1Prima::Const(3)       User Contributed Perl Documentation      Prima::Const(3)


6       Prima::Const - predefined constants


9       "Prima::Const" and Prima::Classes is a minimal set of perl modules
10       needed for the toolkit. Since the module provides bindings for the core
11       constants, it is required to be included in every Prima-related module
12       and program.
14       The constants are assembled under the top-level package names, with no
15       "Prima::" prefix. This violates the perl guidelines about package
16       naming, however, it was considered way too inconvenient to prefix every
17       constant with "Prima::" string.
19       This document provides description of all core-coded constants. The
20       constants are also described in the articles together with the
21       corresponding methods and properties. For example, "nt" constants are
22       also described in "Flow" in Prima::Object article.


25   am::  - Prima::Icon auto masking
26       See also "autoMasking" in Prima::Image
28               am::None           - no mask update performed
29               am::MaskColor      - mask update based on Prima::Icon::maskColor property
30               am::MaskIndex      - mask update based on Prima::Icon::maskIndex property
31               am::Auto           - mask update based on corner pixel values
33   apc:: - OS type
34       See "get_system_info" in Prima::Application
36               apc::Win32
37               apc::Unix
39   bi::  - border icons
40       See "borderIcons" in Prima::Window
42               bi::SystemMenu  - system menu button and/or close button
43                                 ( usually with icon ) is shown
44               bi::Minimize    - minimize button
45               bi::Maximize    - maximize ( and eventual restore )
46               bi::TitleBar    - window title
47               bi::All         - all of the above
49   bs::  - border styles
50       See "borderStyle" in Prima::Window
52               bs::None      - no border
53               bs::Single    - thin border
54               bs::Dialog    - thick border
55               bs::Sizeable  - thick border with interactive resize capabilities
57   ci::  - color indices
58       See "colorIndex" in Prima::Widget
60               ci::NormalText or ci::Fore
61               ci::Normal or ci::Back
62               ci::HiliteText
63               ci::Hilite
64               ci::DisabledText
65               ci::Disabled
66               ci::Light3DColor
67               ci::Dark3DColor
68               ci::MaxId
70   cl:: - colors
71       See "colorIndex" in Prima::Widget
73       Direct color constants
74                   cl::Black
75                   cl::Blue
76                   cl::Green
77                   cl::Cyan
78                   cl::Red
79                   cl::Magenta
80                   cl::Brown
81                   cl::LightGray
82                   cl::DarkGray
83                   cl::LightBlue
84                   cl::LightGreen
85                   cl::LightCyan
86                   cl::LightRed
87                   cl::LightMagenta
88                   cl::Yellow
89                   cl::White
90                   cl::Gray
92       Indirect color constants
93                   cl::NormalText, cl::Fore
94                   cl::Normal, cl::Back
95                   cl::HiliteText
96                   cl::Hilite
97                   cl::DisabledText
98                   cl::Disabled
99                   cl::Light3DColor
100                   cl::Dark3DColor
101                   cl::MaxSysColor
103       Special constants
104           See "Colors" in Prima::gp_problems
106                   cl::Set      - logical all-1 color
107                   cl::Clear    - logical all-0 color
108                   cl::Invalid  - invalid color value
109                   cl::SysFlag  - indirect color constant bit set
110                   cl::SysMask  - indirect color constant bit clear mask
112       Color functions
113           from_rgb R8,G8,B8 -> RGB24
114           to_rgb   RGB24 -> R8,G8,B8
115           from_bgr B8,G8,R8 -> RGB24
116           to_bgr   RGB24 -> B8,G8,R8
117           to_gray_byte RGB24 -> GRAY8
118           to_gray_rgb  RGB24 -> GRAY24
119           from_gray_byte GRAY8 -> GRAY24
120           premultiply RGB24,A8 -> RGB24
121           distance RGB24,RGB24 -> distance between colors
122           blend RGB24,RGB24,AMOUNT_FROM_0_TO_1 - RGB24
124   cm::  - commands
125       Keyboard and mouse commands
126           See "key_down" in Prima::Widget, "mouse_down" in Prima::Widget
128                   cm::KeyDown
129                   cm::KeyUp
