1photo(n)                     Tk Built-In Commands                     photo(n)


8       photo - Full-color images


11       image create photo ?name? ?options?


16       A  photo is an image whose pixels can display any color or be transpar‐
17       ent.  A photo image is stored internally in full  color  (32  bits  per
18       pixel),  and is displayed using dithering if necessary.  Image data for
19       a photo image can be obtained from a file or a string,  or  it  can  be
20       supplied  from C code through a procedural interface.  At present, only
21       GIF and PPM/PGM formats are supported, but an interface exists to allow
22       additional  image  file  formats  to be added easily.  A photo image is
23       transparent in regions where no image data has been supplied  or  where │
24       it has been set transparent by the transparency set subcommand.


27       Like  all  images,  photos  are created using the image create command.
28       Photos support the following options:
30       -data string
31              Specifies the contents of the image as a string.  The string can
32              contain  base64  encoded data or binary data.  The format of the
33              string must be one of those for which there  is  an  image  file
34              format  handler that will accept string data.  If both the -data
35              and -file options are specified, the -file option  takes  prece‐
36              dence.
38       -format format-name
39              Specifies  the  name  of  the file format for the data specified
40              with the -data or -file option.
42       -file name
43              name gives the name of a file that is to be read to supply  data
44              for  the  photo image.  The file format must be one of those for
45              which there is an image file format handler that can read data.
47       -gamma value
48              Specifies that the colors allocated for displaying this image in
49              a  window  should be corrected for a non-linear display with the
50              specified gamma exponent value.  (The intensity produced by most
51              CRT  displays  is a power function of the input value, to a good
52              approximation; gamma is the exponent and is typically around 2).
53              The  value  specified  must  be  greater than zero.  The default
54              value is one (no correction).  In general, values  greater  than
55              one  will  make the image lighter, and values less than one will
56              make it darker.
58       -height number
59              Specifies the height of the image, in pixels.   This  option  is
60              useful primarily in situations where the user wishes to build up
61              the contents of the image piece by piece.  A value of zero  (the
62              default)  allows the image to expand or shrink vertically to fit
63              the data stored in it.
65       -palette palette-spec
66              Specifies the resolution of the color cube to be  allocated  for
67              displaying  this  image, and thus the number of colors used from
68              the colormaps of the windows where it is  displayed.   The  pal‐
69              ette-spec string may be either a single decimal number, specify‐
70              ing the number of shades of gray to use, or three  decimal  num‐
71              bers  separated  by slashes (/), specifying the number of shades
72              of red, green and blue to use, respectively.  If the first  form
73              (a  single number) is used, the image will be displayed in mono‐
74              chrome (i.e., grayscale).
76       -width number
77              Specifies the width of the image, in pixels.    This  option  is
78              useful primarily in situations where the user wishes to build up
79              the contents of the image piece by piece.  A value of zero  (the
80              default)  allows  the  image to expand or shrink horizontally to
81              fit the data stored in it.


