1rand(3)                    Erlang Module Definition                    rand(3)


6       rand - Pseudo random number generation.


9       This  module provides a pseudo random number generator. The module con‐
10       tains a number of algorithms. The uniform distribution  algorithms  are
11       based  on  the  Xoroshiro and Xorshift algorithms  by Sebastiano Vigna.
12       The  normal  distribution  algorithm  uses  the   Ziggurat  Method   by
13       Marsaglia and Tsang  on top of the uniform distribution algorithm.
15       For  most  algorithms,  jump functions are provided for generating non-
16       overlapping sequences for parallel  computations.  The  jump  functions
17       perform  calculations  equivalent to perform a large number of repeated
18       calls for calculating new states, but execute in a time roughly equiva‐
19       lent to one regular iteration per generator bit.
21       At  the end of this module documentation there are also some  niche al‐
22       gorithms  to be used without this module's  normal   plug-in  framework
23       API  that may be useful for special purposes like short generation time
24       when quality is not essential, for seeding other generators, and such.
26       The following algorithms are provided:
28         exsss:
29           Xorshift116**, 58 bits precision and period of 2^116-1
31           Jump function: equivalent to 2^64 calls
33           This is the Xorshift116 generator combined with the StarStar scram‐
34           bler  from  the  2018 paper by David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna:
35           Scrambled Linear Pseudorandom Number Generators
37           The generator does not need 58-bit rotates so it is faster than the
38           Xoroshiro116  generator, and when combined with the StarStar scram‐
39           bler it does not have any weak low bits like exrop (Xoroshiro116+).
41           Alas, this combination is about 10% slower than exrop, but  is  de‐
42           spite  that  the default algorithm thanks to its statistical quali‐
43           ties.
45         exro928ss:
46           Xoroshiro928**, 58 bits precision and a period of 2^928-1
48           Jump function: equivalent to 2^512 calls
50           This is a 58 bit version of Xoroshiro1024**, from the 2018 paper by
51           David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna:  Scrambled Linear Pseudorandom
52           Number Generators  that on a 64 bit  Erlang  system  executes  only
53           about  40%  slower  than  the  defaultexsssalgorithm  but with much
54           longer period and better statistical properties, but  on  the  flip
55           side a larger state.
57           Many  thanks to Sebastiano Vigna for his help with the 58 bit adap‐
58           tion.
60         exrop:
61           Xoroshiro116+, 58 bits precision and period of 2^116-1
63           Jump function: equivalent to 2^64 calls
65         exs1024s:
66           Xorshift1024*, 64 bits precision and a period of 2^1024-1
68           Jump function: equivalent to 2^512 calls
70         exsp:
71           Xorshift116+, 58 bits precision and period of 2^116-1
73           Jump function: equivalent to 2^64 calls
75           This is a corrected version  of  the  previous  default  algorithm,
76           that  now has been superseded by Xoroshiro116+ (exrop). Since there
77           is no native 58 bit rotate instruction this  algorithm  executes  a
78           little (say < 15%) faster than exrop. See the algorithms' homepage.
80       The  current default algorithm is exsss (Xorshift116**).  If a specific
81       algorithm is required, ensure to always use seed/1  to  initialize  the
82       state.
84       Which  algorithm  that is the default may change between Erlang/OTP re‐
85       leases, and is selected to be one with  high  speed,  small  state  and
86       "good enough" statistical properties.
88       Undocumented  (old)  algorithms are deprecated but still implemented so
89       old code relying on them will produce the same pseudo random  sequences
90       as before.
92   Note:
93       There were a number of problems in the implementation of the now undoc‐
94       umented algorithms, which is why they are  deprecated.  The  new  algo‐
95       rithms are a bit slower but do not have these problems:
97       Uniform  integer ranges had a skew in the probability distribution that
98       was not noticable for small ranges but for large ranges less  than  the
99       generator's  precision the probability to produce a low number could be
100       twice the probability for a high.
102       Uniform integer ranges larger than or equal to the  generator's  preci‐
103       sion  used  a floating point fallback that only calculated with 52 bits
104       which is smaller than the requested range and therefore  were  not  all
105       numbers in the requested range even possible to produce.
