1Params::Callback(3)   User Contributed Perl Documentation  Params::Callback(3)


6       Params::Callback - Parameter callback base class


9       Functional callback interface:
11         sub my_callback {
12             # Sole argument is a Params::Callback object.
13             my $cb = shift;
14             my $params = $cb->params;
15             my $value = $cb->value;
16             # Do stuff with above data.
17         }
19       Object-oriented callback interface:
21         package MyApp::Callback;
22         use base qw(Params::Callback);
23         use constant CLASS_KEY => 'MyHandler';
24         use strict;
26         sub my_callback : Callback {
27             my $self = shift;
28             my $params = $self->params;
29             my $value = $self->value;
30             # Do stuff with above data.
31         }


34       Params::Callback provides the interface for callbacks to access
35       parameter hashes Params::CallbackRequest object, and callback metadata,
36       as well as for executing common request actions, such as aborting a
37       callback execution request. There are two ways to use Params::Callback:
38       via functional-style callback subroutines and via object-oriented
39       callback methods.
41       For functional callbacks, a Params::Callback object is constructed by
42       Params::CallbackRequest for each call to its "request()" method, and
43       passed as the sole argument for every execution of a callback function.
44       See Params::CallbackRequest for details on how to create a
45       Params::CallbackRequest object to execute your callback code.
47       In the object-oriented callback interface, Params::Callback is the
48       parent class from which all callback classes inherit. Callback methods
49       are declared in such subclasses via "Callback", "PreCallback", and
50       "PostCallback" attributes to each method declaration. Methods and
51       subroutines declared without one of these callback attributes are not
52       callback methods, but normal methods or subroutines of the subclass.
53       Read subclassing for details on subclassing Params::Callback.


56       Params::Callback provides the parameter hash accessors and utility
57       methods that will help manage a callback request (where a "callback
58       request" is considered a single call to the "request()" method on a
59       Params::CallbackRequest object).  Functional callbacks always get a
60       Params::Callback object passed as their first argument; the same
61       Params::Callback object will be used for all callbacks in a single
62       request. For object-oriented callback methods, the first argument will
63       of course always be an object of the class corresponding to the class
64       key used in the callback key (or, for request callback methods, an
65       instance of the class for which the request callback method was
66       loaded), and the same object will be reused for all subsequent
67       callbacks to the same class in a single request.
69   Accessor Methods
70       All of the Params::Callback accessor methods are read-only. Feel free
71       to add other attributes in your Params::Callback subclasses if you're
72       using the object-oriented callback interface.
74       cb_request
76         my $cb_request = $cb->cb_request;
78       Returns a reference to the Params::CallbackRequest object that executed
79       the callback.
81       params
83         my $params = $cb->params;
85       Returns a reference to the request parameters hash. Any changes you
86       make to this hash will propagate beyond the lifetime of the request.
88       apache_req
90         my $r = $cb->apache_req;
92       Returns the Apache request object for the current request, provided
93       you've passed one to "Params::CallbackRequest->request". This will be
94       most useful in a mod_perl environment, of course. Use
95       Apache:FakeRequest in tests to emmulate the behavior of an Apache
96       request object.
98       requester
100         my $r = $cb->requester;
102       Returns the object that executed the callback by calling "request()" on
103       a Params::CallbackRequest object. Only available if the "requester"
104       parameter is passed to "Params::CallbackRequest->request". This can be
105       useful for callbacks to get access to the object that executed the
106       callbacks.
108       priority
110         my $priority = $cb->priority;
112       Returns the priority level at which the callback was executed. Possible
113       values range from "0" to "9", and may be set by a default priority
114       setting, by the callback configuration or method declaration, or by the
115       parameter callback trigger key. See Params::CallbackRequest for
116       details.
118       cb_key
120         my $cb_key = $cb->cb_key;
122       Returns the callback key that triggered the execution of the callback.
123       For example, this callback-triggering parameter hash:
125         my $params = { "DEFAULT|save_cb" => 'Save' };
127       Will cause the "cb_key()" method in the relevant callback to return
128       "save".
