1scontrol(1)                     Slurm Commands                     scontrol(1)


6       scontrol - view or modify Slurm configuration and state.


10       scontrol [OPTIONS...] [COMMAND...]


14       scontrol  is used to view or modify Slurm configuration including: job,
15       job step, node, partition, reservation, and overall  system  configura‐
16       tion.  Most  of  the  commands  can only be executed by user root or an
17       Administrator. If an attempt to view or modify  configuration  informa‐
18       tion  is made by an unauthorized user, an error message will be printed
19       and the requested action will not occur.  If no command is  entered  on
20       the  execute  line,  scontrol  will  operate in an interactive mode and
21       prompt for input. It will continue prompting for  input  and  executing
22       commands  until  explicitly  terminated. If a command is entered on the
23       execute line, scontrol will execute that  command  and  terminate.  All
24       commands  and options are case-insensitive, although node names, parti‐
25       tion names, and reservation names are case-sensitive (node  names  "LX"
26       and  "lx" are distinct). All commands and options can be abbreviated to
27       the extent that the specification is unique. A modified Slurm  configu‐
28       ration  can  be  written to a file using the scontrol write config com‐
29       mand.  The  resulting  file  will  be  named   using   the   convention
30       "slurm.conf.<datetime>" and located in the same directory as the origi‐
31       nal "slurm.conf" file. The directory containing the original slurm.conf
32       must be writable for this to occur.


36       -a, --all
37              When  the  show  command  is  used, then display all partitions,
38              their jobs and jobs steps. This causes information  to  be  dis‐
39              played about partitions that are configured as hidden and parti‐
40              tions that are unavailable to user's group.
42       -d, --details
43              Causes the show command  to  provide  additional  details  where
44              available.
46       --federation
47              Report jobs from federation if a member of one.
49       -F, --future
50              Report nodes in FUTURE state.
52       -h, --help
53              Print a help message describing the usage of scontrol.
55       --hide Do  not  display information about hidden partitions, their jobs
56              and job steps.  By default, neither partitions that are  config‐
57              ured  as hidden nor those partitions unavailable to user's group
58              will be displayed (i.e. this is the default behavior).
60       --local
61              Show only information local to this cluster. Ignore other  clus‐
62              ters  in  the  federated if a member of one. Overrides --federa‐
63              tion.
65       -M, --clusters=<string>
66              The cluster to issue commands to. Only one cluster name  may  be
67              specified.  Note that the SlurmDBD must be up for this option to
68              work properly.  This option implicitly sets the --local option.
71       -o, --oneliner
72              Print information one line per record.
74       -Q, --quiet
75              Print no warning or informational  messages,  only  fatal  error
76              messages.
78       --sibling
79              Show  all sibling jobs on a federated cluster. Implies --federa‐
80              tion.
82       -u, --uid=<uid>
83              Attempt to update a job as user <uid> instead  of  the  invoking
84              user id.
86       -v, --verbose
87              Print   detailed  event  logging.  Multiple  -v's  will  further
88              increase the verbosity of logging. By default only  errors  will
89              be displayed.
92       -V , --version
93              Print version information and exit.
95       COMMANDS
98       abort  Instruct  the Slurm controller to terminate immediately and gen‐
99              erate a core file.  See "man slurmctld"  for  information  about
100              where the core file will be written.
103       cancel_reboot <NodeList>
104              Cancel pending reboots on nodes. The node will be undrain'ed and
105              the reason cleared if the node was drained by an ASAP reboot.
108       cluster CLUSTER_NAME
109              The cluster to issue commands to. Only one cluster name  may  be
110              specified.
113       create SPECIFICATION
114              Create  a  new  partition  or reservation.  See the full list of
115              parameters below.  Include the tag "res" to create a reservation
116              without specifying a reservation name.
119       completing
120              Display  all  jobs  in  a COMPLETING state along with associated
121              nodes in either a COMPLETING or DOWN state.
124       delete SPECIFICATION
125              Delete the entry with  the  specified  SPECIFICATION.   The  two
126              SPECIFICATION  choices  are  PartitionName=<name>  and  Reserva‐
127              tion=<name>. Reservations and partitions should have no  associ‐
128              ated jobs at the time of their deletion (modify the jobs first).
129              If the specified partition is in use, the request is denied.
132       errnumstr ERRNO
133              Given a Slurm error number, return a descriptive string.
136       fsdampeningfactor FACTOR
137              Set the FairShareDampeningFactor in slurmctld.
140       help   Display a description of scontrol options and commands.
143       hold job_list
144              Prevent a pending job from being started (sets its  priority  to
145              0).   Use the release command to permit the job to be scheduled.
146              The job_list argument is a comma separated list of  job  IDs  OR
147              "jobname="  with  the job's name, which will attempt to hold all
148              jobs having that name.  Note that when a job is held by a system
149              administrator  using the hold command, only a system administra‐
150              tor may release the job for execution (also see the  uhold  com‐
151              mand).  When  the  job  is  held  by  its  owner, it may also be
152              released by the job's owner.  Additionally, attempting to hold a
153              running job will have not suspend or cancel it. But, it will set
154              the job priority to 0 and update the  job  reason  field,  which
155              would hold the job if it was requeued at a later time.
158       notify job_id message
159              Send  a  message to standard error of the salloc or srun command
160              or batch job associated with the specified job_id.
163       pidinfo proc_id
164              Print the Slurm job id and  scheduled  termination  time  corre‐
165              sponding  to  the  supplied  process id, proc_id, on the current
166              node.  This will work only with processes on node on which scon‐
167              trol  is  run, and only for those processes spawned by Slurm and
168              their descendants.
171       listpids [job_id[.step_id]] [NodeName]
172              Print  a  listing  of  the  process  IDs  in  a  job  step   (if
173              JOBID.STEPID  is provided), or all of the job steps in a job (if
174              job_id is provided), or all of the job steps in all of the  jobs
175              on  the local node (if job_id is not provided or job_id is "*").
176              This will work only with processes on the node on which scontrol
177              is  run, and only for those processes spawned by Slurm and their
178              descendants. Note that some Slurm configurations  (ProctrackType
179              value  of  pgid) are unable to identify all processes associated
180              with a job or job step.
182              Note that the NodeName option is only  really  useful  when  you
183              have  multiple  slurmd daemons running on the same host machine.
184              Multiple slurmd daemons on one host are, in general,  only  used
185              by Slurm developers.
188       ping   Ping  the  primary  and secondary slurmctld daemon and report if
189              they are responding.
192       reboot     [ASAP]      [nextstate=<RESUME|DOWN>]      [reason=<reason>]
193       <ALL|NodeList>
194              Reboot  the  nodes in the system when they become idle using the
195              RebootProgram as configured in Slurm's  slurm.conf  file.   Each
196              node will have the "REBOOT" flag added to its node state.  After
197              a node reboots and  the  slurmd  daemon  starts  up  again,  the
198              HealthCheckProgram  will  run once. Then, the slurmd daemon will
199              register itself with the slurmctld daemon and the "REBOOT"  flag
200              will  be cleared.  The node's "DRAIN" state flag will be cleared
201              if the reboot was "ASAP", nextstate=resume or down.  The  "ASAP"
202              option  adds  the  "DRAIN" flag to each node's state, preventing
203              additional jobs from running on the node so it can  be  rebooted
204              and  returned  to  service  "As  Soon  As Possible" (i.e. ASAP).
205              "ASAP" will also set the node reason to  "Reboot  ASAP"  if  the
206              "reason"  option  isn't specified.  If the "nextstate" option is
207              specified as "DOWN", then the node will remain in a  down  state
208              after  rebooting.  If "nextstate" is specified as "RESUME", then
209              the nodes will resume  as  normal  and  the  node's  reason  and
210              "DRAIN"  state  will be cleared.  Resuming nodes will be consid‐
211              ered as available in backfill future  scheduling  and  won't  be
212              replaced  by  idle  nodes in a reservation.  The "reason" option
213              sets each node's reason to a user-defined  message.   A  default
214              reason of "reboot requested" is set if no other reason is set on
215              the node.  The reason will be appended with "reboot issued" when
216              the  reboot is issued and "reboot complete" when the node regis‐
217              ters and has a "nextstate" of "DOWN".  You must specify either a
218              list  of  nodes  or that ALL nodes are to be rebooted.  NOTE: By
219              default, this command does  not  prevent  additional  jobs  from
220              being scheduled on any nodes before reboot.  To do this, you can
221              either use the "ASAP"  option  or  explicitly  drain  the  nodes
222              beforehand.   You can alternately create an advanced reservation
223              to prevent additional jobs from being initiated on nodes  to  be
224              rebooted.   Pending  reboots can be cancelled by using "scontrol
225              cancel_reboot  <node>"  or  setting  the  node  state  to  "CAN‐
226              CEL_REBOOT".   A node will be marked "DOWN" if it doesn't reboot
227              within ResumeTimeout.
230       reconfigure
231              Instruct all Slurm daemons to re-read  the  configuration  file.
232              This command does not restart the daemons.  This mechanism would
233              be used to  modify  configuration  parameters  (Epilog,  Prolog,
234              SlurmctldLogFile,  SlurmdLogFile,  etc.).   The Slurm controller
235              (slurmctld) forwards the request to all  other  daemons  (slurmd
236              daemon  on  each compute node). Running jobs continue execution.
237              Most configuration parameters can be  changed  by  just  running
238              this  command,  however,  Slurm  daemons  should be shutdown and
239              restarted  if  any  of  these  parameters  are  to  be  changed:
240              AuthType,  ControlMach, PluginDir, StateSaveLocation, Slurmctld‐
241              Host, SlurmctldPort, or SlurmdPort. The slurmctld daemon and all
242              slurmd  daemons  must  be  restarted  if  nodes  are added to or
243              removed from the cluster.
246       release job_list
247              Release a previously held job to begin execution.  The  job_list
248              argument is a comma separated list of job IDs OR "jobname=" with
249              the job's name, which will attempt to hold all jobs having  that
250              name.  Also see hold.
253       requeue [option] job_list
254              Requeue  a  running,  suspended or finished Slurm batch job into
255              pending state.  The job_list argument is a comma separated  list
256              of job IDs.  The command accepts the following option:
258              Incomplete
259                     Operate only on jobs (or tasks of a job array) which have
260                     not completed.  Specifically only jobs in  the  following
261                     states will be requeued: CONFIGURING, RUNNING, STOPPED or
262                     SUSPENDED.
265       requeuehold [option] job_list
266              Requeue a running, suspended or finished Slurm  batch  job  into
267              pending  state,  moreover the job is put in held state (priority
268              zero).  The job_list argument is a comma separated list  of  job
269              IDs.   A  held  job  can be released using scontrol to reset its
270              priority  (e.g.   "scontrol  release  <job_id>").  The   command
271              accepts the following options:
273              Incomplete
274                     Operate only on jobs (or tasks of a job array) which have
275                     not completed.  Specifically only jobs in  the  following
276                     states will be requeued: CONFIGURING, RUNNING, STOPPED or
277                     SUSPENDED.
279              State=SpecialExit
280                     The "SpecialExit" keyword specifies that the job  has  to
281                     be  put  in a special state JOB_SPECIAL_EXIT.  The "scon‐
282                     trol show job" command will display the JobState as  SPE‐
283                     CIAL_EXIT, while the "squeue" command as SE.
286       resume job_list
287              Resume  a  previously suspended job.  The job_list argument is a
288              comma separated list of job IDs.  Also see suspend.
