1PHYGHTMAP(1)                     User Commands                    PHYGHTMAP(1)


6       phyghtmap  -  NASA SRTM / GeoTiff -> OSM xml (.osm), OSM pbf (.osm.pbf)
7       or OSM o5m (.o5m) translator


10       phyghtmap [options] [<hgt or GeoTiff file>] [<hgt or GeoTiff files>]


13       phyghtmap generates contour lines from NASA SRTM and  smiliar  data  as
14       well  as  from  GeoTiff  data in OSM formats.  For now, there are three
15       ways to achieve this. First, it can be used to process existing  source
16       files  given as arguments on the command line.  Note that the filenames
17       must have the format [N|S]YY[W|E]XXX.hgt, with YY the latitude and  XXX
18       the  longitude of the lower left corner of the tile.  Second, it can be
19       used with an area definition as input.  The third way to use  phyghtmap
20       is  to  specify a polygon definition.  In the last two cases, phyghtmap
21       will look for a cache directory (per default: ./hgt/)  and  the  needed
22       SRTM  files.   If  no cache directory is found, it will be created.  It
23       then downloads all the needed NASA SRTM  data  files  automatically  if
24       they  are not cached yet.  There is also the possibility of masking the
25       NASA SRTM data with data from www.viewfinderpanoramas.org  which  fills
26       voids  and other data lacking in the original NASA data set.  Since the
27       3 arc second data available from  www.viewfinderpanoramas.org  is  com‐
28       plete  for  the whole world, good results can be achieved by specifying
29       --source=view3.  For higher resolution, the 1 arc second SRTM  data  in
30       version  3.0  can  be  used by specifying --source=srtm1 in combination
31       with --srtm-version=3.0.  SRTM 1 arc  second  data  is,  however,  only
32       available for latitudes between 59 degrees of latitude south and 60 de‐
33       grees of latitude north.


