1VIRSH(1)                    Virtualization Support                    VIRSH(1)


6       virsh - management user interface


9       virsh [OPTION]... [COMMAND_STRING]
11       virsh [OPTION]... COMMAND [ARG]...


14       The virsh program is the main interface for managing virsh guest
15       domains. The program can be used to create, pause, and shutdown
16       domains. It can also be used to list current domains. Libvirt is a C
17       toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent
18       versions of Linux (and other OSes). It is free software available under
19       the GNU Lesser General Public License. Virtualization of the Linux
20       Operating System means the ability to run multiple instances of
21       Operating Systems concurrently on a single hardware system where the
22       basic resources are driven by a Linux instance. The library aims at
23       providing a long term stable C API.  It currently supports Xen, QEMU,
24       KVM, LXC, OpenVZ, VirtualBox and VMware ESX.
26       The basic structure of most virsh usage is:
28         virsh [OPTION]... <command> <domain> [ARG]...
30       Where command is one of the commands listed below; domain is the
31       numeric domain id, or the domain name, or the domain UUID; and ARGS are
32       command specific options.  There are a few exceptions to this rule in
33       the cases where the command in question acts on all domains, the entire
34       machine, or directly on the xen hypervisor.  Those exceptions will be
35       clear for each of those commands.  Note: it is permissible to give
36       numeric names to domains, however, doing so will result in a domain
37       that can only be identified by domain id. In other words, if a numeric
38       value is supplied it will be interpreted as a domain id, not as a name.
40       The virsh program can be used either to run one COMMAND by giving the
41       command and its arguments on the shell command line, or a
42       COMMAND_STRING which is a single shell argument consisting of multiple
43       COMMAND actions and their arguments joined with whitespace and
44       separated by semicolons or newlines between commands, where unquoted
45       backslash-newline pairs are elided.  Within COMMAND_STRING, virsh
46       understands the same single, double, and backslash escapes as the
47       shell, although you must add another layer of shell escaping in
48       creating the single shell argument.  If no command is given in the
49       command line, virsh will then start a minimal interpreter waiting for
50       your commands, and the quit command will then exit the program.
52       The virsh program understands the following OPTIONS.
54       -c, --connect URI
55           Connect to the specified URI, as if by the connect command, instead
56           of the default connection.
58       -d, --debug LEVEL
59           Enable debug messages at integer LEVEL and above.  LEVEL can range
60           from 0 to 4 (default).  See the documentation of VIRSH_DEBUG
61           environment variable below for the description of each LEVEL.
63       -e, --escape string
64           Set alternative escape sequence for console command. By default,
65           telnet's ^] is used. Allowed characters when using hat notation
66           are: alphabetic character, @, [, ], \, ^, _.
68       -h, --help
69           Ignore all other arguments, and behave as if the help command were
70           given instead.
72       -k, --keepalive-interval INTERVAL
73           Set an INTERVAL (in seconds) for sending keepalive messages to
74           check whether connection to the server is still alive.  Setting the
75           interval to 0 disables client keepalive mechanism.
77       -K, --keepalive-count COUNT
78           Set a number of times keepalive message can be sent without getting
79           an answer from the server without marking the connection dead.
80           There is no effect to this setting in case the INTERVAL is set to
81           0.
83       -l, --log FILE
84           Output logging details to FILE.
86       -q, --quiet
87           Avoid extra informational messages.
89       -r, --readonly
90           Make the initial connection read-only, as if by the --readonly
91           option of the connect command.
93       -t, --timing
94           Output elapsed time information for each command.
96       -v, --version[=short]
97           Ignore all other arguments, and prints the version of the libvirt
98           library virsh is coming from
100       -V, --version=long
101           Ignore all other arguments, and prints the version of the libvirt
102           library virsh is coming from and which options and driver are
103           compiled in.


106       Most virsh operations rely upon the libvirt library being able to
107       connect to an already running libvirtd service.  This can usually be
108       done using the command service libvirtd start.
110       Most virsh commands require root privileges to run due to the
111       communications channels used to talk to the hypervisor.  Running as non
112       root will return an error.
114       Most virsh commands act synchronously, except maybe shutdown, setvcpus
115       and setmem. In those cases the fact that the virsh program returned,
116       may not mean the action is complete and you must poll periodically to
117       detect that the guest completed the operation.
119       virsh strives for backward compatibility.  Although the help command
120       only lists the preferred usage of a command, if an older version of
121       virsh supported an alternate spelling of a command or option (such as
122       --tunnelled instead of --tunneled), then scripts using that older
123       spelling will continue to work.
125       Several virsh commands take an optionally scaled integer; if no scale
126       is provided, then the default is listed in the command (for historical
127       reasons, some commands default to bytes, while other commands default
128       to kibibytes).  The following case-insensitive suffixes can be used to
129       select a specific scale:
130         b, byte  byte      1
131         KB       kilobyte  1,000
132         k, KiB   kibibyte  1,024
133         MB       megabyte  1,000,000
134         M, MiB   mebibyte  1,048,576
135         GB       gigabyte  1,000,000,000
136         G, GiB   gibibyte  1,073,741,824
137         TB       terabyte  1,000,000,000,000
138         T, TiB   tebibyte  1,099,511,627,776
139         PB       petabyte  1,000,000,000,000,000
140         P, PiB   pebibyte  1,125,899,906,842,624
141         EB       exabyte   1,000,000,000,000,000,000
142         E, EiB   exbibyte  1,152,921,504,606,846,976


145       The following commands are generic i.e. not specific to a domain.
147       help [command-or-group]
148           This lists each of the virsh commands.  When used without options,
149           all commands are listed, one per line, grouped into related
150           categories, displaying the keyword for each group.
152           To display only commands for a specific group, give the keyword for
153           that group as an option.  For example:
155            virsh # help host
157             Host and Hypervisor (help keyword 'host'):
158                capabilities                   capabilities
159                cpu-models                     show the CPU models for an architecture
160                connect                        (re)connect to hypervisor
161                freecell                       NUMA free memory
162                hostname                       print the hypervisor hostname
163                qemu-attach                    Attach to existing QEMU process
164                qemu-monitor-command           QEMU Monitor Command
165                qemu-agent-command             QEMU Guest Agent Command
166                sysinfo                        print the hypervisor sysinfo
167                uri                            print the hypervisor canonical URI
169           To display detailed information for a specific command, give its
170           name as the option instead.  For example:
172            virsh # help list
173              NAME
174                list - list domains
176              SYNOPSIS
177                list [--inactive] [--all]
179              DESCRIPTION
180                Returns list of domains.
182              OPTIONS
183                --inactive       list inactive domains
184                --all            list inactive & active domains
186       quit, exit
187           quit this interactive terminal
189       version [--daemon]
190           Will print out the major version info about what this built from.
191           If --daemon is specified then the version of the libvirt daemon is
192           included in the output.
194               Example
196                $ virsh version
197                Compiled against library: libvirt 1.2.3
198                Using library: libvirt 1.2.3
199                Using API: QEMU 1.2.3
200                Running hypervisor: QEMU 2.0.50
202                $ virsh version --daemon
203                Compiled against library: libvirt 1.2.3
204                Using library: libvirt 1.2.3
205                Using API: QEMU 1.2.3
206                Running hypervisor: QEMU 2.0.50
207                Running against daemon: 1.2.6
209       cd [directory]
210           Will change current directory to directory.  The default directory
211           for the cd command is the home directory or, if there is no HOME
212           variable in the environment, the root directory.
214           This command is only available in interactive mode.
216       pwd Will print the current directory.
218       connect [URI] [--readonly]
219           (Re)-Connect to the hypervisor. When the shell is first started,
220           this is automatically run with the URI parameter requested by the
221           "-c" option on the command line. The URI parameter specifies how to
222           connect to the hypervisor. The documentation page at
223           <https://libvirt.org/uri.html> list the values supported, but the
224           most common are:
226           xen:///system
227               this is used to connect to the local Xen hypervisor
229           qemu:///system
230               connect locally as root to the daemon supervising QEMU and KVM
231               domains
233           qemu:///session
234               connect locally as a normal user to his own set of QEMU and KVM
235               domains
237           lxc:///system
238               connect to a local linux container
240           To find the currently used URI, check the uri command documented
241           below.
243           For remote access see the documentation page at
244           <https://libvirt.org/uri.html> on how to make URIs.  The --readonly
245           option allows for read-only connection
247       uri Prints the hypervisor canonical URI, can be useful in shell mode.
249       hostname
250           Print the hypervisor hostname.
252       sysinfo
253           Print the XML representation of the hypervisor sysinfo, if
254           available.
256       nodeinfo
257           Returns basic information about the node, like number and type of
258           CPU, and size of the physical memory. The output corresponds to
259           virNodeInfo structure. Specifically, the "CPU socket(s)" field
260           means number of CPU sockets per NUMA cell. The information libvirt
261           displays is dependent upon what each architecture may provide.
263       nodecpumap [--pretty]
264           Displays the node's total number of CPUs, the number of online CPUs
265           and the list of online CPUs.
267           With --pretty the online CPUs are printed as a range instead of a
268           list.
270       nodecpustats [cpu] [--percent]
271           Returns cpu stats of the node.  If cpu is specified, this will
272           print the specified cpu statistics only.  If --percent is
273           specified, this will print the percentage of each kind of cpu
274           statistics during 1 second.
276       nodememstats [cell]
277           Returns memory stats of the node.  If cell is specified, this will
278           print the specified cell statistics only.
280       nodesuspend [target] [duration]
281           Puts the node (host machine) into a system-wide sleep state and
282           schedule the node's Real-Time-Clock interrupt to resume the node
283           after the time duration specified by duration is out.  target
284           specifies the state to which the host will be suspended to, it can
285           be "mem" (suspend to RAM), "disk" (suspend to disk), or "hybrid"
286           (suspend to both RAM and disk).  duration specifies the time
287           duration in seconds for which the host has to be suspended, it
288           should be at least 60 seconds.
290       node-memory-tune [shm-pages-to-scan] [shm-sleep-millisecs] [shm-merge-
291       across-nodes]
292           Allows you to display or set the node memory parameters.  shm-
293           pages-to-scan can be used to set the number of pages to scan before
294           the shared memory service goes to sleep; shm-sleep-millisecs can be
295           used to set the number of millisecs the shared memory service
296           should sleep before next scan; shm-merge-across-nodes specifies if
297           pages from different numa nodes can be merged. When set to 0, only
298           pages which physically reside in the memory area of same NUMA node
299           can be merged. When set to 1, pages from all nodes can be merged.
300           Default to 1.
302           Note: Currently the "shared memory service" only means KSM (Kernel
303           Samepage Merging).
305       capabilities
306           Print an XML document describing the capabilities of the hypervisor
307           we are currently connected to. This includes a section on the host
308           capabilities in terms of CPU and features, and a set of description
309           for each kind of guest which can be virtualized. For a more
310           complete description see:
311             <https://libvirt.org/formatcaps.html> The XML also show the NUMA
312           topology information if available.
314       domcapabilities [virttype] [emulatorbin] [arch] [machine]
315           Print an XML document describing the domain capabilities for the
316           hypervisor we are connected to using information either sourced
317           from an existing domain or taken from the virsh capabilities
318           output. This may be useful if you intend to create a new domain and
319           are curious if for instance it could make use of VFIO by creating a
320           domain for the hypervisor with a specific emulator and
321           architecture.
323           Each hypervisor will have different requirements regarding which
324           options are required and which are optional. A hypervisor can
325           support providing a default value for any of the options.
327           The virttype option specifies the virtualization type used. The
328           value to be used is either from the 'type' attribute of the
329           <domain/> top level element from the domain XML or the 'type'
330           attribute found within each <guest/> element from the virsh
331           capabilities output.  The emulatorbin option specifies the path to
332           the emulator. The value to be used is either the <emulator> element
333           in the domain XML or the virsh capabilities output. The arch option
334           specifies the architecture to be used for the domain. The value to
335           be used is either the "arch" attribute from the domain's XML <os/>
336           element and <type/> subelement or the "name" attribute of an
337           <arch/> element from the virsh capabililites output. The machine
338           specifies the machine type for the emulator. The value to be used
339           is either the "machine" attribute from the domain's XML <os/>
340           element and <type/> subelement or one from a list of machines from
341           the virsh capabilities output for a specific architecture and
342           domain type.
344           For the qemu hypervisor, a virttype of either 'qemu' or 'kvm' must
345           be supplied along with either the emulatorbin or arch in order to
346           generate output for the default machine.  Supplying a machine value
347           will generate output for the specific machine.
349       inject-nmi domain
350           Inject NMI to the guest.
352       list [--inactive | --all] [--managed-save] [--title] { [--table] |
353       --name | --uuid } [--persistent] [--transient] [--with-managed-save]
354       [--without-managed-save] [--autostart] [--no-autostart]
355       [--with-snapshot] [--without-snapshot] [--state-running]
356       [--state-paused] [--state-shutoff] [--state-other]
357           Prints information about existing domains.  If no options are
358           specified it prints out information about running domains.
360           An example format for the list is as follows:
362           virsh list
363             Id    Name                           State
364            ----------------------------------------------------
365             0     Domain-0                       running
366             2     fedora                         paused
368           Name is the name of the domain.  ID the domain numeric id.  State
369           is the run state (see below).
371           STATES
373           The State field lists what state each domain is currently in. A
374           domain can be in one of the following possible states:
376           running
377               The domain is currently running on a CPU
379           idle
380               The domain is idle, and not running or runnable.  This can be
381               caused because the domain is waiting on IO (a traditional wait
382               state) or has gone to sleep because there was nothing else for
383               it to do.
385           paused
386               The domain has been paused, usually occurring through the
387               administrator running virsh suspend.  When in a paused state
388               the domain will still consume allocated resources like memory,
389               but will not be eligible for scheduling by the hypervisor.
391           in shutdown
392               The domain is in the process of shutting down, i.e. the guest
393               operating system has been notified and should be in the process
394               of stopping its operations gracefully.
396           shut off
397               The domain is not running.  Usually this indicates the domain
398               has been shut down completely, or has not been started.
400           crashed
401               The domain has crashed, which is always a violent ending.
402               Usually this state can only occur if the domain has been
403               configured not to restart on crash.
405           pmsuspended
406               The domain has been suspended by guest power management, e.g.
407               entered into s3 state.
409           Normally only active domains are listed. To list inactive domains
410           specify --inactive or --all to list both active and inactive
411           domains.
413           To further filter the list of domains you may specify one or more
414           of filtering flags supported by the list command. These flags are
415           grouped by function.  Specifying one or more flags from a group
416           enables the filter group. Note that some combinations of flags may
417           yield no results. Supported filtering flags and groups:
419           Persistence
420               Flag --persistent is used to include persistent domains in the
421               returned list. To include transient domains specify
422               --transient.
424           Existence of managed save image
425               To list domains having a managed save image specify flag
426               --with-managed-save. For domains that don't have a managed save
427               image specify --without-managed-save.
429           Domain state
430               The following filter flags select a domain by its state:
431               --state-running for running domains, --state-paused  for paused
432               domains, --state-shutoff for turned off domains and
433               --state-other for all other states as a fallback.
435           Autostarting domains
436               To list autostarting domains use the flag --autostart. To list
437               domains with this feature disabled use --no-autostart.
439           Snapshot existence
440               Domains that have snapshot images can be listed using flag
441               --with-snapshot, domains without a snapshot --without-snapshot.
443           When talking to older servers, this command is forced to use a
444           series of API calls with an inherent race, where a domain might not
445           be listed or might appear more than once if it changed state
446           between calls while the list was being collected.  Newer servers do
447           not have this problem.
449           If --managed-save is specified, then domains that have managed save
450           state (only possible if they are in the shut off state, so you need
451           to specify --inactive or --all to actually list them) will instead
452           show as saved in the listing. This flag is usable only with the
453           default --table output.  Note that this flag does not filter the
454           list of domains.
456           If --name is specified, domain names are printed instead of the
457           table formatted one per line. If --uuid is specified domain's
458           UUID's are printed instead of names. Flag --table specifies that
459           the legacy table-formatted output should be used. This is the
460           default.
462           If both --name and --uuid are specified, domain UUID's and names
463           are printed side by side without any header. Flag --table specifies
464           that the legacy table-formatted output should be used. This is the
465           default if neither --name nor --uuid are specified. Option --table
466           is mutually exclusive with options --uuid and --name.
468           If --title is specified, then the short domain description (title)
469           is printed in an extra column. This flag is usable only with the
470           default --table output.
472           Example:
474           virsh list --title
475             Id    Name                           State      Title
476            --------------------------------------------------------------------------
477             0     Domain-0                       running    Mailserver 1
478             2     fedora                         paused
480       freecell [{ [--cellno] cellno | --all }]
481           Prints the available amount of memory on the machine or within a
482           NUMA cell.  The freecell command can provide one of three different
483           displays of available memory on the machine depending on the
484           options specified.  With no options, it displays the total free
485           memory on the machine.  With the --all option, it displays the free
486           memory in each cell and the total free memory on the machine.
487           Finally, with a numeric argument or with --cellno plus a cell
488           number it will display the free memory for the specified cell only.
490       freepages [{ [--cellno] cellno [--pagesize] pagesize | --all }]
491           Prints the available amount of pages within a NUMA cell. cellno
492           refers to the NUMA cell you're interested in. pagesize is a scaled
493           integer (see NOTES above).  Alternatively, if --all is used, info
494           on each possible combination of NUMA cell and page size is printed
495           out.
497       allocpages [--pagesize] pagesize [--pagecount] pagecount [[--cellno]
498       cellno] [--add] [--all]
499           Change the size of pages pool of pagesize on the host. If --add is
500           specified, then pagecount pages are added into the pool. However,
501           if --add wasn't specified, then the pagecount is taken as the new
502           absolute size of the pool (this may be used to free some pages and
503           size the pool down). The cellno modifier can be used to narrow the
504           modification down to a single host NUMA cell. On the other end of
505           spectrum lies --all which executes the modification on all NUMA
506           cells.
508       cpu-baseline FILE [--features] [--migratable]
509           Compute baseline CPU which will be supported by all host CPUs given
510           in <file>.  (See hypervisor-cpu-baseline command to get a CPU which
511           can be provided by a specific hypervisor.) The list of host CPUs is
512           built by extracting all <cpu> elements from the <file>. Thus, the
513           <file> can contain either a set of <cpu> elements separated by new
514           lines or even a set of complete <capabilities> elements printed by
515           capabilities command.  If --features is specified, then the
516           resulting XML description will explicitly include all features that
517           make up the CPU, without this option features that are part of the
518           CPU model will not be listed in the XML description.   If
519           --migratable is specified, features that block migration will not
520           be included in the resulting CPU.
522       cpu-compare FILE [--error]
523           Compare CPU definition from XML <file> with host CPU. (See
524           hypervisor-cpu-compare command for comparing the CPU definition
525           with the CPU which a specific hypervisor is able to provide on the
526           host.) The XML <file> may contain either host or guest CPU
527           definition. The host CPU definition is the <cpu> element and its
528           contents as printed by capabilities command. The guest CPU
529           definition is the <cpu> element and its contents from domain XML
530           definition or the CPU definition created from the host CPU model
531           found in domain capabilities XML (printed by domcapabilities
532           command). In addition to the <cpu> element itself, this command
533           accepts full domain XML, capabilities XML, or domain capabilities
534           XML containing the CPU definition. For more information on guest
535           CPU definition see:
536           <https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsCPU>. If --error is
537           specified, the command will return an error when the given CPU is
538           incompatible with host CPU and a message providing more details
539           about the incompatibility will be printed out.
541       cpu-models arch
542           Print the list of CPU models known by libvirt for the specified
543           architecture.  Whether a specific hypervisor is able to create a
544           domain which uses any of the printed CPU models is a separate
545           question which can be answered by looking at the domain
546           capabilities XML returned by domcapabilities command.  Moreover,
547           for some architectures libvirt does not know any CPU models and the
548           usable CPU models are only limited by the hypervisor. This command
549           will print that all CPU models are accepted for these architectures
550           and the actual list of supported CPU models can be checked in the
551           domain capabilities XML.
553       echo [--shell] [--xml] [arg...]
554           Echo back each arg, separated by space.  If --shell is specified,
555           then the output will be single-quoted where needed, so that it is
556           suitable for reuse in a shell context.  If --xml is specified, then
557           the output will be escaped for use in XML.
559       hypervisor-cpu-compare FILE [virttype] [emulator] [arch] [machine]
560       [--error]
561           Compare CPU definition from XML <file> with the CPU the hypervisor
562           is able to provide on the host. (This is different from cpu-compare
563           which compares the CPU definition with the host CPU without
564           considering any specific hypervisor and its abilities.)
566           The XML FILE may contain either a host or guest CPU definition. The
567           host CPU definition is the <cpu> element and its contents as
568           printed by the capabilities command. The guest CPU definition is
569           the <cpu> element and its contents from the domain XML definition
570           or the CPU definition created from the host CPU model found in the
571           domain capabilities XML (printed by the domcapabilities command).
572           In addition to the <cpu> element itself, this command accepts full
573           domain XML, capabilities XML, or domain capabilities XML containing
574           the CPU definition. For more information on guest CPU definition
575           see: <https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsCPU>.
577           The virttype option specifies the virtualization type (usable in
578           the 'type' attribute of the <domain> top level element from the
579           domain XML). emulator specifies the path to the emulator, arch
580           specifies the CPU architecture, and machine specifies the machine
581           type. If --error is specified, the command will return an error
582           when the given CPU is incompatible with the host CPU and a message
583           providing more details about the incompatibility will be printed
584           out.
586       hypervisor-cpu-baseline FILE [virttype] [emulator] [arch] [machine]
587       [--features] [--migratable]
588           Compute a baseline CPU which will be compatible with all CPUs
589           defined in an XML file and with the CPU the hypervisor is able to
590           provide on the host. (This is different from cpu-baseline which
591           does not consider any hypervisor abilities when computing the
592           baseline CPU.)
594           The XML FILE may contain either host or guest CPU definitions
595           describing the host CPU model. The host CPU definition is the <cpu>
596           element and its contents as printed by capabilities command. The
597           guest CPU definition may be created from the host CPU model found
598           in domain capabilities XML (printed by domcapabilities command). In
599           addition to the <cpu> elements, this command accepts full
600           capabilities XMLs, or domain capabilities XMLs containing the CPU
601           definitions. For best results, use only the CPU definitions from
602           domain capabilities.
604           When FILE contains only a single CPU definition, the command will
605           print the same CPU with restrictions imposed by the capabilities of
606           the hypervisor.  Specifically, running th virsh hypervisor-cpu-
607           baseline command with no additional options on the result of virsh
608           domcapabilities will transform the host CPU model from domain
609           capabilities XML to a form directly usable in domain XML.
611           The virttype option specifies the virtualization type (usable in
612           the 'type' attribute of the <domain> top level element from the
613           domain XML). emulator specifies the path to the emulator, arch
614           specifies the CPU architecture, and machine specifies the machine
615           type. If --features is specified, then the resulting XML
616           description will explicitly include all features that make up the
617           CPU, without this option features that are part of the CPU model
618           will not be listed in the XML description. If --migratable is
619           specified, features that block migration will not be included in
620           the resulting CPU.


