1Wm(3)                 User Contributed Perl Documentation                Wm(3)


6       Tk::Wm - Communicate with window manager


9        $toplevel->method(?args?)


12       The wm methods are used to interact with window managers in order to
13       control such things as the title for a window, its geometry, or the
14       increments in terms of which it may be resized.  The wm methods can
15       take any of a number of different forms, depending on the particular
16       method argument.  All of the forms expect $toplevel, which must be a
17       top-level window object.
19       The legal forms for the wm methods are:
21       $toplevel->aspect(?minNumer minDenom maxNumer maxDenom?)
22           If minNumer, minDenom, maxNumer, and maxDenom are all specified,
23           then they will be passed to the window manager and the window man‐
24           ager should use them to enforce a range of acceptable aspect ratios
25           for $toplevel.  The aspect ratio of $toplevel (width/length) will
26           be constrained to lie between minNumer/minDenom and maxNumer/maxDe‐
27           nom.  If minNumer etc. are all specified as empty strings, then any
28           existing aspect ratio restrictions are removed.  If minNumer etc.
29           are specified, then the method returns an empty string.  Otherwise,
30           it returns a array containing four elements, which are the current
31           values of minNumer, minDenom, maxNumer, and maxDenom (if no aspect
32           restrictions are in effect, then an empty string is returned).
34       $widget->attributes( ?args? );
35           This subcommand returns or  sets  platform  specific  attributes
36           associated with a window.
38           $widget->attributes;
39               Returns a list of the  platform specific  flags  and  their
40               values.
42           $widget->attributes( ?option? );
43               Returns  the  value for the specific option.
45           $widget->attributes( ?option value option value...? );
46               Sets one or more of the values. The values are as follows:
48               On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window  is  in
49               a disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the
50               window to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost  gets
51               or  sets whether  this is a topmost window (displays above all
52               other win- dows).
54               On Macintosh, there are currently no special attribute values.
56               On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
58       $toplevel->client(?name?)
59           If name is specified, this method stores name (which should be the
60           name of the host on which the application is executing) in
61           $toplevel's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property for use by the window man‐
62           ager or session manager.  The method returns an empty string in
63           this case.  If name isn't specified, the method returns the last
64           name set in a client method for $toplevel.  If name is specified as
65           an empty string, the method deletes the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
66           from $toplevel.
68       $toplevel->colormapwindows(?windowList?)
69           This method is used to manipulate the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property,
70           which provides information to the window managers about windows
71           that have private colormaps.  If windowList isn't specified, the
72           method returns a list whose elements are the names of the windows
73           in the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property.  If windowList is specified,
74           it consists of a list of widgets; the method overwrites the WM_COL‐
75           ORMAP_WINDOWS property with the given windows and returns an empty
76           string.  The WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property should normally contain a
77           list of the internal windows within $toplevel whose colormaps dif‐
78           fer from their parents.  The order of the windows in the property
79           indicates a priority order: the window manager will attempt to
80           install as many colormaps as possible from the head of this list
81           when $widget gets the colormap focus.  If $widget is not included
82           among the windows in windowList, Tk implicitly adds it at the end
83           of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property, so that its colormap is lowest
84           in priority.  If $widget->colormapwindows is not invoked, Tk will
85           automatically set the property for each top-level window to all the
86           internal windows whose colormaps differ from their parents, fol‐
87           lowed by the top-level itself;  the order of the internal windows
88           is undefined.  See the ICCCM documentation for more information on
89           the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property.
91       $toplevel->command(?value?)
92           If value is specified, this method stores value in $toplevel's
93           WM_COMMAND property for use by the window manager or session man‐
94           ager and returns an empty string.  Value must have proper list
95           structure;  the elements should contain the words of the command
96           used to invoke the application.  If value isn't specified then the
97           method returns the last value set in a command method for
98           $toplevel.  If value is specified as an empty string, the method
99           deletes the WM_COMMAND property from $toplevel.
101       $toplevel->deiconify
102           Arrange for $toplevel to be displayed in normal (non-iconified)
103           form.  This is done by mapping the window.  If the window has never
104           been mapped then this method will not map the window, but it will
105           ensure that when the window is first mapped it will be displayed in
106           de-iconified form.  Returns an empty string.