107       Uniform  floats had a non-uniform density so small values i.e less than
108       0.5 had got smaller intervals decreasing as  the  generated  value  ap‐
109       proached  0.0  although  still  uniformly  distributed for sufficiently
110       large subranges. The  new  algorithms  produces  uniformly  distributed
111       floats on the form N * 2.0^(-53) hence equally spaced.
114       Every  time  a random number is requested, a state is used to calculate
115       it and a new state is produced. The state can either be implicit or  be
116       an explicit argument and return value.
118       The  functions  with implicit state use the process dictionary variable
119       rand_seed to remember the current state.
121       If a process calls uniform/0, uniform/1 or uniform_real/0 without  set‐
122       ting  a seed first, seed/1 is called automatically with the default al‐
123       gorithm and creates a non-constant seed.
125       The functions with explicit state never use the process dictionary.
127       Examples:
129       Simple use; creates and seeds the default algorithm with a non-constant
130       seed if not already done:
132       R0 = rand:uniform(),
133       R1 = rand:uniform(),
135       Use a specified algorithm:
137       _ = rand:seed(exs928ss),
138       R2 = rand:uniform(),
140       Use a specified algorithm with a constant seed:
142       _ = rand:seed(exs928ss, {123, 123534, 345345}),
143       R3 = rand:uniform(),
145       Use the functional API with a non-constant seed:
147       S0 = rand:seed_s(exsss),
148       {R4, S1} = rand:uniform_s(S0),
150       Textbook basic form Box-Muller standard normal deviate
152       R5 = rand:uniform_real(),
153       R6 = rand:uniform(),
154       SND0 = math:sqrt(-2 * math:log(R5)) * math:cos(math:pi() * R6)
156       Create a standard normal deviate:
158       {SND1, S2} = rand:normal_s(S1),
160       Create a normal deviate with mean -3 and variance 0.5:
162       {ND0, S3} = rand:normal_s(-3, 0.5, S2),
164   Note:
165       The  builtin  random  number generator algorithms are not cryptographi‐
166       cally strong. If a cryptographically strong random number generator  is
167       needed, use something like crypto:rand_seed/0.
170       For  all  these generators except exro928ss and exsss the lowest bit(s)
171       has got a slightly less random behaviour than all other bits. 1 bit for
172       exrop (and exsp), and 3 bits for exs1024s. See for example the explana‐
173       tion in the  Xoroshiro128+  generator source code:
175       Beside passing BigCrush, this generator passes the PractRand test suite
176       up to (and included) 16TB, with the exception of binary rank tests,
177       which fail due to the lowest bit being an LFSR; all other bits pass all
178       tests. We suggest to use a sign test to extract a random Boolean value.
180       If this is a problem; to generate a boolean with these  algorithms  use
181       something like this:
183       (rand:uniform(256) > 128) % -> boolean()
185       ((rand:uniform(256) - 1) bsr 7) % -> 0 | 1
187       For a general range, with N = 1 for exrop, and N = 3 for exs1024s:
189       (((rand:uniform(Range bsl N) - 1) bsr N) + 1)
191       The floating point generating functions in this module waste the lowest
192       bits when converting from an integer so they avoid this snag.


195       builtin_alg() =
196           exsss | exro928ss | exrop | exs1024s | exsp | exs64 |
197           exsplus | exs1024 | dummy
199       alg() = builtin_alg() | atom()
201       alg_handler() =
202           #{type := alg(),
203             bits => integer() >= 0,
204             weak_low_bits => integer() >= 0,
205             max => integer() >= 0,
206             next :=
207                 fun((alg_state()) -> {integer() >= 0, alg_state()}),
208             uniform => fun((state()) -> {float(), state()}),
209             uniform_n =>
210                 fun((integer() >= 1, state()) -> {integer() >= 1, state()}),
211             jump => fun((state()) -> state())}
213       alg_state() =
214           exsplus_state() |
215           exro928_state() |
216           exrop_state() |
217           exs1024_state() |
218           exs64_state() |
219           dummy_state() |
220           term()
222       state() = {alg_handler(), alg_state()}
224              Algorithm-dependent state.
226       export_state() = {alg(), alg_state()}
228              Algorithm-dependent state that can be printed or saved to file.
230       seed() =
231           [integer()] | integer() | {integer(), integer(), integer()}
233              A seed value for the generator.
235              A list of integers sets the generator's internal state directly,
236              after algorithm-dependent checks of the value and masking to the
237              proper word size. The number of integers must be  equal  to  the
238              number of state words in the generator.