623       The following commands manipulate domains directly, as stated
624       previously most commands take domain as the first parameter. The domain
625       can be specified as a short integer, a name or a full UUID.
627       autostart [--disable] domain
628           Configure a domain to be automatically started at boot.
630           The option --disable disables autostarting.
632       console domain [devname] [--safe] [--force]
633           Connect the virtual serial console for the guest. The optional
634           devname parameter refers to the device alias of an alternate
635           console, serial or parallel device configured for the guest.  If
636           omitted, the primary console will be opened.
638           If the flag --safe is specified, the connection is only attempted
639           if the driver supports safe console handling. This flag specifies
640           that the server has to ensure exclusive access to console devices.
641           Optionally the --force flag may be specified, requesting to
642           disconnect any existing sessions, such as in a case of a broken
643           connection.
645       create FILE [--console] [--paused] [--autodestroy] [--pass-fds N,M,...]
646       [--validate]
647           Create a domain from an XML <file>. Optionally, --validate option
648           can be passed to validate the format of the input XML file against
649           an internal RNG schema (identical to using virt-xml-validate(1)
650           tool). Domains created using this command are going to be either
651           transient (temporary ones that will vanish once destroyed) or
652           existing persistent domains that will run with one-time use
653           configuration, leaving the persistent XML untouched (this can come
654           handy during an automated testing of various configurations all
655           based on the original XML).  See the Example section for usage
656           demonstration.
658           The domain will be paused if the --paused option is used and
659           supported by the driver; otherwise it will be running. If --console
660           is requested, attach to the console after creation.  If
661           --autodestroy is requested, then the guest will be automatically
662           destroyed when virsh closes its connection to libvirt, or otherwise
663           exits.
665           If --pass-fds is specified, the argument is a comma separated list
666           of open file descriptors which should be pass on into the guest.
667           The file descriptors will be re-numbered in the guest, starting
668           from 3. This is only supported with container based virtualization.
670           Example
672            1) prepare a template from an existing domain (skip directly to 3a if writing
673               one from scratch)
675            # virsh dumpxml <domain> > domain.xml
677            2) edit the template using an editor of your choice and:
678               a) DO CHANGE! <name> and <uuid> (<uuid> can also be removed), or
679               b) DON'T CHANGE! either <name> or <uuid>
681            # $EDITOR domain.xml
683            3) create a domain from domain.xml, depending on whether following 2a or 2b
684               respectively:
685               a) the domain is going to be transient
686               b) an existing persistent domain will run with a modified one-time
687                  configuration
689            # virsh create domain.xml
691       define FILE [--validate]
692           Define a domain from an XML <file>. Optionally, the format of the
693           input XML file can be validated against an internal RNG schema with
694           --validate (identical to using virt-xml-validate(1) tool). The
695           domain definition is registered but not started.  If domain is
696           already running, the changes will take effect on the next boot.
698       desc domain [[--live] [--config] | [--current]] [--title] [--edit]
699       [--new-desc New description or title message]
700           Show or modify description and title of a domain. These values are
701           user fields that allow to store arbitrary textual data to allow
702           easy identification of domains. Title should be short, although
703           it's not enforced.  (See also metadata that works with XML based
704           domain metadata.)
706           Flags --live or --config select whether this command works on live
707           or persistent definitions of the domain. If both --live and
708           --config are specified, the --config option takes precedence on
709           getting the current description and both live configuration and
710           config are updated while setting the description. --current is
711           exclusive and implied if none of these was specified.
713           Flag --edit specifies that an editor with the contents of current
714           description or title should be opened and the contents saved back
715           afterwards.
717           Flag --title selects operation on the title field instead of
718           description.
720           If neither of --edit and --new-desc are specified the note or
721           description is displayed instead of being modified.
723       destroy domain [--graceful]
724           Immediately terminate the domain domain.  This doesn't give the
725           domain OS any chance to react, and it's the equivalent of ripping
726           the power cord out on a physical machine.  In most cases you will
727           want to use the shutdown command instead.  However, this does not
728           delete any storage volumes used by the guest, and if the domain is
729           persistent, it can be restarted later.
731           If domain is transient, then the metadata of any snapshots will be
732           lost once the guest stops running, but the snapshot contents still
733           exist, and a new domain with the same name and UUID can restore the
734           snapshot metadata with snapshot-create.
736           If --graceful is specified, don't resort to extreme measures (e.g.
737           SIGKILL) when the guest doesn't stop after a reasonable timeout;
738           return an error instead.
740       domblkstat domain [block-device] [--human]
741           Get device block stats for a running domain.  A block-device
742           corresponds to a unique target name (<target dev='name'/>) or
743           source file (<source file='name'/>) for one of the disk devices
744           attached to domain (see also domblklist for listing these names).
745           On a lxc or qemu domain, omitting the block-device yields device
746           block stats summarily for the entire domain.
748           Use --human for a more human readable output.
750           Availability of these fields depends on hypervisor. Unsupported
751           fields are missing from the output. Other fields may appear if
752           communicating with a newer version of libvirtd.
754           Explanation of fields (fields appear in the following order):
755             rd_req            - count of read operations
756             rd_bytes          - count of read bytes
757             wr_req            - count of write operations
758             wr_bytes          - count of written bytes
759             errs              - error count
760             flush_operations  - count of flush operations
761             rd_total_times    - total time read operations took (ns)
762             wr_total_times    - total time write operations took (ns)
763             flush_total_times - total time flush operations took (ns)
764               <-- other fields provided by hypervisor -->
766       domifaddr domain [interface] [--full] [--source lease|agent|arp]
767           Get a list of interfaces of a running domain along with their IP
768           and MAC addresses, or limited output just for one interface if
769           interface is specified. Note that interface can be driver
770           dependent, it can be the name within guest OS or the name you would
771           see in domain XML. Moreover, the whole command may require a guest
772           agent to be configured for the queried domain under some
773           hypervisors, notably QEMU.
775           If --full is specified, the interface name and MAC address is
776           always displayed when the interface has multiple IP addresses or
777           aliases; otherwise, only the interface name and MAC address is
778           displayed for the first name and MAC address with "-" for the
779           others using the same name and MAC address.
781           The --source argument specifies what data source to use for the
782           addresses, currently 'lease' to read DHCP leases, 'agent' to query
783           the guest OS via an agent, or 'arp' to get IP from host's arp
784           tables.  If unspecified, 'lease' is the default.
786       domifstat domain interface-device
787           Get network interface stats for a running domain. The network
788           interface stats are only available for interfaces that have a
789           physical source interface. This does not include, for example, a
790           'user' interface type since it is a virtual LAN with NAT to the
791           outside world. interface-device can be the interface target by name
792           or MAC address.
794       domif-setlink domain interface-device state [--config]
795           Modify link state of the domain's virtual interface. Possible
796           values for state are "up" and "down". If --config is specified,
797           only the persistent configuration of the domain is modified, for
798           compatibility purposes, --persistent is alias of --config.
799           interface-device can be the interface's target name or the MAC
800           address.
802       domif-getlink domain interface-device [--config]
803           Query link state of the domain's virtual interface. If --config is
804           specified, query the persistent configuration, for compatibility
805           purposes, --persistent is alias of --config.
807           interface-device can be the interface's target name or the MAC
808           address.
810       domiftune domain interface-device [[--config] [--live] | [--current]]
811       [--inbound average,peak,burst,floor] [--outbound average,peak,burst]
812           Set or query the domain's network interface's bandwidth parameters.
813           interface-device can be the interface's target name (<target
814           dev='name'/>), or the MAC address.
816           If no --inbound or --outbound is specified, this command will query
817           and show the bandwidth settings. Otherwise, it will set the inbound
818           or outbound bandwidth. average,peak,burst,floor is the same as in
819           command attach-interface.  Values for average, peak and floor are
820           expressed in kilobytes per second, while burst is expressed in
821           kilobytes in a single burst at peak speed as described in the
822           Network XML documentation at
823           <https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html#elementQoS>.
825           To clear inbound or outbound settings, use --inbound or --outbound
826           respectfully with average value of zero.
828           If --live is specified, affect a running guest.  If --config is
829           specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.  If
830           --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  Both
831           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
832           If no flag is specified, behavior is different depending on
833           hypervisor.
835       dommemstat domain [--period seconds] [[--config] [--live] |
836       [--current]]
837           Get memory stats for a running domain.
839           Availability of these fields depends on hypervisor. Unsupported
840           fields are missing from the output. Other fields may appear if
841           communicating with a newer version of libvirtd.
843           Explanation of fields:
844             swap_in           - The amount of data read from swap space (in
845           KiB)
846             swap_out          - The amount of memory written out to swap
847           space (in KiB)
848             major_fault       - The number of page faults where disk IO was
849           required
850             minor_fault       - The number of other page faults
851             unused            - The amount of memory left unused by the
852           system (in KiB)
853             available         - The amount of usable memory as seen by the
854           domain (in KiB)
855             actual            - Current balloon value (in KiB)
856             rss               - Resident Set Size of the running domain's
857           process (in KiB)
858             usable            - The amount of memory which can be reclaimed
859           by balloon without causing host swapping (in KiB)
860             last-update       - Timestamp of the last update of statistics
861           (in seconds)
862             disk_caches       - The amount of memory that can be reclaimed
863           without additional I/O, typically disk caches (in KiB)
865           For QEMU/KVM with a memory balloon, setting the optional --period
866           to a value larger than 0 in seconds will allow the balloon driver
867           to return additional statistics which will be displayed by
868           subsequent dommemstat commands. Setting the --period to 0 will stop
869           the balloon driver collection, but does not clear the statistics in
870           the balloon driver. Requires at least QEMU/KVM 1.5 to be running on
871           the host.
873           The --live, --config, and --current flags are only valid when using
874           the --period option in order to set the collection period for the
875           balloon driver. If --live is specified, only the running guest
876           collection period is affected. If --config is specified, affect the
877           next boot of a persistent guest. If --current is specified, affect
878           the current guest state.
880           Both --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is
881           exclusive. If no flag is specified, behavior is different depending
882           on the guest state.
884       domblkerror domain
885           Show errors on block devices.  This command usually comes handy
886           when domstate command says that a domain was paused due to I/O
887           error.  The domblkerror command lists all block devices in error
888           state and the error seen on each of them.
890       domblkinfo domain [block-device --all] [--human]
891           Get block device size info for a domain.  A block-device
892           corresponds to a unique target name (<target dev='name'/>) or
893           source file (<source file='name'/>) for one of the disk devices
894           attached to domain (see also domblklist for listing these names).
895           If --human is set, the output will have a human readable output.
896           If --all is set, the output will be a table showing all block
897           devices size info associated with domain.  The --all option takes
898           precedence of the others.
900       domblklist domain [--inactive] [--details]
901           Print a table showing the brief information of all block devices
902           associated with domain. If --inactive is specified, query the block
903           devices that will be used on the next boot, rather than those
904           currently in use by a running domain. If --details is specified,
905           disk type and device value will also be printed. Other contexts
906           that require a block device name (such as domblkinfo or snapshot-
907           create for disk snapshots) will accept either target or unique
908           source names printed by this command.
910       domstats [--raw] [--enforce] [--backing] [--nowait] [--state]
911       [--cpu-total] [--balloon] [--vcpu] [--interface] [--block] [--perf]
912       [--iothread] [[--list-active] [--list-inactive] [--list-persistent]
913       [--list-transient] [--list-running] [--list-paused] [--list-shutoff]
914       [--list-other]] | [domain ...]
915           Get statistics for multiple or all domains. Without any argument
916           this command prints all available statistics for all domains.
918           The list of domains to gather stats for can be either limited by
919           listing the domains as a space separated list, or by specifying one
920           of the filtering flags --list-*. (The approaches can't be
921           combined.)
923           By default some of the returned fields may be converted to more
924           human friendly values by a set of pretty-printers. To suppress this
925           behavior use the --raw flag.
927           The individual statistics groups are selectable via specific flags.
928           By default all supported statistics groups are returned. Supported
929           statistics groups flags are: --state, --cpu-total, --balloon,
930           --vcpu, --interface, --block, --perf, --iothread.
932           Note that - depending on the hypervisor type and version or the
933           domain state - not all of the following statistics may be returned.
935           When selecting the --state group the following fields are returned:
937            "state.state" - state of the VM, returned as number from
938                            virDomainState enum
939            "state.reason" - reason for entering given state, returned
940                             as int from virDomain*Reason enum corresponding
941                             to given state
943           --cpu-total returns:
945            "cpu.time" - total cpu time spent for this domain in nanoseconds
946            "cpu.user" - user cpu time spent in nanoseconds
947            "cpu.system" - system cpu time spent in nanoseconds
948            "cpu.cache.monitor.count" - the number of cache monitors for this
949                                        domain
950            "cpu.cache.monitor.<num>.name" - the name of cache monitor <num>
951            "cpu.cache.monitor.<num>.vcpus" - vcpu list of cache monitor <num>
952            "cpu.cache.monitor.<num>.bank.count" - the number of cache banks
953                                                   in cache monitor <num>
954            "cpu.cache.monitor.<num>.bank.<index>.id" - host allocated cache id
955                                                        for bank <index> in
956                                                        cache monitor <num>
957            "cpu.cache.monitor.<num>.bank.<index>.bytes" - the number of bytes
958                                                           of last level cache
959                                                           that the domain is
960                                                           using on cache bank
961                                                           <index>
963           --balloon returns:
965            "balloon.current" - the memory in KiB currently used
966            "balloon.maximum" - the maximum memory in KiB allowed
967            "balloon.swap_in" - the amount of data read from swap space (in KiB)
968            "balloon.swap_out" - the amount of memory written out to swap
969                                 space (in KiB)
970            "balloon.major_fault" - the number of page faults then disk IO
971                                    was required
972            "balloon.minor_fault" - the number of other page faults
973            "balloon.unused" - the amount of memory left unused by the
974                               system (in KiB)
975            "balloon.available" - the amount of usable memory as seen by
976                                  the domain (in KiB)
977            "balloon.rss" - Resident Set Size of running domain's process
978                            (in KiB)
979            "balloon.usable" - the amount of memory which can be reclaimed by
980                               balloon without causing host swapping (in KiB)
981            "balloon.last-update" - timestamp of the last update of statistics
982                                    (in seconds)
983            "balloon.disk_caches " - the amount of memory that can be reclaimed
984                                     without additional I/O, typically disk
985                                     caches (in KiB)
987           --vcpu returns:
989            "vcpu.current" - current number of online virtual CPUs
990            "vcpu.maximum" - maximum number of online virtual CPUs
991            "vcpu.<num>.state" - state of the virtual CPU <num>, as
992                                 number from virVcpuState enum
993            "vcpu.<num>.time" - virtual cpu time spent by virtual
994                                CPU <num> (in microseconds)
995            "vcpu.<num>.wait" - virtual cpu time spent by virtual
996                                CPU <num> waiting on I/O (in microseconds)
997            "vcpu.<num>.halted" - virtual CPU <num> is halted: yes or
998                                  no (may indicate the processor is idle
999                                  or even disabled, depending on the
1000                                  architecture)
1002           --interface returns:
1004            "net.count" - number of network interfaces on this domain
1005            "net.<num>.name" - name of the interface <num>
1006            "net.<num>.rx.bytes" - number of bytes received
1007            "net.<num>.rx.pkts" - number of packets received
1008            "net.<num>.rx.errs" - number of receive errors
1009            "net.<num>.rx.drop" - number of receive packets dropped
1010            "net.<num>.tx.bytes" - number of bytes transmitted
1011            "net.<num>.tx.pkts" - number of packets transmitted
1012            "net.<num>.tx.errs" - number of transmission errors
1013            "net.<num>.tx.drop" - number of transmit packets dropped
1015           --perf returns the statistics of all enabled perf events:
1017            "perf.cmt" - the cache usage in Byte currently used
1018            "perf.mbmt" - total system bandwidth from one level of cache
1019            "perf.mbml" - bandwidth of memory traffic for a memory controller
1020            "perf.cpu_cycles" - the count of cpu cycles (total/elapsed)
1021            "perf.instructions" - the count of instructions
1022            "perf.cache_references" - the count of cache hits
1023            "perf.cache_misses" - the count of caches misses
1024            "perf.branch_instructions" - the count of branch instructions
1025            "perf.branch_misses" - the count of branch misses
1026            "perf.bus_cycles" - the count of bus cycles
1027            "perf.stalled_cycles_frontend" - the count of stalled frontend
1028                                             cpu cycles
1029            "perf.stalled_cycles_backend" - the count of stalled backend
1030                                            cpu cycles
1031            "perf.ref_cpu_cycles" - the count of ref cpu cycles
1032            "perf.cpu_clock" - the count of cpu clock time
1033            "perf.task_clock" - the count of task clock time
1034            "perf.page_faults" - the count of page faults
1035            "perf.context_switches" - the count of context switches
1036            "perf.cpu_migrations" - the count of cpu migrations
1037            "perf.page_faults_min" - the count of minor page faults
1038            "perf.page_faults_maj" - the count of major page faults
1039            "perf.alignment_faults" - the count of alignment faults
1040            "perf.emulation_faults" - the count of emulation faults
1042           See the perf command for more details about each event.
1044           --block returns information about disks associated with each
1045           domain.  Using the --backing flag extends this information to cover
1046           all resources in the backing chain, rather than the default of
1047           limiting information to the active layer for each guest disk.
1048           Information listed includes:
1050            "block.count" - number of block devices being listed
1051            "block.<num>.name" - name of the target of the block
1052                                 device <num> (the same name for
1053                                 multiple entries if I<--backing>
1054                                 is present)
1055            "block.<num>.backingIndex" - when I<--backing> is present,
1056                                         matches up with the <backingStore>
1057                                         index listed in domain XML for
1058                                         backing files
1059            "block.<num>.path" - file source of block device <num>, if
1060                                 it is a local file or block device
1061            "block.<num>.rd.reqs" - number of read requests
1062            "block.<num>.rd.bytes" - number of read bytes
1063            "block.<num>.rd.times" - total time (ns) spent on reads
1064            "block.<num>.wr.reqs" - number of write requests
1065            "block.<num>.wr.bytes" - number of written bytes
1066            "block.<num>.wr.times" - total time (ns) spent on writes
1067            "block.<num>.fl.reqs" - total flush requests
1068            "block.<num>.fl.times" - total time (ns) spent on cache flushing
1069            "block.<num>.errors" - Xen only: the 'oo_req' value
1070            "block.<num>.allocation" - offset of highest written sector in bytes
1071            "block.<num>.capacity" - logical size of source file in bytes
1072            "block.<num>.physical" - physical size of source file in bytes
1073            "block.<num>.threshold" - threshold (in bytes) for delivering the
1074                                      VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_THRESHOLD event
1075                                      See domblkthreshold.
1077           --iothread returns information about IOThreads on the running guest
1078           if supported by the hypervisor.
1080           The "poll-max-ns" for each thread is the maximum nanoseconds to
1081           allow each polling interval to occur. A polling interval is a
1082           period of time allowed for a thread to process data before being
1083           the guest gives up its CPU quantum back to the host. A value set
1084           too small will not allow the IOThread to run long enough on a CPU
1085           to process data. A value set too high will consume too much CPU
1086           time per IOThread failing to allow other threads running on the CPU
1087           to get time. The polling interval is not available for statistical
1088           purposes.
1090            "iothread.<id>.poll-max-ns" - maximum polling time in nanoseconds used
1091                                          by the <id> IOThread. A value of 0 (zero)
1092                                          indicates polling is disabled.
1093            "iothread.<id>.poll-grow" - polling time grow value. A value of 0 (zero)
1094                                        indicates growth is managed by the hypervisor.
1095            "iothread.<id>.poll-shrink" - polling time shrink value. A value of
1096                                          0 (zero) indicates shrink is managed by
1097                                          the hypervisor.
1099           Selecting a specific statistics groups doesn't guarantee that the
1100           daemon supports the selected group of stats. Flag --enforce forces
1101           the command to fail if the daemon doesn't support the selected
1102           group.
1104           When collecting stats libvirtd may wait for some time if there's
1105           already another job running on given domain for it to finish.  This
1106           may cause unnecessary delay in delivering stats. Using --nowait
1107           suppresses this behaviour. On the other hand some statistics might
1108           be missing for such domain.
1110       domiflist domain [--inactive]
1111           Print a table showing the brief information of all virtual
1112           interfaces associated with domain. If --inactive is specified,
1113           query the virtual interfaces that will be used on the next boot,
1114           rather than those currently in use by a running domain. Other
1115           contexts that require a MAC address of virtual interface (such as
1116           detach-interface or domif-setlink) will accept the MAC address
1117           printed by this command.
1119       blockcommit domain path [bandwidth] [--bytes] [base] [--shallow] [top]
1120       [--delete] [--keep-relative] [--wait [--async] [--verbose]] [--timeout
1121       seconds] [--active] [{--pivot | --keep-overlay}]
1122           Reduce the length of a backing image chain, by committing changes
1123           at the top of the chain (snapshot or delta files) into backing
1124           images.  By default, this command attempts to flatten the entire
1125           chain.  If base and/or top are specified as files within the
1126           backing chain, then the operation is constrained to committing just
1127           that portion of the chain; --shallow can be used instead of base to
1128           specify the immediate backing file of the resulting top image to be
1129           committed.  The files being committed are rendered invalid,
1130           possibly as soon as the operation starts; using the --delete flag
1131           will attempt to remove these invalidated files at the successful
1132           completion of the commit operation. When the --keep-relative flag
1133           is used, the backing file paths will be kept relative.
1135           When top is omitted or specified as the active image, it is also
1136           possible to specify --active to trigger a two-phase active commit.
1137           In the first phase, top is copied into base and the job can only be
1138           canceled, with top still containing data not yet in base. In the
1139           second phase, top and base remain identical until a call to
1140           blockjob with the --abort flag (keeping top as the active image
1141           that tracks changes from that point in time) or the --pivot flag
1142           (making base the new active image and invalidating top).
1144           By default, this command returns as soon as possible, and data for
1145           the entire disk is committed in the background; the progress of the
1146           operation can be checked with blockjob.  However, if --wait is
1147           specified, then this command will block until the operation
1148           completes (or for --active, enters the second phase), or until the
1149           operation is canceled because the optional timeout in seconds
1150           elapses or SIGINT is sent (usually with "Ctrl-C").  Using --verbose
1151           along with --wait will produce periodic status updates.  If job
1152           cancellation is triggered, --async will return control to the user
1153           as fast as possible, otherwise the command may continue to block a
1154           little while longer until the job is done cleaning up.  Using
1155           --pivot is shorthand for combining --active --wait with an
1156           automatic blockjob --pivot; and using --keep-overlay is shorthand
1157           for combining --active --wait with an automatic blockjob --abort.
1159           path specifies fully-qualified path of the disk; it corresponds to
1160           a unique target name (<target dev='name'/>) or source file (<source
1161           file='name'/>) for one of the disk devices attached to domain (see
1162           also domblklist for listing these names).  bandwidth specifies
1163           copying bandwidth limit in MiB/s, although for qemu, it may be non-
1164           zero only for an online domain. For further information on the
1165           bandwidth argument see the corresponding section for the blockjob
1166           command.
1168       blockcopy domain path { dest [format] [--blockdev] | --xml file }
1169       [--shallow] [--reuse-external] [bandwidth] [--wait [--async]
1170       [--verbose]] [{--pivot | --finish}] [--timeout seconds] [granularity]
1171       [buf-size] [--bytes] [--transient-job]
1172           Copy a disk backing image chain to a destination.  Either dest as
1173           the destination file name, or --xml with the name of an XML file
1174           containing a top-level <disk> element describing the destination,
1175           must be present.  Additionally, if dest is given, format should be
1176           specified to declare the format of the destination (if format is
1177           omitted, then libvirt will reuse the format of the source, or with
1178           --reuse-external will be forced to probe the destination format,
1179           which could be a potential security hole).  The command supports
1180           --raw as a boolean flag synonym for --format=raw.  When using dest,
1181           the destination is treated as a regular file unless --blockdev is
1182           used to signal that it is a block device. By default, this command
1183           flattens the entire chain; but if --shallow is specified, the copy
1184           shares the backing chain.
1186           If --reuse-external is specified, then the destination must exist
1187           and have sufficient space to hold the copy. If --shallow is used in
1188           conjunction with --reuse-external then the pre-created image must
1189           have guest visible contents identical to guest visible contents of
1190           the backing file of the original image. This may be used to modify
1191           the backing file names on the destination.
1193           By default, the copy job runs in the background, and consists of
1194           two phases.  Initially, the job must copy all data from the source,
1195           and during this phase, the job can only be canceled to revert back
1196           to the source disk, with no guarantees about the destination.
1197           After this phase completes, both the source and the destination
1198           remain mirrored until a call to blockjob with the --abort and
1199           --pivot flags pivots over to the copy, or a call without --pivot
1200           leaves the destination as a faithful copy of that point in time.
1201           However, if --wait is specified, then this command will block until
1202           the mirroring phase begins, or cancel the operation if the optional
1203           timeout in seconds elapses or SIGINT is sent (usually with
1204           "Ctrl-C").  Using --verbose along with --wait will produce periodic
1205           status updates.  Using --pivot (similar to blockjob --pivot) or
1206           --finish (similar to blockjob --abort) implies --wait, and will
1207           additionally end the job cleanly rather than leaving things in the
1208           mirroring phase.  If job cancellation is triggered by timeout or by
1209           --finish, --async will return control to the user as fast as
1210           possible, otherwise the command may continue to block a little
1211           while longer until the job has actually cancelled.
1213           path specifies fully-qualified path of the disk.  bandwidth
1214           specifies copying bandwidth limit in MiB/s. Specifying a negative
1215           value is interpreted as an unsigned long long value that might be
1216           essentially unlimited, but more likely would overflow; it is safer
1217           to use 0 for that purpose. For further information on the bandwidth
1218           argument see the corresponding section for the blockjob command.
1219           Specifying granularity allows fine-tuning of the granularity that
1220           will be copied when a dirty region is detected; larger values
1221           trigger less I/O overhead but may end up copying more data overall
1222           (the default value is usually correct); hypervisors may restrict
1223           this to be a power of two or fall within a certain range.
1224           Specifying buf-size will control how much data can be
1225           simultaneously in-flight during the copy; larger values use more
1226           memory but may allow faster completion (the default value is
1227           usually correct).
1229           --transient-job allows to specify that the user does not require
1230           the job to be recovered if the VM crashes or is turned off before
1231           the job completes. This flag removes the restriction of copy jobs
1232           to transient domains if that restriction is applied by the
1233           hypervisor.
1235       blockpull domain path [bandwidth] [--bytes] [base] [--wait [--verbose]
1236       [--timeout seconds] [--async]] [--keep-relative]
1237           Populate a disk from its backing image chain. By default, this
1238           command flattens the entire chain; but if base is specified,
1239           containing the name of one of the backing files in the chain, then
1240           that file becomes the new backing file and only the intermediate
1241           portion of the chain is pulled.  Once all requested data from the
1242           backing image chain has been pulled, the disk no longer depends on
1243           that portion of the backing chain.
1245           By default, this command returns as soon as possible, and data for
1246           the entire disk is pulled in the background; the progress of the
1247           operation can be checked with blockjob.  However, if --wait is
1248           specified, then this command will block until the operation
1249           completes, or cancel the operation if the optional timeout in
1250           seconds elapses or SIGINT is sent (usually with "Ctrl-C").  Using
1251           --verbose along with --wait will produce periodic status updates.
1252           If job cancellation is triggered, --async will return control to
1253           the user as fast as possible, otherwise the command may continue to
1254           block a little while longer until the job is done cleaning up.
1256           Using the --keep-relative flag will keep the backing chain names
1257           relative.
1259           path specifies fully-qualified path of the disk; it corresponds to
1260           a unique target name (<target dev='name'/>) or source file (<source
1261           file='name'/>) for one of the disk devices attached to domain (see
1262           also domblklist for listing these names).  bandwidth specifies
1263           copying bandwidth limit in MiB/s. For further information on the
1264           bandwidth argument see the corresponding section for the blockjob
1265           command.
1267       blkdeviotune domain device [[--config] [--live] | [--current]] [[total-
1268       bytes-sec] | [read-bytes-sec] [write-bytes-sec]] [[total-iops-sec] |
1269       [read-iops-sec] [write-iops-sec]] [[total-bytes-sec-max] | [read-bytes-
1270       sec-max] [write-bytes-sec-max]] [[total-iops-sec-max] | [read-iops-sec-
1271       max] [write-iops-sec-max]] [[total-bytes-sec-max-length] | [read-bytes-
1272       sec-max-length] [write-bytes-sec-max-length]] [[total-iops-sec-max-
1273       length] | [read-iops-sec-max-length] [write-iops-sec-max-length]]
1274       [size-iops-sec] [group-name]
1275           Set or query the block disk io parameters for a block device of
1276           domain.  device specifies a unique target name (<target
1277           dev='name'/>) or source file (<source file='name'/>) for one of the
1278           disk devices attached to domain (see also domblklist for listing
1279           these names).
1281           If no limit is specified, it will query current I/O limits setting.
1282           Otherwise, alter the limits with these flags: --total-bytes-sec
1283           specifies total throughput limit as a scaled integer, the default
1284           being bytes per second if no suffix is specified.  --read-bytes-sec
1285           specifies read throughput limit as a scaled integer, the default
1286           being bytes per second if no suffix is specified.
1287           --write-bytes-sec specifies write throughput limit as a scaled
1288           integer, the default being bytes per second if no suffix is
1289           specified.  --total-iops-sec specifies total I/O operations limit
1290           per second.  --read-iops-sec specifies read I/O operations limit
1291           per second.  --write-iops-sec specifies write I/O operations limit
1292           per second.  --total-bytes-sec-max specifies maximum total
1293           throughput limit as a scaled integer, the default being bytes per
1294           second if no suffix is specified --read-bytes-sec-max specifies
1295           maximum read throughput limit as a scaled integer, the default
1296           being bytes per second if no suffix is specified.
1297           --write-bytes-sec-max specifies maximum write throughput limit as a
1298           scaled integer, the default being bytes per second if no suffix is
1299           specified.  --total-iops-sec-max specifies maximum total I/O
1300           operations limit per second.  --read-iops-sec-max specifies maximum
1301           read I/O operations limit per second.  --write-iops-sec-max
1302           specifies maximum write I/O operations limit per second.
1303           --total-bytes-sec-max-length specifies duration in seconds to allow
1304           maximum total throughput limit.  --read-bytes-sec-max-length
1305           specifies duration in seconds to allow maximum read throughput
1306           limit.  --write-bytes-sec-max-length specifies duration in seconds
1307           to allow maximum write throughput limit.
1308           --total-iops-sec-max-length specifies duration in seconds to allow
1309           maximum total I/O operations limit.  --read-iops-sec-max-length
1310           specifies duration in seconds to allow maximum read I/O operations
1311           limit.  --write-iops-sec-max-length specifies duration in seconds
1312           to allow maximum write I/O operations limit.  --size-iops-sec
1313           specifies size I/O operations limit per second.  --group-name
1314           specifies group name to share I/O quota between multiple drives.
1315           For a qemu domain, if no name is provided, then the default is to
1316           have a single group for each device.
1318           Older versions of virsh only accepted these options with underscore
1319           instead of dash, as in --total_bytes_sec.
1321           Bytes and iops values are independent, but setting only one value
1322           (such as --read-bytes-sec) resets the other two in that category to
1323           unlimited.  An explicit 0 also clears any limit.  A non-zero value
1324           for a given total cannot be mixed with non-zero values for read or
1325           write.
1327           It is up to the hypervisor to determine how to handle the length
1328           values.  For the qemu hypervisor, if an I/O limit value or maximum
1329           value is set, then the default value of 1 second will be displayed.
1330           Supplying a 0 will reset the value back to the default.
1332           If --live is specified, affect a running guest.  If --config is
1333           specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.  If
1334           --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  When
1335           setting the disk io parameters both --live and --config flags may
1336           be given, but --current is exclusive. For querying only one of
1337           --live, --config or --current can be specified. If no flag is
1338           specified, behavior is different depending on hypervisor.
1340       blockjob domain path { [--abort] [--async] [--pivot] | [--info] [--raw]
1341       [--bytes] | [bandwidth] }
1342           Manage active block operations.  There are three mutually-exclusive
1343           modes: --info, bandwidth, and --abort.  --async and --pivot imply
1344           abort mode; --raw implies info mode; and if no mode was given,
1345           --info mode is assumed.
1347           path specifies fully-qualified path of the disk; it corresponds to
1348           a unique target name (<target dev='name'/>) or source file (<source
1349           file='name'/>) for one of the disk devices attached to domain (see
1350           also domblklist for listing these names).
1352           In --abort mode, the active job on the specified disk will be
1353           aborted.  If --async is also specified, this command will return
1354           immediately, rather than waiting for the cancellation to complete.
1355           If --pivot is specified, this requests that an active copy or
1356           active commit job be pivoted over to the new image.
1358           In --info mode, the active job information on the specified disk
1359           will be printed.  By default, the output is a single human-readable
1360           summary line; this format may change in future versions.  Adding
1361           --raw lists each field of the struct, in a stable format.  If the
1362           --bytes flag is set, then the command errors out if the server
1363           could not supply bytes/s resolution; when omitting the flag, raw
1364           output is listed in MiB/s and human-readable output automatically
1365           selects the best resolution supported by the server.
1367           bandwidth can be used to set bandwidth limit for the active job in
1368           MiB/s.  If --bytes is specified then the bandwidth value is
1369           interpreted in bytes/s. Specifying a negative value is interpreted
1370           as an unsigned long value or essentially unlimited. The hypervisor
1371           can choose whether to reject the value or convert it to the maximum
1372           value allowed. Optionally a scaled positive number may be used as
1373           bandwidth (see NOTES above). Using --bytes with a scaled value
1374           allows to use finer granularity. A scaled value used without
1375           --bytes will be rounded down to MiB/s. Note that the --bytes may be
1376           unsupported by the hypervisor.
1378       domblkthreshold domain dev threshold
1379           Set the threshold value for delivering the block-threshold event.
1380           dev specifies the disk device target or backing chain element of
1381           given device using the 'target[1]' syntax. threshold is a scaled
1382           value of the offset. If the block device should write beyond that
1383           offset the event will be delivered.
1385       blockresize domain path size
1386           Resize a block device of domain while the domain is running, path
1387           specifies the absolute path of the block device; it corresponds to
1388           a unique target name (<target dev='name'/>) or source file (<source
1389           file='name'/>) for one of the disk devices attached to domain (see
1390           also domblklist for listing these names).
1392           size is a scaled integer (see NOTES above) which defaults to KiB
1393           (blocks of 1024 bytes) if there is no suffix.  You must use a
1394           suffix of "B" to get bytes (note that for historical reasons, this
1395           differs from vol-resize which defaults to bytes without a suffix).
1397       domdisplay domain [--include-password] [[--type] type] [--all]
1398           Output a URI which can be used to connect to the graphical display
1399           of the domain via VNC, SPICE or RDP.  The particular graphical
1400           display type can be selected using the type parameter (e.g. "vnc",
1401           "spice", "rdp").  If --include-password is specified, the SPICE
1402           channel password will be included in the URI. If --all is
1403           specified, then all show all possible graphical displays, for a VM
1404           could have more than one graphical displays.
1406       domfsinfo domain
1407           Show a list of mounted filesystems within the running domain. The
1408           list contains mountpoints, names of a mounted device in the guest,
1409           filesystem types, and unique target names used in the domain XML
1410           (<target dev='name'/>).
1412           Note that this command requires a guest agent configured and
1413           running in the domain's guest OS.
1415       domfsfreeze domain [[--mountpoint] mountpoint...]
1416           Freeze mounted filesystems within a running domain to prepare for
1417           consistent snapshots.
1419           The --mountpoint option takes a parameter mountpoint, which is a
1420           mount point path of the filesystem to be frozen. This option can
1421           occur multiple times. If this is not specified, every mounted
1422           filesystem is frozen.
1424           Note: snapshot-create command has a --quiesce option to freeze and
1425           thaw the filesystems automatically to keep snapshots consistent.
1426           domfsfreeze command is only needed when a user wants to utilize the
1427           native snapshot features of storage devices not supported by
1428           libvirt.
1430       domfsthaw domain [[--mountpoint] mountpoint...]
1431           Thaw mounted filesystems within a running domain, which have been
1432           frozen by domfsfreeze command.
1434           The --mountpoint option takes a parameter mountpoint, which is a
1435           mount point path of the filesystem to be thawed. This option can
1436           occur multiple times. If this is not specified, every mounted
1437           filesystem is thawed.
1439       domfstrim domain [--minimum bytes] [--mountpoint mountPoint]
1440           Issue a fstrim command on all mounted filesystems within a running
1441           domain. It discards blocks which are not in use by the filesystem.
1442           If --minimum bytes is specified, it tells guest kernel length of
1443           contiguous free range. Smaller than this may be ignored (this is a
1444           hint and the guest may not respect it). By increasing this value,
1445           the fstrim operation will complete more quickly for filesystems
1446           with badly fragmented free space, although not all blocks will be
1447           discarded.  The default value is zero, meaning "discard every free
1448           block". Moreover, if a user wants to trim only one mount point, it
1449           can be specified via optional --mountpoint parameter.
1451       domhostname domain
1452           Returns the hostname of a domain, if the hypervisor makes it
1453           available.
1455       dominfo domain
1456           Returns basic information about the domain.
1458       domuuid domain-name-or-id
1459           Convert a domain name or id to domain UUID
1461       domid domain-name-or-uuid
1462           Convert a domain name (or UUID) to a domain id
1464       domjobabort domain
1465           Abort the currently running domain job.
1467       domjobinfo domain [--completed]
1468           Returns information about jobs running on a domain. --completed
1469           tells virsh to return information about a recently finished job.
1470           Statistics of a completed job are automatically destroyed once read
1471           or when libvirtd is restarted. Note that time information returned
1472           for completed migrations may be completely irrelevant unless both
1473           source and destination hosts have synchronized time (i.e., NTP
1474           daemon is running on both of them).
1476       domname domain-id-or-uuid
1477           Convert a domain Id (or UUID) to domain name
1479       domrename domain new-name
1480           Rename a domain. This command changes current domain name to the
1481           new name specified in the second argument.
1483           Note: Domain must be inactive and without snapshots.
1485       domstate domain [--reason]
1486           Returns state about a domain.  --reason tells virsh to also print
1487           reason for the state.
1489       domcontrol domain
1490           Returns state of an interface to VMM used to control a domain.  For
1491           states other than "ok" or "error" the command also prints number of
1492           seconds elapsed since the control interface entered its current
1493           state.
1495       domtime domain { [--now] [--pretty] [--sync] [--time time] }
1496           Gets or sets the domain's system time. When run without any
1497           arguments (but domain), the current domain's system time is printed
1498           out. The --pretty modifier can be used to print the time in more
1499           human readable form.
1501           When --time time is specified, the domain's time is not gotten but
1502           set instead. The --now modifier acts like if it was an alias for
1503           --time $now, which means it sets the time that is currently on the
1504           host virsh is running at. In both cases (setting and getting), time
1505           is in seconds relative to Epoch of 1970-01-01 in UTC.  The --sync
1506           modifies the set behavior a bit: The time passed is ignored, but
1507           the time to set is read from domain's RTC instead. Please note,
1508           that some hypervisors may require a guest agent to be configured in
1509           order to get or set the guest time.
1511       domxml-from-native format config
1512           Convert the file config in the native guest configuration format
1513           named by format to a domain XML format. For QEMU/KVM hypervisor,
1514           the format argument must be qemu-argv. For Xen hypervisor, the
1515           format argument may be xen-xm, xen-xl, or xen-sxpr. For LXC
1516           hypervisor, the format argument must be lxc-tools.
1518       domxml-to-native format { [--xml] xml | --domain domain-name-or-id-or-
1519       uuid }
1520           Convert the file xml into domain XML format or convert an existing
1521           --domain to the native guest configuration format named by format.
1522           The xml and --domain arguments are mutually exclusive.
1524           For the QEMU/KVM hypervisor, the format argument must be qemu-argv.
1526           For the Xen hypervisor, the format argument may be xen-xm, xen-xl,
1527           or xen-sxpr.
1529           For the LXC hypervisor, the format argument must be lxc-tools.
1531       dump domain corefilepath [--bypass-cache] { [--live] | [--crash] |
1532       [--reset] } [--verbose] [--memory-only] [--format string]
1533           Dumps the core of a domain to a file for analysis.  If --live is
1534           specified, the domain continues to run until the core dump is
1535           complete, rather than pausing up front.  If --crash is specified,
1536           the domain is halted with a crashed status, rather than merely left
1537           in a paused state.  If --reset is specified, the domain is reset
1538           after successful dump.  Note, these three switches are mutually
1539           exclusive.  If --bypass-cache is specified, the save will avoid the
1540           file system cache, although this may slow down the operation.  If
1541           --memory-only is specified, the file is elf file, and will only
1542           include domain's memory and cpu common register value. It is very
1543           useful if the domain uses host devices directly.  --format string
1544           is used to specify the format of 'memory-only' dump, and string can
1545           be one of them: elf, kdump-zlib(kdump-compressed format with zlib-
1546           compressed), kdump-lzo(kdump-compressed format with lzo-
1547           compressed), kdump-snappy(kdump-compressed format with snappy-
1548           compressed).
1550           The progress may be monitored using domjobinfo virsh command and
1551           canceled with domjobabort command (sent by another virsh instance).
1552           Another option is to send SIGINT (usually with "Ctrl-C") to the
1553           virsh process running dump command. --verbose displays the progress
1554           of dump.
1556           NOTE: Some hypervisors may require the user to manually ensure
1557           proper permissions on file and path specified by argument
1558           corefilepath.
1560           NOTE: Crash dump in a old kvmdump format is being obsolete and
1561           cannot be loaded and processed by crash utility since its version
1562           6.1.0. A --memory-only option is required in order to produce valid
1563           ELF file which can be later processed by the crash utility.
1565       dumpxml domain [--inactive] [--security-info] [--update-cpu]
1566       [--migratable]
1567           Output the domain information as an XML dump to stdout, this format
1568           can be used by the create command. Additional options affecting the
1569           XML dump may be used. --inactive tells virsh to dump domain
1570           configuration that will be used on next start of the domain as
1571           opposed to the current domain configuration.  Using --security-info
1572           will also include security sensitive information in the XML dump.
1573           --update-cpu updates domain CPU requirements according to host CPU.
1574           With --migratable one can request an XML that is suitable for
1575           migrations, i.e., compatible with older libvirt releases and
1576           possibly amended with internal run-time options. This option may
1577           automatically enable other options (--update-cpu, --security-info,
1578           ...) as necessary.
1580       edit domain
1581           Edit the XML configuration file for a domain, which will affect the
1582           next boot of the guest.
1584           This is equivalent to:
1586            virsh dumpxml --inactive --security-info domain > domain.xml
1587            vi domain.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
1588            virsh define domain.xml
1590           except that it does some error checking.
1592           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
1593           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".
1595       event {[domain] { event | --all } [--loop] [--timeout seconds]
1596       [--timestamp] | --list}
1597           Wait for a class of domain events to occur, and print appropriate
1598           details of events as they happen.  The events can optionally be
1599           filtered by domain.  Using --list as the only argument will provide
1600           a list of possible event values known by this client, although the
1601           connection might not allow registering for all these events.  It is
1602           also possible to use --all instead of event to register for all
1603           possible event types at once.
1605           By default, this command is one-shot, and returns success once an
1606           event occurs; you can send SIGINT (usually via "Ctrl-C") to quit
1607           immediately.  If --timeout is specified, the command gives up
1608           waiting for events after seconds have elapsed.   With --loop, the
1609           command prints all events until a timeout or interrupt key.
1611           When --timestamp is used, a human-readable timestamp will be
1612           printed before the event.
1614       iothreadinfo domain [[--live] [--config] | [--current]]
1615           Display basic domain IOThreads information including the IOThread
1616           ID and the CPU Affinity for each IOThread.
1618           If --live is specified, get the IOThreads data from the running
1619           guest. If the guest is not running, an error is returned.  If
1620           --config is specified, get the IOThreads data from the next boot of
1621           a persistent guest.  If --current is specified or --live and
1622           --config are not specified, then get the IOThread data based on the
1623           current guest state.
1625       iothreadpin domain iothread cpulist [[--live] [--config] | [--current]]
1626           Change the pinning of a domain IOThread to host physical CPUs. In
1627           order to retrieve a list of all IOThreads, use iothreadinfo. To pin
1628           an iothread specify the cpulist desired for the IOThread ID as
1629           listed in the iothreadinfo output.
1631           cpulist is a list of physical CPU numbers. Its syntax is a comma
1632           separated list and a special markup using '-' and '^' (ex. '0-4',
1633           '0-3,^2') can also be allowed. The '-' denotes the range and the
1634           '^' denotes exclusive.  If you want to reset iothreadpin setting,
1635           that is, to pin an iothread to all physical cpus, simply specify
1636           'r' as a cpulist.
1638           If --live is specified, affect a running guest. If the guest is not
1639           running, an error is returned.  If --config is specified, affect
1640           the next boot of a persistent guest.  If --current is specified or
1641           --live and --config are not specified, affect the current guest
1642           state.  Both --live and --config flags may be given if cpulist is
1643           present, but --current is exclusive.  If no flag is specified,
1644           behavior is different depending on hypervisor.
1646           Note: The expression is sequentially evaluated, so "0-15,^8" is
1647           identical to "9-14,0-7,15" but not identical to "^8,0-15".
1649       iothreadadd domain iothread_id [[--config] [--live] | [--current]]
1650           Add a new IOThread to the domain using the specified iothread_id.
1651           If the iothread_id already exists, the command will fail. The
1652           iothread_id must be greater than zero.
1654           If --live is specified, affect a running guest. If the guest is not
1655           running an error is returned.  If --config is specified, affect the
1656           next boot of a persistent guest.  If --current is specified or
1657           --live and --config are not specified, affect the current guest
1658           state.
1660       iothreadset domain iothread_id [[--poll-max-ns ns] [--poll-grow factor]
1661       [--poll-shrink divisor]] [[--config] [--live] | [--current]]
1662           Modifies an existing iothread of the domain using the specified
1663           iothread_id. The --poll-max-ns provides the maximum polling
1664           interval to be allowed for an IOThread in ns. If a 0 (zero) is
1665           provided, then polling for the IOThread is disabled.  The
1666           --poll-grow is the factor by which the current polling time will be
1667           adjusted in order to reach the maximum polling time. If a 0 (zero)
1668           is provided, then the default factor will be used. The
1669           --poll-shrink is the quotient by which the current polling time
1670           will be reduced in order to get below the maximum polling interval.
1671           If a 0 (zero) is provided, then the default quotient will be used.
1673           If --live is specified, affect a running guest. If the guest is not
1674           running an error is returned.  If --current is specified or --live
1675           is not specified, then handle as if --live was specified.
1677       iothreaddel domain iothread_id [[--config] [--live] | [--current]]
1678           Delete an IOThread from the domain using the specified iothread_id.
1679           If an IOThread is currently assigned to a disk resource such as via
1680           the attach-disk command, then the attempt to remove the IOThread
1681           will fail.  If the iothread_id does not exist an error will occur.
1683           If --live is specified, affect a running guest. If the guest is not
1684           running an error is returned.  If --config is specified, affect the
1685           next boot of a persistent guest.  If --current is specified or
1686           --live and --config are not specified, affect the current guest
1687           state.
1689       managedsave domain [--bypass-cache] [{--running | --paused}]
1690       [--verbose]
1691           Save and destroy (stop) a running domain, so it can be restarted
1692           from the same state at a later time.  When the virsh start command
1693           is next run for the domain, it will automatically be started from
1694           this saved state.  If --bypass-cache is specified, the save will
1695           avoid the file system cache, although this may slow down the
1696           operation.
1698           The progress may be monitored using domjobinfo virsh command and
1699           canceled with domjobabort command (sent by another virsh instance).
1700           Another option is to send SIGINT (usually with "Ctrl-C") to the
1701           virsh process running managedsave command. --verbose displays the
1702           progress of save.
1704           Normally, starting a managed save will decide between running or
1705           paused based on the state the domain was in when the save was done;
1706           passing either the --running or --paused flag will allow overriding
1707           which state the start should use.
1709           The dominfo command can be used to query whether a domain currently
1710           has any managed save image.
1712       managedsave-remove domain
1713           Remove the managedsave state file for a domain, if it exists.  This
1714           ensures the domain will do a full boot the next time it is started.
1716       managedsave-define domain xml [{--running | --paused}]
1717           Update the domain XML that will be used when domain is later
1718           started. The xml argument must be a file name containing the
1719           alternative XML, with changes only in the host-specific portions of
1720           the domain XML. For example, it can be used to change disk file
1721           paths.
1723           The managed save image records whether the domain should be started
1724           to a running or paused state.  Normally, this command does not
1725           alter the recorded state; passing either the --running or --paused
1726           flag will allow overriding which state the start should use.
1728       managedsave-dumpxml domain [--security-info]
1729           Extract the domain XML that was in effect at the time the saved
1730           state file file was created with the managedsave command.  Using
1731           --security-info will also include security sensitive information.
1733       managedsave-edit domain [{--running | --paused}]
1734           Edit the XML configuration associated with a saved state file of a
1735           domain was created by the managedsave command.
1737           The managed save image records whether the domain should be started
1738           to a running or paused state.  Normally, this command does not
1739           alter the recorded state; passing either the --running or --paused
1740           flag will allow overriding which state the restore should use.
1742           This is equivalent to:
1744            virsh managedsave-dumpxml domain-name > state-file.xml
1745            vi state-file.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
1746            virsh managedsave-define domain-name state-file-xml
1748           except that it does some error checking.
1750           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
1751           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".
1753       maxvcpus [type]
1754           Provide the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for a guest VM
1755           on this connection.  If provided, the type parameter must be a
1756           valid type attribute for the <domain> element of XML.
1758       cpu-stats domain [--total] [start] [count]
1759           Provide cpu statistics information of a domain. The domain should
1760           be running. Default it shows stats for all CPUs, and a total. Use
1761           --total for only the total stats, start for only the per-cpu stats
1762           of the CPUs from start, count for only count CPUs' stats.
1764       metadata domain [[--live] [--config] | [--current]] [--edit] [uri]
1765       [key] [set] [--remove]
1766           Show or modify custom XML metadata of a domain. The metadata is a
1767           user defined XML that allows to store arbitrary XML data in the
1768           domain definition.  Multiple separate custom metadata pieces can be
1769           stored in the domain XML.  The pieces are identified by a private
1770           XML namespace provided via the uri argument. (See also desc that
1771           works with textual metadata of a domain.)
1773           Flags --live or --config select whether this command works on live
1774           or persistent definitions of the domain. If both --live and
1775           --config are specified, the --config option takes precedence on
1776           getting the current description and both live configuration and
1777           config are updated while setting the description. --current is
1778           exclusive and implied if none of these was specified.
1780           Flag --remove specifies that the metadata element specified by the
1781           uri argument should be removed rather than updated.
1783           Flag --edit specifies that an editor with the metadata identified
1784           by the uri argument should be opened and the contents saved back
1785           afterwards.  Otherwise the new contents can be provided via the set
1786           argument.
1788           When setting metadata via --edit or set the key argument must be
1789           specified and is used to prefix the custom elements to bind them to
1790           the private namespace.
1792           If neither of --edit and set are specified the XML metadata
1793           corresponding to the uri namespace is displayed instead of being
1794           modified.
1796       migrate [--live] [--offline] [--direct] [--p2p [--tunnelled]]
1797       [--persistent] [--undefinesource] [--suspend] [--copy-storage-all]
1798       [--copy-storage-inc] [--change-protection] [--unsafe] [--verbose]
1799       [--rdma-pin-all] [--abort-on-error] [--postcopy]
1800       [--postcopy-after-precopy] domain desturi [migrateuri] [graphicsuri]
1801       [listen-address] [dname] [--timeout seconds [--timeout-suspend |
1802       --timeout-postcopy]] [--xml file] [--migrate-disks disk-list]
1803       [--disks-port port] [--compressed] [--comp-methods method-list]
1804       [--comp-mt-level] [--comp-mt-threads] [--comp-mt-dthreads]
1805       [--comp-xbzrle-cache] [--auto-converge] [auto-converge-initial] [auto-
1806       converge-increment] [--persistent-xml file] [--tls]
1807       [--postcopy-bandwidth bandwidth]
1808           Migrate domain to another host.  Add --live for live migration;
1809           <--p2p> for peer-2-peer migration; --direct for direct migration;
1810           or --tunnelled for tunnelled migration.  --offline migrates domain
1811           definition without starting the domain on destination and without
1812           stopping it on source host.  Offline migration may be used with
1813           inactive domains and it must be used with --persistent option.
1814           --persistent leaves the domain persistent on destination host,
1815           --undefinesource undefines the domain on the source host, and
1816           --suspend leaves the domain paused on the destination host.
1817           --copy-storage-all indicates migration with non-shared storage with
1818           full disk copy, --copy-storage-inc indicates migration with non-
1819           shared storage with incremental copy (same base image shared
1820           between source and destination).  In both cases the disk images
1821           have to exist on destination host, the --copy-storage-... options
1822           only tell libvirt to transfer data from the images on source host
1823           to the images found at the same place on the destination host. By
1824           default only non-shared non-readonly images are transferred. Use
1825           --migrate-disks to explicitly specify a list of disk targets to
1826           transfer via the comma separated disk-list argument.
1827           --change-protection enforces that no incompatible configuration
1828           changes will be made to the domain while the migration is underway;
1829           this flag is implicitly enabled when supported by the hypervisor,
1830           but can be explicitly used to reject the migration if the
1831           hypervisor lacks change protection support.  --verbose displays the
1832           progress of migration.  --abort-on-error cancels the migration if a
1833           soft error (for example I/O error) happens during the migration.
1834           --postcopy enables post-copy logic in migration, but does not
1835           actually start post-copy, i.e., migration is started in pre-copy
1836           mode.  Once migration is running, the user may switch to post-copy
1837           using the migrate-postcopy command sent from another virsh instance
1838           or use --postcopy-after-precopy along with --postcopy to let
1839           libvirt automatically switch to post-copy after the first pass of
1840           pre-copy is finished.  The maximum bandwidth consumed during the
1841           post-copy phase may be limited using --postcopy-bandwidth.
1843           --auto-converge forces convergence during live migration. The
1844           initial guest CPU throttling rate can be set with auto-converge-
1845           initial. If the initial throttling rate is not enough to ensure
1846           convergence, the rate is periodically increased by auto-converge-
1847           increment.
1849           --rdma-pin-all can be used with RDMA migration (i.e., when
1850           migrateuri starts with rdma://) to tell the hypervisor to pin all
1851           domain's memory at once before migration starts rather than letting
1852           it pin memory pages as needed. For QEMU/KVM this requires
1853           hard_limit memory tuning element (in the domain XML) to be used and
1854           set to the maximum memory configured for the domain plus any memory
1855           consumed by the QEMU process itself. Beware of setting the memory
1856           limit too high (and thus allowing the domain to lock most of the
1857           host's memory). Doing so may be dangerous to both the domain and
1858           the host itself since the host's kernel may run out of memory.
1860           Note: Individual hypervisors usually do not support all possible
1861           types of migration. For example, QEMU does not support direct
1862           migration.
1864           In some cases libvirt may refuse to migrate the domain because
1865           doing so may lead to potential problems such as data corruption,
1866           and thus the migration is considered unsafe. For QEMU domain, this
1867           may happen if the domain uses disks without explicitly setting
1868           cache mode to "none". Migrating such domains is unsafe unless the
1869           disk images are stored on coherent clustered filesystem, such as
1870           GFS2 or GPFS. If you are sure the migration is safe or you just do
1871           not care, use --unsafe to force the migration.
1873           dname is used for renaming the domain to new name during migration,
1874           which also usually can be omitted.  Likewise, --xml file is usually
1875           omitted, but can be used to supply an alternative XML file for use
1876           on the destination to supply a larger set of changes to any host-
1877           specific portions of the domain XML, such as accounting for naming
1878           differences between source and destination in accessing underlying
1879           storage.  If --persistent is enabled, --persistent-xml file can be
1880           used to supply an alternative XML file which will be used as the
1881           persistent domain definition on the destination host.
1883           --timeout seconds tells virsh to run a specified action when live
1884           migration exceeds that many seconds.  It can only be used with
1885           --live.  If --timeout-suspend is specified, the domain will be
1886           suspended after the timeout and the migration will complete
1887           offline; this is the default if no --timeout-* option is specified
1888           on the command line.  When --timeout-postcopy is used, virsh will
1889           switch migration from pre-copy to post-copy upon timeout; migration
1890           has to be started with --postcopy option for this to work.
1892           --compressed activates compression, the compression method is
1893           chosen with --comp-methods. Supported methods are "mt" and "xbzrle"
1894           and can be used in any combination. When no methods are specified,
1895           a hypervisor default methods will be used. QEMU defaults to
1896           "xbzrle". Compression methods can be tuned further. --comp-mt-level
1897           sets compression level.  Values are in range from 0 to 9, where 1
1898           is maximum speed and 9 is maximum compression. --comp-mt-threads
1899           and --comp-mt-dthreads set the number of compress threads on source
1900           and the number of decompress threads on target respectively.
1901           --comp-xbzrle-cache sets size of page cache in bytes.
1903           Providing --tls causes the migration to use the host configured TLS
1904           setup (see migrate_tls_x509_cert_dir in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf) in
1905           order to perform the migration of the domain. Usage requires proper
1906           TLS setup for both source and target.
1908           Running migration can be canceled by interrupting virsh (usually
1909           using "Ctrl-C") or by domjobabort command sent from another virsh
1910           instance.
1912           The desturi and migrateuri parameters can be used to control which
1913           destination the migration uses.  desturi is important for managed
1914           migration, but unused for direct migration; migrateuri is required
1915           for direct migration, but can usually be automatically determined
1916           for managed migration.
1918           Note: The desturi parameter for normal migration and peer2peer
1919           migration has different semantics:
1921           ·   normal migration: the desturi is an address of the target host
1922               as seen from the client machine.
1924           ·   peer2peer migration: the desturi is an address of the target
1925               host as seen from the source machine.
1927           When migrateuri is not specified, libvirt will automatically
1928           determine the hypervisor specific URI.  Some hypervisors, including
1929           QEMU, have an optional "migration_host" configuration parameter
1930           (useful when the host has multiple network interfaces).  If this is
1931           unspecified, libvirt determines a name by looking up the target
1932           host's configured hostname.
1934           There are a few scenarios where specifying migrateuri may help:
1936           ·   The configured hostname is incorrect, or DNS is broken.  If a
1937               host has a hostname which will not resolve to match one of its
1938               public IP addresses, then libvirt will generate an incorrect
1939               URI.  In this case migrateuri should be explicitly specified,
1940               using an IP address, or a correct hostname.
1942           ·   The host has multiple network interfaces.  If a host has
1943               multiple network interfaces, it might be desirable for the
1944               migration data stream to be sent over a specific interface for
1945               either security or performance reasons.  In this case
1946               migrateuri should be explicitly specified, using an IP address
1947               associated with the network to be used.
1949           ·   The firewall restricts what ports are available.  When libvirt
1950               generates a migration URI, it will pick a port number using
1951               hypervisor specific rules.  Some hypervisors only require a
1952               single port to be open in the firewalls, while others require a
1953               whole range of port numbers.  In the latter case migrateuri
1954               might be specified to choose a specific port number outside the
1955               default range in order to comply with local firewall policies.
1957           See <https://libvirt.org/migration.html#uris> for more details on
1958           migration URIs.
1960           Optional graphicsuri overrides connection parameters used for
1961           automatically reconnecting a graphical clients at the end of
1962           migration. If omitted, libvirt will compute the parameters based on
1963           target host IP address. In case the client does not have a direct
1964           access to the network virtualization hosts are connected to and
1965           needs to connect through a proxy, graphicsuri may be used to
1966           specify the address the client should connect to. The URI is formed
1967           as follows:
1969               protocol://hostname[:port]/[?parameters]
1971           where protocol is either "spice" or "vnc" and parameters is a list
1972           of protocol specific parameters separated by '&'. Currently
1973           recognized parameters are "tlsPort" and "tlsSubject". For example,
1975               spice://target.host.com:1234/?tlsPort=4567
1977           Optional listen-address sets the listen address that hypervisor on
1978           the destination side should bind to for incoming migration. Both
1979           IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are accepted as well as hostnames (the
1980           resolving is done on destination). Some hypervisors do not support
1981           this feature and will return an error if this parameter is used.
1983           Optional disks-port sets the port that hypervisor on destination
1984           side should bind to for incoming disks traffic. Currently it is
1985           supported only by qemu.
1987       migrate-setmaxdowntime domain downtime
1988           Set maximum tolerable downtime for a domain which is being live-
1989           migrated to another host.  The downtime is a number of milliseconds
1990           the guest is allowed to be down at the end of live migration.
1992       migrate-getmaxdowntime domain
1993           Get the maximum tolerable downtime for a domain which is being
1994           live-migrated to another host.  This is the number of milliseconds
1995           the guest is allowed to be down at the end of live migration.
1997       migrate-compcache domain [--size bytes]
1998           Sets and/or gets size of the cache (in bytes) used for compressing
1999           repeatedly transferred memory pages during live migration. When
2000           called without size, the command just prints current size of the
2001           compression cache. When size is specified, the hypervisor is asked
2002           to change compression cache to size bytes and then the current size
2003           is printed (the result may differ from the requested size due to
2004           rounding done by the hypervisor). The size option is supposed to be
2005           used while the domain is being live-migrated as a reaction to
2006           migration progress and increasing number of compression cache
2007           misses obtained from domjobinfo.
2009       migrate-setspeed domain bandwidth [--postcopy]
2010           Set the maximum migration bandwidth (in MiB/s) for a domain which
2011           is being migrated to another host. bandwidth is interpreted as an
2012           unsigned long long value. Specifying a negative value results in an
2013           essentially unlimited value being provided to the hypervisor. The
2014           hypervisor can choose whether to reject the value or convert it to
2015           the maximum value allowed. If the --postcopy option is specified,
2016           the command will set the maximum bandwidth allowed during a post-
2017           copy migration phase.
2019       migrate-getspeed domain [--postcopy]
2020           Get the maximum migration bandwidth (in MiB/s) for a domain. If the
2021           --postcopy option is specified, the command will get the maximum
2022           bandwidth allowed during a post-copy migration phase.
2024       migrate-postcopy domain
2025           Switch the current migration from pre-copy to post-copy. This is
2026           only supported for a migration started with --postcopy option.
2028       numatune domain [--mode mode] [--nodeset nodeset] [[--config] [--live]
2029       | [--current]]
2030           Set or get a domain's numa parameters, corresponding to the
2031           <numatune> element of domain XML.  Without flags, the current
2032           settings are displayed.
2034           mode can be one of `strict', `interleave' and `preferred' or any
2035           valid number from the virDomainNumatuneMemMode enum in case the
2036           daemon supports it.  For a running domain, the mode can't be
2037           changed, and the nodeset can be changed only if the domain was
2038           started with a mode of `strict'.
2040           nodeset is a list of numa nodes used by the host for running the
2041           domain.  Its syntax is a comma separated list, with '-' for ranges
2042           and '^' for excluding a node.
2044           If --live is specified, set scheduler information of a running
2045           guest.  If --config is specified, affect the next boot of a
2046           persistent guest.  If --current is specified, affect the current
2047           guest state.
2049       reboot domain [--mode MODE-LIST]
2050           Reboot a domain.  This acts just as if the domain had the reboot
2051           command run from the console.  The command returns as soon as it
2052           has executed the reboot action, which may be significantly before
2053           the domain actually reboots.
2055           The exact behavior of a domain when it reboots is set by the
2056           on_reboot parameter in the domain's XML definition.
2058           By default the hypervisor will try to pick a suitable shutdown
2059           method. To specify an alternative method, the --mode parameter can
2060           specify a comma separated list which includes "acpi", "agent",
2061           "initctl", "signal" and "paravirt". The order in which drivers will
2062           try each mode is undefined, and not related to the order specified
2063           to virsh.  For strict control over ordering, use a single mode at a
2064           time and repeat the command.
2066       reset domain
2067           Reset a domain immediately without any guest shutdown. reset
2068           emulates the power reset button on a machine, where all guest
2069           hardware sees the RST line set and reinitializes internal state.
2071           Note: Reset without any guest OS shutdown risks data loss.
2073       restore state-file [--bypass-cache] [--xml file] [{--running |
2074       --paused}]
2075           Restores a domain from a virsh save state file. See save for more
2076           info.
2078           If --bypass-cache is specified, the restore will avoid the file
2079           system cache, although this may slow down the operation.
2081           --xml file is usually omitted, but can be used to supply an
2082           alternative XML file for use on the restored guest with changes
2083           only in the host-specific portions of the domain XML.  For example,
2084           it can be used to account for file naming differences in underlying
2085           storage due to disk snapshots taken after the guest was saved.
2087           Normally, restoring a saved image will use the state recorded in
2088           the save image to decide between running or paused; passing either
2089           the --running or --paused flag will allow overriding which state
2090           the domain should be started in.
2092           Note: To avoid corrupting file system contents within the domain,
2093           you should not reuse the saved state file for a second restore
2094           unless you have also reverted all storage volumes back to the same
2095           contents as when the state file was created.
2097       save domain state-file [--bypass-cache] [--xml file] [{--running |
2098       --paused}] [--verbose]
2099           Saves a running domain (RAM, but not disk state) to a state file so
2100           that it can be restored later.  Once saved, the domain will no
2101           longer be running on the system, thus the memory allocated for the
2102           domain will be free for other domains to use.  virsh restore
2103           restores from this state file.  If --bypass-cache is specified, the
2104           save will avoid the file system cache, although this may slow down
2105           the operation.
2107           The progress may be monitored using domjobinfo virsh command and
2108           canceled with domjobabort command (sent by another virsh instance).
2109           Another option is to send SIGINT (usually with "Ctrl-C") to the
2110           virsh process running save command. --verbose displays the progress
2111           of save.
2113           This is roughly equivalent to doing a hibernate on a running
2114           computer, with all the same limitations.  Open network connections
2115           may be severed upon restore, as TCP timeouts may have expired.
2117           --xml file is usually omitted, but can be used to supply an
2118           alternative XML file for use on the restored guest with changes
2119           only in the host-specific portions of the domain XML.  For example,
2120           it can be used to account for file naming differences that are
2121           planned to be made via disk snapshots of underlying storage after
2122           the guest is saved.
2124           Normally, restoring a saved image will decide between running or
2125           paused based on the state the domain was in when the save was done;
2126           passing either the --running or --paused flag will allow overriding
2127           which state the restore should use.
2129           Domain saved state files assume that disk images will be unchanged
2130           between the creation and restore point.  For a more complete system
2131           restore point, where the disk state is saved alongside the memory
2132           state, see the snapshot family of commands.
2134       save-image-define file xml [{--running | --paused}]
2135           Update the domain XML that will be used when file is later used in
2136           the restore command.  The xml argument must be a file name
2137           containing the alternative XML, with changes only in the host-
2138           specific portions of the domain XML.  For example, it can be used
2139           to account for file naming differences resulting from creating disk
2140           snapshots of underlying storage after the guest was saved.
2142           The save image records whether the domain should be restored to a
2143           running or paused state.  Normally, this command does not alter the
2144           recorded state; passing either the --running or --paused flag will
2145           allow overriding which state the restore should use.
2147       save-image-dumpxml file [--security-info]
2148           Extract the domain XML that was in effect at the time the saved
2149           state file file was created with the save command.  Using
2150           --security-info will also include security sensitive information.
2152       save-image-edit file [{--running | --paused}]
2153           Edit the XML configuration associated with a saved state file file
2154           created by the save command.
2156           The save image records whether the domain should be restored to a
2157           running or paused state.  Normally, this command does not alter the
2158           recorded state; passing either the --running or --paused flag will
2159           allow overriding which state the restore should use.
2161           This is equivalent to:
2163            virsh save-image-dumpxml state-file > state-file.xml
2164            vi state-file.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
2165            virsh save-image-define state-file state-file-xml
2167           except that it does some error checking.
2169           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
2170           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".
2172       schedinfo domain [[--config] [--live] | [--current]] [[--set]
2173       parameter=value]...
2174       schedinfo [--weight number] [--cap number] domain
2175           Allows you to show (and set) the domain scheduler parameters. The
2176           parameters available for each hypervisor are:
2178           LXC (posix scheduler) : cpu_shares, vcpu_period, vcpu_quota
2180           QEMU/KVM (posix scheduler): cpu_shares, vcpu_period, vcpu_quota,
2181           emulator_period, emulator_quota, iothread_quota, iothread_period
2183           Xen (credit scheduler): weight, cap
2185           ESX (allocation scheduler): reservation, limit, shares
2187           If --live is specified, set scheduler information of a running
2188           guest.  If --config is specified, affect the next boot of a
2189           persistent guest.  If --current is specified, affect the current
2190           guest state.
2192           Note: The cpu_shares parameter has a valid value range of 0-262144;
2193           Negative values are wrapped to positive, and larger values are
2194           capped at the maximum.  Therefore, -1 is a useful shorthand for
2195           262144. On the Linux kernel, the values 0 and 1 are automatically
2196           converted to a minimal value of 2.
2198           Note: The weight and cap parameters are defined only for the
2199           XEN_CREDIT scheduler.
2201           Note: The vcpu_period, emulator_period, and iothread_period
2202           parameters have a valid value range of 1000-1000000 or 0, and the
2203           vcpu_quota, emulator_quota, and iothread_quota parameters have a
2204           valid value range of 1000-18446744073709551 or less than 0. The
2205           value 0 for either parameter is the same as not specifying that
2206           parameter.
2208       screenshot domain [imagefilepath] [--screen screenID]
2209           Takes a screenshot of a current domain console and stores it into a
2210           file.  Optionally, if hypervisor supports more displays for a
2211           domain, screenID allows to specify which screen will be captured.
2212           It is the sequential number of screen. In case of multiple graphics
2213           cards, heads are enumerated before devices, e.g. having two
2214           graphics cards, both with four heads, screen ID 5 addresses the
2215           second head on the second card.
2217       send-key domain [--codeset codeset] [--holdtime holdtime] keycode...
2218           Parse the keycode sequence as keystrokes to send to domain.  Each
2219           keycode can either be a numeric value or a symbolic name from the
2220           corresponding codeset.  If --holdtime is given, each keystroke will
2221           be held for that many milliseconds.  The default codeset is linux,
2222           but use of the --codeset option allows other codesets to be chosen.
2224           If multiple keycodes are specified, they are all sent
2225           simultaneously to the guest, and they may be received in random
2226           order. If you need distinct keypresses, you must use multiple send-
2227           key invocations.
2229           linux
2230               The numeric values are those defined by the Linux generic input
2231               event subsystem. The symbolic names match the corresponding
2232               Linux key constant macro names.
2234               See virkeycode-linux(7) and virkeyname-linux(7)
2236           xt  The numeric values are those defined by the original XT
2237               keyboard controller. No symbolic names are provided
2239               See virkeycode-xt(7)
2241           atset1
2242               The numeric values are those defined by the AT keyboard
2243               controller, set 1 (aka XT compatible set). Extended keycoes
2244               from atset1 may differ from extended keycodes in the xt
2245               codeset. No symbolic names are provided
2247               See virkeycode-atset1(7)
2249           atset2
2250               The numeric values are those defined by the AT keyboard
2251               controller, set 2. No symbolic names are provided
2253               See virkeycode-atset2(7)
2255           atset3
2256               The numeric values are those defined by the AT keyboard
2257               controller, set 3 (aka PS/2 compatible set). No symbolic names
2258               are provided
2260               See virkeycode-atset3(7)
2262           os_x
2263               The numeric values are those defined by the OS-X keyboard input
2264               subsystem. The symbolic names match the corresponding OS-X key
2265               constant macro names
2267               See virkeycode-osx(7) and virkeyname-osx(7)
2269           xt_kbd
2270               The numeric values are those defined by the Linux KBD device.
2271               These are a variant on the original XT codeset, but often with
2272               different encoding for extended keycodes. No symbolic names are
2273               provided.
2275               See virkeycode-xtkbd(7)
2277           win32
2278               The numeric values are those defined by the Win32 keyboard
2279               input subsystem. The symbolic names match the corresponding
2280               Win32 key constant macro names
2282               See virkeycode-win32(7) and virkeyname-win32(7)
2284           usb The numeric values are those defined by the USB HID
2285               specification for keyboard input. No symbolic names are
2286               provided
2288               See virkeycode-usb(7)
2290           qnum
2291               The numeric values are those defined by the QNUM extension for
2292               sending raw keycodes. These are a variant on the XT codeset,
2293               but extended keycodes have the low bit of the second byte set,
2294               instead of the high bit of the first byte. No symbolic names
2295               are provided.
2297               See virkeycode-qnum(7)
2299           Examples
2300             # send three strokes 'k', 'e', 'y', using xt codeset. these
2301             # are all pressed simultaneously and may be received by the guest
2302             # in random order
2303             virsh send-key dom --codeset xt 37 18 21
2305             # send one stroke 'right-ctrl+C'
2306             virsh send-key dom KEY_RIGHTCTRL KEY_C
2308             # send a tab, held for 1 second
2309             virsh send-key --holdtime 1000 0xf
2311       send-process-signal domain-id pid signame
2312           Send a signal signame to the process identified by pid running in
2313           the virtual domain domain-id. The pid is a process ID in the
2314           virtual domain namespace.
2316           The signame argument may be either an integer signal constant
2317           number, or one of the symbolic names:
2319               "nop", "hup", "int", "quit", "ill",
2320               "trap", "abrt", "bus", "fpe", "kill",
2321               "usr1", "segv", "usr2", "pipe", "alrm",
2322               "term", "stkflt", "chld", "cont", "stop",
2323               "tstp", "ttin", "ttou", "urg", "xcpu",
2324               "xfsz", "vtalrm", "prof", "winch", "poll",
2325               "pwr", "sys", "rt0", "rt1", "rt2", "rt3",
2326               "rt4", "rt5", "rt6", "rt7", "rt8", "rt9",
2327               "rt10", "rt11", "rt12", "rt13", "rt14", "rt15",
2328               "rt16", "rt17", "rt18", "rt19", "rt20", "rt21",
2329               "rt22", "rt23", "rt24", "rt25", "rt26", "rt27",
2330               "rt28", "rt29", "rt30", "rt31", "rt32"
2332           The symbol name may optionally be prefixed with 'sig' or 'sig_' and
2333           may be in uppercase or lowercase.
2335           Examples
2336             virsh send-process-signal myguest 1 15
2337             virsh send-process-signal myguest 1 term
2338             virsh send-process-signal myguest 1 sigterm
2339             virsh send-process-signal myguest 1 SIG_HUP
2341       setmem domain size [[--config] [--live] | [--current]]
2342           Change the memory allocation for a guest domain.  If --live is
2343           specified, perform a memory balloon of a running guest.  If
2344           --config is specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.
2345           If --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  Both
2346           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
2347           If no flag is specified, behavior is different depending on
2348           hypervisor.
2350           size is a scaled integer (see NOTES above); it defaults to
2351           kibibytes (blocks of 1024 bytes) unless you provide a suffix (and
2352           the older option name --kilobytes is available as a deprecated
2353           synonym) .  Libvirt rounds up to the nearest kibibyte.  Some
2354           hypervisors require a larger granularity than KiB, and requests
2355           that are not an even multiple will be rounded up.  For example,
2356           vSphere/ESX rounds the parameter up to mebibytes (1024 kibibytes).
2358           For Xen, you can only adjust the memory of a running domain if the
2359           domain is paravirtualized or running the PV balloon driver.
2361           For LXC, the value being set is the cgroups value for
2362           limit_in_bytes or the maximum amount of user memory (including file
2363           cache). When viewing memory inside the container, this is the
2364           /proc/meminfo "MemTotal" value. When viewing the value from the
2365           host, use the virsh memtune command. In order to view the current
2366           memory in use and the maximum value allowed to set memory, use the
2367           virsh dominfo command.
2369       set-lifecycle-action domain type action [[--config] [--live] |
2370       [--current]]
2371           Set the lifecycle action for specified lifecycle type.  The valid
2372           types are "poweroff", "reboot" and "crash", and for each of them
2373           valid action is one of "destroy", "restart", "rename-restart",
2374           "preserve".  For type "crash", additional actions "coredump-
2375           destroy" and "coredump-restart" are supported.
2377       set-user-password domain user password [--encrypted]
2378           Set the password for the user account in the guest domain.
2380           If --encrypted is specified, the password is assumed to be already
2381           encrypted by the method required by the guest OS.
2383           For QEMU/KVM, this requires the guest agent to be configured and
2384           running.
2386       setmaxmem domain size [[--config] [--live] | [--current]]
2387           Change the maximum memory allocation limit for a guest domain.  If
2388           --live is specified, affect a running guest.  If --config is
2389           specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.  If
2390           --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  Both
2391           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
2392           If no flag is specified, behavior is different depending on
2393           hypervisor.
2395           Some hypervisors such as QEMU/KVM don't support live changes
2396           (especially increasing) of the maximum memory limit.  Even
2397           persistent configuration changes might not be performed with some
2398           hypervisors/configuration (e.g. on NUMA enabled domains on QEMU).
2399           For complex configuration changes use command edit instead).
2401           size is a scaled integer (see NOTES above); it defaults to
2402           kibibytes (blocks of 1024 bytes) unless you provide a suffix (and
2403           the older option name --kilobytes is available as a deprecated
2404           synonym) .  Libvirt rounds up to the nearest kibibyte.  Some
2405           hypervisors require a larger granularity than KiB, and requests
2406           that are not an even multiple will be rounded up.  For example,
2407           vSphere/ESX rounds the parameter up to mebibytes (1024 kibibytes).
2409       memtune domain [--hard-limit size] [--soft-limit size]
2410       [--swap-hard-limit size] [--min-guarantee size] [[--config] [--live] |
2411       [--current]]
2412           Allows you to display or set the domain memory parameters. Without
2413           flags, the current settings are displayed; with a flag, the
2414           appropriate limit is adjusted if supported by the hypervisor.  LXC
2415           and QEMU/KVM support --hard-limit, --soft-limit, and
2416           --swap-hard-limit.  --min-guarantee is supported only by ESX
2417           hypervisor.  Each of these limits are scaled integers (see NOTES
2418           above), with a default of kibibytes (blocks of 1024 bytes) if no
2419           suffix is present. Libvirt rounds up to the nearest kibibyte.  Some
2420           hypervisors require a larger granularity than KiB, and requests
2421           that are not an even multiple will be rounded up.  For example,
2422           vSphere/ESX rounds the parameter up to mebibytes (1024 kibibytes).
2424           If --live is specified, affect a running guest.  If --config is
2425           specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.  If
2426           --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  Both
2427           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
2428           If no flag is specified, behavior is different depending on
2429           hypervisor.
2431           For QEMU/KVM, the parameters are applied to the QEMU process as a
2432           whole.  Thus, when counting them, one needs to add up guest RAM,
2433           guest video RAM, and some memory overhead of QEMU itself.  The last
2434           piece is hard to determine so one needs guess and try.
2436           For LXC, the displayed hard_limit value is the current memory
2437           setting from the XML or the results from a virsh setmem command.
2439           --hard-limit
2440               The maximum memory the guest can use.
2442           --soft-limit
2443               The memory limit to enforce during memory contention.
2445           --swap-hard-limit
2446               The maximum memory plus swap the guest can use.  This has to be
2447               more than hard-limit value provided.
2449           --min-guarantee
2450               The guaranteed minimum memory allocation for the guest.
2452           Specifying -1 as a value for these limits is interpreted as
2453           unlimited.
2455       perf domain [--enable eventSpec] [--disable eventSpec] [[--config]
2456       [--live] | [--current]]
2457           Get the current perf events setting or enable/disable specific perf
2458           events for a guest domain.
2460           Perf is a performance analyzing tool in Linux, and it can
2461           instrument CPU performance counters, tracepoints, kprobes, and
2462           uprobes (dynamic tracing). Perf supports a list of measurable
2463           events, and can measure events coming from different sources. For
2464           instance, some event are pure kernel counters, in this case they
2465           are called software events, including context-switches, minor-
2466           faults, etc.. Now dozens of events from different sources can be
2467           supported by perf.
2469           Currently only QEMU/KVM supports this command. The --enable and
2470           --disable option combined with eventSpec can be used to enable or
2471           disable specific performance event. eventSpec is a string list of
2472           one or more events separated by commas. Valid event names are as
2473           follows:
2475           Valid perf event names
2476             cmt              - A PQos (Platform Qos) feature to monitor the
2477                                usage of cache by applications running on the
2478                                platform.
2479             mbmt             - Provides a way to monitor the total system
2480                                memory bandwidth between one level of cache
2481                                and another.
2482             mbml             - Provides a way to limit the amount of data
2483                                (bytes/s) send through the memory controller
2484                                on the socket.
2485             cache_misses     - Provides the count of cache misses by
2486                                applications running on the platform.
2487             cache_references - Provides the count of cache hits by
2488                                applications running on th e platform.
2489             instructions     - Provides the count of instructions executed
2490                                by applications running on the platform.
2491             cpu_cycles       - Provides the count of cpu cycles
2492                                (total/elapsed). May be used with
2493                                instructions in order to get a cycles
2494                                per instruction.
2495             branch_instructions - Provides the count of branch instructions
2496                                   executed by applications running on the
2497                                   platform.
2498             branch_misses    - Provides the count of branch misses executed
2499                                by applications running on the platform.
2500             bus_cycles       - Provides the count of bus cycles executed
2501                                by applications running on the platform.
2502             stalled_cycles_frontend - Provides the count of stalled cpu
2503                                       cycles in the frontend of the
2504                                       instruction processor pipeline by
2505                                       applications running on the platform.
2506             stalled_cycles_backend - Provides the count of stalled cpu
2507                                      cycles in the backend of the
2508                                      instruction processor pipeline by
2509                                      applications running on the platform.
2510             ref_cpu_cycles   -  Provides the count of total cpu cycles
2511                                 not affected by CPU frequency scaling by
2512                                 applications running on the platform.
2513             cpu_clock - Provides the cpu clock time consumed by
2514                         applications running on the platform.
2515             task_clock - Provides the task clock time consumed by
2516                          applications running on the platform.
2517             page_faults - Provides the count of page faults by
2518                           applications running on the platform.
2519             context_switches - Provides the count of context switches
2520                                by applications running on the platform.
2521             cpu_migrations - Provides the count cpu migrations by
2522                              applications running on the platform.
2523             page_faults_min - Provides the count minor page faults
2524                               by applications running on the platform.
2525             page_faults_maj - Provides the count major page faults
2526                               by applications running on the platform.
2527             alignment_faults - Provides the count alignment faults
2528                                by applications running on the platform.
2529             emulation_faults - Provides the count emulation faults
2530                                by applications running on the platform.
2532           Note: The statistics can be retrieved using the domstats command
2533           using the --perf flag.
2535           If --live is specified, affect a running guest.  If --config is
2536           specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.  If
2537           --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  Both
2538           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
2539           If no flag is specified, behavior is different depending on
2540           hypervisor.
2542       blkiotune domain [--weight weight] [--device-weights device-weights]
2543       [--device-read-iops-sec device-read-iops-sec] [--device-write-iops-sec
2544       device-write-iops-sec] [--device-read-bytes-sec device-read-bytes-sec]
2545       [--device-write-bytes-sec device-write-bytes-sec] [[--config] [--live]
2546       | [--current]]
2547           Display or set the blkio parameters. QEMU/KVM supports --weight.
2548           --weight is in range [100, 1000]. After kernel 2.6.39, the value
2549           could be in the range [10, 1000].
2551           device-weights is a single string listing one or more device/weight
2552           pairs, in the format of
2553           /path/to/device,weight,/path/to/device,weight.  Each weight is in
2554           the range [100, 1000], [10, 1000] after kernel 2.6.39, or the value
2555           0 to remove that device from per-device listings.  Only the devices
2556           listed in the string are modified; any existing per-device weights
2557           for other devices remain unchanged.
2559           device-read-iops-sec is a single string listing one or more
2560           device/read_iops_sec pairs, int the format of
2561           /path/to/device,read_iops_sec,/path/to/device,read_iops_sec.  Each
2562           read_iops_sec is a number which type is unsigned int, value 0 to
2563           remove that device from per-device listing.  Only the devices
2564           listed in the string are modified; any existing per-device
2565           read_iops_sec for other devices remain unchanged.
2567           device-write-iops-sec is a single string listing one or more
2568           device/write_iops_sec pairs, int the format of
2569           /path/to/device,write_iops_sec,/path/to/device,write_iops_sec.
2570           Each write_iops_sec is a number which type is unsigned int, value 0
2571           to remove that device from per-device listing.  Only the devices
2572           listed in the string are modified; any existing per-device
2573           write_iops_sec for other devices remain unchanged.
2575           device-read-bytes-sec is a single string listing one or more
2576           device/read_bytes_sec pairs, int the format of
2577           /path/to/device,read_bytes_sec,/path/to/device,read_bytes_sec.
2578           Each read_bytes_sec is a number which type is unsigned long long,
2579           value 0 to remove that device from per-device listing.  Only the
2580           devices listed in the string are modified; any existing per-device
2581           read_bytes_sec for other devices remain unchanged.
2583           device-write-bytes-sec is a single string listing one or more
2584           device/write_bytes_sec pairs, int the format of
2585           /path/to/device,write_bytes_sec,/path/to/device,write_bytes_sec.
2586           Each write_bytes_sec is a number which type is unsigned long long,
2587           value 0 to remove that device from per-device listing.  Only the
2588           devices listed in the string are modified; any existing per-device
2589           write_bytes_sec for other devices remain unchanged.
2591           If --live is specified, affect a running guest.  If --config is
2592           specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.  If
2593           --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  Both
2594           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
2595           If no flag is specified, behavior is different depending on
2596           hypervisor.
2598       setvcpus domain count [--maximum] [[--config] [--live] | [--current]]
2599       [--guest] [--hotpluggable]
2600           Change the number of virtual CPUs active in a guest domain.  By
2601           default, this command works on active guest domains.  To change the
2602           settings for an inactive guest domain, use the --config flag.
2604           The count value may be limited by host, hypervisor, or a limit
2605           coming from the original description of the guest domain. For Xen,
2606           you can only adjust the virtual CPUs of a running domain if the
2607           domain is paravirtualized.
2609           If the --config flag is specified, the change is made to the stored
2610           XML configuration for the guest domain, and will only take effect
2611           when the guest domain is next started.
2613           If --live is specified, the guest domain must be active, and the
2614           change takes place immediately.  Both the --config and --live flags
2615           may be specified together if supported by the hypervisor.  If this
2616           command is run before the guest has finished booting, the guest may
2617           fail to process the change.
2619           If --current is specified, affect the current guest state.
2621           When no flags are given, the --live flag is assumed and the guest
2622           domain must be active.  In this situation it is up to the
2623           hypervisor whether the --config flag is also assumed, and therefore
2624           whether the XML configuration is adjusted to make the change
2625           persistent.
2627           If --guest is specified, then the count of cpus is modified in the
2628           guest instead of the hypervisor. This flag is usable only for live
2629           domains and may require guest agent to be configured in the guest.
2631           To allow adding vcpus to persistent definitions that can be later
2632           hotunplugged after the domain is booted it is necessary to specify
2633           the --hotpluggable flag. Vcpus added to live domains supporting
2634           vcpu unplug are automatically marked as hotpluggable.
2636           The --maximum flag controls the maximum number of virtual cpus that
2637           can be hot-plugged the next time the domain is booted.  As such, it
2638           must only be used with the --config flag, and not with the --live
2639           or the --current flag. Note that it may not be possible to change
2640           the maximum vcpu count if the processor topology is specified for
2641           the guest.
2643       setvcpu domain vcpulist [--enable] | [--disable] [[--live] [--config] |
2644       [--current]]
2645           Change state of individual vCPUs using hot(un)plug mechanism.
2647           See vcpupin for information on format of vcpulist. Hypervisor
2648           drivers may require that vcpulist contains exactly vCPUs belonging
2649           to one hotpluggable entity. This is usually just a single vCPU but
2650           certain architectures such as ppc64 require a full core to be
2651           specified at once.
2653           Note that hypervisors may refuse to disable certain vcpus such as
2654           vcpu 0 or others.
2656           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
2657           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
2658           --current is specified, affect the current domain state. This is
2659           the default. Both --live and --config flags may be given, but
2660           --current is exclusive.
2662       shutdown domain [--mode MODE-LIST]
2663           Gracefully shuts down a domain.  This coordinates with the domain
2664           OS to perform graceful shutdown, so there is no guarantee that it
2665           will succeed, and may take a variable length of time depending on
2666           what services must be shutdown in the domain.
2668           The exact behavior of a domain when it shuts down is set by the
2669           on_poweroff parameter in the domain's XML definition.
2671           If domain is transient, then the metadata of any snapshots will be
2672           lost once the guest stops running, but the snapshot contents still
2673           exist, and a new domain with the same name and UUID can restore the
2674           snapshot metadata with snapshot-create.
2676           By default the hypervisor will try to pick a suitable shutdown
2677           method. To specify an alternative method, the --mode parameter can
2678           specify a comma separated list which includes "acpi", "agent",
2679           "initctl", "signal" and "paravirt". The order in which drivers will
2680           try each mode is undefined, and not related to the order specified
2681           to virsh.  For strict control over ordering, use a single mode at a
2682           time and repeat the command.
2684       start domain-name-or-uuid [--console] [--paused] [--autodestroy]
2685       [--bypass-cache] [--force-boot] [--pass-fds N,M,...]
2686           Start a (previously defined) inactive domain, either from the last
2687           managedsave state, or via a fresh boot if no managedsave state is
2688           present.  The domain will be paused if the --paused option is used
2689           and supported by the driver; otherwise it will be running.  If
2690           --console is requested, attach to the console after creation.  If
2691           --autodestroy is requested, then the guest will be automatically
2692           destroyed when virsh closes its connection to libvirt, or otherwise
2693           exits.  If --bypass-cache is specified, and managedsave state
2694           exists, the restore will avoid the file system cache, although this
2695           may slow down the operation.  If --force-boot is specified, then
2696           any managedsave state is discarded and a fresh boot occurs.
2698           If --pass-fds is specified, the argument is a comma separated list
2699           of open file descriptors which should be pass on into the guest.
2700           The file descriptors will be re-numbered in the guest, starting
2701           from 3. This is only supported with container based virtualization.
2703       suspend domain
2704           Suspend a running domain. It is kept in memory but won't be
2705           scheduled anymore.
2707       resume domain
2708           Moves a domain out of the suspended state.  This will allow a
2709           previously suspended domain to now be eligible for scheduling by
2710           the underlying hypervisor.
2712       dompmsuspend domain target [--duration]
2713           Suspend a running domain into one of these states (possible target
2714           values):
2715               mem equivalent of S3 ACPI state
2716               disk equivalent of S4 ACPI state
2717               hybrid RAM is saved to disk but not powered off
2719           The --duration argument specifies number of seconds before the
2720           domain is woken up after it was suspended (see also dompmwakeup).
2721           Default is 0 for unlimited suspend time. (This feature isn't
2722           currently supported by any hypervisor driver and 0 should be
2723           used.).
2725           Note that this command requires a guest agent configured and
2726           running in the domain's guest OS.
2728           Beware that at least for QEMU, the domain's process will be
2729           terminated when target disk is used and a new process will be
2730           launched when libvirt is asked to wake up the domain. As a result
2731           of this, any runtime changes, such as device hotplug or memory
2732           settings, are lost unless such changes were made with --config
2733           flag.
2735       dompmwakeup domain
2736           Wakeup a domain from pmsuspended state (either suspended by
2737           dompmsuspend or from the guest itself). Injects a wakeup into the
2738           guest that is in pmsuspended state, rather than waiting for the
2739           previously requested duration (if any) to elapse. This operation
2740           doesn't not necessarily fail if the domain is running.
2742       ttyconsole domain
2743           Output the device used for the TTY console of the domain. If the
2744           information is not available the processes will provide an exit
2745           code of 1.
2747       undefine domain [--managed-save] [--snapshots-metadata] [--nvram]
2748       [--keep-nvram] [ {--storage volumes | --remove-all-storage
2749       [--delete-snapshots]} --wipe-storage]
2750           Undefine a domain. If the domain is running, this converts it to a
2751           transient domain, without stopping it. If the domain is inactive,
2752           the domain configuration is removed.
2754           The --managed-save flag guarantees that any managed save image (see
2755           the managedsave command) is also cleaned up.  Without the flag,
2756           attempts to undefine a domain with a managed save image will fail.
2758           The --snapshots-metadata flag guarantees that any snapshots (see
2759           the snapshot-list command) are also cleaned up when undefining an
2760           inactive domain.  Without the flag, attempts to undefine an
2761           inactive domain with snapshot metadata will fail.  If the domain is
2762           active, this flag is ignored.
2764           --nvram and --keep-nvram specify accordingly to delete or keep
2765           nvram (/domain/os/nvram/) file. If the domain has an nvram file and
2766           the flags are omitted, the undefine will fail.
2768           The --storage flag takes a parameter volumes, which is a comma
2769           separated list of volume target names or source paths of storage
2770           volumes to be removed along with the undefined domain. Volumes can
2771           be undefined and thus removed only on inactive domains. Volume
2772           deletion is only attempted after the domain is undefined; if not
2773           all of the requested volumes could be deleted, the error message
2774           indicates what still remains behind. If a volume path is not found
2775           in the domain definition, it's treated as if the volume was
2776           successfully deleted. Only volumes managed by libvirt in storage
2777           pools can be removed this way.  (See domblklist for list of target
2778           names associated to a domain).  Example: --storage
2779           vda,/path/to/storage.img
2781           The --remove-all-storage flag specifies that all of the domain's
2782           storage volumes should be deleted.
2784           The --delete-snapshots flag specifies that any snapshots associated
2785           with the storage volume should be deleted as well. Requires the
2786           --remove-all-storage flag to be provided. Not all storage drivers
2787           support this option, presently only rbd.
2789           The flag --wipe-storage specifies that the storage volumes should
2790           be wiped before removal.
2792           NOTE: For an inactive domain, the domain name or UUID must be used
2793           as the domain.
2795       vcpucount domain  [{--maximum | --active} {--config | --live |
2796       --current}] [--guest]
2797           Print information about the virtual cpu counts of the given domain.
2798           If no flags are specified, all possible counts are listed in a
2799           table; otherwise, the output is limited to just the numeric value
2800           requested.  For historical reasons, the table lists the label
2801           "current" on the rows that can be queried in isolation via the
2802           --active flag, rather than relating to the --current flag.
2804           --maximum requests information on the maximum cap of vcpus that a
2805           domain can add via setvcpus, while --active shows the current
2806           usage; these two flags cannot both be specified.  --config requires
2807           a persistent domain and requests information regarding the next
2808           time the domain will be booted, --live requires a running domain
2809           and lists current values, and --current queries according to the
2810           current state of the domain (corresponding to --live if running, or
2811           --config if inactive); these three flags are mutually exclusive.
2813           If --guest is specified, then the count of cpus is reported from
2814           the perspective of the guest. This flag is usable only for live
2815           domains and may require guest agent to be configured in the guest.
2817       vcpuinfo domain [--pretty]
2818           Returns basic information about the domain virtual CPUs, like the
2819           number of vCPUs, the running time, the affinity to physical
2820           processors.
2822           With --pretty, cpu affinities are shown as ranges.
2824           An example output is
2826            $ virsh vcpuinfo fedora
2827            VCPU:           0
2828            CPU:            0
2829            State:          running
2830            CPU time:       7,0s
2831            CPU Affinity:   yyyy
2833            VCPU:           1
2834            CPU:            1
2835            State:          running
2836            CPU time:       0,7s
2837            CPU Affinity:   yyyy
2839           STATES
2841           The State field displays the current operating state of a virtual
2842           CPU
2844           offline
2845               The virtual CPU is offline and not usable by the domain.  This
2846               state is not supported by all hypervisors.
2848           running
2849               The virtual CPU is available to the domain and is operating.
2851           blocked
2852               The virtual CPU is available to the domain but is waiting for a
2853               resource.  This state is not supported by all hypervisors, in
2854               which case running may be reported instead.
2856           no state
2857               The virtual CPU state could not be determined. This could
2858               happen if the hypervisor is newer than virsh.
2860           N/A There's no information about the virtual CPU state available.
2861               This can be the case if the domain is not running or the
2862               hypervisor does not report the virtual CPU state.
2864       vcpupin domain [vcpu] [cpulist] [[--live] [--config] | [--current]]
2865           Query or change the pinning of domain VCPUs to host physical CPUs.
2866           To pin a single vcpu, specify cpulist; otherwise, you can query one
2867           vcpu or omit vcpu to list all at once.
2869           cpulist is a list of physical CPU numbers. Its syntax is a comma
2870           separated list and a special markup using '-' and '^' (ex. '0-4',
2871           '0-3,^2') can also be allowed. The '-' denotes the range and the
2872           '^' denotes exclusive.  For pinning the vcpu to all physical cpus
2873           specify 'r' as a cpulist.  If --live is specified, affect a running
2874           guest.  If --config is specified, affect the next boot of a
2875           persistent guest.  If --current is specified, affect the current
2876           guest state.  Both --live and --config flags may be given if
2877           cpulist is present, but --current is exclusive.  If no flag is
2878           specified, behavior is different depending on hypervisor.
2880           Note: The expression is sequentially evaluated, so "0-15,^8" is
2881           identical to "9-14,0-7,15" but not identical to "^8,0-15".
2883       emulatorpin domain [cpulist] [[--live] [--config] | [--current]]
2884           Query or change the pinning of domain's emulator threads to host
2885           physical CPUs.
2887           See vcpupin for cpulist.
2889           If --live is specified, affect a running guest.  If --config is
2890           specified, affect the next boot of a persistent guest.  If
2891           --current is specified, affect the current guest state.  Both
2892           --live and --config flags may be given if cpulist is present, but
2893           --current is exclusive.  If no flag is specified, behavior is
2894           different depending on hypervisor.
2896       guestvcpus domain [[--enable] | [--disable]] [cpulist]
2897           Query or change state of vCPUs from guest's point of view using the
2898           guest agent.  When invoked without cpulist the guest is queried for
2899           available guest vCPUs, their state and possibility to be offlined.
2901           If cpulist is provided then one of --enable or --disable must be
2902           provided too. The desired operation is then executed on the domain.
2904           See vcpupin for information on cpulist.
2906       vncdisplay domain
2907           Output the IP address and port number for the VNC display. If the
2908           information is not available the processes will provide an exit
2909           code of 1.