108       $toplevel->focusmodel(?activepassive?)
109           If active or passive is supplied as an optional argument to the
110           method, then it specifies the focus model for $toplevel.  In this
111           case the method returns an empty string.  If no additional argument
112           is supplied, then the method returns the current focus model for
113           $toplevel.  An active focus model means that $toplevel will claim
114           the input focus for itself or its descendants, even at times when
115           the focus is currently in some other application.  Passive means
116           that $toplevel will never claim the focus for itself:  the window
117           manager should give the focus to $toplevel at appropriate times.
118           However, once the focus has been given to $toplevel or one of its
119           descendants, the application may re-assign the focus among
120           $toplevel's descendants.  The focus model defaults to passive, and
121           Tk's focus method assumes a passive model of focusing.
123       $toplevel->frame
124           If $widget has been reparented by the window manager into a decora‐
125           tive frame, the method returns the platform specific window identi‐
126           fier for the outermost frame that contains $toplevel (the window
127           whose parent is the root or virtual root).  If $toplevel hasn't
128           been reparented by the window manager then the method returns the
129           platform specific window identifier for $toplevel.
131       $toplevel->geometry(?newGeometry?)
132           If newGeometry is specified, then the geometry of $toplevel is
133           changed and an empty string is returned.  Otherwise the current
134           geometry for $toplevel is returned (this is the most recent geome‐
135           try specified either by manual resizing or in a geometry method).
136           NewGeometry has the form =widthxheight+-x+-y, where any of =,
137           widthxheight, or +-x+-y may be omitted.  Width and height are posi‐
138           tive integers specifying the desired dimensions of $toplevel.  If
139           $toplevel is gridded (see "GRIDDED GEOMETRY MANAGEMENT" below) then
140           the dimensions are specified in grid units;  otherwise they are
141           specified in pixel units.  X and y specify the desired location of
142           $toplevel on the screen, in pixels.  If x is preceded by +, it
143           specifies the number of pixels between the left edge of the screen
144           and the left edge of $toplevel's border;  if preceded by - then x
145           specifies the number of pixels between the right edge of the screen
146           and the right edge of $toplevel's border.  If y is preceded by +
147           then it specifies the number of pixels between the top of the
148           screen and the top of $toplevel's border;  if y is preceded by -
149           then it specifies the number of pixels between the bottom of
150           $toplevel's border and the bottom of the screen.  If newGeometry is
151           specified as an empty string then any existing user-specified geom‐
152           etry for $toplevel is cancelled, and the window will revert to the
153           size requested internally by its widgets.
155       $toplevel->wmGrid(?baseWidth,baseHeight,widthInc,heightInc?)
156           This method indicates that $toplevel is to be managed as a gridded
157           window.  It also specifies the relationship between grid units and
158           pixel units.  BaseWidth and baseHeight specify the number of grid
159           units corresponding to the pixel dimensions requested internally by
160           $toplevel using Tk_GeometryRequest.  WidthInc and heightInc specify
161           the number of pixels in each horizontal and vertical grid unit.
162           These four values determine a range of acceptable sizes for
163           $toplevel, corresponding to grid-based widths and heights that are
164           non-negative integers.  Tk will pass this information to the window
165           manager;  during manual resizing, the window manager will restrict
166           the window's size to one of these acceptable sizes.  Furthermore,
167           during manual resizing the window manager will display the window's
168           current size in terms of grid units rather than pixels.  If
169           baseWidth etc. are all specified as empty strings, then $toplevel
170           will no longer be managed as a gridded window.  If baseWidth etc.
171           are specified then the return value is an empty string.  Otherwise
172           the return value is a array containing four elements corresponding
173           to the current baseWidth, baseHeight, widthInc, and heightInc;  if
174           $toplevel is not currently gridded, then an empty string is
175           returned.  Note: this command should not be needed very often,
176           since the Tk_SetGrid library procedure and the -setgrid option pro‐
177           vide easier access to the same functionality.
179       $toplevel->group(?$widget?)
180           If $widget is specified, it is the the leader of a group of related
181           windows.  The window manager may use this information, for example,
182           to unmap all of the windows in a group when the group's leader is
183           iconified.  $widget may be specified as an empty string to remove
184           $toplevel from any group association.  If $widget is specified then
185           the method returns an empty string;  otherwise it returns the
186           $toplevel's current group leader, or an empty string if $toplevel
187           isn't part of any group.
