1TList(3)              User Contributed Perl Documentation             TList(3)


6       Tk::TList - Create and manipulate Tix Tabular List widgets


9        $tlist = $parent->TList(?options?);


12       None.


15       -background    -borderwidth   -class    -cursor   -foreground
16       -font     -height   -highlightcolor     -highlightthickness
17       -relief   -selectbackground   -selectforeground -xscrollcom‐
18       mand     -yscrollcommand     -width
20       See Tk::options for details of the standard options.


23       Name:     browsecmd
24       Class:    BrowseCmd
25       Switch:   -browsecmd
26           Specifies a perl/Tk callback to be executed when the user browses
27           through the entries in the TList widget.
29       Name:     command
30       Class:    Command
31       Switch:   -command
32           Specifies the perl/Tk callback to be executed when the user invokes
33           a list entry in the TList widget. Normally the user invokes a list
34           entry by double-clicking it or pressing the Return key.
36       Name:     foreground
37       Class:    Foreground
38       Switch:   -foreground
39       Alias:    -fg
40           Specifies the default foreground color for the list entries.
42       Name:     height
43       Class:    Height
44       Switch:   -height
45           Specifies the desired height for the window in number of charac‐
46           ters.
48       Name:     itemType
49       Class:    ItemType
50       Switch:   -itemtype
51           Specifies the default type of display item for this TList widget.
52           When you call the insert methods, display items of this type will
53           be created if the -itemtype option is not specified.
55       Name:     orient
56       Class:    Orient
57       Switch:   -orient
58           Specifies the order of tabularizing the list entries. When set to
59           "vertical", the entries are arranged in a column, from top to bot‐
60           tom. If the entries cannot be contained in one column, the remain‐
61           ing entries will go to the next column, and so on. When set to
62           "horizontal", the entries are arranged in a row, from left to
63           right. If the entries cannot be contained in one row, the remaining
64           entries will go to the next row, and so on.
66       Name:     padX
67       Class:    Pad
68       Switch:   -padx
69           The default horizontal padding for list entries.
71       Name:     padY
72       Class:    Pad
73       Switch:   -padx
74           The default vertical padding for list entries.
76       Name:     selectBackground
77       Class:    SelectBackground
78       Switch:   -selectbackground
79           Specifies the background color for the selected list entries.
81       Name:     selectBorderWidth
82       Class:    BorderWidth
83       Switch:   -selectborderwidth
84           Specifies a non-negative value indicating the width of the 3-D bor‐
85           der to draw around selected items.  The value may have any of the
86           forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels.
88       Name:     selectForeground
89       Class:    SelectForeground
90       Switch:   -selectforeground
91           Specifies the foreground color for the selected list entries.
93       Name:     selectMode
94       Class:    SelectMode
95       Switch:   -selectmode
96           Specifies one of several styles for manipulating the selection.
97           The value of the option may be arbitrary, but the default bindings
98           expect it to be either single, browse, multiple, or extended; the
99           default value is single.
101       Name:     sizeCmd
102       Class:    SizeCmd
103       Switch:   -sizecmd
104           Specifies a perl/Tk callback to be called whenever the TList widget
105           changes its size. This command can be useful to implement "user
106           scroll bars when needed" features.
108       Name:     state
109       Class:    State
110       Switch:   -state
111           Specifies whether the TList command should react to user actions.
112           When set to "normal", the TList reacts to user actions in the nor‐
113           mal way. When set to "disabled", the TList can only be scrolled,
114           but its entries cannot be selected or activated.
116       Name:     width
117       Class:    Width
118       Switch:   -width
119           Specifies the desired width for the window in characters.


