1sway-input(5)                 File Formats Manual                sway-input(5)


6       sway-input - input configuration file and commands


9       Sway allows for configuration of devices within the sway configuration
10       file.  To obtain a list of available device identifiers, run swaymsg -t
11       get_inputs.  Settings can also be applied to all input devices by using
12       the wildcard, *, in place of <identifier> in the commands below. In
13       addition, the settings can be applied to a type of device, by using
14       type:<input_type> in place of <identifier>.
16       In the configuration file, settings with a more specific selector take
17       precedence over more general ones: <identifier> > type:<input_type> >
18       *.  When executing input commands, however, the settings are applied to
19       all matching input devices!  This means that type:<input_type> can
20       override previously set <identifier> settings, even though in a config‐
21       uration file they would take precedence.  Similarly * can override both
22       <identifier> and type:<input_type> settings, if applied later.
24       Tip: If the configuration settings do not appear to be taking effect,
25       you could try using * instead of <identifier>. If it works with the
26       wildcard, try using a different identifier from swaymsg -t get_inputs
27       until you find the correct input device.
29       Current available input types are:
31       ·   touchpad
32       ·   pointer
33       ·   keyboard
34       ·   touch
35       ·   tablet_tool
36       ·   tablet_pad
37       ·   switch
40       Note: The type configurations are applied as the devices appear and get
41       applied on top of the existing device configurations.


45       input <identifier> repeat_delay <milliseconds>
46           Sets the amount of time a key must be held before it starts repeat‐
47           ing.
49       input <identifier> repeat_rate <characters per second>
50           Sets the frequency of key repeats once the repeat_delay has passed.
52       For more information on these xkb configuration options, see xkeyboard-
53       config(7).
55       input <identifier> xkb_file <file_name>
56           Sets all xkb configurations from a complete .xkb file. This file
57           can be dumped from xkbcomp $DISPLAY keymap.xkb. This setting over‐
58           rides xkb_layout, xkb_model, xkb_options, xkb_rules, and xkb_vari‐
59           ant settings.
61       input <identifier> xkb_layout <layout_name>
62           Sets the layout of the keyboard like us or de.
64           Multiple layouts can be specified by separating them with commas.
66       input <identifier> xkb_model <model_name>
67           Sets the model of the keyboard. This has an influence for some
68           extra keys your keyboard might have.
70       input <identifier> xkb_options <options>
71           Sets extra xkb configuration options for the keyboard.
73           Multiple options can be specified by separating them with commas.
75       input <identifier> xkb_rules <rules>
76           Sets files of rules to be used for keyboard mapping composition.
78       input <identifier> xkb_switch_layout <index>|next|prev
79           Changes the active keyboard layout to <index> counting from zero or
80           to next or previous layout on the list. If there is no next or pre‐
81           vious layout, this command hops to the other end of the list.
83           This can be used when multiple layouts are configured with xkb_lay‐
84           out.  A list of layouts you can switch between can be obtained with
85           swaymsg -t get_inputs.
87       input <identifier> xkb_variant <variant>
88           Sets the variant of the keyboard like dvorak or colemak.
90       The following commands may only be used in the configuration file.
92       input <identifier> xkb_capslock enabled|disabled
93           Initially enables or disables CapsLock on startup, the default is
94           disabled.
96       input <identifier> xkb_numlock enabled|disabled
97           Initially enables or disables NumLock on startup, the default is
98           disabled.
101       input <identifier> map_to_output <identifier>
102           Maps inputs from this device to the specified output. Only meaning‐
103           ful if the device is a pointer, touch, or drawing tablet device.
105       input <identifier> map_to_region <X> <Y> <width> <height>
106           Maps inputs from this device to the specified region of the global
107           output layout. Only meaningful if the device is a pointer, touch,
108           or drawing tablet device.
