1WAIT(P)                    POSIX Programmer's Manual                   WAIT(P)


6       wait, waitpid - wait for a child process to stop or terminate


9       #include <sys/wait.h>
11       pid_t wait(int *stat_loc);
12       pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *stat_loc, int options);


16       The wait() and waitpid() functions shall obtain status information per‐
17       taining to one of the caller's child processes. Various options  permit
18       status  information to be obtained for child processes that have termi‐
19       nated or stopped. If status information is available for  two  or  more
20       child processes, the order in which their status is reported is unspec‐
21       ified.
23       The wait() function shall suspend execution of the calling thread until
24       status  information  for  one  of the terminated child processes of the
25       calling process is available, or  until  delivery  of  a  signal  whose
26       action  is either to execute a signal-catching function or to terminate
27       the process. If more than one thread is suspended in  wait()  or  wait‐
28       pid()  awaiting  termination  of  the  same process, exactly one thread
29       shall return the process status at the time of the target process  ter‐
30       mination.  If  status  information  is  available  prior to the call to
31       wait(), return shall be immediate.
33       The waitpid() function shall be equivalent to wait() if the  pid  argu‐
34       ment  is (pid_t)-1 and the options argument is 0. Otherwise, its behav‐
35       ior shall be modified by the values of the pid and options arguments.
37       The pid argument specifies a set of child processes for which status is
38       requested.  The  waitpid()  function  shall only return the status of a
39       child process from this set:
41        * If pid is equal to (pid_t)-1, status  is  requested  for  any  child
42          process. In this respect, waitpid() is then equivalent to wait().
44        * If  pid  is  greater than 0, it specifies the process ID of a single
45          child process for which status is requested.
47        * If pid is 0, status is requested for any child process whose process
48          group ID is equal to that of the calling process.
50        * If  pid  is  less  than (pid_t)-1, status is requested for any child
51          process whose process group ID is equal to  the  absolute  value  of
52          pid.
54       The  options  argument  is constructed from the bitwise-inclusive OR of
55       zero or more of  the  following  flags,  defined  in  the  <sys/wait.h>
56       header:
59              The  waitpid() function shall report the status of any continued
60              child process  specified  by  pid  whose  status  has  not  been
61              reported since it continued from a job control stop.
63       WNOHANG
64              The  waitpid() function shall not suspend execution of the call‐
65              ing thread if status is not immediately available for one of the
66              child processes specified by pid.
68       WUNTRACED
69              The  status  of  any  child  processes specified by pid that are
70              stopped, and whose status has not yet been reported  since  they
71              stopped, shall also be reported to the requesting process.
74       If  the  calling  process  has  SA_NOCLDWAIT  set or has SIGCHLD set to
75       SIG_IGN, and the process has no unwaited-for children that were  trans‐
76       formed  into zombie processes, the calling thread shall block until all
77       of the children of the process containing the calling thread terminate,
78       and wait() and waitpid() shall fail and set errno to [ECHILD].
80       If  wait() or waitpid() return because the status of a child process is
81       available, these functions shall return a value equal to the process ID
82       of  the  child  process.  In  this  case,  if the value of the argument
83       stat_loc is not a null pointer, information  shall  be  stored  in  the
84       location  pointed  to  by  stat_loc.  The  value stored at the location
85       pointed to by stat_loc shall be 0 if and only if the status returned is
86       from a terminated child process that terminated by one of the following
87       means:
89        1. The process returned 0 from main().
91        2. The process called _exit() or exit() with a status argument of 0.
93        3. The process was terminated because the last thread in  the  process
94           terminated.
96       Regardless  of its value, this information may be interpreted using the
97       following macros, which are defined in  <sys/wait.h>  and  evaluate  to
98       integral  expressions;  the  stat_val  argument  is  the  integer value
99       pointed to by stat_loc.
101       WIFEXITED(stat_val)
103              Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child
104              process that terminated normally.
106       WEXITSTATUS(stat_val)
