1PMIECONF(1)                 General Commands Manual                PMIECONF(1)


6       pmieconf - display and set configurable pmie rule variables


9       pmieconf [-cFv?]  [-f file] [-r rulepath] [command [args...]]


12       pmieconf is a utility for viewing and configuring variables from gener‐
13       alized pmie(1) rules.  The set of generalized rules  is  read  in  from
14       rulepath,  and  the  output  file produced by pmieconf is a valid input
15       file for pmie.


18       The available command line options are:
20       -c   When run from automated pmie setup processes, this option is  used
21            to  add  a  specific message and timestamp indicating that this is
22            the case.  Unless over-ridden by the -f flag, the default configu‐
23            ration file to be written or updated when the -c flag is given and
24            pmieconf is run by the root user, is $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmie/con‐
25            fig.default.   This is also the default configuration file used by
26            the pmie service, see pmie_daily(1).  This flag is not appropriate
27            when using the tool interactively.
29       -f file, --config=file
30            Any  rule  modifications  resulting  from pmieconf manipulation of
31            variable values will be written to file.   The  default  value  of
32            file  is dependent on the user ID - for the root user (when the -c
33            flag   is   not   also   given,   see   above)   the    file    is
34            $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmie/config.default.  For other users the default
35            is $HOME/.pcp/pmie/config.pmie.
37       -F   Forces the pmieconf output file to be created (or updated),  after
38            which pmieconf immediately exits.
40       -r rulepath, --rules=rulepath
41            Allows  the  source  of  generalized  pmie  rules  to be changed -
42            rulepath is a  colon-delimited  list  of  pmieconf(5)  rule  files
43            and/or   subdirectories.    The  default  value  for  rulepath  is
44            $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmieconf.  Use of this  option  overrides  the
45            PMIECONF_PATH environment variable which has a similar function.
47       -v, --verbose
48            Enable  verbose  mode.   associated  variables  will be displayed.
49            This is the complete list of variables  which  affects  any  given
50            rule  (by  default,  global  variables  are not displayed with the
51            rule).
53       -?, --help
54            Display usage message and exit.
56       The pmieconf commands allow information related to  the  various  rules
57       and configurable variables to be displayed or modified.  If no pmieconf
58       commands are presented on the command line, pmieconf prompts  for  com‐
59       mands interactively.