130                   cm::MouseDown
131                   cm::MouseUp
132                   cm::MouseClick
133                   cm::MouseWheel
134                   cm::MouseMove
135                   cm::MouseEnter
136                   cm::MouseLeave
138       Internal commands ( used in core only or not used at all )
139                   cm::Close
140                   cm::Create
141                   cm::Destroy
142                   cm::Hide
143                   cm::Show
144                   cm::ReceiveFocus
145                   cm::ReleaseFocus
146                   cm::Paint
147                   cm::Repaint
148                   cm::Size
149                   cm::Move
150                   cm::ColorChanged
151                   cm::ZOrderChanged
152                   cm::Enable
153                   cm::Disable
154                   cm::Activate
155                   cm::Deactivate
156                   cm::FontChanged
157                   cm::WindowState
158                   cm::Timer
159                   cm::Click
160                   cm::CalcBounds
161                   cm::Post
162                   cm::Popup
163                   cm::Execute
164                   cm::Setup
165                   cm::Hint
166                   cm::DragDrop
167                   cm::DragOver
168                   cm::EndDrag
169                   cm::Menu
170                   cm::EndModal
171                   cm::MenuCmd
172                   cm::TranslateAccel
173                   cm::DelegateKey
175   cr::  - pointer cursor resources
176       See "pointerType" in Prima::Widget
178               cr::Default                 same pointer type as owner's
179               cr::Arrow                   arrow pointer
180               cr::Text                    text entry cursor-like pointer
181               cr::Wait                    hourglass
182               cr::Size                    general size action pointer
183               cr::Move                    general move action pointer
184               cr::SizeWest, cr::SizeW     right-move action pointer
185               cr::SizeEast, cr::SizeE     left-move action pointer
186               cr::SizeWE                  general horizontal-move action pointer
187               cr::SizeNorth, cr::SizeN    up-move action pointer
188               cr::SizeSouth, cr::SizeS    down-move action pointer
189               cr::SizeNS                  general vertical-move action pointer
190               cr::SizeNW                  up-right move action pointer
191               cr::SizeSE                  down-left move action pointer
192               cr::SizeNE                  up-left move action pointer
193               cr::SizeSW                  down-right move action pointer
194               cr::Invalid                 invalid action pointer
195               cr::DragNone                pointer for an invalid dragging target
196               cr::DragCopy                pointer to indicate that a dnd::Copy action can be accepted
197               cr::DragMove                pointer to indicate that a dnd::Move action can be accepted
198               cr::DragLink                pointer to indicate that a dnd::Link action can be accepted
199               cr::User                    user-defined icon
201   dbt::  - device bitmap types
202               dbt::Bitmap                 monochrome 1 bit bitmap
203               dbt::Pixmap                 bitmap compatible with display format
204               dbt::Layered                bitmap compatible with display format with alpha channel
206   dnd::  - drag and drop action constants and functions
207               dnd::None                   no DND action was selected or performed
208               dnd::Copy                   copy action
209               dnd::Move                   move action
210               dnd::Link                   link action
211               dnd::Mask                   combination of all valid actions
213       is_one_action ACTIONS
214           Returns true if "ACTIONS" is not a combination of "dnd::"
215           constants.
217       pointer ACTION
218           Returns a "cr::" constant corresponding to the "ACTION"
220       to_one_action ACTIONS
221           Selects a best single action from combination of allowed "ACTIONS"
223       keymod ACTION
224           Returns a "km::" keyboard modifier constant the "ACTION" will be
225           expected to start on if the user presses that modifier during a DND
226           session. Returns 0 for "dnd::Copy" that is the standard action to
227           be performed without any modifiers.
