1ddr_crypt(1)          En/Decryption plugin for dd_rescue          ddr_crypt(1)


6       ddr_crypt - Data de/encryption plugin for dd_rescue


9       -L crypt[=option[:option[:...]]]
10       or
11       -L /path/to/libddr_crypt.so[=option[:option[:...]]]


14   About
15       This plugin allows to en/decrypt data on the fly as it is written out
16       by dd_rescue.  It supports a variance of AES ciphers and uses the
17       hardware acceleration on x86 (AESNI) and ARMv8 -- if available -- to
18       provide good performance.
20       This plugin has been written for dd_rescue and uses the plugin
21       interface from it. See the dd_rescue(1) man page for more information
22       on dd_rescue.


25       Options are passed using dd_rescue option passing syntax: The name of
26       the plugin (crypt) is followed by an equal sign (=) and options are
27       separated by a colon (:).  the crypt plugin also allows for some
28       options to be abbreviated. At least encryption or decryption and a way
29       to determine the key (and IV) needs to be passed.
31   Help
32       Pass help to have ddr_crypt output a short list of options.
34   Encryption or Decryption
35       The crypt dd_rescue plugin (subsequently referred to as just ddr_crypt
36       which reflects the variable parts of the file name libddr_crypt.so)
37       need to be told whether to encrypt or decrypt. This is done by
38       specifying enc[rypt] or dec[rypt] parameters on the command line.
40   De/encryption algorithm
41       The crypt plugin supports a number of the de/encryption variants of
42       AES.  You can specify which one you want to use by passing
44       algo=AESxxx-yyy,
45           where xxx can be 128, 192, 256, 128+, 192+, 256+, 128x2, 192x2, or
46           256x2, and yyy can be ECB, CBC, or CTR.  Pass algo=help to get a
47           list of available algorithms.  See section ALGORITHMS AND STREAM
48           MODES for a discussion of the options.  Note that decrypting a file
49           can only be successful if the exact same algorithms is chosen as
50           was used for encryption. There is no way to tell from an encrypted
51           file which algorithm has been chosen.
52           The default (AES192-CTR) is a good choice if you can ensure that
53           the key/IV combination is NEVER reused.
55   Crypto engine
56       There are several implementations of the AES algorithms that this
57       plugin can currently use:
59       engine=aesni
60           This will use an own AES implementation using the AESNI
61           instructions of the intel x86 core CPUs since Westmere. If
62           possible, this should be used, as it provides both superior
63           performance and avoids some of the cache timing attacks that the
64           lookup tables used in discrete implementations may be prone to.
65           This engine supports all algorithms.
67       engine=aesarm64
68           This will use an own AES implementation using the AESv8 crypto
69           extensions of the ARMv8 (AArch64 = ARM 64bit) architecture
70           (available on CPUs/SOCs based on ARM's Cortex A53,A57,A72 or
71           Qualcomm's Kryo or Apple's A7x or newer designs).  If possible,
72           this should be used, as it provides both superior performance and
73           avoids some of the cache timing attacks that the lookup tables used
74           in discrete implementations may be prone to. This engine supports
75           all algorithms.
77       engine=aes_c
78           This uses an AES implementation in C which is based on the rijndael
79           reference code. It is available on all CPUs and supports all
80           algorithms.  Some prefetching is done on the tables to make cache
81           timing attacks a bit harder, but this is most likely insufficient
82           to thwart sophisticated attackers.
84       engine=openssl
85           This uses the openssl library to implement the AES routines, which
86           should take advantage of hardware acceleration where available and
87           have received some hardening against attacks. Note that the openssl
88           implementation does not support the + variants (increased number of
89           rounds) that the other engines provide.
91       The engines are used in this order if available, which means that aesni
92       will be used by default on x86 if supported, aesarm64 will be used on
93       ARMv8 and aes_c by default on all other platforms.
95   Padding
96       As AES is a block cipher (with a block size of 16 bytes), files which
97       are not a multiple of the block size need padding at the end to have a
98       full block.
100       pad=zero
101           The last block is filled up with zeroes and then encrypted.  Note
102           that on decryption, these zeroes can't be automatically stripped,
103           as the decryptor has no way to tell whether there are true trailing
104           zeros or whether those had been added by padding.  This option is
105           thus not recommended for copying files of arbitrary length.
107       pad=always
108           This uses the PKCS7 scheme used by openssl, appending one to
109           sixteen bytes with the number of bytes to discard when decrypting.
110           This is always safe, but always makes the output file larger than
111           the input file. Use this when copying files. This is the default.
113       pad=asneeded
114           This is a hybrid between zero and always. This does PKCS7 padding
115           when the file size does not fill a complete block, but does no
116           padding when it does. This mechanism has in the worst case (no pad
117           bytes) a chance of 1/255 to produce an incorrect decryption result
118           by wrong unpadding (which means that it has an overall chance of
119           misrepresenting the final file size of 1/4080 for arbitrary file
120           sizes). Don't use this unless you can deal with such errors (or
121           exclude them)!
123       Note that the CTR stream mode does NOT require padding and indeed
124       ddr_crypt does not apply any padding regardless of the pad option when
125       it is used.
127   Debugging and Benchmarking
128       The debug parameter makes the ddr_crypt module output some debugging
129       information.  With outkeyiv the key and IV will be output.  The
130       benchmark parameter will result in reporting the en/decryption speed.

