1CHECK_POSTGRES(1)     User Contributed Perl Documentation    CHECK_POSTGRES(1)


6       check_postgres.pl - a Postgres monitoring script for Nagios, MRTG,
7       Cacti, and others
9       This documents describes check_postgres.pl version 2.25.0


12         ## Create all symlinks
13         check_postgres.pl --symlinks
15         ## Check connection to Postgres database 'pluto':
16         check_postgres.pl --action=connection --db=pluto
18         ## Same things, but using the symlink
19         check_postgres_connection --db=pluto
21         ## Warn if > 100 locks, critical if > 200, or > 20 exclusive
22         check_postgres_locks --warning=100 --critical="total=200:exclusive=20"
24         ## Show the current number of idle connections on port 6543:
25         check_postgres_txn_idle --port=6543 --output=simple
27         ## There are many other actions and options, please keep reading.
29         The latest news and documentation can always be found at:
30         https://bucardo.org/check_postgres/


33       check_postgres.pl is a Perl script that runs many different tests
34       against one or more Postgres databases. It uses the psql program to
35       gather the information, and outputs the results in one of three
36       formats: Nagios, MRTG, or simple.
38   Output Modes
39       The output can be changed by use of the "--output" option. The default
40       output is nagios, although this can be changed at the top of the script
41       if you wish. The current option choices are nagios, mrtg, and simple.
42       To avoid having to enter the output argument each time, the type of
43       output is automatically set if no --output argument is given, and if
44       the current directory has one of the output options in its name. For
45       example, creating a directory named mrtg and populating it with
46       symlinks via the --symlinks argument would ensure that any actions run
47       from that directory will always default to an output of "mrtg" As a
48       shortcut for --output=simple, you can enter --simple, which also
49       overrides the directory naming trick.
51       Nagios output
53       The default output format is for Nagios, which is a single line of
54       information, along with four specific exit codes:
56       0 (OK)
57       1 (WARNING)
58       2 (CRITICAL)
59       3 (UNKNOWN)
61       The output line is one of the words above, a colon, and then a short
62       description of what was measured. Additional statistics information, as
63       well as the total time the command took, can be output as well: see the
64       documentation on the arguments --showperf, --perflimit, and --showtime.
66       MRTG output
68       The MRTG output is four lines, with the first line always giving a
69       single number of importance.  When possible, this number represents an
70       actual value such as a number of bytes, but it may also be a 1 or a 0
71       for actions that only return "true" or "false", such as
72       check_postgres_version.  The second line is an additional stat and is
73       only used for some actions. The third line indicates an "uptime" and is
74       not used. The fourth line is a description and usually indicates the
75       name of the database the stat from the first line was pulled from, but
76       may be different depending on the action.
78       Some actions accept an optional --mrtg argument to further control the
79       output.
81       See the documentation on each action for details on the exact MRTG
82       output for each one.
84       Simple output
86       The simple output is simply a truncated version of the MRTG one, and
87       simply returns the first number and nothing else. This is very useful
88       when you just want to check the state of something, regardless of any
89       threshold. You can transform the numeric output by appending KB, MB,
90       GB, TB, or EB to the output argument, for example:
92         --output=simple,MB
94       Cacti output
96       The Cacti output consists of one or more items on the same line, with a
97       simple name, a colon, and then a number. At the moment, the only action
98       with explicit Cacti output is 'dbstats', and using the --output option
99       is not needed in this case, as Cacti is the only output for this
100       action. For many other actions, using --simple is enough to make Cacti
101       happy.


104       All actions accept a common set of database options.
106       -H NAME or --host=NAME
107           Connect to the host indicated by NAME. Can be a comma-separated
108           list of names. Multiple host arguments are allowed. If no host is
109           given, defaults to the "PGHOST" environment variable or no host at
110           all (which indicates using a local Unix socket). You may also use
111           "--dbhost".
113       -p PORT or --port=PORT
114           Connects using the specified PORT number. Can be a comma-separated
115           list of port numbers, and multiple port arguments are allowed. If
116           no port number is given, defaults to the "PGPORT" environment
117           variable. If that is not set, it defaults to 5432. You may also use
118           "--dbport"
120       -db NAME or --dbname=NAME
121           Specifies which database to connect to. Can be a comma-separated
122           list of names, and multiple dbname arguments are allowed. If no
123           dbname option is provided, defaults to the "PGDATABASE" environment
124           variable.  If that is not set, it defaults to 'postgres' if psql is
125           version 8 or greater, and 'template1' otherwise.
127       -u USERNAME or --dbuser=USERNAME
128           The name of the database user to connect as. Can be a comma-
129           separated list of usernames, and multiple dbuser arguments are
130           allowed. If this is not provided, it defaults to the "PGUSER"
131           environment variable, otherwise it defaults to 'postgres'.
133       --dbpass=PASSWORD
134           Provides the password to connect to the database with. Use of this
135           option is highly discouraged.  Instead, one should use a .pgpass or
136           pg_service.conf file.
138       --dbservice=NAME
139           The name of a service inside of the pg_service.conf file. Before
140           version 9.0 of Postgres, this is a global file, usually found in
141           /etc/pg_service.conf. If you are using version 9.0 or higher of
142           Postgres, you can use the file ".pg_service.conf" in the home
143           directory of the user running the script, e.g. nagios.
145           This file contains a simple list of connection options. You can
146           also pass additional information when using this option such as
147           --dbservice="maindatabase sslmode=require"
149           The documentation for this file can be found at
150           <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-pgservice.html>
152       The database connection options can be grouped: --host=a,b --host=c
153       --port=1234 --port=3344 would connect to a-1234, b-1234, and c-3344.
154       Note that once set, an option carries over until it is changed again.
156       Examples:
158         --host=a,b --port=5433 --db=c
159         Connects twice to port 5433, using database c, to hosts a and b: a-5433-c b-5433-c
161         --host=a,b --port=5433 --db=c,d
162         Connects four times: a-5433-c a-5433-d b-5433-c b-5433-d
164         --host=a,b --host=foo --port=1234 --port=5433 --db=e,f
165         Connects six times: a-1234-e a-1234-f b-1234-e b-1234-f foo-5433-e foo-5433-f
167         --host=a,b --host=x --port=5432,5433 --dbuser=alice --dbuser=bob -db=baz
168         Connects three times: a-5432-alice-baz b-5433-alice-baz x-5433-bob-baz
170         --dbservice="foo" --port=5433
171         Connects using the named service 'foo' in the pg_service.conf file, but overrides the port


174       Other options include:
176       --action=NAME
177           States what action we are running. Required unless using a
178           symlinked file, in which case the name of the file is used to
179           figure out the action.
181       --warning=VAL or -w VAL
182           Sets the threshold at which a warning alert is fired. The valid
183           options for this option depends on the action used.
185       --critical=VAL or -c VAL
186           Sets the threshold at which a critical alert is fired. The valid
187           options for this option depends on the action used.
189       -t VAL or --timeout=VAL
190           Sets the timeout in seconds after which the script will abort
191           whatever it is doing and return an UNKNOWN status. The timeout is
192           per Postgres cluster, not for the entire script. The default value
193           is 10; the units are always in seconds.
195       --assume-standby-mode
196           If specified, first the check if server in standby mode will be
197           performed (--datadir is required), if so, all checks that require
198           SQL queries will be ignored and "Server in standby mode" with OK
199           status will be returned instead.
201           Example:
203               postgres@db$./check_postgres.pl --action=version --warning=8.1 --datadir /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main/ --assume-standby-mode
204               POSTGRES_VERSION OK:  Server in standby mode | time=0.00
206       --assume-prod
207           If specified, check if server in production mode is performed
208           (--datadir is required).  The option is only relevant for
209           ("symlink: check_postgres_checkpoint").
211           Example:
213               postgres@db$./check_postgres.pl --action=checkpoint --datadir /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main/ --assume-prod
214               POSTGRES_CHECKPOINT OK: Last checkpoint was 72 seconds ago | age=72;;300 mode=MASTER
216       --assume-async
217           If specified, indicates that any replication between servers is
218           asynchronous.  The option is only relevant for ("symlink:
219           check_postgres_same_schema").
221           Example:
222               postgres@db$./check_postgres.pl --action=same_schema
223           --assume-async --dbhost=star,line
225       -h or --help
226           Displays a help screen with a summary of all actions and options.
228       --man
229           Displays the entire manual.
231       -V or --version
232           Shows the current version.
234       -v or --verbose
235           Set the verbosity level. Can call more than once to boost the
236           level. Setting it to three or higher (in other words, issuing "-v
237           -v -v") turns on debugging information for this program which is
238           sent to stderr.
240       --showperf=VAL
241           Determines if we output additional performance data in standard
242           Nagios format (at end of string, after a pipe symbol, using
243           name=value).  VAL should be 0 or 1. The default is 1. Only takes
244           effect if using Nagios output mode.
246       --perflimit=i
247           Sets a limit as to how many items of interest are reported back
248           when using the showperf option. This only has an effect for actions
249           that return a large number of items, such as table_size. The
250           default is 0, or no limit. Be careful when using this with the
251           --include or --exclude options, as those restrictions are done
252           after the query has been run, and thus your limit may not include
253           the items you want. Only takes effect if using Nagios output mode.
255       --showtime=VAL
256           Determines if the time taken to run each query is shown in the
257           output. VAL should be 0 or 1. The default is 1. No effect unless
258           showperf is on.  Only takes effect if using Nagios output mode.
260       --test
261           Enables test mode. See the "TEST MODE" section below.
263       --PGBINDIR=PATH
264           Tells the script where to find the psql binaries. Useful if you
265           have more than one version of the PostgreSQL executables on your
266           system, or if there are not in your path. Note that this option is
267           in all uppercase. By default, this option is not allowed. To enable
268           it, you must change the $NO_PSQL_OPTION near the top of the script
269           to 0. Avoid using this option if you can, and instead use
270           environment variable c<PGBINDIR> or hard-coded $PGBINDIR variable,
271           also near the top of the script, to set the path to the PostgreSQL
272           to use.
274       --PSQL=PATH
275           (deprecated, this option may be removed in a future release!)
276           Tells the script where to find the psql program. Useful if you have
277           more than one version of the psql executable on your system, or if
278           there is no psql program in your path. Note that this option is in
279           all uppercase. By default, this option is not allowed. To enable
280           it, you must change the $NO_PSQL_OPTION near the top of the script
281           to 0. Avoid using this option if you can, and instead hard-code
282           your psql location into the $PSQL variable, also near the top of
283           the script.
285       --symlinks
286           Creates symlinks to the main program for each action.
288       --output=VAL
289           Determines the format of the output, for use in various programs.
290           The default is 'nagios'. Available options are 'nagios', 'mrtg',
291           'simple' and 'cacti'.
293       --mrtg=VAL
294           Used only for the MRTG or simple output, for a few specific
295           actions.
297       --debugoutput=VAL
298           Outputs the exact string returned by psql, for use in debugging.
299           The value is one or more letters, which determine if the output is
300           displayed or not, where 'a' = all, 'c' = critical, 'w' = warning,
301           'o' = ok, and 'u' = unknown. Letters can be combined.
303       --get_method=VAL
304           Allows specification of the method used to fetch information for
305           the "new_version_cp", "new_version_pg", "new_version_bc",
306           "new_version_box", and "new_version_tnm" checks.  The following
307           programs are tried, in order, to grab the information from the web:
308           GET, wget, fetch, curl, lynx, links. To force the use of just one
309           (and thus remove the overhead of trying all the others until one of
310           those works), enter one of the names as the argument to get_method.
311           For example, a BSD box might enter the following line in their
312           ".check_postgresrc" file:
314             get_method=fetch
316       --language=VAL
317           Set the language to use for all output messages. Normally, this is
318           detected by examining the environment variables LC_ALL,
319           LC_MESSAGES, and LANG, but setting this option will override any
320           such detection.


