1PCPINTRO(3)                Library Functions Manual                PCPINTRO(3)


6       PCPIntro - introduction to the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) libraries


9       Performance  Co-Pilot  (PCP)  is  a toolkit designed for monitoring and
10       managing system-level performance.
12       The PCP libraries support the APIs required to create  new  performance
13       monitoring  tools and new agents (or PMDAs) to export performance data.
14       The libpcp library is used in both cases.  The libpcp_pmda  library  is
15       used only for PMDAs.
17       Individual  library  routines  are  documented in their own manual page
18       entries.
20       Most routines return an integer value; greater than equal to  zero  for
21       success and less than zero for an error.  The error codes have symbolic
22       names defined in <pcp/pmapi.h>.  Other  negative  values  are  used  to
23       encode  errors  that  can  be  mapped  to  the traditional errno values
24       defined in <errno.h>, with the value negated.   To  translate  all  PCP
25       error  codes  into  useful messages use either pmerr(1) or pmErrStr(3);
26       the latter may also be used to decode the -errno cases.


29       These common errors may occur in various PCP interactions.
32           Timeout waiting for a response from PMCD
33           Many interactions between PCP applications involve synchronous mes‐
34           sage  passing, and these are subject to timeout constraints.  These
35           errors are most frequently encountered when using  network  connec‐
36           tions with slow data rates or long latencies.
38           For  client-pmcd  timeouts,  refer  to  PCPIntro(1) for environment
39           variables that may be used to modify the timeout  thresholds.   For
40           pmcd-PMDA  timeouts  refer  to the -t and -q options of pmcd(1) and
41           the PCP metric pmcd.control.timeout that can be dynamically changed
42           with pmstore(1).
45           Metric not supported by this version of monitored application
46           Some  performance metrics are unavailable from specific versions of
47           the associated PMDA, or may be unavailable because  the  underlying
48           instrumentation  has changed or is not installed or is not enabled.
49           This error is used in results from  pmFetch(3)  to  indicate  these
50           situations.
52       PM_ERR_IPC
53           IPC protocol failure
54           Generic  protocol  failure  on  a pipe or socket connecting two PCP
55           applications, eg. client-pmcd, or client-pmtime,  or  PMDA-pmcd  or
56           pmlc-pmlogger.
58       PM_ERR_TEXT
59           Oneline or help text is not available
60           Set  by  a  PMDA, and passed back to a PCP client, to indicate that
61           the PMDA is unable to  supply  the  requested  metric  or  instance
62           domain help text.
64       PM_ERR_VALUE
65           Missing metric value(s)
66           This error is used for a number of conditions in which the value of
67           a performance metric is inappropriate for the context in  which  it
68           is being used, eg.
70           (a) Bad  value  for the metric pmcd.timezone when trying to set the
71               timezone via pmNewContextZone(3) for a remote or  archive  con‐
72               text.
74           (b) Attempting  to interpolate values for a metric with non-numeric
75               data type from a PCP archive.
77           (c) A bad result data structure passed to pmStore(3).
79       PM_ERR_NAME
80           Unknown metric name
81           Just what the message says.
83       PM_ERR_PMID
84           Unknown or illegal metric identifier
85           Just what the message says.
87       PM_ERR_INDOM
88           Unknown or illegal instance domain identifier
89           A  request  nominates  an  instance  domain  that  is  unknown   or
90           PM_INDOM_NULL.   May  occur as a consequence of the instance domain
91           identifier passed by a PCP  client  to  pmGetInDom(3),  pmLookupIn‐
92           Dom(3),    pmNameInDom(3),    pmGetInDomArchive(3),   pmLookupInDo‐
93           mArchive(3), pmNameInDomArchive(3) or a request passed from pmcd(1)
94           to a PMDA.
96       PM_ERR_EOF
97           IPC channel closed
98           End  of  file  on a pipe or socket connecting two PCP applications,
99           eg. client-pmcd, or client-pmtime or PMDA-pmcd.
102           Attempt to use an illegal context
103           Typically caused by a PCP client that tries to  make  calls  before