240              An integer is used as the initial state for a SplitMix64 genera‐
241              tor. The output values of that is then used for setting the gen‐
242              erator's  internal  state  after masking to the proper word size
243              and if needed avoiding zero values.
245              A traditional 3-tuple of integers seed is passed  through  algo‐
246              rithm-dependent hashing functions to create the generator's ini‐
247              tial state.
249       exsplus_state()
251              Algorithm specific internal state
253       exro928_state()
255              Algorithm specific internal state
257       exrop_state()
259              Algorithm specific internal state
261       exs1024_state()
263              Algorithm specific internal state
265       exs64_state()
267              Algorithm specific internal state
269       dummy_state() = uint58()
271              Algorithm specific internal state
273       splitmix64_state() = uint64()
275              Algorithm specific state
277       uint58() = 0..288230376151711743
279              0 .. (2^58 - 1)
281       uint64() = 0..18446744073709551615
283              0 .. (2^64 - 1)
285       mwc59_state() = 1..574882961707499518
287              1 .. ((16#1ffb072 * 2^29 - 1) - 1)



291       bytes(N :: integer() >= 0) -> Bytes :: binary()
293              Returns, for a specified integer N >= 0, a  binary()  with  that
294              number  of random bytes. Generates as many random numbers as re‐
295              quired using the selected algorithm to compose the  binary,  and
296              updates the state in the process dictionary accordingly.
298       bytes_s(N :: integer() >= 0, State :: state()) ->
299                  {Bytes :: binary(), NewState :: state()}
301              Returns,  for a specified integer N >= 0 and a state, a binary()
302              with that number of random bytes, and a new state. Generates  as
303              many  random numbers as required using the selected algorithm to
304              compose the binary, and the new state.
306       export_seed() -> undefined | export_state()
308              Returns the random number state in an  external  format.  To  be
309              used with seed/1.
311       export_seed_s(State :: state()) -> export_state()
313              Returns the random number generator state in an external format.
314              To be used with seed/1.
316       jump() -> NewState :: state()
318              Returns the state after performing jump calculation to the state
319              in the process dictionary.
321              This  function  generates a not_implemented error exception when
322              the jump function is not implemented for the algorithm specified
323              in the state in the process dictionary.
325       jump(State :: state()) -> NewState :: state()
327              Returns the state after performing jump calculation to the given
328              state.
330              This function generates a not_implemented error  exception  when
331              the jump function is not implemented for the algorithm specified
332              in the state.
334       normal() -> float()
336              Returns a standard normal deviate float (that is, the mean is  0
337              and  the  standard  deviation is 1) and updates the state in the
338              process dictionary.
340       normal(Mean :: number(), Variance :: number()) -> float()
342              Returns a normal N(Mean, Variance) deviate float and updates the
343              state in the process dictionary.
345       normal_s(State :: state()) -> {float(), NewState :: state()}
347              Returns,  for a specified state, a standard normal deviate float
348              (that is, the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1)  and  a
349              new state.
351       normal_s(Mean :: number(),
352                Variance :: number(),
353                State0 :: state()) ->
354                   {float(), NewS :: state()}
356              Returns, for a specified state, a normal N(Mean, Variance) devi‐
357              ate float and a new state.
359       seed(AlgOrStateOrExpState ::
360                builtin_alg() | state() | export_state()) ->
361               state()
363       seed(Alg :: default) -> state()
365              Seeds random number generation with the specifed  algorithm  and
366              time-dependent data if AlgOrStateOrExpState is an algorithm. Alg
367              = default is an alias for the default algorithm.
369              Otherwise recreates the exported seed in the process dictionary,
370              and returns the state. See also export_seed/0.
372       seed(Alg :: builtin_alg(), Seed :: seed()) -> state()
374       seed(Alg :: default, Seed :: seed()) -> state()
376              Seeds  random number generation with the specified algorithm and
377              integers in the process dictionary and returns the state. Alg  =
378              default is an alias for the default algorithm.
