1BLINKENLIGHTS(1)      User Contributed Perl Documentation     BLINKENLIGHTS(1)


6       blinkenlights - DNSSEC-Tools rollerd GUI


9         blinkenlights <rollrec-file>


12       blinkenlights is a GUI tool for use with monitoring and controlling the
13       DNSSEC-Tools rollerd program.  It displays information on the current
14       state of the zones rollerd is managing.  The user may control some
15       aspects of rollerd's execution using blinkenlights menu commands.
17       blinkenlights creates a window in which to display information about
18       each zone rollerd is managing.  (These zones are those in rollerd's
19       current rollrec file.)  As a zone's rollover status changes, blinken‐
20       lights will update its display for that zone.  Skipped zones, zones
21       listed in the rollrec file but which are not in rollover or normal
22       operation, are displayed but have very little useful information to
23       display.
25       The user may also select a set of zones to hide from the display.
26       These zones, if in the rolling state, will continue to roll; however,
27       their zone information will not be displayed.  Display state for each
28       zone will persist across blinkenlights executions.
30       Menu commands are available for controlling rollerd.  The commands
31       which operate on a single zone may be executed by keyboard shortcuts.
32       The zone may be selected either by clicking in its "zone stripe" or by
33       choosing from a dialog box.  Display and execution options for blinken‐
34       lights are also available through menu commands.  More information
35       about the menu commands is available in the MENU COMMANDS section.
37       blinkenlights is only intended to be started by rollerd, not directly
38       by a user.  There are two ways to have rollerd start blinkenlights.
39       First, rollctl may be given the -display option.  Second, the -display
40       option may be given on rollerd's command line.


43       The blinkenlights window is laid out as a series of "stripes".  The top
44       stripe contains status information about rollerd, the second stripe
45       contains column headers, and the bulk of the window consists of zone
46       stripes.  The list below provides more detail on the contents of each
47       stripe.
49       See the WINDOW COLORS section for a discussion of the colors used for
50       the zone stripes.
52       ·   rollerd information stripe
54           The information stripe contains four pieces of information:
55           rollerd's current rollrec file, the count of rolling zones, the
56           count of skipped zones, and the amount of time rollerd waits
57           between processing its queue.  Coincidentally, that last datum is
58           also the amount of time between blinkenlights screen updates.
60       ·   column headers stripe
62           This stripe contains the column headers for the columns of each
63           zone stripe.
65       ·   zone stripes
67           Each zone managed by rollerd (i.e., every zone in the current roll‐
68           rec file) will have a zone stripe which describes that zone's cur‐
69           rent state.  The stripe is divided into four sections:  the zone
70           name, the current rollover state, and the zone's DNSSEC keys.
72           The zone name section just contains the name of the zone.
74           The rollover state section contains the rollover phase number, a
75           text explanation of the phase, and the amount of time remaining in
76           that rollover phase.  The phase explanation is "normal operation"
77           when the zone isn't currently in rollover.
79           The DNSSEC key section contains two subsections, one for the zone's
80           ZSK keys and another for the zone's KSK keys.  Each subsection con‐
81           tains the names of the signing sets active for the zone.  The ZSK
82           subsection lists the Current, Published, and New ZSK keys; the KSK
83           subsection lists the Current and Published.
85           See the WINDOW COLORS section for a discussion of the colors used
86           for the zone stripes.


