1NOTES(1)                    General Commands Manual                   NOTES(1)


6       notes, autoseq, readnotes - a news system


9       notes  [ -sxin ] [ -o date-spec ] [ -a subsequencer ] [ -t termtype ] [
10       -f file ] topic1 [ ... ]
12       autoseq [ -a subsequencer ]
14       readnotes [ -a subsequencer ]


17       Notes supports computer  managed  discussion  forums.   It  coordinates
18       access  to  and  updates of data bases of notes and their responses.  A
19       single notesfile contains an ordered list of base notes, each of  which
20       may  have  an  ordered  list  of  responses associated with it.  A note
21       string consists of a base note and  all  of  its  responses.   Separate
22       notesfiles  contain  discussions on separate subject matters; microcom‐
23       puters might be discussed in a ``micronotes'' notesfile while bicycling
24       enthusiasts make their comments in a ``bicycle'' notesfile.
26       The  -s  option signals notes to use the automatic sequencer.  With the
27       sequencer enabled, notes shows the new notes and responses  since  your
28       last  entry  into that notesfile.  With the sequencer enabled by -s the
29       notes program will not enter notesfiles which have no new text.   Spec‐
30       ify  -x  to use the sequencer and enter notesfiles even if they have no
31       new text.  The -i and -n options are still more sequencing modes, -i is
32       similar  to  -s  but shows the index page instead of the first modified
33       note.  -n turns the sequencer off.
35       The -o option helps users find articles  that  are  vaguely  remembered
36       with  terms  such  as  ``some note in the last 3 days in one of several
37       notesfiles''.  These can be found with a command like:
39            notes -o "3 days ago" nf1 nf2 nf3
41       which sequences  past  all  articles  written  in  notesfiles  ``nf1'',
42       ``nf2'', and ``nf3'' in the last 3 days.  The user's timestamps are not
43       updated.
45       The -a option specifies a subsequencer.   This  allows  several  people
46       sharing  the  same  signon  to  maintain their own sequencer file.  The
47       actual sequencer name is generated by concatenating the user  name  and
48       the  subsequencer  name.   It is recommended that subsequencer names be
49       unique within the first 6 characters.
51       Specify -t termtype to override the TERM  environment  variable.   This
52       switch is primarily for V6 systems.
54       The  -f  option directs notes to read the contents of a file for a list
55       of notesfiles to scan.  This file and the directories must be  readable
56       by the notesfile user id.
58       The  topic  list  specifies  which  notesfiles  are to be scanned.  The
59       notesfiles are scanned from left to right;  upon  finishing  the  first
60       topic,  the  second is entered.  The shell's meta-characters are recog‐
61       nized within a topic but must be escaped to prevent  shell  interpreta‐
62       tion.  Specifying ``net.*'' will yield all the notesfiles with the pre‐
63       fix ``net.''.  Specify ``*unix*''  to  read  all  notesfiles  with  the
64       string  ``unix''  in their names.  Bracket and question mark constructs
65       are also recognized.
67       Notesfile names are parsed such that a notesfile will be  entered  only
68       once  no  matter how many times it is listed on the command line and in
69       any files specified by the -f option.  Notesfiles can also be  excluded
70       by prefixing their names with a `!'.  Thus to see all notesfiles except
71       ``general'', one might type:
73            notes "*" !general
76       The autoseq and readnotes commands allow sequencing through a  list  of
77       notesfiles  with  the  sequencer  enabled  using with a single command.
78       Autoseq and Readnotes function  identically.   They  are  syntactically
79       equivalent to ``notes -s $NFSEQ''.  The environment variable NFSEQ con‐
80       tains a comma separated list of notesfile  specifications.   A  typical
81       NFSEQ definition for the Bourne shell looks like:
83       NFSEQ=``general,announce,net.*,bicycle,srg,:/usr/essick/nflist''.
85       Specifications  beginning  with  a  `:' specify a file to read for more
86       notesfile names.  In the previous example, the last specification reads
87       the contents of the file `/usr/essick/nflist' for more notesfile speci‐
88       fications.  Many of these can appear in the NFSEQ variable.
90       Notes and responses are entered by using an editor. The default  editor
91       is  ed(1).  This can be changed by setting one of the environment vari‐
92       ables NFED or EDITOR.  Notes looks for NFED before looking for  EDITOR,
93       allowing users to use different editors for writing notes and for other
94       tools.
96       Notes and responses to non-local notesfiles will include the file named
97       in  the NFSIG variable as a signature block.  Notes will prompt whether
98       to include it when a new note or response is posted.
100       Some commonly used commands within  the  notesfile  system  are  listed