2912       The following commands manipulate devices associated to domains.  The
2913       domain can be specified as a short integer, a name or a full UUID.  To
2914       better understand the values allowed as options for the command reading
2915       the documentation at <https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html> on the
2916       format of the device sections to get the most accurate set of accepted
2917       values.
2919       attach-device domain FILE [[[--live] [--config] | [--current]] |
2920       [--persistent]]
2921           Attach a device to the domain, using a device definition in an XML
2922           file using a device definition element such as <disk> or
2923           <interface> as the top-level element.  See the documentation at
2924           <https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsDevices> to learn
2925           about libvirt XML format for a device.  If --config is specified
2926           the command alters the persistent domain configuration with the
2927           device attach taking effect the next time libvirt starts the
2928           domain.  For cdrom and floppy devices, this command only replaces
2929           the media within an existing device; consider using update-device
2930           for this usage.  For passthrough host devices, see also nodedev-
2931           detach, needed if the PCI device does not use managed mode.
2933           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
2934           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
2935           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
2936           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
2937           When no flag is specified legacy API is used whose behavior depends
2938           on the hypervisor driver.
2940           For compatibility purposes, --persistent behaves like --config for
2941           an offline domain, and like --live --config for a running domain.
2943           Note: using of partial device definition XML files may lead to
2944           unexpected results as some fields may be autogenerated and thus
2945           match devices other than expected.
2947       attach-disk domain source target [[[--live] [--config] | [--current]] |
2948       [--persistent]] [--targetbus bus] [--driver driver] [--subdriver
2949       subdriver] [--iothread iothread] [--cache cache] [--io io] [--type
2950       type] [--alias alias] [--mode mode] [--sourcetype sourcetype] [--serial
2951       serial] [--wwn wwn] [--rawio] [--address address] [--multifunction]
2952       [--print-xml]
2953           Attach a new disk device to the domain.  source is path for the
2954           files and devices. target controls the bus or device under which
2955           the disk is exposed to the guest OS. It indicates the "logical"
2956           device name; the optional targetbus attribute specifies the type of
2957           disk device to emulate; possible values are driver specific, with
2958           typical values being ide, scsi, virtio, xen, usb, sata, or sd, if
2959           omitted, the bus type is inferred from the style of the device name
2960           (e.g.  a device named 'sda' will typically be exported using a SCSI
2961           bus).  driver can be file, tap or phy for the Xen hypervisor
2962           depending on the kind of access; or qemu for the QEMU emulator.
2963           Further details to the driver can be passed using subdriver. For
2964           Xen subdriver can be aio, while for QEMU subdriver should match the
2965           format of the disk source, such as raw or qcow2.  Hypervisor
2966           default will be used if subdriver is not specified.  However, the
2967           default may not be correct, esp. for QEMU as for security reasons
2968           it is configured not to detect disk formats.  type can indicate
2969           lun, cdrom or floppy as alternative to the disk default, although
2970           this use only replaces the media within the existing virtual cdrom
2971           or floppy device; consider using update-device for this usage
2972           instead.  alias can set user supplied alias.  mode can specify the
2973           two specific mode readonly or shareable.  sourcetype can indicate
2974           the type of source (block|file) cache can be one of "default",
2975           "none", "writethrough", "writeback", "directsync" or "unsafe".  io
2976           controls specific policies on I/O; QEMU guests support "threads"
2977           and "native".  iothread is the number within the range of domain
2978           IOThreads to which this disk may be attached (QEMU only).  serial
2979           is the serial of disk device. wwn is the wwn of disk device.  rawio
2980           indicates the disk needs rawio capability.  address is the address
2981           of disk device in the form of pci:domain.bus.slot.function,
2982           scsi:controller.bus.unit, ide:controller.bus.unit, usb:bus.port,
2983           sata:controller.bus.unit or ccw:cssid.ssid.devno. Virtio-ccw
2984           devices must have their cssid set to 0xfe.  multifunction indicates
2985           specified pci address is a multifunction pci device address.
2987           If --print-xml is specified, then the XML of the disk that would be
2988           attached is printed instead.
2990           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
2991           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
2992           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
2993           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
2994           When no flag is specified legacy API is used whose behavior depends
2995           on the hypervisor driver.
2997           For compatibility purposes, --persistent behaves like --config for
2998           an offline domain, and like --live --config for a running domain.
2999           Likewise, --shareable is an alias for --mode shareable.
3001       attach-interface domain type source [[[--live] [--config] |
3002       [--current]] | [--persistent]] [--target target] [--mac mac] [--script
3003       script] [--model model] [--inbound average,peak,burst,floor]
3004       [--outbound average,peak,burst] [--alias alias] [--managed]
3005       [--print-xml]
3006           Attach a new network interface to the domain.
3008           type can be one of the:
3010               network to indicate connection via a libvirt virtual network,
3012               bridge to indicate connection via a bridge device on the host,
3014               direct to indicate connection directly to one of the host's
3015               network interfaces or bridges,
3017               hostdev to indicate connection using a passthrough of PCI
3018               device on the host.
3020           source indicates the source of the connection.  The source depends
3021           on the type of the interface:
3023               network name of the virtual network,
3025               bridge the name of the bridge device,
3027               direct the name of the host's interface or bridge,
3029               hostdev the PCI address of the host's interface formatted as
3030               domain:bus:slot.function.
3032           --target is used to specify the tap/macvtap device to be used to
3033           connect the domain to the source.  Names starting with 'vnet' are
3034           considered as auto-generated and are blanked out/regenerated each
3035           time the interface is attached.
3037           --mac specifies the MAC address of the network interface; if a MAC
3038           address is not given, a new address will be automatically generated
3039           (and stored in the persistent configuration if "--config" is given
3040           on the command line).
3042           --script is used to specify a path to a custom script to be called
3043           while attaching to a bridge - this will be called instead of the
3044           default script not in addition to it.  This is valid only for
3045           interfaces of bridge type and only for Xen domains.
3047           --model specifies the network device model to be presented to the
3048           domain.
3050           alias can set user supplied alias.
3052           --inbound and --outbound control the bandwidth of the interface.
3053           At least one from the average, floor pair must be specified.  The
3054           other two peak and burst are optional, so "average,peak",
3055           "average,,burst", "average,,,floor", "average" and ",,,floor" are
3056           also legal.  Values for average, floor and peak are expressed in
3057           kilobytes per second, while burst is expressed in kilobytes in a
3058           single burst at peak speed as described in the Network XML
3059           documentation at
3060           <https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html#elementQoS>.
3062           --managed is usable only for hostdev type and tells libvirt that
3063           the interface should be managed, which means detached and
3064           reattached from/to the host by libvirt.
3066           If --print-xml is specified, then the XML of the interface that
3067           would be attached is printed instead.
3069           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
3070           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
3071           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
3072           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
3073           When no flag is specified legacy API is used whose behavior depends
3074           on the hypervisor driver.
3076           For compatibility purposes, --persistent behaves like --config for
3077           an offline domain, and like --live --config for a running domain.
3079           Note: the optional target value is the name of a device to be
3080           created as the back-end on the node.  If not provided a device
3081           named "vnetN" or "vifN" will be created automatically.
3083       detach-device domain FILE [[[--live] [--config] | [--current]] |
3084       [--persistent]]
3085           Detach a device from the domain, takes the same kind of XML
3086           descriptions as command attach-device.  For passthrough host
3087           devices, see also nodedev-reattach, needed if the device does not
3088           use managed mode.
3090           Note: The supplied XML description of the device should be as
3091           specific as its definition in the domain XML. The set of attributes
3092           used to match the device are internal to the drivers. Using a
3093           partial definition, or attempting to detach a device that is not
3094           present in the domain XML, but shares some specific attributes with
3095           one that is present, may lead to unexpected results.
3097           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
3098           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
3099           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
3100           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
3101           When no flag is specified legacy API is used whose behavior depends
3102           on the hypervisor driver.
3104           For compatibility purposes, --persistent behaves like --config for
3105           an offline domain, and like --live --config for a running domain.
3107           Note that older versions of virsh used --config as an alias for
3108           --persistent.
3110       detach-device-alias domain alias [[[--live] [--config] | [--current]]]]
3111           Detach a device with given alias from the domain.
3113           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
3114           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
3115           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
3116           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
3118       detach-disk domain target [[[--live] [--config] | [--current]] |
3119       [--persistent]] [--print-xml]
3120           Detach a disk device from a domain. The target is the device as
3121           seen from the domain.
3123           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
3124           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
3125           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
3126           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
3127           When no flag is specified legacy API is used whose behavior depends
3128           on the hypervisor driver.
3130           For compatibility purposes, --persistent behaves like --config for
3131           an offline domain, and like --live --config for a running domain.
3133           Note that older versions of virsh used --config as an alias for
3134           --persistent.
3136           If --print-xml is specified, then the XML which would be used to
3137           detach the disk is printed instead.
3139       detach-interface domain type [--mac mac] [[[--live] [--config] |
3140       [--current]] | [--persistent]]
3141           Detach a network interface from a domain.  type can be either
3142           network to indicate a physical network device or bridge to indicate
3143           a bridge to a device. It is recommended to use the mac option to
3144           distinguish between the interfaces if more than one are present on
3145           the domain.
3147           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
3148           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
3149           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
3150           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
3151           When no flag is specified legacy API is used whose behavior depends
3152           on the hypervisor driver.
3154           For compatibility purposes, --persistent behaves like --config for
3155           an offline domain, and like --live --config for a running domain.
3157           Note that older versions of virsh used --config as an alias for
3158           --persistent.
3160       update-device domain file [--force] [[[--live] [--config] |
3161       [--current]] | [--persistent]]
3162           Update the characteristics of a device associated with domain,
3163           based on the device definition in an XML file.  The --force option
3164           can be used to force device update, e.g., to eject a CD-ROM even if
3165           it is locked/mounted in the domain. See the documentation at
3166           <https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsDevices> to learn
3167           about libvirt XML format for a device.
3169           If --live is specified, affect a running domain.  If --config is
3170           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent domain.  If
3171           --current is specified, affect the current domain state.  Both
3172           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
3173           Not specifying any flag is the same as specifying --current.
3175           For compatibility purposes, --persistent behaves like --config for
3176           an offline domain, and like --live --config for a running domain.
3178           Note that older versions of virsh used --config as an alias for
3179           --persistent.
3181           Note: using of partial device definition XML files may lead to
3182           unexpected results as some fields may be autogenerated and thus
3183           match devices other than expected.
3185       change-media domain path [--eject] [--insert] [--update] [source]
3186       [--force] [[--live] [--config] | [--current]] [--print-xml] [--block]
3187           Change media of CDROM or floppy drive. path can be the fully-
3188           qualified path or the unique target name (<target dev='hdc'>) of
3189           the disk device. source specifies the path of the media to be
3190           inserted or updated. Flag --block allows to set the backing type in
3191           case a block device is used as media for the CDROM or floppy drive
3192           instead of a file.
3194           --eject indicates the media will be ejected.  --insert indicates
3195           the media will be inserted. source must be specified.  If the
3196           device has source (e.g. <source file='media'>), and source is not
3197           specified, --update is equal to --eject. If the device has no
3198           source, and source is specified, --update is equal to --insert. If
3199           the device has source, and source is specified, --update behaves
3200           like combination of --eject and --insert.  If none of --eject,
3201           --insert, and --update is specified, --update is used by default.
3202           The --force option can be used to force media changing.  If --live
3203           is specified, alter live configuration of running guest.  If
3204           --config is specified, alter persistent configuration, effect
3205           observed on next boot.  --current can be either or both of live and
3206           config, depends on the hypervisor's implementation.  Both --live
3207           and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive. If no
3208           flag is specified, behavior is different depending on hypervisor.
3209           If --print-xml is specified, the XML that would be used to change
3210           media is printed instead of changing the media.