108              If  the  value  of  WIFEXITED(stat_val)  is non-zero, this macro
109              evaluates to the low-order 8 bits of the  status  argument  that
110              the  child process passed to _exit() or exit(), or the value the
111              child process returned from main().
113       WIFSIGNALED(stat_val)
115              Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child
116              process  that terminated due to the receipt of a signal that was
117              not caught (see <signal.h>).
119       WTERMSIG(stat_val)
121              If the value of WIFSIGNALED(stat_val) is  non-zero,  this  macro
122              evaluates  to  the number of the signal that caused the termina‐
123              tion of the child process.
125       WIFSTOPPED(stat_val)
127              Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child
128              process that is currently stopped.
130       WSTOPSIG(stat_val)
132              If  the  value  of  WIFSTOPPED(stat_val) is non-zero, this macro
133              evaluates to the number of the  signal  that  caused  the  child
134              process to stop.
136       WIFCONTINUED(stat_val)
138              Evaluates to a non-zero value if status was returned for a child
139              process that has continued from a job control stop.
142       It is unspecified whether the status value returned by calls to  wait()
143       or  waitpid()  for processes created by posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp()
144       can indicate a WIFSTOPPED(stat_val) before subsequent calls  to  wait()
145       or  waitpid()  indicate  WIFEXITED(stat_val)  as the result of an error
146       detected before the new process image starts executing.
148       It is unspecified whether the status value returned by calls to  wait()
149       or  waitpid()  for processes created by posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp()
150       can indicate a WIFSIGNALED(stat_val) if a signal is sent  to  the  par‐
151       ent's process group after posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() is called.
153       If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to wait‐
154       pid() that specified the WUNTRACED flag  and did not specify the  WCON‐
155       TINUED  flag,   exactly one of the macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIG‐
156       NALED(*stat_loc), and WIFSTOPPED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate  to  a  non-
157       zero value.
159       If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to wait‐
160       pid() that specified the WUNTRACED    and  WCONTINUED   flags,  exactly
161       one  of  the  macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc), WIF‐
162       STOPPED(*stat_loc),  and WIFCONTINUED(*stat_loc)  shall evaluate  to  a
163       non-zero value.
165       If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to wait‐
166       pid() that did not specify the WUNTRACED  or WCONTINUED  flags, or by a
167       call  to  the  wait()  function,  exactly  one  of  the  macros  WIFEX‐
168       ITED(*stat_loc) and WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a non-zero
169       value.
171       If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to wait‐
172       pid() that did not specify the WUNTRACED flag  and specified the  WCON‐
173       TINUED  flag,   or by a call to the wait() function, exactly one of the
174       macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc),    and  WIFCONTIN‐
175       UED(*stat_loc)  shall evaluate to a non-zero value.
177       If  _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS  is  defined, and the implementation queues
178       the SIGCHLD signal, then if wait() or  waitpid()  returns  because  the
179       status  of  a  child  process  is available, any pending SIGCHLD signal
180       associated with the process ID of the child process shall be discarded.
181       Any other pending SIGCHLD signals shall remain pending.
183       Otherwise, if SIGCHLD is blocked, if wait() or waitpid() return because
184       the status of a child process is available, any pending SIGCHLD  signal
185       shall  be  cleared unless the status of another child process is avail‐
186       able.
188       For all other conditions, it is unspecified whether child  status  will
189       be available when a SIGCHLD signal is delivered.
191       There  may  be  additional  implementation-defined  circumstances under
192       which wait() or waitpid() report status.  This shall not  occur  unless
193       the  calling process or one of its child processes explicitly makes use
194       of a non-standard extension. In these cases the interpretation  of  the
195       reported status is implementation-defined.
197       If  a  parent  process  terminates without waiting for all of its child
198       processes to terminate, the remaining child processes shall be assigned
199       a new parent process ID corresponding to an implementation-defined sys‐
200       tem process.