122       The TList method creates a new window (given by the $widget argument)
123       and makes it into a TList widget.  Additional options, described above,
124       may be specified on the command line or in the option database to con‐
125       figure aspects of the TList widget such as its cursor and relief.
127       The TList widget can be used to display data in a tabular format. The
128       list entries of a TList widget are similar to the entries in the Tk
129       listbox widget. The main differences are (1) the TList widget can dis‐
130       play the list entries in a two dimensional format and (2) you can use
131       graphical images as well as multiple colors and fonts for the list
132       entries.
134       Each list entry is identified by an index, which can be in the follow‐
135       ing forms:
137       number
138           An integer that indicates the position of the entry in the list. 0
139           means the first position, 1 means the second position, and so on.
141       end Indicates the end of the listbox. For some commands this means just
142           after the last entry; for other commands it means the last entry.
144       @x,y
145           Indicates the element that covers the point in the listbox window
146           specified by x and y (in pixel coordinates). If no element covers
147           that point, then the closest element to that point is used.


150       Each list entry in an TList widget is associated with a display item.
151       The display item determines what visual information should be displayed
152       for this list entry. Please see Tk::DItem for a list of all display
153       items.
155       When a list entry is created by the insert command, the type of its
156       display item is determined by the -itemtype option passed to these com‐
157       mands. If the -itemtype is omitted, then by default the type specified
158       by this TList widget's -itemtype option is used.


