1PORTABLECTL(1)                    portablectl                   PORTABLECTL(1)


6       portablectl - Attach, detach or inspect portable service images


9       portablectl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} [NAME...]


12       portablectl may be used to attach, detach or inspect portable service
13       images. It's primarily a command interfacing with systemd-
14       portabled.service(8).
16       Portable service images contain an OS file system tree along with
17       systemd(1) unit file information. A service image may be "attached" to
18       the local system. If attached, a set of unit files are copied from the
19       image to the host, and extended with RootDirectory= or RootImage=
20       assignments (in case of service units) pointing to the image file or
21       directory, ensuring the services will run within the file system
22       context of the image.
24       Portable service images are an efficient way to bundle multiple related
25       services and other units together, and transfer them as a whole between
26       systems. When these images are attached the local system the contained
27       units may run in most ways like regular system-provided units, either
28       with full privileges or inside strict sandboxing, depending on the
29       selected configuration.
31       Specifically portable service images may be of the following kind:
33       •   Directory trees containing an OS, including the top-level
34           directories /usr/, /etc/, and so on.
36       •   btrfs subvolumes containing OS trees, similar to normal directory
37           trees.
39       •   Binary "raw" disk images containing MBR or GPT partition tables and
40           Linux file system partitions. (These must be regular files, with
41           the .raw suffix.)


