1docs::api::APR::Error(3U)ser Contributed Perl Documentatidooncs::api::APR::Error(3)


6       APR::Error - Perl API for APR/Apache/mod_perl exceptions


9         eval { $obj->mp_method() };
10         if ($@ && $ref $@ eq 'APR::Error' && $@ == $some_code) {
11             # handle the exception
12         }
13         else {
14             die $@; # rethrow it
15         }


18       "APR::Error" handles APR/Apache/mod_perl exceptions for you, while
19       leaving you in control.
21       Apache and APR API return a status code for almost all methods, so if
22       you didn't check the return code and handled any possible problems, you
23       may have silent failures which may cause all kind of obscure problems.
24       On the other hand checking the status code after each call is just too
25       much of a kludge and makes quick prototyping/development almost impos‐
26       sible, not talking about the code readability. Having methods return
27       status codes, also complicates the API if you need to return other val‐
28       ues.
30       Therefore to keep things nice and make the API readable we decided to
31       not return status codes, but instead throw exceptions with "APR::Error"
32       objects for each method that fails. If you don't catch those excep‐
33       tions, everything works transparently - perl will intercept the excep‐
34       tion object and "die()" with a proper error message. So you get all the
35       errors logged without doing any work.
37       Now, in certain cases you don't want to just die, but instead the error
38       needs to be trapped and handled. For example if some IO operation times
39       out, may be it is OK to trap that and try again. If we were to die with
40       an error message, you would have had to match the error message, which
41       is ugly, inefficient and may not work at all if locale error strings
42       are involved. Therefore you need to be able to get the original status
43       code that Apache or APR has generated. And the exception objects give
44       you that if you want to. Moreover the objects contain additional infor‐
45       mation, such as the function name (in case you were eval'ing several
46       commands in one block), file and line number where that function was
47       invoked from. More attributes could be added in the future.
49       "APR::Error" uses Perl operator overloading, such that in boolean and
50       numerical contexts, the object returns the status code; in the string
51       context the full error message is returned.
53       When intercepting exceptions you need to check whether $@ is an object
54       (reference). If your application uses other exception objects you addi‐
55       tionally need to check whether this is a an "APR::Error" object. There‐
56       fore most of the time this is enough:
58         eval { $obj->mp_method() };
59         if ($@ && $ref $@ && $@ == $some_code)
60             warn "handled exception: $@";
61         }
63       But with other, non-mod_perl, exception objects you need to do:
65         eval { $obj->mp_method() };
66         if ($@ && $ref $@ eq 'APR::Error' && $@ == $some_code)
67             warn "handled exception: $@";
68         }
70       In theory you could even do:
72         eval { $obj->mp_method() };
73         if ($@ && $@ == $some_code)
74             warn "handled exception: $@";
75         }
77       but it's possible that the method will die with a plain string and not
78       an object, in which case "$@ == $some_code" won't quite work. Remember
79       that mod_perl throws exception objects only when Apache and APR fail,
80       and in a few other special cases of its own (like "exit").
82         warn "handled exception: $@" if $@ && $ref $@;
84       There are two ways to figure out whether an error fits your case. In
85       most cases you just compare $@ with an the error constant. For example
86       if a socket has a timeout set and the data wasn't read within the time‐
87       out limit a "APR::Const::TIMEUP")
89         use APR::Const -compile => qw(TIMEUP);
90         $sock->timeout_set(1_000_000); # 1 sec
91         my $buff;
92         eval { $sock->recv($buff, BUFF_LEN) };
93         if ($@ && ref $@ && $@ == APR::Const::TIMEUP) {
95         }
97       However there are situations, where on different Operating Systems a
98       different error code will be returned. In which case to simplify the
99       code you should use the special subroutines provided by the "APR::Sta‐
100       tus" class. One such condition is socket "recv()" timeout, which on
101       Unix throws the "EAGAIN" error, but on other system it throws a differ‐
102       ent error. In this case "APR::Status::is_EAGAIN" should be used.
104       Let's look at a complete example. Here is a code that performs a socket
105       read:
107         my $rlen = $sock->recv(my $buff, 1024);
108         warn "read $rlen bytes\n";
110       and in certain cases it times out. The code will die and log the reason
111       for the failure, which is fine, but later on you may decide that you
112       want to have another attempt to read before dying and add some fine
113       grained sleep time between attempts, which can be achieved with
114       "select". Which gives us:
116         use APR::Status ();
117         # ....
118         my $tries = 0;
119         my $buffer;
120         RETRY: my $rlen = eval { $sock->recv($buffer, SIZE) };
121         if ($@)
122             die $@ unless ref $@ && APR::Status::is_EAGAIN($@);
123             if ($tries++ < 3) {
124                 # sleep 250msec
125                 select undef, undef, undef, 0.25;
126                 goto RETRY;
127             }
128             else {
129                 # do something else
130             }
131         }
132         warn "read $rlen bytes\n"
134       Notice that we handle non-object and non-"APR::Error" exceptions as
135       well, by simply re-throwing them.
137       Finally, the class is called "APR::Error" because it needs to be used
138       outside mod_perl as well, when called from "APR" applications written
139       in Perl.


142       "cluck"
144       "cluck" is an equivalent of "Carp::cluck" that works with "APR::Error"
145       exception objects.
147       "confess"
149       "confess" is an equivalent of "Carp::confess" that works with
150       "APR::Error" exception objects.
152       "strerror"
154       Convert APR error code to its string representation.
156         $error_str = APR::Error::strerror($rc);
158       ret: $rc ( "APR::Const status constant" )
159           The numerical value for the return (error) code
161       ret: $error_str ( string )
162           The string error message corresponding to the numerical value
163           inside $rc.  (Similar to the C function strerror(3))
165       since: 2.0.00
167       Example:
169       Try to retrieve the bucket brigade, and if the return value doesn't
170       indicate success or end of file (usually in protocol handlers) die, but
171       give the user the human-readable version of the error and not just the
172       code.
174         my $rc = $c->input_filters->get_brigade($bb_in,
175                                                 Apache2::Const::MODE_GETLINE);
176         if ($rc != APR::Const::SUCCESS && $rc != APR::Const::EOF) {
177             my $error = APR::Error::strerror($rc);
178             die "get_brigade error: $rc: $error\n";
179         }
181       It's probably a good idea not to omit the numerical value in the error
182       message, in case the error string is generated with non-English locale.

See Also

185       mod_perl 2.0 documentation.
188       mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache
189       Software License, Version 2.0.


192       The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors.
196perl v5.8.8                       2006-11-19          docs::api::APR::Error(3)