1OGRINFO(1)                           GDAL                           OGRINFO(1)


6       ogrinfo - Lists information about an OGR-supported data source.


9          ogrinfo [--help-general] [-json] [-ro] [-q] [-where restricted_where|@filename]
10                  [-spat xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-geomfield field] [-fid fid]
11                  [-sql statement|@filename] [-dialect dialect] [-al] [-rl]
12                  [-so|-features] [-fields={YES/NO}]
13                  [-geom={YES/NO/SUMMARY/WKT/ISO_WKT}] [--formats] [[-oo NAME=VALUE] ...]
14                  [-nomd] [-listmdd] [-mdd domain|`all`]*
15                  [-nocount] [-noextent] [-nogeomtype] [-wkt_format WKT1|WKT2|...]
16                  [-fielddomain name]
17                  <datasource_name> [<layer> [<layer> ...]]


20       The  ogrinfo  program  lists various information about an OGR-supported
21       data source to stdout (the terminal). By executing SQL statements it is
22       also possible to edit data.
24       -json  Display   the   output   in   json  format,  conforming  to  the
25              ogrinfo.schema.json schema.
27              New in version 3.7.
30       -ro    Open the data source in read-only mode.
32       -al    List all layers (used instead of having to give layer  names  as
33              arguments).  In the default text output, this also enables list‐
34              ing all features, which can be disabled with -so.  In JSON  out‐
35              put, -al is implicit, but listing of features must be explicitly
36              enabled with -features.
38       -rl    Enable random layer reading mode, i.e. iterate over features  in
39              the  order  they  are  found  in  the dataset, and not layer per
40              layer. This can be significantly faster for  some  formats  (for
41              example OSM, GMLAS).
43              New in version 2.2.
46       -so    Summary  Only:  suppress listing of individual features and show
47              only summary information like projection, schema, feature  count
48              and extents.
50       -features
51              Enable listing of features. This has the opposite effect of -so.
53              This  option  should  be  used with caution if using the library
54              function GDALVectorInfo() and/or -json, as the whole  output  of
55              ogrinfo  will  be  built in memory. Consequently, when used on a
56              large collection of features, RAM may be exhausted.
58              New in version 3.7.
61       -q     Quiet verbose reporting of various information, including  coor‐
62              dinate system, layer schema, extents, and feature count.
64       -where <restricted_where>
65              An  attribute  query in a restricted form of the queries used in
66              the SQL WHERE statement. Only features  matching  the  attribute
67              query  will  be  reported. Starting with GDAL 2.1, the \filename
68              syntax can be used to  indicate  that  the  content  is  in  the
69              pointed filename.
71       -sql <statement>
72              Execute  the  indicated  SQL  statement  and  return the result.
73              Starting with GDAL 2.1, the @filename syntax can be used to  in‐
74              dicate  that  the  content  is in the pointed filename. Data can
75              also be edited with SQL INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP TABLE,  AL‐
76              TER  TABLE  etc. Editing capabilities depend on the selected di‐
77              alect.
79       -dialect <dialect>
80              SQL dialect. In some cases can be used to use (unoptimized)  OGR
81              SQL dialect instead of the native SQL of an RDBMS by passing the
82              OGRSQL dialect value.  The SQL SQLite dialect  can  be  selected
83              with the SQLITE and INDIRECT_SQLITE dialect values, and this can
84              be used with any datasource.
86       -spat <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax>
87              The area of interest. Only features within the rectangle will be
88              reported.
90       -geomfield <field>
91              Name of the geometry field on which the spatial filter operates.
93       -fid <fid>
94              If  provided,  only the feature with this feature id will be re‐
95              ported.  Operates exclusive of the spatial or attribute queries.
96              Note: if you want to select several features based on their fea‐
97              ture id, you can also use the fact the 'fid' is a special  field
98              recognized  by OGR SQL. So, -where "fid in (1,3,5)" would select
99              features 1, 3 and 5.
101       -fields YES|NO:
102              If set to NO, the feature dump will not  display  field  values.
103              Default value is YES.
105       -fielddomain <domain_name>
106              New in version 3.3.
109              Display details about a field domain.
111       -geom YES|NO|SUMMARY|WKT|ISO_WKT
112              If set to NO, the feature dump will not display the geometry. If
113              set to SUMMARY, only a summary of  the  geometry  will  be  dis‐
114              played.  If set to YES or ISO_WKT, the geometry will be reported
115              in full OGC WKT format.  If set to WKT the geometry will be  re‐
116              ported in legacy WKT. Default value is YES. (WKT and ISO_WKT are
117              available starting with GDAL 2.1, which also changes the default
118              to ISO_WKT)
120       -oo NAME=VALUE
121              Dataset open option (format-specific)
123       -nomd  Suppress  metadata  printing. Some datasets may contain a lot of
124              metadata strings.
