1TRACE-CMD-REPORT(1)            libtracefs Manual           TRACE-CMD-REPORT(1)


6       trace-cmd-report - show in ASCII a trace created by trace-cmd record


9       trace-cmd report [OPTIONS] [input-file]


12       The trace-cmd(1) report command will output a human readable report of
13       a trace created by trace-cmd record.


16       -i input-file
17           By default, trace-cmd report will read the file trace.dat. But the
18           -i option open up the given input-file instead. Note, the input
19           file may also be specified as the last item on the command line.
21       -e
22           This outputs the endianess of the file. trace-cmd report is smart
23           enough to be able to read big endian files on little endian
24           machines, and vise versa.
26       -f
27           This outputs the list of all functions that have been mapped in the
28           trace.dat file. Note, this list may contain functions that may not
29           appear in the trace, as it is the list of mappings to translate
30           function addresses into function names.
32       -P
33           This outputs the list of "trace_printk()" data. The raw trace data
34           points to static pointers in the kernel. This must be stored in the
35           trace.dat file.
37       -E
38           This lists the possible events in the file (but this list is not
39           necessarily the list of events in the file).
41       --events
42           This will list the event formats that are stored in the trace.dat
43           file.
45       --event regex
46           This will print events that match the given regex. If a colon is
47           specified, then the characters before the colon will be used to
48           match the system and the characters after the colon will match the
49           event.
51               trace-cmd report --event sys:read
53               The above will only match events where the system name contains "sys"
54               and the event name contains "read".
56               trace-cmd report --event read
58               The above will match all events that contain "read" in its name. Also it
59               may list all events of a system that contains "read" as well.
61       --check-events
62           This will parse the event format strings that are stored in the
63           trace.dat file and return whether the formats can be parsed
64           correctly. It will load plugins unless -N is specified.
66       -t
67           Print the full timestamp. The timestamps in the data file are
68           usually recorded to the nanosecond. But the default display of the
69           timestamp is only to the microsecond. To see the full timestamp,
70           add the -t option.
72       -F filter
73           Add a filter to limit what events are displayed. The format of the
74           filter is:
77           .ft C
78               <events> ':' <filter>
79               <events> = SYSTEM'/'EVENT  | SYSTEM | EVENT | <events> ',' <events>
80               <filter> = EVENT_FIELD <op> <value> | <filter> '&&' <filter> |
81                          <filter> '||' <filter> | '(' <filter> ')' | '!' <filter>
82               <op> = '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' | '&' | '|' | '^' |
83                      '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%'
84               <value> = NUM | STRING | EVENT_FIELD
85           .ft
88           SYSTEM is the name of the system to filter on. If the EVENT is left out,
89           then it applies to all events under the SYSTEM. If only one string is used
90           without the '/' to deliminate between SYSTEM and EVENT, then the filter
91           will be applied to all systems and events that match the given string.
93           Whitespace is ignored, such that "sched:next_pid==123" is equivalent to
94           "sched : next_pid == 123".
96           STRING is defined with single or double quotes (single quote must end with
97           single quote, and double with double). Whitespace within quotes are not
98           ignored.
100           The representation of a SYSTEM or EVENT may also be a regular expression
101           as defined by 'regcomp(3)'.
103           The EVENT_FIELD is the name of the field of an event that is being
104           filtered. If the event does not contain the EVENT_FIELD, that part of the
105           equation will be considered false.
108           .ft C
109               -F 'sched : bogus == 1 || common_pid == 2'
110           .ft
113           The "bogus == 1" will always evaluate to FALSE because no event has a
114           field called "bogus", but the "common_pid == 2" will still be evaluated
115           since all events have the field "common_pid". Any "sched" event that was
116           traced by the process with the PID of 2 will be shown.
118           Note, the EVENT_FIELD is the field name as shown by an events format
119           (as displayed with *--events*), and not what is found in the output.
120           If the output shows "ID:foo" but the field that "foo" belongs to was
