  corresponds
447                     to a column and contains the information specified by the
448                     options.
450              [3]    If several options are given, but  not  in  a  list,  the
451                     result  is  also a list of lists.  In this case each sub‐
452                     list corresponds to an option and contains one value  for
453                     each column.
454       The  following  is a sample interactive session containing all forms of
455       the ::mysql::col command and their results.  The last command uses  the
456       -current option.  It could alternatively specify the table name explic‐
457       itly.
458       %::mysql::col $db friends name
459       name lname area phone
460       % ::mysql::col $db friends {name type length}
461       {fname char 12} {lname char 20} {area char 5} {phone char 12}
462       % ::mysql::sel $db {select * from friends}
463       % ::mysql::col $db -current name type length
464       {fname lname area phone} {char char char char} {12 20 5 12}]
466       ::mysql::info handle option
467              Return various database information  depending  on  the  option.
468              The option must be one of the following keywords.
470              info   Return  a  String  with information about last operation.
471                     "Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0" by INSERT or "Rows
472                     matched: 40 Changed: 40 Warnings: 0" by UPDATE statements
473                     (read the manual for mysql_info in MySQL C API documenta‐
474                     tion)
476              databases
477                     Return  a list of all database names known to the server.
478                     The handle must be connected.
480              dbname Return the name of the database with which the handle  is
481                     associated.  The handle must be in use.
483              dbname?
484                     Return  the name of the database with which the handle is
485                     associated; an empty string if the handle  is  connected,
486                     but not in use.
488              host   Return  the  name of the host to which the handle is con‐
489                     nected.  The handle must be connected.
491              host   Return the name of the host to which the handle  is  con‐
492                     nected; an empty string if the handle is not valid.
494              tables Return  a  list  of  all table names in the database with
495                     which the handle is associated.  The handle  must  be  in
496                     use.
498              serverversion
499                     Returns the version number of the server as a string.
501              serverversionid
502                     Returns the version number of the server as an integer.
504              sqlstate
505                     Returns  a  string containing the SQLSTATE error code for
506                     the last error.  The error code consists of five  charac‐
507                     ters.  '00000' means ``no error.''  The values are speci‐
508                     fied by ANSI SQL and  ODBC.   Note  that  not  all  MySQL
509                     errors  are  yet mapped to SQLSTATE's.  The value 'HY000'
510                     (general error) is used for unmapped errors.
512              state  Returns a character string containing information similar
513                     to  that provided by the mysqladmin status command.  This
514                     includes uptime in seconds  and  the  number  of  running
515                     threads, questions, reloads, and open tables.
517       ::mysql::baseinfo option
518              return information information that do not need handle.
520              connectparameters
521                     return all supported connecting options
523              clientversion
524                     return the version of underlying MYSQL C-API library
526       ::mysql::ping handle
527              Checks  whether  the  connection to the server is working. If it
528              has gone down, an automatic reconnection is attempted.
530              This function can be used by clients that remain idle for a long
531              while, to check whether the server has closed the connection and
532              reconnect if necessary.
534              Return True if server is alive
536       ::mysql::changeuser user password ?database?
537              Changes the user and causes the database specified  by  database
538              to become the default (current) database on the connection spec‐
539              ified by MySQL. In subsequent  queries,  this  database  is  the
540              default  for  table  references  that do not include an explicit
541              database specifier.
543              ::mysql::changeuser fails  unless  the  connected  user  can  be
544              authenticated  or if he doesn't have permission to use the data‐
545              base. In this case the user and database are not changed
547              if database parameter may be set were is no default database.
549              Cause Error if operation is not succesed
551       ::mysql::result handle option
552              Return information about the pending result.  Note that a result
553              is pending until canceled by a ::mysql::exec command, even if no
554              rows remain to be read.  Option must be  one  of  the  following
555              keywords.
557              cols   Return  the  number  of  columns  in  the pending result.
558                     There must be a pending result.
560              cols   Return the number of columns in the  pending  result;  an
561                     empty string if no result is pending.
563              current
564                     Return the current position in the pending result; a non-
565                     negative integer.  This value can be used as row-index in
566                     the  ::mysql::seek  command.  An error is raised if there
567                     is no pending result.
569              current?
570                     As above, but returns an empty  string  if  there  is  no
571                     pending result.
573              rows   Return  the  number of rows that can be read sequentially
574                     from the current position in the pending  result.   There
575                     must be a pending result.
577              rows   Return  the  number of rows that can be read sequentially
578                     from the current position in the pending result; an empty
579                     string if no result is pending.
581                     [::mysql::result  $db  current]  +  [::mysql::result  $db
582                     rows] always equals the total number of rows in the pend‐
583                     ing result.
585       ::mysql::state handle ?-numeric?
586              Return  the  state  of  a handle as a string or in numeric form.
587              There is no requirement on handle; it may be  any  string.   The
588              return value is one of the following strings, or the correspond‐
589              ing numeric value if -numeric is specified.  The states  form  a
590              progression where each state builds on the previous.
592              NOT_A_HANDLE (0)
593                     The  string  supplied for handle is not a mysqltcl handle
594                     at all.
596              UNCONNECTED (1)
597                     The string supplied for handle is  one  of  the  possible
598                     mysqltcl handles, but it is not valid to any server.
600              CONNECTED (2)
601                     The  handle  is connected to a server, but not associated
602                     with a database.
604              IN_USE (3)
605                     The handle is connected and associated with  a  database,
606                     but there is no pending result.
608              RESULT_PENDING (4)
609                     The  handle is connected, associated with a database, and
610                     there is a pending result.
612       ::mysql::close ?handle?
613              Closes the server connection associated with handle, causing  it
614              to  go back to the unconnected state.  Closes all connections if
615              handle is omitted.  Returns  an  empty  string.   ::mysql::close
616              raises a Tcl error if a handle is specified which is not valid.
618       ::mysql::insertid handle
619              Returns the auto increment id of the last INSERT statement.
621       ::mysql::escape ?handle? string
622              Returns  the  content  of  string,  with  all special characters
623              escaped, so that it is suitable for use  in  an  SQL  statement.
624              This  is  simpler (faster) than using a general regexp or string
625              map.     If    handle    is     specified     C-API     function
626              mysql_real_escape_string is used.  This is the recommended usage
627              because in this case current character set is respected.
629       ::mysql::autocommit handle boolean
630              Sets autocommit mode on if mode is 1, off if mode is 0.
632       ::mysql::commit handle
633              Commits the current transaction.
635       ::mysql::rollback handle
636              Rollback the current transaction.
638       ::mysql::nextresult handle
639              If more query results exist, mysql::nextresult() reads the  next
640              query  results  and  returns  the  status  back  to application.
641              returns -1 if no result or number of rows in the result set.
643       ::mysql::moreresult handle
644              Returns true if more results exist from the  currently  executed
645              query,  and the application must call mysql::result to fetch the
646              results.
648       ::mysql::warningcount handle
649              Returns the number of warnings generated during execution of the
650              previous SQL statement.
652       ::mysql::isnull value
653              Null  handling  is  a known problem with Tcl, especially with DB
654              interaction.  The mysql "varchar" type has two valid blank  val‐
655              ues, NULL and an empty string. This is where the problem arises;
656              Tcl is not able to differentiate between the two because of  the
657              way  it  handles  strings.   Mysql has new internal Tcl type for
658              null that  string  representation  is  stored  in  global  array
659              mysqltcl(nullvalue)  and as default empty string.  mysql::isnull
660              can  be  used  for  safe  check   for   null   value.    Warning
661              mysql::isnull works only reliable if there are no type conversa‐
662              tion on returned rows.  Consider row is  always  Tcl  list  even
663              when there are only one column in the row.
664              set row [::mysql::next $handle]
665              if {[mysql::isnull [lindex $row 1]]} {
666                 puts "2. column of $row is null"
667              }
668              if {[mysql::isnull $row]} {
669                 puts "this does not work, because of type conversation list to string"
670              }
672       ::mysql::newnull
673              create  new null object. It can be used to simulate returned row
674              contents.
676       ::mysql::setserveroption handle option
677              there  are  only   2   options   now:   -multi_statment_on   and
678              -multi_statment_off
680       ::mysql::shutdown handle
681              Asks  the  database server to shut down. The connected user must
682              have SHUTDOWN privileges.
684       ::mysql::encoding handle ?encoding?
685              Ask or change a  encoding  of  connection.   There  are  special
686              encoding "binary" for binary data transfers.