229   dt::  - drive types
230       See "query_drive_type" in Prima::Utils
232               dt::None
233               dt::Unknown
234               dt::Floppy
235               dt::HDD
236               dt::Network
237               dt::CDROM
238               dt::Memory
240   dt::  - Prima::Drawable::draw_text constants
241               dt::Left              - text is aligned to the left boundary
242               dt::Right             - text is aligned to the right boundary
243               dt::Center            - text is aligned horizontally in center
244               dt::Top               - text is aligned to the upper boundary
245               dt::Bottom            - text is aligned to the lower boundary
246               dt::VCenter           - text is aligned vertically in center
247               dt::DrawMnemonic      - tilde-escapement and underlining is used
248               dt::DrawSingleChar    - sets tw::BreakSingle option to
249                                       Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call
250               dt::NewLineBreak      - sets tw::NewLineBreak option to
251                                       Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call
252               dt::SpaceBreak        - sets tw::SpaceBreak option to
253                                       Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call
254               dt::WordBreak         - sets tw::WordBreak option to
255                                       Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call
256               dt::ExpandTabs        - performs tab character ( \t ) expansion
257               dt::DrawPartial       - draws the last line, if it is visible partially
258               dt::UseExternalLeading- text lines positioned vertically with respect to
259                                       the font external leading
260               dt::UseClip           - assign ::clipRect property to the boundary rectangle
261               dt::QueryLinesDrawn   - calculates and returns number of lines drawn
262                                       ( contrary to dt::QueryHeight )
263               dt::QueryHeight       - if set, calculates and returns vertical extension
264                                       of the lines drawn
265               dt::NoWordWrap        - performs no word wrapping by the width of the boundaries
266               dt::WordWrap          - performs word wrapping by the width of the boundaries
267               dt::Default           - dt::NewLineBreak|dt::WordBreak|dt::ExpandTabs|
268                                       dt::UseExternalLeading
270   fdo:: - find / replace dialog options
271       See Prima::FindDialog
273               fdo::MatchCase
274               fdo::WordsOnly
275               fdo::RegularExpression
276               fdo::BackwardSearch
277               fdo::ReplacePrompt
279   fds:: - find / replace dialog scope type
280       See Prima::FindDialog
282               fds::Cursor
283               fds::Top
284               fds::Bottom
286   fe::  - file events constants
287       See Prima::File
289               fe::Read
290               fe::Write
291               fe::Exception
293   fm::  - fill modes
294       See "fillMode" in Prima::Drawable
296               fp::Alternate
297               fp::Winding
298               fp::Overlay
300   fp::  - standard fill pattern indices
301       See "fillPattern" in Prima::Drawable
303               fp::Empty
304               fp::Solid
305               fp::Line
306               fp::LtSlash
307               fp::Slash
308               fp::BkSlash
309               fp::LtBkSlash
310               fp::Hatch
311               fp::XHatch
312               fp::Interleave
313               fp::WideDot
314               fp::CloseDot
315               fp::SimpleDots
316               fp::Borland
317               fp::Parquet
319       builtin $FILL_PATTERN
320           Given a result from "Drawable::fillPattern", a 8x8 array of
321           integers, checks whether the array matches one of the builtin
322           "fp::" constants, and returns one if found. Returns undef
323           otherwise.
325       is_empty $FILL_PATTERN
326           Given a result from "Drawable::fillPattern", a 8x8 array of
327           integers, checks whether the array consists strictly of zeros, or
328           not.
330       is_solid $FILL_PATTERN
331           Given a result from "Drawable::fillPattern", a 8x8 array of
332           integers, checks whether the array consists strictly of ones, or
333           not.
335       patterns
336           Returns set of string-encoded fill patterns that correspond to
337           builtin "fp::" constants.  These are not suitable for use in
338           "Drawable::fillPatterns".
340   fp::  - font pitches
341       See "pitch" in Prima::Drawable
343               fp::Default
344               fp::Fixed
345               fp::Variable
347   fr::  - fetch resource constants
348       See "fetch_resource" in Prima::Widget
350               fr::Color
351               fr::Font
352               fs::String
354   fs::  - font styles
355       See "style" in Prima::Drawable
357               fs::Normal
358               fs::Bold
359               fs::Thin
360               fs::Italic
361               fs::Underlined
362               fs::StruckOut
363               fs::Outline
365   fw::  - font weights
366       See "weight" in Prima::Drawable
368               fw::UltraLight
369               fw::ExtraLight
370               fw::Light
371               fw::SemiLight
372               fw::Medium
373               fw::SemiBold
374               fw::Bold
375               fw::ExtraBold
376               fw::UltraBold
378   ggo::  - glyph outline commands
379               ggo::Move
380               ggo::Line
381               ggo::Conic
382               ggo::Cubic
384       See also "render_glyph" in Prima::Drawable