121           called "name" in the event format, then "name" must be used in the filter.
122           The same is true about values. If the value that is displayed is converted
123           by to a string symbol, the filter checks the original value and not the
124           value displayed. For example, to filter on all tasks that were in the
125           running state at a context switch:
128           .ft C
129               -F 'sched/sched_switch : prev_state==0'
130           .ft
133           Although the output displays 'R', having 'prev_stat=="R"' will not work.
135           Note: You can also specify 'COMM' as an EVENT_FIELD. This will use the
136           task name (or comm) of the record to compare. For example, to filter out
137           all of the "trace-cmd" tasks:
140           .ft C
141               -F '.*:COMM != "trace-cmd"'
142           .ft
145       -I
146           Do not print events where the HARDIRQ latency flag is set. This
147           will filter out most events that are from interrupt context. Note,
148           it may not filter out function traced functions that are in
149           interrupt context but were called before the kernel "in interrupt"
150           flag was set.
152       -S
153           Do not print events where the SOFTIRQ latency flag is set. This
154           will filter out most events that are from soft interrupt context.
156       -v
157           This causes the following filters of -F to filter out the matching
158           events.
161           .ft C
162               -v -F 'sched/sched_switch : prev_state == 0'
163           .ft
166           Will not display any sched_switch events that have a prev_state of 0.
167           Removing the *-v* will only print out those events.
169       -T
170           Test the filters of -F. After processing a filter string, the
171           resulting filter will be displayed for each event. This is useful
172           for using a filter for more than one event where a field may not
173           exist in all events. Also it can be used to make sure there are no
174           misspelled event field names, as they will simply be ignored.  -T
175           is ignored if -F is not specified.
177       -V
178           Show verbose messages (see --verbose but only for the numbers)
180       -L
181           This will not load system wide plugins. It loads "local only". That
182           is what it finds in the ~/.trace-cmd/plugins directory.
184       -N
185           This will not load any plugins.
187       -n event-re
188           This will cause all events that match the option to ignore any
189           registered handler (by the plugins) to print the event. The normal
190           event will be printed instead. The event-re is a regular expression
191           as defined by regcomp(3).
193       --profile
194           With the --profile option, "trace-cmd report" will process all the
195           events first, and then output a format showing where tasks have
196           spent their time in the kernel, as well as where they are blocked
197           the most, and where wake up latencies are.
199               See trace-cmd-profile(1) for more details and examples.
201       -G
202           Set interrupt (soft and hard) events as global (associated to CPU
203           instead of tasks). Only works for --profile.
205       -H event-hooks
206           Add custom event matching to connect any two events together.
208               See trace-cmd-profile(1) for format.
210       -R
211           This will show the events in "raw" format. That is, it will ignore
212           the event’s print formatting and just print the contents of each
213           field.
215       -r event-re
216           This will cause all events that match the option to print its raw
217           fields. The event-re is a regular expression as defined by
218           regcomp(3).
220       -l
221           This adds a "latency output" format. Information about interrupts
222           being disabled, soft irq being disabled, the "need_resched" flag
223           being set, preempt count, and big kernel lock are all being
224           recorded with every event. But the default display does not show
225           this information. This option will set display this information
226           with 6 characters. When one of the fields is zero or N/A a '.\' is
227           shown.
230           .ft C
231                 <idle>-0       0d.h1. 106467.859747: function:             ktime_get <-- tick_check_idle
232           .ft
235           The 0d.h1. denotes this information. The first character is never a '.'
236           and represents what CPU the trace was recorded on (CPU 0). The 'd' denotes
237           that interrupts were disabled. The 'h' means that this was called inside
238           an interrupt handler. The '1' is the preemption disabled (preempt_count)
239           was set to one.  The two '.'s are "need_resched" flag and kernel lock
240           counter.  If the "need_resched" flag is set, then that character would be a