323       The action to be run is selected using the --action flag, or by using a
324       symlink to the main file that contains the name of the action inside of
325       it. For example, to run the action "timesync", you may either issue:
327         check_postgres.pl --action=timesync
329       or use a program named:
331         check_postgres_timesync
333       All the symlinks are created for you in the current directory if use
334       the option --symlinks:
336         perl check_postgres.pl --symlinks
338       If the file name already exists, it will not be overwritten. If the
339       file exists and is a symlink, you can force it to overwrite by using
340       "--action=build_symlinks_force".
342       Most actions take a --warning and a --critical option, indicating at
343       what point we change from OK to WARNING, and what point we go to
344       CRITICAL. Note that because criticals are always checked first, setting
345       the warning equal to the critical is an effective way to turn warnings
346       off and always give a critical.
348       The current supported actions are:
350   archive_ready
351       ("symlink: check_postgres_archive_ready") Checks how many WAL files
352       with extension .ready exist in the pg_xlog/archive_status directory
353       (PostgreSQL 10 and later: pg_wal/archive_status), which is found off of
354       your data_directory. If the --lsfunc option is not used then this
355       action must be run as a superuser, in order to access the contents of
356       the pg_xlog/archive_status directory. The minimum version to use this
357       action is Postgres 8.1. The --warning and --critical options are simply
358       the number of .ready files in the pg_xlog/archive_status directory.
359       Usually, these values should be low, turning on the archive mechanism,
360       we usually want it to archive WAL files as fast as possible.
362       If the archive command fail, number of WAL in your pg_xlog directory
363       will grow until exhausting all the disk space and force PostgreSQL to
364       stop immediately.
366       To avoid connecting as a database superuser, a wrapper function around
367       pg_ls_dir() should be defined as a superuser with SECURITY DEFINER, and
368       the --lsfunc option used. This example function, if defined by a
369       superuser, will allow the script to connect as a normal user nagios
370       with --lsfunc=ls_archive_status_dir
372         BEGIN;
373         CREATE FUNCTION ls_archive_status_dir()
374             RETURNS SETOF TEXT
375             AS $$ SELECT pg_ls_dir('pg_xlog/archive_status') $$
376             LANGUAGE SQL
377             SECURITY DEFINER;
378         REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ls_archive_status_dir() FROM PUBLIC;
379         GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION ls_archive_status_dir() to nagios;
380         COMMIT;
382       Example 1: Check that the number of ready WAL files is 10 or less on
383       host "pluto", using a wrapper function "ls_archive_status_dir" to avoid
384       the need for superuser permissions
386         check_postgres_archive_ready --host=pluto --critical=10 --lsfunc=ls_archive_status_dir
388       For MRTG output, reports the number of ready WAL files on line 1.
390   autovac_freeze
391       ("symlink: check_postgres_autovac_freeze") Checks how close each
392       database is to the Postgres autovacuum_freeze_max_age setting. This
393       action will only work for databases version 8.2 or higher. The
394       --warning and --critical options should be expressed as percentages.
395       The 'age' of the transactions in each database is compared to the
396       autovacuum_freeze_max_age setting (200 million by default) to generate
397       a rounded percentage. The default values are 90% for the warning and
398       95% for the critical. Databases can be filtered by use of the --include
399       and --exclude options.  See the "BASIC FILTERING" section for more
400       details.
402       Example 1: Give a warning when any databases on port 5432 are above 97%
404         check_postgres_autovac_freeze --port=5432 --warning="97%"
406       For MRTG output, the highest overall percentage is reported on the
407       first line, and the highest age is reported on the second line. All
408       databases which have the percentage from the first line are reported on
409       the fourth line, separated by a pipe symbol.
411   backends
412       ("symlink: check_postgres_backends") Checks the current number of
413       connections for one or more databases, and optionally compares it to
414       the maximum allowed, which is determined by the Postgres configuration
415       variable max_connections. The --warning and --critical options can take
416       one of three forms. First, a simple number can be given, which
417       represents the number of connections at which the alert will be given.
418       This choice does not use the max_connections setting. Second, the
419       percentage of available connections can be given. Third, a negative
420       number can be given which represents the number of connections left
421       until max_connections is reached. The default values for --warning and
422       --critical are '90%' and '95%'.  You can also filter the databases by
423       use of the --include and --exclude options.  See the "BASIC FILTERING"
424       section for more details.
426       To view only non-idle processes, you can use the --noidle argument.
427       Note that the user you are connecting as must be a superuser for this
428       to work properly.
430       Example 1: Give a warning when the number of connections on host quirm
431       reaches 120, and a critical if it reaches 150.
433         check_postgres_backends --host=quirm --warning=120 --critical=150
435       Example 2: Give a critical when we reach 75% of our max_connections
436       setting on hosts lancre or lancre2.
438         check_postgres_backends --warning='75%' --critical='75%' --host=lancre,lancre2
440       Example 3: Give a warning when there are only 10 more connection slots
441       left on host plasmid, and a critical when we have only 5 left.
443         check_postgres_backends --warning=-10 --critical=-5 --host=plasmid
445       Example 4: Check all databases except those with "test" in their name,
446       but allow ones that are named "pg_greatest". Connect as port 5432 on
447       the first two hosts, and as port 5433 on the third one. We want to
448       always throw a critical when we reach 30 or more connections.
450        check_postgres_backends --dbhost=hong,kong --dbhost=fooey --dbport=5432 --dbport=5433 --warning=30 --critical=30 --exclude="~test" --include="pg_greatest,~prod"
452       For MRTG output, the number of connections is reported on the first
453       line, and the fourth line gives the name of the database, plus the
454       current maximum_connections. If more than one database has been
455       queried, the one with the highest number of connections is output.
457   bloat
458       ("symlink: check_postgres_bloat") Checks the amount of bloat in tables
459       and indexes. (Bloat is generally the amount of dead unused space taken
460       up in a table or index. This space is usually reclaimed by use of the
461       VACUUM command.) This action requires that stats collection be enabled
462       on the target databases, and requires that ANALYZE is run frequently.
463       The --include and --exclude options can be used to filter out which
464       tables to look at. See the "BASIC FILTERING" section for more details.
466       The --warning and --critical options can be specified as sizes,
467       percents, or both.  Valid size units are bytes, kilobytes, megabytes,
468       gigabytes, terabytes, exabytes, petabytes, and zettabytes. You can
469       abbreviate all of those with the first letter. Items without units are
470       assumed to be 'bytes'. The default values are '1 GB' and '5 GB'. The
471       value represents the number of "wasted bytes", or the difference
472       between what is actually used by the table and index, and what we
473       compute that it should be.
475       Note that this action has two hard-coded values to avoid false alarms
476       on smaller relations. Tables must have at least 10 pages, and indexes
477       at least 15, before they can be considered by this test. If you really
478       want to adjust these values, you can look for the variables $MINPAGES
479       and $MINIPAGES at the top of the "check_bloat" subroutine. These values
480       are ignored if either --exclude or --include is used.
482       Only the top 10 most bloated relations are shown. You can change this
483       number by using the --perflimit option to set your own limit.
485       The schema named 'information_schema' is excluded from this test, as
486       the only tables it contains are small and do not change.
488       Please note that the values computed by this action are not precise,
489       and should be used as a guideline only. Great effort was made to
490       estimate the correct size of a table, but in the end it is only an
491       estimate. The correct index size is even more of a guess than the
492       correct table size, but both should give a rough idea of how bloated
493       things are.
495       Example 1: Warn if any table on port 5432 is over 100 MB bloated, and
496       critical if over 200 MB
498         check_postgres_bloat --port=5432 --warning='100 M' --critical='200 M'
500       Example 2: Give a critical if table 'orders' on host 'sami' has more
501       than 10 megs of bloat
503         check_postgres_bloat --host=sami --include=orders --critical='10 MB'
505       Example 3: Give a critical if table 'q4' on database 'sales' is over
506       50% bloated
508         check_postgres_bloat --db=sales --include=q4 --critical='50%'
510       Example 4: Give a critical any table is over 20% bloated and has over
511       150 MB of bloat:
513         check_postgres_bloat --port=5432 --critical='20% and 150 M'
515       Example 5: Give a critical any table is over 40% bloated or has over
516       500 MB of bloat:
518         check_postgres_bloat --port=5432 --warning='500 M or 40%'
520       For MRTG output, the first line gives the highest number of wasted
521       bytes for the tables, and the second line gives the highest number of
522       wasted bytes for the indexes. The fourth line gives the database name,
523       table name, and index name information. If you want to output the bloat
524       ratio instead (how many times larger the relation is compared to how
525       large it should be), just pass in "--mrtg=ratio".
527   checkpoint
528       ("symlink: check_postgres_checkpoint") Determines how long since the
529       last checkpoint has been run. This must run on the same server as the
530       database that is being checked (e.g. the -h flag will not work). This
531       check is meant to run on a "warm standby" server that is actively
532       processing shipped WAL files, and is meant to check that your warm
533       standby is truly 'warm'.  The data directory must be set, either by the
534       environment variable "PGDATA", or passing the "--datadir" argument. It
535       returns the number of seconds since the last checkpoint was run, as
536       determined by parsing the call to "pg_controldata". Because of this,
537       the pg_controldata executable must be available in the current path.
538       Alternatively, you can specify "PGBINDIR" as the directory that it
539       lives in.  It is also possible to use the special options --assume-prod
540       or --assume-standby-mode, if the mode found is not the one expected, a
541       CRITICAL is emitted.
543       At least one warning or critical argument must be set.
545       This action requires the Date::Parse module.
547       For MRTG or simple output, returns the number of seconds.
549   cluster_id
550       ("symlink: check_postgres_cluster-id") Checks that the Database System
551       Identifier provided by pg_controldata is the same as last time you
552       checked. This must run on the same server as the database that is being
553       checked (e.g. the -h flag will not work).  Either the --warning or the
554       --critical option should be given, but not both. The value of each one
555       is the cluster identifier, an integer value. You can run with the
556       special "--critical=0" option to find out an existing cluster
557       identifier.
559       Example 1: Find the initial identifier
561         check_postgres_cluster_id --critical=0 --datadir=/var//lib/postgresql/9.0/main
563       Example 2: Make sure the cluster is the same and warn if not, using the
564       result from above.
566         check_postgres_cluster_id  --critical=5633695740047915135
568       For MRTG output, returns a 1 or 0 indicating success of failure of the
569       identifier to match. A identifier must be provided as the "--mrtg"
570       argument. The fourth line always gives the current identifier.
572   commitratio
573       ("symlink: check_postgres_commitratio") Checks the commit ratio of all
574       databases and complains when they are too low.  There is no need to run
575       this command more than once per database cluster.  Databases can be
576       filtered with the --include and --exclude options. See the "BASIC
577       FILTERING" section for more details.  They can also be filtered by the
578       owner of the database with the --includeuser and --excludeuser options.
579       See the "USER NAME FILTERING" section for more details.
581       The warning and critical options should be specified as percentages.
582       There are not defaults for this action: the warning and critical must
583       be specified. The warning value cannot be greater than the critical
584       value. The output returns all databases sorted by commitratio, smallest
585       first.
587       Example: Warn if any database on host flagg is less than 90% in
588       commitratio, and critical if less then 80%.
590         check_postgres_database_commitratio --host=flagg --warning='90%' --critical='80%'
592       For MRTG output, returns the percentage of the database with the
593       smallest commitratio on the first line, and the name of the database on
594       the fourth line.
596   connection
597       ("symlink: check_postgres_connection") Simply connects, issues a
598       'SELECT version()', and leaves.  Takes no --warning or --critical
599       options.
601       For MRTG output, simply outputs a 1 (good connection) or a 0 (bad
602       connection) on the first line.
604   custom_query
605       ("symlink: check_postgres_custom_query") Runs a custom query of your
606       choosing, and parses the results.  The query itself is passed in
607       through the "query" argument, and should be kept as simple as possible.
608       If at all possible, wrap it in a view or a function to keep things
609       easier to manage. The query should return one or two columns. It is
610       required that one of the columns be named "result" and is the item that
611       will be checked against your warning and critical values. The second
612       column is for the performance data and any name can be used: this will
613       be the 'value' inside the performance data section.
615       At least one warning or critical argument must be specified. What these
616       are set to depends on the type of query you are running. There are four
617       types of custom_queries that can be run, specified by the "valtype"
618       argument. If none is specified, this action defaults to 'integer'. The
619       four types are:
621       integer: Does a simple integer comparison. The first column should be a
622       simple integer, and the warning and critical values should be the same.
624       string: The warning and critical are strings, and are triggered only if
625       the value in the first column matches it exactly. This is case-
626       sensitive.
628       time: The warning and the critical are times, and can have units of
629       seconds, minutes, hours, or days.  Each may be written singular or
630       abbreviated to just the first letter. If no units are given, seconds
631       are assumed. The first column should be an integer representing the
632       number of seconds to check.
634       size: The warning and the critical are sizes, and can have units of
635       bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, or exabytes. Each
636       may be abbreviated to the first letter. If no units are given, bytes
637       are assumed. The first column should be an integer representing the
638       number of bytes to check.
640       Normally, an alert is triggered if the values returned are greater than
641       or equal to the critical or warning value. However, an option of
642       --reverse will trigger the alert if the returned value is lower than or
643       equal to the critical or warning value.
645       Example 1: Warn if any relation over 100 pages is named "rad", put the
646       number of pages inside the performance data section.
648         check_postgres_custom_query --valtype=string -w "rad" --query=
649           "SELECT relname AS result, relpages AS pages FROM pg_class WHERE relpages > 100"
651       Example 2: Give a critical if the "foobar" function returns a number
652       over 5MB:
654         check_postgres_custom_query --critical='5MB'--valtype=size --query="SELECT foobar() AS result"
656       Example 2: Warn if the function "snazzo" returns less than 42:
658         check_postgres_custom_query --critical=42 --query="SELECT snazzo() AS result" --reverse
660       If you come up with a useful custom_query, consider sending in a patch
661       to this program to make it into a standard action that other people can
662       use.
664       This action does not support MRTG or simple output yet.
666   database_size
667       ("symlink: check_postgres_database_size") Checks the size of all
668       databases and complains when they are too big.  There is no need to run
669       this command more than once per database cluster.  Databases can be
670       filtered with the --include and --exclude options. See the "BASIC
671       FILTERING" section for more details.  They can also be filtered by the
672       owner of the database with the --includeuser and --excludeuser options.
673       See the "USER NAME FILTERING" section for more details.
675       The warning and critical options can be specified as bytes, kilobytes,
676       megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, or exabytes. Each may be abbreviated
677       to the first letter as well.  If no unit is given, the units are
678       assumed to be bytes. There are not defaults for this action: the
679       warning and critical must be specified. The warning value cannot be
680       greater than the critical value. The output returns all databases
681       sorted by size largest first, showing both raw bytes and a "pretty"
682       version of the size.
684       Example 1: Warn if any database on host flagg is over 1 TB in size, and
685       critical if over 1.1 TB.
687         check_postgres_database_size --host=flagg --warning='1 TB' --critical='1.1 t'
689       Example 2: Give a critical if the database template1 on port 5432 is
690       over 10 MB.
692         check_postgres_database_size --port=5432 --include=template1 --warning='10MB' --critical='10MB'
694       Example 3: Give a warning if any database on host 'tardis' owned by the
695       user 'tom' is over 5 GB
697         check_postgres_database_size --host=tardis --includeuser=tom --warning='5 GB' --critical='10 GB'
699       For MRTG output, returns the size in bytes of the largest database on
700       the first line, and the name of the database on the fourth line.
702   dbstats
703       ("symlink: check_postgres_dbstats") Reports information from the
704       pg_stat_database view, and outputs it in a Cacti-friendly manner. No
705       other output is supported, as the output is informational and does not
706       lend itself to alerts, such as used with Nagios. If no options are
707       given, all databases are returned, one per line. You can include a
708       specific database by use of the "--include" option, or you can use the
709       "--dbname" option.
711       Eleven items are returned on each line, in the format name:value,
712       separated by a single space. The items are:
714       backends
715           The number of currently running backends for this database.
717       commits
718           The total number of commits for this database since it was created
719           or reset.
721       rollbacks
722           The total number of rollbacks for this database since it was
723           created or reset.
725       read
726           The total number of disk blocks read.
728       hit The total number of buffer hits.
730       ret The total number of rows returned.
732       fetch
733           The total number of rows fetched.
735       ins The total number of rows inserted.
737       upd The total number of rows updated.
739       del The total number of rows deleted.
741       dbname
742           The name of the database.
744       Note that ret, fetch, ins, upd, and del items will always be 0 if
745       Postgres is version 8.2 or lower, as those stats were not available in
746       those versions.
748       If the dbname argument is given, seven additional items are returned:
750       idxscan
751           Total number of user index scans.
753       idxtupread
754           Total number of user index entries returned.
756       idxtupfetch
757           Total number of rows fetched by simple user index scans.
759       idxblksread
760           Total number of disk blocks read for all user indexes.
762       idxblkshit
763           Total number of buffer hits for all user indexes.
765       seqscan
766           Total number of sequential scans against all user tables.
768       seqtupread
769           Total number of tuples returned from all user tables.
771       Example 1: Grab the stats for a database named "products" on host
772       "willow":
774         check_postgres_dbstats --dbhost willow --dbname products
776       The output returned will be like this (all on one line, not wrapped):
778           backends:82 commits:58374408 rollbacks:1651 read:268435543 hit:2920381758 idxscan:310931294 idxtupread:2777040927
779           idxtupfetch:1840241349 idxblksread:62860110 idxblkshit:1107812216 seqscan:5085305 seqtupread:5370500520
780           ret:0 fetch:0 ins:0 upd:0 del:0 dbname:willow
782   disabled_triggers
783       ("symlink: check_postgres_disabled_triggers") Checks on the number of
784       disabled triggers inside the database.  The --warning and --critical
785       options are the number of such triggers found, and both default to "1",
786       as in normal usage having disabled triggers is a dangerous event. If
787       the database being checked is 8.3 or higher, the check is for the
788       number of triggers that are in a 'disabled' status (as opposed to being
789       'always' or 'replica'). The output will show the name of the table and
790       the name of the trigger for each disabled trigger.
792       Example 1: Make sure that there are no disabled triggers
794         check_postgres_disabled_triggers
796       For MRTG output, returns the number of disabled triggers on the first
797       line.
799   disk_space
800       ("symlink: check_postgres_disk_space") Checks on the available physical
801       disk space used by Postgres. This action requires that you have the
802       executable "/bin/df" available to report on disk sizes, and it also
803       needs to be run as a superuser, so it can examine the data_directory
804       setting inside of Postgres. The --warning and --critical options are
805       given in either sizes or percentages or both. If using sizes, the
806       standard unit types are allowed: bytes, kilobytes, gigabytes,
807       megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, or exabytes. Each may be abbreviated
808       to the first letter only; no units at all indicates 'bytes'. The
809       default values are '90%' and '95%'.
811       This command checks the following things to determine all of the
812       different physical disks being used by Postgres.
814       data_directory - The disk that the main data directory is on.
816       log directory - The disk that the log files are on.
818       WAL file directory - The disk that the write-ahead logs are on (e.g.
819       symlinked pg_xlog or pg_wal)
821       tablespaces - Each tablespace that is on a separate disk.
823       The output shows the total size used and available on each disk, as
824       well as the percentage, ordered by highest to lowest percentage used.
825       Each item above maps to a file system: these can be included or
826       excluded. See the "BASIC FILTERING" section for more details.
828       Example 1: Make sure that no file system is over 90% for the database
829       on port 5432.
831         check_postgres_disk_space --port=5432 --warning='90%' --critical='90%'
833       Example 2: Check that all file systems starting with /dev/sda are
834       smaller than 10 GB and 11 GB (warning and critical)
836         check_postgres_disk_space --port=5432 --warning='10 GB' --critical='11 GB' --include="~^/dev/sda"
