1EUCA2OOLS.INI                        LOCAL                       EUCA2OOLS.INI


4     euca2ools.ini — configuration for euca2ools


7     euca2ools.ini files are used to configure the euca2ools suite of command
8     line tools.  They store the locations of the services for the commands to
9     contact, the security credentials to use to authenticate to them, and
10     other configuration options as well.


13     euca2ools.ini is broken into a number of sections.  Sections are denoted
14     by section headers, which consist of section names surrounded by square
15     braces.  Within each section, an option is set by listing its name, an
16     “=” sign, and its value.  For example, the following enables debugging
17     for all commands by setting the “debug” option in the “global” section to
18     “true”:
20           [global]
21           debug = true
23     Most sections have user-defined names.  Such a section's name is defined
24     by a second word in its header.  Named sections provide a means of choos‐
25     ing different configuration using the command line.  For example, the
26     following defines two regions with different URLs for their EC2 services
27     that one can select using the --region command line option:
29           [region us-east-1]
30           ec2-url = https://ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/
32           [region eu-west-1]
33           ec2-url = https://ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/
35     Named sections can contain “*” wildcards, which makes them act as fall‐
36     backs when options are not available in sections with more specific names
37     that contain fewer wildcards.  Sections with more specific names take
38     precedence over those with less specific names.  “*” sections function as
39     defaults when the value for an option cannot be found anywhere else.
41     Named sections can also be organized into groups by choosing names for
42     groups and prepending section names with them, separated by “:” charac‐
43     ters.  When combined with wildcards, this allows one to specify defaults
44     for several sections at once and then override them as needed as in the
45     following example:
47           [region aws:*]
48           certificate = /usr/share/euca2ools/certs/cert-ec2.pem
49           verify-ssl = true
51           [region aws:us-gov-west-1]
52           certificate = /usr/share/euca2ools/certs/cert-ec2-gov.pem
54     Finally, options in named sections may refer to other sections by using
55     the use keyword followed by the section name to refer to.  This differs
56     from simply duplicating the option from the other section in that com‐
57     mands that are sensitive to the name of the section the option came from,
58     such as those that use AWS signature version 4, will be able to determine
59     which section an option originates from.


62     The --region option provided by most euca2ools commands allows one to
63     control the user section and the region section those commands use to
64     find configuration data by supplying it with a user name, a region name,
65     or both in one of the following formats:
67     ·   --region REGION
68     ·   --region USER@
69     ·   --region USER@REGION
71     The EUCA_DEFAULT_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables work
72     the same way, but with lower priority.


75   Global section
76     The global section contains settings that affect all commands.
78     debug   When set to true, enable debugging for all commands.  When set to
79             color, enable debugging for all commands and additionally col‐
80             orize debug output based on severity level.
82     default-region
83             The name of the region to use when no region is otherwise speci‐
84             fied.
86     max-retries
87             The maximum number of times commands should retry their requests
88             to the server before giving up.  The default is 2.
90     timeout
91             The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the server to respond
92             to requests before giving up.  The default is 30.
94   User section
95     A user section contains information that is specific to an identity in
96     the cloud, usually an IAM user.
98     account-id
99             The account's 12-digit ID number.
101     key-id  The user's access key ID to use for authentication.  Access key
102             IDs come paired with secret keys; the ID specified with this
103             option must correspond to the secret key specified with the
104             secret-key option.
106     secret-key
107             The user's secret key to use for authentication.  Secret keys
108             come paired with access key IDs; the secret key specified with
109             this option must correspond to the access key ID specified with
110             the key-id option.
112     certificate
113             The file name containing the user's signing certificate.  This is
114             used only by commands that bundle images:
115             euca-bundle-and-upload-image(1), euca-bundle-image(1),
116             euca-bundle-vol(1), euca-install-image(1), and
117             euimage-install-pack(1).
119     private-key
120             The file name containing the private key for the user's signing
121             certificate.  This is used only by commands that bundle and
122             unbundle images: euca-bundle-and-upload-image(1),
123             euca-bundle-image(1), euca-bundle-vol(1),
124             euca-download-and-unbundle(1), euca-install-image(1),
125             euca-unbundle(1), and euimage-install-pack(1).
127   Region section
128     A region section contains information that is specific to a cloud region,
129     such as a Eucalyptus installation or an Amazon Web Services region.
131     SERVICE-url
132             The URL to use to contact the service with the name SERVICE.  For
133             a list of valid service names, see euca2ools(7).
135     user    The user section to use for this region when no other user is
136             otherwise specified.
138     certificate
139             The file name containing the cloud's image-bundling certificate.
140             This is used only by commands that bundle images:
141             euca-bundle-and-upload-image(1), euca-bundle-image(1),
142             euca-bundle-vol(1), euca-install-image(1), and
143             euimage-install-pack(1).
145     s3-force-sigv4
146             Force commands that access the s3 service to use AWS signature
147             version 4.  The default is false.
149     s3-location-constraint
150             The location constraint needed to create buckets in the region's
151             object storage service.
153     verify-ssl
154             Whether or not to verify the server's SSL certificates.  The
155             default is false.
157     vpn-stylesheet
158             The location of the XSLT stylesheet for
159             euca-create-vpn-connection(1) or euca-describe-vpn-connections(1)
160             to use to reformat VPN connection information.  If the location
161             is an HTTP or HTTPS URL it will be downloaded as needed.  If it
162             contains “{format}” that will be replaced with the desired for‐
163             mat.


166     Commands that create access keys can format their output in the form of a
167     euca2ools.ini file, simplifying the process of distributing access keys
168     and URL information to users.  This can replace the “eucarc” files gener‐
169     ated by eucalyptus's ‘euca_conf --get-credentials’ command.


172     euca2ools.ini configuration data are read from files in alphabetical
173     order in the following locations:
175     1.   /etc/euca2ools/euca2ools.ini
176     2.   /etc/euca2ools/conf.d/*.ini
177     3.   ~/.euca/*.ini
179     In cases where the same option is defined in more than one file, the file
180     that appears last in this list will take precedence.


183     euca2ools(7)


186     euca2ools.ini first appeared in euca2ools 3.0.
188euca2ools 3.4                    June 20, 2019                   euca2ools 3.4