203       If wait() or waitpid() returns because the status of a child process is
204       available, these functions shall return a value equal to the process ID
205       of the child process for which status is reported. If wait()  or  wait‐
206       pid()  returns  due to the delivery of a signal to the calling process,
207       -1 shall be returned and errno set to [EINTR]. If waitpid() was invoked
208       with  WNOHANG  set in options, it has at least one child process speci‐
209       fied by pid for which status is not available, and status is not avail‐
210       able  for  any  process  specified  by  pid, 0 is returned.  Otherwise,
211       (pid_t)-1 shall be returned, and errno set to indicate the error.


214       The wait() function shall fail if:
216       ECHILD The calling process has  no  existing  unwaited-for  child  pro‐
217              cesses.
219       EINTR  The function was interrupted by a signal. The value of the loca‐
220              tion pointed to by stat_loc is undefined.
223       The waitpid() function shall fail if:
225       ECHILD The process specified by pid does not exist or is not a child of
226              the  calling process, or the process group specified by pid does
227              not exist or does not have any member process that is a child of
228              the calling process.
230       EINTR  The function was interrupted by a signal. The value of the loca‐
231              tion pointed to by stat_loc is undefined.
233       EINVAL The options argument is not valid.
236       The following sections are informative.


239       None.


242       None.


245       A call to the wait() or waitpid() function only returns  status  on  an
246       immediate  child  process of the calling process; that is, a child that
247       was produced by a single fork() call (perhaps followed by  an  exec  or
248       other  function  calls) from the parent. If a child produces grandchil‐
249       dren by further use of fork(), none of those grandchildren nor  any  of
250       their  descendants  affect  the  behavior of a wait() from the original
251       parent process.  Nothing in this volume  of  IEEE Std 1003.1-2001  pre‐
252       vents an implementation from providing extensions that permit a process
253       to get status from a grandchild or any other  process,  but  a  process
254       that does not use such extensions must be guaranteed to see status from
255       only its direct children.
257       The waitpid() function is provided for three reasons:
259        1. To support job control
261        2. To permit a non-blocking version of the wait() function
263        3. To permit a library routine, such as system() or pclose(), to  wait
264           for its children without interfering with other terminated children
265           for which the process has not waited
267       The first two of these facilities are based  on  the  wait3()  function
268       provided  by  4.3 BSD. The function uses the options argument, which is
269       equivalent to an argument to wait3().  The WUNTRACED flag is used  only
270       in  conjunction with job control on systems supporting job control. Its
271       name comes from 4.3 BSD and refers to the fact that there are two types
272       of stopped processes in that implementation: processes being traced via
273       the ptrace() debugging facility and (untraced) processes stopped by job
274       control  signals.  Since  ptrace()  is  not  part  of  this  volume  of
275       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, only the second type is relevant. The  name  WUN‐
276       TRACED was retained because its usage is the same, even though the name
277       is not intuitively meaningful in this context.
279       The third reason for the waitpid() function is  to  permit  independent
280       sections  of a process to spawn and wait for children without interfer‐
281       ing with each other. For  example,  the  following  problem  occurs  in
282       developing a portable shell, or command interpreter:
285              stream = popen("/bin/true");
286              (void) system("sleep 100");
287              (void) pclose(stream);
289       On all historical implementations, the final pclose() fails to reap the
290       wait() status of the popen().
292       The status values are retrieved by macros, rather than  given  as  spe‐
293       cific bit encodings as they are in most historical implementations (and
294       thus expected by existing programs). This was necessary to eliminate  a
295       limitation  on the number of signals an implementation can support that
296       was  inherent  in  the   traditional   encodings.    This   volume   of
297       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001  does  require  that a status value of zero corre‐
298       sponds to a process calling _exit(0), as this is the most common encod‐
299       ing expected by existing programs. Some of the macro names were adopted
300       from 4.3 BSD.
302       These macros syntactically operate on an arbitrary integer value.   The
303       behavior  is  undefined unless that value is one stored by a successful
304       call to wait() or waitpid() in the location pointed to by the  stat_loc
305       argument.  An early proposal attempted to make this clearer by specify‐
306       ing each argument as *stat_loc rather than stat_val. However, that  did
307       not  follow  the  conventions of other specifications in this volume of
308       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 or traditional usage. It also could  have  implied
309       that  the  argument  to the macro must literally be *stat_loc; in fact,
310       that value can be stored or passed as an argument  to  other  functions
311       before being interpreted by these macros.
313       The  extension  that affects wait() and waitpid() and is common in his‐
314       torical implementations is the ptrace() function. It  is  called  by  a
