1CANFIELD(6)                      Games Manual                      CANFIELD(6)


6       canfield, cfscores - the solitaire card game canfield


9       /usr/games/canfield
10       /usr/games/cfscores


13       If  you  have never played solitaire before, it is recommended that you
14       consult a solitaire instruction book. In Canfield, tableau cards may be
15       built  on  each other downward in alternate colors. An entire pile must
16       be moved as a unit in building. Top cards of the piles are available to
17       be played on foundations, but never into empty spaces.
19       Spaces must be filled from the stock. The top card of the stock also is
20       available to be played on foundations or built on tableau piles.  After
21       the stock is exhausted, tableau spaces may be filled from the talon and
22       the player may keep them open until he wishes to use them.
24       Cards are dealt from the hand to the talon by threes and  this  repeats
25       until  there are no more cards in the hand or the player quits. To have
26       cards dealt onto the talon the player types 'ht' for his move.  Founda‐
27       tion  base  cards  are  also automatically moved to the foundation when
28       they become available.
30       The command 'c' causes canfield to maintain card counting statistics on
31       the bottom of the screen.  When properly used this can greatly increase
32       one's chances of winning.
34       The rules for betting are somewhat less strict than those used  in  the
35       official  version  of  the  game.  The initial deal costs $13.  You may
36       quit at this point or inspect  the  game.   Inspection  costs  $13  and
37       allows  you  to make as many moves as possible without moving any cards
38       from your hand to the talon.  (The initial deal places three  cards  on
39       the talon; if all these cards are used, three more are made available.)
40       Finally, if the game seems interesting, you must pay the final install‐
41       ment of $26.  At this point you are credited at the rate of $5 for each
42       card on the foundation; as the game progresses you are credited with $5
43       for  each  card  that is moved to the foundation.  Each run through the
44       hand after the first costs $5.  The card counting feature costs $1  for
45       each  unknown  card  that is identified.  If the information is toggled
46       on, you are only charged for cards that became  visible  since  it  was
47       last  turned on.  Thus the maximum cost of information is $34.  Playing
48       time is charged at a rate of $1 per minute.
50       With no arguments, the program cfscores prints out the  current  status
51       of  your  canfield account.  If a user name is specified, it prints out
52       the status of their canfield account.  If the -a flag is specified,  it
53       prints  out  the  canfield  accounts for all users that have played the
54       game since the database was set up.


57       /usr/games/canfield the game itself
58       /usr/games/cfscores the database printer
59       /usr/games/lib/cfscores  the database of scores


62       It is impossible to cheat.


65       Originally written: Steve Levine
66       Further random hacking by: Steve Feldman, Kirk McKusick,  Mikey  Olson,
67       and Eric Allman.
714.2 Berkeley Distribution         May 6, 1986                      CANFIELD(6)