838       Example 4: Make sure that no file system is both over 50% and has over
839       15 GB
841         check_postgres_disk_space --critical='50% and 15 GB'
843       Example 5: Issue a warning if any file system is either over 70% full
844       or has more than 1T
846         check_postgres_disk_space --warning='1T or 75'
848       For MRTG output, returns the size in bytes of the file system on the
849       first line, and the name of the file system on the fourth line.
851   fsm_pages
852       ("symlink: check_postgres_fsm_pages") Checks how close a cluster is to
853       the Postgres max_fsm_pages setting.  This action will only work for
854       databases of 8.2 or higher, and it requires the contrib module
855       pg_freespacemap be installed. The --warning and --critical options
856       should be expressed as percentages. The number of used pages in the
857       free-space-map is determined by looking in the
858       pg_freespacemap_relations view, and running a formula based on the
859       formula used for outputting free-space-map pageslots in the vacuum
860       verbose command. The default values are 85% for the warning and 95% for
861       the critical.
863       Example 1: Give a warning when our cluster has used up 76% of the free-
864       space pageslots, with pg_freespacemap installed in database robert
866         check_postgres_fsm_pages --dbname=robert --warning="76%"
868       While you need to pass in the name of the database where
869       pg_freespacemap is installed, you only need to run this check once per
870       cluster. Also, checking this information does require obtaining special
871       locks on the free-space-map, so it is recommend you do not run this
872       check with short intervals.
874       For MRTG output, returns the percent of free-space-map on the first
875       line, and the number of pages currently used on the second line.
877   fsm_relations
878       ("symlink: check_postgres_fsm_relations") Checks how close a cluster is
879       to the Postgres max_fsm_relations setting.  This action will only work
880       for databases of 8.2 or higher, and it requires the contrib module
881       pg_freespacemap be installed. The --warning and --critical options
882       should be expressed as percentages. The number of used relations in the
883       free-space-map is determined by looking in the
884       pg_freespacemap_relations view. The default values are 85% for the
885       warning and 95% for the critical.
887       Example 1: Give a warning when our cluster has used up 80% of the free-
888       space relations, with pg_freespacemap installed in database dylan
890         check_postgres_fsm_relations --dbname=dylan --warning="75%"
892       While you need to pass in the name of the database where
893       pg_freespacemap is installed, you only need to run this check once per
894       cluster. Also, checking this information does require obtaining special
895       locks on the free-space-map, so it is recommend you do not run this
896       check with short intervals.
898       For MRTG output, returns the percent of free-space-map on the first
899       line, the number of relations currently used on the second line.
901   hitratio
902       ("symlink: check_postgres_hitratio") Checks the hit ratio of all
903       databases and complains when they are too low.  There is no need to run
904       this command more than once per database cluster.  Databases can be
905       filtered with the --include and --exclude options. See the "BASIC
906       FILTERING" section for more details.  They can also be filtered by the
907       owner of the database with the --includeuser and --excludeuser options.
908       See the "USER NAME FILTERING" section for more details.
910       The warning and critical options should be specified as percentages.
911       There are not defaults for this action: the warning and critical must
912       be specified. The warning value cannot be greater than the critical
913       value. The output returns all databases sorted by hitratio, smallest
914       first.
916       Example: Warn if any database on host flagg is less than 90% in
917       hitratio, and critical if less then 80%.
919         check_postgres_hitratio --host=flagg --warning='90%' --critical='80%'
921       For MRTG output, returns the percentage of the database with the
922       smallest hitratio on the first line, and the name of the database on
923       the fourth line.
925   hot_standby_delay
926       ("symlink: check_hot_standby_delay") Checks the streaming replication
927       lag by computing the delta between the current xlog position of a
928       master server and the replay location of a slave connected to it. The
929       slave server must be in hot_standby (e.g. read only) mode, therefore
930       the minimum version to use this action is Postgres 9.0. The --warning
931       and --critical options are the delta between the xlog locations. Since
932       these values are byte offsets in the WAL they should match the expected
933       transaction volume of your application to prevent false positives or
934       negatives.
936       The first "--dbname", "--host", and "--port", etc. options are
937       considered the master; the second belongs to the slave.
939       Byte values should be based on the volume of transactions needed to
940       have the streaming replication disconnect from the master because of
941       too much lag, determined by the Postgres configuration variable
942       wal_keep_segments.  For units of time, valid units are 'seconds',
943       'minutes', 'hours', or 'days'.  Each may be written singular or
944       abbreviated to just the first letter. When specifying both, in the form
945       'bytes and time', both conditions must be true for the threshold to be
946       met.
948       You must provide information on how to reach the databases by providing
949       a comma separated list to the --dbhost and --dbport parameters, such as
950       "--dbport=5432,5543". If not given, the action fails.
952       Example 1: Warn a database with a local replica on port 5433 is behind
953       on any xlog replay at all
955         check_hot_standby_delay --dbport=5432,5433 --warning='1'
957       Example 2: Give a critical if the last transaction replica1 receives is
958       more than 10 minutes ago
960         check_hot_standby_delay --dbhost=master,replica1 --critical='10 min'
962       Example 3: Allow replica1 to be 1 WAL segment behind, if the master is
963       momentarily seeing more activity than the streaming replication
964       connection can handle, or 10 minutes behind, if the master is seeing
965       very little activity and not processing any transactions, but not both,
966       which would indicate a lasting problem with the replication connection.
968         check_hot_standby_delay --dbhost=master,replica1 --warning='1048576 and 2 min' --critical='16777216 and 10 min'
970   relation_size
971   index_size
972   table_size
973   indexes_size
974   total_relation_size
975       (symlinks: "check_postgres_relation_size", "check_postgres_index_size",
976       "check_postgres_table_size", "check_postgres_indexes_size", and
977       "check_postgres_total_relation_size")
979       The actions relation_size and index_size check for a relation (table,
980       index, materialized view), respectively an index that has grown too
981       big, using the pg_relation_size() function.
983       The action table_size checks tables and materialized views using
984       pg_table_size(), i.e. including relation forks and TOAST table.
986       The action indexes_size checks tables and materialized views for the
987       size of the attached indexes using pg_indexes_size().
989       The action total_relation_size checks relations using
990       pg_total_relation_size(), i.e. including relation forks, indexes and
991       TOAST table.
993       Relations can be filtered with the --include and --exclude options. See
994       the "BASIC FILTERING" section for more details. Relations can also be
995       filtered by the user that owns them, by using the --includeuser and
996       --excludeuser options.  See the "USER NAME FILTERING" section for more
997       details.
999       The values for the --warning and --critical options are file sizes, and
1000       may have units of bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, or
1001       exabytes.  Each can be abbreviated to the first letter. If no units are
1002       given, bytes are assumed. There are no default values: both the warning
1003       and the critical option must be given. The return text shows the size
1004       of the largest relation found.
1006       If the --showperf option is enabled, all of the relations with their
1007       sizes will be given. To prevent this, it is recommended that you set
1008       the --perflimit option, which will cause the query to do a "ORDER BY
1009       size DESC LIMIT (perflimit)".
1011       Example 1: Give a critical if any table is larger than 600MB on host
1012       burrick.
1014         check_postgres_table_size --critical='600 MB' --warning='600 MB' --host=burrick
1016       Example 2: Warn if the table products is over 4 GB in size, and give a
1017       critical at 4.5 GB.
1019         check_postgres_table_size --host=burrick --warning='4 GB' --critical='4.5 GB' --include=products
1021       Example 3: Warn if any index not owned by postgres goes over 500 MB.
1023         check_postgres_index_size --port=5432 --excludeuser=postgres -w 500MB -c 600MB
1025       For MRTG output, returns the size in bytes of the largest relation, and
1026       the name of the database and relation as the fourth line.
1028   last_analyze
1029   last_vacuum
1030   last_autoanalyze
1031   last_autovacuum
1032       (symlinks: "check_postgres_last_analyze", "check_postgres_last_vacuum",
1033       "check_postgres_last_autoanalyze", and
1034       "check_postgres_last_autovacuum") Checks how long it has been since
1035       vacuum (or analyze) was last run on each table in one or more
1036       databases. Use of these actions requires that the target database is
1037       version 8.3 or greater, or that the version is 8.2 and the
1038       configuration variable stats_row_level has been enabled. Tables can be
1039       filtered with the --include and --exclude options. See the "BASIC
1040       FILTERING" section for more details.  Tables can also be filtered by
1041       their owner by use of the --includeuser and --excludeuser options.  See
1042       the "USER NAME FILTERING" section for more details.
1044       The units for --warning and --critical are specified as times.  Valid
1045       units are seconds, minutes, hours, and days; all can be abbreviated to
1046       the first letter. If no units are given, 'seconds' are assumed. The
1047       default values are '1 day' and '2 days'. Please note that there are
1048       cases in which this field does not get automatically populated. If
1049       certain tables are giving you problems, make sure that they have dead
1050       rows to vacuum, or just exclude them from the test.
1052       The schema named 'information_schema' is excluded from this test, as
1053       the only tables it contains are small and do not change.
1055       Note that the non-'auto' versions will also check on the auto versions
1056       as well. In other words, using last_vacuum will report on the last
1057       vacuum, whether it was a normal vacuum, or one run by the autovacuum
1058       daemon.
1060       Example 1: Warn if any table has not been vacuumed in 3 days, and give
1061       a critical at a week, for host wormwood
1063         check_postgres_last_vacuum --host=wormwood --warning='3d' --critical='7d'
1065       Example 2: Same as above, but skip tables belonging to the users 'eve'
1066       or 'mallory'
1068         check_postgres_last_vacuum --host=wormwood --warning='3d' --critical='7d' --excludeuser=eve,mallory
1070       For MRTG output, returns (on the first line) the LEAST amount of time
1071       in seconds since a table was last vacuumed or analyzed. The fourth line
1072       returns the name of the database and name of the table.
1074   listener
1075       ("symlink: check_postgres_listener") Confirm that someone is listening
1076       for one or more specific strings (using the LISTEN/NOTIFY system), by
1077       looking at the pg_listener table.  Only one of warning or critical is
1078       needed. The format is a simple string representing the LISTEN target,
1079       or a tilde character followed by a string for a regular expression
1080       check.  Note that this check will not work on versions of Postgres 9.0
1081       or higher.
1083       Example 1: Give a warning if nobody is listening for the string
1084       bucardo_mcp_ping on ports 5555 and 5556
1086         check_postgres_listener --port=5555,5556 --warning=bucardo_mcp_ping
1088       Example 2: Give a critical if there are no active LISTEN requests
1089       matching 'grimm' on database oskar
1091         check_postgres_listener --db oskar --critical=~grimm
1093       For MRTG output, returns a 1 or a 0 on the first, indicating success or
1094       failure. The name of the notice must be provided via the --mrtg option.
1096   locks
1097       ("symlink: check_postgres_locks") Check the total number of locks on
1098       one or more databases. There is no need to run this more than once per
1099       database cluster. Databases can be filtered with the --include and
1100       --exclude options. See the "BASIC FILTERING" section for more details.
1102       The --warning and --critical options can be specified as simple
1103       numbers, which represent the total number of locks, or they can be
1104       broken down by type of lock.  Valid lock names are 'total', 'waiting',
1105       or the name of a lock type used by Postgres.  These names are case-
1106       insensitive and do not need the "lock" part on the end, so exclusive
1107       will match 'ExclusiveLock'. The format is name=number, with different
1108       items separated by colons or semicolons (or any other symbol).
1110       Example 1: Warn if the number of locks is 100 or more, and critical if
1111       200 or more, on host garrett
1113         check_postgres_locks --host=garrett --warning=100 --critical=200
1115       Example 2: On the host artemus, warn if 200 or more locks exist, and
1116       give a critical if over 250 total locks exist, or if over 20 exclusive
1117       locks exist, or if over 5 connections are waiting for a lock.
1119         check_postgres_locks --host=artemus --warning=200 --critical="total=250:waiting=5:exclusive=20"
1121       For MRTG output, returns the number of locks on the first line, and the
1122       name of the database on the fourth line.
1124   logfile
1125       ("symlink: check_postgres_logfile") Ensures that the logfile is in the
1126       expected location and is being logged to.  This action issues a command
1127       that throws an error on each database it is checking, and ensures that
1128       the message shows up in the logs. It scans the various log_* settings
1129       inside of Postgres to figure out where the logs should be.  If you are
1130       using syslog, it does a rough (but not foolproof) scan of
1131       /etc/syslog.conf. Alternatively, you can provide the name of the
1132       logfile with the --logfile option. This is especially useful if the
1133       logs have a custom rotation scheme driven be an external program. The
1134       --logfile option supports the following escape characters: "%Y %m %d
1135       %H", which represent the current year, month, date, and hour
1136       respectively. An error is always reported as critical unless the
1137       warning option has been passed in as a non-zero value. Other than that
1138       specific usage, the "--warning" and "--critical" options should not be
1139       used.
1141       Example 1: On port 5432, ensure the logfile is being written to the
1142       file /home/greg/pg8.2.log
1144         check_postgres_logfile --port=5432 --logfile=/home/greg/pg8.2.log
1146       Example 2: Same as above, but raise a warning, not a critical
1148         check_postgres_logfile --port=5432 --logfile=/home/greg/pg8.2.log -w 1
1150       For MRTG output, returns a 1 or 0 on the first line, indicating success
1151       or failure. In case of a failure, the fourth line will provide more
1152       detail on the failure encountered.
1154   new_version_bc
1155       ("symlink: check_postgres_new_version_bc") Checks if a newer version of
1156       the Bucardo program is available. The current version is obtained by
1157       running "bucardo_ctl --version".  If a major upgrade is available, a
1158       warning is returned. If a revision upgrade is available, a critical is
1159       returned. (Bucardo is a master to slave, and master to master
1160       replication system for Postgres: see <https://bucardo.org/> for more
1161       information).  See also the information on the "--get_method" option.
1163   new_version_box
1164       ("symlink: check_postgres_new_version_box") Checks if a newer version
1165       of the boxinfo program is available. The current version is obtained by
1166       running "boxinfo.pl --version".  If a major upgrade is available, a
1167       warning is returned. If a revision upgrade is available, a critical is
1168       returned. (boxinfo is a program for grabbing important information from
1169       a server and putting it into a HTML format: see
1170       <https://bucardo.org/Boxinfo/> for more information). See also the
1171       information on the "--get_method" option.
1173   new_version_cp
1174       ("symlink: check_postgres_new_version_cp") Checks if a newer version of
1175       this program (check_postgres.pl) is available, by grabbing the version
1176       from a small text file on the main page of the home page for the
1177       project. Returns a warning if the returned version does not match the
1178       one you are running. Recommended interval to check is once a day. See
1179       also the information on the "--get_method" option.
1181   new_version_pg
1182       ("symlink: check_postgres_new_version_pg") Checks if a newer revision
1183       of Postgres exists for each database connected to. Note that this only
1184       checks for revision, e.g.  going from 8.3.6 to 8.3.7. Revisions are
1185       always 100% binary compatible and involve no dump and restore to
1186       upgrade. Revisions are made to address bugs, so upgrading as soon as
1187       possible is always recommended. Returns a warning if you do not have
1188       the latest revision.  It is recommended this check is run at least once
1189       a day. See also the information on the "--get_method" option.
1191   new_version_tnm
1192       ("symlink: check_postgres_new_version_tnm") Checks if a newer version
1193       of the tail_n_mail program is available. The current version is
1194       obtained by running "tail_n_mail --version". If a major upgrade is
1195       available, a warning is returned. If a revision upgrade is available, a
1196       critical is returned. (tail_n_mail is a log monitoring tool that can
1197       send mail when interesting events appear in your Postgres logs.  See:
1198       <https://bucardo.org/tail_n_mail/> for more information).  See also the
1199       information on the "--get_method" option.
1201   pgb_pool_cl_active
1202   pgb_pool_cl_waiting
1203   pgb_pool_sv_active
1204   pgb_pool_sv_idle
1205   pgb_pool_sv_used
1206   pgb_pool_sv_tested
1207   pgb_pool_sv_login
1208   pgb_pool_maxwait
1209       (symlinks: "check_postgres_pgb_pool_cl_active",
1210       "check_postgres_pgb_pool_cl_waiting",
1211       "check_postgres_pgb_pool_sv_active", "check_postgres_pgb_pool_sv_idle",
1212       "check_postgres_pgb_pool_sv_used", "check_postgres_pgb_pool_sv_tested",
1213       "check_postgres_pgb_pool_sv_login", and
1214       "check_postgres_pgb_pool_maxwait")
1216       Examines pgbouncer's pool statistics. Each pool has a set of "client"
1217       connections, referring to connections from external clients, and
1218       "server" connections, referring to connections to PostgreSQL itself.
1219       The related check_postgres actions are prefixed by "cl_" and "sv_",
1220       respectively. Active client connections are those connections currently
1221       linked with an active server connection. Client connections may also be
1222       "waiting", meaning they have not yet been allocated a server
1223       connection. Server connections are "active" (linked to a client),
1224       "idle" (standing by for a client connection to link with), "used" (just
1225       unlinked from a client, and not yet returned to the idle pool),
1226       "tested" (currently being tested) and "login" (in the process of
1227       logging in). The maxwait value shows how long in seconds the oldest
1228       waiting client connection has been waiting.
1230   pgbouncer_backends
1231       ("symlink: check_postgres_pgbouncer_backends") Checks the current
1232       number of connections for one or more databases through pgbouncer, and
1233       optionally compares it to the maximum allowed, which is determined by
1234       the pgbouncer configuration variable max_client_conn. The --warning and
1235       --critical options can take one of three forms. First, a simple number
1236       can be given, which represents the number of connections at which the
1237       alert will be given.  This choice does not use the max_connections
1238       setting. Second, the percentage of available connections can be given.
1239       Third, a negative number can be given which represents the number of
1240       connections left until max_connections is reached. The default values
1241       for --warning and --critical are '90%' and '95%'.  You can also filter
1242       the databases by use of the --include and --exclude options.  See the
1243       "BASIC FILTERING" section for more details.
1245       To view only non-idle processes, you can use the --noidle argument.
1246       Note that the user you are connecting as must be a superuser for this
1247       to work properly.
1249       Example 1: Give a warning when the number of connections on host quirm
1250       reaches 120, and a critical if it reaches 150.
1252         check_postgres_pgbouncer_backends --host=quirm --warning=120 --critical=150 -p 6432 -u pgbouncer
1254       Example 2: Give a critical when we reach 75% of our max_connections
1255       setting on hosts lancre or lancre2.
1257         check_postgres_pgbouncer_backends --warning='75%' --critical='75%' --host=lancre,lancre2 -p 6432 -u pgbouncer
1259       Example 3: Give a warning when there are only 10 more connection slots
1260       left on host plasmid, and a critical when we have only 5 left.
1262         check_postgres_pgbouncer_backends --warning=-10 --critical=-5 --host=plasmid -p 6432 -u pgbouncer
1264       For MRTG output, the number of connections is reported on the first
1265       line, and the fourth line gives the name of the database, plus the
1266       current max_client_conn. If more than one database has been queried,
1267       the one with the highest number of connections is output.
1269   pgbouncer_checksum
1270       ("symlink: check_postgres_pgbouncer_checksum") Checks that all the
1271       pgBouncer settings are the same as last time you checked.  This is done
1272       by generating a checksum of a sorted list of setting names and their
1273       values. Note that you shouldn't specify the database name, it will
1274       automatically default to pgbouncer.  Either the --warning or the
1275       --critical option should be given, but not both. The value of each one
1276       is the checksum, a 32-character hexadecimal value. You can run with the
1277       special "--critical=0" option to find out an existing checksum.
1279       This action requires the Digest::MD5 module.
1281       Example 1: Find the initial checksum for pgbouncer configuration on
1282       port 6432 using the default user (usually postgres)
1284         check_postgres_pgbouncer_checksum --port=6432 --critical=0
1286       Example 2: Make sure no settings have changed and warn if so, using the
1287       checksum from above.
1289         check_postgres_pgbouncer_checksum --port=6432 --warning=cd2f3b5e129dc2b4f5c0f6d8d2e64231
1291       For MRTG output, returns a 1 or 0 indicating success of failure of the
1292       checksum to match. A checksum must be provided as the "--mrtg"
1293       argument. The fourth line always gives the current checksum.
1295   pgagent_jobs
1296       ("symlink: check_postgres_pgagent_jobs") Checks that all the pgAgent
1297       jobs that have executed in the preceding interval of time have
1298       succeeded. This is done by checking for any steps that have a non-zero
1299       result.
1301       Either "--warning" or "--critical", or both, may be specified as times,
1302       and jobs will be checked for failures withing the specified periods of
1303       time before the current time. Valid units are seconds, minutes, hours,
1304       and days; all can be abbreviated to the first letter. If no units are
1305       given, 'seconds' are assumed.
1307       Example 1: Give a critical when any jobs executed in the last day have
1308       failed.
1310         check_postgres_pgagent_jobs --critical=1d