161       The TList method creates a widget object.
163       This object supports the configure and cget methods described in
164       Tk::options which can be used to enquire and modify the options
165       described above.  The widget also inherits all the methods provided by
166       the generic Tk::Widget class.
168       The following additional methods are available for TList widgets:
170       $tlist->anchorSet(index)
171           Sets the anchor to the list entry identified by index. The anchor
172           is the end of the selection that is fixed while dragging out a
173           selection with the mouse.
175       $tlist->anchorClear
176           Removes the anchor, if any, from this TList widget. This only
177           removes the surrounding highlights of the anchor entry and does not
178           affect its selection status.
180       $tlist->delete(from, ?to?)
181           Deletes one or more list entries between the two entries specified
182           by the indices from and to. If to is not specified, deletes the
183           single entry specified by from.
185       $tlist->dragsiteSet(index)
186           Sets the dragsite to the list entry identified by index. The
187           dragsite is used to indicate the source of a drag-and-drop action.
188           Currently drag-and-drop functionality has not been implemented in
189           Tix yet.
191       $tlist->dragsiteClear
192           Remove the dragsite, if any, from the this TList widget. This only
193           removes the surrounding highlights of the dragsite entry and does
194           not affect its selection status.
196       $tlist->dropsiteSet(index)
197           Sets the dropsite to the list entry identified by index. The drop‐
198           site is used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop action. Cur‐
199           rently drag-and-drop functionality has not been implemented in Tix
200           yet.
202       $tlist->dropsiteClear
203           Remove the dropsite, if any, from the this TList widget. This only
204           removes the surrounding highlights of the dropsite entry and does
205           not affect its selection status.
207       $tlist->entrycget(index, option)
208           Returns the current value of the configuration option given by
209           option for the entry indentfied by index. Option may have any of
210           the values accepted by the insert method.
212       $tlist->entryconfigure(index, ?option?, ?value, option, value, ...?)
213           Query or modify the configuration options of the list entry identi‐
214           fied by index. If no option is specified, returns a list describing
215           all of the available options for index (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for
216           information on the format of this list). If option is specified
217           with no value, then the method returns a list describing the one
218           named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sub‐
219           list of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or
220           more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
221           the given option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the
222           method returns an empty string.  Option may have any of the values
223           accepted by the insert method. The exact set of options depends on
224           the value of the -itemtype option passed to the the insert method
225           when this list entry is created.
227       $tlist->insert(index, ?option, value, ...?)
228           Creates a new list entry at the position indicated by index. The
229           following configuration options can be given to configure the list
230           entry:
232           -itemtype => type
233                   Specifies the type of display item to be display for the
234                   new list entry. type must be a valid display item type.
235                   Currently the available display item types are image,
236                   imagetext, text, and $widget. If this option is not speci‐
237                   fied, then by default the type specified by this TList wid‐
238                   get's -itemtype option is used.
240           -state => state
241                   Specifies whether this entry can be selected or invoked by
242                   the user.  Must be either normal or disabled.
244           -data => data
245                   Arbitrary data to be associated with the entry (a perl
246                   scalar value).
248           The insert method accepts additional configuration options to con‐
249           figure the display item associated with this list entry. The set of
250           additional configuration options depends on the type of the display
251           item given by the -itemtype option. Please see Tk::DItem for a list
252           of the configuration options for each of the display item types.
254       $tlist->info(option, arg, ...)
255           Query information about the TList widget. option can be one of the
256           following:
258           $tlist->info(anchor, index)
259                   Returns the index of the current anchor, if any, of the
260                   TList widget. If the anchor is not set, returns the empty
261                   string.
263           $tlist->info(dragsite, index)
264                   Returns the index of the current dragsite, if any, of the
265                   TList widget. If the dragsite is not set, returns the empty
266                   string.
268           $tlist->info(dropsite, index)
269                   Returns the index of the current dropsite, if any, of the
270                   TList widget. If the dropsite is not set, returns the empty
271                   string.
273           $tlist->info(selection)
274                   Returns a list of selected elements in the TList widget. If
275                   no entries are selected, returns an empty string.
277       $tlist->nearest(x, y)
278           Given an (x,y) coordinate within the TList window, this command
279           returns the index of the TList element nearest to that coordinate.
281       $tlist->see(index)
282           Adjust the view in the TList so that the entry given by index is
283           visible. If the entry is already visible then the command has no
284           effect; otherwise TList scrolls to bring the element into view at
285           the edge to which it is nearest.
287       $tlist->selection(option, arg, ...)
288           This command is used to adjust the selection within a TList widget.
289           It has several forms, depending on option:
291           $tlist->selectionClear(?from?, ?to?)
292                   When no extra arguments are given, deselects all of the
293                   list entrie(s) in this TList widget. When only from is
294                   given, only the list entry identified by from is dese‐
295                   lected. When both from and to are given, deselects all of
296                   the list entrie(s) between between from and to, inclusive,
297                   without affecting the selection state of entries outside
298                   that range.
300           $tlist->selectionIncludes(index)
301                   Returns 1 if the list entry indicated by index is currently
302                   selected; returns 0 otherwise.
304           $tlist->selectionSet(from, ?to?)
305                   Selects all of the list entrie(s) between between from and
306                   to, inclusive, without affecting the selection state of
307                   entries outside that range. When only from is given, only
308                   the list entry identified by from is selected.
310       $tlist->xview(args)
311           This command is used to query and change the horizontal position of
312           the information in the widget's window. It can take any of the fol‐
313           lowing forms:
315           $tlist->xview
316                   Returns a list containing two elements.  Each element is a
317                   real fraction between 0 and 1; together they describe the
318                   horizontal span that is visible in the window.  For exam‐
319                   ple, if the first element is 0.2 and the second element is
320                   0.6, 20% of the TList entry is off-screen to the left, the
321                   middle 40% is visible in the window, and 40% of the entry
322                   is off-screen to the right. These are the same values
323                   passed to scrollbars via the -xscrollcommand option.
325           $tlist->xview(index)
326                   Adjusts the view in the window so that the list entry iden‐
327                   tified by index is aligned to the left edge of the window.
329           $tlist->xviewMoveto(fraction)
330                   Adjusts the view in the window so that fraction of the
331                   total width of the TList is off-screen to the left. frac‐
332                   tion must be a fraction between 0 and 1.
334           $tlist->xviewScroll(number, what)
335                   This command shifts the view in the window left or right
336                   according to number and what. Number must be an integer.
337                   What must be either units or pages or an abbreviation of
338                   one of these. If what is units, the view adjusts left or
339                   right by number character units (the width of the 0 charac‐
340                   ter) on the display; if it is pages then the view adjusts
341                   by number screenfuls. If number is negative then characters
342                   farther to the left become visible; if it is positive then
343                   characters farther to the right become visible.
345       $tlist->yview(?args?)
346           This command is used to query and change the vertical position of
347           the entries in the widget's window. It can take any of the follow‐
348           ing forms:
350           $tlist->yview
351                   Returns a list containing two elements, both of which are
352                   real fractions between 0 and 1.  The first element gives
353                   the position of the list element at the top of the window,
354                   relative to the TList as a whole (0.5 means it is halfway
355                   through the TList, for example).  The second element gives
356                   the position of the list entry just after the last one in
357                   the window, relative to the TList as a whole.  These are
358                   the same values passed to scrollbars via the -yscrollcom‐
359                   mand option.
361           $tlist->yview(index)
362                   Adjusts the view in the window so that the list entry given
363                   by index is displayed at the top of the window.
365           $tlist->yviewMoveto(fraction)
366                   Adjusts the view in the window so that the list entry given
367                   by fraction appears at the top of the window. Fraction is a
368                   fraction between 0 and 1; 0 indicates the first entry in
369                   the TList, 0.33 indicates the entry one-third the way
370                   through the TList, and so on.
372           $tlist->yviewScroll(number, what)
373                   This command adjust the view in the window up or down
374                   according to number and what.  Number must be an integer.
375                   What must be either units or pages.  If what is units, the
376                   view adjusts up or down by number lines; if it is pages
377                   then the view adjusts by number screenfuls.  If number is
378                   negative then earlier entries become visible; if it is pos‐
379                   itive then later entries become visible.