290              NOTE: A suspended job releases its CPUs for allocation to  other
291              jobs.   Resuming a previously suspended job may result in multi‐
292              ple jobs being allocated the same CPUs, which could trigger gang
293              scheduling  with  some  configurations  or severe degradation in
294              performance with other configurations.  Use of the scancel  com‐
295              mand  to send SIGSTOP and SIGCONT signals would stop a job with‐
296              out releasing its CPUs for allocation to other jobs and would be
297              a  preferable  mechanism  in  many  cases.  If performing system
298              maintenance you may want to use suspend/resume in the  following
299              way. Before suspending set all nodes to draining or set all par‐
300              titions to down so that no new jobs can be scheduled. Then  sus‐
301              pend  jobs.  Once  maintenance  is  done resume jobs then resume
302              nodes and/or set all partitions back to up.  Use with caution.
305       schedloglevel LEVEL
306              Enable or disable scheduler logging.  LEVEL  may  be  "0",  "1",
307              "disable" or "enable". "0" has the same effect as "disable". "1"
308              has the same effect as "enable".  This value  is  temporary  and
309              will   be  overwritten  when  the  slurmctld  daemon  reads  the
310              slurm.conf configuration file (e.g. when the daemon is restarted
311              or  scontrol  reconfigure is executed) if the SlurmSchedLogLevel
312              parameter is present.
315       setdebug LEVEL
316              Change the debug level of the slurmctld daemon.  LEVEL may be an
317              integer  value  between  zero and nine (using the same values as
318              SlurmctldDebug in the slurm.conf file) or the name of  the  most
319              detailed  message type to be printed: "quiet", "fatal", "error",
320              "info", "verbose", "debug",  "debug2",  "debug3",  "debug4",  or
321              "debug5".  This value is temporary and will be overwritten when‐
322              ever the slurmctld daemon  reads  the  slurm.conf  configuration
323              file  (e.g. when the daemon is restarted or scontrol reconfigure
324              is executed).
327       setdebugflags [+|-]FLAG
328              Add or remove DebugFlags of  the  slurmctld  daemon.   See  "man
329              slurm.conf"  for a list of supported DebugFlags.  NOTE: Changing
330              the value  of  some  DebugFlags  will  have  no  effect  without
331              restarting  the  slurmctld  daemon,  which  would set DebugFlags
332              based upon the contents of the slurm.conf configuration file.
335       show ENTITY ID
336              or
338       show ENTITY=ID
339              Display the state of the specified  entity  with  the  specified
340              identification.   ENTITY  may  be  aliases,  assoc_mgr,  bbstat,
341              burstbuffer, config, daemons, dwstat, federation, frontend, job,
342              node,  partition, reservation, slurmd, step, topology, hostlist,
343              hostlistsorted or hostnames ID can be used to  identify  a  spe‐
344              cific  element of the identified entity: job ID, node name, par‐
345              tition name, reservation name, or job step  ID  for  job,  node,
346              partition,  or  step  respectively.   For an ENTITY of bbstat or
347              dwstat (they are equivalent) optional arguments are the  options
348              of  the  local status command.  The status commands will be exe‐
349              cuted by the slurmctld daemon and its response returned  to  the
350              user.  For an ENTITY of topology, the ID may be a node or switch
351              name.  If one node name is specified, all switches connected  to
352              that  node  (and  their parent switches) will be shown.  If more
353              than one node name is specified, only switches that  connect  to
354              all named nodes will be shown.  aliases will return all NodeName
355              values associated to a given NodeHostname  (useful  to  get  the
356              list  of virtual nodes associated with a real node in a configu‐
357              ration where multiple slurmd daemons execute on a single compute
358              node).   assoc_mgr  displays  the current contents of the slurm‐
359              ctld's internal cache for users, associations and/or qos. The ID
360              may                be               users=<user1>,[...,<userN>],
361              accounts=<acct1>,[...,<acctN>],  qos=<qos1>,[...,<qosN>]  and/or
362              flags=<users,assoc,qos>,  used  to filter the desired section to
363              be displayed. If no flags are specified, all sections  are  dis‐
364              played.   burstbuffer  displays the current status of the Burst‐
365              Buffer plugin.  config displays parameter names from the config‐
366              uration files in mixed case (e.g. SlurmdPort=7003) while derived
367              parameters names are in upper case  only  (e.g.  SLURM_VERSION).
368              hostnames  takes  an  optional  hostlist expression as input and
369              writes a list of individual host names to standard  output  (one
370              per  line).  If no hostlist expression is supplied, the contents
371              of the SLURM_JOB_NODELIST  environment  variable  is  used.  For
372              example  "tux[1-3]"  is  mapped to "tux1","tux2" and "tux3" (one
373              hostname per line).  hostlist takes a list  of  host  names  and
374              prints  the  hostlist  expression for them (the inverse of host‐
375              names).  hostlist can also take the absolute pathname of a  file
376              (beginning  with  the  character '/') containing a list of host‐
377              names.  Multiple node names may be specified using  simple  node
378              range  expressions  (e.g. "lx[10-20]"). All other ID values must
379              identify a single element. The  job  step  ID  is  of  the  form
380              "job_id.step_id",  (e.g.  "1234.1").  slurmd reports the current
381              status of the slurmd daemon executing  on  the  same  node  from
382              which  the scontrol command is executed (the local host). It can
383              be useful to diagnose problems.  By default  hostlist  does  not
384              sort  the  node  list  or  make it unique (e.g. tux2,tux1,tux2 =
385              tux[2,1-2]).  If you wanted a  sorted  list  use  hostlistsorted
386              (e.g. tux2,tux1,tux2 = tux[1-2,2]).  By default, all elements of
387              the entity type specified are printed.  For an ENTITY of job, if
388              the  job  does  not specify socket-per-node, cores-per-socket or
389              threads-per-core then it  will  display  '*'  in  ReqS:C:T=*:*:*
390              field. For an ENTITY of federation, the federation name that the
391              controller is part of and the sibling clusters part of the  fed‐
392              eration will be listed.
395       shutdown OPTION
396              Instruct  Slurm daemons to save current state and terminate.  By
397              default, the Slurm controller (slurmctld) forwards  the  request
398              all  other  daemons  (slurmd  daemon  on each compute node).  An
399              OPTION of slurmctld or controller results in only the  slurmctld
400              daemon being shutdown and the slurmd daemons remaining active.
403       suspend job_list
404              Suspend  a  running job.  The job_list argument is a comma sepa‐
405              rated list of job IDs.  Use the resume  command  to  resume  its
406              execution.   User processes must stop on receipt of SIGSTOP sig‐
407              nal and resume upon receipt of SIGCONT for this operation to  be
408              effective.  Not all architectures and configurations support job
409              suspension.  If a suspended job is requeued, it will  be  placed
410              in  a  held  state.   The time a job is suspended will not count
411              against a job's time limit.  Only  an  operator,  administrator,
412              SlurmUser, or root can suspend jobs.
415       takeover [INDEX]
416              Instruct  one  of Slurm's backup controllers (slurmctld) to take
417              over system control. By  default  the  first  backup  controller
418              (INDEX=1)  requests  control  from the primary and waits for its
419              termination. After that, it switches from backup  mode  to  con‐
420              troller  mode.  If  primary  controller can not be contacted, it
421              directly switches to controller mode. This can be used to  speed
422              up  the  Slurm  controller  fail-over mechanism when the primary
423              node is down.  This can be used to minimize  disruption  if  the
424              computer  executing  the  primary  Slurm controller is scheduled
425              down.  (Note: Slurm's primary controller will take  the  control
426              back at startup.)
429       top job_list
430              Move  the  specified  job  IDs  to  the top of the queue of jobs
431              belonging to the identical user ID, partition name, account, and
432              QOS.  The job_list argument is a comma separated ordered list of
433              job IDs.  Any job not matching all of those fields will  not  be
434              effected.   Only  jobs  submitted  to a single partition will be
435              effected.  This operation changes the order of jobs by adjusting
436              job  nice values.  The net effect on that user's throughput will
437              be negligible to slightly negative.  This operation is  disabled
438              by  default  for non-privileged (non-operator, admin, SlurmUser,
439              or root) users. This operation may be enabled for non-privileged
440              users  by  the  system  administrator  by  including  the option
441              "enable_user_top"  in  the   SchedulerParameters   configuration
442              parameter.
445       token [lifespan=<lifespan>] [username=<username>]
446              Return  an auth token which can be used to support JWT authenti‐
447              cation if AuthAltTypes=auth/jwt has been enabled on the  system.
448              Supports  two optional arguments. lifespan= may be used to spec‐
449              ify the token's lifespan.  username  (only  available  to  Slur‐
450              mUser/root) may be used to request a token for a different user‐
451              name.
454       uhold job_list
455              Prevent a pending job from being started (sets its  priority  to
456              0).   The job_list argument is a space separated list of job IDs
457              or job names.  Use the release command to permit the job  to  be
458              scheduled.   This command is designed for a system administrator
459              to hold a job so that the job owner may release it  rather  than
460              requiring  the  intervention of a system administrator (also see
461              the hold command).
464       update SPECIFICATION
465              Update job, step, node, partition, or reservation  configuration
466              per  the  supplied  specification.  SPECIFICATION is in the same
467              format as the Slurm configuration file and  the  output  of  the
468              show command described above. It may be desirable to execute the
469              show command (described above) on the specific entity  you  want
470              to update, then use cut-and-paste tools to enter updated config‐
471              uration values to the update. Note that while most configuration
472              values can be changed using this command, not all can be changed
473              using this mechanism. In particular, the hardware  configuration
474              of  a node or the physical addition or removal of nodes from the
475              cluster may only be accomplished through editing the Slurm  con‐
476              figuration file and executing the reconfigure command (described
477              above).
480       version
481              Display the version number of scontrol being executed.
484       wait_job job_id
485              Wait until a job and all of its nodes are ready for use  or  the
486              job  has entered some termination state. This option is particu‐
487              larly useful in the Slurm Prolog or in the batch  script  itself
488              if nodes are powered down and restarted automatically as needed.
490              NOTE:  Don't  use scontrol wait_job in PrologCtld or Prolog with
491              PrologFlags=Alloc as this will result in deadlock.
494       write batch_script job_id optional_filename
495              Write the batch script for a given job_id to a file or  to  std‐
496              out.  The file will default to slurm-<job_id>.sh if the optional
497              filename argument is not given. The script will  be  written  to
498              stdout  if  -  is given instead of a filename.  The batch script
499              can only be retrieved by an admin or operator, or by  the  owner
500              of the job.
503       write config optional_filename
504              Write  the  current configuration to a file with the naming con‐
505              vention of "slurm.conf.<datetime>" in the same directory as  the
506              original  slurm.conf  file.   If  a  filename is given that file
507              location with a .<datetime> suffix is created.
511              NOTE: All commands listed below can be used in  the  interactive
512              mode, but NOT on the initial command line.
515       all    Show  all  partitions,  their  jobs  and jobs steps. This causes
516              information to be displayed about partitions that are configured
517              as hidden and partitions that are unavailable to user's group.
520       details
521              Causes  the  show  command  to  provide additional details where
522              available.  Job information will include CPUs  and  NUMA  memory
523              allocated  on  each  node.   Note  that on computers with hyper‐
524              threading enabled and Slurm configured to allocate  cores,  each
525              listed  CPU  represents  one physical core.  Each hyperthread on
526              that core can be allocated a separate task, so a job's CPU count
527              and  task  count  may differ.  See the --cpu-bind and --mem-bind
528              option descriptions in srun man pages for more information.  The
529              details option is currently only supported for the show job com‐
530              mand.
533       exit   Terminate scontrol interactive session.
536       hide   Do not display partition, job or jobs step information for  par‐
537              titions  that  are  configured  as hidden or partitions that are
538              unavailable to the user's group.  This is the default behavior.
541       oneliner
542              Print information one line per record.
545       quiet  Print no warning or informational  messages,  only  fatal  error
546              messages.
549       quit   Terminate the execution of scontrol.
552       verbose
553              Print detailed event logging.  This includes time-stamps on data
554              structures, record counts, etc.