380       seed_s(AlgOrStateOrExpState ::
381                  builtin_alg() | state() | export_state()) ->
382                 state()
384       seed_s(Alg :: default) -> state()
386              Seeds  random  number generation with the specifed algorithm and
387              time-dependent data if AlgOrStateOrExpState is an algorithm. Alg
388              = default is an alias for the default algorithm.
390              Otherwise recreates the exported seed and returns the state. See
391              also export_seed/0.
393       seed_s(Alg :: builtin_alg(), Seed :: seed()) -> state()
395       seed_s(Alg :: default, Seed :: seed()) -> state()
397              Seeds random number generation with the specified algorithm  and
398              integers  and  returns  the state. Alg = default is an alias for
399              the default algorithm.
401       uniform() -> X :: float()
403              Returns a random float uniformly distributed in the value  range
404              0.0 =< X < 1.0 and updates the state in the process dictionary.
406              The  generated  numbers  are on the form N * 2.0^(-53), that is;
407              equally spaced in the interval.
409          Warning:
410              This function may return exactly 0.0 which can be fatal for cer‐
411              tain  applications.  If  that  is  undesired  you can use (1.0 -
412              rand:uniform()) to get the interval 0.0 < X =< 1.0,  or  instead
413              use uniform_real/0.
415              If  neither  endpoint  is  desired  you can test and re-try like
416              this:
418              my_uniform() ->
419                  case rand:uniform() of
420                      0.0 -> my_uniform();
421                   X -> X
422                  end
423              end.
426       uniform_real() -> X :: float()
428              Returns a random float uniformly distributed in the value  range
429              DBL_MIN  =< X < 1.0 and updates the state in the process dictio‐
430              nary.
432              Conceptually, a random real number R is generated from  the  in‐
433              terval  0  =< R < 1 and then the closest rounded down normalized
434              number in the IEEE 754 Double precision format is returned.
436          Note:
437              The generated numbers from this function has got  better  granu‐
438              larity  for small numbers than the regular uniform/0 because all
439              bits in the mantissa are random. This property,  in  combination
440              with  the fact that exactly zero is never returned is useful for
441              algorithms doing for example 1.0 / X or math:log(X).
444              See uniform_real_s/1 for more explanation.
446       uniform(N :: integer() >= 1) -> X :: integer() >= 1
448              Returns, for a specified integer N >= 1, a random  integer  uni‐
449              formly  distributed  in  the value range 1 =< X =< N and updates
450              the state in the process dictionary.
452       uniform_s(State :: state()) -> {X :: float(), NewState :: state()}
454              Returns, for a specified state, random float uniformly  distrib‐
455              uted in the value range 0.0 =< X < 1.0 and a new state.
457              The  generated  numbers  are on the form N * 2.0^(-53), that is;
458              equally spaced in the interval.
460          Warning:
461              This function may return exactly 0.0 which can be fatal for cer‐
462              tain  applications.  If  that  is  undesired  you can use (1.0 -
463              rand:uniform(State)) to get the interval 0.0 < X =< 1.0, or  in‐
464              stead use uniform_real_s/1.
466              If  neither  endpoint  is  desired  you can test and re-try like
467              this:
469              my_uniform(State) ->
470                  case rand:uniform(State) of
471                      {0.0, NewState} -> my_uniform(NewState);
472                   Result -> Result
473                  end
474              end.
477       uniform_real_s(State :: state()) ->
478                         {X :: float(), NewState :: state()}
480              Returns, for a specified state, a random  float  uniformly  dis‐
481              tributed  in  the value range DBL_MIN =< X < 1.0 and updates the
482              state in the process dictionary.
484              Conceptually, a random real number R is generated from  the  in‐
485              terval  0  =< R < 1 and then the closest rounded down normalized
486              number in the IEEE 754 Double precision format is returned.
488          Note:
489              The generated numbers from this function has got  better  granu‐
490              larity  for  small  numbers than the regular uniform_s/1 because
491              all bits in the mantissa are random. This property, in  combina‐
492              tion with the fact that exactly zero is never returned is useful
493              for algorithms doing for example 1.0 / X or math:log(X).