3213       The following commands manipulate host devices that are intended to be
3214       passed through to guest domains via <hostdev> elements in a domain's
3215       <devices> section.  A node device key is generally specified by the bus
3216       name followed by its address, using underscores between all components,
3217       such as pci_0000_00_02_1, usb_1_5_3, or net_eth1_00_27_13_6a_fe_00.
3218       The nodedev-list gives the full list of host devices that are known to
3219       libvirt, although this includes devices that cannot be assigned to a
3220       guest (for example, attempting to detach the PCI device that controls
3221       the host's hard disk controller where the guest's disk images live
3222       could cause the host system to lock up or reboot).
3224       For more information on node device definition see:
3225       <https://libvirt.org/formatnode.html>.
3227       Passthrough devices cannot be simultaneously used by the host and its
3228       guest domains, nor by multiple active guests at once.  If the <hostdev>
3229       description of a PCI device includes the attribute managed='yes', and
3230       the hypervisor driver supports it, then the device is in managed mode,
3231       and attempts to use that passthrough device in an active guest will
3232       automatically behave as if nodedev-detach (guest start, device hot-
3233       plug) and nodedev-reattach (guest stop, device hot-unplug) were called
3234       at the right points.  If a PCI device is not marked as managed, then it
3235       must manually be detached before guests can use it, and manually
3236       reattached to be returned to the host.  Also, if a device is manually
3237       detached, then the host does not regain control of the device without a
3238       matching reattach, even if the guests use the device in managed mode.
3240       nodedev-create FILE
3241           Create a device on the host node that can then be assigned to
3242           virtual machines. Normally, libvirt is able to automatically
3243           determine which host nodes are available for use, but this allows
3244           registration of host hardware that libvirt did not automatically
3245           detect.  file contains xml for a top-level <device> description of
3246           a node device.
3248       nodedev-destroy device
3249           Destroy (stop) a device on the host. device can be either device
3250           name or wwn pair in "wwnn,wwpn" format (only works for vHBA
3251           currently).  Note that this makes libvirt quit managing a host
3252           device, and may even make that device unusable by the rest of the
3253           physical host until a reboot.
3255       nodedev-detach nodedev [--driver backend_driver]
3256           Detach nodedev from the host, so that it can safely be used by
3257           guests via <hostdev> passthrough.  This is reversed with nodedev-
3258           reattach, and is done automatically for managed devices.
3260           Different backend drivers expect the device to be bound to
3261           different dummy devices. For example, QEMU's "kvm" backend driver
3262           (the default) expects the device to be bound to pci-stub, but its
3263           "vfio" backend driver expects the device to be bound to vfio-pci.
3264           The --driver parameter can be used to specify the desired backend
3265           driver.
3267       nodedev-dumpxml device
3268           Dump a <device> XML representation for the given node device,
3269           including such information as the device name, which bus owns the
3270           device, the vendor and product id, and any capabilities of the
3271           device usable by libvirt (such as whether device reset is
3272           supported). device can be either device name or wwn pair in
3273           "wwnn,wwpn" format (only works for HBA).
3275       nodedev-list cap --tree
3276           List all of the devices available on the node that are known by
3277           libvirt.  cap is used to filter the list by capability types, the
3278           types must be separated by comma, e.g. --cap pci,scsi. Valid
3279           capability types include 'system', 'pci', 'usb_device', 'usb',
3280           'net', 'scsi_host', 'scsi_target', 'scsi', 'storage', 'fc_host',
3281           'vports', 'scsi_generic', 'drm', 'mdev', 'mdev_types', 'ccw'.  If
3282           --tree is used, the output is formatted in a tree representing
3283           parents of each node.  cap and --tree are mutually exclusive.
3285       nodedev-reattach nodedev
3286           Declare that nodedev is no longer in use by any guests, and that
3287           the host can resume normal use of the device.  This is done
3288           automatically for PCI devices in managed mode and USB devices, but
3289           must be done explicitly to match any explicit nodedev-detach.
3291       nodedev-reset nodedev
3292           Trigger a device reset for nodedev, useful prior to transferring a
3293           node device between guest passthrough or the host.  Libvirt will
3294           often do this action implicitly when required, but this command
3295           allows an explicit reset when needed.
3297       nodedev-event {[nodedev] event [--loop] [--timeout seconds]
3298       [--timestamp] | --list}
3299           Wait for a class of node device events to occur, and print
3300           appropriate details of events as they happen.  The events can
3301           optionally be filtered by nodedev.  Using --list as the only
3302           argument will provide a list of possible event values known by this
3303           client, although the connection might not allow registering for all
3304           these events.
3306           By default, this command is one-shot, and returns success once an
3307           event occurs; you can send SIGINT (usually via "Ctrl-C") to quit
3308           immediately.  If --timeout is specified, the command gives up
3309           waiting for events after seconds have elapsed.   With --loop, the
3310           command prints all events until a timeout or interrupt key.
3312           When --timestamp is used, a human-readable timestamp will be
3313           printed before the event.