36       -h, --help
37              show this help message and exit
40              choses the area to generate osm SRTM data for by  bounding  box.
41              If  necessary, files are downloaded from the NASA server.  Spec‐
42              ify as <left>:<bottom>:<right>:<top> in degrees of latitude  and
43              longitude, respectively. Latitudes south of the equator and lon‐
44              gitudes west of Greenwich may be given as negative decimal  num‐
45              bers. If this option is given, specified hgt files will be omit‐
46              ted.
48       --polygon=FILENAME
49              use polygon FILENAME as downloaded from  http://download.geofab
50              rik.de/clipbounds/  as  bounds for the output contour data.  The
51              computation time will be somewhat higher then.  If specified,  a
52              bounding box passed to the --area option will be ignored.
54       --download-only
55              only download needed files, don't write contour data.
57       -s STEP, --step=STEP
58              specify  contour  line step size in meters or feet, if using the
59              --feet option. The default value is 20.
61       -f, --feet
62              output contour lines in feet steps rather than in meters.
64       -0, --no-zero-contour
65              say this, if you don't want the sea level  contour  line  (0  m)
66              (which sometimes looks rather ugly) to appear in the output.
68       -o PREFIX, --output-prefix=PREFIX
69              specify a prefix for the filenames of the output osm file(s).
71       -p PLOTPREFIX, --plot=PLOTPREFIX
72              specify the prefix for the files to write longitude/latitude/el‐
73              evation data to instead of generating contour osm.
76       TION_MEDIUM
77              specify  a  string of two comma seperated integers for major and
78              medium elevation categories, e. g. '200,100' which  is  the  de‐
79              fault. This is needed for fancy rendering.
81       -j NJOBS, --jobs=NJOBS
82              number of jobs to be run in parallel (POSIX only)
84       --osm-version=OSM-VERSION
85              pass a number as OSM-VERSION to use for the output.  The default
86              value is 0.6.  If you need an older version, try 0.5.
88       --write-timestamp
89              write the timestamp attribute of node and way  elements  in  OSM
90              XML  and o5m output.  This might be needed by some interpreters.
91              In o5m output, this also triggers writing of changeset and  user
92              information.
94       --start-node-id=NODE-ID
95              specify an integer as id of the first written node in the output
96              OSM xml.  It defaults to 10000000 but some OSM xml  mergers  are
97              running  into trouble when encountering non unique ids.  In this
98              case and for the moment, it is safe to say 10000000000 (ten bil‐
99              lion) then.
101       --start-way-id=WAY-ID
102              specify  an integer as id of the first written way in the output
103              OSM xml.  It defaults to 10000000 but some OSM xml  mergers  are
104              running  into trouble when encountering non unique ids.  In this
105              case and for the moment, it is safe to say 10000000000 (ten bil‐
106              lion) then.
108       --max-nodes-per-tile=MAXNODESPERTILE
109              specify  an  integer  as a maximum number of nodes per generated
110              tile.  It defaults to 1000000, which is approximately the  maxi‐
111              mum  number  of  nodes  handled  properly by mkgmap.  For bigger
112              tiles, try higher values.  For a single file output, say 0 here.
114       --max-nodes-per-way=MAXNODESPERWAY
115              specify an integer as a maximum number of nodes per way.  It de‐
116              faults  to  2000, which is the maximum value for OSM api version
117              0.6.  Say 0 here, if you want unsplitted ways.
119       --simplifyContoursEpsilon=EPSILON
120              simplify contour lines using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (RDP) al‐
121              gorithm with this EPSILON value.  The larger the value, the more
122              simplified the contour lines.  The value passed will be directly
123              used,  i.  e.  in  case  of  WGS84  based reference systems like
124              EPSG:4326, the passed value is interpreted as degrees  of  lati‐
125              tude  and longitude, respectively.  Use a value of 0.0 to remove
126              only vertices on straight lines.  Sensible values to reduce  the
127              output  file size while preserving resonable accuracy are depen‐
128              dent on the file resolution.  For SRTM3 data, some value between
129              0.0001  and  0.0005  seems reasonable, reducing the file size by
130              something like one or two thirds.  Note that using contour  line
131              simplification  will slow down contour line generation.  The de‐
132              fault is not to use RDP.
134       --simplifyContoursMaxDistance=MAX_VERTEX_DISTANCE
135              Do not delete all vertices while simplifying a contour line  us‐
136              ing  RDP  but only delete points within this range.  The default
137              is to delete all dispensable vertices.  Only use this option  if
138              you  want to get the benefit of RDP but need somehow close-lying
139              points because of rendering issues or so. Using this option will
140              dramatically slow down contour line generation.
142       --gzip=COMPRESSLEVEL
143              turn  on  gzip  compression  of  output  files. This reduces the