189       $toplevel->iconbitmap(?bitmap?)
190           If bitmap is specified, then it names a bitmap in the standard
191           forms accepted by Tk (see the Tk_GetBitmap documentation for
192           details).  This black and white bitmap is passed to the window man‐
193           ager to be displayed in $toplevel's icon, and the method returns an
194           empty string.  If an empty string is specified for bitmap, then any
195           current icon bitmap or image is cancelled for $toplevel.  If bitmap
196           is specified then the method returns an empty string.  Otherwise it
197           returns the name of the current icon bitmap associated with
198           $toplevel, or an empty string if $toplevel has no icon bitmap.
200       $toplevel->iconify
201           Arrange for $toplevel to be iconified.  It $toplevel hasn't yet
202           been mapped for the first time, this method will arrange for it to
203           appear in the iconified state when it is eventually mapped.
205       $toplevel->iconimage(?image?)
206           If image is specified, then it names a normal Tk image.  This image
207           is rendered into a private coloured bitmap which is passed to the
208           window manager to be displayed in $toplevel's icon, and the method
209           returns an empty string. If an empty string is specified for image,
210           then any current icon bitmap or image is cancelled for $toplevel.
211           If image is specified then the method returns an empty string.
212           Otherwise it returns the name of the current icon image associated
213           with $toplevel, or an empty string if $toplevel has no icon image.
214           The private pixmap is not pre-cleared so images which are partly
215           "transparent" display rubbish in their transparent parts.
217           The sizes of images that can be used as icons in this manner are
218           platform dependant. On Win32 this sets the "large" icon, which
219           should be 32x32, it will automatically be scaled down to 16x16 for
220           use as a small icon.
222       $toplevel->iconmask(?bitmap?)
223           If bitmap is specified, then it names a bitmap in the standard
224           forms accepted by Tk (see the Tk_GetBitmap documentation for
225           details).  This bitmap is passed to the window manager to be used
226           as a mask in conjunction with the iconbitmap option:  where the
227           mask has zeroes no icon will be displayed;  where it has ones, the
228           bits from the icon bitmap will be displayed.  If an empty string is
229           specified for bitmap then any current icon mask is cancelled for
230           $toplevel (this is equivalent to specifying a bitmap of all ones).
231           If bitmap is specified then the method returns an empty string.
232           Otherwise it returns the name of the current icon mask associated
233           with $toplevel, or an empty string if no mask is in effect.
235       $toplevel->iconname(?newName?)
236           If newName is specified, then it is passed to the window manager;
237           the window manager should display newName inside the icon associ‐
238           ated with $toplevel.  In this case an empty string is returned as
239           result.  If newName isn't specified then the method returns the
240           current icon name for $toplevel, or an empty string if no icon name
241           has been specified (in this case the window manager will normally
242           display the window's title, as specified with the title method).
244       $toplevel->iconphoto(?-default? image1 ?image2 ...?)
245           Sets the titlebar icon for  window  based  on  the  named  photo
246           images.  If -default is specified, this is applied to all future
247           created toplevels as well.  The data in the images is taken as a
248           snapshot  at  the  time  of invocation.  If the images are later
249           changed, this is not reflected to the titlebar icons.   Multiple
250           images  are  accepted to allow different images sizes (eg, 16x16
251           and 32x32) to be provided.  The window manager  may  scale  pro-
252           vided icons to an appropriate size.
254           On Windows, the images are packed into a Windows icon structure.
255           This will override an ico specified to wm iconbitmap,  and  vice
256           versa. [NOTE: This is not implemented yet!]
258           On  X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property,
259           which most modern window managers support.  A wm iconbitmap  may
260           exist  simultaneously.  It is recommended to use not more than 2
261           icons, placing the larger icon first.
263           On Macintosh, this is currently does nothing.
265       $toplevel->iconposition(?x y?)
266           If x and y are specified, they are passed to the window manager as
267           a hint about where to position the icon for $toplevel.  In this
268           case an empty string is returned.  If x and y are specified as
269           empty strings then any existing icon position hint is cancelled.
