1Chart::Color::Constant(U3s)er Contributed Perl DocumentatCihoanrt::Color::Constant(3)


6       Chart::Color::Constant - access values of color constants


9           my @names = Chart::Color::Constant::all_names();
10           my @rgb  = Chart::Color::Constant::rgb_from_name('darkblue');
11           my @hsl  = Chart::Color::Constant::hsl_from_name('darkblue');
13           Chart::Color::Value::add_rgb('lucky', [0, 100, 50]);


16       RGB and HSL values of named colors from the X11 and HTML standard and
17       Pantone report. Allows also reverse search, storage and conversion of
18       color values.
20       This module is supposed to be used by Chart::Color and not directly by
21       the user (for the most part). It converts a stored color name into its
22       values (rgb, hsl or both) and back. One color can have multiple names.
23       Also nearby (similar) colors can be searched. Own colors can be (none
24       permanently) stored for later reference by name. For this a name has to
25       be chosen, that is not already taken. Independently of that can any
26       color be converted from rgb to hsl and back.


29   rgb_from_name
30       Red, Green and Blue value of the named color.  These values are integer
31       in 0 .. 255.
33           my @rgb = Chart::Color::Constant::rgb_from_name('darkblue');
34           @rgb = Chart::Color::Constant::rgb_from_name('dark_blue'); # same result
35           @rgb = Chart::Color::Constant::rgb_from_name('DarkBlue');  # still same
37   hsl_from_name
38       Hue, saturation and lightness of the named color.  These are integer
39       between 0 .. 359 (hue) or 100 (sat. & light.).  A hue of 360 and 0
40       (degree in a cylindrical coordinate system) is considered to be the
41       same, this modul deals only with the ladder.
43           my @hsl = Chart::Color::Constant::hsl_from_name('darkblue');
45   name_from_rgb
46       Returns name of color with given rgb value triplet.  Returns empty
47       string if color is not stored. When several names define given color,
48       the shortest name will be selected in scalar context.  In array context
49       all names are given.
51           say Chart::Color::Constant::name_from_rgb( 15, 10, 121 );  # 'darkblue'
52           say Chart::Color::Constant::name_from_rgb([15, 10, 121]);  # works too
54   name_from_hsl
55       Returns name of color with given hsl value triplet.  Returns empty
56       string if color is not stored. When several names define given color,
57       the shortest name will be selected in scalar context.  In array context
58       all names are given.
60           say scalar Chart::Color::Constant::name_from_hsl( 0, 100, 50 );  # 'red'
61           scalar Chart::Color::Constant::name_from_hsl([0, 100, 50]);  # works too
62           say for Chart::Color::Constant::name_from_hsl( 0, 100, 50 ); # 'red', 'red1'
64   names_in_hsl_range
65       Color names in selected neighbourhood of hsl color space, that look
66       similar.  It requires two arguments. The first one is an array
67       containing three values (hue, saturation and lightness), that define
68       the center of the neighbourhood (searched area).
70       The second argument can either be a number or again an array with three
71       values (h,s and l). If its just a number, it will be the radius r of a
72       ball, that defines the neighbourhood. From all colors inside that ball,
73       that are equal distanced or nearer to the center than r, one name will
74       returned.
76       If the second argument is an array, it has to contain the tolerance
77       (allowed distance) in h, s and l direction. Please note the h dimension
78       is circular: the distance from 355 to 0 is 5. The s and l dimensions
79       are linear, so that a center value of 90 and a tolerance of 15 will
80       result in a search of in the range 75 .. 100.
82       The results contains only one name per color (the shortest).
84           # all bright red'ish clors
85           my @names = Chart::Color::Constant::names_in_hsl_range([0, 90, 50], 5);
86           # approximates to :
87           my @names = Chart::Color::Constant::names_in_hsl_range([0, 90, 50],[ 3, 3, 3]);
89   all_names
90       A sorted list of all stored color names.
92   name_taken
93       A perlish pseudo boolean tells if the color name is already in use.
95   add_rgb
96       Adding a color to the store under an not taken (not already used) name.
97       Arguments are name, red, green and blue value (integer < 256, see rgb).
99           Chart::Color::Constant::add_rgb('nightblue',  15, 10, 121 );
100           Chart::Color::Constant::add_rgb('nightblue', [15, 10, 121]);
102   add_hsl
103       Adding a color to the store under an not taken (not already used) name.
104       Arguments are name, hue, saturation and lightness value (see hsl).