84       When a photo image is created, Tk also creates a new command whose name
85       is  the  same as the image.  This command may be used to invoke various
86       operations on the image.  It has the following general form:
87              imageName option ?arg arg ...?
88       Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command.
90       Those options that write data to the image generally expand the size of
91       the  image, if necessary, to accommodate the data written to the image,
92       unless the user has specified non-zero values  for  the  -width  and/or
93       -height  configuration  options, in which case the width and/or height,
94       respectively, of the image will not be changed.
96       The following commands are possible for photo images:
98       imageName blank
99              Blank the image; that is, set the entire image to have no  data,
100              so  it  will  be displayed as transparent, and the background of
101              whatever window it is displayed in will show through.
103       imageName cget option
104              Returns the current value of the configuration option  given  by
105              option.  Option may have any of the values accepted by the image
106              create photo command.
108       imageName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
109              Query or modify the configuration options for the image.  If  no
110              option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail‐
111              able options for imageName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information
112              on  the  format  of  this list).  If option is specified with no
113              value, then the command returns a list describing the one  named
114              option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist
115              of the value returned if no option is  specified).   If  one  or
116              more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
117              the given option(s) to have the given value(s);   in  this  case
118              the command returns an empty string.  Option may have any of the
119              values accepted by the image create photo command.
121       imageName copy sourceImage ?option value(s) ...?
122              Copies a region from the image called sourceImage (which must be
123              a  photo  image)  to  the  image called imageName, possibly with
124              pixel zooming and/or subsampling.  If no options are  specified,
125              this  command  copies  the  whole of sourceImage into imageName,
126              starting at  coordinates  (0,0)  in  imageName.   The  following
127              options may be specified:
129              -from x1 y1 x2 y2
130                     Specifies a rectangular sub-region of the source image to
131                     be copied.  (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) specify diagonally  oppo‐
132                     site  corners  of  the  rectangle.   If x2 and y2 are not
133                     specified, the default value is the  bottom-right  corner
134                     of  the source image.  The pixels copied will include the
135                     left and top edges of the specified rectangle but not the
136                     bottom or right edges.  If the -from option is not given,
137                     the default is the whole source image.
139              -to x1 y1 x2 y2
140                     Specifies a rectangular  sub-region  of  the  destination
141                     image to be affected.  (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) specify diago‐
142                     nally opposite corners of the rectangle.  If  x2  and  y2
143                     are  not specified, the default value is (x1,y1) plus the
144                     size of the source region (after subsampling and zooming,
145                     if  specified).   If  x2 and y2 are specified, the source
146                     region will be replicated if necessary to fill the desti‐
147                     nation region in a tiled fashion.
149              -shrink
150                     Specifies  that  the size of the destination image should
151                     be reduced, if necessary, so that the region being copied
152                     into  is  at  the bottom-right corner of the image.  This
153                     option will not affect the width or height of  the  image
154                     if the user has specified a non-zero value for the -width
155                     or -height configuration option, respectively.
157              -zoom x y
158                     Specifies that the source region should be magnified by a
159                     factor  of x in the X direction and y in the Y direction.
160                     If y is not given, the default value is the  same  as  x.
161                     With  this option, each pixel in the source image will be
162                     expanded into a block of x x y pixels in the  destination
163                     image,  all the same color.  x and y must be greater than
164                     0.
166              -subsample x y
167                     Specifies that the source image should be reduced in size
168                     by  using only every xth pixel in the X direction and yth
169                     pixel in the Y direction.  Negative values will cause the
170                     image  to be flipped about the Y or X axes, respectively.
171                     If y is not given, the default value is the same as x.
173              -compositingrule rule
174                     Specifies how transparent pixels in the source image  are │
175                     combined  with the destination image.  When a compositing │
176                     rule of overlay is set, the old contents of the  destina‐ │
177                     tion  image  are  visible,  as  if  the source image were │
178                     printed on a piece of transparent film  and  placed  over │
179                     the  top  of the destination.  When a compositing rule of │
180                     set is set, the old contents of the destination image are │
181                     discarded  and  the  source  image  is  used  as-is.  The │
182                     default compositing rule is overlay.
184       imageName data ?option value(s) ...?
185              Returns image data in  the  form  of  a  string.  The  following
186              options may be specified:
188              -background color
189                     If  the color is specified, the data will not contain any
190                     transparency information. In all transparent  pixels  the
191                     color will be replaced by the specified color.
193              -format format-name
194                     Specifies the name of the image file format handler to be
195                     used.  Specifically, this  subcommand  searches  for  the
196                     first  handler whose name matches an initial substring of
197                     format-name and which has the  capability  to  read  this
198                     image data.  If this option is not given, this subcommand
199                     uses the first handler that has the  capability  to  read
200                     the image data.
202              -from x1 y1 x2 y2
203                     Specifies   a  rectangular  region  of  imageName  to  be
204                     returned.  If only x1 and y1 are  specified,  the  region
205                     extends from (x1,y1) to the bottom-right corner of image‐
206                     Name.  If all four coordinates are  given,  they  specify
207                     diagonally  opposite  corners  of the rectangular region,
208                     including x1,y1 and excluding  x2,y2.   The  default,  if
209                     this option is not given, is the whole image.
211              -grayscale
212                     If  this  options is specified, the data will not contain
213                     color information. All pixel  data  will  be  transformed
214                     into grayscale.
216       imageName get x y
217              Returns the color of the pixel at coordinates (x,y) in the image
218              as a list of three integers between 0 and 255, representing  the
219              red, green and blue components respectively.
221       imageName put data ?option value(s) ...?
222              Sets  pixels  in  imageName to the data specified in data.  This
223              command first searches the list of image  file  format  handlers
224              for  a  handler  that  can  interpret the data in data, and then
225              reads the image encoded within into imageName  (the  destination
226              image).   If data does not match any known format, an attempt to
227              interpret it as a (top-to-bottom) list of  scan-lines  is  made,
228              with each scan-line being a (left-to-right) list of pixel colors
229              (see Tk_GetColor for a  description  of  valid  colors.)   Every
230              scan-line  must be of the same length.  Note that when data is a
231              single color name, you are instructing Tk to fill a  rectangular
232              region with that color.  The following options may be specified:
234              -format format-name
235                     Specifies the format of the image data in data.  Specifi‐
236                     cally, only image file format handlers whose names  begin
237                     with  format-name  will  be  used  while searching for an
238                     image data format handler to read the data.
240              -to x1 y1 ?x2 y2?
241                     Specifies the coordinates of the top-left corner  (x1,y1)
242                     of  the region of imageName into which data from filename
243                     are to be read.  The default is (0,0).  If x2,y2 is given
244                     and data is not large enough to cover the rectangle spec‐
245                     ified by this option, the image data  extracted  will  be
246                     tiled  so  it  covers  the  entire destination rectangle.
247                     Note that if data specifies a single color value, then  a
248                     region  extending  to the bottom-right corner represented
249                     by (x2,y2) will be filled with that color.
251       imageName read filename ?option value(s) ...?
252              Reads image data from the file named filename  into  the  image.
253              This  command  first searches the list of image file format han‐
254              dlers for a handler that can interpret the data in filename, and
255              then reads the image in filename into imageName (the destination
256              image).  The following options may be specified:
258              -format format-name
259                     Specifies the format  of  the  image  data  in  filename.
260                     Specifically, only image file format handlers whose names
261                     begin with format-name will be used while  searching  for
262                     an image data format handler to read the data.
264              -from x1 y1 x2 y2
265                     Specifies a rectangular sub-region of the image file data
266                     to be copied to the destination image.  If only x1 and y1
267                     are  specified,  the  region  extends from (x1,y1) to the
268                     bottom-right corner of the image in the image  file.   If
269                     all  four  coordinates are specified, they specify diago‐
270                     nally opposite corners or the region.   The  default,  if
271                     this  option  is not specified, is the whole of the image
272                     in the image file.
274              -shrink
275                     If this option, the size of imageName will be reduced, if
276                     necessary,  so  that the region into which the image file
277                     data are read is at the bottom-right corner of the image‐
278                     Name.  This option will not affect the width or height of
279                     the image if the user has specified a non-zero value  for
280                     the -width or -height configuration option, respectively.
282              -to x y
283                     Specifies  the  coordinates of the top-left corner of the
284                     region of imageName into which data from filename are  to
285                     be read.  The default is (0,0).
287       imageName redither
288              The  dithering  algorithm used in displaying photo images propa‐
289              gates quantization errors from one pixel to its  neighbors.   If
290              the image data for imageName is supplied in pieces, the dithered
291              image may not be exactly correct.  Normally  the  difference  is
292              not noticeable, but if it is a problem, this command can be used
293              to recalculate the dithered image in each window where the image
294              is displayed.
296       imageName transparency subcommand ?arg arg ...?
297              Allows examination and manipulation of the transparency informa‐ │
298              tion in the photo image.  Several subcommands are available:     │
300              imageName transparency get x y
301                     Returns a boolean indicating if the  pixel  at  (x,y)  is │
302                     transparent.                                              │
304              imageName transparency set x y boolean
305                     Makes  the pixel at (x,y) transparent if boolean is true, │
306                     and makes that pixel opaque otherwise.                    │
308       imageName write filename ?option value(s) ...?
309              Writes image data from imageName to a file named filename.   The
310              following options may be specified:
312              -background color
313                     If  the color is specified, the data will not contain any
314                     transparency information. In all transparent  pixels  the
315                     color will be replaced by the specified color.
317              -format format-name
318                     Specifies the name of the image file format handler to be
319                     used to write the data to the file.   Specifically,  this
320                     subcommand  searches  for  the  first  handler whose name
321                     matches an initial substring of format-name and which has
322                     the capability to write an image file.  If this option is
323                     not given, this subcommand uses the  first  handler  that
324                     has the capability to write an image file.
326              -from x1 y1 x2 y2
327                     Specifies a rectangular region of imageName to be written
328                     to the image file.  If only x1 and y1 are specified,  the
329                     region extends from (x1,y1) to the bottom-right corner of
330                     imageName.  If all four coordinates are given, they spec‐
331                     ify   diagonally  opposite  corners  of  the  rectangular
332                     region.  The default, if this option is not given, is the
333                     whole image.
335              -grayscale
336                     If  this  options is specified, the data will not contain
337                     color information. All pixel  data  will  be  transformed
338                     into grayscale.