241           'N'.
243       -w
244           If both the sched_switch and sched_wakeup events are enabled, then
245           this option will report the latency between the time the task was
246           first woken, and the time it was scheduled in.
248       -q
249           Quiet non critical warnings.
251       -O
252           Pass options to the trace-cmd plugins that are loaded.
254               -O plugin:var=value
256               The 'plugin:' and '=value' are optional. Value may be left off for options
257               that are boolean. If the 'plugin:' is left off, then any variable that matches
258               in all plugins will be set.
260               Example:  -O fgraph:tailprint
262       --cpu <cpu list>
263           List of CPUs, separated by "," or ":", used for filtering the
264           events. A range of CPUs can be specified using "cpuX-cpuY"
265           notation, where all CPUs in the range between cpuX and cpuY will be
266           included in the list. The order of CPUs in the list must be from
267           lower to greater.
269               Example:  "--cpu 0,3" - show events from CPUs 0 and 3
270                         "--cpu 2-4" - show events from CPUs 2, 3 and 4
272       --cpus
273           List the CPUs that have data in the trace file then exit.
275       --stat
276           If the trace.dat file recorded the final stats (outputed at the end
277           of record) the --stat option can be used to retrieve them.
279       --uname
280           If the trace.dat file recorded uname during the run, this will
281           retrieve that information.
283       --version
284           If the trace.dat file recorded the version of the executable used
285           to create it, report that version.
287       --ts-offset offset
288           Add (or subtract if negative) an offset for all timestamps of the
289           previous data file specified with -i. This is useful to merge sort
290           multiple trace.dat files where the difference in the timestamp is
291           known. For example if a trace is done on a virtual guest, and
292           another trace is done on the host. If the host timestamp is 1000
293           units ahead of the guest, the following can be done:
295               trace-cmd report -i host.dat --ts-offset -1000 -i guest.dat
297               This will subtract 1000 timestamp units from all the host events as it merges
298               with the guest.dat events. Note, the units is for the raw units recorded in
299               the trace. If the units are nanoseconds, the addition (or subtraction) from
300               the offset will be nanoseconds even if the displayed units are microseconds.
302       --ts2secs HZ
303           Convert the current clock source into a second (nanosecond
304           resolution) output. When using clocks like x86-tsc, if the
305           frequency is known, by passing in the clock frequency, this will
306           convert the time to seconds.
308               This option affects any trace.dat file given with *-i* proceeding it.
309               If this option comes before any *-i* option, then that value becomes
310               the default conversion for all other trace.dat files. If another
311               --ts2secs option appears after a *-i* trace.dat file, than that option
312               will override the default value.
314               Example: On a 3.4 GHz machine
316               trace-cmd record -p function -C x86-tsc
318               trace-cmd report --ts2ns 3400000000
320               The report will convert the cycles timestamps into a readable second
321               display. The default display resolution is microseconds, unless *-t*
322               is used.
324               The value of --ts-offset must still be in the raw timestamp units, even
325               with this option. The offset will be converted as well.
327       --ts-diff
328           Show the time differences between events. The difference will
329           appear in parenthesis just after the timestamp.
331       --ts-check
332           Make sure no timestamp goes backwards, and if it does, print out a
333           warning message of the fact.
335       --nodate
336           Ignore converting the timestamps to the date set by trace-cmd
337           record(3) --date option.
339       --raw-ts
340           Display raw timestamps, without any corrections.
342       --align-ts
343           Display timestamps aligned to the first event.
345       --verbose[=level]
346           Set the log level. Supported log levels are "none", "crit", "err",
347           "warn", "info", "debug", "all" or their identifiers "0", "1", "2",
348           "3", "4", "5", "6". Setting the log level to specific value enables
349           all logs from that and all previous levels. The level will default
350           to "info" if one is not specified.
352               Example: enable all critical, error and warning logs
354               trace-cmd report --verbose=warning