110       input <identifier> map_from_region <X1xY1> <X2xY2>
111           Ignores inputs from this device that do not occur within the speci‐
112           fied region. Can be in millimeters (e.g. 10x20mm 20x40mm) or in
113           terms of 0..1 (e.g. 0.5x0.5 0.7x0.7). Not all devices support mil‐
114           limeters. Only meaningful if the device is not a keyboard and pro‐
115           vides events in absolute terms (such as a drawing tablet or touch
116           screen - most pointers provide events relative to the previous
117           frame).
120       input <identifier> accel_profile adaptive|flat
121           Sets the pointer acceleration profile for the specified input
122           device.
124       input <identifier> calibration_matrix <6 space-separated floating point
125       values>
126           Sets the calibration matrix.
128       input <identifier> click_method none|button_areas|clickfinger
129           Changes the click method for the specified device.
131       input <identifier> drag enabled|disabled
132           Enables or disables tap-and-drag for specified input device.
134       input <identifier> drag_lock enabled|disabled
135           Enables or disables drag lock for specified input device.
137       input <identifier> dwt enabled|disabled
138           Enables or disables disable-while-typing for the specified input
139           device.
141       input <identifier> events enabled|disabled|disabled_on_exter‐
142       nal_mouse|toggle [<toggle-modes>]
143           Enables or disables send_events for specified input device. Dis‐
144           abling send_events disables the input device.
146           The toggle option cannot be used in the config. If no toggle modes
147           are listed, all supported modes for the device will be toggled
148           through in the order: enabled,     disabled_on_external_mouse, dis‐
149           abled, (loop back). If toggle modes are listed, they will be cycled
150           through, defaulting to the first mode listed if the current mode is
151           not in the list. They will also not be checked to see if they are
152           supported for the device and may fail.
154       input <identifier> left_handed enabled|disabled
155           Enables or disables left handed mode for specified input device.
157       input <identifier> middle_emulation enabled|disabled
158           Enables or disables middle click emulation.
160       input <identifier> natural_scroll enabled|disabled
161           Enables or disables natural (inverted) scrolling for the specified
162           input device.
164       input <identifier> pointer_accel [<-1|1>]
165           Changes the pointer acceleration for the specified input device.
167       input <identifier> scroll_button disable|button[1-3,8,9]|<event-code-
168       or-name>
169           Sets the button used for scroll_method on_button_down. The button
170           can be given as an event name or code, which can be obtained from
171           libinput debug-events, or as a x11 mouse button (button[1-3,8,9]).
172           If set to disable, it disables the scroll_method on_button_down.
174       input <identifier> scroll_factor <floating point value>
175           Changes the scroll factor for the specified input device. Scroll
176           speed will be scaled by the given value, which must be non-nega‐
177           tive.
179       input <identifier> scroll_method none|two_finger|edge|on_button_down
180           Changes the scroll method for the specified input device.
182       input <identifier> tap enabled|disabled
183           Enables or disables tap for specified input device.
185       input <identifier> tap_button_map lrm|lmr
186           Specifies which button mapping to use for tapping. lrm treats 1
187           finger as left click, 2 fingers as right click, and 3 fingers as
188           middle click. lmr treats 1 finger as left click, 2 fingers as mid‐
189           dle click, and 3 fingers as right click.
192       Configure options for multiseat mode.
194       A seat is a collection of input devices that act independently of each
195       other.  Seats are identified by name and the default seat is seat0 if
196       no seats are configured. While sway is running, - (hyphen) can be used
197       as an alias for the current seat. Each seat has an independent keyboard
198       focus and a separate cursor that is controlled by the pointer devices
199       of the seat. This is useful for multiple people using the desktop at
200       the same time with their own devices (each sitting in their own
201       "seat"). The wildcard character, *, can also be used in place of <iden‐
202       tifier> to change settings for all seats.
204       Tip: If the configuration settings do not appear to be taking effect,
205       you could try using * instead of <identifier>. If it works with the
206       wildcard, try using a different identifier from swaymsg -t get_seats
207       until you find the correct seat.
209       seat <name> attach <input_identifier>
210           Attach an input device to this seat by its input identifier. A spe‐
211           cial value of "*" will attach all devices to the seat.