341       The  photo  image  code  is structured to allow handlers for additional
342       image file formats to be added easily.  The photo image code  maintains
343       a  list of these handlers.  Handlers are added to the list by register‐
344       ing them with a call to  Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat.   The  standard  Tk
345       distribution comes with handlers for PPM/PGM and GIF formats, which are
346       automatically registered on initialization.
348       When reading an image file or processing string data specified with the
349       -data  configuration  option, the photo image code invokes each handler
350       in turn until one is found that claims to be able to read the  data  in
351       the file or string.  Usually this will find the correct handler, but if
352       it doesn't, the user may give a format name with the -format option  to
353       specify  which  handler  to use.  In fact the photo image code will try
354       those handlers whose names begin with  the  string  specified  for  the
355       -format  option  (the comparison is case-insensitive).  For example, if
356       the user specifies -format gif, then a handler named GIF87 or GIF89 may
357       be  invoked,  but a handler named JPEG may not (assuming that such han‐
358       dlers had been registered).
360       When writing image data to a file, the processing of the -format option
361       is  slightly  different:  the string value given for the -format option
362       must begin with the complete name of the  requested  handler,  and  may
363       contain  additional  information  following that, which the handler can
364       use, for example, to specify which variant to use of the  formats  sup‐
365       ported  by  the  handler.  Note that not all image handlers may support │
366       writing transparency data to a file, even where the target image format │
367       does.