270           If neither x nor y is specified, then the method returns a array
271           containing two values, which are the current icon position hints
272           (if no hints are in effect then an empty string is returned).
274       $toplevel->iconwindow(?$widget?)
275           If $widget is specified, it is a window to use as icon for
276           $toplevel: when $toplevel is iconified then $widget will be mapped
277           to serve as icon, and when $toplevel is de-iconified then $widget
278           will be unmapped again.  If $widget is specified as an empty string
279           then any existing icon window association for $toplevel will be
280           cancelled.  If the $widget argument is specified then an empty
281           string is returned.  Otherwise the method returns the current icon
282           window for $toplevel, or an empty string if there is no icon window
283           currently specified for $toplevel.  Button press events are dis‐
284           abled for $toplevel as long as it is an icon window;  this is
285           needed in order to allow window managers to ``own'' those events.
286           Note: not all window managers support the notion of an icon window.
288       $toplevel->maxsize(?width,height?)
289           If width and height are specified, they give the maximum permissi‐
290           ble dimensions for $toplevel.  For gridded windows the dimensions
291           are specified in grid units;  otherwise they are specified in pixel
292           units.  The window manager will restrict the window's dimensions to
293           be less than or equal to width and height.  If width and height are
294           specified, then the method returns an empty string.  Otherwise it
295           returns a array with two elements, which are the maximum width and
296           height currently in effect.  The maximum size defaults to the size
297           of the screen.  If resizing has been disabled with the resizable
298           method, then this method has no effect.  See the sections on geome‐
299           try management below for more information.
301       $toplevel->minsize(?width,height?)
302           If width and height are specified, they give the minimum permissi‐
303           ble dimensions for $toplevel.  For gridded windows the dimensions
304           are specified in grid units;  otherwise they are specified in pixel
305           units.  The window manager will restrict the window's dimensions to
306           be greater than or equal to width and height.  If width and height
307           are specified, then the method returns an empty string.  Otherwise
308           it returns a array with two elements, which are the minimum width
309           and height currently in effect.  The minimum size defaults to one
310           pixel in each dimension.  If resizing has been disabled with the
311           resizable method, then this method has no effect.  See the sections
312           on geometry management below for more information.
314       $toplevel->overrideredirect(?boolean?)
315           If boolean is specified, it must have a proper boolean form and the
316           override-redirect flag for $toplevel is set to that value.  If
317           boolean is not specified then 1 or 0 is returned to indicate
318           whether or not the override-redirect flag is currently set for
319           $toplevel.  Setting the override-redirect flag for a window causes
320           it to be ignored by the window manager;  among other things, this
321           means that the window will not be reparented from the root window
322           into a decorative frame and the user will not be able to manipulate
323           the window using the normal window manager mechanisms.
325       $toplevel->positionfrom(?who?)
326           If who is specified, it must be either program or user, or an
327           abbreviation of one of these two.  It indicates whether $toplevel's
328           current position was requested by the program or by the user.  Many
329           window managers ignore program-requested initial positions and ask
330           the user to manually position the window;  if user is specified
331           then the window manager should position the window at the given
332           place without asking the user for assistance.  If who is specified
333           as an empty string, then the current position source is cancelled.
334           If who is specified, then the method returns an empty string.  Oth‐
335           erwise it returns user or $widget to indicate the source of the
336           window's current position, or an empty string if no source has been
337           specified yet.  Most window managers interpret ``no source'' as
338           equivalent to program.  Tk will automatically set the position
339           source to user when a geometry method is invoked, unless the source
340           has been set explicitly to program.
342       $toplevel->protocol(?name?,?callback?)
343           This method is used to manage window manager protocols such as
344           WM_DELETE_WINDOW.  Name is the name of an atom corresponding to a
345           window manager protocol, such as WM_DELETE_WINDOW or WM_SAVE_YOUR‐
346           SELF or WM_TAKE_FOCUS.  If both name and callback are specified,
347           then callback is associated with the protocol specified by name.
348           Name will be added to $toplevel's WM_PROTOCOLS property to tell the
349           window manager that the application has a protocol handler for
350           name, and callback will be invoked in the future whenever the win‐
351           dow manager sends a message to the client for that protocol.  In
352           this case the method returns an empty string.  If name is specified
353           but callback isn't, then the current callback for name is returned,
354           or an empty string if there is no handler defined for name.  If
355           callback is specified as an empty string then the current handler
356           for name is deleted and it is removed from the WM_PROTOCOLS prop‐
357           erty on $toplevel;  an empty string is returned.  Lastly, if nei‐
358           ther name nor callback is specified, the method returns a list of
359           all the protocols for which handlers are currently defined for
360           $toplevel.