104           calling pmNewContext(3) or after calling pmDestroyContext(3).
107           No permission to perform requested operation
108           PCP-specific  access  controls  apply  to  pmcd(1) and pmlogger(1).
109           Platform-specific permission errors are returned as -EPERM.
111       PM_ERR_CONV
112           Impossible value or scale conversion
113           Some value conversion requests are illegal, eg. bad debug flag sym‐
114           bolic  name for -D option, or asking pmExtractValue(3) to translate
115           non-numeric data types to numbers and vice versa.
117       PM_ERR_TRUNC
118           Truncation in value conversion
119           Some conversion requests to pmExtractValue(3) cannot  be  performed
120           based on the metric types and values involved, in this case conver‐
121           sion would result in loss of precision.
123       PM_ERR_SIGN
124           Negative value in conversion to unsigned
125           Some conversion requests to pmExtractValue(3) cannot  be  performed
126           based  on  the  metric types and values involved, in this case con‐
127           verting a negative value to an unsigned value.
129       PM_ERR_TYPE
130           Unknown or illegal metric type
131           The metric type is held in  the  metric  descriptor  and  sometimes
132           encoded  in  the  metric values returned from a call to pmFetch(3).
133           Legal values for the metric  type  are  defined  by  the  PM_TYPE_*
134           macros in <pcp/pmapi.h>.
136       PM_ERR_UNIT
137           Illegal pmUnits specification
138           Some  conversion requests to pmConvScale(3) cannot be performed due
139           to illegal or incompatible specifications of the source and  desti‐
140           nation units.
142       PM_ERR_PROFILE
143           Explicit instance identifier(s) required
144           Some  PMDAs,  especially  the  proc  PMDA,  will  not  return ``all
145           instances'' for a pmFetch(3) request due to the cost.   The  client
146           must  explicitly  built  an  instance profile using pmAddProfile(3)
147           and/or pmDelProfile(3) before calling pmFetch(3).  See also the  -F
148           option to pminfo(1).
150       PM_ERR_INST
151           Unknown or illegal instance identifier
152           A  request  to  a  PMDA nominates an instance that is unknown.  May
153           occur as a consequence  of  the  profile  established  prior  to  a
154           pmFetch(3)  call,  or  an  explicit  instance name or identifier to
155           pmLookupInDom(3) or pmNameInDom(3).
157       PM_ERR_MODE
158           Illegal mode specification
159           Illegal mode argument to pmSetMode(3).
162           NULL pmInDom with non-NULL instlist
163           Bad arguments passed from a PCP client to pmAddProfile(3).
166           Insufficient elements in list
167           Parameter passing error by caller specifying a list with less  than
168           one element to pmFetch(3), pmLookupName(3) or pmStore(3).
170       PM_ERR_THREAD
171           Operation not supported for multi-threaded applications
172           As  documented  in PMAPI(3) and elsewhere, some libpcp routines are
173           intended solely for use from single-threaded applications.
175       PM_ERR_TOOBIG
176           Result size exceeded
177           Indicates a fatal error in the message (or  PDU)  passing  protocol
178           between two PCP applications.  This is an internal error, and other
179           than an exotic networking failure, should not occur.
181       PM_ERR_RESET
182           PMCD reset or configuration change
183           Not used.
185           Refer to pmFetch(3) for an alternative mechanism that may  be  used
186           to  notify  a  PCP  client when pmcd(1) has experienced one or more
187           configuration changes since the last request from the client.  Usu‐
188           ally  these  changes involve a change to the namespace exported via
189           pmcd and/or changes to the PMDAs under pmcd's control.
191       PM_ERR_FAULT
192           QA fault injected
193           Used only for PCP Quality Assurance (QA) testing.
195       PM_ERR_NYI
196           Functionality not yet implemented
197           Self explanatory and rarely used.
199       PM_ERR_GENERIC
200           Generic error, already reported above
201           Rarely used, this error may be returned when the error condition is
202           a  consequent  of  some  earlier  returned error and a more precise
203           characterization is not possible.