144              needed disk space  but  results  in  higher  computation  times.
145              Specifiy  an  integer  between 1 and 9.  1 means low compression
146              and faster computation, 9 means high compression and lower  com‐
147              putation.
149       --pbf  write  protobuf  binary  files instead of OSM XML.  This reduces
150              the needed disk space. Be sure the programs you want to use  the
151              output  files with are capable of pbf parsing.  The output files
152              will have the .osm.pbf extension.
154       --o5m  write o5m binary files instead of OSM  XML.   This  reduces  the
155              needed disk space. Be sure the programs you want to use the out‐
156              put files with are capable of o5m  parsing.   The  output  files
157              will have the .o5m extension.
159       --srtm=SRTM-RESOLUTION
160              use  SRTM  resolution  of SRTM-RESOLUTION arc seconds.  Possible
161              values are 1 and 3, the default value is 3.  For different  SRTM
162              data versions and map coverage, see the --srtm-version option.
164       --srtm-version=VERSION
165              use  this  VERSION of SRTM data. Supported SRTM versions are 2.1
166              and 3.  Version 2.1 has voids which were filled in version 3 us‐
167              ing ASTER GDEM and other data.  In version 2.1, only the US ter‐
168              ritory is included in the 1 arc second dataset.  In  version  3,
169              nearly  the whole world is covered.  The default for this option
170              is 3.  If you want the old version, say --srtmversion=2.1 here
172       --earthexplorer-user=EARTHEXPLORER_USERNAME
173              the username to use for earthexplorer login.  This is needed  if
174              you want to use NASA SRTM sources in version 3.0.  If you do not
175              yet      have      an      earthexplorer      login,       visit
176              https://ers.cr.usgs.gov/register/  and  create one.  Once speci‐
177              fied, phyghtmap will store the earthexplorer  login  credentials
178              unencrypted  in a file called '.phyghtmaprc' in your home direc‐
179              tory.  I. e., you only have to  specify  this  option  (and  the
180              --earthexplorer-password  option)  once.  In addition, the pass‐
181              word specified on the command line may be read by every user  on
182              your  system.   So, don't choose a password which you don't want
183              to be disclosed to others.  This option should be  specified  in
184              combination with the --earthexplorer-password option.
186       --earthexplorer-password=EARTHEXPLORER_PASSWORD
187              the password to use for earthexplorer login.  This option should
188              be specified in combination with  the  --earthexplorer-user  op‐
189              tion.   For  further  explanation,  see  the  help given for the
190              --earthexplorer-user option.
192       --viewfinder-mask=VIEWFINDER-RESOLUTION
193              if  specified,  NASA  SRTM  data  are  masked  with  data   from
194              www.viewfinderpanoramas.org.   Possible  values are 1 and 3 (for
195              explanation, see the --srtm option).
197       --source=DATA-SOURCE, --data-source=DATA-SOURCE
198              specify a list of sources  to  use  as  comma-seperated  string.
199              Available sources are 'srtm1', 'srtm3', 'view1' and 'view3'.  If
200              specified, the data source will be selected using this option as
201              preference  list.   Specifying  --source=view3,srtm3 for example
202              will prefer viewfinder 3 arc second data to NASA SRTM 3 arc sec‐
203              ond data.  Also see the --srtm-version option for different ver‐
204              sions of SRTM data.
206       --corrx=SRTM-CORRX
207              correct x offset of contour lines.  A setting of  --corrx=0.0005
208              was reported to give good results.  However, the correct setting
209              seems to depend on where you are, so it  is  may  be  better  to
210              start with 0 here.
212       --corry=SRTM-CORRY
213              correct  y offset of contour lines.  A setting of --corry=0.0005
214              was reported to give good results.  However, the correct setting
215              seems  to  depend on where you are, so it may be better to start
216              with 0 here.
218       --hgtdir=DIRECTORY
219              Cache directory for hgt files. The  downloaded  SRTM  files  are
220              stored  in  a cache directory for later use.  The default direc‐
221              tory for this is ./hgt/ in the current directory.  You can spec‐
222              ify another cache directory with this option.
224       --rewrite-indices
225              rewrite the index files and exit.  Try this if phyghtmap encoun‐
226              ters problems when trying to download data files.
228       --void-range-max=MINIMUM_PLAUSIBLE_HEIGHT_VALUE
229              extend the void value range up to this  height.   The  hgt  file
230              format  uses a void value which is -0x8000 or, in terms of deci‐
231              mal numbers, -32768.  Some hgt files contain other negative val‐
232              ues  which  are  implausible  as  height  values,  e. g. -0x4000
233              (-16384) or similar.  Since the lowest place on earth  is  about
234              -420  m  below  sea level, it should be safe to say -500 here in
235              case you encounter strange phyghtmap behaviour such  as  program
236              aborts  due  to  exceeding  the maximum allowed number of recur‐
237              sions.
239       -v, --version
240              print version and exit.