386   gm::  - grow modes
387       See "growMode" in Prima::Widget
389       Basic constants
390                   gm::GrowLoX     widget's left side is kept in constant
391                                   distance from owner's right side
392                   gm::GrowLoY     widget's bottom side is kept in constant
393                                   distance from owner's top side
394                   gm::GrowHiX     widget's right side is kept in constant
395                                   distance from owner's right side
396                   gm::GrowHiY     widget's top side is kept in constant
397                                   distance from owner's top side
398                   gm::XCenter     widget is kept in center on its owner's
399                                   horizontal axis
400                   gm::YCenter     widget is kept in center on its owner's
401                                   vertical axis
402                   gm::DontCare    widgets origin is maintained constant relative
403                                   to the screen
405       Derived or aliased constants
406                   gm::GrowAll      gm::GrowLoX|gm::GrowLoY|gm::GrowHiX|gm::GrowHiY
407                   gm::Center       gm::XCenter|gm::YCenter
408                   gm::Client       gm::GrowHiX|gm::GrowHiY
409                   gm::Right        gm::GrowLoX|gm::GrowHiY
410                   gm::Left         gm::GrowHiY
411                   gm::Floor        gm::GrowHiX
413   gui:: - GUI types
414       See "get_system_info" in Prima::Application
416               gui::Default
417               gui::PM
418               gui::Windows
419               gui::XLib
420               gui::GTK
422   le::  - line end styles
423       See "lineEnd" in Prima::Drawable
425               le::Flat
426               le::Square
427               le::Round
429               le::Arrow
430               le::Cusp
431               le::InvCusp
432               le::Knob
433               le::Rect
434               le::RoundRect
435               le::Spearhead
436               le::Tail
438       Functions:
440               le::transform($matrix)
441               le::scale($scalex, [$scaley = $scalex])
443   lei::  - line end indexes
444               lei::LineTail
445               lei::LineHead
446               lei::ArrowTail
447               lei::ArrowHead
448               lei::Max
449               lei::Only
451       See "lineEndIndex" in Prima::Drawable
453   lj::  - line join styles
454       See "lineJoin" in Prima::Drawable
456               lj::Round
457               lj::Bevel
458               lj::Miter
460   lp::  - predefined line pattern styles
461       See "linePattern" in Prima::Drawable
463               lp::Null           #    ""              /*              */
464               lp::Solid          #    "\1"            /* ___________  */
465               lp::Dash           #    "\x9\3"         /* __ __ __ __  */
466               lp::LongDash       #    "\x16\6"        /* _____ _____  */
467               lp::ShortDash      #    "\3\3"          /* _ _ _ _ _ _  */
468               lp::Dot            #    "\1\3"          /* . . . . . .  */
469               lp::DotDot         #    "\1\1"          /* ............ */
470               lp::DashDot        #    "\x9\6\1\3"     /* _._._._._._  */
471               lp::DashDotDot     #    "\x9\3\1\3\1\3" /* _.._.._.._.. */
473   im::  - image types
474       See "type" in Prima::Image.
476       Bit depth constants
477                   im::bpp1
478                   im::bpp4
479                   im::bpp8
480                   im::bpp16
481                   im::bpp24
482                   im::bpp32
483                   im::bpp64
484                   im::bpp128
486       Pixel format constants
487                   im::Color
488                   im::GrayScale
489                   im::RealNumber
490                   im::ComplexNumber
491                   im::TrigComplexNumber
492                   im::SignedInt
494       Mnemonic image types
495                   im::Mono          - im::bpp1
496                   im::BW            - im::bpp1 | im::GrayScale
497                   im::16            - im::bpp4
498                   im::Nibble        - im::bpp4
499                   im::256           - im::bpp8
500                   im::RGB           - im::bpp24
501                   im::Triple        - im::bpp24
502                   im::Byte          - gray 8-bit unsigned integer
503                   im::Short         - gray 16-bit unsigned integer
504                   im::Long          - gray 32-bit unsigned integer
505                   im::Float         - float
506                   im::Double        - double
507                   im::Complex       - dual float
508                   im::DComplex      - dual double
509                   im::TrigComplex   - dual float
510                   im::TrigDComplex  - dual double
512       Extra formats
513                   im::fmtBGR
514                   im::fmtRGBI
515                   im::fmtIRGB
516                   im::fmtBGRI
517                   im::fmtIBGR
519       Masks
520                   im::BPP      - bit depth constants
521                   im::Category - category constants
522                   im::FMT      - extra format constants
524   ict:: - image conversion types
525       See "conversion" in Prima::Image.
527               ict::None            - no dithering, with static palette or palette optimized by source palette
528               ict::Posterization   - no dithering, with optimized palette by source pixels
529               ict::Ordered         - 8x8 ordered halftone dithering
530               ict::ErrorDiffusion  - error diffusion dithering with static palette
531               ict::Optimized       - error diffusion dithering with optimized palette
533       Their values are combinations of "ictp::" and "ictd::" constants, see
534       below.