689       Mysqltcl  creates  and  maintains  a Tcl global array to provide status
690       information.  Its name is mysqlstatus.
692       Mysqlstatus elements:
694       code   A numeric conflict code set after every mysqltcl command.   Zero
695              means  no  conflict;  non-zero means some kind of conflict.  All
696              conflicts also generate a Tcl error.
698              All MySQL server conflicts set mysqlstatus(code) to the  numeric
699              code of the MySQL error.
701              Any other conflict sets mysqlstatus(code) to -1.
703       command
704              The  last  failing mysqltcl command.  Not updated for successful
705              commands.
707       message
708              Message string for the last conflict detected.  The same  string
709              is  returned as the result of the failing mysqltcl command.  Not
710              updated for successful commands.
712       nullvalue
713              The string to use in query results to  represent  the  SQL  null
714              value.   The  empty string is used initially.  You may set it to
715              another value.

Backward compatibility

718       Up from version 3.0 all mysql commands are declared in  ::mysql  names‐
719       pace.   All  names for example mysqlconnect are also aviable but depre‐
720       cated.  All old commands have the name pattern mysql{name} and the most
721       of  them are now mysql::{name}.  The exception is mysqlnext, which  was
722       renamed to mysql::fetch.


725       Deleting any of the mysqltcl commands closes all connections.


728       ·      Tobias Ritzau
730       ·      Paolo Brutti
732       ·      Artur Trzewik (mail@xdobry.de) - active maintainer  MySQLTcl  is
733              derived  from  a  patch  of msql by Hakan Soderstrom, Soderstrom
734              Programvaruverkstad, S-12242 Enskede, Sweden.  msql  is  derived
735              from  Sybtcl by Tom Poindexter.  There are many contributors and
736              bug reporter that are not mentioned.  If you have contributed to
737              mysqltcl and wants to be on the list contact Artur Trzewik.
741                                      3.0                          mysqltcl(n)