126       -listmdd
127              List all metadata domains available for the dataset.
129       -mdd <domain>
130              Report metadata for the specified domain. all can be used to re‐
131              port metadata in all domains.
133       -nocount
134              Suppress feature count printing.
136       -noextent
137              Suppress spatial extent printing.
139       -nogeomtype
140              Suppress layer geometry type printing.
142              New in version 3.1.
145       --formats
146              List the format drivers that are enabled.
148       -wkt_format <format>
149              The  WKT  format  used  to display the SRS.  Currently supported
150              values for the format are:
152              WKT1
154              WKT2 (latest WKT version, currently WKT2_2018)
156              WKT2_2015
158              WKT2_2018
160              New in version 3.0.0.
163       <datasource_name>
164              The data source to open. May be a filename, directory  or  other
165              virtual  name.  See  the  OGR  Vector Formats list for supported
166              datasources.
168       <layer>
169              One or more layer names may be reported.  If no layer names  are
170              passed  then ogrinfo will report a list of available layers (and
171              their layer wide geometry type). If layer name(s) are given then
172              their  extents, coordinate system, feature count, geometry type,
173              schema and all features matching query parameters  will  be  re‐
174              ported to the terminal. If no query parameters are provided, all
175              features are reported.
177       Geometries are reported in OGC WKT format.


180       This utility is also callable from C with GDALVectorInfo().
182       New in version 3.7.


186       Example of reporting the names of the layers in a NTF file:
188          ogrinfo wrk/SHETLAND_ISLANDS.NTF
190          # INFO: Open of `wrk/SHETLAND_ISLANDS.NTF'
191          # using driver `UK .NTF' successful.
192          # 1: BL2000_LINK (Line String)
193          # 2: BL2000_POLY (None)
194          # 3: BL2000_COLLECTIONS (None)
195          # 4: FEATURE_CLASSES (None)
197       Example of retrieving a summary (-so) of a layer  without  showing  de‐
198       tails about every single feature:
200          ogrinfo \
201            -so \
202            natural_earth_vector.gpkg \
203            ne_10m_admin_0_antarctic_claim_limit_lines
205            # INFO: Open of `natural_earth_vector.gpkg'
206            #      using driver `GPKG' successful.
208            # Layer name: ne_10m_admin_0_antarctic_claim_limit_lines
209            # Geometry: Line String
210            # Feature Count: 23
211            # Extent: (-150.000000, -90.000000) - (160.100000, -60.000000)
212            # Layer SRS WKT:
213            # GEOGCS["WGS 84",
214            #     DATUM["WGS_1984",
215            #         SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
216            #             AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
217            #         AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
218            #     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
219            #         AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
220            #     UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
221            #         AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],
222            #     AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
223            # FID Column = fid
224            # Geometry Column = geom
225            # type: String (15.0)
226            # scalerank: Integer (0.0)
227            # featurecla: String (50.0)
229       Example  of  retrieving  information  on  a file in JSON format without
230       showing details about every single feature:
232          ogrinfo -json poly.shp
234          {
235            "description":"autotest/ogr/data/poly.shp",
236            "driverShortName":"ESRI Shapefile",
237            "driverLongName":"ESRI Shapefile",
238            "layers":[
239              {
240                "name":"poly",
241                "metadata":{
242                  "":{
243                    "DBF_DATE_LAST_UPDATE":"2018-08-02"
244                  },
245                  "SHAPEFILE":{
246                    "SOURCE_ENCODING":""
247                  }
248                },
249                "geometryFields":[
250                  {
251                    "name":"",
252                    "type":"Polygon",
253                    "nullable":true,
254                    "extent":[
255                      478315.53125,
256                      4762880.5,
257                      481645.3125,
258                      4765610.5
259                    ],
260                    "coordinateSystem":{
261                      "wkt":"PROJCRS[\"OSGB36 / British National Grid\",BASEGEOGCRS[\"OSGB36\",DATUM[\"Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 1936\",ELLIPSOID[\"Airy 1830\",6377563.396,299.3249646,LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],ID[\"EPSG\",4277]],CONVERSION[\"British National Grid\",METHOD[\"Transverse Mercator\",ID[\"EPSG\",9807]],PARAMETER[\"Latitude of natural origin\",49,ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],ID[\"EPSG\",8801]],PARAMETER[\"Longitude of natural origin\",-2,ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],ID[\"EPSG\",8802]],PARAMETER[\"Scale factor at natural origin\",0.9996012717,SCALEUNIT[\"unity\",1],ID[\"EPSG\",8805]],PARAMETER[\"False easting\",400000,LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],ID[\"EPSG\",8806]],PARAMETER[\"False northing\",-100000,LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],ID[\"EPSG\",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS[\"(E)\",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],AXIS[\"(N)\",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],USAGE[SCOPE[\"Engineering survey, topographic mapping.\"],AREA[\"United Kingdom (UK) - offshore to boundary of UKCS within 49°45'N to 61°N and 9°W to 2°E; onshore Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). Isle of Man onshore.\"],BBOX[49.75,-9,61.01,2.01]],ID[\"EPSG\",27700]]",
262                      "projjson":{
263                        "$schema":"https://proj.org/schemas/v0.6/projjson.schema.json",
264                        "type":"ProjectedCRS",
265                        "name":"OSGB36 / British National Grid",
266                        "base_crs":{
267                          "name":"OSGB36",
268                          "datum":{
269                            "type":"GeodeticReferenceFrame",
270                            "name":"Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 1936",
271                            "ellipsoid":{