3316       The following commands manipulate networks. Libvirt has the capability
3317       to define virtual networks which can then be used by domains and linked
3318       to actual network devices. For more detailed information about this
3319       feature see the documentation at
3320       <https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html> . Many of the commands for
3321       virtual networks are similar to the ones used for domains, but the way
3322       to name a virtual network is either by its name or UUID.
3324       net-autostart network [--disable]
3325           Configure a virtual network to be automatically started at boot.
3326           The --disable option disable autostarting.
3328       net-create file
3329           Create a transient (temporary) virtual network from an XML file and
3330           instantiate (start) the network.  See the documentation at
3331           <https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html> to get a description of
3332           the XML network format used by libvirt.
3334       net-define file
3335           Define an inactive persistent virtual network or modify an existing
3336           persistent one from the XML file.
3338       net-destroy network
3339           Destroy (stop) a given transient or persistent virtual network
3340           specified by its name or UUID. This takes effect immediately.
3342       net-dumpxml network [--inactive]
3343           Output the virtual network information as an XML dump to stdout.
3344           If --inactive is specified, then physical functions are not
3345           expanded into their associated virtual functions.
3347       net-edit network
3348           Edit the XML configuration file for a network.
3350           This is equivalent to:
3352            virsh net-dumpxml --inactive network > network.xml
3353            vi network.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
3354            virsh net-define network.xml
3356           except that it does some error checking.
3358           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
3359           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".
3361       net-event {[network] event [--loop] [--timeout seconds] [--timestamp] |
3362       --list}
3363           Wait for a class of network events to occur, and print appropriate
3364           details of events as they happen.  The events can optionally be
3365           filtered by network.  Using --list as the only argument will
3366           provide a list of possible event values known by this client,
3367           although the connection might not allow registering for all these
3368           events.
3370           By default, this command is one-shot, and returns success once an
3371           event occurs; you can send SIGINT (usually via "Ctrl-C") to quit
3372           immediately.  If --timeout is specified, the command gives up
3373           waiting for events after seconds have elapsed.   With --loop, the
3374           command prints all events until a timeout or interrupt key.
3376           When --timestamp is used, a human-readable timestamp will be
3377           printed before the event.
3379       net-info network
3380           Returns basic information about the network object.
3382       net-list [--inactive | --all] { [--table] | --name | --uuid }
3383       [--persistent] [<--transient>] [--autostart] [<--no-autostart>]
3384           Returns the list of active networks, if --all is specified this
3385           will also include defined but inactive networks, if --inactive is
3386           specified only the inactive ones will be listed. You may also want
3387           to filter the returned networks by --persistent to list the
3388           persistent ones, --transient to list the transient ones,
3389           --autostart to list the ones with autostart enabled, and
3390           --no-autostart to list the ones with autostart disabled.
3392           If --name is specified, network names are printed instead of the
3393           table formatted one per line. If --uuid is specified network's
3394           UUID's are printed instead of names. Flag --table specifies that
3395           the legacy table-formatted output should be used. This is the
3396           default. All of these are mutually exclusive.
3398           NOTE: When talking to older servers, this command is forced to use
3399           a series of API calls with an inherent race, where a pool might not
3400           be listed or might appear more than once if it changed state
3401           between calls while the list was being collected.  Newer servers do
3402           not have this problem.
3404       net-name network-UUID
3405           Convert a network UUID to network name.
3407       net-start network
3408           Start a (previously defined) inactive network.
3410       net-undefine network
3411           Undefine the configuration for a persistent network. If the network
3412           is active, make it transient.
3414       net-uuid network-name
3415           Convert a network name to network UUID.
3417       net-update network command section xml [--parent-index index] [[--live]
3418       [--config] | [--current]]
3419           Update the given section of an existing network definition, with
3420           the changes optionally taking effect immediately, without needing
3421           to destroy and re-start the network.
3423           command is one of "add-first", "add-last", "add" (a synonym for
3424           add-last), "delete", or "modify".
3426           section is one of "bridge", "domain", "ip", "ip-dhcp-host", "ip-
3427           dhcp-range", "forward", "forward-interface", "forward-pf",
3428           "portgroup", "dns-host", "dns-txt", or "dns-srv", each section
3429           being named by a concatenation of the xml element hierarchy leading
3430           to the element being changed. For example, "ip-dhcp-host" will
3431           change a <host> element that is contained inside a <dhcp> element
3432           inside an <ip> element of the network.
3434           xml is either the text of a complete xml element of the type being
3435           changed (e.g. "<host mac="00:11:22:33:44:55' ip=''/>", or
3436           the name of a file that contains a complete xml element.
3437           Disambiguation is done by looking at the first character of the
3438           provided text - if the first character is "<", it is xml text, if
3439           the first character is not "<", it is the name of a file that
3440           contains the xml text to be used.
3442           The --parent-index option is used to specify which of several
3443           parent elements the requested element is in (0-based). For example,
3444           a dhcp <host> element could be in any one of multiple <ip> elements
3445           in the network; if a parent-index isn't provided, the "most
3446           appropriate" <ip> element will be selected (usually the only one
3447           that already has a <dhcp> element), but if --parent-index is given,
3448           that particular instance of <ip> will get the modification.
3450           If --live is specified, affect a running network.  If --config is
3451           specified, affect the next startup of a persistent network.  If
3452           --current is specified, affect the current network state.  Both
3453           --live and --config flags may be given, but --current is exclusive.
3454           Not specifying any flag is the same as specifying --current.
3456       net-dhcp-leases network [mac]
3457           Get a list of dhcp leases for all network interfaces connected to
3458           the given virtual network or limited output just for one interface
3459           if mac is specified.