357       Using a trace.dat file that was created with:
360           .ft C
361               # trace-cmd record -p function -e all sleep 5
362           .ft
365       The default report shows:
368           .ft C
369            # trace-cmd report
370                  trace-cmd-16129 [002] 158126.498411: function: __mutex_unlock_slowpath <-- mutex_unlock
371                  trace-cmd-16131 [000] 158126.498411: kmem_cache_alloc: call_site=811223c5 ptr=0xffff88003ecf2b40 bytes_req=272 bytes_alloc=320 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_ZERO
372                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158126.498411: function:             do_splice_to <-- sys_splice
373                      sleep-16133 [001] 158126.498412: function: inotify_inode_queue_event <-- vfs_write
374                  trace-cmd-16129 [002] 158126.498420: lock_release: 0xffff88003f1fa4f8 &sb->s_type->i_mutex_key
375                  trace-cmd-16131 [000] 158126.498421: function: security_file_alloc <-- get_empty_filp
376                      sleep-16133 [001] 158126.498422: function: __fsnotify_parent <-- vfs_write
377                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158126.498422: function: rw_verify_area <-- do_splice_to
378                  trace-cmd-16131 [000] 158126.498424: function: cap_file_alloc_security <-- security_file_alloc
379                  trace-cmd-16129 [002] 158126.498425: function: syscall_trace_leave <-- int_check_syscall_exit_work
380                      sleep-16133 [001] 158126.498426: function: inotify_dentry_parent_queue_event <-- vfs_write
381                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158126.498426: function: security_file_permission <-- rw_verify_area
382                  trace-cmd-16129 [002] 158126.498428: function: audit_syscall_exit <-- syscall_trace_leave
383           [...]
384           .ft
387       To see everything but the function traces:
390           .ft C
391            # trace-cmd report -v -F 'function'
392                  trace-cmd-16131 [000] 158126.498411: kmem_cache_alloc: call_site=811223c5 ptr=0xffff88003ecf2b40 bytes_req=272 bytes_alloc=320 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_ZERO
393                  trace-cmd-16129 [002] 158126.498420: lock_release: 0xffff88003f1fa4f8 &sb->s_type->i_mutex_key
394                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158126.498436: lock_acquire: 0xffffffff8166bf78 read all_cpu_access_lock
395                  trace-cmd-16131 [000] 158126.498438: lock_acquire: 0xffff88003df5b520 read &fs->lock
396                  trace-cmd-16129 [002] 158126.498446: kfree: call_site=810a7abb ptr=0x0
397                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158126.498448: lock_acquire: 0xffff880002250a80 &per_cpu(cpu_access_lock, cpu)
398                  trace-cmd-16129 [002] 158126.498450: sys_exit_splice:      0xfffffff5
399                  trace-cmd-16131 [000] 158126.498454: lock_release: 0xffff88003df5b520 &fs->lock
400                      sleep-16133 [001] 158126.498456: kfree: call_site=810a7abb ptr=0x0
401                      sleep-16133 [001] 158126.498460: sys_exit_write:       0x1
402                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158126.498462: kmalloc: call_site=810bf95b ptr=0xffff88003dedc040 bytes_req=24 bytes_alloc=32 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_ZERO
403           .ft
406       To see only the kmalloc calls that were greater than 1000 bytes:
409           .ft C
410            #trace-cmd report -F 'kmalloc: bytes_req > 1000'
411                     <idle>-0     [000] 158128.126641: kmalloc: call_site=81330635 ptr=0xffff88003c2fd000 bytes_req=2096 bytes_alloc=4096 gfp_flags=GFP_ATOMIC
412           .ft
415       To see wakeups and sched switches that left the previous task in the
416       running state:
419           .ft C
420            # trace-cmd report -F 'sched: prev_state == 0 || (success == 1)'
421                  trace-cmd-16132 [002] 158126.499951: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16129 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=002
422                  trace-cmd-16132 [002] 158126.500401: sched_switch: prev_comm=trace-cmd prev_pid=16132 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=trace-cmd next_pid=16129 next_prio=120
423                     <idle>-0     [003] 158126.500585: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16130 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=003
424                     <idle>-0     [003] 158126.501241: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=trace-cmd next_pid=16130 next_prio=120
425                  trace-cmd-16132 [000] 158126.502475: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16131 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000
426                  trace-cmd-16131 [002] 158126.506516: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16129 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=002
427                     <idle>-0     [003] 158126.550110: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=trace-cmd next_pid=16130 next_prio=120
428                  trace-cmd-16131 [003] 158126.570243: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16129 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=003
429                  trace-cmd-16130 [002] 158126.618202: sched_switch: prev_comm=trace-cmd prev_pid=16130 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=yum-updatesd next_pid=3088 next_prio=1 20
430                  trace-cmd-16129 [003] 158126.622379: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16131 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=003
431                  trace-cmd-16129 [000] 158126.649287: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16131 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000
432           .ft
435       The above needs a little explanation. The filter specifies the "sched"
436       subsystem, which includes both sched_switch and sched_wakeup events.
437       Any event that does not have the format field "prev_state" or
438       "success", will evaluate those expressions as FALSE, and will not
439       produce a match. Using "||" will have the "prev_state" test happen for
440       the "sched_switch" event and the "success" test happen for the
441       "sched_wakeup" event.
444           .ft C