130       pkg_key
132         my $pkg_key = $cb->pkg_key;
134       Returns the package key used in the callback trigger parameter key. For
135       example, this callback-triggering parameter hash:
137         my $params = { "MyCBs|save_cb" => 'Save' };
139       Will cause the "pkg_key()" method in the relevant callback to return
140       "MyCBs".
142       class_key
144         my $class_key = $cb->class_key;
146       An alias for "pkg_key", only perhaps a bit more appealing for use in
147       object-oriented callback methods.
149       trigger_key
151         my $trigger_key = $cb->trigger_key;
153       Returns the complete parameter key that triggered the callback. For
154       example, if the parameter key that triggered the callback looks like
155       this:
157         my $params = { "MyCBs|save_cb6" => 'Save' };
159       Then the value returned by "trigger_key()" method will be
160       "MyCBs|save_cb6".
162       Note: Most browsers will submit "image" input fields with two
163       arguments, one with ".x" appended to its name, and the other with ".y"
164       appended to its name. Because Params::CallbackRequest is designed to be
165       used with Web form fields populating a parameter hash, it will ignore
166       these fields and either use the field that's named without the ".x" or
167       ".y", or create a field with that name and give it a value of "1". The
168       reasoning behind this approach is that the names of the callback-
169       triggering fields should be the same as the names that appear in the
170       HTML form fields. If you want the actual x and y image click
171       coordinates, access them directly from the request parameters:
173         my $params = $cb->params;
174         my $trigger_key = $cb->trigger_key;
175         my $x = $params->{"$trigger_key.x"};
176         my $y = $params->{"$trigger_key.y"};
178       value
180         my $value = $cb->value;
182       Returns the value of the parameter that triggered the callback. This
183       value can be anything that can be stored in a hash value -- that is,
184       any scalar value. Thus, in this example:
186         my $params = { "DEFAULT|save_cb" => 'Save',
187                        "DEFAULT|open_cb" => [qw(one two)] };
189       "value()" will return the string "Save" in the save callback, but the
190       array reference "['one', 'two']" in the open callback.
192       Although you may often be able to retrieve the value directly from the
193       hash reference returned by "params()", if multiple callback keys point
194       to the same subroutine or if the parameter that triggered the callback
195       overrode the priority, you may not be able to determine which value was
196       submitted for a particular callback execution. So Params::Callback
197       kindly provides the value for you. The exception to this rule is values
198       submitted under keys named for HTML "image" input fields. See the note
199       about this under the documentation for the "trigger_key()" method.
201       redirected
203         $cb->redirect($url) unless $cb->redirected;
205       If the request has been redirected, this method returns the redirection
206       URL. Otherwise, it returns false. This method is useful for conditions
207       in which one callback has called "$cb->redirect" with the optional
208       $wait argument set to a true value, thus allowing subsequent callbacks
209       to continue to execute. If any of those subsequent callbacks want to
210       call "$cb->redirect" themselves, they can check the value of
211       "$cb->redirected" to make sure it hasn't been done already.
213   Other Methods
214       Params::Callback offers has a few other publicly accessible methods.
216       notes
218         $cb->notes($key => $value);
219         my $val = $cb->notes($key);
220         my $notes = $cb->notes;
222       Shortcut for "$cb->cb_request->notes". It provides a place to store
223       application data, giving developers a way to share data among multiple
224       callbacks. See "notes()" for more information.
226       redirect
228         $cb->redirect($url);
229         $cb->redirect($url, $wait);
230         $cb->redirect($url, $wait, $status);
232       This method can be used to redirect a request in a mod_perl
233       environment, provided that an Apache request object has been passed to
234       "Params::CallbackRequest->new".  Outide of a mod_perl environment or
235       without an Apache request object, "redirect()" will still set the
236       proper value for the the "redirected()" method to return, and will
237       still abort the callback request.