3462       The following commands manipulate host interfaces.  Often, these host
3463       interfaces can then be used by name within domain <interface> elements
3464       (such as a system-created bridge interface), but there is no
3465       requirement that host interfaces be tied to any particular guest
3466       configuration XML at all.
3468       Many of the commands for host interfaces are similar to the ones used
3469       for domains, and the way to name an interface is either by its name or
3470       its MAC address.  However, using a MAC address for an iface argument
3471       only works when that address is unique (if an interface and a bridge
3472       share the same MAC address, which is often the case, then using that
3473       MAC address results in an error due to ambiguity, and you must resort
3474       to a name instead).
3476       iface-bridge interface bridge [--no-stp] [delay] [--no-start]
3477           Create a bridge device named bridge, and attach the existing
3478           network device interface to the new bridge.  The new bridge
3479           defaults to starting immediately, with STP enabled and a delay of
3480           0; these settings can be altered with --no-stp, --no-start, and an
3481           integer number of seconds for delay. All IP address configuration
3482           of interface will be moved to the new bridge device.
3484           See also iface-unbridge for undoing this operation.
3486       iface-define file
3487           Define an inactive persistent physical host interface or modify an
3488           existing persistent one from the XML file.
3490       iface-destroy interface
3491           Destroy (stop) a given host interface, such as by running "if-down"
3492           to disable that interface from active use. This takes effect
3493           immediately.
3495       iface-dumpxml interface [--inactive]
3496           Output the host interface information as an XML dump to stdout.  If
3497           --inactive is specified, then the output reflects the persistent
3498           state of the interface that will be used the next time it is
3499           started.
3501       iface-edit interface
3502           Edit the XML configuration file for a host interface.
3504           This is equivalent to:
3506            virsh iface-dumpxml iface > iface.xml
3507            vi iface.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
3508            virsh iface-define iface.xml
3510           except that it does some error checking.
3512           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
3513           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".
3515       iface-list [--inactive | --all]
3516           Returns the list of active host interfaces.  If --all is specified
3517           this will also include defined but inactive interfaces.  If
3518           --inactive is specified only the inactive ones will be listed.
3520       iface-name interface
3521           Convert a host interface MAC to interface name, if the MAC address
3522           is unique among the host's interfaces.
3524           interface specifies the interface MAC address.
3526       iface-mac interface
3527           Convert a host interface name to MAC address.
3529           interface specifies the interface name.
3531       iface-start interface
3532           Start a (previously defined) host interface, such as by running
3533           "if-up".
3535       iface-unbridge bridge [--no-start]
3536           Tear down a bridge device named bridge, releasing its underlying
3537           interface back to normal usage, and moving all IP address
3538           configuration from the bridge device to the underlying device.  The
3539           underlying interface is restarted unless --no-start is present;
3540           this flag is present for symmetry, but generally not recommended.
3542           See also iface-bridge for creating a bridge.
3544       iface-undefine interface
3545           Undefine the configuration for an inactive host interface.
3547       iface-begin
3548           Create a snapshot of current host interface settings, which can
3549           later be committed (iface-commit) or restored (iface-rollback).  If
3550           a snapshot already exists, then this command will fail until the
3551           previous snapshot has been committed or restored.  Undefined
3552           behavior results if any external changes are made to host
3553           interfaces outside of the libvirt API between the beginning of a
3554           snapshot and its eventual commit or rollback.
3556       iface-commit
3557           Declare all changes since the last iface-begin as working, and
3558           delete the rollback point.  If no interface snapshot has already
3559           been started, then this command will fail.
3561       iface-rollback
3562           Revert all host interface settings back to the state recorded in
3563           the last iface-begin.  If no interface snapshot has already been
3564           started, then this command will fail.  Rebooting the host also
3565           serves as an implicit rollback point.