536   ictd:: - image conversion types, dithering
537       These constants select color correction (dithering) algorithm when
538       downsampling an image
540               ictd::None            - no dithering, pure colors only
541               ictd::Ordered         - 8x8 ordered halftone dithering (checkerboard)
542               ictd::ErrorDiffusion  - error diffusion dithering (2/5 down, 2/5 right, 1/5 down/right)
544   ictp:: - image conversion types, palette optimization
545       These constants select how the target palette is made up when
546       downsampling an image.
548               ictp::Unoptimized  - use whatever color mapping method is fastest,
549                                    image quality can be severely compromized
550               ictp::Cubic        - use static cubic palette; a bit slower,
551                                    guaranteed mediocre quality
552               ictp::Optimized    - collect available colors in the image;
553                                    slowest, gives best results
555       Not all combination of ictp and ictd constants are valid
557   is::  - image statistics indices
558       See "stats" in Prima::Image.
560               is::RangeLo  - minimum pixel value
561               is::RangeHi  - maximum pixel value
562               is::Mean     - mean value
563               is::Variance - variance
564               is::StdDev   - standard deviation
565               is::Sum      - sum of pixel values
566               is::Sum2     - sum of squares of pixel values
568   ist:: - image scaling types
569               ist::None      - image stripped or padded with zeros
570               ist::Box       - image will be scaled using simple box transform
571               ist::BoxX      - columns behave as ist::None, rows as ist::Box
572               ist::BoxY      - rows behave as in ist::None, columns as ist::Box
573               ist::AND       - shrunken pixels AND-end together (black on white)
574               ist::OR        - shrunken pixels OR-end together (white on black)
575               ist::Triangle  - bilinear interpolation
576               ist::Quadratic - 2rd order (quadratic) B-Spline approximation of Gaussian
577               ist::Sinc      - sine function
578               ist::Hermite   - B-Spline interpolation
579               ist::Cubic     - 3rd order (cubic) B-Spline approximation of Gaussian
580               ist::Gaussian  - Gaussian transform with gamma=0.5
582       See "scaling" in Prima::Image.
584   kb::  - keyboard virtual codes
585       See also "KeyDown" in Prima::Widget.
587       Modificator keys
588                   kb::ShiftL   kb::ShiftR   kb::CtrlL      kb::CtrlR
589                   kb::AltL     kb::AltR     kb::MetaL      kb::MetaR
590                   kb::SuperL   kb::SuperR   kb::HyperL     kb::HyperR
591                   kb::CapsLock kb::NumLock  kb::ScrollLock kb::ShiftLock
593       Keys with character code defined
594                   kb::Backspace  kb::Tab    kb::Linefeed   kb::Enter
595                   kb::Return     kb::Escape kb::Esc        kb::Space
597       Function keys
598                   kb::F1 .. kb::F30
599                   kb::L1 .. kb::L10
600                   kb::R1 .. kb::R10
602       Other
603                   kb::Clear    kb::Pause   kb::SysRq  kb::SysReq
604                   kb::Delete   kb::Home    kb::Left   kb::Up
605                   kb::Right    kb::Down    kb::PgUp   kb::Prior
606                   kb::PageUp   kb::PgDn    kb::Next   kb::PageDown
607                   kb::End      kb::Begin   kb::Select kb::Print
608                   kb::PrintScr kb::Execute kb::Insert kb::Undo
609                   kb::Redo     kb::Menu    kb::Find   kb::Cancel
610                   kb::Help     kb::Break   kb::BackTab
612       Masking constants
613                   kb::CharMask - character codes
614                   kb::CodeMask - virtual key codes ( all other kb:: values )