1312       Example 2: Give a warning when any jobs executed in the last week have
1313       failed.
1315         check_postgres_pgagent_jobs --warning=7d
1317       Example 3: Give a critical for jobs that have failed in the last 2
1318       hours and a warning for jobs that have failed in the last 4 hours:
1320         check_postgres_pgagent_jobs --critical=2h --warning=4h
1322   prepared_txns
1323       ("symlink: check_postgres_prepared_txns") Check on the age of any
1324       existing prepared transactions.  Note that most people will NOT use
1325       prepared transactions, as they are part of two-part commit and
1326       complicated to maintain. They should also not be confused with prepared
1327       STATEMENTS, which is what most people think of when they hear prepare.
1328       The default value for a warning is 1 second, to detect any use of
1329       prepared transactions, which is probably a mistake on most systems.
1330       Warning and critical are the number of seconds a prepared transaction
1331       has been open before an alert is given.
1333       Example 1: Give a warning on detecting any prepared transactions:
1335         check_postgres_prepared_txns -w 0
1337       Example 2: Give a critical if any prepared transaction has been open
1338       longer than 10 seconds, but allow up to 360 seconds for the database
1339       'shrike':
1341         check_postgres_prepared_txns --critical=10 --exclude=shrike
1342         check_postgres_prepared_txns --critical=360 --include=shrike
1344       For MRTG output, returns the number of seconds the oldest transaction
1345       has been open as the first line, and which database is came from as the
1346       final line.
1348   query_runtime
1349       ("symlink: check_postgres_query_runtime") Checks how long a specific
1350       query takes to run, by executing a "EXPLAIN ANALYZE" against it. The
1351       --warning and --critical options are the maximum amount of time the
1352       query should take. Valid units are seconds, minutes, and hours; any can
1353       be abbreviated to the first letter. If no units are given, 'seconds'
1354       are assumed.  Both the warning and the critical option must be given.
1355       The name of the view or function to be run must be passed in to the
1356       --queryname option. It must consist of a single word (or schema.word),
1357       with optional parens at the end.
1359       Example 1: Give a critical if the function named "speedtest" fails to
1360       run in 10 seconds or less.
1362         check_postgres_query_runtime --queryname='speedtest()' --critical=10 --warning=10
1364       For MRTG output, reports the time in seconds for the query to complete
1365       on the first line. The fourth line lists the database.
1367   query_time
1368       ("symlink: check_postgres_query_time") Checks the length of running
1369       queries on one or more databases.  There is no need to run this more
1370       than once on the same database cluster. Note that this already excludes
1371       queries that are "idle in transaction". Databases can be filtered by
1372       using the --include and --exclude options. See the "BASIC FILTERING"
1373       section for more details. You can also filter on the user running the
1374       query with the --includeuser and --excludeuser options.  See the "USER
1375       NAME FILTERING" section for more details.
1377       The values for the --warning and --critical options are amounts of
1378       time, and at least one must be provided (no defaults). Valid units are
1379       'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', or 'days'. Each may be written singular
1380       or abbreviated to just the first letter. If no units are given, the
1381       unit is assumed to be seconds.
1383       This action requires Postgres 8.1 or better.
1385       Example 1: Give a warning if any query has been running longer than 3
1386       minutes, and a critical if longer than 5 minutes.
1388         check_postgres_query_time --port=5432 --warning='3 minutes' --critical='5 minutes'
1390       Example 2: Using default values (2 and 5 minutes), check all databases
1391       except those starting with 'template'.
1393         check_postgres_query_time --port=5432 --exclude=~^template
1395       Example 3: Warn if user 'don' has a query running over 20 seconds
1397         check_postgres_query_time --port=5432 --includeuser=don --warning=20s
1399       For MRTG output, returns the length in seconds of the longest running
1400       query on the first line. The fourth line gives the name of the
1401       database.
1403   replicate_row
1404       ("symlink: check_postgres_replicate_row") Checks that master-slave
1405       replication is working to one or more slaves.
1407       The first "--dbname", "--host", and "--port", etc. options are
1408       considered the master; subsequent uses are the slaves.  The values or
1409       the --warning and --critical options are units of time, and at least
1410       one must be provided (no defaults). Valid units are 'seconds',
1411       'minutes', 'hours', or 'days'. Each may be written singular or
1412       abbreviated to just the first letter.  If no units are given, the units
1413       are assumed to be seconds.
1415       This check updates a single row on the master, and then measures how
1416       long it takes to be applied to the slaves. To do this, you need to pick
1417       a table that is being replicated, then find a row that can be changed,
1418       and is not going to be changed by any other process. A specific column
1419       of this row will be changed from one value to another. All of this is
1420       fed to the "repinfo" option, and should contain the following options,
1421       separated by commas: table name, primary key, key id, column, first
1422       value, second value.
1424       Example 1: Slony is replicating a table named 'orders' from host
1425       'alpha' to host 'beta', in the database 'sales'. The primary key of the
1426       table is named id, and we are going to test the row with an id of 3
1427       (which is historical and never changed). There is a column named
1428       'salesrep' that we are going to toggle from a value of 'slon' to 'nols'
1429       to check on the replication. We want to throw a warning if the
1430       replication does not happen within 10 seconds.
1432         check_postgres_replicate_row --host=alpha --dbname=sales --host=beta
1433         --dbname=sales --warning=10 --repinfo=orders,id,3,salesrep,slon,nols
1435       Example 2: Bucardo is replicating a table named 'receipt' from host
1436       'green' to hosts 'red', 'blue', and 'yellow'. The database for both
1437       sides is 'public'.  The slave databases are running on port 5455. The
1438       primary key is named 'receipt_id', the row we want to use has a value
1439       of 9, and the column we want to change for the test is called 'zone'.
1440       We'll toggle between 'north' and 'south' for the value of this column,
1441       and throw a critical if the change is not on all three slaves within 5
1442       seconds.
1444        check_postgres_replicate_row --host=green --port=5455 --host=red,blue,yellow
1445         --critical=5 --repinfo=receipt,receipt_id,9,zone,north,south
1447       For MRTG output, returns on the first line the time in seconds the
1448       replication takes to finish.  The maximum time is set to 4 minutes 30
1449       seconds: if no replication has taken place in that long a time, an
1450       error is thrown.
1452   replication_slots
1453       ("symlink: check_postgres_replication_slots")  Check the quantity of
1454       WAL retained for any replication slots in the target database cluster.
1455       This is handy for monitoring environments where all WAL archiving and
1456       replication is taking place over replication slots.
1458       Warning and critical are total bytes retained for the slot. E.g:
1460         check_postgres_replication_slots --port=5432 --host=yellow -warning=32M -critical=64M
1462       Specific named slots can be monitored using --include/--exclude
1464   same_schema
1465       ("symlink: check_postgres_same_schema") Verifies that two or more
1466       databases are identical as far as their schema (but not the data
1467       within). Unlike most other actions, this has no warning or critical
1468       criteria - the databases are either in sync, or are not. If they are
1469       different, a detailed list of the differences is presented.
1471       You may want to exclude or filter out certain differences. The way to
1472       do this is to add strings to the "--filter" option. To exclude a type
1473       of object, use "noname", where 'name' is the type of object, for
1474       example, "noschema". To exclude objects of a certain type by a regular
1475       expression against their name, use "noname=regex". See the examples
1476       below for a better understanding.
1478       The types of objects that can be filtered include:
1480       user
1481       schema
1482       table
1483       view
1484       index
1485       sequence
1486       constraint
1487       trigger
1488       function
1490       The filter option "noposition"  prevents verification of the position
1491       of columns within a table.
1493       The filter option "nofuncbody" prevents comparison of the bodies of all
1494       functions.
1496       The filter option "noperm" prevents comparison of object permissions.
1498       To provide the second database, just append the differences to the
1499       first one by a call to the appropriate connection argument. For
1500       example, to compare databases on hosts alpha and bravo, use
1501       "--dbhost=alpha,bravo". Also see the examples below.
1503       If only a single host is given, it is assumed we are doing a "time-
1504       based" report.  The first time this is run a snapshot of all the items
1505       in the database is saved to a local file. When you run it again, that
1506       snapshot is read in and becomes "database #2" and is compared to the
1507       current database.
1509       To replace the old stored file with the new version, use the --replace
1510       argument.
1512       If you need to write the stored file to a specific directory, use the
1513       --audit-file-dir argument.
1515       To avoid false positives on value based checks caused by replication
1516       lag on asynchronous replicas, use the --assume-async option.
1518       To enable snapshots at various points in time, you can use the
1519       "--suffix" argument to make the filenames unique to each run. See the
1520       examples below.
1522       Example 1: Verify that two databases on hosts star and line are the
1523       same:
1525         check_postgres_same_schema --dbhost=star,line
1527       Example 2: Same as before, but exclude any triggers with "slony" in
1528       their name
1530         check_postgres_same_schema --dbhost=star,line --filter="notrigger=slony"
1532       Example 3: Same as before, but also exclude all indexes
1534         check_postgres_same_schema --dbhost=star,line --filter="notrigger=slony noindexes"
1536       Example 4: Check differences for the database "battlestar" on different
1537       ports
1539         check_postgres_same_schema --dbname=battlestar --dbport=5432,5544
1541       Example 5: Create a daily and weekly snapshot file
1543         check_postgres_same_schema --dbname=cylon --suffix=daily
1544         check_postgres_same_schema --dbname=cylon --suffix=weekly
1546       Example 6: Run a historical comparison, then replace the file
1548         check_postgres_same_schema --dbname=cylon --suffix=daily --replace
1550       Example 7: Verify that two databases on hosts star and line are the
1551       same, excluding value data (i.e. sequence last_val):
1553         check_postgres_same_schema --dbhost=star,line --assume-async
1555   sequence
1556       ("symlink: check_postgres_sequence") Checks how much room is left on
1557       all sequences in the database.  This is measured as the percent of
1558       total possible values that have been used for each sequence.  The
1559       --warning and --critical options should be expressed as percentages.
1560       The default values are 85% for the warning and 95% for the critical.
1561       You may use --include and --exclude to control which sequences are to
1562       be checked. Note that this check does account for unusual minvalue and
1563       increment by values. By default it does not care if the sequence is set
1564       to cycle or not, and by passing --skipcycled sequenced set to cycle are
1565       reported with 0% usage.
1567       The output for Nagios gives the name of the sequence, the percentage
1568       used, and the number of 'calls' left, indicating how many more times
1569       nextval can be called on that sequence before running into the maximum
1570       value.
1572       The output for MRTG returns the highest percentage across all sequences
1573       on the first line, and the name of each sequence with that percentage
1574       on the fourth line, separated by a "|" (pipe) if there are more than
1575       one sequence at that percentage.
1577       Example 1: Give a warning if any sequences are approaching 95% full.
1579         check_postgres_sequence --dbport=5432 --warning=95%
1581       Example 2: Check that the sequence named "orders_id_seq" is not more
1582       than half full.
1584         check_postgres_sequence --dbport=5432 --critical=50% --include=orders_id_seq
1586   settings_checksum
1587       ("symlink: check_postgres_settings_checksum") Checks that all the
1588       Postgres settings are the same as last time you checked.  This is done
1589       by generating a checksum of a sorted list of setting names and their
1590       values. Note that different users in the same database may have
1591       different checksums, due to ALTER USER usage, and due to the fact that
1592       superusers see more settings than ordinary users. Either the --warning
1593       or the --critical option should be given, but not both. The value of
1594       each one is the checksum, a 32-character hexadecimal value. You can run
1595       with the special "--critical=0" option to find out an existing
1596       checksum.
1598       This action requires the Digest::MD5 module.
1600       Example 1: Find the initial checksum for the database on port 5555
1601       using the default user (usually postgres)
1603         check_postgres_settings_checksum --port=5555 --critical=0
1605       Example 2: Make sure no settings have changed and warn if so, using the
1606       checksum from above.
1608         check_postgres_settings_checksum --port=5555 --warning=cd2f3b5e129dc2b4f5c0f6d8d2e64231
1610       For MRTG output, returns a 1 or 0 indicating success of failure of the
1611       checksum to match. A checksum must be provided as the "--mrtg"
1612       argument. The fourth line always gives the current checksum.
1614   slony_status
1615       ("symlink: check_postgres_slony_status") Checks in the status of a
1616       Slony cluster by looking at the results of Slony's sl_status view. This
1617       is returned as the number of seconds of "lag time".  The --warning and
1618       --critical options should be expressed as times. The default values are
1619       60 seconds for the warning and 300 seconds for the critical.
1621       The optional argument --schema indicated the schema that Slony is
1622       installed under. If it is not given, the schema will be determined
1623       automatically each time this check is run.
1625       Example 1: Give a warning if any Slony is lagged by more than 20
1626       seconds
1628         check_postgres_slony_status --warning 20
1630       Example 2: Give a critical if Slony, installed under the schema
1631       "_slony", is over 10 minutes lagged
1633         check_postgres_slony_status --schema=_slony --critical=600
1635   timesync
1636       ("symlink: check_postgres_timesync") Compares the local system time
1637       with the time reported by one or more databases.  The --warning and
1638       --critical options represent the number of seconds between the two
1639       systems before an alert is given. If neither is specified, the default
1640       values are used, which are '2' and '5'. The warning value cannot be
1641       greater than the critical value. Due to the non-exact nature of this
1642       test, values of '0' or '1' are not recommended.
1644       The string returned shows the time difference as well as the time on
1645       each side written out.
1647       Example 1: Check that databases on hosts ankh, morpork, and klatch are
1648       no more than 3 seconds off from the local time:
1650         check_postgres_timesync --host=ankh,morpork,klatch --critical=3
1652       For MRTG output, returns one the first line the number of seconds
1653       difference between the local time and the database time. The fourth
1654       line returns the name of the database.
1656   txn_idle
1657       ("symlink: check_postgres_txn_idle") Checks the number and duration of
1658       "idle in transaction" queries on one or more databases. There is no
1659       need to run this more than once on the same database cluster. Databases
1660       can be filtered by using the --include and --exclude options. See the
1661       "BASIC FILTERING" section below for more details.
1663       The --warning and --critical options are given as units of time, signed
1664       integers, or integers for units of time, and at least one must be
1665       provided (there are no defaults). Valid units are 'seconds', 'minutes',
1666       'hours', or 'days'. Each may be written singular or abbreviated to just
1667       the first letter. If no units are given and the numbers are unsigned,
1668       the units are assumed to be seconds.
1670       This action requires Postgres 8.3 or better.
1672       As of PostgreSQL 10, you can just GRANT pg_read_all_stats to an
1673       unprivileged user account.  In all earlier versions, superuser
1674       privileges are required to see the queries of all users in the system;
1675       UNKNOWN is returned if queries cannot be checked. To only include
1676       queries by the connecting user, use --includeuser.
1678       Example 1: Give a warning if any connection has been idle in
1679       transaction for more than 15 seconds:
1681         check_postgres_txn_idle --port=5432 --warning='15 seconds'
1683       Example 2: Give a warning if there are 50 or more transactions
1685         check_postgres_txn_idle --port=5432 --warning='+50'
1687       Example 3: Give a critical if 5 or more connections have been idle in
1688       transaction for more than 10 seconds:
1690         check_postgres_txn_idle --port=5432 --critical='5 for 10 seconds'
1692       For MRTG output, returns the time in seconds the longest idle
1693       transaction has been running. The fourth line returns the name of the
1694       database and other information about the longest transaction.
1696   txn_time
1697       ("symlink: check_postgres_txn_time") Checks the length of open
1698       transactions on one or more databases.  There is no need to run this
1699       command more than once per database cluster.  Databases can be filtered
1700       by use of the --include and --exclude options. See the "BASIC
1701       FILTERING" section for more details. The owner of the transaction can
1702       also be filtered, by use of the --includeuser and --excludeuser
1703       options.  See the "USER NAME FILTERING" section for more details.
1705       The values or the --warning and --critical options are units of time,
1706       and at least one must be provided (no default). Valid units are
1707       'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', or 'days'. Each may be written singular
1708       or abbreviated to just the first letter.  If no units are given, the
1709       units are assumed to be seconds.
1711       This action requires Postgres 8.3 or better.
1713       Example 1: Give a critical if any transaction has been open for more
1714       than 10 minutes:
1716         check_postgres_txn_time --port=5432 --critical='10 minutes'
1718       Example 1: Warn if user 'warehouse' has a transaction open over 30
1719       seconds
1721         check_postgres_txn_time --port-5432 --warning=30s --includeuser=warehouse
1723       For MRTG output, returns the maximum time in seconds a transaction has
1724       been open on the first line. The fourth line gives the name of the
1725       database.
1727   txn_wraparound
1728       ("symlink: check_postgres_txn_wraparound") Checks how close to
1729       transaction wraparound one or more databases are getting.  The
1730       --warning and --critical options indicate the number of transactions
1731       done, and must be a positive integer.  If either option is not given,
1732       the default values of 1.3 and 1.4 billion are used. There is no need to
1733       run this command more than once per database cluster. For a more
1734       detailed discussion of what this number represents and what to do about
1735       it, please visit the page
1736       <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND>
1738       The warning and critical values can have underscores in the number for
1739       legibility, as Perl does.
1741       Example 1: Check the default values for the localhost database
1743         check_postgres_txn_wraparound --host=localhost
1745       Example 2: Check port 6000 and give a critical when 1.7 billion
1746       transactions are hit:
1748         check_postgres_txn_wraparound --port=6000 --critical=1_700_000_000
1750       For MRTG output, returns the highest number of transactions for all
1751       databases on line one, while line 4 indicates which database it is.
1753   version
1754       ("symlink: check_postgres_version") Checks that the required version of
1755       Postgres is running. The --warning and --critical options (only one is
1756       required) must be of the format X.Y or X.Y.Z where X is the major
1757       version number, Y is the minor version number, and Z is the revision.
1759       Example 1: Give a warning if the database on port 5678 is not version
1760       8.4.10:
1762         check_postgres_version --port=5678 -w=8.4.10
1764       Example 2: Give a warning if any databases on hosts valley,grain, or
1765       sunshine is not 8.3:
1767         check_postgres_version -H valley,grain,sunshine --critical=8.3
1769       For MRTG output, reports a 1 or a 0 indicating success or failure on
1770       the first line. The fourth line indicates the current version. The
1771       version must be provided via the "--mrtg" option.
1773   wal_files
1774       ("symlink: check_postgres_wal_files") Checks how many WAL files exist
1775       in the pg_xlog directory (PostgreSQL 10 and later" pg_wal), which is
1776       found off of your data_directory, sometimes as a symlink to another
1777       physical disk for performance reasons. If the --lsfunc option is not
1778       used then this action must be run as a superuser, in order to access
1779       the contents of the pg_xlog directory. The minimum version to use this
1780       action is Postgres 8.1. The --warning and --critical options are simply
1781       the number of files in the pg_xlog directory. What number to set this
1782       to will vary, but a general guideline is to put a number slightly
1783       higher than what is normally there, to catch problems early.
1785       Normally, WAL files are closed and then re-used, but a long-running
1786       open transaction, or a faulty archive_command script, may cause
1787       Postgres to create too many files. Ultimately, this will cause the disk
1788       they are on to run out of space, at which point Postgres will shut
1789       down.
1791       To avoid connecting as a database superuser, a wrapper function around
1792       pg_ls_dir() should be defined as a superuser with SECURITY DEFINER, and
1793       the --lsfunc option used. This example function, if defined by a
1794       superuser, will allow the script to connect as a normal user nagios
1795       with --lsfunc=ls_xlog_dir
1797         BEGIN;
1798         CREATE FUNCTION ls_xlog_dir()
1799             RETURNS SETOF TEXT
1800             AS $$ SELECT pg_ls_dir('pg_xlog') $$
1801             LANGUAGE SQL
1802             SECURITY DEFINER;
1803         REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ls_xlog_dir() FROM PUBLIC;
1804         GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION ls_xlog_dir() to nagios;
1805         COMMIT;
1807       Example 1: Check that the number of ready WAL files is 10 or less on
1808       host "pluto", using a wrapper function "ls_xlog_dir" to avoid the need
1809       for superuser permissions
1811         check_postgres_archive_ready --host=pluto --critical=10 --lsfunc=ls_xlog_dir
1813       For MRTG output, reports the number of WAL files on line 1.
1815   rebuild_symlinks
1816   rebuild_symlinks_force
1817       This action requires no other arguments, and does not connect to any
1818       databases, but simply creates symlinks in the current directory for
1819       each action, in the form check_postgres_<action_name>.  If the file
1820       already exists, it will not be overwritten. If the action is
1821       rebuild_symlinks_force, then symlinks will be overwritten. The option
1822       --symlinks is a shorter way of saying --action=rebuild_symlinks