206       These errors may occur in the interactions between  a  PCP  client  and
207       pmcd(1) providing real-time performance data.
209       PM_ERR_NOAGENT
210              No PMCD agent for domain of request
211              A  request sent to pmcd(1) requires information from an agent or
212              PMDA that does not exist.   Usually  this  means  the  namespace
213              being  used by the client application contains metric names from
214              a previously installed PMDA.
217              PMCD connection limit for this host exceeded
218              The client connection limit for pmcd(1)  is  controlled  by  the
219              optional  access  controls  in  $PCP_PMCDCONF_PATH.   By default
220              there is no limit imposed by the PCP code, and this error  would
221              not be seen.
223       PM_ERR_AGAIN
224              Try again. Information not currently available
225              Used to notify a PCP client that the PMDA responsible for deliv‐
226              ering the information  is  temporarily  unavailable.   See  also
227              PM_ERR_PMDANOTREADY.
230              Missing profile - protocol botch
231              Internal error in the communication between a client application
232              and pmcd(1) - should not occur.


235       These errors may occur in the interactions between a PCP client and the
236       library  routines that provide historical performance data from PCP ar‐
237       chives created by pmlogger(1).
239       PM_ERR_LOGFILE
240              Missing archive file
241              Each  PCP  archive  consists  of  multiple  physical  files   as
242              described  in  pmlogger(1).   This  error occurs when one of the
243              physical files is missing or cannot be opened for reading.
245       PM_ERR_EOL
246              End of PCP archive log
247              An attempt is made to read past the end file of the last  volume
248              of  a PCP archive, or past the end of the time window (as speci‐
249              fied with a -T option) for a PCP archive.
251       PM_ERR_NOTHOST
252              Operation requires context with host source of metrics
253              Operations  involving  help  text   (ie.   pmLookupText(3)   and
254              pmLookupInDomText(3)) or calls to pmStore(3) require a host con‐
255              text and are not supported for PCP archives.
257       PM_ERR_LOGREC
258              Corrupted record in a PCP archive log
259              PCP archives can become corrupted for a variety of reasons,  but
260              the  most common is premature termination of pmlogger(1) without
261              flushing its output buffers.
263       PM_ERR_LABEL
264              Illegal label record at start of a PCP archive log file
265              Each physical file in a PCP archive should begin with  a  common
266              label record.  This is a special case of PM_ERR_LOGREC errors.
268       PM_ERR_NODATA
269              Empty archive log file
270              An  empty physical file can never be part of a valid PCP archive
271              (at least the label record should be present).  This is  a  spe‐
272              cial case of PM_ERR_LOGREC errors.
275              Operation requires context with archive source of metrics
276              A   call   to   one   of  the  archive  variant  routines,  i.e.
277              pmFetchArchive(3), pmGetInDomArchive(3), pmLookupInDomArchive(3)
278              or  pmNameInDomArchive(3), when the current context is not asso‐
279              ciated with a PCP archive.
281       PM_ERR_PMID_LOG
282              Metric not defined in the PCP archive log
283              A PCP client has requested information about a metric, and there
284              is no corresponding information in the PCP archive.  This should
285              not happen for well-behaved PCP clients.
287       PM_ERR_INDOM_LOG
288              Instance domain identifier not defined in the PCP archive log
289              A PCP client has requested information about an instance  domain
290              for one or more performance metrics, and there is no correspond‐
291              ing information in the PCP archive.  If the client is using met‐
292              ric  descriptors  from  the  archive  to  identify  the instance
293              domain, this is less likely to happen.
295              Because instance domains may vary over time, clients may need to
296              use  the  variant routines pmGetInDomArchive(3) or pmLookupInDo‐
297              mArchive(3) or pmNameInDomArchive(3) to manipulate the union  of
298              the instances in an instance domain over the life of an archive.
300       PM_ERR_INST_LOG
301              Instance identifier not defined in the PCP archive log
302              A PCP client has requested information about a specific instance
303              of a performance metric, and there is no corresponding  informa‐
304              tion  in the PCP archive.  If the client is using instance names
305              from the instance domain in the archive (rather than  hard-coded
306              instance  names)  and  instance  identifiers  from  the  results
307              returned by pmFetch(3) or pmFetchArchive(3) this is less  likely
308              to happen.
310              Because instance domains may vary over time, clients may need to
311              use the variant routines pmLookupInDomArchive(3) or  pmNameInDo‐
312              mArchive(3)  to  manipulate  the  union  of  the instances in an
313              instance domain over the life of an archive.