557       !!     Repeat the last command executed.
562       Note that update requests done by either root, SlurmUser or Administra‐
563       tors  are  not  subject  to  certain  restrictions. For instance, if an
564       Administrator changes the QOS on a pending job, certain limits such  as
565       the  TimeLimit will not be changed automatically as changes made by the
566       Administrators are allowed to violate these restrictions.
569       Account=<account>
570              Account name to be changed for this job's resource  use.   Value
571              may be cleared with blank data value, "Account=".
573       AdminComment=<spec>
574              Arbitrary  descriptive string. Can only be set by a Slurm admin‐
575              istrator.
577       ArrayTaskThrottle=<count>
578              Specify the maximum number of tasks in a job array that can exe‐
579              cute at the same time.  Set the count to zero in order to elimi‐
580              nate any limit.  The task throttle count  for  a  job  array  is
581              reported  as part of its ArrayTaskId field, preceded with a per‐
582              cent sign.  For example "ArrayTaskId=1-10%2" indicates the maxi‐
583              mum number of running tasks is limited to 2.
585       BurstBuffer=<spec>
586              Burst buffer specification to be changed for this job's resource
587              use.  Value may  be  cleared  with  blank  data  value,  "Burst‐
588              Buffer=".  Format is burst buffer plugin specific.
590       Clusters=<spec>
591              Specifies the clusters that the federated job can run on.
593       ClusterFeatures=<spec>
594              Specifies  features that a federated cluster must have to have a
595              sibling job submitted to it. Slurm will attempt to submit a sib‐
596              ling  job  to  a cluster if it has at least one of the specified
597              features.
599       Comment=<spec>
600              Arbitrary descriptive string.
602       Contiguous=<yes|no>
603              Set the job's requirement for contiguous (consecutive) nodes  to
604              be  allocated.   Possible  values  are "YES" and "NO".  Only the
605              Slurm administrator or root can change this parameter.
607       CoreSpec=<count>
608              Number of cores to reserve per node for  system  use.   The  job
609              will  be  charged  for  these  cores, but be unable to use them.
610              Will be reported as "*" if not constrained.
612       CPUsPerTask=<count>
613              Change the CPUsPerTask job's value.
615       Deadline=<time_spec>
616              It accepts times of the form HH:MM:SS to specify a deadline to a
617              job  at  a specific time of day (seconds are optional).  You may
618              also specify midnight, noon, fika (3 PM) or teatime (4  PM)  and
619              you can have a time-of-day suffixed with AM or PM for a deadline
620              in the morning or the evening.  You can specify a  deadline  for
621              the  job with a date of the form MMDDYY or MM/DD/YY or MM.DD.YY,
622              or a date and time as  YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]].   You  can  also
623              give times like now + count time-units, where the time-units can
624              be seconds (default), minutes, hours, days, or weeks and you can
625              tell  Slurm  to  put  a  deadline  for tomorrow with the keyword
626              tomorrow.  The specified deadline must be later than the current
627              time.   Only  pending  jobs can have the deadline updated.  Only
628              the Slurm administrator or root can change this parameter.
630       DelayBoot=<time_spec>
631              Change the time to decide whether to reboot nodes  in  order  to
632              satisfy job's feature specification if the job has been eligible
633              to run for less than this time  period.  See  salloc/sbatch  man
634              pages option --delay-boot.
636       Dependency=<dependency_list>
637              Defer job's initiation until specified job dependency specifica‐
638              tion is satisfied.   Cancel  dependency  with  an  empty  depen‐
639              dency_list  (e.g.  "Dependency=").   <dependency_list> is of the
640              form <type:job_id[:job_id][,type:job_id[:job_id]]>.   Many  jobs
641              can  share the same dependency and these jobs may even belong to
642              different  users.
644              after:job_id[:jobid...]
645                     This job can begin execution  after  the  specified  jobs
646                     have begun execution or been canceled.
648              afterany:job_id[:jobid...]
649                     This  job  can  begin  execution after the specified jobs
650                     have terminated.
652              afternotok:job_id[:jobid...]
653                     This job can begin execution  after  the  specified  jobs
654                     have terminated in some failed state (non-zero exit code,
655                     node failure, timed out, etc).
657              afterok:job_id[:jobid...]
658                     This job can begin execution  after  the  specified  jobs
659                     have  successfully  executed  (ran  to completion with an
660                     exit code of zero).
662              singleton
663                     This  job  can  begin  execution  after  any   previously
664                     launched  jobs  sharing  the  same job name and user have
665                     terminated.  In other words, only one job  by  that  name
666                     and owned by that user can be running or suspended at any
667                     point in time.
669       EligibleTime=<time_spec>
670              See StartTime.
672       EndTime
673              The time the job is expected to terminate  based  on  the  job's
674              time  limit.   When  the  job  ends  sooner,  this field will be
675              updated with the actual end time.
677       ExcNodeList=<nodes>
678              Set the job's list of excluded node. Multiple node names may  be
679              specified    using   simple   node   range   expressions   (e.g.
680              "lx[10-20]").  Value may be cleared with blank data value, "Exc‐
681              NodeList=".
683       Features=<features>
684              Set  the job's required node features.  The list of features may
685              include multiple feature  names  separated  by  ampersand  (AND)
686              and/or   vertical   bar   (OR)  operators.   For  example:  Fea‐
687              tures="opteron&video" or Features="fast|faster".  In  the  first
688              example,  only  nodes  having both the feature "opteron" AND the
689              feature "video" will be used.  There is no mechanism to  specify
690              that  you  want one node with feature "opteron" and another node
691              with feature "video" in case no node has both features.  If only
692              one  of  a  set of possible options should be used for all allo‐
693              cated nodes, then use the OR operator and  enclose  the  options
694              within      square     brackets.      For     example:     "Fea‐
695              tures=[rack1|rack2|rack3|rack4]" might be used to  specify  that
696              all nodes must be allocated on a single rack of the cluster, but
697              any of those four racks can be used.  A request can also specify
698              the  number  of  nodes  needed with some feature by appending an
699              asterisk and count after the feature name.   For  example  "Fea‐
700              tures=graphics*4"  indicates  that at least four allocated nodes
701              must have the feature "graphics."   Parenthesis  are  also  sup‐
702              ported  for  features  to  be ANDed together.  For example "Fea‐
703              tures=[(knl&a2a&flat)*4&haswell*2]" indicates the resource allo‐
704              cation  should  include  4 nodes with ALL of the features "knl",
705              "a2a", and "flat" plus 2 nodes with the feature "haswell".  Con‐
706              straints  with  node counts may only be combined with AND opera‐
707              tors.  Value may be cleared with blank data value,  for  example
708              "Features=".
711       Gres=<list>
712              Specifies   a   comma   delimited  list  of  generic  consumable
713              resources.   The  format  of  each  entry   on   the   list   is
714              "name[:count[*cpu]]".   The  name  is  that  of  the  consumable
715              resource.  The count is the number of  those  resources  with  a
716              default  value  of 1.  The specified resources will be allocated
717              to the job on each node allocated unless "*cpu" is appended,  in
718              which  case  the resources will be allocated on a per cpu basis.
719              The available generic consumable resources  is  configurable  by
720              the  system  administrator.  A list of available generic consum‐
721              able resources will be printed and the command will exit if  the
722              option   argument   is   "help".    Examples   of   use  include
723              "Gres=gpus:2*cpu,disk=40G" and "Gres=help".
726       JobId=<job_list>
727              Identify the job(s) to be updated.  The job_list may be a  comma
728              separated list of job IDs.  Either JobId or JobName is required.
730       Licenses=<name>
731              Specification  of  licenses (or other resources available on all
732              nodes of the cluster) as  described  in  salloc/sbatch/srun  man
733              pages.
735       MailType=<types>
736              Set  the  mail  event  types. Valid type values are NONE, BEGIN,
737              END,  FAIL,  REQUEUE,  ALL  (equivalent  to  BEGIN,  END,  FAIL,
738              REQUEUE,  and  STAGE_OUT), STAGE_OUT (burst buffer stage out and
739              teardown completed), TIME_LIMIT, TIME_LIMIT_90 (reached 90  per‐
740              cent  of  time limit), TIME_LIMIT_80 (reached 80 percent of time
741              limit), TIME_LIMIT_50 (reached 50 percent  of  time  limit)  and
742              ARRAY_TASKS  (send  emails  for  each array task). Multiple type
743              values may be specified in a comma separated  list.  Unless  the
744              ARRAY_TASKS  option  is  specified,  mail  notifications  on job
745              BEGIN, END and FAIL apply to a job array as a whole rather  than
746              generating  individual  email  messages for each task in the job
747              array.
749       MailUser=<name>
750              Set the user to receive email notification of state  changes.  A
751              blank  string will set the mail user to the default which is the
752              submitting user.
754       MinCPUsNode=<count>
755              Set the job's minimum number of CPUs per node to  the  specified
756              value.
758       MinMemoryCPU=<megabytes>
759              Set  the job's minimum real memory required per allocated CPU to
760              the specified value. Either MinMemoryCPU or MinMemoryNode may be
761              set, but not both.
763       MinMemoryNode=<megabytes>
764              Set the job's minimum real memory required per node to the spec‐
765              ified value.  Either MinMemoryCPU or MinMemoryNode may  be  set,
766              but not both.
768       MinTmpDiskNode=<megabytes>
769              Set  the job's minimum temporary disk space required per node to
770              the specified value.  Only the Slurm administrator or  root  can
771              change this parameter.
773       TimeMin=<timespec>
774              Change TimeMin value which specifies the minimum time limit min‐
775              utes of the job.
777       JobName=<name>
778              Identify the name of jobs to be modified or set the  job's  name
779              to  the specified value.  When used to identify jobs to be modi‐
780              fied, all jobs belonging to all users are  modified  unless  the
781              UserID option is used to identify a specific user.  Either JobId
782              or JobName is required.
784       Name[=<name>]
785              See JobName.
787       Nice[=<adjustment>]
788              Update the job  with  an  adjusted  scheduling  priority  within
789              Slurm.  With  no  adjustment  value  the  scheduling priority is
790              decreased by 100. A negative nice value increases the  priority,
791              otherwise  decreases it. The adjustment range is +/- 2147483645.
792              Only privileged users can specify a negative adjustment.
794       NodeList=<nodes>
795              Change the nodes allocated to a running job to shrink its  size.
796              The  specified  list of nodes must be a subset of the nodes cur‐
797              rently allocated to the job. Multiple node names may  be  speci‐
798              fied  using  simple  node  range expressions (e.g. "lx[10-20]").
799              After a job's allocation is reduced,  subsequent  srun  commands
800              must explicitly specify node and task counts which are valid for
801              the new allocation.
803       NumCPUs=<min_count>[-<max_count>]
804              Set the job's minimum and optionally maximum count of CPUs to be
805              allocated.
807       NumNodes=<min_count>[-<max_count>]
808              Set  the  job's minimum and optionally maximum count of nodes to
809              be allocated.  If the job is already running, use this to  spec‐
810              ify  a  node  count  less than currently allocated and resources
811              previously allocated to the job will be  relinquished.  After  a
812              job's  allocation  is  reduced,  subsequent  srun  commands must
813              explicitly specify node and task counts which are valid for  the
814              new  allocation.  Also see the NodeList parameter above. This is
815              the same than ReqNodes.
817       NumTasks=<count>
818              Set the job's count of required tasks to  the  specified  value.
819              This is the same than ReqProcs.
821       OverSubscribe=<yes|no>
822              Set  the job's ability to share compute resources (i.e. individ‐
823              ual CPUs) with other jobs. Possible values are "YES"  and  "NO".