615                   kb::ModMask  - km:: values
617   km::  - keyboard modifiers
618       See also "KeyDown" in Prima::Widget.
620               km::Shift
621               km::Ctrl
622               km::Alt
623               km::KeyPad
624               km::DeadKey
625               km::Unicode
627   mt:: - modality types
628       See "get_modal" in Prima::Window, "get_modal_window" in Prima::Window
630               mt::None
631               mt::Shared
632               mt::Exclusive
634   nt::  - notification types
635       Used in "Prima::Component::notification_types" to describe event flow.
637       See also "Flow" in Prima::Object.
639       Starting point constants
640                   nt::PrivateFirst
641                   nt::CustomFirst
643       Direction constants
644                   nt::FluxReverse
645                   nt::FluxNormal
647       Complexity constants
648                   nt::Single
649                   nt::Multiple
650                   nt::Event
652       Composite constants
653                   nt::Default       ( PrivateFirst | Multiple | FluxReverse)
654                   nt::Property      ( PrivateFirst | Single   | FluxNormal )
655                   nt::Request       ( PrivateFirst | Event    | FluxNormal )
656                   nt::Notification  ( CustomFirst  | Multiple | FluxReverse )
657                   nt::Action        ( CustomFirst  | Single   | FluxReverse )
658                   nt::Command       ( CustomFirst  | Event    | FluxReverse )
660   mb::  - mouse buttons
661       See also "MouseDown" in Prima::Widget.
663               mb::b1 or mb::Left
664               mb::b2 or mb::Middle
665               mb::b3 or mb::Right
666               mb::b4
667               mb::b5
668               mb::b6
669               mb::b7
670               mb::b8
672   mb:: - message box constants
673       Message box and modal result button commands
674           See also "modalResult" in Prima::Window, "modalResult" in
675           Prima::Button.
677                   mb::OK, mb::Ok
678                   mb::Cancel
679                   mb::Yes
680                   mb::No
681                   mb::Abort
682                   mb::Retry
683                   mb::Ignore
684                   mb::Help
686       Message box composite ( multi-button ) constants
687                   mb::OKCancel, mb::OkCancel
688                   mb::YesNo
689                   mb::YesNoCancel
690                   mb::ChangeAll
692       Message box icon and bell constants
693                   mb::Error
694                   mb::Warning
695                   mb::Information
696                   mb::Question
698   ps:: - paint states
699               ps::Disabled    - can neither draw, nor get/set graphical properties on an object
700               ps::Enabled     - can both draw and get/set graphical properties on an object
701               ps::Information - can only get/set graphical properties on an object
703       For brevity, ps::Disabled is equal to 0 so this allows for simple
704       boolean testing whether one can get/set graphical properties on an
705       object.
707       See "get_paint_state" in Drawable.
709   rgn:: - result of Prima::Region.rect_inside
710               rgn::Inside
711               rgn::Outside    - rectangle is fully outside the region
712               rgn::Partially
714   rgnop:: - Prima::Region.combine set operations
715               rgnop::Copy
716               rgnop::Intersect
717               rgnop::Union
718               rgnop::Xor
719               rgnop::Diff
721   rop:: - raster operation codes
722       See "Raster operations" in Prima::Drawable
724               rop::Blackness      #   = 0
725               rop::NotOr          #   = !(src | dest)
726               rop::NotSrcAnd      #  &= !src
727               rop::NotPut         #   = !src
728               rop::NotDestAnd     #   = !dest & src
729               rop::Invert         #   = !dest
730               rop::XorPut         #  ^= src
731               rop::NotAnd         #   = !(src & dest)
732               rop::AndPut         #  &= src
733               rop::NotXor         #   = !(src ^ dest)
734               rop::NotSrcXor      #     alias for rop::NotXor
735               rop::NotDestXor     #     alias for rop::NotXor
736               rop::NoOper         #   = dest
737               rop::NotSrcOr       #  |= !src
738               rop::CopyPut        #   = src
739               rop::NotDestOr      #   = !dest | src
740               rop::OrPut          #  |= src
741               rop::Whiteness      #   = 1
743       12 Porter-Duff operators
745               rop::Clear       # = 0
746               rop::Xor         # = src ( 1 - dstA ) + dst ( 1 - srcA )
747               rop::SrcOver     # = src srcA + dst (1 - srcA)
748               rop::DstOver     # = dst srcA + src (1 - dstA)
749               rop::SrcCopy     # = src
750               rop::DstCopy     # = dst
751               rop::SrcIn       # = src dstA
752               rop::DstIn       # = dst srcA
753               rop::SrcOut      # = src ( 1 - dstA )
754               rop::DstOut      # = dst ( 1 - srcA )
755               rop::SrcAtop     # = src dstA + dst ( 1 - srcA )
756               rop::DstAtop     # = dst srcA + src ( 1 - dstA )
758               rop::Blend       # src + dst (1 - srcA)
759                                # same as rop::SrcOver but assumes premultiplied source
761               rop::PorterDuffMask - masks out all bits but the constants above
763       Photoshop operators
765               rop::Add
766               rop::Multiply
767               rop::Screen
768               rop::Overlay
769               rop::Darken
770               rop::Lighten
771               rop::ColorDodge
772               rop::ColorBurn
773               rop::HardLight
774               rop::SoftLight
775               rop::Difference
776               rop::Exclusion
778       Constant alpha flags
780               rop::SrcAlpha
781               rop::SrcAlphaShift
782               rop::DstAlpha
783               rop::DstAlphaShift
784               rop::ConstantAlpha
786       Others
788               rop::AlphaCopy
789               rop::ConstantColor
791       ROP functions
793       alpha ROP, SRC_ALPHA = undef, DST_ALPHA = undef
794           Combines one of the alpha-supporting ROPs ( Porter-Duff snd
795           Photoshop operators) with source and destination alpha, if defined,
796           and returns new ROP constant. This is useful when blending with
797           constant alpha is required with/over images that don't have their
798           own alpha channel. Or as an additional alpha channel when using
799           icons.