316       These errors may occur in the interactions between a GUI PCP client and
317       the time control services provided by pmtime(1).
319       PM_ERR_ISCONN
320              Already Connected
321              A  PCP  client  application called pmTimeConnect(3) when already
322              connected to a pmtime(1) instance.
324       PM_ERR_NOTCONN
325              Not Connected
326              A PCP client application called one of the time control routines
327              pmTime*(3)   when  not  currently  connected  to  any  pmtime(1)
328              instance.
331              A non-null port name is required
332              If a shared pmtime(1) instance is being created the  port  argu‐
333              ment to pmTimeConnect(3) must not be invalid.


336       These  errors  may occur in the processing of PCP namespace operations.
337       A PCP namespace, see pmns(5),  provides  the  external  names  and  the
338       internal identifiers for the available performance metrics.
340       PM_ERR_NONLEAF
341              Metric name is not a leaf in PMNS
342              The  metric  name passed to pmLookupName(3) names a non-terminal
343              path in the namespace, i.e. a group of  metrics  rather  than  a
344              single metric.
346       PM_ERR_DUPPMNS
347              Attempt to reload the PMNS
348              When  using  an  explicit local namespace, it is illegal to call
349              either of  pmLoadNameSpace(3)  or  pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3)  more
350              than once.
352       PM_ERR_PMNS
353              Problems parsing PMNS definitions
354              Only occurs when an ASCII namespace is explicitly loaded.
356       PM_ERR_NOPMNS
357              PMNS not accessible
358              Only occurs when an ASCII namespace is explicitly loaded.


361       These  error codes are used in the interactions between pmcd(1) and the
362       PMDAs that provide the performance data.
365              PMDA is not yet ready to respond to requests
366              Some PMDAs have long initialization or  reset  times,  and  will
367              respond  to  pmcd(1)  with  this  error  if they are busy at the
368              moment.  This error  translates  to  PM_ERR_AGAIN  for  the  PCP
369              client  who  made  the  request to pmcd which caused the initial
370              request to the PMDA.  At some later time the  PMDA  will  inform
371              pmcd  (see  PM_ERR_PMDAREADY)  that  it  is now ready to process
372              requests, and client requests will begin to succeed.
375              PMDA is now responsive to requests
376              Used by PMDAs to asynchronously inform pmcd(1) that they are now
377              willing  to  resume processing requests.  See also PM_ERR_PMDAN‐
378              OTREADY.


381       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the
382       file  and  directory names used by PCP.  On each installation, the file
383       /etc/pcp.conf contains the  local  values  for  these  variables.   The
384       $PCP_CONF  variable may be used to specify an alternative configuration
385       file, as described in pcp.conf(5).  Values for these variables  may  be
386       obtained programmatically using the pmGetConfig(3) function.


389       pmerr(1),   PMAPI(3),   pmErrStr(3),  pmGetConfig(3),  pcp.conf(5)  and
390       pcp.env(5).
394Performance Co-Pilot                  PCP                          PCPINTRO(3)