1825       The options --include and --exclude can be combined to limit which
1826       things are checked, depending on the action. The name of the database
1827       can be filtered when using the following actions: backends,
1828       database_size, locks, query_time, txn_idle, and txn_time.  The name of
1829       a relation can be filtered when using the following actions: bloat,
1830       index_size, table_size, relation_size, last_vacuum, last_autovacuum,
1831       last_analyze, and last_autoanalyze.  The name of a setting can be
1832       filtered when using the settings_checksum action.  The name of a file
1833       system can be filtered when using the disk_space action.
1835       If only an include option is given, then ONLY those entries that match
1836       will be checked. However, if given both exclude and include, the
1837       exclusion is done first, and the inclusion after, to reinstate things
1838       that may have been excluded. Both --include and --exclude can be given
1839       multiple times, and/or as comma-separated lists. A leading tilde will
1840       match the following word as a regular expression.
1842       To match a schema, end the search term with a single period. Leading
1843       tildes can be used for schemas as well.
1845       Be careful when using filtering: an inclusion rule on the backends, for
1846       example, may report no problems not only because the matching database
1847       had no backends, but because you misspelled the name of the database!
1849       Examples:
1851       Only checks items named pg_class:
1853        --include=pg_class
1855       Only checks items containing the letters 'pg_':
1857        --include=~pg_
1859       Only check items beginning with 'pg_':
1861        --include=~^pg_
1863       Exclude the item named 'test':
1865        --exclude=test
1867       Exclude all items containing the letters 'test:
1869        --exclude=~test
1871       Exclude all items in the schema 'pg_catalog':
1873        --exclude='pg_catalog.'
1875       Exclude all items containing the letters 'ace', but allow the item
1876       'faceoff':
1878        --exclude=~ace --include=faceoff
1880       Exclude all items which start with the letters 'pg_', which contain the
1881       letters 'slon', or which are named 'sql_settings' or 'green'.
1882       Specifically check items with the letters 'prod' in their names, and
1883       always check the item named 'pg_relname':
1885        --exclude=~^pg_,~slon,sql_settings --exclude=green --include=~prod,pg_relname