824              This option can only be changed for pending jobs.
826       Partition=<name>
827              Set the job's partition to the specified value.
829       Priority=<number>
830              Set  the job's priority to the specified value.  Note that a job
831              priority of zero prevents the job from ever being scheduled.  By
832              setting  a  job's priority to zero it is held.  Set the priority
833              to a non-zero value to permit it to run.  Explicitly  setting  a
834              job's  priority clears any previously set nice value and removes
835              the priority/multifactor plugin's ability to manage a job's pri‐
836              ority.   In  order  to restore the priority/multifactor plugin's
837              ability to manage a job's priority, hold and  then  release  the
838              job.   Only  the  Slurm administrator or root can increase job's
839              priority.
841       QOS=<name>
842              Set the job's QOS (Quality Of Service) to the  specified  value.
843              Value may be cleared with blank data value, "QOS=".
845       Reboot=<yes|no>
846              Set the job's flag that specifies whether to force the allocated
847              nodes to reboot before starting the job. This is only  supported
848              with  some  system  configurations  and  therefore  it  could be
849              silently ignored.
851       ReqCores=<count>
852              Change the job's requested Cores count.
854       ReqNodeList=<nodes>
855              Set the job's list of required node. Multiple node names may  be
856              specified    using   simple   node   range   expressions   (e.g.
857              "lx[10-20]").  Value may  be  cleared  with  blank  data  value,
858              "ReqNodeList=".
860       ReqNodes=<min_count>[-<max_count>]
861              See NumNodes.
863       ReqProcs=<count>
864              See NumTasks.
866       ReqSockets=<count>
867              Change the job's requested socket count.
869       ReqThreads=<count>
870              Change the job's requested threads count.
872       Requeue=<0|1>
873              Stipulates  whether  a job should be requeued after a node fail‐
874              ure: 0 for no, 1 for yes.
876       ReservationName=<name>
877              Set the job's reservation to the specified value.  Value may  be
878              cleared with blank data value, "ReservationName=".
880       ResetAccrueTime
881              Reset  the job's accrue time value to 0 meaning it will lose any
882              time previously accrued for priority.  Helpful  if  you  have  a
883              large  queue of jobs already in the queue and want to start lim‐
884              iting how many jobs can accrue  time  without  waiting  for  the
885              queue to flush out.
887       SiteFactor=<account>
888              Specify  the  job's  admin  priority  factor  in  the  range  of
889              +/-2147483645.  Only privileged users can modify the value.
891       StdOut=<filepath>
892              Set the batch job's stdout file path.
894       Shared=<yes|no>
895              See OverSubscribe option above.
897       StartTime=<time_spec>
898              Set the job's earliest initiation time.  It accepts times of the
899              form  HH:MM:SS  to  run a job at a specific time of day (seconds
900              are optional).  (If that time is already past, the next  day  is
901              assumed.)   You  may also specify midnight, noon, fika (3 PM) or
902              teatime (4 PM) and you can have a time-of-day suffixed  with  AM
903              or  PM  for running in the morning or the evening.  You can also
904              say what day the job will be run, by specifying a  date  of  the
905              form  MMDDYY  or  MM/DD/YY  or  MM.DD.YY,  or a date and time as
906              YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]].  You can also give  times  like  now  +
907              count time-units, where the time-units can be seconds (default),
908              minutes, hours, days, or weeks and you can tell Slurm to run the
909              job  today  with  the  keyword today and to run the job tomorrow
910              with the keyword tomorrow.
912              Notes on date/time specifications:
913               - although the 'seconds' field of the HH:MM:SS time  specifica‐
914              tion  is  allowed  by  the  code, note that the poll time of the
915              Slurm scheduler is not precise enough to guarantee  dispatch  of
916              the  job on the exact second.  The job will be eligible to start
917              on the next poll following the specified time.  The  exact  poll
918              interval  depends  on the Slurm scheduler (e.g., 60 seconds with
919              the default sched/builtin).
920               -  if  no  time  (HH:MM:SS)  is  specified,  the   default   is
921              (00:00:00).
922               -  if a date is specified without a year (e.g., MM/DD) then the
923              current year is assumed, unless the  combination  of  MM/DD  and
924              HH:MM:SS  has  already  passed  for that year, in which case the
925              next year is used.
927       Switches=<count>[@<max-time-to-wait>]
928              When a tree topology is used, this defines the maximum count  of
929              switches desired for the job allocation. If Slurm finds an allo‐
930              cation containing more switches than the  count  specified,  the
931              job  remain  pending  until  it  either finds an allocation with
932              desired switch count or the time limit expires. By default there
933              is  no switch count limit and no time limit delay. Set the count
934              to zero in order to clean any previously  set  count  (disabling
935              the  limit).  The job's maximum time delay may be limited by the
936              system administrator using the SchedulerParameters configuration
937              parameter  with  the max_switch_wait parameter option.  Also see
938              wait-for-switch.
941       wait-for-switch=<seconds>
942              Change max time to wait for a switch <seconds> secs.
945       TasksPerNode=<count>
946              Change the job's requested TasksPerNode.
949       ThreadSpec=<count>
950              Number of threads to reserve per node for system use.   The  job
951              will  be  charged  for these threads, but be unable to use them.
952              Will be reported as "*" if not constrained.
955       TimeLimit=<time>
956              The  job's  time  limit.   Output  format  is  [days-]hours:min‐
957              utes:seconds  or "UNLIMITED".  Input format (for update command)
958              set   is   minutes,   minutes:seconds,    hours:minutes:seconds,
959              days-hours,  days-hours:minutes  or  days-hours:minutes:seconds.
960              Time resolution is one minute and second values are  rounded  up
961              to the next minute.  If changing the time limit of a job, either
962              specify a new time limit value or precede  the  time  and  equal
963              sign  with  a  "+"  or "-" to increment or decrement the current
964              time limit (e.g. "TimeLimit+=30").  In  order  to  increment  or
965              decrement  the  current time limit, the JobId specification must
966              precede the TimeLimit specification.  Note that incrementing  or
967              decrementing  the  time  limit  for  a job array is only allowed
968              before the job array has been  split  into  more  than  one  job
969              record.  Only the Slurm administrator or root can increase job's
970              TimeLimit.
973       UserID=<UID or name>
974              Used with the JobName option to identify jobs  to  be  modified.
975              Either a user name or numeric ID (UID), may be specified.
978       WCKey=<key>
979              Set  the  job's  workload  characterization key to the specified
980              value.
983       WorkDir=<directory_name>
984              Set the job's working directory to  the  specified  value.  Note
985              that  this  may  only  be set for jobs in the PENDING state, and
986              that jobs may fail to launch if they rely on relative  paths  to
987              the originally submitted WorkDir.
992       The  "show"  command,  when used with the "job" or "job <jobid>" entity
993       displays detailed information about a job or jobs.  Much of this infor‐
994       mation  may  be  modified  using  the "update job" command as described
995       above.  However, the following fields displayed by the show job command
996       are read-only and cannot be modified:
999       AllocNode:Sid
1000              Local node and system id making the resource allocation.
1002       BatchFlag
1003              Jobs submitted using the sbatch command have BatchFlag set to 1.
1004              Jobs submitted using other commands have BatchFlag set to 0.
1006       ExitCode=<exit>:<sig>
1007              Exit status reported for the job by the  wait()  function.   The
1008              first  number  is  the exit code, typically as set by the exit()
1009              function.  The second number  of  the  signal  that  caused  the
1010              process to terminate if it was terminated by a signal.
1012       GroupId
1013              The group under which the job was submitted.
1015       JobState
1016              The current state of the job.
1018       NodeListIndices
1019              The  NodeIndices expose the internal indices into the node table
1020              associated with the node(s) allocated to the job.
1022       NtasksPerN:B:S:C=
1023              <tasks_per_node>:<tasks_per_base‐
1024              board>:<tasks_per_socket>:<tasks_per_core> Specifies the number
1025              of tasks to be started per hardware component (node, baseboard,
1026              socket and core).  Unconstrained values may be shown as "0" or
1027              "*".
1029       PreemptEligibleTime
1030              Time the job becomes eligible for preemption. Modified  by  Pre‐
1031              emptExemptTime,  either  from the global option in slurm.conf or
1032              the job QOS. This is hidden if the job has  not  started  or  if
1033              PreemptMode=OFF.
1035       PreemptTime
1036              Time  at which job was signaled that it was selected for preemp‐
1037              tion.  (Meaningful only for PreemptMode=CANCEL and the partition
1038              or  QOS  with  which the job is associated has a GraceTime value
1039              designated.) This is hidden if the job has  not  started  or  if
1040              PreemptMode=OFF.
1042       PreSusTime
1043              Time the job ran prior to last suspend.
1045       Reason The reason job is not running: e.g., waiting "Resources".
1047       ReqB:S:C:T=
1048              <baseboard_count>:<socket_per_base‐
1049              board_count>:<core_per_socket_count>:<thread_per_core_count>
1050              Specifies the count of various hardware components requested by
1051              the job.  Unconstrained values may be shown as "0" or "*".
1053       SecsPreSuspend=<seconds>
1054              If the job is suspended, this is the run time accumulated by the
1055              job (in seconds) prior to being suspended.
1057       Socks/Node=<count>
1058              Count of desired sockets per node
1060       SubmitTime
1061              The  time  and  date stamp (in localtime) the job was submitted.
1062              The format of the output is identical to  that  of  the  EndTime
1063              field.
1065              NOTE: If a job is requeued, the submit time is reset.  To obtain
1066              the original submit time it is necessary to use  the  "sacct  -j
1067              <job_id[.<step_id>]" command also designating the -D or --dupli‐
1068              cate option to display all duplicate entries for a job.
1070       SuspendTime
1071              Time the job was last suspended or resumed.
1073       NOTE on information displayed for various job states:
1074              When you submit a request for the "show job" function the  scon‐
1075              trol  process  makes  an  RPC  request  call to slurmctld with a
1076              REQUEST_JOB_INFO message type.  If the state of the job is PEND‐
1077              ING, then it returns some detail information such as: min_nodes,
1078              min_procs, cpus_per_task, etc. If the state is other than  PEND‐
1079              ING  the code assumes that it is in a further state such as RUN‐
1080              NING, COMPLETE, etc. In these cases the code explicitly  returns
1081              zero for these values. These values are meaningless once the job
1082              resources have been allocated and the job has started.
1087       StepId=<job_id>[.<step_id>]
1088              Identify the step to be updated.  If the job_id is given, but no
1089              step_id  is  specified then all steps of the identified job will
1090              be modified.  This specification is required.
1092       CompFile=<completion file>
1093              Update a step with information about a step's  completion.   Can
1094              be useful if step statistics aren't directly available through a
1095              jobacct_gather plugin.  The file is a space-delimited file  with
1096              format for Version 1 is as follows
1098              1 34461 0 2 0 3 1361906011 1361906015 1 1 3368 13357 /bin/sleep
1099              A B     C D E F G          H          I J K    L     M
1101              Field Descriptions:
1103              A file version
1104              B ALPS apid
1105              C inblocks
1106              D outblocks
1107              E exit status
1108              F number of allocated CPUs
1109              G start time
1110              H end time
1111              I utime
1112              J stime
1113              K maxrss
1114              L uid
1115              M command name
1117       TimeLimit=<time>
1118              The  job's  time  limit.   Output  format  is  [days-]hours:min‐
1119              utes:seconds or "UNLIMITED".  Input format (for update  command)
1120              set    is   minutes,   minutes:seconds,   hours:minutes:seconds,
1121              days-hours,  days-hours:minutes  or  days-hours:minutes:seconds.
1122              Time  resolution  is one minute and second values are rounded up
1123              to the next minute.  If changing  the  time  limit  of  a  step,
1124              either specify a new time limit value or precede the time with a
1125              "+" or "-" to increment or  decrement  the  current  time  limit
1126              (e.g.  "TimeLimit=+30").  In order to increment or decrement the
1127              current time limit, the StepId specification  must  precede  the
1128              TimeLimit specification.
1133       NodeName=<name>
1134              Identify  the  node(s) to be updated. Multiple node names may be
1135              specified   using   simple   node   range   expressions    (e.g.