3568       The following commands manipulate storage pools. Libvirt has the
3569       capability to manage various storage solutions, including files, raw
3570       partitions, and domain-specific formats, used to provide the storage
3571       volumes visible as devices within virtual machines. For more detailed
3572       information about this feature, see the documentation at
3573       <https://libvirt.org/formatstorage.html> . Many of the commands for
3574       pools are similar to the ones used for domains.
3576       find-storage-pool-sources type [srcSpec]
3577           Returns XML describing all possible available storage pool sources
3578           that could be used to create or define a storage pool of a given
3579           type. If srcSpec is provided, it is a file that contains XML to
3580           further restrict the query for pools.
3582           Not all storage pools support discovery in this manner.
3583           Furthermore, for those that do support discovery, only specific XML
3584           elements are required in order to return valid data, while other
3585           elements and even attributes of some elements are ignored since
3586           they are not necessary to find the pool based on the search
3587           criteria. The following lists the supported type options and the
3588           expected minimal XML elements used to perform the search.
3590           For a "netfs" or "gluster" pool, the minimal expected XML required
3591           is the <host> element with a "name" attribute describing the IP
3592           address or hostname to be used to find the pool. The "port"
3593           attribute will be ignored as will any other provided XML elements
3594           in srcSpec.
3596           For a "logical" pool, the contents of the srcSpec file are ignored,
3597           although if provided the file must at least exist.
3599           For an "iscsi" pool, the minimal expect XML required is the <host>
3600           element with a "name" attribute describing the IP address or
3601           hostname to be used to find the pool (the iSCSI server address).
3602           Optionally, the "port" attribute may be provided, although it will
3603           default to 3260. Optionally, an <initiator> XML element with a
3604           "name" attribute may be provided to further restrict the iSCSI
3605           target search to a specific initiator for multi-iqn iSCSI storage
3606           pools.
3608       find-storage-pool-sources-as type [host] [port] [initiator]
3609           Rather than providing srcSpec XML file for find-storage-pool-
3610           sources use this command option in order to have virsh generate the
3611           query XML file using the optional arguments. The command will
3612           return the same output XML as find-storage-pool-sources.
3614           Use host to describe a specific host to use for networked storage,
3615           such as netfs, gluster, and iscsi type pools.
3617           Use port to further restrict which networked port to utilize for
3618           the connection if required by the specific storage backend, such as
3619           iscsi.
3621           Use initiator to further restrict the iscsi type pool searches to
3622           specific target initiators.
3624       pool-autostart pool-or-uuid [--disable]
3625           Configure whether pool should automatically start at boot.
3627       pool-build pool-or-uuid [--overwrite] [--no-overwrite]
3628           Build a given pool.
3630           Options --overwrite and --no-overwrite can only be used for pool-
3631           build a filesystem, disk, or logical pool.
3633           For a file system pool if neither flag is specified, then pool-
3634           build just makes the target path directory and no attempt to run
3635           mkfs on the target volume device. If --no-overwrite is specified,
3636           it probes to determine if a filesystem already exists on the target
3637           device, returning an error if one exists or using mkfs to format
3638           the target device if not.  If --overwrite is specified, mkfs is
3639           always executed and any existing data on the target device is
3640           overwritten unconditionally.
3642           For a disk pool, if neither of them is specified or --no-overwrite
3643           is specified, pool-build will check the target volume device for
3644           existing filesystems or partitions before attempting to write a new
3645           label on the target volume device. If the target volume device
3646           already has a label, the command will fail. If --overwrite is
3647           specified, then no check will be made on the target volume device
3648           prior to writing a new label. Writing of the label uses the pool
3649           source format type or "dos" if not specified.
3651           For a logical pool, if neither of them is specified or
3652           --no-overwrite is specified, pool-build will check the target
3653           volume devices for existing filesystems or partitions before
3654           attempting to initialize and format each device for usage by the
3655           logical pool. If any target volume device already has a label, the
3656           command will fail. If --overwrite is specified, then no check will
3657           be made on the target volume devices prior to initializing and
3658           formatting each device. Once all the target volume devices are
3659           properly formatted via pvcreate, the volume group will be created
3660           using all the devices.
3662       pool-create file [--build] [[--overwrite] | [--no-overwrite]]
3663           Create and start a pool object from the XML file.
3665           [--build] [[--overwrite] | [--no-overwrite]] perform a pool-build
3666           after creation in order to remove the need for a follow-up command
3667           to build the pool. The --overwrite and --no-overwrite flags follow
3668           the same rules as pool-build. If just --build is provided, then
3669           pool-build is called with no flags.
3671       pool-create-as name type [--source-host hostname] [--source-path path]
3672       [--source-dev path] [--source-name name] [--target path]
3673       [--source-format format] [--auth-type authtype --auth-username username
3674       [--secret-usage usage | --secret-uuid uuid]] [--source-protocol-ver
3675       ver] [[--adapter-name name] | [--adapter-wwnn wwnn --adapter-wwpn wwpn]
3676       [--adapter-parent parent | --adapter-parent-wwnn parent_wwnn adapter-
3677       parent-wwpn parent_wwpn | --adapter-parent-fabric-wwn
3678       parent_fabric_wwn]] [--build] [[--overwrite] | [--no-overwrite]]
3679       [--print-xml]
3680           Create and start a pool object name from the raw parameters.  If
3681           --print-xml is specified, then print the XML of the pool object
3682           without creating the pool.  Otherwise, the pool has the specified
3683           type. When using pool-create-as for a pool of type "disk", the
3684           existing partitions found on the --source-dev path will be used to
3685           populate the disk pool. Therefore, it is suggested to use pool-
3686           define-as and pool-build with the --overwrite in order to properly
3687           initialize the disk pool.
3689           [--source-host hostname] provides the source hostname for pools
3690           backed by storage from a remote server (pool types netfs, iscsi,
3691           rbd, sheepdog, gluster).
3693           [--source-path path] provides the source directory path for pools
3694           backed by directories (pool type dir).
3696           [--source-dev path] provides the source path for pools backed by
3697           physical devices (pool types fs, logical, disk, iscsi, zfs).
3699           [--source-name name] provides the source name for pools backed by
3700           storage from a named element (pool types logical, rbd, sheepdog,
3701           gluster).
3703           [--target path] is the path for the mapping of the storage pool
3704           into the host file system.
3706           [--source-format format] provides information about the format of
3707           the pool (pool types fs, netfs, disk, logical).
3709           [--auth-type authtype --auth-username username [--secret-usage
3710           usage | --secret-uuid uuid]] provides the elements required to
3711           generate authentication credentials for the storage pool. The
3712           authtype is either chap for iscsi type pools or ceph for rbd type
3713           pools. Either the secret usage or uuid value may be provided, but
3714           not both.
3716           [--source-protocol-ver ver] provides the NFS protocol version
3717           number used to contact the server's NFS service via nfs mount
3718           option 'nfsvers=n'. It is expect the ver value is an unsigned
3719           integer.
3721           [--adapter-name name] defines the scsi_hostN adapter name to be
3722           used for the scsi_host adapter type pool.
3724           [--adapter-wwnn wwnn --adapter-wwpn wwpn [--adapter-parent parent |
3725           --adapter-parent-wwnn parent_wwnn adapter-parent-wwpn parent_wwpn |
3726           --adapter-parent-fabric-wwn parent_fabric_wwn]] defines the wwnn
3727           and wwpn to be used for the fc_host adapter type pool.  Optionally
3728           provide the parent scsi_hostN node device to be used for the vHBA
3729           either by parent name, parent_wwnn and parent_wwpn, or
3730           parent_fabric_wwn.  The parent name could change between reboots if
3731           the hardware environment changes, so providing the parent_wwnn and
3732           parent_wwpn ensure usage of the same physical HBA even if the
3733           scsi_hostN node device changes. Usage of the parent_fabric_wwn
3734           allows a bit more flexibility to choose an HBA on the same storage
3735           fabric in order to define the pool.
3737           [--build] [[--overwrite] | [--no-overwrite]] perform a pool-build
3738           after creation in order to remove the need for a follow-up command
3739           to build the pool. The --overwrite and --no-overwrite flags follow
3740           the same rules as pool-build. If just --build is provided, then
3741           pool-build is called with no flags.
3743           For a "logical" pool only [--name] needs to be provided. The
3744           [--source-name] if provided must match the Volume Group name.  If
3745           not provided, one will be generated using the [--name]. If provided
3746           the [--target] is ignored and a target source is generated using
3747           the [--source-name] (or as generated from the [--name]).
3749       pool-define file
3750           Define an inactive persistent storage pool or modify an existing
3751           persistent one from the XML file.
3753       pool-define-as name type [--source-host hostname] [--source-path path]
3754       [--source-dev path] [--source-name name] [--target path]
3755       [--source-format format] [--auth-type authtype --auth-username username
3756       [--secret-usage usage | --secret-uuid uuid]] [[--adapter-name name] |
3757       [--adapter-wwnn --adapter-wwpn] [--adapter-parent parent]]
3758       [--print-xml]
3759           Create, but do not start, a pool object name from the raw
3760           parameters.  If --print-xml is specified, then print the XML of the
3761           pool object without defining the pool.  Otherwise, the pool has the
3762           specified type.
3764           Use the same arguments as pool-create-as, except for the --build,
3765           --overwrite, and --no-overwrite options.
3767       pool-destroy pool-or-uuid
3768           Destroy (stop) a given pool object. Libvirt will no longer manage
3769           the storage described by the pool object, but the raw data
3770           contained in the pool is not changed, and can be later recovered
3771           with pool-create.
3773       pool-delete pool-or-uuid
3774           Destroy the resources used by a given pool object. This operation
3775           is non-recoverable.  The pool object will still exist after this
3776           command, ready for the creation of new storage volumes.
3778       pool-dumpxml [--inactive] pool-or-uuid
3779           Returns the XML information about the pool object.  --inactive
3780           tells virsh to dump pool configuration that will be used on next
3781           start of the pool as opposed to the current pool configuration.
3783       pool-edit pool-or-uuid
3784           Edit the XML configuration file for a storage pool.
3786           This is equivalent to:
3788            virsh pool-dumpxml pool > pool.xml
3789            vi pool.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
3790            virsh pool-define pool.xml
3792           except that it does some error checking.
3794           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
3795           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".
3797       pool-info [--bytes] pool-or-uuid
3798           Returns basic information about the pool object. If --bytes is
3799           specified the sizes of basic info are not converted to human
3800           friendly units.
3802       pool-list [--inactive] [--all] [--persistent] [--transient]
3803       [--autostart] [--no-autostart] [[--details] [--uuid] [--name] [<type>]
3804           List pool objects known to libvirt.  By default, only active pools
3805           are listed; --inactive lists just the inactive pools, and --all
3806           lists all pools.
3808           In addition, there are several sets of filtering flags.
3809           --persistent is to list the persistent pools, --transient is to
3810           list the transient pools.  --autostart lists the autostarting
3811           pools, --no-autostart lists the pools with autostarting disabled.
3812           If --uuid is specified only pool's UUIDs are printed.  If --name is
3813           specified only pool's names are printed. If both --name and --uuid
3814           are specified, pool's UUID and names are printed side by side
3815           without any header. Option --details is mutually exclusive with
3816           options --uuid and --name.
3818           You may also want to list pools with specified types using type,
3819           the pool types must be separated by comma, e.g. --type dir,disk.
3820           The valid pool types include 'dir', 'fs', 'netfs', 'logical',
3821           'disk', 'iscsi', 'scsi', 'mpath', 'rbd', 'sheepdog' and 'gluster'.
3823           The --details option instructs virsh to additionally display pool
3824           persistence and capacity related information where available.
3826           NOTE: When talking to older servers, this command is forced to use
3827           a series of API calls with an inherent race, where a pool might not
3828           be listed or might appear more than once if it changed state
3829           between calls while the list was being collected.  Newer servers do
3830           not have this problem.
3832       pool-name uuid
3833           Convert the uuid to a pool name.
3835       pool-refresh pool-or-uuid
3836           Refresh the list of volumes contained in pool.
3838       pool-start pool-or-uuid [--build] [[--overwrite] | [--no-overwrite]]
3839           Start the storage pool, which is previously defined but inactive.
3841           [--build] [[--overwrite] | [--no-overwrite]] perform a pool-build
3842           prior to pool-start to ensure the pool environment is in an
3843           expected state rather than needing to run the build command prior
3844           to startup. The --overwrite and --no-overwrite flags follow the
3845           same rules as pool-build. If just --build is provided, then pool-
3846           build is called with no flags.
3848           Note: A storage pool that relies on remote resources such as an
3849           "iscsi" or a (v)HBA backed "scsi" pool may need to be refreshed
3850           multiple times in order to have all the volumes detected (see pool-
3851           refresh).  This is because the corresponding volume devices may not
3852           be present in the host's filesystem during the initial pool startup
3853           or the current refresh attempt. The number of refresh retries is
3854           dependent upon the network connection and the time the host takes
3855           to export the corresponding devices.
3857       pool-undefine pool-or-uuid
3858           Undefine the configuration for an inactive pool.
3860       pool-uuid pool
3861           Returns the UUID of the named pool.
3863       pool-event {[pool] event [--loop] [--timeout seconds] [--timestamp] |
3864       --list}
3865           Wait for a class of storage pool events to occur, and print
3866           appropriate details of events as they happen.  The events can
3867           optionally be filtered by pool.  Using --list as the only argument
3868           will provide a list of possible event values known by this client,
3869           although the connection might not allow registering for all these
3870           events.
3872           By default, this command is one-shot, and returns success once an
3873           event occurs; you can send SIGINT (usually via "Ctrl-C") to quit
3874           immediately.  If --timeout is specified, the command gives up
3875           waiting for events after seconds have elapsed.   With --loop, the
3876           command prints all events until a timeout or interrupt key.
3878           When --timestamp is used, a human-readable timestamp will be
3879           printed before the event.


3882       vol-create pool-or-uuid FILE [--prealloc-metadata]
3883           Create a volume from an XML <file>.
3885           pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool to create the
3886           volume in.
3888           FILE is the XML <file> with the volume definition. An easy way to
3889           create the XML <file> is to use the vol-dumpxml command to obtain
3890           the definition of a pre-existing volume.
3892           [--prealloc-metadata] preallocate metadata (for qcow2 images which
3893           don't support full allocation). This option creates a sparse image
3894           file with metadata, resulting in higher performance compared to
3895           images with no preallocation and only slightly higher initial disk
3896           space usage.
3898           Example
3900            virsh vol-dumpxml --pool storagepool1 appvolume1 > newvolume.xml
3901            vi newvolume.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
3902            virsh vol-create differentstoragepool newvolume.xml
3904       vol-create-from pool-or-uuid FILE vol-name-or-key-or-path [--inputpool
3905       pool-or-uuid]  [--prealloc-metadata] [--reflink]
3906           Create a volume, using another volume as input.
3908           pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool to create the
3909           volume in.
3911           FILE is the XML <file> with the volume definition.
3913           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the source
3914           volume.
3916           --inputpool pool-or-uuid is the name or uuid of the storage pool
3917           the source volume is in.
3919           [--prealloc-metadata] preallocate metadata (for qcow2 images which
3920           don't support full allocation). This option creates a sparse image
3921           file with metadata, resulting in higher performance compared to
3922           images with no preallocation and only slightly higher initial disk
3923           space usage.
3925           When --reflink is specified, perform a COW lightweight copy, where
3926           the data blocks are copied only when modified.  If this is not
3927           possible, the copy fails.
3929       vol-create-as pool-or-uuid name capacity [--allocation size] [--format
3930       string] [--backing-vol vol-name-or-key-or-path] [--backing-vol-format
3931       string] [--prealloc-metadata] [--print-xml]
3932           Create a volume from a set of arguments unless --print-xml is
3933           specified, in which case just the XML of the volume object is
3934           printed out without any actual object creation.
3936           pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool to create the
3937           volume in.
3939           name is the name of the new volume. For a disk pool, this must
3940           match the partition name as determined from the pool's source
3941           device path and the next available partition. For example, a source
3942           device path of /dev/sdb and there are no partitions on the disk,
3943           then the name must be sdb1 with the next name being sdb2 and so on.
3945           capacity is the size of the volume to be created, as a scaled
3946           integer (see NOTES above), defaulting to bytes if there is no
3947           suffix.
3949           --allocation size is the initial size to be allocated in the
3950           volume, also as a scaled integer defaulting to bytes.
3952           --format string is used in file based storage pools to specify the
3953           volume file format to use; raw, bochs, qcow, qcow2, vmdk, qed. Use
3954           extended for disk storage pools in order to create an extended
3955           partition (other values are validity checked but not preserved when
3956           libvirtd is restarted or the pool is refreshed).
3958           --backing-vol vol-name-or-key-or-path is the source backing volume
3959           to be used if taking a snapshot of an existing volume.
3961           --backing-vol-format string is the format of the snapshot backing
3962           volume; raw, bochs, qcow, qcow2, qed, vmdk, host_device. These are,
3963           however, meant for file based storage pools.
3965           [--prealloc-metadata] preallocate metadata (for qcow2 images which
3966           don't support full allocation). This option creates a sparse image
3967           file with metadata, resulting in higher performance compared to
3968           images with no preallocation and only slightly higher initial disk
3969           space usage.
3971       vol-clone vol-name-or-key-or-path name [--pool pool-or-uuid]
3972       [--prealloc-metadata] [--reflink]
3973           Clone an existing volume within the parent pool.  Less powerful,
3974           but easier to type, version of vol-create-from.
3976           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the source
3977           volume.
3979           name is the name of the new volume.
3981           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool that
3982           contains the source volume and will contain the new volume.  If the
3983           source volume name is provided instead of the key or path, then
3984           providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be cloned;
3985           otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path will be used.
3987           [--prealloc-metadata] preallocate metadata (for qcow2 images which
3988           don't support full allocation). This option creates a sparse image
3989           file with metadata, resulting in higher performance compared to
3990           images with no preallocation and only slightly higher initial disk
3991           space usage.
3993           When --reflink is specified, perform a COW lightweight copy, where
3994           the data blocks are copied only when modified.  If this is not
3995           possible, the copy fails.
3997       vol-delete vol-name-or-key-or-path [--pool pool-or-uuid]
3998       [--delete-snapshots]
3999           Delete a given volume.
4001           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the volume name or key or path of the
4002           volume to delete.
4004           [--pool pool-or-uuid] is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4005           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key or
4006           path, then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4007           deleted; otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path will
4008           be used.
4010           The --delete-snapshots flag specifies that any snapshots associated
4011           with the storage volume should be deleted as well. Not all storage
4012           drivers support this option, presently only rbd.
4014       vol-upload vol-name-or-key-or-path local-file [--pool pool-or-uuid]
4015       [--offset bytes] [--length bytes] [--sparse]
4016           Upload the contents of local-file to a storage volume.
4018           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the volume
4019           where the local-file will be uploaded.
4021           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4022           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key or
4023           path, then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4024           uploaded into; otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path
4025           will be used.
4027           --offset is the position in the storage volume at which to start
4028           writing the data. The value must be 0 or larger.
4030           --length is an upper bound of the amount of data to be uploaded.  A
4031           negative value is interpreted as an unsigned long long value to
4032           essentially include everything from the offset to the end of the
4033           volume.
4035           If --sparse is specified, this command will preserve volume
4036           sparseness.
4038           An error will occur if the local-file is greater than the specified
4039           length.
4041           See the description for the libvirt virStorageVolUpload API for
4042           details regarding possible target volume and pool changes as a
4043           result of the pool refresh when the upload is attempted.
4045       vol-download vol-name-or-key-or-path local-file [--pool pool-or-uuid]
4046       [--offset bytes] [--length bytes] [--sparse]
4047           Download the contents of a storage volume to local-file.
4049           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the volume to
4050           download into local-file.
4052           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4053           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key or
4054           path, then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4055           uploaded into; otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path
4056           will be used.
4058           --offset is the position in the storage volume at which to start
4059           reading the data. The value must be 0 or larger.
4061           --length is an upper bound of the amount of data to be downloaded.
4062           A negative value is interpreted as an unsigned long long value to
4063           essentially include everything from the offset to the end of the
4064           volume.
4066           If --sparse is specified, this command will preserve volume
4067           sparseness.
4069       vol-wipe vol-name-or-key-or-path [--pool pool-or-uuid] [--algorithm
4070       algorithm]
4071           Wipe a volume, ensure data previously on the volume is not
4072           accessible to future reads.
4074           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the volume to
4075           wipe.  It is possible to choose different wiping algorithms instead
4076           of re-writing volume with zeroes.
4078           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4079           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key or
4080           path, then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4081           wiped; otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path will be
4082           used.
4084           Use the --algorithm switch choosing from the list of the following
4085           algorithms in order to define which algorithm to use for the wipe.
4087           Supported algorithms
4088             zero       - 1-pass all zeroes
4089             nnsa       - 4-pass NNSA Policy Letter NAP-14.1-C (XVI-8) for
4090                          sanitizing removable and non-removable hard disks:
4091                          random x2, 0x00, verify.
4092             dod        - 4-pass DoD 5220.22-M section 8-306 procedure for
4093                          sanitizing removable and non-removable rigid
4094                          disks: random, 0x00, 0xff, verify.
4095             bsi        - 9-pass method recommended by the German Center of
4096                          Security in Information Technologies
4097                          (http://www.bsi.bund.de): 0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfb,
4098                          0xf7, 0xef, 0xdf, 0xbf, 0x7f.
4099             gutmann    - The canonical 35-pass sequence described in
4100                          Gutmann's paper.
4101             schneier   - 7-pass method described by Bruce Schneier in
4102                          "Applied Cryptography" (1996): 0x00, 0xff,
4103                          random x5.
4104             pfitzner7  - Roy Pfitzner's 7-random-pass method: random x7.
4105             pfitzner33 - Roy Pfitzner's 33-random-pass method: random x33.
4106             random     - 1-pass pattern: random.
4107             trim       - 1-pass trimming the volume using TRIM or DISCARD
4109           Note: The "scrub" binary will be used to handle the 'nnsa', 'dod',
4110           'bsi', 'gutmann', 'schneier', 'pfitzner7' and 'pfitzner33'
4111           algorithms.  The availability of the algorithms may be limited by
4112           the version of the "scrub" binary installed on the host. The 'zero'
4113           algorithm will write zeroes to the entire volume. For some volumes,
4114           such as sparse or rbd volumes, this may result in completely
4115           filling the volume with zeroes making it appear to be completely
4116           full. As an alternative, the 'trim' algorithm does not overwrite
4117           all the data in a volume, rather it expects the storage driver to
4118           be able to discard all bytes in a volume. It is up to the storage
4119           driver to handle how the discarding occurs. Not all storage drivers
4120           or volume types can support 'trim'.
4122       vol-dumpxml vol-name-or-key-or-path [--pool pool-or-uuid]
4123           Output the volume information as an XML dump to stdout.
4125           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the volume to
4126           output the XML.
4128           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4129           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key or
4130           path, then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4131           uploaded into; otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path
4132           will be used.
4134       vol-info vol-name-or-key-or-path [--pool pool-or-uuid] [--bytes]
4135       [--physical]
4136           Returns basic information about the given storage volume.
4138           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the volume to
4139           return information for.
4141           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4142           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key or
4143           path, then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4144           uploaded into; otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path
4145           will be used.
4147           If --bytes is specified the sizes are not converted to human
4148           friendly units.
4150           If --physical is specified, then the host physical size is returned
4151           and displayed instead of the allocation value. The physical value
4152           for some file types, such as qcow2 may have a different (larger)
4153           physical value than is shown for allocation. Additionally sparse
4154           files will have different physical and allocation values.
4156       vol-list [--pool pool-or-uuid] [--details]
4157           Return the list of volumes in the given storage pool.
4159           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool.
4161           The --details option instructs virsh to additionally display volume
4162           type and capacity related information where available.
4164       vol-pool vol-key-or-path [--uuid]
4165           Return the pool name or UUID for a given volume. By default, the
4166           pool name is returned.
4168           vol-key-or-path is the key or path of the volume to return the pool
4169           information.
4171           If the --uuid option is given, the pool UUID is returned instead.
4173       vol-path vol-name-or-key [--pool pool-or-uuid]
4174           Return the path for a given volume.
4176           vol-name-or-key is the name or key of the volume to return the
4177           path.
4179           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4180           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key,
4181           then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4182           uploaded into; otherwise, the first volume found by the key will be
4183           used.
4185       vol-name vol-key-or-path
4186           Return the name for a given volume.
4188           vol-key-or-path is the key or path of the volume to return the
4189           name.
4191       vol-key vol-name-or-path [--pool pool-or-uuid]
4192           Return the volume key for a given volume.
4194           vol-name-or-path is the name or path of the volume to return the
4195           volume key.
4197           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4198           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the path,
4199           then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4200           uploaded into; otherwise, the first volume found by the path will
4201           be used.
4203       vol-resize vol-name-or-path capacity [--pool pool-or-uuid] [--allocate]
4204       [--delta] [--shrink]
4205           Resize the capacity of the given volume, in bytes.
4207           vol-name-or-key-or-path is the name or key or path of the volume to
4208           resize.
4210           capacity is a scaled integer (see NOTES above) for the volume,
4211           which defaults to bytes if there is no suffix.
4213           --pool pool-or-uuid is the name or UUID of the storage pool the
4214           volume is in. If the volume name is provided instead of the key or
4215           path, then providing the pool is necessary to find the volume to be
4216           uploaded into; otherwise, the first volume found by the key or path
4217           will be used.
4219           The new capacity might be sparse unless --allocate is specified.
4221           Normally, capacity is the new size, but if --delta is present, then
4222           it is added to the existing size.
4224           Attempts to shrink the volume will fail unless --shrink is present.
4225           The capacity cannot be negative unless --shrink is provided, but a
4226           negative sign is not necessary.
4228           This command is only safe for storage volumes not in use by an
4229           active guest; see also blockresize for live resizing.