315       child  process  and  causes that child to stop and return a status that
316       appears identical to the status indicated by WIFSTOPPED. The status  of
317       ptrace() children is traditionally returned regardless of the WUNTRACED
318       flag (or by the wait() function). Most applications do not need to con‐
319       cern  themselves  with  such  extensions because they have control over
320       what extensions they or their  children  use.   However,  applications,
321       such  as  command interpreters, that invoke arbitrary processes may see
322       this behavior when those arbitrary processes misuse such extensions.
324       Implementations that support core file creation  or  other  implementa‐
325       tion-defined  actions  on  termination  of some processes traditionally
326       provide a bit in the status returned by wait() to  indicate  that  such
327       actions have occurred.
329       Allowing  the  wait()  family of functions to discard a pending SIGCHLD
330       signal that is associated with a successfully waited-for child  process
331       puts them into the sigwait() and sigwaitinfo() category with respect to
332       SIGCHLD.
334       This definition allows implementations to treat a pending SIGCHLD  sig‐
335       nal  as  accepted  by  the  process in wait(), with the same meaning of
336       "accepted" as when that word is applied  to  the  sigwait()  family  of
337       functions.
339       Allowing  the  wait() family of functions to behave this way permits an
340       implementation to be able to deal precisely with SIGCHLD signals.
342       In particular, an implementation that does accept (discard) the SIGCHLD
343       signal  can  make  the  following  guarantees regardless of the queuing
344       depth of signals in general (the list of waitable children can hold the
345       SIGCHLD queue):
347        1. If  a SIGCHLD signal handler is established via sigaction() without
348           the SA_RESETHAND flag, SIGCHLD signals can be  accurately  counted;
349           that  is,  exactly  one  SIGCHLD  signal  will  be  delivered to or
350           accepted by the process for every child process that terminates.
352        2. A single wait() issued from a SIGCHLD signal handler can be guaran‐
353           teed  to  return  immediately  with  status information for a child
354           process.
356        3. When SA_SIGINFO is requested, the SIGCHLD  signal  handler  can  be
357           guaranteed  to  receive a non-NULL pointer to a siginfo_t structure
358           that describes a child process for which a wait  via  waitpid()  or
359           waitid() will not block or fail.
361        4. The  system() function will not cause a process' SIGCHLD handler to
362           be called as a result of the fork()/ exec executed within  system()
363           because  system() will accept the SIGCHLD signal when it performs a
364           waitpid() for its child process. This is a  desirable  behavior  of
365           system()  so  that it can be used in a library without causing side
366           effects to the application linked with the library.
368       An implementation that does not permit the wait() family  of  functions
369       to accept (discard) a pending SIGCHLD signal associated with a success‐
370       fully waited-for child, cannot make the guarantees described above  for
371       the following reasons:
373       Guarantee #1
375              Although  it  might  be  assumed  that  reliable  queuing of all
376              SIGCHLD signals generated by the system can make this guarantee,
377              the counter-example is the case of a process that blocks SIGCHLD
378              and performs an indefinite loop of fork()/ wait() operations. If
379              the  implementation supports queued signals, then eventually the
380              system will run out of memory for the queue. The guarantee  can‐
381              not  be  made  because  there must be some limit to the depth of
382              queuing.
384       Guarantees #2 and #3
386              These cannot be guaranteed unless the wait() family of functions
387              accepts the SIGCHLD signal. Otherwise, a fork()/ wait() executed
388              while SIGCHLD is blocked (as  in  the  system()  function)  will
389              result   in  an  invocation  of  the  handler  when  SIGCHLD  is
390              unblocked, after the process has disappeared.
392       Guarantee #4
394              Although possible to make this guarantee, system() would have to
395              set  the  SIGCHLD  handler to SIG_DFL so that the SIGCHLD signal
396              generated by its fork() would be discarded (the SIGCHLD  default
397              action  is  to be ignored), then restore it to its previous set‐
398              ting. This would have the undesirable side effect of  discarding
399              all SIGCHLD signals pending to the process.


403       None.


406       exec()  ,  exit()  , fork() , waitid() , the Base Definitions volume of
407       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, <signal.h>, <sys/wait.h>
410       Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in  electronic  form
411       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
412       -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX),  The  Open  Group  Base
413       Specifications  Issue  6,  Copyright  (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of
414       Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open  Group.  In  the
415       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
416       The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group  Standard
417       is  the  referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online
418       at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .
422IEEE/The Open Group                  2003                              WAIT(P)