496              The concept implicates that the probability to get exactly  zero
497              is  extremely  low; so low that this function is in fact guaran‐
498              teed to never return zero. The smallest number that it might re‐
499              turn is DBL_MIN, which is 2.0^(-1022).
501              The  value  range stated at the top of this function description
502              is technically correct, but 0.0 =< X < 1.0 is a better  descrip‐
503              tion  of the generated numbers' statistical distribution. Except
504              that exactly 0.0 is never returned, which is not possible to ob‐
505              serve statistically.
507              For   example;   for   all   sub   ranges  N*2.0^(-53)  =<  X  <
508              (N+1)*2.0^(-53) where 0 =< integer(N) < 2.0^53  the  probability
509              is the same. Compare that with the form of the numbers generated
510              by uniform_s/1.
512              Having to generate extra random bits for small numbers  costs  a
513              little  performance.  This function is about 20% slower than the
514              regular uniform_s/1
516       uniform_s(N :: integer() >= 1, State :: state()) ->
517                    {X :: integer() >= 1, NewState :: state()}
519              Returns, for a specified integer N >= 1 and a  state,  a  random
520              integer uniformly distributed in the value range 1 =< X =< N and
521              a new state.


524       This section contains special purpose algorithms that does not use  the
525       plug-in framework API, for example for speed reasons.
527       Since  these  algorithms lack the plug-in framework support, generating
528       numbers in a range other than the generator's own generated  range  may
529       become a problem.
531       There  are  at least 3 ways to do this, assuming that the range is less
532       than the generator's range:
534         Modulo:
535           To generate a number V in the range 0..Range-1:
537           * Generate a number X.
539           *
540              Use V = X rem Range as your value.
542           This method uses rem, that is, the remainder of  an  integer  divi‐
543           sion, which is a slow operation.
545           Low  bits from the generator propagate straight through to the gen‐
546           erated value, so if the generator has got  weaknesses  in  the  low
547           bits this method propagates them too.
549           If  Range  is  not  a divisor of the generator range, the generated
550           numbers have a bias. Example:
552           Say the generator generates a byte, that is, the generator range is
553           0..255,  and the desired range is 0..99 (Range=100). Then there are
554           3 generator outputs that produce the value 0, that is; 0,  100  and
555           200.  But there are only 2 generator outputs that produce the value
556           99, which are; 99 and 199. So the probability  for  a  value  V  in
557           0..55 is 3/2 times the probability for the other values 56..99.
559           If  Range  is much smaller than the generator range, then this bias
560           gets hard to detect. The rule of thumb is that if Range is  smaller
561           than  the  square  root  of  the generator range, the bias is small
562           enough. Example:
564           A byte generator when Range=20. There are 12 (256 div 20) possibil‐
565           ities  to  generate  the highest numbers and one more to generate a
566           number V < 16 (256 rem 20). So the probability is 13/12 for  a  low
567           number  versus  a  high. To detect that difference with some confi‐
568           dence you would need to generate a lot more numbers than the gener‐
569           ator range, 256 in this small example.
571         Truncated multiplication:
572           To  generate  a  number  V in the range 0..Range-1, when you have a
573           generator with the range 0..2^Bits-1:
575           * Generate a number X.
577           *
578              Use V = X*Range bsr Bits as your value.
580           If the multiplication X*Range creates a bignum this method  becomes
581           very slow.
583           High  bits  from  the  generator propagate through to the generated
584           value, so if the generator has got weaknesses in the high bits this
585           method propagates them too.
587           If  Range  is  not  a divisor of the generator range, the generated
588           numbers have a bias, pretty much as for the Modulo method above.
590         Shift or mask:
591           To generate a number in the range 0..2^RBits-1,  when  you  have  a
592           generator with the range 0..2^Bits:
594           * Generate a number X.
596           *
597              Use  V  =  X band ((1 bsl RBits)-1) or V = X bsr (Bits-RBits) as
598             your value.
600           Masking with band preserves the low bits, and right  shifting  with
601           bsr  preserves  the high, so if the generator has got weaknesses in
602           high or low bits; choose the right operator.
604           If the generator has got a range that is not a power of 2 and  this
605           method  is  used  anyway, it introduces bias in the same way as for
606           the Modulo method above.