362                   Tk always defines a protocol handler for WM_DELETE_WINDOW,
363                   even if you haven't asked for one with protocol.  If a
364                   WM_DELETE_WINDOW message arrives when you haven't defined a
365                   handler, then Tk handles the message by destroying the win‐
366                   dow for which it was received.
368       $toplevel->resizable(?width,height?)
369           This method controls whether or not the user may interactively
370           resize a top-level window.  If width and height are specified, they
371           are boolean values that determine whether the width and height of
372           $toplevel may be modified by the user.  In this case the method
373           returns an empty string.  If width and height are omitted then the
374           method returns a list with two 0/1 elements that indicate whether
375           the width and height of $toplevel are currently resizable.  By
376           default, windows are resizable in both dimensions.  If resizing is
377           disabled, then the window's size will be the size from the most
378           recent interactive resize or geometry method.  If there has been no
379           such operation then the window's natural size will be used.
381       $toplevel->sizefrom(?who?)
382           If who is specified, it must be either program or user, or an
383           abbreviation of one of these two.  It indicates whether $toplevel's
384           current size was requested by the program or by the user.  Some
385           window managers ignore program-requested sizes and ask the user to
386           manually size the window;  if user is specified then the window
387           manager should give the window its specified size without asking
388           the user for assistance.  If who is specified as an empty string,
389           then the current size source is cancelled.  If who is specified,
390           then the method returns an empty string.  Otherwise it returns user
391           or $widget to indicate the source of the window's current size, or
392           an empty string if no source has been specified yet.  Most window
393           managers interpret ``no source'' as equivalent to program.
395       $toplevel->stackorder( ?isabove⎪isbelow $toplevel? );
396           The stackorder command returns a list  of  toplevel  windows  in
397           stacking  order,  from lowest to highest. When a single toplevel
398           window is passed, the returned list recursively includes all  of
399           the  window's  children that are toplevels. Only those toplevels
400           that are currently mapped  to  the  screen  are  returned.   The
401           stackorder command can also be used to determine if one toplevel is
402           positioned above or below a second toplevel.  When two window argu‐
403           ments  separated  by either isabove or isbelow are passed, a bool‐
404           ean result indicates whether or not the first window is currently
405           above or below the second window in the stacking order.
407       $toplevel->state(?newstate?)
408           If newstate is specified, the window will be set to the new state,
409           otherwise it returns the current state of $toplevel: either normal,
410           iconic, withdrawn, icon, or (Windows only) zoomed. The difference
411           between iconic and icon is that iconic refers to a window that has
412           been iconified (e.g., with the iconify method) while icon refers to
413           a window whose only purpose is to serve as the icon for some other
414           window (via the iconwindow method). The icon state cannot be set.
416       $toplevel->title(?string?)
417           If string is specified, then it will be passed to the window man‐
418           ager for use as the title for $toplevel (the window manager should
419           display this string in $toplevel's title bar).  In this case the
420           method returns an empty string.  If string isn't specified then the
421           method returns the current title for the $toplevel.  The title for
422           a window defaults to its name.
424       $toplevel->transient(?master?)
425           If master is specified, then the window manager is informed that
426           $toplevel is a transient window (e.g. pull-down menu) working on
427           behalf of master (where master is a top-level window).  Some window
428           managers will use this information to manage $toplevel specially.
429           If master is specified as an empty string then $toplevel is marked
430           as not being a transient window any more.  If master is specified,
431           then the method returns an empty string.  Otherwise the method
432           returns the path name of $toplevel's current master, or an empty
433           string if $toplevel isn't currently a transient window.
435       $toplevel->withdraw
436           Arranges for $toplevel to be withdrawn from the screen.  This
437           causes the window to be unmapped and forgotten about by the window
438           manager.  If the window has never been mapped, then this method
439           causes the window to be mapped in the withdrawn state.  Not all
440           window managers appear to know how to handle windows that are
441           mapped in the withdrawn state.  Note: it sometimes seems to be nec‐
442           essary to withdraw a window and then re-map it (e.g. with
443           deiconify) to get some window managers to pay attention to changes
444           in window attributes such as group.