801       blend ALPHA
802           Creates a ROP that would effecively execute alpha blending of the
803           source image over the destination image with ALPHA value.
805   sbmp:: - system bitmaps indices
806       See also Prima::StdBitmap.
808               sbmp::Logo
809               sbmp::CheckBoxChecked
810               sbmp::CheckBoxCheckedPressed
811               sbmp::CheckBoxUnchecked
812               sbmp::CheckBoxUncheckedPressed
813               sbmp::RadioChecked
814               sbmp::RadioCheckedPressed
815               sbmp::RadioUnchecked
816               sbmp::RadioUncheckedPressed
817               sbmp::Warning
818               sbmp::Information
819               sbmp::Question
820               sbmp::OutlineCollapse
821               sbmp::OutlineExpand
822               sbmp::Error
823               sbmp::SysMenu
824               sbmp::SysMenuPressed
825               sbmp::Max
826               sbmp::MaxPressed
827               sbmp::Min
828               sbmp::MinPressed
829               sbmp::Restore
830               sbmp::RestorePressed
831               sbmp::Close
832               sbmp::ClosePressed
833               sbmp::Hide
834               sbmp::HidePressed
835               sbmp::DriveUnknown
836               sbmp::DriveFloppy
837               sbmp::DriveHDD
838               sbmp::DriveNetwork
839               sbmp::DriveCDROM
840               sbmp::DriveMemory
841               sbmp::GlyphOK
842               sbmp::GlyphCancel
843               sbmp::SFolderOpened
844               sbmp::SFolderClosed
845               sbmp::Last
847   scr:: - scroll exposure results
848       "Widget::scroll" returns one of these.
850               scr::Error           - failure
851               scr::NoExpose        - call resulted in no new exposed areas
852               scr::Expose          - call resulted in new exposed areas, expect a repaint
854   sv::  - system value indices
855       See also "get_system_value" in Prima::Application
857               sv::YMenu            - height of menu bar in top-level windows
858               sv::YTitleBar        - height of title bar in top-level windows
859               sv::XIcon            - width and height of main icon dimensions,
860               sv::YIcon              acceptable by the system
861               sv::XSmallIcon       - width and height of alternate icon dimensions,
862               sv::YSmallIcon         acceptable by the system
863               sv::XPointer         - width and height of mouse pointer icon
864               sv::YPointer           acceptable by the system
865               sv::XScrollbar       - width of the default vertical scrollbar
866               sv::YScrollbar       - height of the default horizontal scrollbar
867               sv::XCursor          - width of the system cursor
868               sv::AutoScrollFirst  - the initial and the repetitive
869               sv::AutoScrollNext     scroll timeouts
870               sv::InsertMode       - the system insert mode
871               sv::XbsNone          - widths and heights of the top-level window
872               sv::YbsNone            decorations, correspondingly, with borderStyle
873               sv::XbsSizeable        bs::None, bs::Sizeable, bs::Single, and
874               sv::YbsSizeable        bs::Dialog.
