1imageryintro(1)             GRASS GIS User's Manual            imageryintro(1)

Image processing in GRASS GIS

6   Image processing in general
7       Digital numbers and physical values (reflection/radiance-at-sensor):
9       Satellite  imagery is commonly stored in Digital Numbers (DN) for mini‐
10       mizing the storage volume, i.e. the originally sampled analog  physical
11       value  (color, temperature, etc) is stored a discrete representation in
12       8-16 bits. For example, Landsat data are stored in 8bit  values  (i.e.,
13       ranging  from 0 to 255); other satellite data may be stored in 10 or 16
14       bits. Having data stored in DN, it implies that these data are not  yet
15       the  observed  ground reality. Such data are called "at-satellite", for
16       example the amount of energy sensed by  the  sensor  of  the  satellite
17       platform  is  encoded  in  8  or more bits. This energy is called radi‐
18       ance-at-sensor. To obtain physical values  from  DNs,  satellite  image
19       providers use a linear transform equation (y = a * x + b) to encode the
20       radiance-at-sensor in 8 to 16 bits. DNs can be turned back into  physi‐
21       cal values by applying the reverse formula (x = (y - b) / a).
23       The GRASS GIS module i.landsat.toar easily transforms Landsat DN to ra‐
24       diance-at-sensor (top of atmosphere, TOA). The  equivalent  module  for
25       ASTER data is i.aster.toar.  For other satellites, r.mapcalc can be em‐
26       ployed.
28       Reflection/radiance-at-sensor and surface reflectance
30       When radiance-at-sensor has been obtained, still the atmosphere  influ‐
31       ences  the  signal as recorded at the sensor. This atmospheric interac‐
32       tion with the sun energy reflected back into  space  by  ground/vegeta‐
33       tion/soil needs to be corrected. The need of removing atmospheric arti‐
34       facts stems from the fact that the atmosphericic conditions are  chang‐
35       ing  over  time. Hence, to gain comparability between Earth surface im‐
36       ages taken at different times, atmospheric need to be removed  convert‐
37       ing at-sensor values which are top of atmosphere to surface reflectance
38       values.
40       In GRASS GIS, there are two ways to apply  atmospheric  correction  for
41       satellite  imagery.  A  simple,  less  accurate way for Landsat is with
42       i.landsat.toar, using the DOS correction method. The more accurate  way
43       is  using  i.atcorr  (which supports many satellite sensors). The atmo‐
44       spherically corrected sensor data represent surface reflectance,  which
45       ranges theoretically from 0% to 100%. Note that this level of data cor‐
46       rection is the proper level of correction to calculate  vegetation  in‐
47       dices.
49       In GRASS GIS, image data are identical to raster data.  However, a cou‐
50       ple of commands are explicitly dedicated to image processing. The  geo‐
51       graphic  boundaries  of  the  raster/imagery  file are described by the
52       north, south, east, and west fields. These values  describe  the  lines
53       which  bound  the map at its edges. These lines do NOT pass through the
54       center of the grid cells at the edge of the map, but along the edge  of
55       the map itself.
57       As a general rule in GRASS:
59       1      Raster/imagery  output  maps  have  their  bounds and resolution
60              equal to those of the current region.
62       2      Raster/imagery input maps are automatically  cropped/padded  and
63              rescaled  (using  nearest-neighbor resampling) to match the cur‐
64              rent region.
66   Imagery import
67       The module r.in.gdal offers  a  common  interface  for  many  different
68       raster  and  satellite  image formats. Additionally, it also offers op‐
69       tions such as on-the-fly location creation or extension of the  default
70       region  to  match  the  extent of the imported raster map.  For special
71       cases, other import modules are available. Always the full map  is  im‐
72       ported. Imagery data can be group (e.g. channel-wise) with i.group.
74       For  importing  scanned  maps, the user will need to create a x,y-loca‐
75       tion, scan the map in the desired resolution and save it into an appro‐
76       priate raster format (e.g. tiff, jpeg, png, pbm) and then use r.in.gdal
77       to import it. Based on reference points the scanned map can  be  recti‐
78       fied to obtain geocoded data.
80   Semantic label information
81       Semantic  labels are a description which can be stored as metadata.  To
82       print available semantic labels relevant  for  multispectral  satellite
83       data,  use  i.band.library.  r.semantic.label allows assigning of these
84       satellite imagery band references as defined in i.band.library.  Seman‐
85       tic  labels  are also used in signature files of imagery classification
86       tools. Therefore, signature files of one imagery or raster group can be
87       used to classify a different group with identical semantic labels.
88         New enhanced classification workflow involving semantic labels.  With
89       r.support any sort of semantic label  the  user  wishes  may  be  added
90       (i.e.,  not  only  those registered in i.band.library). Semantic labels
91       are supported also by the temporal GRASS modules.
93   Image processing operations
94       GRASS raster/imagery map processing is always performed in the  current
95       region settings (see g.region), i.e. the current region extent and cur‐
96       rent raster resolution is used. If the resolution differs from that  of
97       the  input  raster  map(s), on-the-fly resampling is performed (nearest
98       neighbor resampling). If this is not desired, the input map(s) has/have
99       to be resampled beforehand with one of the dedicated modules.
101   Geocoding of imagery data
102       GRASS is able to geocode raster and image data of various types:
104           •   unreferenced  scanned  maps  by  defining  four  corner  points
105               (i.group, i.target, g.gui.gcp, i.rectify)