Setting key and IV

133       There are many ways to set the key and IV (for -CBC and -CTR stream
134       modes).
136   Setting directly
137       They can be set directly using keyhex= and ivhex= on the command line.
138       The argument is interpreted as a hex ASCII representation of the key/IV
139       (without leading 0x).  This way to specify keys/IVs should only be used
140       for testing - the key will be visible to all local users by looking at
141       the command line (unless specific measures are taken to lock down
142       access to /proc). Not normally a good idea on a multi-user system.
143       ddr_crypt does overwrite the sensitive data with X to make the attack a
144       bit harder, but this still leaks the length and -- more importantly --
145       there is still a time window where the sensitive data is visible.
147   Reading from file of file descriptor
148       It's better to pass in the key and IV via a file descriptor via keyfd=
149       and ivfd= .  If the integer is preceded by an x, the key/IV will be
150       read as hex string, otherwise binary data will be used. Optionally,
151       @OFF@LEN can be appended, designating the offset and length (in bytes)
152       to be read in the file passed via the file descriptor. Note that a file
153       descriptor of 0 without shell redirection will result in an interactive
154       prompt to the user and the answer won't be echoed to the screen of
155       course.
156       This is useful mainly when dd_rescue is called from another program.
158       Alternatively, with keyfile= and ivfile= a file name to be opened and
159       read from can be specified.  The syntax does support the same optional
160       @OFF@LEN designation, but the key and IV will always be read in binary
161       form.  (See below, Index files for a way to read in hex form.)
162       Currently (unlike with salt) there is no way to use ddr_crypt to write
163       out binary key and IV data with these options.
165   Generating random key and IV
166       The Operating System's random number generator can be used to generate
167       key and IV on the fly; if your system offers good random numbers, this
168       is the most secure way to specify and encryption key. The options to
169       specify are keygen and ivgen .  You need to save the key/IV somehow,
170       otherwise you can not decrypt again later. (The program will warn you!)
171       Best way is to use the next options.
173   Index files
174       Keys and IVs can be stored as hex strings in index files; the file
175       format is the same as the one used in MD5SUMS: The hex representation
176       of the key/IV is followed by the file name.  Obviously, appropriate
177       care needs to be taken to keep those files confidential.
179       If the ddr_crypt plugin gets the option keysfile and ivsfile it will
180       store already created keys/IVs (from the other options) to files names
181       KEYS.algname and IVS.algname in the MD5SUMS format.  (The files will be
182       created or updated accordingly.)  If key/IV have not been created yet,
183       ddr_crypt will try to retrieve the key/IV from those files and error
184       out upon failure.
185       These options combine well with keygen and ivgen on encryption (and
186       should be used alone on decryption).
188   Extended attributes
189       Similar to index files, keys and IVs can also be stored in and
190       retrieved from the encrypted file's extended attributes. This can be
191       achieved using the options keyxattr and ivxattr .  Please review the
192       comments in the main dd_rescue (1) man page for general considerations
193       about using extended attributes (xattrs).
194       Note that storing the key in the xattr is normally not a good idea.  A
195       user who can access the encrypted file can (locally) also read the
196       xattrs -- so the secrecy normally achieved by encryption is defeated
197       this way. (There may be valid scenarios, though, e.g. when the file
198       tself is only accessible via a remote protocol that does not expose the
199       xattrs, such as http or DAV or NFS.)
200       You can specify kxfallb[ack] and ixfallb[ack] in addition if you want
201       ddr_crypt to try using xattrs and falling back to keysfile and ivsfile
202       in case the file system does not support the extended attributes.
204   Password based key and IV generation
205       Using the same key/IV for many files harms security severely (see below
206       in ALGORITHMS). So using a directly specified (non-generated) key is