1136              "lx[10-20]"). This specification is required.
1139       ActiveFeatures=<features>
1140              Identify  the feature(s) currently active on the specified node.
1141              Any previously active feature specification will be  overwritten
1142              with  the  new  value.   Also  see AvailableFeatures.  Typically
1143              ActiveFeatures will be identical to  AvailableFeatures;  however
1144              ActiveFeatures  may  be configured as a subset of the Available‐
1145              Features. For example, a node may be booted in multiple configu‐
1146              rations.  In that case, all possible configurations may be iden‐
1147              tified as AvailableFeatures, while ActiveFeatures would identify
1148              the current node configuration.
1151       AvailableFeatures=<features>
1152              Identify  the  feature(s)  available on the specified node.  Any
1153              previously defined available feature specification will be over‐
1154              written  with  the  new  value.   AvailableFeatures assigned via
1155              scontrol will only persist across the restart of  the  slurmctld
1156              daemon  with  the  -R option and state files preserved or slurm‐
1157              ctld's receipt of a SIGHUP.  Update slurm.conf with any  changes
1158              meant  to  be  persistent across normal restarts of slurmctld or
1159              the execution of scontrol reconfig.
1161              Note: Available features being removed via scontrol must not  be
1162              active (i.e. remove them from ActiveFeatures first).
1165       Comment=<comment>
1166              Arbitrary  descriptive  string.  Use quotes to enclose a comment
1167              having more than one word
1170       CpuBind=<node>
1171              Specify the task binding mode to be used  by  default  for  this
1172              node.   Supported  options  include:  "none", "board", "socket",
1173              "ldom" (NUMA), "core", "thread" and "off" (remove previous bind‐
1174              ing mode).
1177       Gres=<gres>
1178              Identify  generic  resources to be associated with the specified
1179              node.  Any previously defined generic resources  will  be  over‐
1180              written with the new value.  Specifications for multiple generic
1181              resources should be comma separated.  Each  resource  specifica‐
1182              tion  consists  of  a  name followed by an optional colon with a
1183              numeric  value  (default  value  is   one)   (e.g.   "Gres=band‐
1184              width:10000").   Modification of GRES count associated with spe‐
1185              cific files (e.g. GPUs) is not allowed other than to  set  their
1186              count  on  a node to zero.  In order to change the GRES count to
1187              another value, modify your slurm.conf and  gres.conf  files  and
1188              restart  daemons.   If GRES as associated with specific sockets,
1189              that information will be reported For example if all 4 GPUs on a
1190              node    are    all    associated    with   socket   zero,   then
1191              "Gres=gpu:4(S:0)". If associated  with  sockets  0  and  1  then
1192              "Gres=gpu:4(S:0-1)".  The information of which specific GPUs are
1193              associated with specific GPUs is not reported, but  only  avail‐
1194              able  by parsing the gres.conf file.  Generic resources assigned
1195              via scontrol will only persist across the restart of the  slurm‐
1196              ctld  daemon  with  the  -R  option and state files preserved or
1197              slurmctld's receipt of a SIGHUP.   Update  slurm.conf  with  any
1198              changes  meant to be persistent across normal restarts of slurm‐
1199              ctld or the execution of scontrol reconfig.
1202       NodeAddr=<node address>
1203              Name that a node should be referred to in establishing a  commu‐
1204              nications  path.   This  name will be used as an argument to the
1205              getaddrinfo() function  for  identification.  If  a  node  range
1206              expression  is  used  to  designate  multiple  nodes,  they must
1207              exactly  match  the  entries  in  the  NodeName   (e.g.   "Node‐
1208              Name=lx[0-7]  NodeAddr=elx[0-7]").  NodeAddr may also contain IP
1209              addresses.
1212       NodeHostname=<node hostname>
1213              Typically this would  be  the  string  that  "/bin/hostname  -s"
1214              returns.   It  may  also  be  the fully qualified domain name as
1215              returned by "/bin/hostname -f"  (e.g.  "foo1.bar.com"),  or  any
1216              valid  domain  name  associated  with  the host through the host
1217              database (/etc/hosts) or DNS, depending  on  the  resolver  set‐
1218              tings.  Note that if the short form of the hostname is not used,
1219              it may prevent use of hostlist expressions (the numeric  portion
1220              in  brackets  must  be  at  the end of the string). A node range
1221              expression can be used to specify a set of nodes. If an  expres‐
1222              sion  is  used,  the  number of nodes identified by NodeHostname
1223              must be identical to the number of nodes identified by NodeName.
1226       Reason=<reason>
1227              Identify the reason the node is in a "DOWN", "DRAINED",  "DRAIN‐
1228              ING", "FAILING" or "FAIL" state.  Use quotes to enclose a reason
1229              having more than one word.
1232       State=<state>
1233              Identify the state to be assigned to  the  node.  Possible  node
1234              states are "NoResp", "ALLOC", "ALLOCATED", "COMPLETING", "DOWN",
1235              "DRAIN", "FAIL", "FAILING", "FUTURE" "IDLE",  "MAINT",  "MIXED",
1236              "PERFCTRS/NPC",  "RESERVED",  "POWER_DOWN", "POWER_UP", "RESUME"
1237              or "UNDRAIN". Not all of those states can be set using the scon‐
1238              trol  command  only  the following can: "CANCEL_REBOOT", "DOWN",
1239              "DRAIN", "FAIL",  "FUTURE",  "RESUME",  "NoResp",  "POWER_DOWN",
1240              "POWER_UP"  and  "UNDRAIN".   If a node is in a "MIXED" state it
1241              usually means the node is in multiple states.  For  instance  if
1242              only part of the node is "ALLOCATED" and the rest of the node is
1243              "IDLE" the state will be "MIXED".  If you want to remove a  node
1244              from  service,  you  typically want to set its state to "DRAIN".
1245              "CANCEL_REBOOT" cancels a pending reboot on the  node  (same  as
1246              "scontrol  cancel_reboot  <node>").   "FAILING"  is  similar  to
1247              "DRAIN" except that some applications will  seek  to  relinquish
1248              those  nodes before the job completes.  "PERFCTRS/NPC" indicates
1249              that Network Performance Counters associated with this node  are
1250              in  use,  rendering  this node as not usable for any other jobs.
1251              "RESERVED" indicates the node is in an advanced reservation  and
1252              not  generally available.  "RESUME" is not an actual node state,
1253              but will change a node state from "DRAINED", "DRAINING",  "DOWN"
1254              or  "REBOOT"  to either "IDLE" or "ALLOCATED" state as appropri‐
1255              ate.  "RESUME" will also clear the "POWERING_DOWN"  state  of  a
1256              node  and make it eligible to be allocted.  "UNDRAIN" clears the
1257              node from being drained (like "RESUME"), but will not change the
1258              node's  base  state  (e.g.  "DOWN").  Setting a node "DOWN" will
1259              cause all running and suspended jobs on that node to  be  termi‐
1260              nated.  "POWER_DOWN" and "POWER_UP" will use the configured Sus‐
1261              pendProg and ResumeProg programs to explicitly place a  node  in
1262              or  out  of  a  power  saving  mode. If a node is already in the
1263              process of being powered up  or  down,  the  command  will  only
1264              change the state of the node but won't have any effect until the
1265              configured ResumeTimeout or SuspendTimeout is reached.   Use  of
1266              this command can be useful in situations where a ResumeProg like
1267              capmc in Cray machines is stalled and one wants to  restore  the
1268              node  to  "IDLE"  manually,  in this case rebooting the node and
1269              setting the state  to  "POWER_DOWN"  will  cancel  the  previous
1270              "POWER_UP"  state and the node will become "IDLE".  The "NoResp"
1271              state will only set the "NoResp" flag for a node without  chang‐
1272              ing  its  underlying  state.   While all of the above states are
1273              valid, some of them are not valid new node  states  given  their
1274              prior state.  If the node state code printed is followed by "~",
1275              this indicates the node is presently  in  a  power  saving  mode
1276              (typically  running  at  reduced  frequency).  If the node state
1277              code is followed by "#", this indicates the  node  is  presently
1278              being  powered up or configured.  If the node state code is fol‐
1279              lowed by "$", this indicates the node is currently in a reserva‐
1280              tion with a flag value of "maintenance".  If the node state code
1281              is followed by "@", this indicates the node is currently  sched‐
1282              uled  to  be  rebooted.   Generally  only  "DRAIN",  "FAIL"  and
1283              "RESUME" should be used.  NOTE: The scontrol command should  not
1284              be  used  to  change  node state on Cray systems. Use Cray tools
1285              such as xtprocadmin instead.
1288       Weight=<weight>
1289              Identify weight to be  associated  with  specified  nodes.  This
1290              allows  dynamic  changes  to weight associated with nodes, which
1291              will be used  for  the  subsequent  node  allocation  decisions.
1292              Weight  assigned  via  scontrol  will  only  persist  across the
1293              restart of the slurmctld daemon with the  -R  option  and  state
1294              files  preserved  or  slurmctld's  receipt  of a SIGHUP.  Update
1295              slurm.conf with any changes meant to be persistent across normal
1296              restarts of slurmctld or the execution of scontrol reconfig.
1301       The meaning of the energy information is as follows:
1304       CurrentWatts
1305              The  instantaneous  power consumption of the node at the time of
1306              the last node energy accounting sample, in watts.
1309       LowestJoules
1310              The energy consumed by the node between the  last  time  it  was
1311              powered  on  and  the  last time it was registered by slurmd, in
1312              joules.
1315       ConsumedJoules
1316              The energy consumed by the node between the  last  time  it  was
1317              registered  by  the  slurmd  daemon  and  the  last  node energy
1318              accounting sample, in joules.
1321       If the reported value is "n/s" (not supported), the node does not  sup‐
1322       port  the configured AcctGatherEnergyType plugin. If the reported value
1323       is zero, energy accounting for nodes is disabled.
1326       The meaning of the external sensors information is as follows:
1329       ExtSensorsJoules
1330              The energy consumed by the node between the  last  time  it  was
1331              powered  on and the last external sensors plugin node sample, in
1332              joules.
1336       ExtSensorsWatts
1337              The instantaneous power consumption of the node at the  time  of
1338              the last external sensors plugin node sample, in watts.
1341       ExtSensorsTemp
1342              The  temperature  of  the  node at the time of the last external
1343              sensors plugin node sample, in celsius.
1346       If the reported value is "n/s" (not supported), the node does not  sup‐
1347       port the configured ExtSensorsType plugin.
1350       The meaning of the resource specialization information is as follows:
1353       CPUSpecList
1354              The  list  of  Slurm  abstract CPU IDs on this node reserved for
1355              exclusive use by the Slurm compute node daemons (slurmd,  slurm‐
1356              stepd).
1359       MemSpecLimit
1360              The  combined  memory  limit, in megabytes, on this node for the
1361              Slurm compute node daemons (slurmd, slurmstepd).
1364       The meaning of the memory information is as follows:
1367       RealMemory
1368              The total memory, in MB, on the node.
1371       AllocMem
1372              The total memory, in MB, currently  allocated  by  jobs  on  the
1373              node.
1376       FreeMem
1377              The  total memory, in MB, currently free on the node as reported
1378              by the OS.
1384       FrontendName=<name>
1385              Identify the front end node to be updated. This specification is
1386              required.
1389       Reason=<reason>
1390              Identify  the  reason  the node is in a "DOWN" or "DRAIN" state.
1391              Use quotes to enclose a reason having more than one word.
1394       State=<state>
1395              Identify the state to be assigned to the front end node.  Possi‐
1396              ble  values  are  "DOWN",  "DRAIN"  or "RESUME".  If you want to
1397              remove a front end node from service, you typically want to  set
1398              its state to "DRAIN".  "RESUME" is not an actual node state, but
1399              will return a "DRAINED", "DRAINING", or "DOWN" front end node to
1400              service,  either  "IDLE"  or  "ALLOCATED"  state as appropriate.
