1RUST2RPM.CONF(5)                   rust2rpm                   RUST2RPM.CONF(5)


6       rust2rpm.conf - package-specific configuration file for *rust2rpm*
7       (deprecated)


10       Some aspects of rust2rpm(1) can be configured by setting
11       package-specific preferences in a rust2rpm.conf file. If a file with
12       this name is present in the current working directory when running
13       rust2rpm, it is loaded automatically.
15       This configuration file format is deprecated and has been superseded by
16       rust2rpm.toml(5), which supports a superset of the settings that are
17       available in rust2rpm.conf.
19       The file format for rust2rpm.conf is based on the INI format as
20       implemented in the configparser module from the Python standard
21       library. Notably, settings in the [DEFAULT] section can be overridden
22       by target-specific settings (i.e. with settings under a [fedora],
23       [mageia], or [plain] section). This rarely used support for layered
24       settings has not been implemented in rust2rpm.toml(5).


27       summary
28           This setting is used to override the value of the RPM "Summary" tag
29           and can be used if the summary generated from crate metadata based
30           on heuristics is not good enough.
32       supported-arches
33           This setting can be used to specify that the crate only has support
34           for limited architectures (i.e. not all CPU architectures that are
35           supported by the distribution). This setting accepts a
36           line-separated / indented list of target architectures. If this
37           setting is present, the "cargo build" and "cargo test" steps in the
38           generated spec file are wrapped with "%ifarch" conditionals.
40       all-features
41           When enabled, this setting causes the "-a" / "--all-features" flag
42           to be passed to all cargo calls. This can be used for crates where
43           running tests requires optional features to be enabled, or for
44           applications where enabling all features is desirable. This setting
45           accepts a "bool-like" value. Setting all-features to true-ish
46           requires the enabled-features setting to be unspecified or to be
47           empty.
49       enabled-features
50           This setting provides more fine-grained control for passing feature
51           flags to cargo calls. It accepts a line-separated / indented list
52           of names of enabled features. Setting enabled-features to a
53           non-empty list requires the all-features setting to be unspecified
54           or to be false-ish.
56       unwanted-features
57           This setting can be used to prevent subpackages for crate features
58           and implicit features for optional dependencies from being
59           generated in the spec file. For example, this can be useful for
60           crates that have unused non-default features which pull in
61           additional dependencies. It accepts a line-separated / indented
62           list of names of "unwanted" crate features.
63           NOTE: Care needs to be taken to only "hide" features / optional
64           dependencies that are not dependencies of other "non-hidden"
65           features, otherwise the subpackages for the dependent features will
66           have unsatisfiable dependencies. All features that are marked as
67           "unwanted" by this setting must be "unreachable" via feature
68           dependencies from any feature subpackages that are still present in
69           the generated spec file. In some circumstances, the only way to
70           cleanly handle removal of unused non-default features is to patch
71           Cargo.toml instead.
73       buildrequires
74           Additional BuildRequires for the package can be specified with this
75           setting. It accepts a line-separated / indented list of
76           BuildRequires in the syntax supported by RPM. The BuildRequires
77           included in this setting are either added in the
78           %generare_buildrequires scriptlet for targets where this is
79           enabled, or as plain BuildRequires for targets without dynamically
80           generated BuildRequires.
82       testrequires
83           This setting allows specifying additional BuildRequires that are
84           only needed when running a project’s test suite (i.e. "cargo
85           test"). It works the same as the setting for additional
86           BuildRequires, except that all entries are wrapped in an "%if
87           %{with check}" conditional.
89       lib.requires
90           With this setting, additional dependencies (Requires) for the main
91           "-devel" subpackage of a "library crate" can be specified. For
92           example, many "-sys" bindings require the development headers for
93           the wrapped C library to be present during both build time of the
94           package for the crate itself and when building a package that
95           depends on this crate. In these cases, the same dependency often
96           needs to be added as both buildrequires and lib.requires. This
97           setting accepts a list of line-separated / indented RPM
98           dependencies.
100       lib+foo.requires
101           This setting works just like lib.requires, except for adding
102           additional dependencies to subpackages for crate features. It can
103           be specified multiple times, and dependencies listed for "foo" are
104           added to the "-devel" subpackage for feature "foo" instead. Only
105           valid feature names are accepted, specifying a non-existent feature
106           will cause a validation failure.
108       bin.requires
109           For crates that include application binaries / executables, this
110           setting can be used to add additional dependencies for the
111           subpackage that contains these executables. The accepted values are
112           line-separated / indented strings that are valid RPM dependencies.


115       The rust2rpm.toml(5) configuration file format supports a superset of
116       the settings available in rust2rpm.conf, except that "layered"
117       configuration is not supported.
119summary: moved to the "summary" setting in the [package] table,
120           accepts a TOML string
122supported-arches: moved to the "supported-arches" setting in the
123           [package] table, accepts a TOML array of strings
125all-features: moved to the "enable-all" setting in the [features]
126           table, accepts a TOML boolean
128enabled-features: moved to the "enable" setting in the [features]
129           table, accepts a TOML array of strings
131unwanted-features: moved to the "hide" setting in the [features]
132           table, accepts a TOML array of strings
134buildrequires: moved to the "build" setting in the [requires]
135           table, accepts a TOML array of strings
137testrequires: moved to the "test" setting in the [requires] table,
138           accepts a TOML array of strings
140lib.requires: moved to the "lib" setting in the [requires] table,
141           accepts a TOML array of strings
143bin.requires: moved to the "bin" setting in the [requires] table,
144           accepts a TOML array of strings
146lib+foo.requires: moved to the "features" table in the [requires]
147           table, accepts a table with keys that must match feature names, and
148           TOML arrays of strings as values


151   Bindings for system libraries
152       One typical use case for a rust2rpm.conf file are in packages for
153       crates that contain bindings for system libraries, especially if crate
154       features are used to control which APIs of the library are made
155       available.
157       Example file from the package for "gtk4-sys" version 0.7.3 on Fedora
158       38, where version 4.10 of gtk4 is available:
160           [DEFAULT]
161           unwanted-features =
162             v4_12
163             v4_14
164           buildrequires =
165             pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.0.0
166           lib.requires =
167             pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.0.0
168           lib+v4_2.requires =
169             pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.2
170           lib+v4_4.requires =
171             pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.4
172           lib+v4_6.requires =
173             pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.6
174           lib+v4_8.requires =
175             pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.7
176           lib+v4_10.requires =
177             pkgconfig(gtk4) >= 4.10
179   External dependencies of the Rust standard library
180       The Rust standard library depends on some crates that are also
181       published separately, and a "hack" is used when building these crates
182       as part of "std". The crate features and optional dependencies that are
183       used for this purpose are useless in other situations.
185       Example file from the package for "libc" version 0.2.148:
187           [DEFAULT]
188           unwanted-features =
189             rustc-dep-of-std
190             rustc-std-workspace-core
191           buildrequires =
192             glibc-devel
193           lib.requires =
194             glibc-devel


197       https://pagure.io/fedora-rust/rust2rpm


200       rust2rpm(1), rust2rpm.toml(5)
204rust2rpm                          2023-12-08                  RUST2RPM.CONF(5)