207       not a good idea. However, if you prefer to have something memorable
208       rather than stored, you can use a password and salt to generate many
209       keys from one password.
211       The key and IV are derived from an expensive to compute (and even more
212       expensive to revert) function of password and salt.  By default,
213       ddr_crypt uses 17000 rounds of pbkdf2() for the key (and a third for
214       the IV), although a more compute intense function (like scrypt) is
215       planned for the future. The expensiveness of this function is a
216       protection against brute forcing passwords. To use pbkdf2, you need to
217       specify pbkdf2 or pbkdf2=rounds .  The latter format allows overriding
218       the number of iterations for key generation. (IV generation will be
219       done with a third again.)
221       For compatibility with openssl, key and IV can also be derived using an
222       openssl compatible key derivation function with opbkdf .  Note that
223       this is not recommended; only one round of md5 hashing is used which
224       makes brute-forcing very effective. Using this option also has the
225       side-effect of writing (encryption) or parsing (decryption) an openSSL
226       style Salted__ header. Note the openssl version 1.1 started to default
227       to one round of sha256 hashing instead which can be forced on older
228       openssl versions with -md sha256 and overriden by specifying -md md5 on
229       the openssl command line. You can instruct dd_rescue to use an openssl
230       compatible KDF with sha256 by specifying opbkdf11 .  One round of
231       sha256 can of course still be very efficiently brute-forced, so use
232       high-entropy passwords if you really need to use this.
234       The salt can be derived automatically from the name (and length) of the
235       encrypted file; this allows to work with just one password to be
236       memorized. However, be aware that file size or name changes will result
237       in a different salt and thus different key/IV which render your
238       encrypted file undecryptable. If there is a risk of this to happen,
239       rather memorize one salt per file (or better save key and IV using
240       keysfile and ivsfile options or save the salt using saltsfile or
241       saltxattr, see below). Remember that file names are case sensitive (as
242       always with Un*x). Of course the keysfile needs to be well protected
243       from being read by unauthorized persons.
245       Password and salt can be specified with a string pass= and salt= or
246       using the passfd= passfile= and salthex= saltfd= saltfile= options with
247       the same possible parameters as above for direct specification of key
248       and IV. (Note that the salt is hashed, like when derived from file name
249       and length.) The password/passphrase is treated as a string, null-
250       terminated and with a trailing CRLF stripped off.
251       The warnings about passing confidential data (here: pass, salt,
252       salthex) on the command line apply -- only do it for testing or in a
253       single-user environment.
255       If the file name based automatic salt derivation is used, the assumed
256       file length for salt generation can be overridden by saltlen= .
258       Alternatively, the salts can also be stored and retrieved from an
259       MD5SUMS style index file (like with keysfile and ivsfile) by specifying
260       the option saltsfile .  When saltsfile is used to store salts, using
261       random salts on encryption becomes a good idea. This can be achieved by
262       specifying the saltgen option.
264       Instead of a salt index file (saltsfile), the salt can also be stored
265       in (and retrieved from) an extended attribute. This can be done using
266       the saltxattr[=xattr_name] option. The attribute name is optional and
267       defaults to user.salt.ALGNAME (with ALGNAME replaced by the algorithm).
268       Since ddr_crypt 1.99, the password-based key derivation function (and
269       the number of iterations) is also stored and retrieved in the xattr
270       user.pbkdf with this option.
271       It's also possible to try using the xattr feature and fall back to
272       using the index file (saltsfile) if your file system does not support
273       extended attributes.  Use the sxfallback option to tell ddr_crypt to do
274       this. Note that the pbkdf can not be stored (or retrieved) if the
275       fallback actually takes place.
276       See the main dd_rescue (1) man page for a discussion of advantages and
277       disadvantages of using extended attributes.