44       The following commands are understood:
46       list
47           List available portable service images. This will list all portable
48           service images discovered in the portable image search paths (see
49           below), along with brief metadata and state information. Note that
50           many of the commands below may both operate on images inside and
51           outside of the search paths. This command is hence mostly a
52           convenience option, the commands are generally not restricted to
53           what this list shows.
55       attach IMAGE [PREFIX...]
56           Attach a portable service image to the host system. Expects a file
57           system path to a portable service image file or directory as first
58           argument. If the specified path contains no slash character ("/")
59           it is understood as image filename that is searched for in the
60           portable service image search paths (see below). To reference a
61           file in the current working directory prefix the filename with "./"
62           to avoid this search path logic.
64           When a portable service is attached four operations are executed:
66            1. All unit files of types .service, .socket, .target, .timer and
67               .path which match the indicated unit file name prefix are
68               copied from the image to the host's
69               /etc/systemd/system.attached/ directory (or
70               /run/systemd/system.attached/ — depending whether --runtime is
71               specified, see above), which is included in the built-in unit
72               search path of the system service manager.
74            2. For unit files of type .service a drop-in is added to these
75               copies that adds RootDirectory= or RootImage= settings (see
76               systemd.unit(5) for details), that ensures these services are
77               run within the file system of the originating portable service
78               image.
80            3. A second drop-in is created: the "profile" drop-in, that may
81               contain additional security settings (and other settings). A
82               number of profiles are available by default but administrators
83               may define their own ones. See below.
85            4. If the portable service image file is not already in the search
86               path (see below), a symbolic link to it is created in
87               /etc/portables/ or /run/portables/, to make sure it is included
88               in it.
90           By default all unit files whose names start with a prefix generated
91           from the image's file name are copied out. Specifically, the prefix
92           is determined from the image file name with any suffix such as .raw
93           removed, truncated at the first occurrence of an underscore
94           character ("_"), if there is one. The underscore logic is supposed
95           to be used to versioning so that the an image file foobar_47.11.raw
96           will result in a unit file matching prefix of foobar. This prefix
97           is then compared with all unit files names contained in the image
98           in the usual directories, but only unit file names where the prefix
99           is followed by "-", "."  or "@" are considered. Example: if a
100           portable service image file is named foobar_47.11.raw then by
101           default all its unit files with names such as
102           foobar-quux-waldi.service, foobar.service or foobar@.service will
103           be considered. It's possible to override the matching prefix: all
104           strings listed on the command line after the image file name are
105           considered prefixes, overriding the implicit logic where the prefix
106           is derived from the image file name.
108           By default, after the unit files are attached the service manager's
109           configuration is reloaded, except when --no-reload is specified
110           (see above). This ensures that the new units made available to the
111           service manager are seen by it.
113           If --now and/or --enable are passed, the portable service(s) are
114           immediately started (blocking operation unless --no-block is
115           passed) and/or enabled after attaching the image.
117       detach IMAGE [PREFIX...]
118           Detaches a portable service image from the host. This undoes the
119           operations executed by the attach command above, and removes the
120           unit file copies, drop-ins and image symlink again. This command
121           expects an image name or path as parameter. Note that if a path is
122           specified only the last component of it (i.e. the file or directory
123           name itself, not the path to it) is used for finding matching unit
124           files. This is a convenience feature to allow all arguments passed
125           as attach also to detach.
127           If --now and/or --enable are passed, the portable service(s) are
128           immediately stopped (blocking operation) and/or disabled before
129           detaching the image. Prefix(es) are also accepted, to be used in
130           case the unit names do not match the image name as described in the
131           attach.
133       reattach IMAGE [PREFIX...]
134           Detaches an existing portable service image from the host, and
135           immediately attaches it again. This is useful in case the image was
136           replaced. Running units are not stopped during the process. Partial
137           matching, to allow for different versions in the image name, is
138           allowed: only the part before the first "_" character has to match.
139           If the new image doesn't exist, the existing one will not be
140           detached. The parameters follow the same syntax as the attach
141           command.
143           If --now and/or --enable are passed, the portable service(s) are
144           immediately stopped if removed, started and/or enabled if added, or
145           restarted if updated. Prefixes are also accepted, in the same way
146           as described in the attach case.
148       inspect IMAGE [PREFIX...]
149           Extracts various metadata from a portable service image and
150           presents it to the caller. Specifically, the os-release(5) file of
151           the image is retrieved as well as all matching unit files. By
152           default a short summary showing the most relevant metadata in
153           combination with a list of matching unit files is shown (that is
154           the unit files attach would install to the host system). If
155           combined with --cat (see above), the os-release data and the units
156           files' contents is displayed unprocessed. This command is useful to
157           determine whether an image qualifies as portable service image, and
158           which unit files are included. This command expects the path to the
159           image as parameter, optionally followed by a list of unit file
160           prefixes to consider, similar to the attach command described
161           above.
163       is-attached IMAGE
164           Determines whether the specified image is currently attached or
165           not. Unless combined with the --quiet switch this will show a short
166           state identifier for the image. Specifically:
168           Table 1. Image attachment states
169           ┌─────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
170State            Description                
171           ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
172detached         │ The image is currently not │
173           │                 │ attached.                  │
174           ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
175attached         │ The image is currently     │
176           │                 │ attached, i.e. its unit    │
177           │                 │ files have been made       │
178           │                 │ available to the host      │
179           │                 │ system.                    │
180           ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
181attached-runtime │ Like attached, but the     │
182           │                 │ unit files have been made  │
183           │                 │ available transiently      │
184           │                 │ only, i.e. the attach      
185           │                 │ command has been invoked   │
186           │                 │ with the --runtime option. │
187           ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
188enabled          │ The image is currently     │
189           │                 │ attached, and at least one │
190           │                 │ unit file associated with  │
191           │                 │ it has been enabled.       │
192           ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
193enabled-runtime  │ Like enabled, but the unit │
194           │                 │ files have been made       │
195           │                 │ available transiently      │
196           │                 │ only, i.e. the attach      
197           │                 │ command has been invoked   │
198           │                 │ with the --runtime option. │
199           ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
200running          │ The image is currently     │
201           │                 │ attached, and at least one │
202           │                 │ unit file associated with  │
203           │                 │ it is running.             │
204           ├─────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
205running-runtime  │ The image is currently     │
206           │                 │ attached transiently, and  │
207           │                 │ at least one unit file     │
208           │                 │ associated with it is      │
209           │                 │ running.                   │
210           └─────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
212       read-only IMAGE [BOOL]
213           Marks or (unmarks) a portable service image read-only. Takes an
214           image name, followed by a boolean as arguments. If the boolean is
215           omitted, positive is implied, i.e. the image is marked read-only.
217       remove IMAGE...
218           Removes one or more portable service images. Note that this command
219           will only remove the specified image path itself — it refers to a
220           symbolic link then the symbolic link is removed and not the image
221           it points to.
223       set-limit [IMAGE] BYTES
224           Sets the maximum size in bytes that a specific portable service
225           image, or all images, may grow up to on disk (disk quota). Takes
226           either one or two parameters. The first, optional parameter refers
227           to a portable service image name. If specified, the size limit of
228           the specified image is changed. If omitted, the overall size limit
229           of the sum of all images stored locally is changed. The final
230           argument specifies the size limit in bytes, possibly suffixed by
231           the usual K, M, G, T units. If the size limit shall be disabled,
232           specify "-" as size.
234           Note that per-image size limits are only supported on btrfs file
235           systems. Also, depending on BindPaths= settings in the portable
236           service's unit files directories from the host might be visible in
237           the image environment during runtime which are not affected by this
238           setting, as only the image itself is counted against this limit.