239       Given a URL, this method generates a proper HTTP redirect for that URL.
240       By default, the status code used is "302", but this can be overridden
241       via the $status argument. If the optional $wait argument is true, any
242       callbacks scheduled to be executed after the call to "redirect" will
243       continue to be executed. In that case, "$cb->abort" will not be called;
244       rather, Params::CallbackRequest will finish executing all remaining
245       callbacks and then return the abort status. If the $wait argument is
246       unspecified or false, then the request will be immediately terminated
247       without executing subsequent callbacks or. This approach relies on the
248       execution of "$cb->abort".
250       Since "$cb->redirect" calls "$cb->abort", it will be trapped by an
251       "eval {}" block. If you are using an "eval {}" block in your code to
252       trap exceptions, you need to make sure to rethrow these exceptions,
253       like this:
255         eval {
256             ...
257         };
259         die $@ if $cb->aborted;
261         # handle other exceptions
263       abort
265         $cb->abort($status);
267       Aborts the current request without executing any more callbacks. The
268       $status argument specifies a request status code to be returned to by
269       "Params::CallbackRequest->request()".
271       "abort()" is implemented by throwing a
272       Params::Callback::Exception::Abort object and can thus be caught by
273       "eval{}". The "aborted()" method is a shortcut for determining whether
274       an exception was generated by "abort()".
276       aborted
278         die $err if $cb->aborted;
279         die $err if $cb->aborted($err);
281       Returns true or "undef" to indicate whether the specified $err was
282       generated by "abort()". If no $err argument is passed, "aborted()"
283       examines $@, instead.
285       In this code, we catch and process fatal errors while letting "abort()"
286       exceptions pass through:
288         eval { code_that_may_die_or_abort() };
289         if (my $err = $@) {
290             die $err if $cb->aborted($err);
292             # handle fatal errors...
293         }
295       $@ can lose its value quickly, so if you're planning to call
296       "$cb->aborted" more than a few lines after the "eval", you should save
297       $@ to a temporary variable and explicitly pass it to "aborted()" as in
298       the above example.


301       Under Perl 5.6.0 and later, Params::Callback offers an object-oriented
302       callback interface. The object-oriented approach is to subclass
303       Params::Callback, add the callback methods you need, and specify a
304       class key that uniquely identifies your subclass across all
305       Params::Callback subclasses in your application. The key is to use Perl
306       method attributes to identify methods as callback methods, so that
307       Params::Callback can find them and execute them when the time comes.
308       Here's an example:
310         package MyApp::CallbackHandler;
311         use base qw(Params::Callback);
312         use strict;
314         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass( class_key => 'MyHandler' );
316         sub build_utc_date : Callback( priority => 2 ) {
317             my $self = shift;
318             my $params = $self->params;
319             $params->{date} = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d",
320               delete @{$params}{qw(year month day hour minute second)};
321         }
323       This parameter-triggered callback can then be executed via a parameter
324       hash such as this:
326         my $params = { "MyHandler|build_utc_date_cb" => 1 };
328       Think of the part of the name preceding the pipe (the package key) as
329       the class name, and the part of the name after the pipe (the callback
330       key) as the method to call (plus '_cb'). If multiple parameters use the
331       "MyHandler" class key in a single request, then a single
332       MyApp::CallbackHandler object instance will be used to execute each of
333       those callback methods for that request.
335       To configure your Params::CallbackRequest object to use this callback,
336       use its "cb_classes" constructor parameter:
338         my $cb_request = Params::CallbackRequest->new
339           ( cb_classes => [qw(MyHandler)] );
340         $cb_request->request($params);
342       Now, there are a few of things to note in the above callback class
343       example.  The first is the call to "__PACKAGE__->register_subclass".
344       This step is required in all callback subclasses in order that
345       Params::Callback will know about them, and thus they can be loaded into
346       an instance of a Params::CallbackRequest object via its "cb_classes"
347       constructor parameter.