608         Rejection:
611           * Generate a number X.
613           *
614              If X is in the range, use V = X as your value, otherwise  reject
615             it and repeat.
617           In  theory  it  is not certain that this method will ever complete,
618           but in practice you ensure that the  probability  of  rejection  is
619           low. Then the probability for yet another iteration decreases expo‐
620           nentially so the expected mean number of iterations will  often  be
621           between  1  and  2. Also, since the base generator is a full length
622           generator, a value that will break the loop must eventually be gen‐
623           erated.
625       Chese methods can be combined, such as using the Modulo method and only
626       if the generator value would create bias use Rejection. Or using  Shift
627       or  mask to reduce the size of a generator value so that Truncated mul‐
628       tiplication will not create a bignum.
630       The recommended way to generate a floating point number (IEEE 745  dou‐
631       ble,  that has got a 53-bit mantissa) in the range 0..1, that is 0.0 =<
632       V <1.0 is to generate a 53-bit number X and then use V = X  *  (1.0/((1
633       bsl  53)))  as your value. This will create a value on the form N*2^-53
634       with equal probability for every possible N for the range.


637       splitmix64_next(AlgState :: integer()) ->
638                          {X :: uint64(),
639                           NewAlgState :: splitmix64_state()}
641              Returns a random 64-bit integer X  and  a  new  generator  state
642              NewAlgState, according to the SplitMix64 algorithm.
644              This generator is used internally in the rand module for seeding
645              other generators since it is of a quite  different  breed  which
646              reduces the probability for creating an accidentally bad seed.
648       exsp_next(AlgState :: exsplus_state()) ->
649                    {X :: uint58(), NewAlgState :: exsplus_state()}
651              Returns  a  random  58-bit  integer  X and a new generator state
652              NewAlgState, according to the Xorshift116+ algorithm.
654              This is an API function into the internal implementation of  the
655              exsp algorithm that enables using it without the overhead of the
656              plug-in framework, which might be useful for time critial appli‐
657              cations. On a typical 64 bit Erlang VM this approach executes in
658              just above 30% (1/3) of  the  time  for  the  default  algorithm
659              through this module's normal plug-in framework.
661              To  seed this generator use {_, AlgState} = rand:seed_s(exsp) or
662              {_, AlgState} = rand:seed_s(exsp, Seed) with a specific Seed.
664          Note:
665              This function offers no help in generating a  number  on  a  se‐
666              lected  range,  nor in generating a floating point number. It is
667              easy to accidentally mess up the fairly good statistical proper‐
668              ties  of  this  generator when doing either. See the recepies at
669              the start of this  Niche algorithms API  description. Note  also
670              the caveat about weak low bits that this generator suffers from.
671              The generator is exported in this  form  primarily  for  perfor‐
672              mance.
675       exsp_jump(AlgState :: exsplus_state()) ->
676                    NewAlgState :: exsplus_state()
678              Returns  a new generator state equivalent of the state after it‐
679              erating over exsp_next/1 2^64 times.
681              See the description of jump functions at the top of this  module
682              description.
684       mwc59(CX0 :: mwc59_state()) -> CX1 :: mwc59_state()
686              Returns  a new generator state CX1, according to a Multiply With
687              Carry generator, which is an efficient implementation of a  Mul‐
688              tiplicative  Congruential Generator with a power of 2 multiplier
689              and a prime modulus.
691              This  generator  uses  the  multiplier  2^32  and  the   modulus
692              16#7fa6502  *  2^32 - 1, which have been selected, in collabora‐
693              tion with Sebastiano Vigna, to avoid bignum operations and still
694              get good statistical quality. It can be written as:
695              C = CX0 bsr 32
696              X = CX0 band ((1 bsl 32)-1))
697              CX1 = 16#7fa6502 * X + C
699              Because  the generator uses a multiplier that is a power of 2 it
700              gets statistical flaws for collision tests and birthday spacings
701              tests  in  2 and 3 dimensions, and even these caveats apply only
702              to the MWC "digit", that is the low 32 bits (due to  the  multi‐
703              plier) of the generator state.