370       When a photo image is displayed in a window, the photo image code allo‐
371       cates colors to use to display the image and dithers the image, if nec‐
372       essary,  to  display  a reasonable approximation to the image using the
373       colors that are available.  The colors are allocated as a  color  cube,
374       that is, the number of colors allocated is the product of the number of
375       shades of red, green and blue.
377       Normally, the number of colors allocated is chosen based on  the  depth
378       of  the window.  For example, in an 8-bit PseudoColor window, the photo
379       image code will attempt to allocate seven shades of red,  seven  shades
380       of  green  and  four  shades  of blue, for a total of 198 colors.  In a
381       1-bit StaticGray (monochrome) window,  it  will  allocate  two  colors,
382       black  and white.  In a 24-bit DirectColor or TrueColor window, it will
383       allocate 256 shades each of red, green and blue.  Fortunately,  because
384       of  the  way that pixel values can be combined in DirectColor and True‐
385       Color windows, this only requires 256 colors to be allocated.   If  not
386       all  of  the  colors can be allocated, the photo image code reduces the
387       number of shades of each primary color and tries again.
389       The user can exercise some control over the number  of  colors  that  a
390       photo  image  uses  with  the  -palette  configuration option.  If this
391       option is used, it specifies the maximum number of shades of each  pri‐
392       mary  color to try to allocate.  It can also be used to force the image
393       to be displayed in shades of gray, even on a color display, by giving a
394       single number rather than three numbers separated by slashes.


397       The  photo  image  type was designed and implemented by Paul Mackerras,
398       based on his earlier  photo  widget  and  some  suggestions  from  John
399       Ousterhout.


402       Load an image from a file and tile it to the size of a window, which is
403       useful for producing a tiled background:
404              # These lines should be called once
405              image create photo untiled -file "theFile.ppm"
406              image create photo tiled
408              # These lines should be called whenever .someWidget changes
409              # size; a <Configure> binding is useful here
410              set width  [winfo width .someWidget]
411              set height [winfo height .someWidget]
412              tiled copy untiled -to 0 0 $width $height -shrink


416       image(n)


420       photo, image, color
424Tk                                    4.0                             photo(n)