1IBV_CREATE_QP_EX(3)     Libibverbs Programmer's Manual     IBV_CREATE_QP_EX(3)


6       ibv_create_qp_ex, ibv_destroy_qp - create or destroy a queue pair (QP)


9       #include <infiniband/verbs.h>
11       struct ibv_qp *ibv_create_qp_ex(struct ibv_context *context,
12                                       struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex *qp_init_attr);
14       int ibv_destroy_qp(struct ibv_qp *qp);


17       ibv_create_qp_ex()  creates  a queue pair (QP) associated with the pro‐
18       tection   domain   pd.    The   argument    qp_init_attr_ex    is    an
19       ibv_qp_init_attr_ex struct, as defined in <infiniband/verbs.h>.
21       struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex {
22               void                   *qp_context;     /* Associated context of the QP */
23               struct ibv_cq          *send_cq;        /* CQ to be associated with the Send Queue (SQ) */
24               struct ibv_cq          *recv_cq;        /* CQ to be associated with the Receive Queue (RQ) */
25               struct ibv_srq         *srq;            /* SRQ handle if QP is to be associated with an SRQ, otherwise NULL */
26               struct ibv_qp_cap       cap;            /* QP capabilities */
27               enum ibv_qp_type        qp_type;        /* QP Transport Service Type: IBV_QPT_RC, IBV_QPT_UC, IBV_QPT_UD, IBV_QPT_RAW_PACKET or IBV_QPT_DRIVER */
28               int                     sq_sig_all;     /* If set, each Work Request (WR) submitted to the SQ generates a completion entry */
29               uint32_t                comp_mask; /* Identifies valid fields */
30               struct ibv_pd          *pd;        /* PD to be associated with the QP */
31               struct ibv_xrcd        *xrcd;      /* XRC domain to be associated with the target QP */
32               enum ibv_qp_create_flags create_flags;  /* Creation flags for this QP */
33               uint16_t                max_tso_header; /* Maximum TSO header size */
34               struct ibv_rwq_ind_table *rwq_ind_tbl;  /* Indirection table to be associated with the QP */
35               struct ibv_rx_hash_conf  rx_hash_conf;  /* RX hash configuration to be used */
36               uint32_t                source_qpn;     /* Source QP number, creation flag IBV_QP_CREATE_SOURCE_QPN should be set, few NOTEs below */
37               uint64_t                send_ops_flags; /* Select which QP send ops will be defined in struct ibv_qp_ex. Use enum ibv_qp_create_send_ops_flags */
38       };
40       struct ibv_qp_cap {
41               uint32_t                max_send_wr;    /* Requested max number of outstanding WRs in the SQ */
42               uint32_t                max_recv_wr;    /* Requested max number of outstanding WRs in the RQ */
43               uint32_t                max_send_sge;   /* Requested max number of scatter/gather (s/g) elements in a WR in the SQ */
44               uint32_t                max_recv_sge;   /* Requested max number of s/g elements in a WR in the SQ */
45               uint32_t                max_inline_data;/* Requested max number of data (bytes) that can be posted inline to the SQ, otherwise 0 */
46       };
47       enum ibv_qp_create_flags {
48               IBV_QP_CREATE_BLOCK_SELF_MCAST_LB       = 1 << 1, /* Prevent self multicast loopback */
49               IBV_QP_CREATE_SCATTER_FCS               = 1 << 8, /* FCS field will be scattered to host memory */
50               IBV_QP_CREATE_CVLAN_STRIPPING           = 1 << 9, /* CVLAN field will be stripped from incoming packets */
51               IBV_QP_CREATE_SOURCE_QPN                = 1 << 10, /* The created QP will use the source_qpn as its wire QP number */
52               IBV_QP_CREATE_PCI_WRITE_END_PADDING     = 1 << 11, /* Incoming packets will be padded to cacheline size */
53       };
54       struct ibv_rx_hash_conf {
55               uint8_t                rx_hash_function;       /* RX hash function, use enum ibv_rx_hash_function_flags */
56               uint8_t                rx_hash_key_len;        /* RX hash key length */
57               uint8_t                *rx_hash_key;           /* RX hash key data */
58               uint64_t               rx_hash_fields_mask;    /* RX fields that should participate in the hashing, use enum ibv_rx_hash_fields */
59       };
60       enum ibv_rx_hash_fields {
61               IBV_RX_HASH_SRC_IPV4            = 1 << 0,
62               IBV_RX_HASH_DST_IPV4            = 1 << 1,
63               IBV_RX_HASH_SRC_IPV6            = 1 << 2,
64               IBV_RX_HASH_DST_IPV6            = 1 << 3,
65               IBV_RX_HASH_SRC_PORT_TCP        = 1 << 4,
66               IBV_RX_HASH_DST_PORT_TCP        = 1 << 5,
67               IBV_RX_HASH_SRC_PORT_UDP        = 1 << 6,
68               IBV_RX_HASH_DST_PORT_UDP        = 1 << 7,
69               IBV_RX_HASH_IPSEC_SPI           = 1 << 8,
70               /* When using tunneling protocol, e.g. VXLAN, then we have an inner (encapsulated packet) and outer.
71                * For applying RSS on the inner packet, then the following field should be set with one of the L3/L4 fields.
72               */
73               IBV_RX_HASH_INNER        = (1UL << 31),
74       };
75       struct ibv_qp_create_send_ops_flags {
76               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_RDMA_WRITE          = 1 << 0,
77               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_RDMA_WRITE_WITH_IMM = 1 << 1,
78               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_SEND           = 1 << 2,
79               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_SEND_WITH_IMM       = 1 << 3,
80               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_RDMA_READ      = 1 << 4,
81               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_ATOMIC_CMP_AND_SWP  = 1 << 5,
82               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_ATOMIC_FETCH_AND_ADD     = 1 << 6,
83               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_LOCAL_INV      = 1 << 7,
84               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_BIND_MW             = 1 << 8,
85               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_SEND_WITH_INV       = 1 << 9,
86               IBV_QP_EX_WITH_TSO            = 1 << 10,
87       };
90       The  function  ibv_create_qp_ex()  will update the qp_init_attr_ex->cap
91       struct with the actual QP values of the QP that was created; the values
92       will be greater than or equal to the values requested.
94       ibv_destroy_qp() destroys the QP qp.


97       ibv_create_qp_ex()  returns a pointer to the created QP, or NULL if the
98       request fails.  Check the QP number (qp_num) in the returned QP.
100       ibv_destroy_qp() returns 0 on success, or the value of errno on failure
101       (which indicates the failure reason).


104       The  attributes  max_recv_wr  and  max_recv_sge are ignored by ibv_cre‐
105       ate_qp_ex() if the QP is to be associated with an SRQ.
107       The attribute source_qpn is supported  only  on  UD  QP,  without  flow
108       steering RX should not be possible.
110       Use  ibv_qp_to_qp_ex()  to get the ibv_qp_ex for accessing the send ops
111       iterator interface, when QP create attr IBV_QP_INIT_ATTR_SEND_OPS_FLAGS
112       is used.
114       ibv_destroy_qp() fails if the QP is attached to a multicast group.
116       IBV_QPT_DRIVER  does  not  represent a specific service and is used for
117       vendor specific QP logic.


120       ibv_alloc_pd(3),    ibv_modify_qp(3),     ibv_query_qp(3),     ibv_cre‐
121       ate_rwq_ind_table(3)


124       Yishai Hadas <yishaih@mellanox.com>
128libibverbs                        2013-06-26               IBV_CREATE_QP_EX(3)