875               sv::XbsSingle
876               sv::YbsSingle
877               sv::XbsDialog
878               sv::YbsDialog
879               sv::MousePresent     - 1 if the mouse is present, 0 otherwise
880               sv::MouseButtons     - number of the mouse buttons
881               sv::WheelPresent     - 1 if the mouse wheel is present, 0 otherwise
882               sv::SubmenuDelay     - timeout ( in ms ) before a sub-menu shows on
883                                       an implicit selection
884               sv::FullDrag         - 1 if the top-level windows are dragged dynamically,
885                                      0 - with marquee mode
886               sv::DblClickDelay    - mouse double-click timeout in milliseconds
887               sv::ShapeExtension   - 1 if Prima::Widget::shape functionality is supported,
888                                      0 otherwise
889               sv::ColorPointer     - 1 if system accepts color pointer icons.
890               sv::CanUTF8_Input    - 1 if system can generate key codes in unicode
891               sv::CanUTF8_Output   - 1 if system can output utf8 text
892               sv::CompositeDisplay - 1 if system uses double-buffering and alpha composition for the desktop,
893                                      0 if it doesn't, -1 if unknown
894               sv::LayeredWidgets   - 1 if system supports layering
895               sv::FixedPointerSize - 0 if system doesn't support arbitrary sized pointers and will resize custom icons to the system size
896               sv::MenuCheckSize    - width and height of default menu check icon
897               sv::FriBidi          - 1 if Prima is compiled with libfribidi and full bidi unicode support is available
898               sv::Antialias        - 1 if system supports antialiasing and alpha layer for primitives
899               sv::LibThai          - 1 if Prima is compiled with libthai
901   ta::  - alignment constants
902       Used in: Prima::InputLine, Prima::ImageViewer, Prima::Label.
904               ta::Left
905               ta::Right
906               ta::Center
908               ta::Top
909               ta::Bottom
910               ta::Middle
912   to::  - text output constants
913       These constants are used in various text and glyph related functions,
914       and form a somewhat vague group of bit values that may or may not be
915       used together depending on the function
917               to::Plain         - default value, 0
918               to::AddOverhangs  - used in C<get_text_width> and C<get_text_shape_width>
919                                   to request text overhangs to be included in the returned
920                                   text width
921               to::Glyphs        - used in C<get_font_abc> and C<get_font_def> to select extension of
922                                   glyph indexes rather than text codepoints
923               to::Unicode       - used in C<get_font_abc> and C<get_font_def> to select extension of
924                                   unicode rather than ascii text codepoints
925               to::RTL           - used in C<get_text_shape_width> to request RTL bidi direction.
926                                   Also used in C<Prima::Drawable::Glyphs::indexes> values to mark
927                                   RTL characters.
929   tw::  - text wrapping constants
930       See "text_wrap" in Prima::Drawable
932               tw::CalcMnemonic          - calculates tilde underline position
933               tw::CollapseTilde         - removes escaping tilde from text
934               tw::CalcTabs              - wraps text with respect to tab expansion
935               tw::ExpandTabs            - expands tab characters
936               tw::BreakSingle           - determines if text is broken to single
937                                           characters when text cannot be fit
938               tw::NewLineBreak          - breaks line on newline characters
939               tw::SpaceBreak            - breaks line on space or tab characters
940               tw::ReturnChunks          - returns wrapped text chunks
941               tw::ReturnLines           - returns positions and lengths of wrapped
942                                           text chunks
943               tw::WordBreak             - defines if text break by width goes by the
944                                           characters or by the words
945               tw::ReturnFirstLineLength - returns length of the first wrapped line
946               tw::Default               - tw::NewLineBreak | tw::CalcTabs | tw::ExpandTabs |
947                                           tw::ReturnLines | tw::WordBreak
949   wc::  - widget classes
950       See "widgetClass" in Prima::Widget
952               wc::Undef
953               wc::Button
954               wc::CheckBox
955               wc::Combo
956               wc::Dialog
957               wc::Edit
958               wc::InputLine
959               wc::Label
960               wc::ListBox
961               wc::Menu
962               wc::Popup
963               wc::Radio
964               wc::ScrollBar
965               wc::Slider
966               wc::Widget, wc::Custom
967               wc::Window
968               wc::Application
970   ws::  - window states
971       See "windowState" in Prima::Window
973               ws::Normal
974               ws::Minimized
975               ws::Maximized
976               ws::Fullscreen


979       Dmitry Karasik, <dmitry@karasik.eu.org>.


982       Prima, Prima::Classes
986perl v5.36.0                      2023-03-20                   Prima::Const(3)