1RHSM.CONF(5)                                                      RHSM.CONF(5)


6       rhsm.conf - Configuration file for the subscription-manager tooling


9       The rhsm.conf file is the configuration file for various subscription
10       manager tooling. This includes subscription-manager,
11       subscription-manager-gui, rhsmcertd, and virt-who.
13       The format of this file is a simple INI-like structure, with keys and
14       values inside sections. Duplicated keys in sections are not allowed,
15       and only the last occurrence of each key is actually used. Duplicated
16       section names are not allowed.


19       hostname
20           The hostname of the subscription service being used. The default is
21           the Red Hat Customer Portal which is subscription.rhsm.redhat.com.
22           This default should not be retrofitted to previously installed
23           versions. It should be incorporated as the default going forward.
25       prefix
26           Server prefix where the subscription service is registered.
28       port
29           The port which the subscription service is listening on.
31       insecure
32           This flag enables or disables entitlement server certification
33           verification using the certificate authorities which are installed
34           in /etc/rhsm/ca.
36       server_timeout
37           Set this to a non-blank value to override the HTTP timeout in
38           seconds. The default is 180 seconds (3 minutes).
40       proxy_hostname
41           Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use a
42           reverse proxy to access the subscription service. This sets the
43           host for the reverse proxy. Overrides hostname from HTTP_PROXY and
44           HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. This value should not contain
45           the scheme to be used with the proxy (e.g. http or https). To
46           specify that use the proxy_scheme option.
48       proxy_scheme
49           This sets the scheme for the reverse proxy when writing out the
50           proxy to repo definitions. Set this to a non-blank value if you
51           want to specify the scheme used by your package manager for
52           subscription-manager managed repos. This defaults to "http".
54       proxy_port
55           Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use a
56           reverse proxy to access the subscription service. This sets the
57           port for the reverse proxy. Overrides port from HTTP_PROXY and
58           HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.
60           Please note that setting this to any value other than 3128
61           (depending on your SELinux configuration) will require an update to
62           that policy.
64           To add a local policy:
66           # semanage port -a -t squid_port_t -p tcp <port number>
68           To change the system back to look at 3128 port, just remove the
69           policy:
71           # semanage port -d -t squid_port_t -p tcp <port number>
73       proxy_username
74           Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use an
75           authenticated reverse proxy to access the subscription service.
76           This sets the username for the reverse proxy. Overrides username
77           from HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.
79       proxy_password
80           Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should use an
81           authenticated reverse proxy to access the subscription service.
82           This sets the password for the reverse proxy. Overrides password
83           from HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.
85       no_proxy
86           Set this to a non-blank value if subscription-manager should not
87           use a proxy for specific hosts. Format is a comma-separated list of
88           hostname suffixes, optionally with port. '*' is a special value
89           that means do not use a proxy for any host. Overrides the NO_PROXY
90           environment variable.


