1SAXONQ(1)                                                            SAXONQ(1)


6       saxonq - command line XQuery processor


9       saxonq [OPTION...] QUERYFILE [NAME=VALUE...]


12       This manual page documents briefly the saxonq command. This page was
13       written for the Debian(TM) distribution because the original program
14       does not have a manual page. Still, it has HTML documentation which is
15       shipped in the "saxon-manual" package.
17       saxonq is a command line wrapper around the Saxon-B XSLT and XQuery
18       processor. Using saxonq you can evaluate XQuery queries directly from
19       the command line. Internally, saxonq is a wrapper around the Java class
20       net.sf.saxon.Query implemented by Saxon-B.
22       saxonq should be invoked passing a (required) filename containing the
23       XQuery query to be evaluated; the special filename "-" can be given to
24       require reading the query from standard input.
26       Before the query filename a list of options can be given, see below.
28   Parameters
29       At the end of the command line, a list of parameters can be given.
30       Parameters are passed using the syntax NAME=VALUE, to specify
31       parameters´ names and values.
33       A parameter name prefixed with "+" (plus sign) will be interpreted as a
34       filesystem path parameter If the path points to a single file, that
35       file will be parsed as XML and its document node will be passed as the
36       parameter value. If the path points to a directory, all directly
37       contained files will be parsed as XML files, and the sequence of their
38       document nodes will be passed as the parameter value.
40       A parameter name prefixed with "!" (exclamation mark) will be interpted
41       as a output/serialization parameter. See the specifications of XQuery
42       and XSLT 2.0 for more information on output/serialization parameters.
44       To pass parameters belonging to the non-null namespace, the syntax
45       {uri}localname=value is provided.
47       Parameters will be visible as external variables during query
48       evaluation, provided they have been declared in the query prolog. See
49       the XQuery specification for more information on variables and their
50       declarations.


53       A summary of supported options is included below. Options can be passed
54       in any order.
56       We first report the options which are shared by saxonq and saxon, then
57       those specific to saxonq (or which have a different semantics).
59       Some options are flagged as "Saxon-SA only", such options work only if
60       Saxon-SA is installed. Note that Saxon-SA is a commercial product, as
61       such it is not available in Debian.
63   Common options
64       -cr:classname
65           Specify a class to be used for processing collection URIs passed to
66           the collection() function. The class must implement
67           net.sf.saxon.CollectionURIResolver.
69       -dtd: {[on] | [off]}
70           Enable or disable DTD validation. Default: off.
72       -expand: {[on] | [off]}
73           When validation is enabled, expand default values in validated
74           documents. This option enables or disables such an expansion.
75           Default: on.
77       -explain [:filename]
78           Display an execution plan; the output is in XML format. If filename
79           is not given it will be displayed on standard output.
81       -ext: {[on] | [off]}
82           Enable or disable the ability to invoke external Java functions
83           from query files and stylesheets. Beware that enabling them is a
84           potential security risk when processing untrusted files. Default:
85           off.
87       -l: {[on] | [off]}
88           Keep (when on) or throw away (when off) line numbers in tress
89           corresponding to source documents. When kept, line numbers can be
90           accessed using the function saxon:line-number(). Default: off.
92       -outval: {[recover] | [fatal]}
93           When validation is required, set whether validation errors are
94           fatal (when "fatal" is passed) or if they only trigger warnings
95           (when "recover" is). Default: fatal.
97       -p: {[on] | [off]}
98           Enable or disable usage of the PTreeURIResolver. Saxon-SA only.
100       -r:classname
101           Specify a class to be used for resolving all URIs.
103       -repeat:N
104           Repeat the transformation N times. For benchmarking purposes.
106       -sa
107           Perform Schema-aware processing. Saxon-SA only.
109       -strip: {[all] | [none] | [ignorable]}
110           Specify whitespace stripping policy for source documents: strip all
111           of them ("all"), strip none of them ("none"), strip ignorable
112           whitespace only ("ignorable"). Default: none.
114       -t
115           Display version, timing, and other debugging information on
116           standard error.
118       -tree: {[tiny] | [linked]}
119           Select the implementation of the internal tree model: tiny tree
120           model ("tiny") or linked tree model ("linked"). See the Saxon
121           documentation for more information on the internal tree model.
122           Default: tiny.
124       -T [:classname]
125           Trace various aspect of the processing; an optional class name can
126           be given to specify a user-chosen tracer. The class must implement
127           net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceListener. The default is a system supplied
128           tracer. This option implies -l.
130       -TJ
131           Enable tracing of external Java method invocation. See -ext.
133       -u
134           Force interpretation of source document names as URI. By default
135           they are considered to be file names, unless they start with
136           "file:" or "http:".
138       -val: {[strict] | [lax]}
139           When validation is enabled, choose among "strict" or "lax"
140           validation. Saxon-SA only.
142       -x:classname
143           Specify a class to be used as SAX parser for input documents. The
144           class must implement either org.xml.sax.Parser or
145           org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
147       -xi
148           Apply XInclude processing to all input documents.
150       -xmlversion: {[1.0] | [1.1]}
151           Choose the XML version for processing input documents. "1.1" must
152           be specified to process XML 1.1 and Namespaces 1.1 constructs.
153           Default: 1.0.
155       -?
156           Display a help message and exit.
158   Options specific to saxonq
159       -mr:classname
160           Use the specifed class as a ModuleURIResolver to resolve query
161           module URIs. The class must implement
162           net.sf.saxon.query.ModuleURIResolver.
164       -o:filename
165           Send the query output to the specified filename. If not specified
166           the output will be sent to standard output. See also -wrap.
168       -pipe: {[push] | [pull]}
169           Internally, execute query in push or pull mode. Mainly for testing
170           purposes. Push mode is usually faster when intermediate tree are
171           constructed in memory. Default: push.
173       -projection: {[on] | [off]}
174           Enable or disable document projection, i.e. the ability to throw
175           away tree parts which will not be accessed by a query. Saxon-SA
176           only.
178       -s: {[file] | [URI]}
179           Read document input from the specified filename ("-" can be given
180           to read from standard input). The read document will be available
181           to the query as the context node.  -u affects how filename is
182           interpreted.
184       -wrap: {[on] | [off]}
185           Enable or disable wrapping of query result in a XML structure which
186           makes explicit the kind of each output node or atomic value. For
187           example free-standing attributes will be wrapped in an explicit XML
188           element stating that they are attributes. When this is off, the
189           query output will be wrapped only using a document node; in such a
190           setting is possible that output parts, such as free-standing
191           attributes, can´t be serialized. Default: off.


194       saxon (1), XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (W3C Recommendation).
196       This program is fully documented by the HTML documentation of Saxon,
197       available in the "saxon-manual" package.


200       This manual page was written by Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@debian.org>
201       for the Debian(TM) system (but may be used by others). Permission is
202       granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms
203       of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or any later version
204       published by the Free Software Foundation.
206       On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
207       can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.
210       Copyright © 2008 Stefano Zacchiroli
214                                 February 2008                       SAXONQ(1)