705              The  quality of the output value improves much by using a scram‐
706              bler instead of just taking the low bits. Function mwc59_value32
707              is  a  fast  scrambler  that returns a decent 32-bit number. The
708              slightly slower mwc59_value scrambler returns 59  bits  of  very
709              good  quality,  and  mwc59_float  returns a float() of very good
710              quality.
712              The low bits of the base generator are surprisingly good, so the
713              lowest  16  bits actually pass fairly strict PRNG tests, despite
714              the generator's weaknesses that lie in  the  high  bits  of  the
715              32-bit MWC "digit". It is recommended to use rem on the the gen‐
716              erator state, or bit mask extracting the lowest bits to  produce
717              numbers  in  a  range  16  bits or less. See the recepies at the
718              start of this  Niche algorithms API  description.
720              On a typical 64 bit Erlang VM this generator executes  in  below
721              8%  (1/13) of the time for the default algorithm in the  plug-in
722              framework API  of this module. With the mwc59_value32  scrambler
723              the  total  time  becomes 16% (1/6), and with mwc59_value it be‐
724              comes 20% (1/5) of the time  for  the  default  algorithm.  With
725              mwc59_float  the  total  time is 60% of the time for the default
726              algorithm generating a float().
728          Note:
729              This generator is a niche generator for high speed applications.
730              It  has  a much shorter period than the default generator, which
731              in itself is a quality concern,  although  when  used  with  the
732              value  scramblers  it passes strict PRNG tests. The generator is
733              much faster than exsp_next/1 but with a bit lower quality.
736       mwc59_value32(CX :: mwc59_state()) -> V :: 0..4294967295
738              Returns a 32-bit value V from a generator state CX. The  genera‐
739              tor  state  is scrambled using an 8-bit xorshift which masks the
740              statistical imperfecions of the base generator mwc59  enough  to
741              produce numbers of decent quality. Still some problems in 2- and
742              3-dimensional birthday spacing and collision tests show through.
744              When using this scrambler it is in general  better  to  use  the
745              high  bits  of  the value than the low. The lowest 8 bits are of
746              good quality and pass right through  from  the  base  generator.
747              They are combined with the next 8 in the xorshift making the low
748              16 good quality, but in the range 16..31 bits there  are  weaker
749              bits  that you do not want to have as the high bits of your gen‐
750              erated values. Therefore it is in general safer to shift out low
751              bits.  See  the  recepies at the start of this  Niche algorithms
752              API  description.
754              For a non power of 2 range less than about 16 bits (to  not  get
755              too much bias and to avoid bignums) truncated multiplication can
756              be used, which is much faster than using rem: (Range*V) bsr 32.
758       mwc59_value(CX :: mwc59_state()) -> V :: 0..576460752303423487
760              Returns a 59-bit value V from a generator state CX. The  genera‐
761              tor  state is scrambled using an 4-bit followed by a 27-bit xor‐
762              shift, which masks the statistical imperfecions of the base gen‐
763              erator mwc59 enough that all 59 bits are of very good quality.
765              Be  careful to not accidentaly create a bignum when handling the
766              value V.
768              It is in general general better to use the high bits  from  this
769              scrambler  than  the  low. See the recepies at the start of this
770              Niche algorithms API  description.
772              For a non power of 2 range less than about 29 bits (to  not  get
773              too much bias and to avoid bignums) truncated multiplication can
774              be used, which is much faster than using rem. Example for  range
775              1'000'000'000;  the  range  is  30 bits, we use 29 bits from the
776              generator, adding  up  to  59  bits,  which  is  not  a  bignum:
777              (1000000000 * (V bsr (59-29))) bsr 29.
779       mwc59_float(CX :: mwc59_state()) -> V :: float()
781              Returns  the  generator  value V from a generator state CX, as a
782              float(). The generator state is scrambled as with  mwc59_value/1
783              before converted to a float().
785       mwc59_seed() -> CX :: mwc59_state()
787       mwc59_seed(S :: 0..288230376151711743) -> CX :: mwc59_state()
789              Returns  a generator state CX. S is hashed to create the genera‐
790              tor state, to avoid that similar seeds create similar sequences.
792              Without S, the generator state is created as for seed_s(atom()).
796Ericsson AB                      stdlib 5.1.1                          rand(3)