89       The default blinkenlights configuration uses window coloring to provide
90       visual cues and to aid in easily distinguishing zone information.  The
91       default window coloring behavior gives each zone stripe has its own
92       color and the rollover state section of each zone stripe is shaded to
93       show the zone's phase.  Window coloring can be turned off (and on) with
94       configuration options and menu commands.
96       Color Usage
98       The two window coloring behaviors are discussed more fully below:
100       ·   zone stripe colors
102           Each rolling zone's stripe is given one of three colors:  blue,
103           red, or green.  The color is assigned on a top-down basis and the
104           colors wrap if there are more than three zones.  So, the first zone
105           is always blue, the second zone red, the third zone green, the
106           fourth zone blue, etc.
108           The colors do not stay with a particular zone.  If a rolling zone
109           becomes a skipped zone, the zone stripes will be reassigned new
110           colors to account for that skipped zone.
112           Skipped zones are not colored with these three colors.  Stripes for
113           skipped zones are colored either grey or a color set in the config‐
114           uration file.  If you choose to use a non-standard color for
115           skipped zones your should ensure that it is not one of the colors
116           used for rolling zones' stripes.  Modifying the skipcolor configu‐
117           ration field allows the skipped-zone color to be changing.
119           The colors configuration field can be used to turn on or off the
120           use of colors for zone stripes.  If stripe coloring is turned off,
121           then every stripe will be displayed using the skipcolor color.
123       ·   rollover-state shading
125           The only portion of a zone stripe that changes color is the status
126           column; the color of the rest of the zone stripe stays constant.
127           Before a zone enters rollover, the status column is the same color
128           as the rest of the stripe.  When the zone enters rollover, the sta‐
129           tus column's color is changed to a very light shade of the stripe's
130           normal color.  As the rollover phases progress towards rollover
131           completion, the status column's shade darkens.  Once rollover com‐
132           pletes, the status column returns again to the same shade as the
133           rest of that stripe.
135           The shading configuration field can be used to turn on or off the
136           use of shading in the rollover-state column.  If shading is turned
137           off, then the zone stripe will be a solid color.
139           See the CONFIGURATION FILE section for information on setting the
140           configuration fields.
142       Colors Used
144       The color names are taken from the X11 rgb.txt file (X11 1.1.3 -
145       XFree86 4.4.0 for MacOS X.)  If these aren't available in your rgb.txt
146       file, similar names should be selected.  The actual red/green/blue val‐
147       ues used are given below to assist in finding suitable replacements.
148       These values were taken from the rgb.txt file.
150       Blue Shades:
152           blue                0   0 255
153           lightblue2        178 223 238
154           darkslategray1    151 255 255
155           skyblue1          135 206 255
156           steelblue1         99 184 255
157           turquoise1          0 245 255
158           cornflower blue   100 149 237
159           dodger blue        30 144 255
161       Red Shades:
163           red               255   0   0
164           pink              255 192 203
165           lightsalmon1      255 160 122
166           tomato            255  99  71
167           indianred         205  92  92
168           violetred1        255  62 150
169           orangered1        255  69   0
170           firebrick1        255  48  48
172       Green Shades:
174           green               0 255   0
175           darkseagreen1     193 255 193
176           darkolivegreen1   202 255 112
177           lightgreen        144 238 144
178           seagreen1          84 255 159
179           spring green        0 255 127
180           greenyellow       173 255  47
181           lawngreen         124 252   0
184       A number of menu commands are available to control the behavior of
185       blinkenlights and to send commands to rollerd.  These commands are dis‐
186       cusses in this section.
188       File Menu
190       The commands in this menu are basic GUI commands.
192       ·   Quit
194           blinkenlights will stop execution.
196       Options Menu
198       The commands in this menu control the appearance and behavior of
199       blinkenlights.
201       ·   Row Colors (toggle)
203           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the coloring of zone
204           stripes.  If row coloring is turned off, zone stripes will all be
205           the same color.  If row coloring is turned on, zone stripes will be
206           displayed in varying colors.  See the WINDOW COLORS section for a
207           discussion of row coloring.
209       ·   Status Column Shading (toggle)
211           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the shading of the
212           zone status column.  If shading is turned off, the zone stripes
213           will present a solid, unchanging band of color for each zone.  If
214           shading is turned on, the color of the zone status column will
215           change according to the zone's rollover state.
217       ·   Skipped Zones Display (toggle)
219           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of skipped
220           zones.  If display is turned off, zone stripes for skipped zones
221           will not be displayed.  If display is turned on, zone stripes for
222           all zones will be displayed.
224       ·   Modification Commands (toggle)
226           In some situations, it may be desirable to turn off blinkenlights'
227           ability to send commands to rollerd.  This menu item is a toggle to
228           turn on or off this ability.  If the commands are turned off, then
229           the "Zone Control" menu and keyboard shortcuts are disabled.  If
230           the commands are turned on, then the "Zone Control" menu and key‐
231           board shortcuts are enabled.
233       ·   Font Size
235           This menu item allows selection of font size of text displayed in
236           the main window.
238           Normally, changing the font size causes the window to grow and
239           shrink as required.  However, on Mac OS X there seems to be a prob‐
240           lem when the size selected increases the window size to be greater
241           than will fit on the screen.  If the font size is subsequently
242           reduced, the window size does not shrink in response.
244       General Control Menu
246       The commands in this menu are GUI interfaces for the rollctl commands
247       related to general zone management.
249       ·   Roll Selected Zone
251           The selected zone will be moved to the rollover state.  This only
252           has an effect on skipped zones.  A zone may be selected by clicking
253           on its zone stripe.  If this command is selected without a zone
254           having been selected, a dialog box is displayed from which a cur‐
255           rently skipped zone may be chosen.
257       ·   Roll All Zones
259           All zones will be moved to the rollover state.  This has no effect
260           on currently rolling zones.
262       ·   Run the Queue
264           rollerd is awoken and runs through its queue of zones.  The opera‐
265           tion required for each zone is then performed.
267       ·   Skip Selected Zone
269           The selected zone will be moved to the skipped state.  This only
270           has an effect on rolling zones.  A zone may be selected by clicking
271           on its zone stripe.  If this command is selected without a zone
272           having been selected, a dialog box is displayed from which a cur‐
273           rently rolling zone may be chosen.
275       ·   Skip All Zones
277           All zones will be moved to the skipped state.  This has no effect
278           on currently skipped zones.
280       ·   Halt Rollerd
282           rollerd's execution is halted.  As a result, blinkenlights' execu‐
283           tion will also be halted.
285       KSK Control Menu
287       The commands in this menu are GUI interfaces for the rollctl commands
288       related to KSK-specific zone management.
290       ·   DS Published Selected Zone
292           This command is used to indicate that the selected zone's parent
293           has published a new DS record for the zone.  It moves the zone from
294           phase 6 to phase 7 of KSK rollover.
296       ·   DS Published All Zones
298           This command is used to indicate that all the zones in KSK rollover
299           phase 6 have new DS records published by their parents.  It moves
300           all these zones from phase 6 to phase 7 of KSK rollover.
302       Zone Display Menu
304       The commands in this menu are GUI interfaces parts of the zone display.
305       There are commands for displaying and hiding both zone stripes and key
306       columns.  The commands allow all, some, or none of the zone stripes and
307       key columns to be displayed.  Undisplayed rolling zones will continue
308       to roll, but they will do so without the blinkenlights window indicat‐
309       ing this.
311       ·   Zone Selection
313           A dialog box is created that holds a list of the zones currently
314           managed by rollerd.  The user may select which zones should be dis‐
315           played by clicking on the zone's checkbox.  Zones with a selected
316           checkbox will be displayed; zones without a selected checkbox will
317           not be displayed.
319       ·   Display All Zones
321           All zones will be displayed in the blinkenlights window.
323       ·   Hide All Zones
325           No zones will be displayed in the blinkenlights window.
327       ·   KSK Sets (toggle)
329           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of KSK
330           signing set names.  If display is turned off, the columns holding
331           the KSK signing set names and labels will be removed from the dis‐
332           play and the display window will shrink.  If display is turned on,
333           the columns holding the KSK signing set names and labels will be
334           restored to the display and the display window will be expanded.
336           When displayed, KSK signing sets will always be the right-most col‐
337           umns.
339       ·   ZSK Sets (toggle)
341           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of ZSK
342           signing set names.  If display is turned off, the columns holding
343           the ZSK signing set names and labels will be removed from the dis‐
344           play and the display window will shrink.  If display is turned on,
345           the columns holding the ZSK signing set names and labels will be
346           restored to the display and the display window will be expanded.
348           When displayed, ZSK signing sets will always be immediately to the
349           right of the zone status column.
351       ·   Hide All Keysets
353           Turns off display of the KSK and ZSK signing set names.
355       ·   Show All Keysets
357           Turns on display of the KSK and ZSK signing set names.
359       Help Menu
361       The commands in this menu provide assistance to the user.
363       ·   Help
365           Display a window containing help information.