280       The AES (Rijndael) family of algorithms is considered cryptographically
281       safe at the time of writing, as no practicable attacks have been
282       published against it. It is up to the reader to judge whether (s)he
283       believes that the worst criminals or intelligence agencies are
284       significantly ahead of common (published) knowledge. In reality, it is
285       typically easier to use social engineering or flaws in key handling and
286       random number generation to carry out attacks.
288   Plus modes
289       Given that the best known attacks are against AES versions with a
290       reduced number of rounds with only small round number reductions, it
291       appears that increasing the number of rounds would seem a reasonable
292       countermeasure against cryptographic attacks. (This has been inspired
293       by a comment from Bruce Schneier who the author of this document has
294       very high respect for.)
296       The C and AESNI implementations support AES128,192,256 modes with 2,3,4
297       additional rounds respectively, resulting in 12, 15, 18 rounds. These
298       modes are named AES128+, AES192+, and AES256+ (plus modes)
299       respectively.  They do offer a computationally relatively cheap way to
300       enhance security. The author of this document e.g. would chose AES192+
301       over AES256. While the author of this document would never judge
302       himself as a cryptography expert strong enough to create new algorithms
303       or even devise significant changes to existing ones, he considers this
304       variation a choice that is more secure than the original.  Please note
305       however, that these custom algorithms result in files that can not be
306       decrypted using any other tools. Also, the openSSL engine does not
307       support the plus modes.
309   Double modes
310       A computationally more expensive method to enhance security is doubling
311       the number of rounds. This is equivalent to encrypting twice (where the
312       second key is a simple derivation of the first).  These methods are
313       supported by all engines and are named AES128x2, AES192x2, and
314       AES256x2.
316   Stream modes
317       The AES algorithm is a block cipher -- it transforms 16 byte blocks.
318       The trivial application to a file of arbitrary size is to apply this to
319       every block in the file. This is called ECB (electronic codebook) mode.
320       This is very insecure ... the same input will always result in the same
321       output. Patterns can be easily recognized and known plain text attacks
322       are trivial.
324       It's better to make the transformation dependent on the previous
325       content of the file or the position within it. This is what the CBC
326       (chained block cipher) and CTR modes do.
328       The CBC mode has several disadvantages: It can't be parallelized (every
329       block depends on all previous blocks for encryption; things are better
330       for decryption) and random access is impossible.
332       The CTR mode has many desirable properties. It is basically a stream of
333       (reproducible) pseudo random numbers that are XORed with the input for
334       encryption. Decryption is just another XOR of course. It's a one time
335       pad -- which has been proven to be secure, if the pad is unknown to an
336       attacker and only used once.
337       The latter can't be stressed enough: Don't ever use the same key/IV
338       combination for two files. Mathematically spoken: c1 = r1 XOR p1 and c2
339       = r2 XOR p2 (c = ciphertext, r = AES random numbers, p = plaintext).
340       With r == r1 == r2, it can be trivially seen that the attacker can
341       calculate c1 XOR c2 = r XOR p1 XOR r XOR p2 = p1 XOR p2. If the
342       plaintext of one of the files is partially known, so is the other.
344       The CTR mode has more nice properties: It allows random access as the
345       AES random numbers (belonging to a key/IV combination) with a certain
346       offset can be directly calculated and the last block does not require
347       padding, as partial blocks can be processed.
349       The author of this documents prefers CTR stream mode and ensures that
350       keys/IVs are not reused.

Supported dd_rescue features

353       With CTR mode, you can do partial writes to encrypted files and the
354       result will still be a consistent file (of course assuming that the
355       used key and IV are the same). Same with appending (-x) or reverse
356       direction copies.
357       With ECB mode, this will only work, if file size and offsets are all
358       block (16byte) aligned. With CBC, none of this is possible.
360       The ddr_crypt plugin has no specific support for encoding holes; if
361       however previous correctly encrypted content is present in a hole, the
362       support for partial writes in CTR and ECB mode will result in a
363       meaningful output. If no previous content is in holes, then the result
364       of decrypting zeros will result upon decryption.
365       You can pass the option skiphole to make ddr_crypt leave 512byte blocks
366       of zeros untouched.  This will reveal blocks of zeros and may thus
367       disclose valuable information to an attacker, so use with care. Also
368       note that you need to use this with en- and decryption and with the
369       same alignment (mod 512) for encryption to be reversible. You have been
370       warned. (You don't need to be worried about misdetecting zeros on
371       decrypting -- the chances of non-zero plaintext resulting in an aligned
372       512byte block of zeros is smaller than 2^-4096. So this option is safe
373       on decrypting -- if some of the ciphertext has been overwritten with
374       blocks of zeros, you might even prefer to have zeros in the decrypted
375       file rather than random gibberish.)
377       Note that you can compress and encode holes with ddr_lzo and then pass
378       to ddr_crypt to encrypt and pass through ddr_crypt to decrypt and
379       ddr_lzo to uncompress and extract holes again. This only works with CTR
380       mode.
382       The option weakrnd is provided for testing in environments, where
383       strong random numbers are not available. It will cause weaker random
384       numbers to be used for key generation. Don't use it if you want
385       security.

openssl compatibility

388       Files that are encrypted with openssl enc where you specify the key
389       (with -K) and the IV (with -iv) result in the same output that
390       ddr_crypt generates for -ECB and -CBC modes.  ddr_crypt uses a 64bit
391       counter in -CTR modes.
393       With the option opbkdf ddr_crypt also reads/writes the openSSL Salted__
394       header to be compatible with openssl. This function needs more testing
395       and better error handling though.