106           Chart::Color::Constant::add_rgb('lucky',  0, 100, 50 );
107           Chart::Color::Constant::add_rgb('lucky', [0, 100, 50]);
109   NAMES
110       white, black, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, pink, peach, plum,
111       mauve, brown, grey
113       aliceblue, antiquewhite, antiquewhite1, antiquewhite2, antiquewhite3,
114       antiquewhite4, aqua, aquamarine, aquamarine1, aquamarine2, aquamarine3,
115       aquamarine4, azure, azure1, azure2, azure3, azure4, beige, bisque,
116       bisque1, bisque2, bisque3, bisque4, blanchedalmond, blue1, blue2,
117       blue3, blue4, blueviolet, brown1, brown2, brown3, brown4, burlywood,
118       burlywood1, burlywood2, burlywood3, burlywood4, cadetblue, cadetblue1,
119       cadetblue2, cadetblue3, cadetblue4, chartreuse, chartreuse1,
120       chartreuse2, chartreuse3, chartreuse4, chocolate, chocolate1,
121       chocolate2, chocolate3, chocolate4, coral, coral1, coral2, coral3,
122       coral4, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, cornsilk1, cornsilk2, cornsilk3,
123       cornsilk4, crimson, cyan, cyan1, cyan2, cyan3, cyan4, darkblue,
124       darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgoldenrod1, darkgoldenrod2,
125       darkgoldenrod3, darkgoldenrod4, darkgray, darkgreen, darkkhaki,
126       darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkolivegreen1, darkolivegreen2,
127       darkolivegreen3, darkolivegreen4, darkorange, darkorange1, darkorange2,
128       darkorange3, darkorange4, darkorchid, darkorchid1, darkorchid2,
129       darkorchid3, darkorchid4, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen,
130       darkseagreen1, darkseagreen2, darkseagreen3, darkseagreen4,
131       darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategray1, darkslategray2,
132       darkslategray3, darkslategray4, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink,
133       deeppink1, deeppink2, deeppink3, deeppink4, deepskyblue, deepskyblue1,
134       deepskyblue2,  deepskyblue3, deepskyblue4, dimgray, dodgerblue,
135       dodgerblue1, dodgerblue2, dodgerblue3, dodgerblue4, firebrick,
136       firebrick1, firebrick2, firebrick3, firebrick4, floralwhite,
137       forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, gold1, gold2, gold3,
138       gold4, goldenrod, goldenrod1, goldenrod2, goldenrod3, goldenrod4, gray,
139       gray1, gray2, gray3, gray4, gray5, gray6, gray7, gray8, gray9, gray10,
140       gray11, gray12, gray13, gray14, gray15, gray16, gray17, gray18, gray19,
141       gray20, gray21, gray22, gray23, gray24, gray25, gray26, gray27, gray28,
142       gray29, gray30, gray31, gray32, gray33, gray34, gray35, gray36, gray37,
143       gray38, gray39, gray40, gray41, gray42, gray43, gray44, gray45, gray46,
144       gray47, gray48, gray49, gray50, gray51, gray52, gray53, gray54, gray55,
145       gray56, gray57, gray58, gray59, gray60, gray61, gray62, gray63, gray64,
146       gray65, gray66, gray67, gay68,  gray69, gray70, gray71, gray72, gray73,
147       gray74, gray75, gray76, gray77, gray78, gray79, gray80, gray81, gray82,
148       gray83, gray84, gray85, gray86, gray87, gray88, gray89, gray90, gray91,
149       gray92, gray93, gray94, gray95, gray97, gray98, gray99, green1, green2,
150       green3, green4, greenyellow, grey1, grey2, grey3, grey4, honeydew,
151       honeydew1, honeydew2, honeydew3, honeydew4, hotpink, hotpink1,
152       hotpink2, hotpink3, hotpink4, indianred, indianred1, indianred2,
153       indianred3, indianred4, indigo, ivory, ivory1, ivory2, ivory3, ivory4,
154       khaki, khaki1, khaki2, khaki3, khaki4, lavender, lavenderblush,
155       lavenderblush1, lavenderblush2, lavenderblush3, lavenderblush4,
156       lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lemonchiffon1, lemonchiffon2, lemonchiffon3,
157       lemonchiffon4, light, lightblue, lightblue1, lightblue2,
158       lightblue3,lightblue4, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightcyan1, lightcyan2,
159       lightcyan3, lightcyan4, lightgoldenrod, lightgoldenrod1,
160       lightgoldenrod2, lightgoldenrod3, lightgoldenrod4, lightgray,
161       lightgreen, lightpink, lightpink1, lightpink2, lightpink3, lightpink4,
162       lightpurple, lightsalmon, lightsalmon1, lightsalmon2, lightsalmon3,
163       lightsalmon4, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightskyblue1,
164       lightskyblue2, lightskyblue3, lightskyblue4, lightslateblue,
165       lightslategray, lightsteelblue, lightsteelblue1, lightsteelblue2,
166       lightsteelblue3, lightsteelblue4, lightyellow, lightyellow1,
167       lightyellow2, lightyellow3, lightyellow4, lime, limegreen, linen,
168       magenta, magenta1, magenta2, magenta3, magenta4, maroon, maroon1,
169       maroon2, maroon3, maroon4, medium, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue,