101       below:
103       space     Show the next page of the note/response.
105       ;         Go  the  next  response, if there are no more responses go to
106                 the next note.
108       -         Go to the previous page of the current  note/response.   From
109                 the first page of a response, go to the previous response (or
110                 the base note from the first response).  From the first  page
111                 of a base note, go to the previous note.
113       newline   Go to the next note.
115       j         Jump to the next unread note/response (when using sequencer).
117       J         Jump  to the next unread note, ignoring any further responses
118                 in the current note string (when using sequencer).
120       w         When issued from the index page  enters  a  new  note.   When
121                 entered  from  a  note/response display enters a response.  A
122                 capital-W will include the text of  the  currently  displayed
123                 note/response in the new response.
125       q         Leave the current notesfile.
127       Q         Leave  the  current  notesfile without updating the sequencer
128                 information.
130       control-d Return to the shell, ignoring any further notesfiles  in  the
131                 current invocation.  No sequencer information is updated.
133       x         Search  for  a  note  with  the  (prompted for) string in its
134                 title.  Capital-X asks for a new search string, otherwise the
135                 last entered string is used.
137       s         Saves  the  currently displayed note/response at the end of a
138                 (prompted for) file.  Capital-S saves the entire note string.
140       M         Sends the text of the note/response displayed and  your  com‐
141                 ments   to  another user(s).  The P command routes the letter
142                 to the author of the note/response.
144       t         Issues a write(1) command to the author of the currently dis‐
145                 played  note/response.  No action is taken if the note origi‐
146                 nated on a remote system or is anonymous.
148       !         Forks a shell.
150       Only the notesfile owner can  create  new  notesfiles.   The  notesfile
151       owner  will  create  the  notesfile and turn control over to the person
152       requesting the notesfile.  This person is the  notesfile  director;  he
153       may  designate  others  to  also be notesfile directors.  The notesfile
154       director has special privileges including: deleting any note, determin‐
155       ing policy for the notesfile, permitting anonymous notes, and determin‐
156       ing accessibility of the notesfile.
158       An interface is provided to news(1).  Transfers in both directions  are
159       supported.   See  newsoutput(8)  and the Notesfile Reference Manual for
160       more information on this facility.
162       Facilities for mailing to notesfiles ( nfmail(8) ),  networking  notes‐
163       files  ( nfxmit(8) ), printing notesfiles ( nfprint(1) ), archiving old
164       notes ( nfarchive(8) ), and several  user  routines  (  nfabort(3)  and
165       nfcomment(3) ) exist.
167       The concept of a notesfile was taken from the PLATO system (a trademark
168       of Control Data Corporation) designed at the University of Illinois  to
169       provide automated teaching capabilities.


172       /etc/passwd                                  for the users name
173       /etc/group                                   for the users group(s)
174       /etc/termcap                                 for terminal capabilites
175       /usr/spool/notes                             the default notesfile data
176                                                    base
177       /usr/spool/notes/.utilities                  utility    programs    and
178                                                    online help
179       /usr/spool/notes/.sequencer/user             Sequencing  timestamps for
180                                                    user.
181       /usr/spool/notes/.sequencer/user:subsequencer
182                                                    Sub-sequencing  timestamps
183                                                    for user.


186       checknotes(1),  ed(1),  mknf(8),  news(1),  newsoutput(8),  nfabort(3),
187       nfaccess(8),  nfarchive(8),  nfmail(8),  nfpipe(1),  nfprint(1),   nfs‐
188       tats(1), nfxmit(8), nfcomment(3), notes(8), termcap(3), write(1),
189       The Notesfile Reference Manual


192       Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, essick%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa)
193       Department of Computer Science
194       University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
195       Urbana, IL
197       Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP)
198       CONVEX Computer Corporation
199       Richardson, TX
203                            University of Illinois                    NOTES(1)