368       Several aspects of blinkenlights' behavior may be controlled from con‐
369       figuration files.  Configuration value may be specified in the DNSSEC
370       Tools configuration file or in a more specific rc.blinkenlights.  The
371       system-wide blinkenlights configuration file is in the DNSSEC-Tools
372       configuration directory and is named blinkenlights.conf.  Multiple
373       rc.blinkenlights files may exist on a system, but only the one in the
374       directory in which blinkenlights is executed is used.
376       The following are the available configuration values:
378           colors      Turn on/off use of colors on zone stripes
379           fontsize    The size of the font in the output window
380           modify      Turn on/off execution of rollerd modification commands
381           shading     Turn on/off shading of the status columns
382           showskip    Turn on/off display of skipped zones
383           skipcolor   The background color used for skipped zones
385       The rc.blinkenlights file is only searched for in the directory in
386       which blinkenlights is executed.  The potential problems inherent in
387       this may cause these blinkenlights-specific configuration files to be
388       removed in the future.
390       This file is in the "field value" format, where field specifies the
391       output aspect and value defines the value for that field.  The follow‐
392       ing are the recognized fields:
394       Empty lines and comments are ignored.  Comment lines are lines that
395       start with an octothorpe ('#').
397       Spaces are not allowed in the configuration values.
399       Choose your skipcolors carefully.  The only foreground color used is
400       black, so your background colors must work well with black.