1401              Setting a front end node "DOWN" will cause all running and  sus‐
1402              pended jobs on that node to be terminated.
1407       AllowGroups=<name>
1408              Identify the user groups which may use this partition.  Multiple
1409              groups may be specified in a comma separated  list.   To  permit
1410              all groups to use the partition specify "AllowGroups=ALL".
1413       AllocNodes=<name>
1414              Comma  separated list of nodes from which users can execute jobs
1415              in the partition.  Node names may be specified  using  the  node
1416              range  expression  syntax described above.  The default value is
1417              "ALL".
1420       Alternate=<partition name>
1421              Alternate partition to be used if the state of this partition is
1422              "DRAIN" or "INACTIVE."  The value "NONE" will clear a previously
1423              set alternate partition.
1426       CpuBind=<node>
1427              Specify the task binding mode to be used  by  default  for  this
1428              partition.    Supported   options   include:   "none",  "board",
1429              "socket", "ldom" (NUMA), "core", "thread" and "off" (remove pre‐
1430              vious binding mode).
1433       Default=<yes|no>
1434              Specify  if  this  partition  is to be used by jobs which do not
1435              explicitly identify a partition to use.  Possible output  values
1436              are "YES" and "NO".  In order to change the default partition of
1437              a running system,  use  the  scontrol  update  command  and  set
1438              Default=yes  for  the  partition that you want to become the new
1439              default.
1442       DefaultTime=<time>
1443              Run time limit used for jobs that don't specify a value. If  not
1444              set  then  MaxTime will be used.  Format is the same as for Max‐
1445              Time.
1448       DefMemPerCPU=<MB>
1449              Set the default memory to be allocated per CPU for jobs in  this
1450              partition.  The memory size is specified in megabytes.
1452       DefMemPerNode=<MB>
1453              Set the default memory to be allocated per node for jobs in this
1454              partition.  The memory size is specified in megabytes.
1457       DisableRootJobs=<yes|no>
1458              Specify if jobs can be executed as user root.   Possible  values
1459              are "YES" and "NO".
1462       GraceTime=<seconds>
1463              Specifies,  in units of seconds, the preemption grace time to be
1464              extended to a job which has been selected for  preemption.   The
1465              default  value  is  zero, no preemption grace time is allowed on
1466              this partition or qos.  (Meaningful only for PreemptMode=CANCEL)
1469       Hidden=<yes|no>
1470              Specify if the partition and its  jobs  should  be  hidden  from
1471              view.   Hidden  partitions  will  by  default not be reported by
1472              Slurm APIs or commands.  Possible values are "YES" and "NO".
1475       JobDefaults=<specs>
1476              Specify job default values  using  a  comma  delimited  list  of
1477              "key=value" pairs.  Supported keys include
1479              DefCpuPerGPU  Default number of CPUs per allocated GPU.
1481              DefMemPerGPU  Default  memory limit (in megabytes) per allocated
1482                            GPU.
1485       MaxMemPerCPU=<MB>
1486              Set the maximum memory to be allocated per CPU for jobs in  this
1487              partition.  The memory size is specified in megabytes.
1489       MaxMemPerCNode=<MB>
1490              Set the maximum memory to be allocated per node for jobs in this
1491              partition.  The memory size is specified in megabytes.
1494       MaxNodes=<count>
1495              Set the maximum number of nodes which will be allocated  to  any
1496              single  job  in  the  partition. Specify a number, "INFINITE" or
1497              "UNLIMITED".  Changing the MaxNodes of a partition has no effect
1498              upon jobs that have already begun execution.
1501       MaxTime=<time>
1502              The   maximum   run   time   for   jobs.    Output   format   is
1503              [days-]hours:minutes:seconds or "UNLIMITED".  Input format  (for
1504              update  command) is minutes, minutes:seconds, hours:minutes:sec‐
1505              onds, days-hours, days-hours:minutes or  days-hours:minutes:sec‐
1506              onds.   Time  resolution  is  one  minute  and second values are
1507              rounded up to the next minute.  Changing the MaxTime of a parti‐
1508              tion has no effect upon jobs that have already begun execution.
1511       MinNodes=<count>
1512              Set  the  minimum number of nodes which will be allocated to any
1513              single job in the partition.  Changing the MinNodes of a  parti‐
1514              tion  has no effect upon jobs that have already begun execution.
1515              Increasing this value may prevent pending  jobs  from  starting,
1516              even  if  they  were submitted without -N/--nodes specification.
1517              If you do get in that situation, updating the MinNodes value  of
1518              a  pending job using the scontrol command will allow that job to
1519              be scheduled.
1522       Nodes=<name>
1523              Identify the node(s) to be associated with this partition.  Mul‐
1524              tiple  node  names  may  be  specified  using  simple node range
1525              expressions (e.g. "lx[10-20]").  Note  that  jobs  may  only  be
1526              associated with one partition at any time.  Specify a blank data
1527              value to remove all nodes from a partition: "Nodes=".   Changing
1528              the  Nodes  in  a  partition  has  no effect upon jobs that have
1529              already begun execution.
1532       OverTimeLimit=<count>
1533              Number of minutes by which a  job  can  exceed  its  time  limit
1534              before being canceled.  The configured job time limit is treated
1535              as a soft limit.  Adding OverTimeLimit to the  soft  limit  pro‐
1536              vides a hard limit, at which point the job is canceled.  This is
1537              particularly useful for backfill scheduling,  which  bases  upon
1538              each  job's soft time limit.  A partition-specific OverTimeLimit
1539              will override any global OverTimeLimit value.  If not specified,
1540              the  global  OverTimeLimit  value will take precedence.  May not
1541              exceed 65533 minutes.  An input value of "UNLIMITED" will  clear
1542              any   previously   configured  partition-specific  OverTimeLimit
1543              value.
1546       OverSubscribe=<yes|no|exclusive|force>[:<job_count>]
1547              Specify if compute resources (i.e. individual CPUs) in this par‐
1548              tition  can  be  shared  by  multiple jobs.  Possible values are
1549              "YES", "NO", "EXCLUSIVE" and "FORCE".   An  optional  job  count
1550              specifies how many jobs can be allocated to use each resource.
1553       PartitionName=<name>
1554              Identify  the  partition  to  be  updated. This specification is
1555              required.
1558       PreemptMode=<mode>
1559              Reset the mechanism used to preempt jobs in  this  partition  if
1560              PreemptType is configured to preempt/partition_prio. The default
1561              preemption mechanism is specified by the  cluster-wide  Preempt‐
1562              Mode  configuration parameter.  Possible values are "OFF", "CAN‐
1563              CEL", "REQUEUE" and "SUSPEND".
1566       Priority=<count>
1567              Jobs submitted to a higher priority partition will be dispatched
1568              before pending jobs in lower priority partitions and if possible
1569              they will preempt running jobs from lower  priority  partitions.
1570              Note  that  a partition's priority takes precedence over a job's
1571              priority.  The value may not exceed 65533.
1574       PriorityJobFactor=<count>
1575              Partition factor used by priority/multifactor plugin  in  calcu‐
1576              lating  job priority.  The value may not exceed 65533.  Also see
1577              PriorityTier.
1580       PriorityTier=<count>
1581              Jobs submitted to a partition with a higher priority tier  value
1582              will  be  dispatched before pending jobs in partition with lower
1583              priority tier value and,  if   possible,   they   will   preempt
1584              running  jobs  from  partitions with lower priority tier values.
1585              Note that a partition's priority tier takes  precedence  over  a
1586              job's  priority.  The value may not exceed 65533.  Also see Pri‐
1587              orityJobFactor.
1590       QOS=<QOSname|blank to remove>
1591              Set the partition QOS with a QOS name or to remove the Partition
1592              QOS leave the option blank.
1595       RootOnly=<yes|no>
1596              Specify  if only allocation requests initiated by user root will
1597              be satisfied.  This can be used to restrict control of the  par‐
1598              tition  to  some  meta-scheduler.  Possible values are "YES" and
1599              "NO".
1602       ReqResv=<yes|no>
1603              Specify if only allocation requests  designating  a  reservation
1604              will  be satisfied.  This is used to restrict partition usage to
1605              be allowed only within a reservation.  Possible values are "YES"
1606              and "NO".
1609       Shared=<yes|no|exclusive|force>[:<job_count>]
1610              Renamed to OverSubscribe, see option descriptions above.
1613       State=<up|down|drain|inactive>
1614              Specify  if jobs can be allocated nodes or queued in this parti‐
1615              tion.  Possible values are "UP", "DOWN", "DRAIN" and "INACTIVE".
1617              UP        Designates that new jobs may queued on the  partition,
1618                        and  that jobs may be allocated nodes and run from the
1619                        partition.
1621              DOWN      Designates that new jobs may be queued on  the  parti‐
1622                        tion,  but  queued jobs may not be allocated nodes and
1623                        run from the partition. Jobs already  running  on  the
1624                        partition continue to run. The jobs must be explicitly
1625                        canceled to force their termination.
1627              DRAIN     Designates that no new jobs may be queued on the  par‐
1628                        tition (job submission requests will be denied with an
1629                        error message), but jobs already queued on the  parti‐
1630                        tion  may  be  allocated  nodes and run.  See also the
1631                        "Alternate" partition specification.
1633              INACTIVE  Designates that no new jobs may be queued on the  par‐
1634                        tition,  and  jobs already queued may not be allocated
1635                        nodes and run.  See  also  the  "Alternate"  partition
1636                        specification.
1639       TRESBillingWeights=<TRES Billing Weights>
1640              TRESBillingWeights is used to define the billing weights of each
1641              TRES type that will be used in calculating the usage of  a  job.
1642              The calculated usage is used when calculating fairshare and when
1643              enforcing the TRES billing limit on jobs.   Updates  affect  new
1644              jobs  and  not  existing  jobs.  See the slurm.conf man page for
1645              more information.
1652       Reservation=<name>
1653              Identify the name of the reservation to be created, updated,  or
1654              deleted.   This parameter is required for update and is the only
1655              parameter for delete.  For create, if you do not want to give  a
1656              reservation  name, use "scontrol create res ..." and a name will
1657              be created automatically.
1660       Accounts=<account list>
1661              List of accounts permitted to use the reserved nodes, for  exam‐
1662              ple  "Accounts=physcode1,physcode2".   A  user  in  any  of  the
1663              accounts may use the reserved nodes.   A  new  reservation  must
1664              specify  Users  or Groups and/or Accounts.  If both Users/Groups
1665              and Accounts are specified, a job must match both  in  order  to
1666              use  the  reservation.   Accounts  can  also be denied access to
1667              reservations by preceding all of the  account  names  with  '-'.
1668              Alternately  precede  the  equal  sign  with  '-'.  For example,
1669              "Accounts=-physcode1,-physcode2"                              or
1670              "Accounts-=physcode1,physcode2"  will  permit any account except
1671              physcode1 and physcode2 to use the reservation.  You can add  or
1672              remove individual accounts from an existing reservation by using
1673              the update command and adding a '+' or '-' sign before  the  '='
1674              sign.   If  accounts are denied access to a reservation (account
1675              name preceded by a '-'), then all other accounts are  implicitly
1676              allowed  to  use  the reservation and it is not possible to also
1677              explicitly specify allowed accounts.