93       baseurl
94           This setting is the prefix for all content which is managed by the
95           subscription service. This should be the hostname for the Red Hat
96           CDN, the local Satellite or Capsule depending on your deployment.
97           Prefix depends on the service type.  For the Red Hat CDN, the full
98           baseurl is https://cdn.redhat.com .  For Satellite 6, the baseurl
99           is https://HOSTNAME/pulp/repos , so for a hostname of
100           sat6.example.com the full baseurl would be for example:
101           https://sat6.example.com/pulp/repos .
103       repomd_gpg_url
104           The URL of the GPG key that was used to sign this repository's
105           metadata. The specified GPG key will be used in addition to any GPG
106           keys defined by the entitlement.
108       ca_cert_dir
109           The location for the certificates which are used to communicate
110           with the server and to pull down content.
112       repo_ca_cert
113           The certificate to use for server side authentication during
114           content downloads.
116       productCertDir
117           The directory where product certificates should be stored.
119       entitlementCertDir
120           The directory where entitlement certificates should be stored.
122       consumerCertDir
123           The directory where the consumers identity certificate is stored.
125       manage_repos
126           Set this to 1 if subscription manager should manage a yum repos
127           file. If set, it will manage the file /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo.
128           If set to 0 then the subscription is only used for tracking
129           purposes, not content. The /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo file will
130           either be purged or deleted.
132       full_refresh_on_yum
133           Set to 1 if the /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo should be updated with
134           every server command. This will make yum less efficient, but can
135           ensure that the most recent data is brought down from the
136           subscription service.
138       report_package_profile
139           Set to 1 if rhsmcertd should report the system's current package
140           profile to the subscription service. This report helps the
141           subscription service provide better errata notifications. If
142           supported by the entitlement server, enabled repos, enabled
143           modules, and packages present will be reported. This configuration
144           also governs package profile reporting when the "dnf uploadprofile"
145           command is executed.
147       package_profile_on_trans
148           Set to 1 if the dnf/yum subscription-manager plugin should report
149           the system's current package profile to the subscription service on
150           execution of dnf/yum transactions (for example on package install).
151           This report helps the subscription service provide better errata
152           notifications. If supported by the entitlement server, enabled
153           repos, enabled modules, and packages present will be reported. The
154           report_package_profile option needs to also be set to 1 for this
155           option to have any effect.
157       pluginDir
158           The directory to search for subscription manager plug-ins
160       pluginConfDir
161           The directory to search for plug-in configuration files
163       auto_enable_yum_plugins
164           When this option is enabled, then yum/dnf plugins subscription-
165           manager and product-id are enabled every-time subscription-manager
166           or subscription-manager-gui is executed.
168       inotify
169           Inotify is used for monitoring changes in directories with
170           certificates. Currently only the /etc/pki/consumer directory is
171           monitored by the rhsm.service. When this directory is mounted using
172           a network file system without inotify notification support (e.g.
173           NFS), then disabling inotify is strongly recommended. When inotify
174           is disabled, periodical directory polling is used instead.
176       progress_messages
177           Set to 0 to disable progress reporting. When subscription-manager
178           waits while fetching certificates or updating user information, it
179           writes temporary informational messages to the standard output.
180           This feature may not be desired in some situations, changing this
181           option prevents those messages from being displayed.


184       certCheckInterval
185           The number of minutes between runs of the rhsmcertd daemon
187       autoAttachInterval
188           The number of minutes between attempts to run auto-attach on this
189           consumer.
191       splay
192           1 to enable splay. 0 to disable splay. If enabled, this feature
193           delays the initial auto attach and cert check by an amount between
194           0 seconds and the interval given for the action being delayed. For
195           example if the certCheckInterval were set to 3 minutes, the initial
196           cert check would begin somewhere between 2 minutes after start up
197           (minimum delay) and 5 minutes after start up. This is useful to
198           reduce peak load on the Satellite or entitlement service used by a
199           large number of machines.
201       disable
202           Set to 1 to disable rhsmcertd operation entirely.
204       auto_registration
205           Set to 1 to enable automatic registration. Automatic registration
206           can only work on virtual machines running in the public cloud.
207           Currently three public cloud providers are supported: AWS, Azure
208           and GCP. In order for rhsmcertd to perform automatic registration,
209           please link your "Cloud ID" from your cloud provider to your "RHSM
210           Organization ID" using https://cloud.redhat.com.
212       auto_registration_interval
213           The number of minutes between attempts to run auto-registration on
214           this system


217       default_log_level
218           The default log level for all loggers in subscription-manager,
219           python-rhsm, and rhsmcertd.  Note: Other keys in this section will
220           override this value for the specified logger.
222       MODULE_NAME[.SUBMODULE ...] = [log_level]
223           Logging can be configured on a module-level basis via entries of
224           the format above where:
225               module_name is subscription_manager, rhsm, or rhsm-app.
227               submodule can be optionally specified to further override the
228               logging level down to a specific file.
230               log_level is the log level to set the specified logger (one of:
231               DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL).


234       Bryan Kearney <bkearney@redhat.com>


237       subscription-manager(8), subscription-manager-gui(8), rhsmcertd(8)


240       Main web site: http://www.candlepinproject.org/


243       Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Red Hat, Inc. This is licensed under the GNU
244       General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2). A copy of this license is
245       available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt.
249rhsm.conf                              -                          RHSM.CONF(5)