243       Here are some usage examples
245       phyghtmap -a 8.59:49.34:8.78:49.45
246              generate openstreetmap xml for the area around Heidelberg,  Ger‐
247              many
249       phyghtmap -a 8.59:49.34:8.78:49.45 -o heidelberg
250              same as above but save data to heidelberg_*.osm files instead of
251              automatically generated filenames
253       phyghtmap -a -25:62:-12:68 -o iceland
254              This will not work since no SRTM data is available north  of  60
255              degrees of latitude.
257       phyghtmap -a -25:62:-12:68 -o iceland --viewfinder-mask=3
258              Yes,  this  works.   There  is  data  available for that area at
259              www.viewfinderpanoramas.org.
261       phyghtmap -a -25:62:-12:68 -o iceland --viewfinder-mask=3 -j 16
262              Same as above but use 16 parallel processes for the contour line
263              calculation.
265       phyghtmap -a -25:62:-12:68 -o iceland --source=view3,srtm3 -j 16
266              Essentially the same as above.
268       phyghtmap -a -25:62:-12:68 -o iceland -s 10 -c 100,50
269              Say this, if you want contour lines for Iceland with a step size
270              of ten meters and major  contour  lines  every  100  meters  and
271              medium contour lines every 50 meters.
273       phyghtmap -a 6:44:9:47 -o high_alps --viewfinder-mask=1
274              With this, you get wonderful contour line .osm with a resolution
275              of 1 arc second where data is available at www.viewfinderpanora‐
276              mas.org and NASA SRTM 3 arc second data elsewhere.
278       phyghtmap -a 6:44:9:47 -o high_alps --source=view1,view3,srtm3
279              Similar  to  the  example above, but try to use viewfinder 1 arc
280              second data first, viewfinder 3 arc second data second and  srtm
281              3 arc second data last.
283       phyghtmap  -a  6:44:9:47  --max-nodes-per-tile=100000  --max-nodes-per-
284       way=400
285              This generates contour lines for the  high  alps.   Each  output
286              file  will  contain not more than 100000 nodes, each way therein
287              will not contain more than 400 nodes.
289       phyghtmap -a 6:44:9:47  -j  2  --max-nodes-per-tile=0  --max-nodes-per-
290       way=0 --gzip=9
291              This  generates  contour lines for the high alps and writes them
292              to a single output file.  Note that it is possible to use multi‐
293              ple processes in parallel.  --max-nodes-per-way=0 means that the
294              ways will be as long as possible.  --gzip=9 will produce gzipped
295              output with a compression level of 9.
297       phyghtmap  -a  6:44:9:47  -j  2 --max-nodes-per-tile=0 --max-nodes-per-
298       way=0 --pbf
299              Same as above but output will be  a  osm  protobuf  binary  file
300              (.osm.pbf).
302       phyghtmap  -a  6:44:9:47  -j  2 --max-nodes-per-tile=0 --max-nodes-per-
303       way=0 --o5m
304              Same as above but output will be a o5m binary file (.o5m).
306       phyghtmap -s 5 NXXEYYY.hgt
307              Make contour  line  .osm  with  steps  of  5  meters  from  file
308              NXXEYYY.hgt.   Note that no area was specified here, the area is
309              read from the filename.  You can use phyghtmap  like  this  with
310              .hgt  files from sources other than NASA SRTM or www.viewfinder‐
311              panoramas.org, as long as the filenames contain the needed  geo‐
312              graphic information.
314       phyghtmap -p example_plotname -a 8.9:49.0:9.0:49.1
315              Do  not  generate  contour  line  OSM xml but write a file exam‐
316              ple_plotname_*.xyz with lines containing space seperated  values
317              of  longitude,  latitude  and elevation for each point stored in
318              the corresponding .hgt file within the specified area.  For big‐
319              ger areas, you will probably get more than one output file.


322       If you find a bug, please report it to <phyghtmap@aldw.de>.


325       Adrian Dempwolff <phyghtmap@aldw.de>
328       Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Adrian Dempwolff.  This code is distributed un‐
329       der the GNU General Public License version 2, or, at your  option,  any
330       later version  <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
334phyghtmap 2.23                   January 2021                     PHYGHTMAP(1)