382       [1] If the -selectmode is "browse", when the user drags the mouse
383           pointer over the list entries, the entry under the pointer will be
384           highlighted and the -browsecmd procedure will be called with one
385           parameter, the index of the highlighted entry. Only one entry can
386           be highlighted at a time. The -command procedure will be called
387           when the user double-clicks on a list entry.
389       [2] If the -selectmode is "single", the entries will only be high‐
390           lighted by mouse <ButtonRelease-1> events. When a new list entry is
391           highlighted, the -browsecmd procedure will be called with one
392           parameter indicating the highlighted list entry. The -command pro‐
393           cedure will be called when the user double-clicks on a list entry.
395       [3] If the -selectmode is "multiple", when the user drags the mouse
396           pointer over the list entries, all the entries under the pointer
397           will be highlighted. However, only a contiguous region of list
398           entries can be selected. When the highlighted area is changed, the
399           -browsecmd procedure will be called with an undefined parameter. It
400           is the responsibility of the -browsecmd procedure to find out the
401           exact highlighted selection in the TList. The -command procedure
402           will be called when the user double-clicks on a list entry.
404       [4] If the -selectmode is "extended", when the user drags the mouse
405           pointer over the list entries, all the entries under the pointer
406           will be highlighted. The user can also make disjointed selections
407           using <Control-ButtonPress-1>. When the highlighted area is
408           changed, the -browsecmd procedure will be called with an undefined
409           parameter. It is the responsibility of the -browsecmd procedure to
410           find out the exact highlighted selection in the TList. The -command
411           procedure will be called when the user double-clicks on a list
412           entry.


415       This example demonstrates how to use an TList to store a list of num‐
416       bers:
418           use strict;
419           use Tk ();
420           use Tk::TList;
422           my $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new();
423           my $image = $mw->Getimage('folder');
424           my $tlist = $mw->TList(-orient => 'vertical');
425           for my $text ( qw/one two three four five six seven eight nine/ ) {
426               $tlist->insert('end',
427                        -itemtype=>'imagetext', -image=>$image, -text=>$text);
428           }
430           $tlist->pack(-expand=>'yes', -fill=>'both');
432           Tk::MainLoop;


435       Tk::options Tk::Widget Tk::DItem Tk::HList Tk::TixGrid


438       Tix(n), Tabular Listbox, Display Items
442perl v5.8.8                       2008-02-05                          TList(3)