1Rose::DB::Pg(3)       User Contributed Perl Documentation      Rose::DB::Pg(3)


6       Rose::DB::Pg - PostgreSQL driver class for Rose::DB.


9         use Rose::DB;
11         Rose::DB->register_db(
12           domain   => 'development',
13           type     => 'main',
14           driver   => 'Pg',
15           database => 'dev_db',
16           host     => 'localhost',
17           username => 'devuser',
18           password => 'mysecret',
19           server_time_zone => 'UTC',
20           european_dates   => 1,
21         );
23         Rose::DB->default_domain('development');
24         Rose::DB->default_type('main');
25         ...
27         $db = Rose::DB->new; # $db is really a Rose::DB::Pg-derived object
28         ...


31       Rose::DB blesses objects into a class derived from Rose::DB::Pg when
32       the driver is "pg".  This mapping of driver names to class names is
33       configurable.  See the documentation for Rose::DB's new() and
34       driver_class() methods for more information.
36       This class cannot be used directly.  You must use Rose::DB and let its
37       new() method return an object blessed into the appropriate class for
38       you, according to its driver_class() mappings.
40       Only the methods that are new or have different behaviors than those in
41       Rose::DB are documented here.  See the Rose::DB documentation for the
42       full list of methods.


45       european_dates [BOOL]
46           Get or set the boolean value that determines whether or not dates
47           are assumed to be in european dd/mm/yyyy format.  The default is to
48           assume US mm/dd/yyyy format (because this is the default for
49           PostgreSQL).
51           This value will be passed to DateTime::Format::Pg as the value of
52           the "european" parameter in the call to the constructor "new()".
53           This DateTime::Format::Pg object is used by Rose::DB::Pg to parse
54           and format date-related column values in methods like parse_date,
55           format_date, etc.
57       next_value_in_sequence SEQUENCE
58           Advance the sequence named SEQUENCE and return the new value.
59           Returns undef if there was an error.
61       server_time_zone [TZ]
62           Get or set the time zone used by the database server software.  TZ
63           should be a time zone name that is understood by
64           DateTime::TimeZone.  The default value is "floating".
66           This value will be passed to DateTime::Format::Pg as the value of
67           the "server_tz" parameter in the call to the constructor "new()".
68           This DateTime::Format::Pg object is used by Rose::DB::Pg to parse
69           and format date-related column values in methods like parse_date,
70           format_date, etc.
72           See the DateTime::TimeZone documentation for acceptable values of
73           TZ.
75       pg_enable_utf8 [BOOL]
76           Get or set the pg_enable_utf8 database handle attribute.  This is
77           set directly on the dbh, if one exists.  Otherwise, it will be set
78           when the dbh is created.  If no value for this attribute is defined
79           (the default) then it will not be set when the dbh is created,
80           deferring instead to whatever default value DBD::Pg chooses.
82           Returns the value of this attribute in the dbh, if one exists, or
83           the value that will be set when the dbh is next created.
85           See the DBD::Pg documentation to learn more about this attribute.
87       sslmode [MODE]
88           Get or set the SSL mode of the connection.  Valid values for MODE
89           are "disable", "allow", "prefer", and "require".  This attribute is
90           used to build the DBI dsn.  Setting it has no effect until the next
91           connection.  See the DBD::Pg documentation to learn more about this
92           attribute.
94   Value Parsing and Formatting
95       format_array ARRAYREF | LIST
96           Given a reference to an array or a list of values, return a string
97           formatted according to the rules of PostgreSQL's "ARRAY" column
98           type.  Undef is returned if ARRAYREF points to an empty array or if
99           LIST is not passed.
101       format_interval DURATION
102           Given a DateTime::Duration object, return a string formatted
103           according to the rules of PostgreSQL's "INTERVAL" column type.  If
104           DURATION is undefined, a DateTime::Duration object, a valid
105           interval keyword (according to validate_interval_keyword), or if it
106           looks like a function call (matches "/^\w+\(.*\)$/") and
107           keyword_function_calls is true, then it is returned unmodified.
109       parse_array STRING
110           Parse STRING and return a reference to an array.  STRING should be
111           formatted according to PostgreSQL's "ARRAY" data type.  Undef is
112           returned if STRING is undefined.
114       parse_interval STRING
115           Parse STRING and return a DateTime::Duration object.  STRING should
116           be formatted according to the PostgreSQL native "interval" (years,
117           months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) data type.
119           If STRING is a DateTime::Duration object, a valid interval keyword
120           (according to validate_interval_keyword), or if it looks like a
121           function call (matches "/^\w+\(.*\)$/") and keyword_function_calls
122           is true, then it is returned unmodified.  Otherwise, undef is
123           returned if STRING could not be parsed as a valid "interval" value.
125       validate_date_keyword STRING
126           Returns true if STRING is a valid keyword for the PostgreSQL "date"
127           data type.  Valid (case-insensitive) date keywords are:
129               current_date
130               epoch
131               now
132               now()
133               today
134               tomorrow
135               yesterday
137           The keywords are case sensitive.  Any string that looks like a
138           function call (matches "/^\w+\(.*\)$/") is also considered a valid
139           date keyword if keyword_function_calls is true.
141       validate_datetime_keyword STRING
142           Returns true if STRING is a valid keyword for the PostgreSQL
143           "datetime" data type, false otherwise.  Valid (case-insensitive)
144           datetime keywords are:
146               -infinity
147               allballs
148               current_date
149               current_time
150               current_time()
151               current_timestamp
152               current_timestamp()
153               epoch
154               infinity
155               localtime
156               localtime()
157               localtimestamp
158               localtimestamp()
159               now
160               now()
161               timeofday()
162               today
163               tomorrow
164               yesterday
166           The keywords are case sensitive.  Any string that looks like a
167           function call (matches "/^\w+\(.*\)$/") is also considered a valid
168           datetime keyword if keyword_function_calls is true.
170       validate_time_keyword STRING
171           Returns true if STRING is a valid keyword for the PostgreSQL "time"
172           data type, false otherwise.  Valid (case-insensitive) timestamp
173           keywords are:
175               allballs
176               current_time
177               current_time()
178               localtime
179               localtime()
180               now
181               now()
182               timeofday()
184           The keywords are case sensitive.  Any string that looks like a
185           function call (matches "/^\w+\(.*\)$/") is also considered a valid
186           timestamp keyword if keyword_function_calls is true.
188       validate_timestamp_keyword STRING
189           Returns true if STRING is a valid keyword for the PostgreSQL
190           "timestamp" data type, false otherwise.  Valid (case-insensitive)
191           timestamp keywords are:
193               -infinity
194               allballs
195               current_date
196               current_time
197               current_time()
198               current_timestamp
199               current_timestamp()
200               epoch
201               infinity
202               localtime
203               localtime()
204               localtimestamp
205               localtimestamp()
206               now
207               now()
208               timeofday()
209               today
210               tomorrow
211               yesterday
213           The keywords are case sensitive.  Any string that looks like a
214           function call (matches "/^\w+\(.*\)$/") is also considered a valid
215           timestamp keyword if keyword_function_calls is true.


218       John C. Siracusa (siracusa@gmail.com)


221       Copyright (c) 2010 by John C. Siracusa.  All rights reserved.  This
222       program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
223       under the same terms as Perl itself.
227perl v5.32.0                      2020-07-28                   Rose::DB::Pg(3)