272                              "name":"Airy 1830",
273                              "semi_major_axis":6377563.396,
274                              "inverse_flattening":299.3249646
275                            }
276                          },
277                          "coordinate_system":{
278                            "subtype":"ellipsoidal",
279                            "axis":[
280                              {
281                                "name":"Geodetic latitude",
282                                "abbreviation":"Lat",
283                                "direction":"north",
284                                "unit":"degree"
285                              },
286                              {
287                                "name":"Geodetic longitude",
288                                "abbreviation":"Lon",
289                                "direction":"east",
290                                "unit":"degree"
291                              }
292                            ]
293                          },
294                          "id":{
295                            "authority":"EPSG",
296                            "code":4277
297                          }
298                        },
299                        "conversion":{
300                          "name":"British National Grid",
301                          "method":{
302                            "name":"Transverse Mercator",
303                            "id":{
304                              "authority":"EPSG",
305                              "code":9807
306                            }
307                          },
308                          "parameters":[
309                            {
310                              "name":"Latitude of natural origin",
311                              "value":49,
312                              "unit":"degree",
313                              "id":{
314                                "authority":"EPSG",
315                                "code":8801
316                              }
317                            },
318                            {
319                              "name":"Longitude of natural origin",
320                              "value":-2,
321                              "unit":"degree",
322                              "id":{
323                                "authority":"EPSG",
324                                "code":8802
325                              }
326                            },
327                            {
328                              "name":"Scale factor at natural origin",
329                              "value":0.9996012717,
330                              "unit":"unity",
331                              "id":{
332                                "authority":"EPSG",
333                                "code":8805
334                              }
335                            },
336                            {
337                              "name":"False easting",
338                              "value":400000,
339                              "unit":"metre",
340                              "id":{
341                                "authority":"EPSG",
342                                "code":8806
343                              }
344                            },
345                            {
346                              "name":"False northing",
347                              "value":-100000,
348                              "unit":"metre",
349                              "id":{
350                                "authority":"EPSG",
351                                "code":8807
352                              }
353                            }
354                          ]
355                        },
356                        "coordinate_system":{
357                          "subtype":"Cartesian",
358                          "axis":[
359                            {
360                              "name":"Easting",
361                              "abbreviation":"E",
362                              "direction":"east",
363                              "unit":"metre"
364                            },
365                            {
366                              "name":"Northing",
367                              "abbreviation":"N",
368                              "direction":"north",
369                              "unit":"metre"
370                            }
371                          ]
372                        },
373                        "scope":"Engineering survey, topographic mapping.",
374                        "area":"United Kingdom (UK) - offshore to boundary of UKCS within 49°45'N to 61°N and 9°W to 2°E; onshore Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). Isle of Man onshore.",
375                        "bbox":{
376                          "south_latitude":49.75,
377                          "west_longitude":-9,
378                          "north_latitude":61.01,
379                          "east_longitude":2.01
380                        },
381                        "id":{
382                          "authority":"EPSG",
383                          "code":27700
384                        }
385                      },
386                      "dataAxisToSRSAxisMapping":[
387                        1,
388                        2
389                      ]
390                    }
391                  }
392                ],
393                "featureCount":10,
394                "fields":[
395                  {
396                    "name":"AREA",
397                    "type":"Real",
398                    "width":12,
399                    "precision":3,
400                    "nullable":true,
401                    "uniqueConstraint":false
402                  },
403                  {
404                    "name":"EAS_ID",
405                    "type":"Integer64",
406                    "width":11,
407                    "nullable":true,
408                    "uniqueConstraint":false
409                  },
410                  {
411                    "name":"PRFEDEA",
412                    "type":"String",
413                    "width":16,
414                    "nullable":true,
415                    "uniqueConstraint":false
416                  }
417                ]
418              }
419            ],
420            "metadata":{
421            },
422            "domains":{
423            },
424            "relationships":{
425            }
426          }
428       Example of using an attribute query to restrict the output of the  fea‐
429       tures in a layer:
431          ogrinfo -ro \
432              -where 'GLOBAL_LINK_ID=185878' \
433              wrk/SHETLAND_ISLANDS.NTF BL2000_LINK
435          # INFO: Open of `wrk/SHETLAND_ISLANDS.NTF'
436          # using driver `UK .NTF' successful.