445             # trace-cmd report -w -F 'sched_switch, sched_wakeup.*'
446           [...]
447                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158131.580616: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16131 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=003
448                  trace-cmd-16129 [000] 158131.581502: sched_switch: prev_comm=trace-cmd prev_pid=16129 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ==> next_comm=trace-cmd next_pid=16131 next_prio=120 Latency: 885.901 usecs
449                  trace-cmd-16131 [000] 158131.582414: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16129 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000
450                  trace-cmd-16132 [001] 158131.583219: sched_switch: prev_comm=trace-cmd prev_pid=16132 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ==> next_comm=trace-cmd next_pid=16129 next_prio=120 Latency: 804.809 usecs
451                      sleep-16133 [002] 158131.584121: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16120 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=002
452                  trace-cmd-16129 [001] 158131.584128: sched_wakeup: comm=trace-cmd pid=16132 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=001
453                      sleep-16133 [002] 158131.584275: sched_switch: prev_comm=sleep prev_pid=16133 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=trace-cmd next_pid=16120 next_prio=120 Latency: 153.915 usecs
454                  trace-cmd-16130 [003] 158131.585284: sched_switch: prev_comm=trace-cmd prev_pid=16130 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ==> next_comm=trace-cmd next_pid=16132 next_prio=120 Latency: 1155.677 usecs
456           Average wakeup latency: 26626.656 usecs
457           .ft
460       The above trace produces the wakeup latencies of the tasks. The
461       "sched_switch" event reports each individual latency after writing the
462       event information. At the end of the report, the average wakeup latency
463       is reported.
466           .ft C
467             # trace-cmd report -w -F 'sched_switch, sched_wakeup.*: prio < 100 || next_prio < 100'
468                     <idle>-0     [003] 158131.516753: sched_wakeup: comm=ksoftirqd/3 pid=13 prio=49 success=1 target_cpu=003
469                     <idle>-0     [003] 158131.516855: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=ksoftirqd/3 next_pid=13 next_prio=49 Latency: 101.244 usecs
470                     <idle>-0     [003] 158131.533781: sched_wakeup: comm=ksoftirqd/3 pid=13 prio=49 success=1 target_cpu=003
471                     <idle>-0     [003] 158131.533897: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=ksoftirqd/3 next_pid=13 next_prio=49 Latency: 115.608 usecs
472                     <idle>-0     [003] 158131.569730: sched_wakeup: comm=ksoftirqd/3 pid=13 prio=49 success=1 target_cpu=003
473                     <idle>-0     [003] 158131.569851: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=ksoftirqd/3 next_pid=13 next_prio=49 Latency: 121.024 usecs
475           Average wakeup latency: 110.021 usecs
476           .ft
479       The above version will only show the wakeups and context switches of
480       Real Time tasks. The prio used inside the kernel starts at 0 for
481       highest priority. That is prio 0 is equivalent to user space real time
482       priority 99, and priority 98 is equivalent to user space real time
483       priority 1. Prios less than 100 represent Real Time tasks.
485       An example of the profile:
488           .ft C
489            # trace-cmd record --profile sleep 1
490            # trace-cmd report --profile --comm sleep
491           task: sleep-21611
492             Event: sched_switch:R (1) Total: 99442 Avg: 99442 Max: 99442 Min:99442
493                <stack> 1 total:99442 min:99442 max:99442 avg=99442
494                  => ftrace_raw_event_sched_switch (0xffffffff8105f812)
495                  => __schedule (0xffffffff8150810a)
496                  => preempt_schedule (0xffffffff8150842e)
497                  => ___preempt_schedule (0xffffffff81273354)
498                  => cpu_stop_queue_work (0xffffffff810b03c5)
499                  => stop_one_cpu (0xffffffff810b063b)
500                  => sched_exec (0xffffffff8106136d)
501                  => do_execve_common.isra.27 (0xffffffff81148c89)
502                  => do_execve (0xffffffff811490b0)
503                  => SyS_execve (0xffffffff811492c4)
504                  => return_to_handler (0xffffffff8150e3c8)
505                  => stub_execve (0xffffffff8150c699)
506             Event: sched_switch:S (1) Total: 1000506680 Avg: 1000506680 Max: 1000506680 Min:1000506680
507                <stack> 1 total:1000506680 min:1000506680 max:1000506680 avg=1000506680
508                  => ftrace_raw_event_sched_switch (0xffffffff8105f812)
509                  => __schedule (0xffffffff8150810a)
510                  => schedule (0xffffffff815084b8)
511                  => do_nanosleep (0xffffffff8150b22c)
512                  => hrtimer_nanosleep (0xffffffff8108d647)
513                  => SyS_nanosleep (0xffffffff8108d72c)
514                  => return_to_handler (0xffffffff8150e3c8)
515                  => tracesys_phase2 (0xffffffff8150c304)
516             Event: sched_wakeup:21611 (1) Total: 30326 Avg: 30326 Max: 30326 Min:30326
517                <stack> 1 total:30326 min:30326 max:30326 avg=30326
518                  => ftrace_raw_event_sched_wakeup_template (0xffffffff8105f653)
519                  => ttwu_do_wakeup (0xffffffff810606eb)
520                  => ttwu_do_activate.constprop.124 (0xffffffff810607c8)
521                  => try_to_wake_up (0xffffffff8106340a)
522           .ft


526       trace-cmd(1), trace-cmd-record(1), trace-cmd-start(1),
527       trace-cmd-stop(1), trace-cmd-extract(1), trace-cmd-reset(1),
528       trace-cmd-split(1), trace-cmd-list(1), trace-cmd-listen(1),
529       trace-cmd-profile(1)


532       Written by Steven Rostedt, <rostedt@goodmis.org[1]>


535       https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/trace-cmd/trace-cmd.git/


538       Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. Free use of this software is granted
539       under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).


542        1. rostedt@goodmis.org
543           mailto:rostedt@goodmis.org
547libtracefs                        04/15/2022               TRACE-CMD-REPORT(1)