1LATEXML(1)            User Contributed Perl Documentation           LATEXML(1)


6       "latexml" - transforms a TeX/LaTeX file into XML.


9       latexml [options] texfile
11        Options:
12        --destination=file sets destination file (default stdout).
13        --output=file      [obsolete synonym for --destination]
14        --preload=module   requests loading of an optional module;
15                           can be repeated
16        --preamble=file    sets a preamble file which will
17                           effectively be prepended to the main file.
18        --postamble=file   sets a postamble file which will
19                           effectively be appended to the main file.
20        --includestyles    allows latexml to load raw *.sty file;
21                           by default it avoids this.
22        --path=dir         adds to the paths searched for files,
23                           modules, etc;
24        --documentid=id    assign an id to the document root.
25        --quiet            suppress messages (can repeat)
26        --verbose          more informative output (can repeat)
27        --strict           makes latexml less forgiving of errors
28        --bibtex           processes as a BibTeX bibliography.
29        --xml              requests xml output (default).
30        --tex              requests TeX output after expansion.
31        --box              requests box output after expansion
32                           and digestion.
33        --noparse          suppresses parsing math
34        --nocomments       omit comments from the output
35        --inputencoding=enc specify the input encoding.
36        --VERSION          show version number.
37        --debug=package    enables debugging output for the named
38                           package
39        --help             shows this help message.
41       If texfile is '-', latexml reads the TeX source from standard input.
42       If texfile has an explicit extention of ".bib", it is processed as a
43       BibTeX bibliography.


46       "--destination"=file
47           Specifies the destination file; by default the XML is written to
48           stdout.
50       "--preload"=module
51           Requests the loading of an optional module or package.  This may be
52           useful if the TeX code does not specificly require the module (eg.
53           through input or usepackage).  For example, use
54           "--preload=LaTeX.pool" to force LaTeX mode.
56       "--preamble"=file, "--postamble"=file
57           Specifies a file whose contents will effectively be prepended or
58           appended to the main document file's content. This can be useful
59           when processing TeX fragments, in which case the preamble would
60           contain documentclass and begindocument control sequences.  This
61           option is not used when processing BibTeX files.
63       "--includestyles"
64           This optional allows processing of style files (files with
65           extensions "sty", "cls", "clo", "cnf").  By default, these files
66           are ignored  unless a latexml implementation of them is found (with
67           an extension of "ltxml").
69           These style files generally fall into two classes:  Those that
70           merely affect document style are ignorable in the XML.  Others
71           define new markup and document structure, often using deeper LaTeX
72           macros to achieve their ends.  Although the omission will lead to
73           other errors (missing macro definitions), it is unlikely that
74           processing the TeX code in the style file will lead to a correct
75           document.
77       "--path"=dir
78           Add dir to the search paths used when searching for files, modules,
79           style files, etc; somewhat like TEXINPUTS.  This option can be
80           repeated.
82       "--documentid"=id
83           Assigns an ID to the root element of the XML document.  This ID is
84           generally inherited as the prefix of ID's on all other elements
85           within the document.  This is useful when constructing a site of
86           multiple documents so that all nodes have unique IDs.
88       "--quiet"
89           Reduces the verbosity of output during processing, used twice is
90           pretty silent.
92       "--verbose"
93           Increases the verbosity of output during processing, used twice is
94           pretty chatty.  Can be useful for getting more details when errors
95           occur.
97       "--strict"
98           Specifies a strict processing mode. By default, undefined control
99           sequences and invalid document constructs (that violate the DTD)
100           give warning messages, but attempt to continue processing.  Using
101           --strict makes them generate fatal errors.
103       "--bibtex"
104           Forces latexml to treat the file as a BibTeX bibliography.  Note
105           that the timing is slightly different than the usual case with
106           BibTeX and LaTeX.  In the latter case, BibTeX simply selects and
107           formats a subset of the bibliographic entries; the actual TeX
108           expansion is carried out when the result is included in a LaTeX
109           document.  In contrast, latexml processes and expands the entire
110           bibliography; the selection of entries is done during
111           postprocessing.  This also means that any packages that define
112           macros used in the bibliography must be specified using the
113           "--preload" option.
115       "--xml"
116           Requests XML output; this is the default.
118       "--tex"
119           Requests TeX output for debugging purposes;  processing is only
120           carried out through expansion and digestion.  This may not be quite
121           valid TeX, since Unicode may be introduced.
123       "--box"
124           Requests Box output for debugging purposes;  processing is carried
125           out through expansion and digestions, and the result is printed.
127       "--nocomments"
128           Normally latexml preserves comments from the source file, and adds
129           a comment every 25 lines as an aid in tracking the source.  The
130           option --nocomments discards such comments.
132       "--inputencoding="encoding
133           Specify the input encoding, eg. "--inputencoding=iso-8859-1".  The
134           encoding must be one known to Perl's Encode package.  Note that
135           this only enables the translation of the input bytes to UTF-8 used
136           internally by LaTeXML, but does not affect catcodes.  It is usually
137           better to use LaTeX's inputenc package.  Note that this does not
138           affect the output encoding, which is always UTF-8.
140       "--VERSION"
141           Shows the version number of the LaTeXML package..
143       "--debug"=package
144           Enables debugging output for the named package. The package is
145           given without the leading LaTeXML::.
147       "--help"
148           Shows this help message.


151       latexmlpost, latexmlmath, LaTeXML
155perl v5.28.1                      2018-07-08                        LATEXML(1)