241       The following options are understood:
243       -q, --quiet
244           Suppresses additional informational output while running.
246       -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
247           When attaching an image, select the profile to use. By default the
248           "default" profile is used. For details about profiles, see below.
250       --copy=
251           When attaching an image, select whether to prefer copying or
252           symlinking of files installed into the host system. Takes one of
253           "copy" (to prefer copying of files), "symlink" (to prefer creation
254           of symbolic links) or "auto" for an intermediary mode where
255           security profile drop-ins are symlinked while unit files are
256           copied. Note that this option expresses a preference only, in cases
257           where symbolic links cannot be created — for example when the image
258           operated on is a raw disk image, and hence not directly
259           referentiable from the host file system — copying of files is used
260           unconditionally.
262       --runtime
263           When specified the unit and drop-in files are placed in
264           /run/systemd/system.attached/ instead of
265           /etc/systemd/system.attached/. Images attached with this option set
266           hence remain attached only until the next reboot, while they are
267           normally attached persistently.
269       --no-reload
270           Don't reload the service manager after attaching or detaching a
271           portable service image. Normally the service manager is reloaded to
272           ensure it is aware of added or removed unit files.
274       --cat
275           When inspecting portable service images, show the (unprocessed)
276           contents of the metadata files pulled from the image, instead of
277           brief summaries. Specifically, this will show the os-release(5) and
278           unit file contents of the image.
280       --enable
281           Immediately enable/disable the portable service after
282           attaching/detaching.
284       --now
285           Immediately start/stop/restart the portable service after
286           attaching/before detaching/after upgrading.
288       --no-block
289           Don't block waiting for attach --now to complete.
291       -H, --host=
292           Execute the operation remotely. Specify a hostname, or a username
293           and hostname separated by "@", to connect to. The hostname may
294           optionally be suffixed by a port ssh is listening on, separated by
295           ":", and then a container name, separated by "/", which connects
296           directly to a specific container on the specified host. This will
297           use SSH to talk to the remote machine manager instance. Container
298           names may be enumerated with machinectl -H HOST. Put IPv6 addresses
299           in brackets.
301       -M, --machine=
302           Execute operation on a local container. Specify a container name to
303           connect to, optionally prefixed by a user name to connect as and a
304           separating "@" character. If the special string ".host" is used in
305           place of the container name, a connection to the local system is
306           made (which is useful to connect to a specific user's user bus:
307           "--user --machine=lennart@.host"). If the "@" syntax is not used,
308           the connection is made as root user. If the "@" syntax is used
309           either the left hand side or the right hand side may be omitted
310           (but not both) in which case the local user name and ".host" are
311           implied.
313       --no-pager
314           Do not pipe output into a pager.
316       --no-legend
317           Do not print the legend, i.e. column headers and the footer with
318           hints.
320       --no-ask-password
321           Do not query the user for authentication for privileged operations.
323       -h, --help
324           Print a short help text and exit.
326       --version
327           Print a short version string and exit.


330       Portable service images are preferably stored in /var/lib/portables/,
331       but are also searched for in /etc/portables/, /run/systemd/portables/,
332       /usr/local/lib/portables/ and /usr/lib/portables/. It's recommended not
333       to place image files directly in /etc/portables/ or
334       /run/systemd/portables/ (as these are generally not suitable for
335       storing large or non-textual data), but use these directories only for
336       linking images located elsewhere into the image search path.
338       When a portable service image is attached, matching unit files are
339       copied onto the host into the /etc/systemd/system.attached/ and
340       /run/systemd/system.attached/ directories. When an image is detached,
341       the unit files are removed again from these directories.


344       When portable service images are attached a "profile" drop-in is linked
345       in, which may be used to enforce additional security (and other)
346       restrictions locally. Four profile drop-ins are defined by default, and
347       shipped in /usr/lib/systemd/portable/profile/. Additional, local
348       profiles may be defined by placing them in
349       /etc/systemd/portable/profile/. The default profiles are:
351       Table 2. Profiles
352       ┌──────────┬────────────────────────────┐
353Name      Description                
354       ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
355       │default   │ This is the default        │
356       │          │ profile if no other        │
357       │          │ profile name is set via    │
358       │          │ the --profile= (see        │
359       │          │ above). It's fairly        │
360       │          │ restrictive, but should be │
361       │          │ useful for common,         │
362       │          │ unprivileged system        │
363       │          │ workloads. This includes   │
364       │          │ write access to the        │
365       │          │ logging framework, as well │
366       │          │ as IPC access to the D-Bus │
367       │          │ system.                    │
368       ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
369       │nonetwork │ Very similar to default,   │
370       │          │ but networking is turned   │
371       │          │ off for any services of    │
372       │          │ the portable service       │
373       │          │ image.                     │
374       ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
375       │strict    │ A profile with very strict │
376       │          │ settings. This profile     │
377       │          │ excludes IPC (D-Bus) and   │
378       │          │ network access.            │
379       ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
380       │trusted   │ A profile with very        │
381       │          │ relaxed settings. In this  │
382       │          │ profile the services run   │
383       │          │ with full privileges.      │
384       └──────────┴────────────────────────────┘
386       For details on these profiles and their effects see their precise
387       definitions, e.g.
388       /usr/lib/systemd/portable/profile/default/service.conf and similar.