403       blinkenlights is implemented in Perl/Tk, so both Perl and Perl/Tk must
404       be installed on your system.


407       blinkenlights has several potential problems that must be taken into
408       account.
410       development environment
411           blinkenlights was developed and tested on a single-user system run‐
412           ning X11.  While it works fine in this environment, it has not been
413           run on a system with many users or in a situation where the system
414           console hasn't been in use by the blinkenlights user.
416       long-term performance issues
417           In early tests, the longer blinkenlights runs, the slower the
418           updates become.  This is probably a result of the Tk implementation
419           or the way Tk interfaces with X11.  This is pure supposition,
420           though.
422           This performance impact is affected by a number of things, such as
423           the number of zones managed by rollerd and the length of rollerd's
424           sleep interval.  Large numbers of zones or very short sleep inter‐
425           vals will increase the possibility of blinkenlights' performance
426           degrading.
428           This appears to have been resolved by periodically performing a
429           complete rebuild of the screen.  blinkenlights keeps track of the
430           number of screen updates it makes and rebuilds the screen when this
431           count exceeds a threshold.  The threshold is built into blinken‐
432           lights and stored in the $PAINTMAX variable.  This threshold may be
433           adjusted if there are too many screen rebuilds or if blinkenlights'
434           performance slows too much.  Raising the number will reduce the
435           screen rebuilds; lowering the number will (may) increase perfor‐
436           mance.
439       Copyright 2006-2007 SPARTA, Inc.  All rights reserved.  See the COPYING
440       file included with the DNSSEC-Tools package for details.


443       Wayne Morrison, tewok@users.sourceforge.net


446       rollctl(8), rollerd(8), zonesigner(8)
448       Net::DNS::SEC::Tools::timetrans(3)
450       Net::DNS::SEC::Tools::keyrec(5), Net::DNS::SEC::Tools::rollrec(5),
454perl v5.8.8                       2007-09-14                  BLINKENLIGHTS(1)