349       Second, a callback class key must be declared for the class. This can
350       be done either by implementing the "CLASS_KEY()" class method or
351       constant in your subclass, or by passing the "class_key" parameter to
352       "__PACKAGE__->register_subclass", which will then create the
353       "CLASS_KEY()" method for you. If no callback key is declared, then
354       Params::Callback will throw an exception when you try to load your
355       subclass' callback methods into a Params::CallbackRequest object.
357       One other, optional parameter, "default_priority", may also be passed
358       to "register_subclass()". The value of this parameter (an integer
359       between 0 and 9) will be used to create a "DEFAULT_PRIORITY()" class
360       method in the subclass. You can also explicitly implement the
361       "DEFAULT_PRIORITY()" class method or constant in the subclass, if you'd
362       rather. All parameter-triggered callback methods in that class will
363       have their priorities set to the value returned by
364       "DEFAULT_PRIORITY()", unless they override it via their "Callback"
365       attributes.
367       And finally, notice the "Callback" attribute on the "build_utc_date"
368       method declaration in the example above. This attribute is what
369       identifies "build_utc_date" as a parameter-triggered callback. Without
370       the "Callback" attribute, any subroutine declaration in your subclass
371       will just be a subroutine or a method; it won't be a callback, and it
372       will never be executed by Params::CallbackRequest. One parameter,
373       "priority", can be passed via the "Callback" attribute. In the above
374       example, we pass "priority => 2", which sets the priority for the
375       callback. Without the "priority" parameter, the callback's priority
376       will be set to the value returned by the "DEFAULT_PRIORITY()" class
377       method. Of course, the priority can still be overridden by adding it to
378       the callback trigger key. For example, here we force the callback
379       priority for the execution of the "build_utc_date" callback method for
380       this one field to be the highest priority, "0":
382         my $params = { "MyHandler|build_utc_date_cb0" => 1 };
384       Other parameters to the "Callback" attribute may be added in future
385       versions of Params::Callback.
387       Request callbacks can also be implemented as callback methods using the
388       "PreCallback" and "PostCallback" attributes, which currently support no
389       parameters.
391   Subclassing Examples
392       At this point, you may be wondering what advantage the object-oriented
393       callback interface offer over functional callbacks. There are a number
394       of advantages. First, it allows you to make use of callbacks provided
395       by other users without having to reinvent the wheel for yourself. Say
396       someone has implemented the above class with its exceptionally complex
397       "build_utc_date()" callback method. You need to have the same
398       functionality, only with fractions of a second added to the date format
399       so that you can insert them into your database without an error. (This
400       is admittedly a contrived example, but you get the idea.) To make it
401       happen, you merely have to subclass the above class and override the
402       "build_utc_date()" method to do what you need:
404         package MyApp::Callback::Subclass;
405         use base qw(MyApp::CallbackHandler);
406         use strict;
408         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass;
410         # Implement CLASS_KEY ourselves.
411         use constant CLASS_KEY => 'SubHandler';
413         sub build_utc_date : Callback( priority => 1 ) {
414             my $self = shift;
415             $self->SUPER::build_utc_date;
416             my $params = $self->params;
417             $params->{date} .= '.000000';
418         }
420       This callback can then be triggered by a parameter hash such as this:
422         my $params = { "SubHandler|build_utc_date_cb" => 1 };
424       Note that we've used the "SubHandler" class key. If we used the
425       "MyHandler" class key, then the "build_utc_date()" method would be
426       called on an instance of the MyApp::CallbackHandler class, instead.
428       Request Callback Methods
430       I'll admit that the case for request callback methods is a bit more
431       tenuous. Granted, a given application may have 100s or even 1000s of
432       parameter-triggered callbacks, but only one or two request callbacks,
433       if any. But the advantage of request callback methods is that they
434       encourage code sharing, in that Params::Callback creates a kind of
435       plug-in architecture Perl templating architectures.