213       seat <seat> cursor move|set <x> <y>
214           Move specified seat's cursor relative to current position or wrap
215           to absolute coordinates (with respect to the global coordinate
216           space).  Specifying either value as 0 will not update that coordi‐
217           nate.
219       seat <seat> cursor press|release button[1-9]|<event-name-or-code>
220           Simulate pressing (or releasing) the specified mouse button on the
221           specified seat. The button can either be provided as a button event
222           name or event code, which can be obtained from libinput debug-
223           events, or as an x11 mouse button (button[1-9]). If using but‐
224           ton[4-7], which map to axes, an axis event will be simulated, how‐
225           ever press and release will be ignored and both will occur.
227       seat <name> fallback true|false
228           Set this seat as the fallback seat. A fallback seat will attach any
229           device not explicitly attached to another seat (similar to a
230           "default" seat).
232       seat <name> hide_cursor <timeout>
233           Hides the cursor image after the specified timeout (in millisec‐
234           onds) has elapsed with no activity on that cursor. A timeout of 0
235           (default) disables hiding the cursor. The minimal timeout is 100
236           and any value less than that (aside from 0), will be increased to
237           100.
239       seat <name> idle_inhibit <sources...>
240           Sets the set of input event sources which can prevent the seat from
241           becoming idle, as a space separated list of source names. Valid
242           names are "keyboard", "pointer", "touchpad", "touch", "tablet_pad",
243           "tablet_tool", and "switch". The default behavior is to prevent
244           idle on any event.
246       seat <name> idle_wake <sources...>
247           Sets the set of input event sources which can wake the seat from
248           its idle state, as a space separated list of source names. Valid
249           names are "keyboard", "pointer", "touchpad", "touch", "tablet_pad",
250           "tablet_tool", and "switch". The default behavior is to wake from
251           idle on any event.
253       seat <name> keyboard_grouping none|smart
254           Set how the keyboards in the seat are grouped together. Currently,
255           there are two options. none will disable all keyboard grouping.
256           This will make it so each keyboard device has its own isolated
257           state. smart will group the keyboards in the seat by their keymap
258           and repeat info. This is useful for when the keyboard appears as
259           multiple separate input devices.  In this mode, the effective lay‐
260           out is synced between the keyboards in the group. The default is
261           smart. To restore the behavior of older versions of sway, use none.
263       seat <name> pointer_constraint enable|disable|escape
264           Enables or disables the ability for clients to capture the cursor
265           (enabled by default) for the seat. This is primarily useful for
266           video games. The "escape" command can be used at runtime to escape
267           from a captured client.
269       seat <name> shortcuts_inhibitor enable|disable|activate|deactivate|tog‐
270       gle
271           Enables or disables the ability of clients to inhibit keyboard
272           shortcuts for the seat. This is primarily useful for virtualization
273           and remote desktop software. Subcommands enable and disable affect
274           whether future inhibitors are honoured by default, i.e. activated
275           automatically, the default being enable. When used at runtime, dis‐
276           able also disables any currently active inhibitors. activate, deac‐
277           tivate and toggle are only useable at runtime and change the state
278           of a potentially existing inhibitor on the currently focused win‐
279           dow. This can be used with the current seat alias (-) to affect
280           only the currently focused window of the current seat. Subcommand
281           deactivate is particularly useful in an --inhibited bindsym to
282           escape a state where shortcuts are inhibited and the client becomes
283           uncooperative. It is worth noting that whether disabled or deacti‐
284           vated inhibitors are removed is entirely up to the client. Depend‐
285           ing on the client it may therefore be possible to (re-)activate
286           them later. Any visual indication that an inhibitor is present is
287           currently left to the client as well.
289       seat <name> xcursor_theme <theme> [<size>]
290           Override the system default XCursor theme. The default seat's
291           (seat0) theme is also used as the default cursor theme in XWayland,
292           and exported through the XCURSOR_THEME and XCURSOR_SIZE environment
293           variables.


296       sway(5) sway-output(5) xkeyboard-config(7)
300                                  2020-10-22                     sway-input(5)