391       On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.


395           The maximum log level of emitted messages (messages with a higher
396           log level, i.e. less important ones, will be suppressed). Either
397           one of (in order of decreasing importance) emerg, alert, crit, err,
398           warning, notice, info, debug, or an integer in the range 0...7. See
399           syslog(3) for more information.
402           A boolean. If true, messages written to the tty will be colored
403           according to priority.
405           This setting is only useful when messages are written directly to
406           the terminal, because journalctl(1) and other tools that display
407           logs will color messages based on the log level on their own.
410           A boolean. If true, log messages will be prefixed with a timestamp.
412           This setting is only useful when messages are written directly to
413           the terminal or a file, because journalctl(1) and other tools that
414           display logs will attach timestamps based on the entry metadata on
415           their own.
418           A boolean. If true, messages will be prefixed with a filename and
419           line number in the source code where the message originates.
421           Note that the log location is often attached as metadata to journal
422           entries anyway. Including it directly in the message text can
423           nevertheless be convenient when debugging programs.
425       $SYSTEMD_LOG_TID
426           A boolean. If true, messages will be prefixed with the current
427           numerical thread ID (TID).
429           Note that the this information is attached as metadata to journal
430           entries anyway. Including it directly in the message text can
431           nevertheless be convenient when debugging programs.
434           The destination for log messages. One of console (log to the
435           attached tty), console-prefixed (log to the attached tty but with
436           prefixes encoding the log level and "facility", see syslog(3), kmsg
437           (log to the kernel circular log buffer), journal (log to the
438           journal), journal-or-kmsg (log to the journal if available, and to
439           kmsg otherwise), auto (determine the appropriate log target
440           automatically, the default), null (disable log output).
442       $SYSTEMD_PAGER
443           Pager to use when --no-pager is not given; overrides $PAGER. If
444           neither $SYSTEMD_PAGER nor $PAGER are set, a set of well-known
445           pager implementations are tried in turn, including less(1) and
446           more(1), until one is found. If no pager implementation is
447           discovered no pager is invoked. Setting this environment variable
448           to an empty string or the value "cat" is equivalent to passing
449           --no-pager.
451       $SYSTEMD_LESS
452           Override the options passed to less (by default "FRSXMK").
454           Users might want to change two options in particular:
456           K
457               This option instructs the pager to exit immediately when Ctrl+C
458               is pressed. To allow less to handle Ctrl+C itself to switch
459               back to the pager command prompt, unset this option.
461               If the value of $SYSTEMD_LESS does not include "K", and the
462               pager that is invoked is less, Ctrl+C will be ignored by the
463               executable, and needs to be handled by the pager.
465           X
466               This option instructs the pager to not send termcap
467               initialization and deinitialization strings to the terminal. It
468               is set by default to allow command output to remain visible in
469               the terminal even after the pager exits. Nevertheless, this
470               prevents some pager functionality from working, in particular
471               paged output cannot be scrolled with the mouse.
473           See less(1) for more discussion.
476           Override the charset passed to less (by default "utf-8", if the
477           invoking terminal is determined to be UTF-8 compatible).
480           Takes a boolean argument. When true, the "secure" mode of the pager
481           is enabled; if false, disabled. If $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE is not set
482           at all, secure mode is enabled if the effective UID is not the same
483           as the owner of the login session, see geteuid(2) and
484           sd_pid_get_owner_uid(3). In secure mode, LESSSECURE=1 will be set
485           when invoking the pager, and the pager shall disable commands that
486           open or create new files or start new subprocesses. When
487           $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE is not set at all, pagers which are not known
488           to implement secure mode will not be used. (Currently only less(1)
489           implements secure mode.)
491           Note: when commands are invoked with elevated privileges, for
492           example under sudo(8) or pkexec(1), care must be taken to ensure
493           that unintended interactive features are not enabled. "Secure" mode
494           for the pager may be enabled automatically as describe above.
495           Setting SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE=0 or not removing it from the inherited
496           environment allows the user to invoke arbitrary commands. Note that
497           if the $SYSTEMD_PAGER or $PAGER variables are to be honoured,
498           $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE must be set too. It might be reasonable to
499           completely disable the pager using --no-pager instead.
502           Takes a boolean argument. When true, systemd and related utilities
503           will use colors in their output, otherwise the output will be
504           monochrome. Additionally, the variable can take one of the
505           following special values: "16", "256" to restrict the use of colors
506           to the base 16 or 256 ANSI colors, respectively. This can be
507           specified to override the automatic decision based on $TERM and
508           what the console is connected to.
511           The value must be a boolean. Controls whether clickable links
512           should be generated in the output for terminal emulators supporting
513           this. This can be specified to override the decision that systemd
514           makes based on $TERM and other conditions.


517       systemd(1), org.freedesktop.portable1(5), systemd-portabled.service(8)
521systemd 248                                                     PORTABLECTL(1)