437       For example, say someone has kindly created a Params::Callback
438       subclass, Params::Callback::Unicodify, with the request callback method
439       "unicodify()", which translates character sets, allowing you to always
440       store data in the database in Unicode. That's all well and good, as far
441       as it goes, but let's say that you want to make sure that your Unicode
442       strings are actually encoded using the Perl "\x{..}" notation. Again,
443       just subclass:
445         package Params::Callback::Unicodify::PerlEncode;
446         use base qw(Params::Callback::Unicodify);
447         use strict;
449         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass( class_key => 'PerlEncode' );
451         sub unicodify : PreCallback {
452             my $self = shift;
453             $self->SUPER::unicodify;
454             my $params = $self->params;
455             encode_unicode($params); # Hand waving.
456         }
458       Now you can just tell Params::CallbackRequest to use your subclassed
459       callback handler:
461         my $cb_request = Params::CallbackRequest->new
462           ( cb_classes => [qw(PerlEncode)] );
464       Yeah, okay, you could just create a second pre-callback request
465       callback to encode the Unicode characters using the Perl "\x{..}"
466       notation. But you get the idea. Better examples welcome.
468       Overriding the Constructor
470       Another advantage to using callback classes is that you can override
471       the Params::Callback "new()" constructor. Since every callback for a
472       single class will be executed on the same instance object in a single
473       request, you can set up object properties in the constructor that
474       subsequent callback methods in the same request can then access.
476       For example, say you had a series of pages that all do different things
477       to manage objects in your application. Each of those pages might have a
478       number of parameters in common to assist in constructing an object:
480         my $params = { class  => "MyApp::Spring",
481                        obj_id => 10,
482                        # ...
483                      };
485       Then the remaining parameters created for each of these pages have
486       different key/value pairs for doing different things with the object,
487       perhaps with numerous parameter-triggered callbacks. Here's where
488       subclassing comes in handy: you can override the constructor to
489       construct the object when the callback object is constructed, so that
490       each of your callback methods doesn't have to:
492         package MyApp::Callback;
493         use base qw(Params::Callback);
494         use strict;
495         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass( class_key => 'MyCBHandler' );
497         sub new {
498             my $class = shift;
499             my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
500             my $params = $self->params;
501             $self->object($params->{class}->lookup( id => $params->{obj_id} ));
502         }
504         sub object {
505             my $self = shift;
506             if (@_) {
507                 $self->{object} = shift;
508             }
509             return $self->{object};
510         }
512         sub save : Callback {
513             my $self = shift;
514             $self->object->save;
515         }


518       Much of the interface for subclassing Params::Callback is evident in
519       the above examples. Here is a reference to the complete callback
520       subclassing API.
522   Callback Class Declaration
523       Callback classes always subclass Params::Callback, so of course they
524       must always declare such. In addition, callback classes must always
525       call "__PACKAGE__->register_subclass" so that Params::Callback is aware
526       of them and can tell Params::CallbackRequest about them.
528       Second, callback classes must have a class key. The class key can be
529       created either by implementing a "CLASS_KEY()" class method or constant
530       that returns the class key, or by passing the "class_key" parameter to
531       "register_subclass()" method. If no "class_key" parameter is passed to
532       "register_subclass()" and no "CLASS_KEY()" method exists,
533       "register_subclass()" will create the "CLASS_KEY()" class method to
534       return the actual class name. So here are a few example callback class
535       declarations:
537         package MyApp::Callback;
538         use base qw(Params::Callback);
539         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass( class_key => 'MyCBHandler' );
541       In this declaration "register_subclass()" will create a "CLASS_KEY()"
542       class method returning "MyCBHandler" in the MyApp::CallbackHandler
543       class.
545         package MyApp::AnotherCallback;
546         use base qw(MyApp::Callback);
547         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass;
548         use constant CLASS_KEY => 'AnotherCallback';
550       In this declaration, we've created an explicit "CLASS_KEY()" class
551       method (using the handy "use constant" syntax, so that
552       "register_subclass()" doesn't have to.