1888       The options --includeuser and --excludeuser can be used on some actions
1889       to only examine database objects owned by (or not owned by) one or more
1890       users.  An --includeuser option always trumps an --excludeuser option.
1891       You can give each option more than once for multiple users, or you can
1892       give a comma-separated list. The actions that currently use these
1893       options are:
1895       database_size
1896       last_analyze
1897       last_autoanalyze
1898       last_vacuum
1899       last_autovacuum
1900       query_time
1901       relation_size
1902       txn_time
1904       Examples:
1906       Only check items owned by the user named greg:
1908        --includeuser=greg
1910       Only check items owned by either watson or crick:
1912        --includeuser=watson,crick
1914       Only check items owned by crick,franklin, watson, or wilkins:
1916        --includeuser=watson --includeuser=franklin --includeuser=crick,wilkins
1918       Check all items except for those belonging to the user scott:
1920        --excludeuser=scott


1923       To help in setting things up, this program can be run in a "test mode"
1924       by specifying the --test option. This will perform some basic tests to
1925       make sure that the databases can be contacted, and that certain per-
1926       action prerequisites are met, such as whether the user is a superuser,
1927       if the version of Postgres is new enough, and if stats_row_level is
1928       enabled.


1931       In addition to command-line configurations, you can put any options
1932       inside of a file. The file .check_postgresrc in the current directory
1933       will be used if found. If not found, then the file ~/.check_postgresrc
1934       will be used. Finally, the file /etc/check_postgresrc will be used if
1935       available.  The format of the file is option = value, one per line. Any
1936       line starting with a '#' will be skipped.  Any values loaded from a
1937       check_postgresrc file will be overwritten by command-line options. All
1938       check_postgresrc files can be ignored by supplying a
1939       "--no-checkpostgresrc" argument.


1942       The environment variable $ENV{HOME} is used to look for a
1943       .check_postgresrc file.  The environment variable $ENV{PGBINDIR} is
1944       used to look for PostgreSQL binaries.


1947       Since this program uses the psql program, make sure it is accessible to
1948       the user running the script. If run as a cronjob, this often means
1949       modifying the PATH environment variable.
1951       If you are using Nagios in embedded Perl mode, use the "--action"
1952       argument instead of symlinks, so that the plugin only gets compiled one
1953       time.


1956       Access to a working version of psql, and the following very standard
1957       Perl modules:
1959       Cwd
1960       Getopt::Long
1961       File::Basename
1962       File::Temp
1963       Time::HiRes (if $opt{showtime} is set to true, which is the default)
1965       The "settings_checksum" action requires the Digest::MD5 module.
1967       The "checkpoint" action requires the Date::Parse module.
1969       Some actions require access to external programs. If psql is not
1970       explicitly specified, the command "which" is used to find it. The
1971       program "/bin/df" is needed by the "disk_space" action.


1974       Development happens using the git system. You can clone the latest
1975       version by doing:
1977        https://github.com/bucardo/check_postgres
1978        git clone https://github.com/bucardo/check_postgres.git


1981       Three mailing lists are available. For discussions about the program,
1982       bug reports, feature requests, and commit notices, send email to
1983       check_postgres@bucardo.org
1985       <https://mail.endcrypt.com/mailman/listinfo/check_postgres>
1987       A low-volume list for announcement of new versions and important
1988       notices is the 'check_postgres-announce' list:
1990       <https://mail.endcrypt.com/mailman/listinfo/check_postgres-announce>
1992       Source code changes (via git-commit) are sent to the
1993       'check_postgres-commit' list:
1995       <https://mail.endcrypt.com/mailman/listinfo/check_postgres-commit>