107           •   unreferenced satellite data from optical and Radar  sensors  by
108               defining  a  certain  number of ground control points (i.group,
109               i.target, g.gui.gcp, i.rectify)
111           •   interactive graphical Ground Control Point (GCP) manager
113           •   orthophoto generation based on DEM: i.ortho.photo
115           •   digital handheld camera geocoding: modified procedure for i.or‐
116               tho.photo
118   Visualizing (true) color composites
119       To quickly combine the first three channels to a near natural color im‐
120       age, the GRASS command d.rgb can be used or the graphical  GIS  manager
121       (wxGUI).  It  assigns each channel to a color which is then mixed while
122       displayed. With a bit more work of tuning the grey scales of the  chan‐
123       nels,  nearly perfect colors can be achieved. Channel histograms can be
124       shown with d.histogram.
126   Calculation of vegetation indices
127       An example for indices derived from  multispectral  data  is  the  NDVI
128       (normalized  difference vegetation index). To study the vegetation sta‐
129       tus with NDVI, the Red and the Near Infrared channels (NIR)  are  taken
130       as  used as input for simple map algebra in the GRASS command r.mapcalc
131       (ndvi = 1.0 * (nir - red)/(nir +  red)).  With  r.colors  an  optimized
132       "ndvi" color table can be assigned afterward. Also other vegetation in‐
133       dices can be generated likewise.
135   Calibration of thermal channel
136       The encoded digital numbers of a thermal infrared channel can be trans‐
137       formed  to  degree Celsius (or other temperature units) which represent
138       the temperature of the observed land surface. This requires a few alge‐
139       braic  steps with r.mapcalc which are outlined in the literature to ap‐
140       ply gain and bias values from the image metadata.
142   Image classification
143       Single and multispectral data can be classified to  user  defined  land
144       use/land  cover classes. In case of a single channel, segmentation will
145       be used.  GRASS supports the following methods:
147           •   Radiometric classification:
149               •   Unsupervised classification (i.cluster, i.maxlik) using the
150                   Maximum Likelihood classification method
152               •   Supervised classification (i.gensig or g.gui.iclass, i.max‐
153                   lik) using the Maximum Likelihood classification method
155           •   Combined radiometric/geometric (segmentation based) classifica‐
156               tion:
158               •   Supervised classification (i.gensigset, i.smap)
160           •   Object-oriented classification:
162               •   Unsupervised classification (segmentation based: i.segment)
163       Kappa  statistic  can  be calculated to validate the results (r.kappa).
164       Covariance/correlation matrices can be calculated with r.covar.
166       Note - signatures generated for one scene are suitable for  classifica‐
167       tion  of other scenes as long as they consist of same raster bands (se‐
168       mantic labels match). This comes handy when classifying multiple scenes
169       from a single sensor taken in different areas or different times.
171   Image fusion
172       In case of using multispectral data, improvements of the resolution can
173       be gained by merging the  panchromatic  channel  with  color  channels.
174       GRASS  provides  the  HIS (i.rgb.his, i.his.rgb) and the Brovey and PCA
175       transform (i.pansharpen) methods.
177   Radiometric corrections
178       Atmospheric effects can be removed with i.atcorr.  Correction for topo‐
179       graphic/terrain  effects  is offered in i.topo.corr.  Clouds in LANDSAT
180       data can be identified and  removed  with  i.landsat.acca.   Calibrated
181       digital  numbers  of  LANDSAT  and  ASTER  imagery  may be converted to
182       top-of-atmosphere   radiance    or    reflectance    and    temperature
183       (i.aster.toar, i.landsat.toar).
185   Time series processing
186       GRASS  also  offers support for time series processing (r.series). Sta‐
187       tistics can be derived from a set of coregistered input  maps  such  as
188       multitemporal satellite data. The common univariate statistics and also
189       linear regression can be calculated.
191   Evapotranspiration modeling
192       In GRASS, several types of evapotranspiration (ET) modeling methods are
193       available:
195           •   Reference    ET:   Hargreaves   (i.evapo.mh),   Penman-Monteith
196               (i.evapo.pm);
198           •   Potential ET: Priestley-Taylor (i.evapo.pt);
200           •   Actual ET: i.evapo.time.
201       Evaporative fraction: i.eb.evapfr, i.eb.hsebal01.
203   Energy balance
204       Emissivity can be calculated with i.emissivity.  Several  modules  sup‐
205       port the calculation of the energy balance:
207           •   Actual evapotranspiration for diurnal period  (i.eb.eta);
209           •   Evaporative fraction and root zone soil moisture (i.eb.evapfr);
211           •   Sensible heat flux iteration (i.eb.hsebal01);
213           •   Net radiation approximation (i.eb.netrad);
215           •   Soil heat flux approximation (i.eb.soilheatflux).
217   See also
218           •   GRASS GIS Wiki page: Image processing
220           •   The GRASS 4 Image Processing manual
222           •   Introduction into raster data processing
224           •   Introduction into 3D raster data (voxel) processing
226           •   Introduction into vector data processing
228           •   Introduction into temporal data processing
230           •   Database management
232           •   Projections and spatial transformations


235       Available at: Image processing in GRASS GIS source code (history)
237       Accessed: Tuesday Oct 24 19:27:44 2023
239       Main  index | Imagery index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical
240       index | Full index
242       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.3.1 Reference Manual
246GRASS 8.3.1                                                    imageryintro(1)