4232       The following commands manipulate "secrets" (e.g. passwords,
4233       passphrases and encryption keys).  Libvirt can store secrets
4234       independently from their use, and other objects (e.g. volumes or
4235       domains) can refer to the secrets for encryption or possibly other
4236       uses.  Secrets are identified using a UUID.  See
4237       <https://libvirt.org/formatsecret.html> for documentation of the XML
4238       format used to represent properties of secrets.
4240       secret-define file
4241           Create a secret with the properties specified in file, with no
4242           associated secret value.  If file does not specify a UUID, choose
4243           one automatically.  If file specifies a UUID of an existing secret,
4244           replace its properties by properties defined in file, without
4245           affecting the secret value.
4247       secret-dumpxml secret
4248           Output properties of secret (specified by its UUID) as an XML dump
4249           to stdout.
4251       secret-event {[secret] event [--loop] [--timeout seconds] [--timestamp]
4252       | --list}
4253           Wait for a class of secret events to occur, and print appropriate
4254           details of events as they happen.  The events can optionally be
4255           filtered by secret.  Using --list as the only argument will provide
4256           a list of possible event values known by this client, although the
4257           connection might not allow registering for all these events.
4259           By default, this command is one-shot, and returns success once an
4260           event occurs; you can send SIGINT (usually via "Ctrl-C") to quit
4261           immediately.  If --timeout is specified, the command gives up
4262           waiting for events after seconds have elapsed.   With --loop, the
4263           command prints all events until a timeout or interrupt key.
4265           When --timestamp is used, a human-readable timestamp will be
4266           printed before the event.
4268       secret-set-value secret base64
4269           Set the value associated with secret (specified by its UUID) to the
4270           value Base64-encoded value base64.
4272       secret-get-value secret
4273           Output the value associated with secret (specified by its UUID) to
4274           stdout, encoded using Base64.
4276       secret-undefine secret
4277           Delete a secret (specified by its UUID), including the associated
4278           value, if any.
4280       secret-list [--ephemeral] [--no-ephemeral] [--private] [--no-private]
4281           Returns the list of secrets. You may also want to filter the
4282           returned secrets by --ephemeral to list the ephemeral ones,
4283           --no-ephemeral to list the non-ephemeral ones, --private to list
4284           the private ones, and --no-private to list the non-private ones.


4287       The following commands manipulate domain snapshots.  Snapshots take the
4288       disk, memory, and device state of a domain at a point-of-time, and save
4289       it for future use.  They have many uses, from saving a "clean" copy of
4290       an OS image to saving a domain's state before a potentially destructive
4291       operation.  Snapshots are identified with a unique name.  See
4292       <https://libvirt.org/formatsnapshot.html> for documentation of the XML
4293       format used to represent properties of snapshots.
4295       snapshot-create domain [xmlfile] {[--redefine [--current]] |
4296       [--no-metadata] [--halt] [--disk-only] [--reuse-external] [--quiesce]
4297       [--atomic] [--live]}
4298           Create a snapshot for domain domain with the properties specified
4299           in xmlfile.  Normally, the only properties settable for a domain
4300           snapshot are the <name> and <description> elements, as well as
4301           <disks> if --disk-only is given; the rest of the fields are
4302           ignored, and automatically filled in by libvirt.  If xmlfile is
4303           completely omitted, then libvirt will choose a value for all
4304           fields.  The new snapshot will become current, as listed by
4305           snapshot-current.
4307           If --halt is specified, the domain will be left in an inactive
4308           state after the snapshot is created.
4310           If --disk-only is specified, the snapshot will only include disk
4311           content rather than the usual full system snapshot with vm state.
4312           Disk snapshots are captured faster than full system snapshots, but
4313           reverting to a disk snapshot may require fsck or journal replays,
4314           since it is like the disk state at the point when the power cord is
4315           abruptly pulled; and mixing --halt and --disk-only loses any data
4316           that was not flushed to disk at the time.
4318           If --redefine is specified, then all XML elements produced by
4319           snapshot-dumpxml are valid; this can be used to migrate snapshot
4320           hierarchy from one machine to another, to recreate hierarchy for
4321           the case of a transient domain that goes away and is later
4322           recreated with the same name and UUID, or to make slight
4323           alterations in the snapshot metadata (such as host-specific aspects
4324           of the domain XML embedded in the snapshot).  When this flag is
4325           supplied, the xmlfile argument is mandatory, and the domain's
4326           current snapshot will not be altered unless the --current flag is
4327           also given.
4329           If --no-metadata is specified, then the snapshot data is created,
4330           but any metadata is immediately discarded (that is, libvirt does
4331           not treat the snapshot as current, and cannot revert to the
4332           snapshot unless --redefine is later used to teach libvirt about the
4333           metadata again).
4335           If --reuse-external is specified, and the snapshot XML requests an
4336           external snapshot with a destination of an existing file, then the
4337           destination must exist and be pre-created with correct format and
4338           metadata. The file is then reused; otherwise, a snapshot is refused
4339           to avoid losing contents of the existing files.
4341           If --quiesce is specified, libvirt will try to use guest agent to
4342           freeze and unfreeze domain's mounted file systems. However, if
4343           domain has no guest agent, snapshot creation will fail.  Currently,
4344           this requires --disk-only to be passed as well.
4346           If --atomic is specified, libvirt will guarantee that the snapshot
4347           either succeeds, or fails with no changes; not all hypervisors
4348           support this.  If this flag is not specified, then some hypervisors
4349           may fail after partially performing the action, and dumpxml must be
4350           used to see whether any partial changes occurred.
4352           If --live is specified, libvirt takes the snapshot while the guest
4353           is running. Both disk snapshot and domain memory snapshot are
4354           taken. This increases the size of the memory image of the external
4355           snapshot. This is currently supported only for full system external
4356           snapshots.
4358           Existence of snapshot metadata will prevent attempts to undefine a
4359           persistent domain.  However, for transient domains, snapshot
4360           metadata is silently lost when the domain quits running (whether by
4361           command such as destroy or by internal guest action).
4363       snapshot-create-as domain {[--print-xml] | [--no-metadata] [--halt]
4364       [--reuse-external]} [name] [description] [--disk-only [--quiesce]]
4365       [--atomic] [[--live] [--memspec memspec]] [--diskspec] diskspec]...
4366           Create a snapshot for domain domain with the given <name> and
4367           <description>; if either value is omitted, libvirt will choose a
4368           value.  If --print-xml is specified, then XML appropriate for
4369           snapshot-create is output, rather than actually creating a
4370           snapshot.  Otherwise, if --halt is specified, the domain will be
4371           left in an inactive state after the snapshot is created, and if
4372           --disk-only is specified, the snapshot will not include vm state.
4374           The --memspec option can be used to control whether a full system
4375           snapshot is internal or external.  The --memspec flag is mandatory,
4376           followed by a memspec of the form [file=]name[,snapshot=type],
4377           where type can be no, internal, or external.  To include a literal
4378           comma in file=name, escape it with a second comma. --memspec cannot
4379           be used together with --disk-only.
4381           The --diskspec option can be used to control how --disk-only and
4382           external full system snapshots create external files.  This option
4383           can occur multiple times, according to the number of <disk>
4384           elements in the domain xml.  Each <diskspec> is in the form
4385           disk[,snapshot=type][,driver=type][,file=name].  A diskspec must be
4386           provided for disks backed by block devices as libvirt doesn't auto-
4387           generate file names for those.  To include a literal comma in disk
4388           or in file=name, escape it with a second comma.  A literal
4389           --diskspec must precede each diskspec unless all three of domain,
4390           name, and description are also present.  For example, a diskspec of
4391           "vda,snapshot=external,file=/path/to,,new" results in the following
4392           XML:
4393             <disk name='vda' snapshot='external'>
4394               <source file='/path/to,new'/>
4395             </disk>
4397           If --reuse-external is specified, and the domain XML or diskspec
4398           option requests an external snapshot with a destination of an
4399           existing file, then the destination must exist and be pre-created
4400           with correct format and metadata. The file is then reused;
4401           otherwise, a snapshot is refused to avoid losing contents of the
4402           existing files.
4404           If --quiesce is specified, libvirt will try to use guest agent to
4405           freeze and unfreeze domain's mounted file systems. However, if
4406           domain has no guest agent, snapshot creation will fail.  Currently,
4407           this requires --disk-only to be passed as well.
4409           If --no-metadata is specified, then the snapshot data is created,
4410           but any metadata is immediately discarded (that is, libvirt does
4411           not treat the snapshot as current, and cannot revert to the
4412           snapshot unless snapshot-create is later used to teach libvirt
4413           about the metadata again).  This flag is incompatible with
4414           --print-xml.
4416           If --atomic is specified, libvirt will guarantee that the snapshot
4417           either succeeds, or fails with no changes; not all hypervisors
4418           support this.  If this flag is not specified, then some hypervisors
4419           may fail after partially performing the action, and dumpxml must be
4420           used to see whether any partial changes occurred.
4422           If --live is specified, libvirt takes the snapshot while the guest
4423           is running. This increases the size of the memory image of the
4424           external snapshot. This is currently supported only for external
4425           full system snapshots.
4427       snapshot-current domain {[--name] | [--security-info] | [snapshotname]}
4428           Without snapshotname, this will output the snapshot XML for the
4429           domain's current snapshot (if any).  If --name is specified, just
4430           the current snapshot name instead of the full xml.  Otherwise,
4431           using --security-info will also include security sensitive
4432           information in the XML.
4434           With snapshotname, this is a request to make the existing named
4435           snapshot become the current snapshot, without reverting the domain.
4437       snapshot-edit domain [snapshotname] [--current] {[--rename] |
4438       [--clone]}
4439           Edit the XML configuration file for snapshotname of a domain.  If
4440           both snapshotname and --current are specified, also force the
4441           edited snapshot to become the current snapshot.  If snapshotname is
4442           omitted, then --current must be supplied, to edit the current
4443           snapshot.
4445           This is equivalent to:
4447            virsh snapshot-dumpxml dom name > snapshot.xml
4448            vi snapshot.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
4449            virsh snapshot-create dom snapshot.xml --redefine [--current]
4451           except that it does some error checking.
4453           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
4454           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".
4456           If --rename is specified, then the edits can change the snapshot
4457           name.  If --clone is specified, then changing the snapshot name
4458           will create a clone of the snapshot metadata.  If neither is
4459           specified, then the edits must not change the snapshot name.  Note
4460           that changing a snapshot name must be done with care, since the
4461           contents of some snapshots, such as internal snapshots within a
4462           single qcow2 file, are accessible only from the original name.
4464       snapshot-info domain {snapshot | --current}
4465           Output basic information about a named <snapshot>, or the current
4466           snapshot with --current.
4468       snapshot-list domain [--metadata] [--no-metadata] [{--parent | --roots
4469       | [{--tree | --name}]}] [{[--from] snapshot | --current}
4470       [--descendants]] [--leaves] [--no-leaves] [--inactive] [--active]
4471       [--disk-only] [--internal] [--external]
4472           List all of the available snapshots for the given domain,
4473           defaulting to show columns for the snapshot name, creation time,
4474           and domain state.
4476           If --parent is specified, add a column to the output table giving
4477           the name of the parent of each snapshot.  If --roots is specified,
4478           the list will be filtered to just snapshots that have no parents.
4479           If --tree is specified, the output will be in a tree format,
4480           listing just snapshot names.  These three options are mutually
4481           exclusive. If --name is specified only the snapshot name is
4482           printed. This option is mutually exclusive with --tree.
4484           If --from is provided, filter the list to snapshots which are
4485           children of the given snapshot; or if --current is provided, start
4486           at the current snapshot.  When used in isolation or with --parent,
4487           the list is limited to direct children unless --descendants is also
4488           present.  When used with --tree, the use of --descendants is
4489           implied.  This option is not compatible with --roots.  Note that
4490           the starting point of --from or --current is not included in the
4491           list unless the --tree option is also present.
4493           If --leaves is specified, the list will be filtered to just
4494           snapshots that have no children.  Likewise, if --no-leaves is
4495           specified, the list will be filtered to just snapshots with
4496           children.  (Note that omitting both options does no filtering,
4497           while providing both options will either produce the same list or
4498           error out depending on whether the server recognizes the flags).
4499           Filtering options are not compatible with --tree.
4501           If --metadata is specified, the list will be filtered to just
4502           snapshots that involve libvirt metadata, and thus would prevent
4503           undefine of a persistent domain, or be lost on destroy of a
4504           transient domain.  Likewise, if --no-metadata is specified, the
4505           list will be filtered to just snapshots that exist without the need
4506           for libvirt metadata.
4508           If --inactive is specified, the list will be filtered to snapshots
4509           that were taken when the domain was shut off.  If --active is
4510           specified, the list will be filtered to snapshots that were taken
4511           when the domain was running, and where the snapshot includes the
4512           memory state to revert to that running state.  If --disk-only is
4513           specified, the list will be filtered to snapshots that were taken
4514           when the domain was running, but where the snapshot includes only
4515           disk state.
4517           If --internal is specified, the list will be filtered to snapshots
4518           that use internal storage of existing disk images.  If --external
4519           is specified, the list will be filtered to snapshots that use
4520           external files for disk images or memory state.
4522       snapshot-dumpxml domain snapshot [--security-info]
4523           Output the snapshot XML for the domain's snapshot named snapshot.
4524           Using --security-info will also include security sensitive
4525           information.  Use snapshot-current to easily access the XML of the
4526           current snapshot.
4528       snapshot-parent domain {snapshot | --current}
4529           Output the name of the parent snapshot, if any, for the given
4530           snapshot, or for the current snapshot with --current.
4532       snapshot-revert domain {snapshot | --current} [{--running | --paused}]
4533       [--force]
4534           Revert the given domain to the snapshot specified by snapshot, or
4535           to the current snapshot with --current.  Be aware that this is a
4536           destructive action; any changes in the domain since the last
4537           snapshot was taken will be lost.  Also note that the state of the
4538           domain after snapshot-revert is complete will be the state of the
4539           domain at the time the original snapshot was taken.
4541           Normally, reverting to a snapshot leaves the domain in the state it
4542           was at the time the snapshot was created, except that a disk
4543           snapshot with no vm state leaves the domain in an inactive state.
4544           Passing either the --running or --paused flag will perform
4545           additional state changes (such as booting an inactive domain, or
4546           pausing a running domain).  Since transient domains cannot be
4547           inactive, it is required to use one of these flags when reverting
4548           to a disk snapshot of a transient domain.
4550           There are two cases where a snapshot revert involves extra risk,
4551           which requires the use of --force to proceed.  One is the case of a
4552           snapshot that lacks full domain information for reverting
4553           configuration (such as snapshots created prior to libvirt 0.9.5);
4554           since libvirt cannot prove that the current configuration matches
4555           what was in use at the time of the snapshot, supplying --force
4556           assures libvirt that the snapshot is compatible with the current
4557           configuration (and if it is not, the domain will likely fail to
4558           run).  The other is the case of reverting from a running domain to
4559           an active state where a new hypervisor has to be created rather
4560           than reusing the existing hypervisor, because it implies drawbacks
4561           such as breaking any existing VNC or Spice connections; this
4562           condition happens with an active snapshot that uses a provably
4563           incompatible configuration, as well as with an inactive snapshot
4564           that is combined with the --start or --pause flag.
4566       snapshot-delete domain {snapshot | --current} [--metadata] [{--children
4567       | --children-only}]
4568           Delete the snapshot for the domain named snapshot, or the current
4569           snapshot with --current.  If this snapshot has child snapshots,
4570           changes from this snapshot will be merged into the children.  If
4571           --children is passed, then delete this snapshot and any children of
4572           this snapshot.  If --children-only is passed, then delete any
4573           children of this snapshot, but leave this snapshot intact.  These
4574           two flags are mutually exclusive.
4576           If --metadata is specified, then only delete the snapshot metadata
4577           maintained by libvirt, while leaving the snapshot contents intact
4578           for access by external tools; otherwise deleting a snapshot also
4579           removes the data contents from that point in time.


4582       The following commands manipulate network filters. Network filters
4583       allow filtering of the network traffic coming from and going to virtual
4584       machines.  Individual network traffic filters are written in XML and
4585       may contain references to other network filters, describe traffic
4586       filtering rules, or contain both. Network filters are referenced by
4587       virtual machines from within their interface description. A network
4588       filter may be referenced by multiple virtual machines' interfaces.
4590       nwfilter-define xmlfile
4591           Make a new network filter known to libvirt. If a network filter
4592           with the same name already exists, it will be replaced with the new
4593           XML.  Any running virtual machine referencing this network filter
4594           will have its network traffic rules adapted. If for any reason the
4595           network traffic filtering rules cannot be instantiated by any of
4596           the running virtual machines, then the new XML will be rejected.
4598       nwfilter-undefine nwfilter-name
4599           Delete a network filter. The deletion will fail if any running
4600           virtual machine is currently using this network filter.
4602       nwfilter-list
4603           List all of the available network filters.
4605       nwfilter-dumpxml nwfilter-name
4606           Output the network filter XML.
4608       nwfilter-edit nwfilter-name
4609           Edit the XML of a network filter.
4611           This is equivalent to:
4613            virsh nwfilter-dumpxml myfilter > myfilter.xml
4614            vi myfilter.xml (or make changes with your other text editor)
4615            virsh nwfilter-define myfilter.xml
4617           except that it does some error checking.  The new network filter
4618           may be rejected due to the same reason as mentioned in nwfilter-
4619           define.
4621           The editor used can be supplied by the $VISUAL or $EDITOR
4622           environment variables, and defaults to "vi".


4625       The following commands manipulate network filter bindings. Network
4626       filter bindings track the association between a network port and a
4627       network filter. Generally the bindings are managed automatically by the
4628       hypervisor drivers when adding/removing NICs on a guest.
4630       If an admin is creating/deleting TAP devices for non-guest usage,
4631       however, the network filter binding commands provide a way to make use
4632       of the network filters directly.
4634       nwfilter-binding-create xmlfile
4635           Associate a network port with a network filter. The network filter
4636           backend will immediately attempt to instantiate the filter rules on
4637           the port. This command may be used to associate a filter with a
4638           currently running guest that does not have a filter defined for a
4639           specific network port. Since the bindings are generally
4640           automatically managed by the hypervisor, using this command to
4641           define a filter for a network port and then starting the guest
4642           afterwards may prevent the guest from starting if it attempts to
4643           use the network port and finds a filter already defined.
4645       nwfilter-binding-delete port-name
4646           Disassociate a network port from a network filter. The network
4647           filter backend will immediately tear down the filter rules that
4648           exist on the port. This command may be used to remove the network
4649           port binding for a filter currently in use for the guest while the
4650           guest is running without needing to restart the guest. Restoring
4651           the network port binding filter for the running guest would be
4652           accomplished by using nwfilter-binding-create.
4654       nwfilter-binding-list
4655           List all of the network ports which have filters associated with
4656           them.
4658       nwfilter-binding-dumpxml port-name
4659           Output the network filter binding XML for the network device called
4660           "port-name".


4663       NOTE: Use of the following commands is strongly discouraged.  They can
4664       cause libvirt to become confused and do the wrong thing on subsequent
4665       operations.  Once you have used these commands, please do not report
4666       problems to the libvirt developers; the reports will be ignored.  If
4667       you find that these commands are the only way to accomplish something,
4668       then it is better to request that the feature be added as a first-class
4669       citizen in the regular libvirt library.
4671       qemu-attach pid
4672           Attach an externally launched QEMU process to the libvirt QEMU
4673           driver.  The QEMU process must have been created with a monitor
4674           connection using the UNIX driver. Ideally the process will also
4675           have had the '-name' argument specified.
4677                $ qemu-kvm -cdrom ~/demo.iso \
4678                    -monitor unix:/tmp/demo,server,nowait \
4679                    -name foo \
4680                    -uuid cece4f9f-dff0-575d-0e8e-01fe380f12ea  &
4681                $ QEMUPID=$!
4682                $ virsh qemu-attach $QEMUPID
4684           Not all functions of libvirt are expected to work reliably after
4685           attaching to an externally launched QEMU process. There may be
4686           issues with the guest ABI changing upon migration and device
4687           hotplug or hotunplug may not work. The attached environment should
4688           be considered primarily read-only.
4690       qemu-monitor-command domain { [--hmp] | [--pretty] } command...
4691           Send an arbitrary monitor command command to domain domain through
4692           the qemu monitor.  The results of the command will be printed on
4693           stdout.  If --hmp is passed, the command is considered to be a
4694           human monitor command and libvirt will automatically convert it
4695           into QMP if needed.  In that case the result will also be converted
4696           back from QMP.  If --pretty is given, and the monitor uses QMP,
4697           then the output will be pretty-printed.  If more than one argument
4698           is provided for command, they are concatenated with a space in
4699           between before passing the single command to the monitor.
4701       qemu-agent-command domain [--timeout seconds | --async | --block]
4702       command...
4703           Send an arbitrary guest agent command command to domain domain
4704           through qemu agent.  --timeout, --async and --block options are
4705           exclusive.  --timeout requires timeout seconds seconds and it must
4706           be positive.  When --aysnc is given, the command waits for timeout
4707           whether success or failed. And when --block is given, the command
4708           waits forever with blocking timeout.
4710       qemu-monitor-event [domain] [--event event-name] [--loop] [--timeout
4711       seconds] [--pretty] [--regex] [--no-case] [--timestamp]
4712           Wait for arbitrary QEMU monitor events to occur, and print out the
4713           details of events as they happen.  The events can optionally be
4714           filtered by domain or event-name.  The 'query-events' QMP command
4715           can be used via qemu-monitor-command to learn what events are
4716           supported.  If --regex is used, event-name is a basic regular
4717           expression instead of a literal string.  If --no-case is used,
4718           event-name will match case-insensitively.
4720           By default, this command is one-shot, and returns success once an
4721           event occurs; you can send SIGINT (usually via "Ctrl-C") to quit
4722           immediately.  If --timeout is specified, the command gives up
4723           waiting for events after seconds have elapsed.  With --loop, the
4724           command prints all events until a timeout or interrupt key.  If
4725           --pretty is specified, any JSON event details are pretty-printed
4726           for better legibility.
4728           When --timestamp is used, a human-readable timestamp will be
4729           printed before the event, and the timing information provided by
4730           QEMU will be omitted.
4732       lxc-enter-namespace domain [--noseclabel] -- /path/to/binary [arg1,
4733       [arg2, ...]]
4734           Enter the namespace of domain and execute the command
4735           "/path/to/binary" passing the requested args. The binary path is
4736           relative to the container root filesystem, not the host root
4737           filesystem. The binary will inherit the environment variables /
4738           console visible to virsh. The command will be run with the same
4739           sVirt context and cgroups placement as processes within the
4740           container. This command only works when connected to the LXC
4741           hypervisor driver.  This command succeeds only if "/path/to/binary"
4742           has 0 exit status.
4744           By default the new process will run with the security label of the
4745           new parent container. Use the --noseclabel option to instead have
4746           the process keep the same security label as "virsh".


4749       The following environment variables can be set to alter the behaviour
4750       of "virsh"
4752       VIRSH_DEBUG=<0 to 4>
4753           Turn on verbose debugging of virsh commands. Valid levels are
4755           ·   VIRSH_DEBUG=0
4757               DEBUG - Messages at ALL levels get logged
4759           ·   VIRSH_DEBUG=1
4761               INFO - Logs messages at levels INFO, NOTICE, WARNING and ERROR
4763           ·   VIRSH_DEBUG=2
4765               NOTICE - Logs messages at levels NOTICE, WARNING and ERROR
4767           ·   VIRSH_DEBUG=3
4769               WARNING - Logs messages at levels WARNING and ERROR
4771           ·   VIRSH_DEBUG=4
4773               ERROR - Messages at only ERROR level gets logged.
4776           The file to log virsh debug messages.
4779           The hypervisor to connect to by default. Set this to a URI, in the
4780           same format as accepted by the connect option. This environment
4781           variable is deprecated in favour of the global LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI
4782           variable which serves the same purpose.
4785           The hypervisor to connect to by default. Set this to a URI, in the
4786           same format as accepted by the connect option. This overrides the
4787           default URI set in any client config file and prevents libvirt from
4788           probing for drivers.
4790       VISUAL
4791           The editor to use by the edit and related options.
4793       EDITOR
4794           The editor to use by the edit and related options, if "VISUAL" is
4795           not set.
4798           The number of commands to remember in the command  history.  The
4799           default value is 500.
4802           Turn on verbose debugging of all libvirt API calls. Valid levels
4803           are
4805           ·   LIBVIRT_DEBUG=1
4807               Messages at level DEBUG or above
4809           ·   LIBVIRT_DEBUG=2
4811               Messages at level INFO or above
4813           ·   LIBVIRT_DEBUG=3
4815               Messages at level WARNING or above
4817           ·   LIBVIRT_DEBUG=4
4819               Messages at level ERROR
4821           For further information about debugging options consult
4822           <https://libvirt.org/logging.html>


4825       Report any bugs discovered to the libvirt community via the mailing
4826       list <https://libvirt.org/contact.html> or bug tracker
4827       <https://libvirt.org/bugs.html>.  Alternatively report bugs to your
4828       software distributor / vendor.


4831         Please refer to the AUTHORS file distributed with libvirt.
4833         Based on the xm man page by:
4834         Sean Dague <sean at dague dot net>
4835         Daniel Stekloff <dsteklof at us dot ibm dot com>
4838       Copyright (C) 2005, 2007-2015 Red Hat, Inc., and the authors listed in
4839       the libvirt AUTHORS file.


4842       virsh is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL v2+.  This is free
4843       software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty;


4847       virt-install(1), virt-xml-validate(1), virt-top(1), virt-df(1),
4848       <https://libvirt.org/>
4852libvirt-5.1.0                     2019-02-28                          VIRSH(1)