1998       Items not specifically attributed are by GSM (Greg Sabino Mullane).
2000       Version 2.25.1 Released ??, 2020
2001             Fix check_replication_slots on recently promoted servers (Christoph Berg)
2003       Version 2.25.0 Released February 3, 2020
2004             Allow same_schema objects to be included or excluded with --object and --skipobject
2005               (Greg Sabino Mullane)
2007             Fix to allow mixing service names and other connection parameters for same_schema
2008               (Greg Sabino Mullane)
2010       Version 2.24.0 Released May 30, 2018
2011             Support new_version_pg for PG10
2012               (Michael Pirogov)
2014             Option to skip CYCLE sequences in action sequence
2015               (Christoph Moench-Tegeder)
2017             Output per-database perfdata for pgbouncer pool checks
2018               (George Hansper)
2020             German message translations
2021               (Holger Jacobs)
2023             Consider only client backends in query_time and friends
2024               (David Christensen)
2026       Version 2.23.0 Released October 31, 2017
2027             Support PostgreSQL 10.
2028               (David Christensen, Christoph Berg)
2030             Change table_size to use pg_table_size() on 9.0+, i.e. include the TOAST
2031             table size in the numbers reported. Add new actions indexes_size and
2032             total_relation_size, using the respective pg_indexes_size() and
2033             pg_total_relation_size() functions. All size checks will now also check
2034             materialized views where applicable.
2035               (Christoph Berg)
2037             Connection errors are now always critical, not unknown.
2038               (Christoph Berg)
2040             New action replication_slots checking if logical or physical replication
2041             slots have accumulated too much data
2042               (Glyn Astill)
2044             Multiple same_schema improvements
2045               (Glyn Astill)
2047             Add Spanish message translations
2048               (Luis Vazquez)
2050             Allow a wrapper function to run wal_files and archive_ready actions as
2051             non-superuser
2052               (Joshua Elsasser)
2054             Add some defensive casting to the bloat query
2055               (Greg Sabino Mullane)
2057             Invoke psql with option -X
2058               (Peter Eisentraut)
2060             Update postgresql.org URLs to use https.
2061               (Magnus Hagander)
2063             check_txn_idle: Don't fail when query contains 'disabled' word
2064               (Marco Nenciarini)
2066             check_txn_idle: Use state_change instead of query_start.
2067               (Sebastian Webber)
2069             check_hot_standby_delay: Correct extra space in perfdata
2070               (Adrien Nayrat)
2072             Remove \r from psql output as it can confuse some regexes
2073               (Greg Sabino Mullane)
2075             Sort failed jobs in check_pgagent_jobs for stable output.
2076               (Christoph Berg)
2078       Version 2.22.0 June 30, 2015
2079             Add xact timestamp support to hot_standby_delay.
2080             Allow the hot_standby_delay check to accept xlog byte position or
2081             timestamp lag intervals as thresholds, or even both at the same time.
2082               (Josh Williams)
2084             Query all sequences per DB in parallel for action=sequence.
2085               (Christoph Berg)
2087             Fix bloat check to use correct SQL depending on the server version.
2088               (Adrian Vondendriesch)
2090             Show actual long-running query in query_time output
2091               (Peter Eisentraut)
2093             Add explicit ORDER BY to the slony_status check to get the most lagged server.
2094               (Jeff Frost)
2096             Improved multi-slave support in replicate_row.
2097               (Andrew Yochum)
2099             Change the way tables are quoted in replicate_row.
2100               (Glyn Astill)
2102             Don't swallow space before the -c flag when reporting errors
2103               (Jeff Janes)
2105             Fix and extend hot_standby_delay documentation
2106               (Michael Renner)
2108             Declare POD encoding to be utf8.
2109               (Christoph Berg)
2111       Version 2.21.0 September 24, 2013
2112             Fix issue with SQL steps in check_pgagent_jobs for sql steps which perform deletes
2113               (Rob Emery via github pull)
2115             Install man page in section 1.
2116               (Peter Eisentraut, bug 53, github issue 26)
2118             Order lock types in check_locks output to make the ordering predictable;
2119             setting SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS will skip the new_version tests; other minor test
2120             suite fixes.
2121               (Christoph Berg)
2123             Fix same_schema check on 9.3 by ignoring relminmxid differences in pg_class
2124               (Christoph Berg)
2126       Version 2.20.1 June 24, 2013
2127             Make connection check failures return CRITICAL not UNKNOWN
2128               (Dominic Hargreaves)
2130             Fix --reverse option when using string comparisons in custom queries
2131               (Nathaniel Waisbrot)
2133             Compute correct 'totalwastedbytes' in the bloat query
2134               (Michael Renner)
2136             Do not use pg_stats "inherited" column in bloat query, if the
2137               database is 8.4 or older. (Greg Sabino Mullane, per bug 121)
2139             Remove host reordering in hot_standby_delay check
2140               (Josh Williams, with help from Jacobo Blasco)
2142             Better output for the "simple" flag
2143               (Greg Sabino Mullane)
2145             Force same_schema to ignore the 'relallvisible' column
2146               (Greg Sabino Mullane)
2148       Version 2.20.0 March 13, 2013
2149             Add check for pgagent jobs (David E. Wheeler)
2151             Force STDOUT to use utf8 for proper output
2152               (Greg Sabino Mullane; reported by Emmanuel Lesouef)
2154             Fixes for Postgres 9.2: new pg_stat_activity view,
2155               and use pg_tablespace_location, (Josh Williams)
2157             Allow for spaces in item lists when doing same_schema.
2159             Allow txn_idle to work again for < 8.3 servers by switching to query_time.
2161             Fix the check_bloat SQL to take inherited tables into account,
2162               and assume 2k for non-analyzed columns. (Geert Pante)
2164             Cache sequence information to speed up same_schema runs.
2166             Fix --excludeuser in check_txn_idle (Mika Eloranta)
2168             Fix user clause handling in check_txn_idle (Michael van Bracht)
2170             Adjust docs to show colon as a better separator inside args for locks
2171               (Charles Sprickman)
2173             Fix undefined $SQL2 error in check_txn_idle [github issue 16] (Patric Bechtel)
2175             Prevent "uninitialized value" warnings when showing the port (Henrik Ahlgren)
2177             Do not assume everyone has a HOME [github issue 23]
2179       Version 2.19.0 January 17, 2012
2180             Add the --assume-prod option (Cédric Villemain)
2182             Add the cluster_id check (Cédric Villemain)
2184             Improve settings_checksum and checkpoint tests (Cédric Villemain)
2186             Do not do an inner join to pg_user when checking database size
2187               (Greg Sabino Mullane; reported by Emmanuel Lesouef)
2189             Use the full path when getting sequence information for same_schema.
2190               (Greg Sabino Mullane; reported by Cindy Wise)
2192             Fix the formula for calculating xlog positions (Euler Taveira de Oliveira)
2194             Better ordering of output for bloat check - make indexes as important
2195               as tables (Greg Sabino Mullane; reported by Jens Wilke)
2197             Show the dbservice if it was used at top of same_schema output
2198               (Mike Blackwell)
2200             Better installation paths (Greg Sabino Mullane, per bug 53)
2202       Version 2.18.0 October 2, 2011
2203             Redo the same_schema action. Use new --filter argument for all filtering.
2204             Allow comparisons between any number of databases.
2205             Remove the dbname2, dbport2, etc. arguments.
2206             Allow comparison of the same db over time.
2208             Swap db1 and db2 if the slave is 1 for the hot standby check (David E. Wheeler)
2210             Allow multiple --schema arguments for the slony_status action (GSM and Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais)
2212             Fix ORDER BY in the last vacuum/analyze action (Nicolas Thauvin)
2214             Fix check_hot_standby_delay perfdata output (Nicolas Thauvin)
2216             Look in the correct place for the .ready files with the archive_ready action (Nicolas Thauvin)
2218             New action: commitratio (Guillaume Lelarge)
2220             New action: hitratio (Guillaume Lelarge)
2222             Make sure --action overrides the symlink naming trick.
2224             Set defaults for archive_ready and wal_files (Thomas Guettler, GSM)
2226             Better output for wal_files and archive_ready (GSM)
2228             Fix warning when client_port set to empty string (bug #79)
2230             Account for "empty row" in -x output (i.e. source of functions).
2232             Fix some incorrectly named data fields (Andy Lester)
2234             Expand the number of pgbouncer actions (Ruslan Kabalin)
2236             Give detailed information and refactor txn_idle, txn_time, and query_time
2237               (Per request from bug #61)
2239             Set maxalign to 8 in the bloat check if box identified as '64-bit'
2240               (Michel Sijmons, bug #66)
2242             Support non-standard version strings in the bloat check.
2243               (Michel Sijmons and Gurjeet Singh, bug #66)
2245             Do not show excluded databases in some output (Ruslan Kabalin)
2247             Allow "and", "or" inside arguments (David E. Wheeler)
2249             Add the "new_version_box" action.
2251             Fix psql version regex (Peter Eisentraut, bug #69)
2253             Add the --assume-standby-mode option (Ruslan Kabalin)
2255             Note that txn_idle and query_time require 8.3 (Thomas Guettler)
2257             Standardize and clean up all perfdata output (bug #52)
2259             Exclude "idle in transaction" from the query_time check (bug #43)
2261             Fix the perflimit for the bloat action (bug #50)
2263             Clean up the custom_query action a bit.
2265             Fix space in perfdata for hot_standby_delay action (Nicolas Thauvin)
2267             Handle undef percents in check_fsm_relations (Andy Lester)
2269             Fix typo in dbstats action (Stas Vitkovsky)
2271             Fix MRTG for last vacuum and last_analyze actions.
2273       Version 2.17.0 no public release
2274       Version 2.16.0 January 20, 2011
2275             Add new action 'hot_standby_delay' (Nicolas Thauvin)
2276             Add cache-busting for the version-grabbing utilities.
2277             Fix problem with going to next method for new_version_pg
2278               (Greg Sabino Mullane, reported by Hywel Mallett in bug #65)
2279             Allow /usr/local/etc as an alternative location for the
2280               check_postgresrc file (Hywel Mallett)
2281             Do not use tgisconstraint in same_schema if Postgres >= 9
2282               (Guillaume Lelarge)
2284       Version 2.15.4 January 3, 2011
2285             Fix warning when using symlinks
2286               (Greg Sabino Mullane, reported by Peter Eisentraut in bug #63)
2288       Version 2.15.3 December 30, 2010
2289             Show OK for no matching txn_idle entries.
2291       Version 2.15.2 December 28, 2010
2292             Better formatting of sizes in the bloat action output.
2294             Remove duplicate perfs in bloat action output.
2296       Version 2.15.1 December 27, 2010
2297             Fix problem when examining items in pg_settings (Greg Sabino Mullane)
2299             For connection test, return critical, not unknown, on FATAL errors
2300               (Greg Sabino Mullane, reported by Peter Eisentraut in bug #62)
2302       Version 2.15.0 November 8, 2010
2303             Add --quiet argument to suppress output on OK Nagios results
2304             Add index comparison for same_schema (Norman Yamada and Greg Sabino Mullane)
2305             Use $ENV{PGSERVICE} instead of "service=" to prevent problems (Guillaume Lelarge)
2306             Add --man option to show the entire manual. (Andy Lester)
2307             Redo the internal run_command() sub to use -x and hashes instead of regexes.
2308             Fix error in custom logic (Andreas Mager)
2309             Add the "pgbouncer_checksum" action (Guillaume Lelarge)
2310             Fix regex to work on WIN32 for check_fsm_relations and check_fsm_pages (Luke Koops)
2311             Don't apply a LIMIT when using --exclude on the bloat action (Marti Raudsepp)
2312             Change the output of query_time to show pid,user,port, and address (Giles Westwood)
2313             Fix to show database properly when using slony_status (Guillaume Lelarge)
2314             Allow warning items for same_schema to be comma-separated (Guillaume Lelarge)
2315             Constraint definitions across Postgres versions match better in same_schema.
2316             Work against "EnterpriseDB" databases (Sivakumar Krishnamurthy and Greg Sabino Mullane)
2317             Separate perfdata with spaces (Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais)
2318             Add new action "archive_ready" (Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais)
2320       Version 2.14.3 (March 1, 2010)
2321             Allow slony_status action to handle more than one slave.
2322             Use commas to separate function args in same_schema output (Robert Treat)
2324       Version 2.14.2 (February 18, 2010)
2325             Change autovac_freeze default warn/critical back to 90%/95% (Robert Treat)
2326             Put all items one-per-line for relation size actions if --verbose=1
2328       Version 2.14.1 (February 17, 2010)
2329             Don't use $^T in logfile check, as script may be long-running
2330             Change the error string for the logfile action for easier exclusion
2331               by programs like tail_n_mail
2333       Version 2.14.0 (February 11, 2010)
2334             Added the 'slony_status' action.
2335             Changed the logfile sleep from 0.5 to 1, as 0.5 gets rounded to 0 on some boxes!
2337       Version 2.13.2 (February 4, 2010)
2338             Allow timeout option to be used for logtime 'sleep' time.
2340       Version 2.13.2 (February 4, 2010)
2341             Show offending database for query_time action.
2342             Apply perflimit to main output for sequence action.
2343             Add 'noowner' option to same_schema action.
2344             Raise sleep timeout for logfile check to 15 seconds.
2346       Version 2.13.1 (February 2, 2010)
2347             Fix bug preventing column constraint differences from 2 > 1 for same_schema from being shown.
2348             Allow aliases 'dbname1', 'dbhost1', 'dbport1',etc.
2349             Added "nolanguage" as a filter for the same_schema option.
2350             Don't track "generic" table constraints (e.. $1, $2) using same_schema
2352       Version 2.13.0 (January 29, 2010)
2353             Allow "nofunctions" as a filter for the same_schema option.
2354             Added "noperm" as a filter for the same_schema option.
2355             Ignore dropped columns when considered positions for same_schema (Guillaume Lelarge)
2357       Version 2.12.1 (December 3, 2009)
2358             Change autovac_freeze default warn/critical from 90%/95% to 105%/120% (Marti Raudsepp)
2360       Version 2.12.0 (December 3, 2009)
2361             Allow the temporary directory to be specified via the "tempdir" argument,
2362               for systems that need it (e.g. /tmp is not owned by root).
2363             Fix so old versions of Postgres (< 8.0) use the correct default database (Giles Westwood)
2364             For "same_schema" trigger mismatches, show the attached table.
2365             Add the new_version_bc check for Bucardo version checking.
2366             Add database name to perf output for last_vacuum|analyze (Guillaume Lelarge)
2367             Fix for bloat action against old versions of Postgres without the 'block_size' param.
2369       Version 2.11.1 (August 27, 2009)
2370             Proper Nagios output for last_vacuum|analyze actions. (Cédric Villemain)
2371             Proper Nagios output for locks action. (Cédric Villemain)
2372             Proper Nagios output for txn_wraparound action. (Cédric Villemain)
2373             Fix for constraints with embedded newlines for same_schema.
2374             Allow --exclude for all items when using same_schema.
2376       Version 2.11.0 (August 23, 2009)
2377             Add Nagios perf output to the wal_files check (Cédric Villemain)
2378             Add support for .check_postgresrc, per request from Albe Laurenz.
2379             Allow list of web fetch methods to be changed with the --get_method option.
2380             Add support for the --language argument, which overrides any ENV.
2381             Add the --no-check_postgresrc flag.
2382             Ensure check_postgresrc options are completely overridden by command-line options.
2383             Fix incorrect warning > critical logic in replicate_rows (Glyn Astill)
2385       Version 2.10.0 (August 3, 2009)
2386             For same_schema, compare view definitions, and compare languages.
2387             Make script into a global executable via the Makefile.PL file.
2388             Better output when comparing two databases.
2389             Proper Nagios output syntax for autovac_freeze and backends checks (Cédric Villemain)
2391       Version 2.9.5 (July 24, 2009)
2392             Don't use a LIMIT in check_bloat if --include is used. Per complaint from Jeff Frost.
2394       Version 2.9.4 (July 21, 2009)
2395             More French translations (Guillaume Lelarge)
2397       Version 2.9.3 (July 14, 2009)
2398             Quote dbname in perf output for the backends check. (Davide Abrigo)
2399             Add 'fetch' as an alternative method for new_version checks, as this
2400               comes by default with FreeBSD. (Hywel Mallett)
2402       Version 2.9.2 (July 12, 2009)
2403             Allow dots and dashes in database name for the backends check (Davide Abrigo)
2404             Check and display the database for each match in the bloat check (Cédric Villemain)
2405             Handle 'too many connections' FATAL error in the backends check with a critical,
2406               rather than a generic error (Greg, idea by Jürgen Schulz-Brüssel)
2407             Do not allow perflimit to interfere with exclusion rules in the vacuum and
2408               analyze tests. (Greg, bug reported by Jeff Frost)
2410       Version 2.9.1 (June 12, 2009)
2411             Fix for multiple databases with the check_bloat action (Mark Kirkwood)
2412             Fixes and improvements to the same_schema action (Jeff Boes)
2413             Write tests for same_schema, other minor test fixes (Jeff Boes)
2415       Version 2.9.0 (May 28, 2009)
2416             Added the same_schema action (Greg)
2418       Version 2.8.1 (May 15, 2009)
2419             Added timeout via statement_timeout in addition to perl alarm (Greg)
2421       Version 2.8.0 (May 4, 2009)
2422             Added internationalization support (Greg)
2423             Added the 'disabled_triggers' check (Greg)
2424             Added the 'prepared_txns' check (Greg)
2425             Added the 'new_version_cp' and 'new_version_pg' checks (Greg)
2426             French translations (Guillaume Lelarge)
2427             Make the backends search return ok if no matches due to inclusion rules,
2428               per report by Guillaume Lelarge (Greg)
2429             Added comprehensive unit tests (Greg, Jeff Boes, Selena Deckelmann)
2430             Make fsm_pages and fsm_relations handle 8.4 servers smoothly. (Greg)
2431             Fix missing 'upd' field in show_dbstats (Andras Fabian)
2432             Allow ENV{PGCONTROLDATA} and ENV{PGBINDIR}. (Greg)
2433             Add various Perl module infrastructure (e.g. Makefile.PL) (Greg)
2434             Fix incorrect regex in txn_wraparound (Greg)
2435             For txn_wraparound: consistent ordering and fix duplicates in perf output (Andras Fabian)
2436             Add in missing exabyte regex check (Selena Deckelmann)
2437             Set stats to zero if we bail early due to USERWHERECLAUSE (Andras Fabian)
2438             Add additional items to dbstats output (Andras Fabian)
2439             Remove --schema option from the fsm_ checks. (Greg Mullane and Robert Treat)
2440             Handle case when ENV{PGUSER} is set. (Andy Lester)
2441             Many various fixes. (Jeff Boes)
2442             Fix --dbservice: check version and use ENV{PGSERVICE} for old versions (Cédric Villemain)
2444       Version 2.7.3 (February 10, 2009)
2445             Make the sequence action check if sequence being used for a int4 column and
2446             react appropriately. (Michael Glaesemann)
2448       Version 2.7.2 (February 9, 2009)
2449             Fix to prevent multiple groupings if db arguments given.
2451       Version 2.7.1 (February 6, 2009)
2452             Allow the -p argument for port to work again.
2454       Version 2.7.0 (February 4, 2009)
2455             Do not require a connection argument, but use defaults and ENV variables when
2456               possible: PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, PGDATABASE.
2458       Version 2.6.1 (February 4, 2009)
2459             Only require Date::Parse to be loaded if using the checkpoint action.
2461       Version 2.6.0 (January 26, 2009)
2462             Add the 'checkpoint' action.
2464       Version 2.5.4 (January 7, 2009)
2465             Better checking of $opt{dbservice} structure (Cédric Villemain)
2466             Fix time display in timesync action output (Selena Deckelmann)
2467             Fix documentation typos (Josh Tolley)
2469       Version 2.5.3 (December 17, 2008)
2470             Minor fix to regex in verify_version (Lee Jensen)
2472       Version 2.5.2 (December 16, 2008)
2473             Minor documentation tweak.
2475       Version 2.5.1 (December 11, 2008)
2476             Add support for --noidle flag to prevent backends action from counting idle processes.
2477             Patch by Selena Deckelmann.
2479             Fix small undefined warning when not using --dbservice.
2481       Version 2.5.0 (December 4, 2008)
2482             Add support for the pg_Service.conf file with the --dbservice option.
2484       Version 2.4.3 (November 7, 2008)
2485             Fix options for replicate_row action, per report from Jason Gordon.
2487       Version 2.4.2 (November 6, 2008)
2488             Wrap File::Temp::cleanup() calls in eval, in case File::Temp is an older version.
2489             Patch by Chris Butler.
2491       Version 2.4.1 (November 5, 2008)
2492             Cast numbers to numeric to support sequences ranges > bigint in check_sequence action.
2493             Thanks to Scott Marlowe for reporting this.
2495       Version 2.4.0 (October 26, 2008)
2496            Add Cacti support with the dbstats action.
2497            Pretty up the time output for last vacuum and analyze actions.
2498            Show the percentage of backends on the check_backends action.
2500       Version 2.3.10 (October 23, 2008)
2501            Fix minor warning in action check_bloat with multiple databases.
2502            Allow warning to be greater than critical when using the --reverse option.
2503            Support the --perflimit option for the check_sequence action.
2505       Version 2.3.9 (October 23, 2008)
2506            Minor tweak to way we store the default port.
2508       Version 2.3.8 (October 21, 2008)
2509            Allow the default port to be changed easily.
2510            Allow transform of simple output by MB, GB, etc.
2512       Version 2.3.7 (October 14, 2008)
2513            Allow multiple databases in 'sequence' action. Reported by Christoph Zwerschke.
2515       Version 2.3.6  (October 13, 2008)
2516            Add missing $schema to check_fsm_pages. (Robert Treat)
2518       Version 2.3.5 (October 9, 2008)
2519            Change option 'checktype' to 'valtype' to prevent collisions with -c[ritical]
2520            Better handling of errors.
2522       Version 2.3.4 (October 9, 2008)
2523            Do explicit cleanups of the temp directory, per problems reported by sb@nnx.com.
2525       Version 2.3.3 (October 8, 2008)
2526            Account for cases where some rounding queries give -0 instead of 0.
2527            Thanks to Glyn Astill for helping to track this down.
2529       Version 2.3.2 (October 8, 2008)
2530            Always quote identifiers in check_replicate_row action.
2532       Version 2.3.1 (October 7, 2008)
2533            Give a better error if one of the databases cannot be reached.
2535       Version 2.3.0 (October 4, 2008)
2536            Add the "sequence" action, thanks to Gavin M. Roy for the idea.
2537            Fix minor problem with autovac_freeze action when using MRTG output.
2538            Allow output argument to be case-insensitive.
2539            Documentation fixes.
2541       Version 2.2.4 (October 3, 2008)
2542            Fix some minor typos
2544       Version 2.2.3 (October 1, 2008)
2545            Expand range of allowed names for --repinfo argument (Glyn Astill)
2546            Documentation tweaks.
2548       Version 2.2.2 (September 30, 2008)
2549            Fixes for minor output and scoping problems.
2551       Version 2.2.1 (September 28, 2008)
2552            Add MRTG output to fsm_pages and fsm_relations.
2553            Force error messages to one-line for proper Nagios output.
2554            Check for invalid prereqs on failed command. From conversations with Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
2555            Tweak the fsm_pages formula a little.
2557       Version 2.2.0 (September 25, 2008)
2558            Add fsm_pages and fsm_relations actions. (Robert Treat)
2560       Version 2.1.4 (September 22, 2008)
2561            Fix for race condition in txn_time action.
2562            Add --debugoutput option.
2564       Version 2.1.3 (September 22, 2008)
2565            Allow alternate arguments "dbhost" for "host" and "dbport" for "port".
2566            Output a zero as default value for second line of MRTG output.
2568       Version 2.1.2 (July 28, 2008)
2569            Fix sorting error in the "disk_space" action for non-Nagios output.
2570            Allow --simple as a shortcut for --output=simple.
2572       Version 2.1.1 (July 22, 2008)
2573            Don't check databases with datallowconn false for the "autovac_freeze" action.
2575       Version 2.1.0 (July 18, 2008)
2576            Add the "autovac_freeze" action, thanks to Robert Treat for the idea and design.
2577            Put an ORDER BY on the "txn_wraparound" action.
2579       Version 2.0.1 (July 16, 2008)
2580            Optimizations to speed up the "bloat" action quite a bit.
2581            Fix "version" action to not always output in mrtg mode.
2583       Version 2.0.0 (July 15, 2008)
2584            Add support for MRTG and "simple" output options.
2585            Many small improvements to nearly all actions.
2587       Version 1.9.1 (June 24, 2008)
2588            Fix an error in the bloat SQL in 1.9.0
2589            Allow percentage arguments to be over 99%
2590            Allow percentages in the bloat --warning and --critical (thanks to Robert Treat for the idea)
2592       Version 1.9.0 (June 22, 2008)
2593            Don't include information_schema in certain checks. (Jeff Frost)
2594            Allow --include and --exclude to use schemas by using a trailing period.
2596       Version 1.8.5 (June 22, 2008)
2597            Output schema name before table name where appropriate.
2598            Thanks to Jeff Frost.
2600       Version 1.8.4 (June 19, 2008)
2601            Better detection of problems in --replicate_row.
2603       Version 1.8.3 (June 18, 2008)
2604            Fix 'backends' action: there may be no rows in pg_stat_activity, so run a second
2605              query if needed to find the max_connections setting.
2606            Thanks to Jeff Frost for the bug report.
2608       Version 1.8.2 (June 10, 2008)
2609            Changes to allow working under Nagios' embedded Perl mode. (Ioannis Tambouras)
2611       Version 1.8.1 (June 9, 2008)
2612            Allow 'bloat' action to work on Postgres version 8.0.
2613            Allow for different commands to be run for each action depending on the server version.
2614            Give better warnings when running actions not available on older Postgres servers.
2616       Version 1.8.0 (June 3, 2008)
2617            Add the --reverse option to the custom_query action.
2619       Version 1.7.1 (June 2, 2008)
2620            Fix 'query_time' action: account for race condition in which zero rows appear in pg_stat_activity.
2621            Thanks to Dustin Black for the bug report.
2623       Version 1.7.0 (May 11, 2008)
2624            Add --replicate_row action
2626       Version 1.6.1 (May 11, 2008)
2627            Add --symlinks option as a shortcut to --action=rebuild_symlinks
2629       Version 1.6.0 (May 11, 2008)
2630            Add the custom_query action.
2632       Version 1.5.2 (May 2, 2008)
2633            Fix problem with too eager creation of custom pgpass file.
2635       Version 1.5.1 (April 17, 2008)
2636            Add example Nagios configuration settings (Brian A. Seklecki)
2638       Version 1.5.0 (April 16, 2008)
2639            Add the --includeuser and --excludeuser options. Documentation cleanup.
2641       Version 1.4.3 (April 16, 2008)
2642            Add in the 'output' concept for future support of non-Nagios programs.
2644       Version 1.4.2 (April 8, 2008)
2645            Fix bug preventing --dbpass argument from working (Robert Treat).
2647       Version 1.4.1 (April 4, 2008)
2648            Minor documentation fixes.
2650       Version 1.4.0 (April 2, 2008)
2651            Have 'wal_files' action use pg_ls_dir (idea by Robert Treat).
2652            For last_vacuum and last_analyze, respect autovacuum effects, add separate
2653              autovacuum checks (ideas by Robert Treat).
2655       Version 1.3.1 (April 2, 2008)
2656            Have txn_idle use query_start, not xact_start.
2658       Version 1.3.0 (March 23, 2008)
2659            Add in txn_idle and txn_time actions.
2661       Version 1.2.0 (February 21, 2008)
2662            Add the 'wal_files' action, which counts the number of WAL files
2663              in your pg_xlog directory.
2664            Fix some typos in the docs.
2665            Explicitly allow -v as an argument.
2666            Allow for a null syslog_facility in the 'logfile' action.
2668       Version 1.1.2 (February 5, 2008)
2669            Fix error preventing --action=rebuild_symlinks from working.
2671       Version 1.1.1 (February 3, 2008)
2672            Switch vacuum and analyze date output to use 'DD', not 'D'. (Glyn Astill)
2674       Version 1.1.0 (December 16, 2008)
2675            Fixes, enhancements, and performance tracking.
2676            Add performance data tracking via --showperf and --perflimit
2677            Lots of refactoring and cleanup of how actions handle arguments.
2678            Do basic checks to figure out syslog file for 'logfile' action.
2679            Allow for exact matching of beta versions with 'version' action.
2680            Redo the default arguments to only populate when neither 'warning' nor 'critical' is provided.
2681            Allow just warning OR critical to be given for the 'timesync' action.
2682            Remove 'redirect_stderr' requirement from 'logfile' due to 8.3 changes.
2683            Actions 'last_vacuum' and 'last_analyze' are 8.2 only (Robert Treat)
2685       Version 1.0.16 (December 7, 2007)
2686            First public release, December 2007