554         package MyApp::Callback::Foo;
555         use base qw(Params::Callback);
556         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass;
558       And in this callback class declaration, we've specified neither a
559       "class_key" parameter to "register_subclass()", nor created a
560       "CLASS_KEY()" class method. This causes "register_subclass()" to create
561       the "CLASS_KEY()" class method returning the name of the class itself,
562       i.e., "MyApp::FooHandler". Thus any parameter-triggered callbacks in
563       this class can be triggered by using the class name in the trigger key:
565         my $params = { "MyApp::Callback::Foo|take_action_cb" => 1 };
567       A second, optional parameter, "default_priority", may also be passed to
568       "register_subclass()" in order to set a default priority for all of the
569       methods in the class (and for all the methods in subclasses that don't
570       declare their own "default_priority"s):
572         package MyApp::Callback;
573         use base qw(Params::Callback);
574         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass( class_key => 'MyCB',
575                                         default_priority => 7 );
577       As with the "class_key" parameter, the "default_priority" parameter
578       creates a class method, "DEFAULT_PRIORITY()". If you'd rather, you can
579       create this class method yourself; just be sure that its value is a
580       valid priority -- that is, an integer between "0" and "9":
582         package MyApp::Callback;
583         use base qw(Params::Callback);
584         use constant DEFAULT_PRIORITY => 7;
585         __PACKAGE__->register_subclass( class_key => 'MyCB' );
587       Any callback class that does not specify a default priority via the
588       "default_priority" or by implementing a <DEFAULT_PRIORITY()> class
589       method will simply inherit the priority returned by
590       "Params::Callback->DEFAULT_PRIORITY", which is "5".
592       Note: In a mod_perl environment, it's important that you "use" any and
593       all Params::Callback subclasses before you "use
594       Params::CallbackRequest". This is to get around an issue with
595       identifying the names of the callback methods in mod_perl. Read the
596       comments in the source code if you're interested in learning more.
598   Method Attributes
599       These method attributes are required to create callback methods in
600       Params::Callback subclasses.
602       Callback
604         sub take_action : Callback {
605             my $self = shift;
606             # Do stuff.
607         }
609       This attribute identifies a parameter-triggered callback method. The
610       callback key is the same as the method name ("take_action" in this
611       example). The priority for the callback may be set via an optional
612       "priority" parameter to the "Callback" attribute, like so:
614         sub take_action : Callback( priority => 5 ) {
615             my $self = shift;
616             # Do stuff.
617         }
619       Otherwise, the priority will be that returned by
620       "$self->DEFAULT_PRIORITY".
622       Note: The priority set via the "priority" parameter to the "Callback"
623       attribute is not inherited by any subclasses that override the callback
624       method. This may change in the future.
626       PreCallback
628         sub early_action : PreCallback {
629             my $self = shift;
630             # Do stuff.
631         }
633       This attribute identifies a method as a request callback that gets
634       executed for every request before any parameter-triggered callbacks are
635       executed .  No parameters to "PreCallback" are currently supported.
637       PostCallback
639         sub late_action : PostCallback {
640             my $self = shift;
641             # Do stuff.
642         }
644       This attribute identifies a method as a request callback that gets
645       executed for every request after any parameter-triggered callbacks are
646       executed . No parameters to "PostCallback" are currently supported.


649       ยท   Allow methods that override parent methods to inherit the parent
650           method's priority?


653       Params::CallbackRequest constructs Params::Callback objects and
654       executes the appropriate callback functions and/or methods. It's worth
655       a read.


658       This module is stored in an open repository at the following address:
660       <https://svn.kineticode.com/Params-CallbackRequest/trunk/>
662       Patches against Params::CallbackRequest are welcome. Please send bug
663       reports to <bug-params-callbackrequest@rt.cpan.org>.


666       David E. Wheeler <david@justatheory.com>
669       Copyright 2003-2011 David E. Wheeler. Some Rights Reserved.
671       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
672       under the same terms as Perl itself.
676perl v5.30.0                      2019-07-26               Params::Callback(3)