446       $toplevel->wrapper
447           Returns the window id of the wrapper window in which Tk has placed
448           $toplevel. This is the id by which window manager will know
449           $toplevel, and so is appropriate place to add X properties.


452       The sizes of bitmaps/images that can be used as icons in this manner
453       are platform and window manager dependant. Unix window managers are
454       typically more tolerant than Win32. It is possible that coloured "icon‐
455       image" icons may cause problems on some X window managers.
457       * Win32
458           "iconimage" and "iconbitmap" set the "large" icon, which should be
459           32x32, it will automatically be scaled down to 16x16 for use as a
460           small icon.  Win32 ignores "iconwin" requests.
462       * KDE's "kwm"
463           Accepts coloured "iconimage" and black and white "iconbitmap" but
464           will scale either to a small (14x14?) icon. Kwm ignores "iconwin".
466       * Sun's "olwm" or "olvwm"
467           Honours "iconwin" which will override "iconimage" or "iconbitmap".
468           Coloured images work.
470       * Sun's CDE window manager
471           Coloured images work. ...


474       By default a top-level window appears on the screen in its natural
475       size, which is the one determined internally by its widgets and geome‐
476       try managers.  If the natural size of a top-level window changes, then
477       the window's size changes to match.  A top-level window can be given a
478       size other than its natural size in two ways.  First, the user can
479       resize the window manually using the facilities of the window manager,
480       such as resize handles.  Second, the application can request a particu‐
481       lar size for a top-level window using the geometry method.  These two
482       cases are handled identically by Tk;  in either case, the requested
483       size overrides the natural size.  You can return the window to its nat‐
484       ural by invoking geometry with an empty geometry string.
486       Normally a top-level window can have any size from one pixel in each
487       dimension up to the size of its screen.  However, you can use the min‐
488       size and maxsize methods to limit the range of allowable sizes.  The
489       range set by minsize and maxsize applies to all forms of resizing,
490       including the window's natural size as well as manual resizes and the
491       geometry method.  You can also use the method resizable to completely
492       disable interactive resizing in one or both dimensions.


495       Gridded geometry management occurs when one of the widgets of an appli‐
496       cation supports a range of useful sizes.  This occurs, for example, in
497       a text editor where the scrollbars, menus, and other adornments are
498       fixed in size but the edit widget can support any number of lines of
499       text or characters per line.  In this case, it is usually desirable to
500       let the user specify the number of lines or characters-per-line, either
501       with the geometry method or by interactively resizing the window.  In
502       the case of text, and in other interesting cases also, only discrete
503       sizes of the window make sense, such as integral numbers of lines and
504       characters-per-line;  arbitrary pixel sizes are not useful.
506       Gridded geometry management provides support for this kind of applica‐
507       tion.  Tk (and the window manager) assume that there is a grid of some
508       sort within the application and that the application should be resized
509       in terms of grid units rather than pixels.  Gridded geometry management
510       is typically invoked by turning on the setGrid option for a widget;  it
511       can also be invoked with the wmGrid method or by calling Tk_SetGrid.
512       In each of these approaches the particular widget (or sometimes code in
513       the application as a whole) specifies the relationship between integral
514       grid sizes for the window and pixel sizes.  To return to non-gridded
515       geometry management, invoke grid with empty argument strings.
517       When gridded geometry management is enabled then all the dimensions
518       specified in minsize, maxsize, and geometry methods are treated as grid
519       units rather than pixel units.  Interactive resizing is also carried
520       out in even numbers of grid units rather than pixels.


523       Most existing window managers appear to have bugs that affect the oper‐
524       ation of the wm methods.  For example, some changes won't take effect
525       if the window is already active:  the window will have to be withdrawn
526       and de-iconified in order to make the change happen.


529       Tk::Widget Tk::tixWm Tk::Mwm


532       aspect ratio, deiconify, focus model, geometry, grid, group, icon,
533       iconify, increments, position, size, title, top-level window, units,
534       window manager
538perl v5.8.8                       2008-02-05                             Wm(3)