437          #
438          # Layer name: BL2000_LINK
439          # Geometry: Line String
440          # Feature Count: 1
441          # Extent: (419794.100000, 1069031.000000) - (419927.900000, 1069153.500000)
442          # Layer SRS WKT:
443          # PROJCS["OSGB 1936 / British National Grid",
444          # GEOGCS["OSGB 1936",
445          # DATUM["OSGB_1936",
446          # SPHEROID["Airy 1830",6377563.396,299.3249646]],
447          # PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
448          # UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
449          # PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
450          # PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",49],
451          # PARAMETER["central_meridian",-2],
452          # PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.999601272],
453          # PARAMETER["false_easting",400000],
454          # PARAMETER["false_northing",-100000],
455          # UNIT["metre",1]]
456          # LINE_ID: Integer (6.0)
457          # GEOM_ID: Integer (6.0)
458          # FEAT_CODE: String (4.0)
459          # GLOBAL_LINK_ID: Integer (10.0)
460          # TILE_REF: String (10.0)
461          # OGRFeature(BL2000_LINK):2
462          # LINE_ID (Integer) = 2
463          # GEOM_ID (Integer) = 2
464          # FEAT_CODE (String) = (null)
465          # GLOBAL_LINK_ID (Integer) = 185878
466          # TILE_REF (String) = SHETLAND I
467          # LINESTRING (419832.100 1069046.300,419820.100 1069043.800,419808.300
468          # 1069048.800,419805.100 1069046.000,419805.000 1069040.600,419809.400
469          # 1069037.400,419827.400 1069035.600,419842 1069031,419859.000
470          # 1069032.800,419879.500 1069049.500,419886.700 1069061.400,419890.100
471          # 1069070.500,419890.900 1069081.800,419896.500 1069086.800,419898.400
472          # 1069092.900,419896.700 1069094.800,419892.500 1069094.300,419878.100
473          # 1069085.600,419875.400 1069087.300,419875.100 1069091.100,419872.200
474          # 1069094.600,419890.400 1069106.400,419907.600 1069112.800,419924.600
475          # 1069133.800,419927.900 1069146.300,419927.600 1069152.400,419922.600
476          # 1069153.500,419917.100 1069153.500,419911.500 1069153.000,419908.700
477          # 1069152.500,419903.400 1069150.800,419898.800 1069149.400,419894.800
478          # 1069149.300,419890.700 1069149.400,419890.600 1069149.400,419880.800
479          # 1069149.800,419876.900 1069148.900,419873.100 1069147.500,419870.200
480          # 1069146.400,419862.100 1069143.000,419860 1069142,419854.900
481          # 1069138.600,419850 1069135,419848.800 1069134.100,419843
482          # 1069130,419836.200 1069127.600,419824.600 1069123.800,419820.200
483          # 1069126.900,419815.500 1069126.900,419808.200 1069116.500,419798.700
484          # 1069117.600,419794.100 1069115.100,419796.300 1069109.100,419801.800
485          # 1069106.800,419805.000  1069107.300)
487       Example  of updating a value of an attribute in a shapefile with SQL by
488       using the SQLite dialect:
490          ogrinfo test.shp -dialect sqlite -sql "update test set attr='bar' where attr='foo'"


493       Frank  Warmerdam  <warmerdam@pobox.com>,  Silke  Reimer  <silke@inteva‐
494       tion.de>
497       1998-2023
502                                 Oct 30, 2023                       OGRINFO(1)