1680       BurstBuffer=<buffer_spec>[,<buffer_spec>,...]
1681              Specification  of  burst  buffer  resources  which  are  to   be
1682              reserved.   "buffer_spec"  consists  of  four  elements:  [plug‐
1683              in:][type:]#[units] "plugin" is the burst  buffer  plugin  name,
1684              currently either "datawarp" or "generic".  If no plugin is spec‐
1685              ified, the reservation applies to all  configured  burst  buffer
1686              plugins.  "type" specifies a Cray generic burst buffer resource,
1687              for example "nodes".  if "type" is not specified, the number  is
1688              a  measure  of  storage  space.  The "units" may be "N" (nodes),
1689              "K|KiB", "M|MiB", "G|GiB", "T|TiB", "P|PiB" (for powers of 1024)
1690              and  "KB",  "MB",  "GB",  "TB",  "PB" (for powers of 1000).  The
1691              default units are bytes for reservations of storage space.   For
1692              example  "BurstBuffer=datawarp:2TB" (reserve 2TB of storage plus
1693              3 nodes from the Cray plugin)  or  "BurstBuffer=100GB"  (reserve
1694              100  GB  of  storage  from all configured burst buffer plugins).
1695              Jobs using this reservation are not restricted  to  these  burst
1696              buffer  resources, but may use these reserved resources plus any
1697              which are generally available.  NOTE: Usually  Slurm  interprets
1698              KB,  MB,  GB,  TB, PB, TB units as powers of 1024, but for Burst
1699              Buffers size specifications Slurm supports both IEC/SI  formats.
1700              This  is  because  the  CRAY API for managing DataWarps supports
1701              both formats.
1704       CoreCnt=<num>
1705              This option is only supported when SelectType=select/cons_res or
1706              select/cons_tres.  Identify  number of cores to be reserved.  If
1707              NodeCnt is used without the FIRST_CORES flag, this is the  total
1708              number   of   cores   to   reserve   where  cores  per  node  is
1709              CoreCnt/NodeCnt.  If a nodelist is used, or if NodeCnt  is  used
1710              with  the FIRST_CORES flag, this should be an array of core num‐
1711              bers   by    node:    Nodes=node[1-5]    CoreCnt=2,2,3,3,4    or
1712              flags=FIRST_CORES NodeCnt=5 CoreCnt=1,2,1,3,2.
1715       Licenses=<license>
1716              Specification  of  licenses (or other resources available on all
1717              nodes of the cluster) which are to be reserved.   License  names
1718              can be followed by a colon and count (the default count is one).
1719              Multiple  license  names  should  be   comma   separated   (e.g.
1720              "Licenses=foo:4,bar").   A  new  reservation must specify one or
1721              more resource to be included: NodeCnt,  Nodes  and/or  Licenses.
1722              If  a  reservation  includes  Licenses, but no NodeCnt or Nodes,
1723              then the option Flags=LICENSE_ONLY must also be specified.  Jobs
1724              using this reservation are not restricted to these licenses, but
1725              may use these reserved licenses plus  any  which  are  generally
1726              available.
1729       MaxStartDelay[=<timespec>]
1730              Change  MaxStartDelay  value which specifies the maximum time an
1731              eligible job not requesting this reservation  can  delay  a  job
1732              requesting it. Default is none.  Valid formats are minutes, min‐
1733              utes:seconds, hours:minutes:seconds, days-hours, days-hours:min‐
1734              utes, days-hours:minutes:seconds.  Time resolution is one minute
1735              and second values are rounded up to the next minute. Output for‐
1736              mat is always [days-]hours:minutes:seconds.
1739       NodeCnt=<num>[,num,...]
1740              Identify  number of nodes to be reserved. The number can include
1741              a suffix of "k" or "K", in which case the  number  specified  is
1742              multiplied  by 1024.  A new reservation must specify one or more
1743              resource to be included: NodeCnt, Nodes and/or Licenses.
1746       Nodes=<name>
1747              Identify the node(s) to be reserved. Multiple node names may  be
1748              specified    using   simple   node   range   expressions   (e.g.
1749              "Nodes=lx[10-20]").  Specify a blank data value  to  remove  all
1750              nodes  from  a  reservation:  "Nodes=".   A new reservation must
1751              specify one or more resource  to  be  included:  NodeCnt,  Nodes
1752              and/or  Licenses.  A  specification  of  "ALL"  will reserve all
1753              nodes. Set Flags=PART_NODES  and  PartitionName=  in  order  for
1754              changes  in  the  nodes  associated  with a partition to also be
1755              reflected in the nodes associated with a reservation.
1758       StartTime=<time_spec>
1759              The start time for the  reservation.   A  new  reservation  must
1760              specify a start time.  It accepts times of the form HH:MM:SS for
1761              a specific time of day (seconds are optional).  (If that time is
1762              already  past,  the  next day is assumed.)  You may also specify
1763              midnight, noon, fika (3 PM) or teatime (4 PM) and you can have a
1764              time-of-day suffixed with AM or PM for running in the morning or
1765              the evening.  You can also say what day the job will be run,  by
1766              specifying a date of the form MMDDYY or MM/DD/YY or MM.DD.YY, or
1767              a date and time as YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]].  You can  also  give
1768              times  like  now + count time-units, where the time-units can be
1769              seconds (default), minutes, hours, days, or weeks  and  you  can
1770              tell  Slurm  to  run the job today with the keyword today and to
1771              run the job tomorrow  with  the  keyword  tomorrow.  You  cannot
1772              update the StartTime of a reservation in ACTIVE state.
1775       EndTime=<time_spec>
1776              The  end time for the reservation.  A new reservation must spec‐
1777              ify an end time or a duration.  Valid formats are  the  same  as
1778              for StartTime.
1781       Duration=<time>
1782              The  length of a reservation.  A new reservation must specify an
1783              end time or a duration.  Valid formats are minutes, minutes:sec‐
1784              onds,   hours:minutes:seconds,  days-hours,  days-hours:minutes,
1785              days-hours:minutes:seconds, or UNLIMITED.   Time  resolution  is
1786              one  minute and second values are rounded up to the next minute.
1787              Output format is always [days-]hours:minutes:seconds.
1790       PartitionName=<name>
1791              Partition used to reserve nodes from. This will attempt to allo‐
1792              cate  all  nodes  in  the specified partition unless you request
1793              fewer resources than are  available  with  CoreCnt,  NodeCnt  or
1794              TRES.  Jobs will be allowed to use this reservation even if run‐
1795              ning in a different partition. There only needs to  be  overlap‐
1796              ping  nodes  from that different partition and the nodes used in
1797              the reservation.
1800       Flags=<flags>
1801              Flags associated with the reservation.  You can  add  or  remove
1802              individual flags from an existing reservation by adding a '+' or
1803              '-' sign before the '=' sign.  For example: Flags-=DAILY  (NOTE:
1804              this  shortcut  is not supported for all flags).  Currently sup‐
1805              ported flags include:
1807              ANY_NODES     This is a reservation  for  burst  buffers  and/or
1808                            licenses only and not compute nodes.  If this flag
1809                            is set, a job using this reservation may  use  the
1810                            associated  burst buffers and/or licenses plus any
1811                            compute nodes.  If this flag is  not  set,  a  job
1812                            using  this reservation may use only the nodes and
1813                            licenses associated with the reservation.
1815              DAILY         Repeat the reservation at the same time every day.
1817              FLEX          Permit jobs requesting the  reservation  to  begin
1818                            prior  to  the reservation's start time, end after
1819                            the reservation's end time, and use any  resources
1820                            inside  and/or  outside of the reservation regard‐
1821                            less of any constraints possibly set in the reser‐
1822                            vation.  A typical use case is to prevent jobs not
1823                            explicitly requesting the reservation  from  using
1824                            those  reserved resources rather than forcing jobs
1825                            requesting the reservation to use those  resources
1826                            in the time frame reserved. Another use case could
1827                            be to always have a  particular  number  of  nodes
1828                            with  a  specific  feature reserved for a specific
1829                            account so users in  this  account  may  use  this
1830                            nodes  plus possibly other nodes without this fea‐
1831                            ture.
1833              FIRST_CORES   Use the lowest numbered cores on a node only. Flag
1834                            removal with '-=' is not supported.
1836              IGNORE_JOBS   Ignore  currently  running  jobs when creating the
1837                            reservation.  This can be especially  useful  when
1838                            reserving all nodes in the system for maintenance.
1840              LICENSE_ONLY  See ANY_NODES.
1842              MAINT         Maintenance   mode,  receives  special  accounting
1843                            treatment.  This reservation is permitted  to  use
1844                            resources that are already in another reservation.
1846              MAGNETIC      This  flag  allows  jobs to be considered for this
1847                            reservation even if they didn't request it.
1849              NO_HOLD_JOBS_AFTER
1850                            By default, when a reservation ends  the  reserva‐
1851                            tion request will be removed from any pending jobs
1852                            submitted to the reservation and will be put  into
1853                            a  held state.  Use this flag to let jobs run out‐
1854                            side of the reservation after the  reservation  is
1855                            gone. Flag removal with '-=' is not supported.
1857              OVERLAP       This  reservation  can be allocated resources that
1858                            are already in another reservation.  Flag  removal
1859                            with '-=' is not supported.
1861              PART_NODES    This  flag can be used to reserve all nodes within
1862                            the  specified   partition.    PartitionName   and
1863                            Nodes=ALL must be specified with this flag.
1865              PURGE_COMP[=<timespec>]
1866                            Purge the reservation if it is ever idle for time‐
1867                            spec (no jobs associated with  it).   If  timespec
1868                            isn't  given then 5 minutes is the default.  Valid
1869                            timespec  formats  are  minutes,  minutes:seconds,
1870                            hours:minutes:seconds, days-hours, days-hours:min‐
1871                            utes, days-hours:minutes:seconds.  Time resolution
1872                            is  one minute and second values are rounded up to
1873                            the  next  minute.   Output   format   is   always
1874                            [days-]hours:minutes:seconds.
1876              REPLACE       Nodes  which  are  DOWN,  DRAINED, or allocated to
1877                            jobs  are  automatically  replenished  using  idle
1878                            resources.   This option can be used to maintain a
1879                            constant number of idle  resources  available  for
1880                            pending  jobs  (subject  to  availability  of idle
1881                            resources).  This should be used with the  NodeCnt
1882                            reservation option; do not identify specific nodes
1883                            to be included in the  reservation.  Flag  removal
1884                            with '-=' is not supported.
1886                            NOTE:  Removing a node from the cluster while in a
1887                            reservation with the REPLACE flag will  not  cause
1888                            it to be replaced.
1890              REPLACE_DOWN  Nodes  which are DOWN or DRAINED are automatically
1891                            replenished using idle resources.  This option can
1892                            be  used  to  maintain  a  constant  sized pool of
1893                            resources available for pending jobs  (subject  to
1894                            availability  of  idle resources).  This should be
1895                            used with the NodeCnt reservation option;  do  not
1896                            identify  specific  nodes  to  be  included in the
1897                            reservation. Flag removal with '-='  is  not  sup‐
1898                            ported.
1900                            NOTE:  Removing a node from the cluster while in a
1901                            reservation with the REPLACE_DOWN  flag  will  not
1902                            cause it to be replaced.
1904              SPEC_NODES    Reservation is for specific nodes (output only).
1906              STATIC_ALLOC  Make  it  so  after  the  nodes are selected for a
1907                            reservation  they  don't  change.   Without   this
1908                            option  when  nodes are selected for a reservation
1909                            and one goes down the reservation  will  select  a
1910                            new node to fill the spot.
1912              TIME_FLOAT    The reservation start time is relative to the cur‐
1913                            rent time and moves forward through time  (e.g.  a
1914                            StartTime=now+10minutes  will always be 10 minutes
1915                            in the future). Repeating  (e.g.  DAILY)  floating
1916                            reservations  are  not  supported.  Flag cannot be
1917                            added to or removed from an existing reservation.