2689       The index bloat size optimization is rough.
2691       Some actions may not work on older versions of Postgres (before 8.0).
2693       Please report any problems to check_postgres@bucardo.org


2696       Greg Sabino Mullane <greg@turnstep.com>


2699       Some example Nagios configuration settings using this script:
2701        define command {
2702            command_name    check_postgres_size
2703            command_line    $USER2$/check_postgres.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u pgsql -db postgres --action database_size -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$
2704        }
2706        define command {
2707            command_name    check_postgres_locks
2708            command_line    $USER2$/check_postgres.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u pgsql -db postgres --action locks -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$
2709        }
2712        define service {
2713            use                    generic-other
2714            host_name              dbhost.gtld
2715            service_description    dbhost PostgreSQL Service Database Usage Size
2716            check_command          check_postgres_size!256000000!512000000
2717        }
2719        define service {
2720            use                    generic-other
2721            host_name              dbhost.gtld
2722            service_description    dbhost PostgreSQL Service Database Locks
2723            check_command          check_postgres_locks!2!3
2724        }
2727       Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Greg Sabino Mullane <greg@turnstep.com>.
2729       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
2730       modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
2731       met:
2733         1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
2734            this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2735         2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
2736            this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
2737            and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
2753perl v5.36.0                      2023-01-18                 CHECK_POSTGRES(1)