170       mediumorchid, mediumorchid1, mediumorchid2, mediumorchid3,
171       mediumorchid4, mediumpurple, mediumpurple1, mediumpurple2,
172       mediumpurple3, mediumpurple4, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue,
173       mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue,
174       mintcream, mistyrose, mistyrose1, mistyrose2, mistyrose3, mistyrose4,
175       moccasin, navajowhite, navajowhite1, navajowhite2, navajowhite3,
176       navajowhite4, navy, navyblue, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, olivedrab1,
177       olivedrab2, olivedrab3, olivedrab4, orange, orange1, orange2, orange3,
178       orange4, orangered, orangered1, orangered2, orangered3, orangered4,
179       orchid, orchid1, orchid2, orchid3, orchid4, pale, palegoldenrod,
180       palegreen, palegreen1, palegreen2, palegreen3, palegreen4,
181       paleturquoise, paleturquoise1, paleturquoise2, paleturquoise3,
182       paleturquoise4, palevioletred, palevioletred1, palevioletred2,
183       palevioletred3, palevioletred4, papayawhip, peachpuff, peachpuff1,
184       peachpuff2, peachpuff3, peachpuff4, peru, pink1, pink2, pink3, pink4,
185       plum1, plum2, plum3, plum4, powderblue, purple1, purple2, purple3,
186       purple4, rebeccapurple, red1, red2, red3, red4, rosybrown, rosybrown1,
187       rosybrown2, rosybrown3, rosybrown4, royalblue, royalblue1, royalblue2,
188       royalblue3, royalblue4, saddlebrown, salmon, salmon1, salmon2, salmon3,
189       salmon4, sandybrown, seagreen, seagreen1, seagreen2, seagreen3,
190       seagreen4, seashell, seashell1, seashell2, seashell3, seashell4,
191       sienna, sienna1, sienna2, sienna3, sienna4, silver, skyblue, skyblue1,
192       skyblue2, skyblue3, skyblue4, slateblue, slateblue1, slateblue2,
193       slateblue3, slateblue4, slategray, slategray1, slategray2, slategray3,
194       slategray4, snow, snow1, snow2, snow3, snow4, springgreen,
195       springgreen1, springgreen2, springgreen3, springgreen4, steelblue,
196       steelblue1, steelblue2, steelblue3, steelblue4, tan, tan1, tan2, tan3,
197       tan4, teal, thistle, thistle1, thistle2, thistle3, thistle4, tomato,
198       tomato1, tomato2, tomato3, tomato4, turquoise, turquoise1, turquoise2,
199       turquoise3, turquoise4, violet, violetred, violetred1, violetred2,
200       violetred3, violetred4, wheat, wheat1, wheat2, wheat3, wheat4,
201       whitesmoke, yellow1, yellow2, yellow3, yellow4, yellowgreen
203       marsala, radiandorchid, emerald, tangerinetango, honeysucle, turquoise,
204       mimosa, blueizis, chilipepper, sanddollar, blueturquoise, tigerlily,
205       aquasky, truered, fuchsiarose, ceruleanblue, rosequartz, peachecho,
206       serenity, snorkelblue, limpetshell, lilacgrey, icedcoffee, fiesta,
207       buttercup, greenflash, riverside, airyblue, sharkskin, aurorared,
208       warmtaupe, dustycedar, lushmeadow, spicymustard, pottersclay,
209       bodacious, greenery, niagara, primroseyellow, lapisblue, flame,
210       islandparadise, paledogwood, pinkyarrow, kale, hazelnut, grenadine,
211       balletslipper, butterum, navypeony, neutralgray, shadedspruce,
212       goldenlime, marina, autumnmaple, meadowlark, cherrytomato,
213       littleboyblue, chilioil, pinklavender, bloomingdahlia, arcadia,
214       ultraviolet, emperador, almostmauve, springcrocus, sailorblue,
215       harbormist, warmsand, coconutmilk, redpear, valiantpoppy, nebulasblue,
216       ceylonyellow, martiniolive, russetorange, crocuspetal, limelight,
217       quetzalgreen, sargassosea, tofu, almondbuff, quietgray, meerkat,
218       fiesta, jesterred, turmeric, livingcoral, pinkpeacock, pepperstem,
219       aspengold, princessblue, toffee, mangomojito, terrariummoss,
220       sweetlilac, soybean, eclipse, sweetcorn, browngranite, chilipepper,
221       bikingred, peachpink, rockyroad, fruitdove, sugaralmond, darkcheddar,
222       galaxyblue, bluestone, orangetiger, eden, vanillacustard, eveningblue,
223       paloma, guacamole, flamescarlet, saffron, biscaygreen, chive,
224       fadeddenim,   orangepeel, mosaicblue, sunlight, coralpink,
225       grapecompote, lark, navyblazer, brilliantwhite, ash, amberglow, samba,
226       sandstone, classicblue, greensheen, rosetan, ultramarinegreen,
227       firedbrick, peachnougat, magentapurple, marigold, cerulean, rust,
228       illuminating, frenchblue, greenash, burntcoral, mint, amethystorchid,
229       raspberrysorbet, inkwell, ultimategray, buttercream, desertmist, willow
232       Copyright 2022 Herbert Breunung.
234       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
235       under same terms as Perl itself.


238       Herbert Breunung, <lichtkind@cpan.org>
242perl v5.36.0                      2022-08-01         Chart::Color::Constant(3)