1SSL_NEW(3)                          OpenSSL                         SSL_NEW(3)


6       SSL_dup, SSL_new, SSL_up_ref - create an SSL structure for a connection


9        #include <openssl/ssl.h>
11        SSL *SSL_dup(SSL *s);
12        SSL *SSL_new(SSL_CTX *ctx);
13        int SSL_up_ref(SSL *s);


16       SSL_new() creates a new SSL structure which is needed to hold the data
17       for a TLS/SSL connection. The new structure inherits the settings of
18       the underlying context ctx: connection method, options, verification
19       settings, timeout settings. An SSL structure is reference counted.
20       Creating an SSL structure for the first time increments the reference
21       count. Freeing it (using SSL_free) decrements it. When the reference
22       count drops to zero, any memory or resources allocated to the SSL
23       structure are freed.
25       SSL_up_ref() increments the reference count for an existing SSL
26       structure.
28       The function SSL_dup() creates and returns a new SSL structure from the
29       same SSL_CTX that was used to create s. It additionally duplicates a
30       subset of the settings in s into the new SSL object.
32       For SSL_dup() to work, the connection MUST be in its initial state and
33       MUST NOT have yet started the SSL handshake.  For connections that are
34       not in their initial state SSL_dup() just increments an internal
35       reference count and returns the same handle.  It may be possible to use
36       SSL_clear(3) to recycle an SSL handle that is not in its initial state
37       for re-use, but this is best avoided.  Instead, save and restore the
38       session, if desired, and construct a fresh handle for each connection.
40       The subset of settings in s that are duplicated are:
42       any session data if configured (including the session_id_context)
43       any tmp_dh settings set via SSL_set_tmp_dh(3),
44       SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback(3), or SSL_set_dh_auto(3)
45       any configured certificates, private keys or certificate chains
46       any configured signature algorithms, or client signature algorithms
47       any DANE settings
48       any Options set via SSL_set_options(3)
49       any Mode set via SSL_set_mode(3)
50       any minimum or maximum protocol settings set via
51       SSL_set_min_proto_version(3) or SSL_set_max_proto_version(3) (Note:
52       Only from OpenSSL 1.1.1h and above)
53       any Verify mode, callback or depth set via SSL_set_verify(3) or
54       SSL_set_verify_depth(3) or any configured X509 verification parameters
55       any msg callback or info callback set via SSL_set_msg_callback(3) or
56       SSL_set_info_callback(3)
57       any default password callback set via SSL_set_default_passwd_cb(3)
58       any session id generation callback set via
59       SSL_set_generate_session_id(3)
60       any configured Cipher List
61       initial accept (server) or connect (client) state
62       the max cert list value set via SSL_set_max_cert_list(3)
63       the read_ahead value set via SSL_set_read_ahead(3)
64       application specific data set via SSL_set_ex_data(3)
65       any CA list or client CA list set via SSL_set0_CA_list(3),
66       SSL_set0_client_CA_list() or similar functions
67       any security level settings or callbacks
68       any configured serverinfo data
69       any configured PSK identity hint
70       any configured custom extensions
71       any client certificate types configured via
72       SSL_set1_client_certificate_types


75       The following return values can occur:
77       NULL
78           The creation of a new SSL structure failed. Check the error stack
79           to find out the reason.
81       Pointer to an SSL structure
82           The return value points to an allocated SSL structure.
84           SSL_up_ref() returns 1 for success and 0 for failure.


87       SSL_free(3), SSL_clear(3), SSL_CTX_set_options(3), SSL_get_SSL_CTX(3),
88       ssl(7)
91       Copyright 2000-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
93       Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License").  You may not use
94       this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
95       in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
96       <https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
1001.1.1q                            2023-02-06                        SSL_NEW(3)