1919              WEEKDAY       Repeat the reservation at the same time  on  every
1920                            weekday  (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
1921                            Friday).
1923              WEEKEND       Repeat the reservation at the same time  on  every
1924                            weekend day (Saturday and Sunday).
1926              WEEKLY        Repeat  the  reservation  at  the  same time every
1927                            week.
1930       Features=<features>
1931              Set the reservation's required node  features.  Multiple  values
1932              may  be  "&"  separated if all features are required (AND opera‐
1933              tion) or separated by "|" if any of the specified  features  are
1934              required  (OR  operation).   Parenthesis  are also supported for
1935              features to be ANDed together with counts of  nodes  having  the
1936              specified        features.         For       example       "Fea‐
1937              tures=[(knl&a2a&flat)*4&haswell*2]"   indicates   the   advanced
1938              reservation  should  include  4  nodes  with ALL of the features
1939              "knl",  "a2a",  and  "flat"  plus  2  nodes  with  the   feature
1940              "haswell".
1942              Value may be cleared with blank data value, "Features=".
1945       Groups=<group list>
1946              List  of groups permitted to use the reserved nodes, for example
1947              "Group=bio,chem".  A  new  reservation  must  specify  Users  or
1948              Groups  and/or  Accounts.  If both Users/Groups and Accounts are
1949              specified, a job must match both in order to  use  the  reserva‐
1950              tion.   Unlike users groups do not allow denied access to reser‐
1951              vations.  You can add or remove individual groups from an exist‐
1952              ing  reservation by using the update command and adding a '+' or
1953              '-' sign before the '=' sign.  NOTE: Groups and Users are  mutu‐
1954              ally  exclusive  in  reservations, if you want to switch between
1955              the 2 you must update the reservation with a group='' or user=''
1956              and fill in the opposite with the appropriate setting.
1959       Skip   Used  on a reoccurring reservation, skip to the next reservation
1960              iteration.  NOTE: Only available for update.
1963       Users=<user list>
1964              List of users permitted to use the reserved nodes,  for  example
1965              "User=jones1,smith2".   A  new reservation must specify Users or
1966              Groups and/or Accounts.  If both Users/Groups and  Accounts  are
1967              specified,  a  job  must match both in order to use the reserva‐
1968              tion.  Users can also be denied access to reservations  by  pre‐
1969              ceding  all  of the user names with '-'. Alternately precede the
1970              equal sign with '-'.   For  example,  "User=-jones1,-smith2"  or
1971              "User-=jones1,smith2"  will  permit  any  user except jones1 and
1972              smith2 to use the reservation.  You can add or remove individual
1973              users  from  an existing reservation by using the update command
1974              and adding a '+' or '-' sign before the '=' sign.  If users  are
1975              denied  access  to  a reservation (user name preceded by a '-'),
1976              then all other users are implicitly allowed to use the  reserva‐
1977              tion  and  it is not possible to also explicitly specify allowed
1978              users.  NOTE: Groups and Users are mutually exclusive in  reser‐
1979              vations, if you want to switch between the 2 you must update the
1980              reservation with a group='' or user='' and fill in the  opposite
1981              with the appropriate setting.
1984       TRES=<tres_spec>
1985              Comma-separated  list of TRES required for the reservation. Cur‐
1986              rent supported TRES types  with  reservations  are:  CPU,  Node,
1987              License  and  BB. CPU and Node follow the same format as CoreCnt
1988              and NodeCnt parameters respectively.  License names can be  fol‐
1989              lowed by an equal '=' and a count:
1991              License/<name1>=<count1>[,License/<name2>=<count2>,...]
1993              BurstBuffer  can  be  specified  in a similar way as BurstBuffer
1994              parameter. The only difference is that colon symbol  ':'  should
1995              be replaced by an equal '=' in order to follow the TRES format.
1997              Some examples of TRES valid specifications:
1999              TRES=cpu=5,bb/cray=4,license/iop1=1,license/iop2=3
2001              TRES=node=5k,license/iop1=2
2003              As  specified in CoreCnt, if a nodelist is specified, cpu can be
2004              an  array  of   core   numbers   by   node:   nodes=compute[1-3]
2005              TRES=cpu=2,2,1,bb/cray=4,license/iop1=2
2007              Please note that CPU, Node, License and BB can override CoreCnt,
2008              NodeCnt, Licenses and BurstBuffer parameters respectively.  Also
2009              CPU represents CoreCnt, in a reservation and will be adjusted if
2010              you have threads per core on your nodes.
2012              Note that a reservation that contains nodes or cores is  associ‐
2013              ated  with one partition, and can't span resources over multiple
2014              partitions.  The only exception from this is when  the  reserva‐
2015              tion is created with explicitly requested nodes.


2019       Executing  scontrol  sends  a  remote  procedure  call to slurmctld. If
2020       enough calls from scontrol or other Slurm  client  commands  that  send
2021       remote  procedure calls to the slurmctld daemon come in at once, it can
2022       result in a degradation of performance of the slurmctld daemon,  possi‐
2023       bly resulting in a denial of service.
2025       Do  not  run  scontrol  or other Slurm client commands that send remote
2026       procedure calls to slurmctld from loops in shell scripts or other  pro‐
2027       grams. Ensure that programs limit calls to scontrol to the minimum nec‐
2028       essary for the information you are trying to gather.


2032       Some scontrol options may be set via environment variables. These envi‐
2033       ronment  variables,  along with their corresponding options, are listed
2034       below. (Note: Commandline options will always override these settings.)
2036       SCONTROL_ALL        -a, --all
2038       SCONTROL_FEDERATION --federation
2040       SCONTROL_FUTURE     -F, --future
2042       SCONTROL_LOCAL      --local
2044       SCONTROL_SIBLING    --sibling
2046       SLURM_BITSTR_LEN    Specifies the string length to be used for  holding
2047                           a  job  array's  task  ID  expression.  The default
2048                           value is 64 bytes.  A value of  0  will  print  the
2049                           full  expression  with any length required.  Larger
2050                           values may adversely impact the application perfor‐
2051                           mance.
2053       SLURM_CLUSTERS      Same as --clusters
2055       SLURM_CONF          The location of the Slurm configuration file.
2057       SLURM_CONF_OUT      When  running  'write  config', the location of the
2058                           Slurm configuration file to be written.
2060       SLURM_TIME_FORMAT   Specify the format used to report  time  stamps.  A
2061                           value  of  standard,  the  default value, generates
2062                           output            in            the            form
2063                           "year-month-dateThour:minute:second".   A  value of
2064                           relative returns only "hour:minute:second"  if  the
2065                           current  day.   For other dates in the current year
2066                           it prints the "hour:minute"  preceded  by  "Tomorr"
2067                           (tomorrow),  "Ystday"  (yesterday), the name of the
2068                           day for the coming week (e.g. "Mon", "Tue",  etc.),
2069                           otherwise  the  date  (e.g.  "25  Apr").  For other
2070                           years it returns a date month and  year  without  a
2071                           time  (e.g.   "6 Jun 2012"). All of the time stamps
2072                           use a 24 hour format.
2074                           A valid strftime() format can  also  be  specified.
2075                           For example, a value of "%a %T" will report the day
2076                           of the week and a time stamp (e.g. "Mon 12:34:56").
2079       SLURM_TOPO_LEN      Specify the maximum size of the line when  printing
2080                           Topology.  If  not set, the default value is unlim‐
2081                           ited.


2085       When using SlurmDBD, users who have an AdminLevel defined (Operator  or
2086       Admin)  and  users who are account coordinators are given the authority
2087       to view and modify jobs, reservations, nodes, etc., as defined  in  the
2088       following  table  - regardless of whether a PrivateData restriction has
2089       been defined in the slurm.conf file.
2091       scontrol show job(s):        Admin, Operator, Coordinator
2092       scontrol update job:         Admin, Operator, Coordinator
2093       scontrol requeue:            Admin, Operator, Coordinator
2094       scontrol show step(s):       Admin, Operator, Coordinator
2095       scontrol update step:        Admin, Operator, Coordinator
2097       scontrol show node:          Admin, Operator
2098       scontrol update node:        Admin
2100       scontrol create partition:   Admin
2101       scontrol show partition:     Admin, Operator
2102       scontrol update partition:   Admin
2103       scontrol delete partition:   Admin
2105       scontrol create reservation: Admin, Operator
2106       scontrol show reservation:   Admin, Operator
2107       scontrol update reservation: Admin, Operator
2108       scontrol delete reservation: Admin, Operator
2110       scontrol reconfig:           Admin
2111       scontrol shutdown:           Admin
2112       scontrol takeover:           Admin


2116       # scontrol
2117       scontrol: show part debug
2118       PartitionName=debug
2119          AllocNodes=ALL AllowGroups=ALL Default=YES
2120          DefaultTime=NONE DisableRootJobs=NO Hidden=NO
2121          MaxNodes=UNLIMITED MaxTime=UNLIMITED MinNodes=1
2122          Nodes=snowflake[0-48]
2123          Priority=1 RootOnly=NO OverSubscribe=YES:4
2124          State=UP TotalCPUs=694 TotalNodes=49
2125       scontrol: update PartitionName=debug MaxTime=60:00 MaxNodes=4
2126       scontrol: show job 71701
2127       JobId=71701 Name=hostname
2128          UserId=da(1000) GroupId=da(1000)
2129          Priority=66264 Account=none QOS=normal WCKey=*123
2130          JobState=COMPLETED Reason=None Dependency=(null)
2131          TimeLimit=UNLIMITED Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=0 ExitCode=0:0
2132          SubmitTime=2010-01-05T10:58:40 EligibleTime=2010-01-05T10:58:40
2133          StartTime=2010-01-05T10:58:40 EndTime=2010-01-05T10:58:40
2134          SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
2135          Partition=debug AllocNode:Sid=snowflake:4702
2136          ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
2137          NodeList=snowflake0
2138          NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=10 CPUs/Task=2 ReqS:C:T=1:1:1
2139          MinCPUsNode=2 MinMemoryNode=0 MinTmpDiskNode=0
2140          Features=(null) Reservation=(null)
2141          OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)
2142       scontrol: update JobId=71701 TimeLimit=30:00 Priority=500
2143       scontrol: show hostnames tux[1-3]
2144       tux1
2145       tux2
2146       tux3
2147       scontrol:  create  res  StartTime=2009-04-01T08:00:00  Duration=5:00:00
2148       Users=dbremer NodeCnt=10
2149       Reservation created: dbremer_1
2150       scontrol: update Reservation=dbremer_1 Flags=Maint NodeCnt=20
2151       scontrol: delete Reservation=dbremer_1
2152       scontrol: quit


2156       Copyright  (C)  2002-2007  The Regents of the University of California.
2157       Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
2158       Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
2159       Copyright (C) 2010-2018 SchedMD LLC.
2161       This file is  part  of  Slurm,  a  resource  management  program.   For
2162       details, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
2164       Slurm  is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
2165       the terms of the GNU General Public License as published  by  the  Free
2166       Software  Foundation;  either  version  2  of  the License, or (at your
2167       option) any later version.
2169       Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be  useful,  but  WITHOUT
2170       ANY  WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
2171       FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General  Public  License
2172       for more details.


2175       /etc/slurm.conf


2178       scancel(1),    sinfo(1),    squeue(1),    slurm_create_partition   (3),
2179       slurm_delete_partition (3),  slurm_load_ctl_conf  (3),  slurm_load_jobs
2180       (3),  slurm_load_node (3), slurm_load_partitions (3), slurm_reconfigure
2181       (3),   slurm_requeue  (3),  slurm_resume   (3),   slurm_shutdown   (3),
2182       slurm_suspend    (3),   slurm_takeover   (3),   slurm_update_job   (3),
2183       slurm_update_node  (3),  slurm_update_partition   (3),   slurm.conf(5),
2184       slurmctld(8)
2188October 2020                    Slurm Commands                     scontrol(1)