62       The pmieconf command language is described here:
64       help  [ { . | all | global | <rule> | <group> } [<variable>] ]
65               Without arguments, the help command displays the syntax for all
66               of the available  pmieconf  commands.   With  one  argument,  a
67               description  of  one  or  more of the generalized rules is dis‐
68               played.  With two arguments, a description of a specific  vari‐
69               able  relating  to one or more of the generalized rules is dis‐
70               played.
72       rules  [ enabled | disabled ]
73               Display the name and short summary for all of  the  generalized
74               rules found on rulepath.  Each of the rule names can be used in
75               place of the keyword <rule> in this command syntax description.
76               The  enabled and disabled options can be used to filter the set
77               of rules displayed to just those which are enabled or  disabled
78               respectfully.
80       groups  Display  the  name of all of the rule groups that were found on
81               rulepath.  Each of the group names can be used in place of  the
82               keyword  <group>  in  this  command  syntax  description, which
83               applies the command to all rules within the rule group.
85       status  Display status information relating  to  the  current  pmieconf
86               session,  including  a list of running pmie processes which are
87               currently using file.
89       enable  { . | all | <rule> | <group> }
90               Enables the specified rule or group of rules.  An enabled  rule
91               is  one  which  will be included in the pmie configuration file
92               generated by pmieconf.  Any enabled "actions" will be  appended
93               to  the  rule's "predicate", in a manner conforming to the pmie
94               syntax ("actions" can be viewed using the list global  command,
95               described below).
97       disable  { . | all | <rule> | <group> }
98               Disables the specified rule or group of rules.  If the rule was
99               previously enabled, it will be removed from the pmie configura‐
100               tion  file generated by pmieconf, and hence no longer evaluated
101               when pmie is restarted (using  pmieconf  does  not  affect  any
102               existing pmie processes using file).
104       list  { . | all | global | <rule> | <group> } [<variable>]
105               Display  the  values  for  a specific rule variable; or for all
106               variables of a rule, a rule group, all  rules,  or  the  global
107               variables.
109       modify  { . | all | global | <rule> | <group> } <variable> <value>
110               Enable,  disable, or otherwise change the value for one or more
111               rule variables.  This value must be consistent with the type of
112               the  variable,  which  can  be  inferred from the format of the
113               printed value - e.g. strings will be enclosed in double-quotes,
114               percentages  have  the  ``%''  symbol appended, etc.  Note that
115               certain rule variables cannot be modified  through  pmieconf  -
116               "predicate" and "help", for example.
118       undo  { . | all | global | <rule> | <group> } [<variable>]
119               Applicable  only  to a variable whose value has been modified -
120               this command simply reverts to the default value for the  given
121               variable.
123       quit    Save any changes made to file and then exit pmieconf.
125       abort   Exit pmieconf immediately without saving any changes to file.
127       Each  of  the commands above can be shortened by simply using the first
128       character of the command name, and also ``?'' for help.
130       Use of the all keyword causes the command to be applied to all  of  the
131       rules.   The global keyword refers to those variables which are applied
132       to every rule.  Such  variables  can  be  changed  either  globally  or
133       locally, for example:
135         pmieconf> modify global delta "5 minutes"
136         pmieconf> modify memory delta "1 minute"
138       causes  all  rules  to now be evaluated once every five minutes, except
139       for rules in the "memory" group which are  to  be  evaluated  once  per
140       minute.
142       The ``.'' character is special to pmieconf - it refers to the last suc‐
143       cessfully used value of all, global, <rule> or <group>.


146       Specify that all of the rules in the "memory" group  should  be  evalu‐
147       ated:
149         pmieconf> modify memory enabled yes
151       Change  your  mind,  and  revert to using only the "memory" rules which
152       were enabled by default:
154         pmieconf> undo memory enabled
156       Specify that notification of rules which evaluate  to  true  should  be
157       sent to syslogd(1):
159         pmieconf> modify global syslog_action yes
161       Specify  that rules in the "per_cpu" group should use a different hold‐
162       off value to other rules:
164         pmieconf> help global holdoff
165           rule: global  [generic parameters applied to all rules]
166            var: holdoff
167           help: Once the predicate is true and the action is executed,
168              this variable allows suppression of further action
169              execution until the specified interval has elapsed.
170              A value of zero enables execution of the action if
171              the rule predicate is true at the next sample. Default
172              units are seconds and common units are "second", "sec",
173              "minute", "min" and "hour".
175         pmieconf> modify per_cpu holdoff "1 hour"
177       Lower the threshold associated with a particular variable for a  speci‐
178       fied rule:
180         pmieconf> l cpu.syscall predicate
181           rule: cpu.syscall  [High aggregate system call rate]
182             predicate =
183                  some_host (
184                   ( kernel.all.syscall $hosts$ )
185                     > $threshold$ count/sec * hinv.ncpu $hosts$
186                  )
188         pmieconf> m . threshold 7000
190         pmieconf> l . threshold
191           rule: cpu.syscall  [High aggregate system call rate]
192                threshold = 7000


196       $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmieconf/*/*
197            generalized system resource monitoring rules
199       $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmie/config.pmie
200            default super-user settings for system resource monitoring rules
202       $HOME/.pcp/pmie/config.pmie
203            default user settings for system resource monitoring rules


206       The environment variable PMIECONF_PATH has a similar function to the -r
207       option described above, and if set will be used provided no  -r  option
208       is presented.


211       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the
212       file and directory names used by PCP.  On each installation,  the  file
213       /etc/pcp.conf  contains  the  local  values  for  these variables.  The
214       $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative  configuration
215       file, as described in pcp.conf(5).


218       PCPIntro(1), pmie(1), pmie_check(1) and pmieconf(5).
222Performance Co-Pilot                  PCP                          PMIECONF(1)