398   Maturity
399       The plugin is new as of dd_rescue 1.98. Do not yet rely on data saved
400       with ddr_crypt as the only backup for valuable data. Also expect some
401       changes to ddr_crypt in the not too distant future.
403       Due to an issue in ddr_crypt's initialization of the IV for CTR mode,
404       the last 32bits would always be zeroed out prior to adding the counter.
405       This has been fixed in 1.99.  It order to be compatible with 1.98, the
406       option ctrbug198 can be specified on the command line.
408   Security
409       While care has been applied to check the result of memory allocations
410       ..., the code has not been audited and only limited fuzzing has been
411       applied to ensure it's not vulnerable to malicious data -- be careful
412       when you process data from untrusted sources.
413       Key handling is a tricky business -- the author may have screwed up
414       resulting in some ways to use this program to encrypt data may not
415       result in the level of secrecy that is desired.
417   Testing
418       The crypt plugin does not yet have the same test coverage as the other
419       plugins, which means it has not been tested as intensively as the
420       others.
422   Future work
423       Except for more testing and auditing a few more features are envisioned
424       for this plugin:
425       Support for other (non-AES) algorithms such as twofish (and possibly
426       also threefish).
427       Stronger function to derive keys/IVs from passwords than pbkdf2.
428       Support for other streaming modes (XTS, GCM, ...)


431       dd_rescue -ptAL crypt=algo=AES256-CTR:enc:keygen:ivgen:keysfile:ivsfile infile outfile
432              encrypts data from infile with AES256 in CTR mode using a
433              generated (random) key and IV and writes the result to outfile
434              It adds a line to KEYS.AES256-CTR and to IVS.AES256-CTR where
435              the used key and IV are written to respectively. (Please ensure
436              that this file is not accessible by any unauthorized person!)
437              Decryption can be performed by
439       dd_rescue -ptAL crypt=algo=AES256-CTR:dec:keysfile:ivsfile outfile infile
441       dd_rescue -AL crypt=AES192+-CTR:enc:saltgen:saltxattr:sxfallback:passfd=0:pbkdf2 infile outfile
442              will ask for a password, generate a random salt and store it in
443              the extended attribute of outfile (and fallback to
444              SALTS.AES192+-CTR index file) and uses pbkdf2 function to
445              produce a key and IV for encrypting the data. For decrypting,
446              just omit the saltgen parameter.
448       dd_rescue -ptL lzo=compr,crypt=AES256-CTR:enc:keygen:ivgen:keysfile:ivsfile infile outfile
449              will compress the data (using lzo) and then encrypt. Use the
450              reverse order and omit keygen and ivgen to decrypt and
451              uncompress. Compression has the nice side effect of dealing with
452              holes, which otherwise get compressed to non-zero values (unless
453              you specify skiphole). Feel free to add the hash plugin at the
454              beginning and/or the end to produce cryptographic checksums for
455              both the original file and the end result.


458       dd_rescue(1)


461       Kurt Garloff <kurt@garloff.de>


464       The x86 AESNI optimized AES implementation has been inspired by an
465       intel whitepaper from 2009:
466       https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/article/165683/aes-
467       wp-2012-09-22-v01.pdf
468       The ARMv8 AES support has been inspired by studying openSSL assembly as
469       well as Linaro's in-kernel implementation.
472       This plugin is under the same license as dd_rescue: The GNU General
473       Public License (GPL) v2 or v3 - at your option.


476       ddr_crypt plugin was first introduced with dd_rescue 1.98 (May 2015).
477       Version 1.99 brought support for ARMv8 crypto acceleration and support
478       for openssl style key derivation and Salted__ headers. It also added
479       storing pbkdf related infos in xattrs and added support for storing and
480       retrieving keys (not recommended!) and IVs in/from xattrs. A bug with
481       CTR initialization was resolved (see ctrbug198 option).
483       Some additional information can be found on
484       http://garloff.de/kurt/linux/ddrescue/
488Kurt Garloff                      2015-04-15                      ddr_crypt(1)